Allison Rosenblum, "Entry on: The Twelve Labours of Hercules by Christina Balit, James Riordan", peer-reviewed by Lisa Maurice and Elizabeth Hale. Our Mythical Childhood Survey (Warsaw: University of Warsaw, 2018). Link: Entry version as of September 30, 2021. Christina Balit , James Riordan The Twelve Labours of Hercules United Kingdom (1997) TAGS: Admete Alcmene Alpheus Amazons Argonauts Artemis Athena/ Athene Atlas Augean Stables Augeas Cacus Castor Celadon Centaurs Cerberus Ceryneian hind Charon Chiron/Cheiron Colchis Deianeira Diomedes’ mares Dionysus Erymanthian Boar Eurystheus Eurytos Geryon Geryon's Cattle Golden Apples Golden Fleece Greek mythology Hades Hebe Hera Heracles / Herakles Herculean Hercules Hind Hippolyta's Belt Hyllus Iolaos Iole Iphitos Jason Ladon Lernaean Hydra Linus Minos Minos (King) Minotaur Mycenae Nemean lion Nereid Nereus Nessus Nymphs Olympus Omphale Oracle of Delphi Peneus Perseus Pollux Poseidon Roman mythology Stymphalian Birds Styx Titans Twelve Labours of Heracles Underworld White Bull Zeus Courtesy of Quarto Publishing Group UK. General information Title of the work The Twelve Labours of Hercules Country of the First Edition United Kingdom Country/countries of popularity United Kingdom; United States Original Language English First Edition Date 1997 James Riordan, The Twelve Labours of Hercules. London: Frances First Edition Details Lincoln Limited, 1997, 64 pp. ISBN 9780761303152 Genre Illustrated works, Myths, Picture books Target Audience Crossover (Ages 8 and up) Author of the Entry Allison Rosenblum, Bar-Ilan University,
[email protected] 1 This Project has received funding from the European Research Council (ERC) under the European Union’s Horizon 2020 Research and Innovation Programme under grant agreement No 681202, Our Mythical Childhood..