April 2017

Cranbrook & Neighbourhood Plan

Results from the Visioning Events

In March 2017, community events were held in Cranbrook and Sissinghurst to explore the main challenges and opportunities within the parish. The results of these events will provide a key ingredient to the emerging Cranbrook & Sissinghurst Neighbourhood Plan. Cranbrook & Sissinghurst Parish Council, The Old Fire Station, Stone Street, Cranbrook, , TN17 3HF. www.cranbrookandsissinghurstndp.co.uk / 01580 713 112

Feria Urbanism, Second Floor Studio, 11 Fernside Road, Bournemouth, Dorset, BH9 2LA. www.feria-urbanism.eu / 01202 548 676

Document reference 152_Q_170501_Visioning-Results

All maps within this document are reproduced from the Ordnance Survey mapping with the permission of the Controller of Her Majesty’s Stationery Office © Crown copyright Ordnance Survey. Unauthorised reproduction infringes crown copyright and may lead to prosecution or civil proceedings.

Project Locator

51.223763, 0.429348 Contents

06 Sissinghurst Visioning Event Results

07 People & Places

10 Top Ten Qualities

11 Limited Growth

14 Learning From Other Places

17 Top Ten Challenges

18 Audit of Local Services

20 Cranbrook Visioning Event Results

21 People & Places

24 Top Ten Qualities

25 Limited Growth

28 Learning From Other Places

30 Top Ten Challenges

31 Audit of Local Services

33 The Future

35 Feelings of Safety

37 Appendix Results Summary Sissinghurst

Wednesday 22nd March 2017

Sissinghurst Cranbrook & Sissinghurst Neighbourhood Plan

Task 01 — People & Places

In this task, participants Businesses & Employers were asked to discuss the Challenges challenges and opportunities Small no. of local employers (x3); High-speed faced by different broadband (x2); Lack of facilities for small demographic groups. businesses (x2); Lack of parking; Hard to work from home; Farmers find it difficult to employ Teenagers local seasonal labour.

Opportunities Challenges Shop (x2); Pub (x2); Castle (x2); Garages; Not a lot to do (x6); Public transport (x3); Lack Farms; School; Other small local, i.e. dog of local employment (x2); Lack of non-sports/ grooming; Farmers. scouting clubs; Anti-social behaviour; Lack of street lighting; Lack of cycle routes. Summary Sissinghurst has limited employment Opportunities opportunities. Suggestions were made for more Sports clubs (x3); Part-time jobs at shop, pub, employment land to be allocated, to increase castle; Scouting. the currently small number of local employers Summary and provide facilities for potential businesses. There is a strong feeling that teenagers have The lack of high-speed broadband adds further limited activities within Sissinghurst and there difficulty for workers’ flexibility. That being is not much for them to do. However, there are said, there are a few successful businesses, such many well attended sports clubs and scouts as the local shop, pub, garages, farms, schools, clubs. A lack of transport further limits their and individuals, i.e. dog grooming. options, alongside a lack of cycle routes and street lighting for pedestrians.

Some may have part-time jobs at the local shop, pub or castle, yet there is a lack of NOTE : The "x" reference records how many local employment options in general. Some times that particular issue was raised by participants felt that such lack of opportunity participants e.g. x1, issue came up once; x5, for teenagers has led to instances of anti-social issue was listed five times etc. behaviour.

7 Pensioners & Empty-Nesters Families With Young Children

Challenges Challenges No housing for elderly / downsize properties Unsafe/too few pavements (x4); Lack of (x2); Bad road speed and crossings (x2); Lack primary school places (x3); Lack of child of transport; Lack of health services; Lack of support; Lack of affordable housing (x2). street lighting. Opportunities Opportunities Learning Tree (x2) (pre-school on school Trinity Café (x4); Bun Penny Club (x3); site); Scouting clubs (x2); Playground (x2); Crafters (x2); Volunteering, e.g. Castle ; Shop; Junior sports clubs; Flower show; (x2); Flower show (x2); Memory Lane Café Countryside (applies to all); Café; Mother and (Cranbrook). toddler group at church.

Summary Summary Common concerns were the lack of downsize Children in Sissinghurst seem to be well properties, road safety and inadequate public provided for, with thriving sports and scouts services. However, many different social clubs clubs and recreational facilities. Affordable were frequently mentioned and appear to be housing is an issue for parents, along with well attended by the senior community. This dangerous pavements too narrow for safe pram includes activities at Trinity Café, Crafters, access. The local primary school is struggling Bun Penny Club and Memory Lane Café. with numbers, and children have already been turned away. This is of great concern to Young Professionals Without residents when faced with more development. Children

Challenges Affordable housing (applies to all) (x4); Lack of local employment (x2); Housing is more suited to pensioners/families; Public transport; Lack of entertainment and eateries; Lack of cycling routes.

Opportunities Sports clubs (x2).

Summary Young professionals appear to be more prone to exclusion within the village, due to less Groups list the top ten challenges that they likely connections to the local schools and believe Sissinghurst currently faces. associated clubs, as well as disconnection from the activities for the more senior residents.

8 Results of the Visioning Events April 2017 Cranbrook & Sissinghurst Neighbourhood Plan

Visitors & Tourists Summary There is a significant emigration of the Challenges student population, due to their needs not Bad traffic (x3); Orientation; Parking facilities; being catered for within the village. Limited Lack of pedestrian and cycle routes; Lack of employment and entertainment opportunities public toilets; Lack of public transport; Need mean students frequently travel outside of leaflet about village history / map / buildings; the parish, yet doing so is difficult due to poor Lack of affordable accommodation; Lack of public transport and links. The Milkhouse camping/caravanning. and Weald Academy Farm provide some employment, even if the farm only offers work Opportunities experience. Sissinghurst Castle (x3); Fete; Flower show.

Summary Navigation around the parish appears difficult for visitors. With brilliant events and tourist attractions in the parish, residents feel frustrated that poor public transport and routes, lack of public WCs and information makes visiting Sissinghurst more difficult than it need be.


Challenges Lack of transport and facilities (x6); There is nothing to keep them here; No secondary Participants explore how different school; No HE; Lack of high-speed broadband. demographics feel about Sissinghurst.

Opportunities Cornwallis Trust; Employment at The Milkhouse; Weald Academy Farm.

9 Task 02 — Top Ten Qualities

1. Historic Number of Appearances & Calculations

3x Historic (1) (1) (1) – 3/3 = 1 2. Attractive 5x Attractive (8) (2) (1) (1) (2) – 14/5 = 2.8

3. Green 5x Green (3) (4) (3) (3) (4) – 17/5 = 3.4

4. Friendly 6x Friendly (9) (1) (2) (2) (2) (8) – 24/6 = 4 5x Inclusive (2) (5) (3) (8) (5) - 23/5 = 4.6 5. Inclusive 2x Rural (3) (7) – 10/2 = 5

6. Rural 2x Accessible (4) (6) – 10/2 = 5

7. Accessible 3x Distinctive (6) (4) (6) – 16/3 = 5.3 2x Independent (8) (3) – 11/2 = 5.5 8. Distinctive 3x Safe (4) (7) (7) – 18/3 = 6

9. Independent 4x Clean (5) (5) (8) (7) – 25/4 = 6.25

3x Unique (10) (6) (5) – 21/3 = 7 10 Safe 3x Fun (9) (5) (9) – 23/3 = 7.6

2x Harmonious (10) (6) – 16/2 = 8

3x Open (7) (8) (10) – 25/3 = 8.3

NOTE : Only phrases and words that were nominated more than once were considered for inclusion in the top ten results table.

10 Results of the Visioning Events April 2017 Cranbrook & Sissinghurst Neighbourhood Plan

Task 03 — Limited Growth

This task tested how the • 155 should be for employment units, not village could accommodate living; 29 is OK; 68 is OK but not yet, and not too many – Common Road needs to be a limited amount of new upgraded first – could be extended further to housing development. the west when complete; 54 not suitable for houses; field north of high street opposite 159 • No development on Eastern side; 159 = little should not be built on, but possible car park impact – infill – except on tennis club and in future; 159 = OK, but 9-10 houses only, to future development; 68 deferred as long as include parking for village hall; 120/152 = OK if possible; 120/152 = current green buffer to really necessary – unsafe exit onto A262. village. • 155 – no; No to 68 – entry point approach to • No to 188 – preserve orchard; No to 122; Yes village, space between village and hamlet of to 92 subject to safe access; No to 132; Yes to Common; 120/152 – important, rural approach 119; No to 131; No to 71/133; No to 129 – preserve to village, dangerous corner; 159 – acceptable in green space for play; Yes to 155; Yes to 29; No to limited numbers; 29 – no – important green site 120/152 – poor access; No to 159 – poor access onto street is not acceptable – car park would • Increase density in large gardens; Self-build be good; Yes to 58 – subject to safe access and plots; Large no. of locals want to build new section 106 – primary school expansion. dwellings; some downsize/bungalow, currently huge % of new housing in Sissinghurst, 1/2 • 68 is OK – narrow side road would limit beds; No large identifiable sites. access, too near new build – traffic! Social housing (council)? Affordable for normal • 155 – Park farm, farm buildings for working person age 20+ development?; 29 = suitable for development; 159 – perhaps 8-10 houses, bungalows or other • Depends on the housing: sensitive? elderly accommodation?; 120/152 – 5 acres, Mill Affordable? Infrastructure must be enhance to Lane = a ‘rural’ designated lane, dangerous support development, e.g. sewage, water, roads. junction with both A229 and A262, old North of high street opposite 159 is possible parkland for Camden House / Camden Lodge. site for affordable/elderly housing. 159 = OK – suitable for elderly housing or affordable for young staying in Sissinghurst.

11 • 54 – Biodiversity grassland of importance by KCC; development at the Paleys?; 68 – a new ‘hamlet’ – why not at Three Chimneys instead of next to school? Why not at ? (brownfield site); Affordable housing should remain affordable and not sold on open market; Sissinghurst has had huge development and any further development should be in keeping with size of village.

Summary The sites which attracted most discussion were 159, 68, and 120/152. There was mixed opinion, Groups assess the areas where new homes with some people totally opposed and some could be located at a future date. accepting development if it met certain criteria, such as safe road access, limited numbers, sensitive design and affordability.

A common concern was loss of green space. Some nominated sites for employment land rather than residential development. A few people suggested sites which were not put forward by land owners and those mentioned are as follows: the field north of the high street opposite site 159, for either housing or a car park, at Three Chimneys, and at brownfield sites within Colliers Green.

Groups assess the different opportunities for new housing in and around Sissinghurst.

12 Results of the Visioning Events April 2017 f De

f e D



BS Def Und

CD Stone Spring

T Und r Playfoot Wood a c k ck Tra


nd U CS


a in BS Drain Def nd U Pond Pond

Pond Pa R th (u H m) Pond



D Pond

Drain Bounds End Farm

) Bowling Alley Wood m Drain u ( Pond th a P Pond

f De W a r Pond f d e B D Und d y

Rosemary's Cottage



Paley T

r a

Tennis c

Redwater Farm Barn Farm k Court

T rack Track Redwater View Redwater Hill View nd U Pond Redwater Cottage Bungalow

47.5m 54.2m

in Dra de e adsi o tag R ot C ge 50.2m a tt o ill C M

e ag tt o C am Paley Mill e tr S

W 40.1m ar d B Pa U dy th n (um d ) Collects

57.0m ream mer St Ham

Pond Cherry Cottage


ack Rock Wood Little r T 37.1m Hartridge Sluice Barn Path (um) Hartridge Manor Pond Barn 70.6m

CR Hartridge Manor Farm 44.7m

M FB ILLER 36.8m S T H U Hartridge Manor Oast ) MB Path (um


) Foxridge Wood






a Well Hartridge Manor

P 1 Cottages ) Folly Hill Farm Cottages

2 1 m 2

u Folly Hill (


t Farm Barn

a P D ef

83.4m P a th (u

m ) Folly

D Farm ef Oast P ath ( um)


38.2m Brewers Wood

Folly Hill 2 79.0m Cottages 1 38.6m T CR rack n Hartridge Manor ai

3 Cottages Dr

4 ) Foot (um Path Bridge

Un Saunders' Wood d

82.6m 5

D e f P ath (u m) Ponds Ponds

T rack 81.9m



W ack a Tr Issues U rd Bd n d 45.7m y

T ra c T k r 85.2m a c k Cranbrook & Sissinghurst NeighbourhoodIssues Plan Butts (disused) Pond 78.2m


k rac rack T T k

Cordons ac r T





( u

m ) Pond

CR ) Pond Pond m

Pond Wood u

( Collects

h ) t m a (u P Path


d Amber Down Little Dale Farm Farm FB Pond P um) a th ( th Brewers Wood Pa (u m ) Pond

T Saunders r a Keepers ck Farm

Cottage Collects ck a r T 63.7m Pond Tennis Court

Pond Sluice Snowhill Barn Foxgloves Pond

T r Pond ack Little Pond Fish k Dale c Ponds a Pa r t T h ) (um Path (um ) Pond

Ponds m) Snow Hill Rowland's Wood Path (u Allington Pond Pond Newton Moat May Cottage Hartridge House Path (um) Thornstones 57.2m

) T Pond rack m (uth Pa Bettenham Manor Pond

Pond Tra CS ck GP 72.1m Pond 71.8m Collects 38.4m Pond T N 31.4m rac orth C k ottag Sum e P me a Ponds Pond rh th ill ( Track u m ) 36.1m Sluice Dene Well 37.6m Pond FB ack House r T

Map that accompanied Task 3 3 2 Bettenham Pond Cottages 41.6m

FB Folly Hill Cottage 1 Pond Little Bettenham 9 Pond


A D Bettenham rai Barn n Badgers Wood CS Pond


70.6m 41.3m nol 39.2m Bettenham Oak Tree Cottage LON ag 52.0m ck Dairymans DON LANE Pond Tra M FB 43.7m

ck a Northwold House r T

Foxwood Belmont 3 Whitehouse

rack ) T Cottages 4 Un m 46.2m u Whitehouse ( d Cottage h t Emperor a Staddleden P C House la ) Tr yt Hocker Oast ack o 44.9m T n um r ( ac ia Pond Pond h k t a Hillywood House P FB The Barn 46.4m Track Path (um) Issues Polmood Sunhaven T FB rac Pond k Hocker Edge ) Hocker Edge m rack u T Mad Dog ( Roxburgh Lodge h Lake t Footway Wood Catstail Wood a Shearnower P Shaw 84.7m FB Hillview Camden f T Lake e ack Cottage r Pond r Roxburgh Cottage a D T Hill c

k 2 Camden Hocker Edge Track

Green Gates Farm House Lorne House 1 Hill Meadow View Roxburgh Ridge The Oast House 47.1m Pond Letter Box Apple Tree Cottage Camden Hill Farm Issues 47.8m Three Chimneys Inn FB T

T Hocker Edge r a r (PH) a


c k Nurseries k Pond

P Top Bungalow a t h ( u m) Micklewood Track

229 Pond A Saxonhurst Saw Lodge

k c ST k Hilly Wood AR c a VE r N a DEN Wood r Colliers' Green T T LANE The Bungalow Pond 48.4m C of E Primary School Stump House Hillside Cottage Sissinghurst Park Wood Pond Pond Brewers Wood House Track Nut Hall

rm s a e 90.7m F g ta

2 ot

T Rydal House 1 C ra Collects c 160 k Farriers Hall Glen Cove Nut Wood Chimney Cottage The Homestead Pond W a r U d n Anvil Court Three Chimneys d Bd y Pond The House My Lady's on the Hill Track Cottage Cherry Crest Pond Windrush Three Chimneys House

M ARD Innisfallen k k

E c c

N a a r r T RO T

AD 64.0m 71.9m White Ash Farm k ac TCB r Hammer T 67.8m Greenacres Pond




r ack r

a Mount T y G View S d Tra t ck r ED B Barnoast e Drain Pond a CP & m t, ns LB Co Pond o k C ac 53.6m H Watchman's r op T Apple Thatch Bettenham Pond P Pond oc Store k Willowdene Wood et Mount Colliers' Green Hazelden Barn El Sub Sta CR House T Orchard View r a Farm c k ck Tra

Steddenden Telecommunications Mast Cottage Mount Pleasant Horse Race Path (um) Hazelden Hazelden The Grain Store House Villas Hayselden 51.0m Farm Cottage Hazelden Issues Track T Oast rac 61.4m k Track Tra 2 ck ack Larkins r Couchman's Pond T Steddenden Barn Toohoots Pond Wood LANE Goblins EY L Moles Hole Z Glade FB Pond The RIE Tennis Court F Granary ck Oast Cottage a r

T Pond Sissinghurst Castle Farm

2 Cranbrook Common 90.3m 1 Hazelden FB 38.9m Cottages Couchman's k ds Garden

Manor Cottage c ers Cottage r Cottage a Oak a y Laneside r SP r O i d

T N G r S L ew u A House t a Japonica Cottage Pond Little N q E h S n Meadow e c w Ponds Blenheim E r Trac h e Car Park k i T T O Satins Hill Farmhouse r Lested View V a c

k Priest's House

2 T y 62.8m 1 r ack e nd i dg Well i nd

2 W R E Hawkridge Oast d 36.5m r Pond Friezley a Pa 1 Hawkridge Farmhouse Satins Pond Pond Coalpit Shaw th ch (um) Oast House Hill Or Oast

ack 2 Tr Manor Barn Cottage 6 T 2 77.0m Hayselden Manor r A a Friezley c Well Tower k Oak Hawkridge Barn Sissinghurst Castle Cottage (remains of) Tower m) h (u Lake Pat Merricroft Manor Barn Cottage 3 1 58.8m South Cottage

Degg's Wood Issues Pond The Manor House Pond 37.3m Path (um) Sissinghurst Castle 67.2m 57.2m Hare Wood Barn Pond Farm House Tambour House Hawkridge Cottages El Sub Sta


Friezley Wood 59.2m

P a t h Pond ( g u in Friezley m FB Pond ) imm w ol S o P

) M m AR 58.7m u DE ( N RO W A m) h D a t (u r a U d P th nd B Pond Pa d y 79.2m SpSehnacwer's




P c Dunley Wood a k k th c 80.7m a (u Vine Cottage r ) m T th (um C a ) P



) 76.1m R M Lake Harewood Collects ob O m u in N ( P FB d FBs a a Little Friezley l R e h t O Lake t h ( 51.7m a A P u D m F ) irda le Pinecroft Thie Cheerey M ea do 78.2m P ws ath ) (u m m Pond k FB FB FB Li u Trac FB ) ly y d h ( d ale t B a k Pond P c ED 54.3m Track ra & T P Heath Wood C onst, k Trac Co C



0 Birches Wood


Trelawne 3 54.4m Breach Wood

The Carpenter th (um) Pa 52.8m 84.1m 9 Crossways Cottages 22 A

Eagles GP 2 1

El Sub Sta A 262

Heath Wood 1 Cottages 3 Lower Boycourt Pond Mouse Hall Middle Boycourt Bull Wood Letterbox Cottage C ol Track Ingleneuk Copse Acre li GP n 68 g TCB w ood T 49.8m El Sub Sta r a c LB Boyscourt s k y AD a O RO Whitewell Farm r T LB s C c RS sw e o h g P tt ar GHU os a a SIN r n a d S C tt ge SI 84.3m o ti C le

ck 3 s Ambleside a r

Orchard Whitewell Oasts T 4 Little Grigg ck P Dene Tra a Whitewell Farm Cottage t Christmas Pie Wood h

( u k Pond T m ac rack r Santolina ) T

k Wishing Well Cottage Roundshill Park Wood c

a r

T 75.2m Sil Pond Woodville ver dale

O ak ck land Tra P T h ack FB a e r T t O h ld 52.5m N

Pond ( ur u S The Bramlings Pond se tr m a Tank Ford Hillside ry ch Ford ) na Nursery House Sewage Works Durley Brightside Totlands T Whitewell r 7 a Neave

c Pond Barn k

2 8 Track Heathcote Sissinghurst 11 Whitewell Lodge Issues Dogkennel Farm 1

1 63.8m C of E 1

C 2 4 Tank Square Wood a 1 C

Te mde OM

r 1 D r Primary School 1

a n rain c 1 M

1 1

5 e 7 New 6 E ON BS GOU S Works Ti LO R Copden Oak D Ceylon House mbe O 73.7m HU r UT C A R s N D ST 1 B RO 7 F C O 29Pond S li A C T o D N s r E t Pond

h a

t D a i 3 ck R


g A 1 Pond g 7

e G

e 7 h n R u r E

N Wents Wood r Pine age

Pond s 2 ou t N I

t t 1 T

B 1 Mill Cottage o K r Cottage C S a Kennel c k Whitewell House Breach F Holt

G The Market Garden l Cottage i Issues Mill 24 s r

h e White Cottage 9 House 1 1 e 77.0m i



g w Manor w The Roundels 20 a 21

e El y Pond l Barn s Well Ruin l Pond Sub 59.3m CLEA Hen Pheasant

Pond VERS Sta


ck Weald 1 E Cottage Tra 4

l S 61.5m 1 Cottage 5 u

C Hen Pheasant

b Pond rain L CL 8 D E St

A 262 The Breach Farm A O a

V 1

SE 1

Manor E 5 1

83.9m LB R

4 El Sub Sta S

Farmhouse Oak Tree Farm 5 6 Manor Farm 1 84.5m T


Breach Farm 4 1 1 a Pond 2 PTONS ck AM Track CR 64.6m H O W VE 1 h 63.7m Breach i El Sub Sta N t 7 DE 16 e El Sub Sta Wood g N 2 a 1 t S e House F Flishinghurst h GES a 262 TTA r A CO m eac T


M 2 ack

1 A Pa Br 8 th e ( h 90.8m um T )

Bdy 6 Flishinghurst Cottages 2 1 71.5m d He ar rida

g nde A 2 W FB da 6 M 68.7m 72.4m le

ILL L Cemetery 2 1 A Four Wents Barn W NE Playing Field a 10 y C s i P a onst, ED & A de 2 2 Mill Farm l s o C Lower 6 8 t 2 Lomeer l Oast u T e C o 7 iew g h MS 155 V v a C h e i Meadow View T d 2 s Copden Wood 1 e oa tle Bankside H Little m King George's Field Br w C 54 E a M o Sumner n Mill A HO tt 1 C s

r S ea 2 Four Wents e 1 4 H Oast Collins Farm

s Lane P arm d Little E t 3 ins F

w P Col 70.0m 2 S

a 5

Wilsley y Cottages O 2 72.9m

Pond C 6 101.6m C um 1 K tage Plum Branden E Cot mers Plummers Barn The Oast n Crown Pound o T Farmhouse Ingl c C

Three Oaks k C Ex 4 l GP Pond Ponds L Te Avian The Old The Hoppins e O e 87.0m otta ag Cottage Pond Roundshill The Byway Nursery w t T k

G FB S Cot 9 h o e T El r o E os FB een R e T d ge Ne Rectory

Holly D i Sh T n 4 The Lodge S G T l h C s kers Sub Sta t o i N a B Sports Pavilion on e The d

lin a r o n House O w o ee

e a t b tta d C t Hoppers Barn gs r l y er House K d e t c e El l o Fircroft o Cott

e o e

Oast Cottage c h ing 2 A l h s Ba S Orchard Cottage n t H W

1 s t p g ME oat ge 1 C E e RCH Aragon Farm ag u 4 r HU 3 s Pond C k a

n 1 il ' Sub p e o e 1 s Ho Camden Lodge t 2 Flishinghurst House d e C g a t Ho Willow r e ot g y H n

r h l i o The s t El ly a Sta w o F Twist g K C C und hur F Sissinghurst Place 120 e l e l 6 Milk 1 Sub Sta

e Dungeys h s t Trinity e t o ds B 3 Ree T Hall

lls Kaianga 3

Four Wents Cottages Pound Collins Cottages At Last House Church 1 1 (PH) War

Cottages s W 80.2m TCB K

ings Place Pool nd h 5 es ead The Oast House 4 age Meml o t W Cott P Pond ot th age C o Verd ill o olm un Garden Cottage 1 dl PC 2 1 Co

Sh a 4 1 ttage GP 1 em s s n n e m

tt a e d T Stunts Farm a

Oast o r r F HE STREET 77.1m C w 2

V a 1 e

O 4 o iew r

Cottage e C r Tennis t n od l p T The Power

A 262 d S o

h House


S e

l Court o


t O er C g r W O 1 e

a ak Cot l tag o e

n a

h St George's o p r g 2 G t ge t Church t y


a t i t a Pond y a C t 2 House o n n t 152 t Oliver's t h a o

e or o n e d t T 1 Flishinghurst n Garage Institute g He C

1 g e t otta h h s o Pond e e P

LB t a W C Cottages u s s 83.1m e C h T ' C e t a u 2 h Recreation Ground C r t R v n s o o o e G s mmer Pound C rs e ' Park a o ob a ot H t e t Pond W e t a t t

a a C

Farm 6 Camden Cottages n a i g l s h n e m i l View g ix n Ha e i y House i o n C t e

e r e r g Whiteways o

o r d

n The C y Ru i e C c t r y l

o S V 1 otta

C a t a Ch T Camden House t o c Gatehouse a s t Sunnyside o a B G s h B g Walnut Trees 9 Pond g ett t u o s The Coach e e t ge r r a 22 o ch

83.4m e A Gatehouse Oast s ge House l

k Hou a

Camden s m

e Martland Villa s

85.0m p e

o House s O Sissinghurst R Pond 62 n Hill Side A 2 eo Farm a Galpl s La t 80.4m Mylkehouse Pond


T Pond r Island Cottage ac Pinedene

k 109.9m Pond Tennis

1 Pond Pat Pond LANE P Courts h (um CHALK a ) th ( u m ) Track Pond Track 159 Playstole Sissinghurst Court Pond Pond

Issues The Barracks Little Branden Cottage P Wa a rd t B Cook's Wood h Un dy

( Flishinghurst Nurseries u d ) m

k m ) ac Flishinghurst Orchards Tr (u th a P Path Coney Wood


Pond H TCB

E I TL 75.4m T



Angley Lake E

Rock Wood L

Pond L



Pond N E Ponds 59.8m Milestone Wood Pond Drain

Pond C H A ain P 81.9m E Dr ) L L Pond m AN (u h E t R a ( P c O T o M r ack ur A s N Track ck e a Tr P o R a O th f ) AD Branden ( ) um) P m a Five FB t ) (u h th FB Pa Chimneys (u Gravel Pit Wood m (um ) h Angley Orchard House 77.4m t a Lake The P Swimming Pool Track Oast Pond Cottage Pond

Und Pond

C FB r a n Pond e

Cook's Wood The Br T Oast o rack Guernsey o 108.8m k FB Cottage Pond m) h (u Pat Mockbeggar 90.7m House M Hilly Wood Alder Wood Milestones i W 70.6m dd ilsl le Issues C ey Ho Spratsbourne ot Gr e ook Oa u ta e Br se g e ran R k e n C Howlands R o C M s )

u s C er Pond F e ot 1 L b 2 o o c um r y y C t tt e e C ot a st n g a rs th ( Pond ott t e g 29 er w Wilsley a e 2 a s ag g A P o

e o e Green Pond FB d Fern Bank Old Mill FB The Gables B Pond BS e Pond C r C Oaklands o y rBrook 73.3m l an 50.4m tt k e a c Upper ge ra Rock Wood Cottage Willesley T House D Well Wood Buckhurst Farm rai Issues FB n Spratsbourne Pa Issues 46.3m th (um P Farm ) er ath (u P p The m) 50.7m a Birch Wood B t Up es Wilsley h (um) g 2 en ta 0 FB re t Oast 8 Co 5 y G 66.2m ilsle W 93.4m Jai's Oak Und

Pond 76.4m 1

Wilsley 2 Pond Farm Cottages Forge T um) Pond rack ath (

125 Cottage P FB 2 29 97.2m A 2 Issues El Sub Sta Sluice High Tilt Weir Wilsley Farm Farm

Lavender High Tilt 47.8m W Old Wilsley il Cottages H le Cottage T o s ra Pond u le Lake Chad c se y k

Weavers 2 Sh

H a 1 o w Holt u se T T r r Pond ack a c Well k Willesley FB Garden Cottage se Pond Oak Cottages 96.9m P at High Tilt Farm Boundary Stone Hou Chantry h ( 3 um) Fir House oach Cottage C FB LB Issues The Hunters Cricket Ground House LB FB

W 2


ILL Path (um) Brooklyn

1 E SL 1 E W Rugby Football Y a rd B The Wilderness d P Ground a

5 Coronation Wood y t Un h G Cattle ( L 99.0m d u A m

S Pavilion Grid nds 16 is ) S 1 n E es Hedgerow Cottage 1 n t FB N 2 Path ag dla 3 Te B Cook's Wood (um) o our FB U Rookhurst Collects ott o The C R C Pavilion e W

Y c T Cottages 9 Lodge r R en ack


A vid o D r P 1 Fir Wood

P 14 Pond at 6

h ( 1 um


1 3 Courtstile 6 9 Broomey Issues ANG


6 Oak Hill Manor ro 0.91m RH

es B

g 8 e

a 7 ER 2 n 43.8m

Pond 0


7 2 o t t a o A r DR C

QU T gs C r 5 a in Cattle Grid

c K k 13 ring ack Glassenbury Park Sp r


2 8 2 7 Rogers Hill Farm in 1 Dra

Pond er 1 k s 1 Tank a t u 2 3 4 3 ot Q C

W m) 1

Forge Farm 3 (u Isl IE Path House and V

84.5m Cottag S

es 4 Pond IFT 1 45.1m Angley Quake The Barn r 8 SW Cottage Hou 95.6m se 5 Golford Cottage Farm QU 4 AKER L C 98.6m ANE H The Round 1 A

P House The smine 1 E Park Ja L B 2085 age The Park Lodge Hollies Cott TCB LA Pond Collects


Angley Stud Depot a Glassenbury The Clock The Oaks k ck l a Pond e r House i Hill Oast g T 100.4m h Angley House The Farm Pond The Square 59.9m Corner 91.3m El Sub Sta El Sub Sta 55.9m Long House k East Lodge Angley Park House rac The Oast T MS High Tilt Moat Pond Wildwoods Golford Filwood Place The Mews Highview Little Bank Farm Farm Th e Coa Brig ch House FB Pond G El Sub Sta Hatch Pond ar 94.1m d en Golford Place

H Bungalow Glassenbury ous Home Two Trees e Golford Lodge Oak Pa Pond 60.3m 111.3m Wenman's Cottage Farm Roseacre th Golford Burnt Bank Wood (u 71 m Briar Knoll Sports Pavilion ) Glassenbury Hill Fontmell Tank W ) Windmill 6 Farm The Chapel A T m Bel Canto Saddlehurst Farm rack P T u u Cottages E ( mp Tennis Courts Pa R Farm R h th L e H t O T Pond Forcett t a ou ( r u h The Lodge O e m) P s Playing Field e Y a D e E R LA t GO O Laylocks Golford R 1 A AN Golford Place D Michael's Jubilee Stables Tra Glassenbury LB Barn Victoria c ack k r T House Forest View nd 133 The Po Windmill Inn Haven Brindles Golford Cottage 65.5m 2 The Toll Went Ways Boundary Stone 1 (PH) 129 Tennis Court The Flats Spring k Trac Glassenbury Tollgate Little Glassenbury West Lodge Godwin Rosemary

Pond Lodge Cottage 2 House Cottages Little Golford Gate ef

D 1 E TL Swallows Farm LB ) Pond

um 70.5m ( hool c th S a TCB y) P The r Pond T ngley Golford House r Pond A onda GP Oast Golford Gate a Cranbrook ck Pond (sec Church of Primary School Ponds Pond 93.6m k

ac D Little Glassenbury Barn r

A Pond B T O r ain R oa R h O Y d t Golford (c Dr a R lan P o M

U d 1 Allotment u A B T r s r s N N a S e R E Pond Gardens c u k o O Little S 2 nn f S ) AD ing ) A Br m Glassenbury L w Stream Wood 72.1m FB G e k (u r el o emede h l ro t Pond a 116.8m 131 P P Pond ane B Pond ath Cr (um) Path (um) Well Pond 6 Ilex Recreation Ground Issues Bowling Green

Crandon House 9 Cottage Tank AL/CR3 FB House Trac ) 84.2m k m 4 Cottage u Victoria Cottages ( Waypost Meadow ta h S t 64 b a Corbins u P Tank 14 C T El S ot H r o a t

ck 1 a p 1 Hollybrook g e Harwood 16 e House 15 The Vicarage T 14 r Chittenden Wood W ac

1 3 14 a k 1 U rd ck n B Tra El 133 d d Allotment Gardens y Su 4 OSE 11 5 7 CL 6 nk

Sub mme OATFIELD 12 (um) eba Plantation Wood 9 os 3 Path R Sta 10 Bowling Green r fo en Leydene ld Myl



4 8


1 0 1 s Church Cottages 7 d Kirklan 95.4m 7 View The Ponds 46 6 Hill 62.4m

Drain Pond

5 ck 9 7 4 a 3 2

1 Starling Ye Olde Oast r

2 0 Middleton Farm 3 T

2 Rydal Cottage

2 k

O 2 1

a 77 1 ac 44 A 2 Stream View 1 r ain DR T T


S irmington P VE F K

I 2

D r l Sub St I LD 9

I VE l 0 3 E 2 E EL a

4 a

FI 2

8 c t


D 3

3 e

CTORY 2 e Pond

RE 79.5m r 5 9 2

Tr Pond l Playing Field a o ck 33 Tr SHEAFE DR ack o

2 Pond

D 0

7 L 6

Issues Sluice E 7 FI 2 130

2 6

YT 3 8

A 3 Sports Pavilion


W 3 5 40 1 50 Play Area

6 Weavers WHEA Blueberry Pond LD Osborne Middleton Stables FB Issues A TFIE 52 House Cottage A D 77.1m LE Surgery Swimming en A opd Cawthorne TCB 32 WHE C O Tennis Court

R Pool


5 y


r 7 r


a 3 E


ck a

1 5 9

4 Crow 6 de r 3 R n

5 Pond

R b The Pond

18 i 1 A 4 L House Angley Wood C Clinic Spotted Pond Stream Farm 58.3m Dog

Walton Lodge 7 rack T A 229 Barham House Marlpit Wood

24 Dog Kennel Cottage 1 l o Swatlands Campana AL/CR2 ho Willow Shaw c AD T 22 2 Pond S RO

e 1 ANE 5

rling 4 Y L ok

a 1 o Hamilton

Hou 1 JOCKE r GOLFORD 12 2 ow b s 9 2 ngal Cottage e 8 rn Bu n 3 Tithe Ba a 1 6 4 r C Cornwallis House Pond Bar 3a Badgers Mount 3 Old ck g 1 5 The a ate House 6 c r

35 T 43 Tithe k 5 Danes Outfall 35 AD a HENDLEY 1 c W 0 75.6m a RO H 34 TERRACE Barn r L CLE St Dunstan's T Woodside ittl AT ICE e F S M OS I Carrandine K P V EL 3 t il L a 3 Beech Hill 3 th to D Grodorna D n E 6 A (u SER o u Church W H n m) P Ha ond P s ok E 3

a lbri LB Horse ta o 3

t P r

h te 1 n El Sub Sta 1

1 4 O B

(u 0 s 70.3m s 2 R Museum m) son V 12 erds 39 mp i Tanks ph 6 Je ne She ew Pond a a ow H Rectory r

St ngal age EN C Crane House

Bu ott D N C 1 2 8 Cotts RI ewm

6 El Sub Drill DLEY

3 VE 9 (um) rack 1 Tank ville 1 Pond

T rge a Rack Wood l Geo 4 n Tank Hal 's 48 B P tre 43 u th en i a a C The Moat ott l Tollgate Barn P t AR d Sewage Works h in Holly Cottage g Tollgate

(um) Wilwyn Pond C

1 FB

B 2085 1 Farm

CL 17


ANCY GAR 1 Maryville El NE D 3 R e 74.5m Oak Lea

Angley A FB c

O Sub Y LA 5 R t ck O o Whistlers ra Park R use T r T e Ho y The Tank D Sta ts n Lodge ENS or Clark REC H Church Playing Field Pond Issues Maj ot ou ai Tra

4 e C White r ck

EY o 2 d Gates t i 3 s S 1 ts e D

t 26 Elmbrook oa ngela Horse The Church Daneme A M269A 4 ) G n ne Ev 1 to Hall O Dra LAS en 1 House um ANGL Pond 6 (PH) a 71.4m ( s den kme ad th T Windmill H a ra SENBUR ou a P in se Hop d c

Hawthorns 1 k House 8 2

Ten Acre Wood Vine ge Issues 1 Lod 20 Cott 3 Bi 14 C 3 Pine r A 3 Y R c D a h C UST 5 Whitecroft L ot L Lych Nash House y E 7 7 O n t I 3 T

E de C age E 0 h 2 Mast (Telecommunication) A d ol F O e m n T V 8 1 9 Gate Swimming Pool n he I eb T 73.7m un 3 G i D m) N a R st r M A 23 13 r r

u one oo a 1 an pl E 7 P ck D D Tra W k es 35 1 C a

G H a o B 17 3 on r D th ( o a a c y A th d t r School or

L Pe 6 d a e W de O ea a R on 1 R P T r C S 5 B C O ( r o s T r House ack r ew um t elands ONE ST A tage A o ORD

p Hom 5 C ho

p w t 1 D o Ba 6 ot LF le 8 t T use O 8 t ) r n George of age ee L nk 31 TCB G C aur y L k Chapel

H ot C RE 2 B 1 J

a t el Posts a 3 1 1 la o

w T Ha ck

t C o Merrydown V s 3 T E 7 b h ottage 5 ottage b S 5 Hotel o u m T C o Cemetery r i ir e n 1 ll ds C r t Waterloo 62.1m C K a i 73.9m Playing Field o o 72.7m he tt t ne gage Banr r C 4 9 ry N 3 R r Pond Tre R 2 Bur ose C Yard C e A HIGH STREE 1 Cott A P B ea N ott ch T 76.1m 98.5m T 45 E L re 7 e Cott he S A tell L C FB

a i N PO

M me hur 5 a 3 ri E s 5

7 Ba Bk

M 4

ead s ch Orchard Lodge 2 9 Ten Acre Wood

ow A C nk 9

cr il 3

) o s ot 2 m ft E 48 a (u B ' 5 S ig s 67 th ro F t Pa ok The Garden House C a MS l O

a ot g 3 n 5 4 e H Games Court

d L Tre E F 2 t

a a e PH C 2 l 1 G C e r g m 5 e age v l 1 en ott e n e E Imber Tr C e 79.5m nk r ees V l to ge Ba m s FB C o ta

il ot H t 71.0m

Y ck n 7 l o on 1

a ers C B 1 Court ot 9 O Cranbrook E H l Ho u

e Li J st But se t 2 Pond 20 l o

ttle Su Club l

W Builders Yard 7 l d C

ack u 1 u r GP r oodc 1 otts P s Lyndhur C T A 22 ot r s W t b e Gur e ya AL/CR1 B B 208 3 St n Albert House a a Pond 2 nk M T 24 a Lyndhurst

Jersey 3 se 5 1 u

Fielden 2 House R 2 1 Cotts3 Ho 1 a ew s Bell View 1 d n ST vi ger AL/CR5 3 a 2 ub 40 Oak s k D Copthall Bridge D Cl St H o 1 A ts P ds s o Hazel ol V Cottages ol S b r I epher .4m b Houses D'S our m Sh 3 ea e

Cottage B 8 PCs C r 1 128 a B m ag 68.6m is ngley ta H H es ane t RID m o Li r 3 r ou id Car Park T A us ae 34 C ot he enn F e tt G Issues e C T se Pond d H l E W Littl merhill e L F e The Lodge Hi i 2 indmi gh g R itt e P

G rn Laur

ables use r RD o 4 h a ottag um le n A char v l Y C S C m 1 Pond FB 21 H g ll Ba de en AN n 119 Ho T e Spring T P 6 Ho e o ood

osts ous u l C t Spri 1 h ysi s t THE u c d RU Paddocks Paddocks T LB o a Cottages h se Pond 68.9m 128.0m 19 e tle Or r or K g S ls e a e t SELLS 3 T S t e es

h ig n oug Swimming Pool

3 e Lit w t a g Bungalow h r 3 T r O u g

Sunn o e o Pippins Farm

u od H d AL/CR6 B Y s p C e y otta

1 A a f ir e O i 2 h ot Old o Chapel C RD l s Scott House L S t il i o H ld Springbank Da u k W r t t ump s oo A a u i u P r ot M o House Croft R M s l e 1 ac y 87.7m r g e l d ri 2 r Horsley n e da F H a n Ken io one T to e 72.1m t ill C se

ed y s w le C Surgery

c innet u Playing Field M ls R C 1 e M L Place o T o t o Crusoe il o

her a M o t eb ottages Playing Field t REE o C H 77.0m t 4 Gl Tennis it r tt ST ag ge M C k yr H D d otta a Fire G T Cottage tt H a HI e h o H t ack t g he e B C Court r le a tts T a e c g a r 3 Station s Eas F W ook o v Abb o e P THE ea V en ar C 23 NE ns Ho eb Pond L ic El 271 H W RO M t L t 7 ILL st t S hi u Albion er es A or e s H D t L oun o C t a ng y s 1 e er Sub Sta o ia d C a e Cottage e us er ish l au ott enn Hur al r ge n FB Hill t s J L d nd FB W e FB e e 1

Copper o r v t h a l 6 th y dg El e e W a age Scott House

nsd t n 92.1m ge 1 L t View mont he m F of a le i y e Pond T Beeches c a l ot Hill Garden Cottage r La e s e Newi l t dsb r e a r o C 7 a Bakersbarn im l y s ur l ) egar H T s n 74 a y T l o St lie w House .8m b r es El a House C n P m r rc K h C da s e p o ro L y e u a or ttle Cr AD a ss in odge r H e i ( p ng ngt l Supermarket 6 e tn c a t I dwa e H o ew g lm L r Cr FORD RO Playing Field g n d o h k A esc nb r a 66.7m GOL th r s d use ta A A c a oo on Ho T El LB d P T Ex w ene Posts S ( r he o 1 Sh e T u k W e o ot r ack c e us C a Dulwich Preparatory m r le a ok Sub Sta 1 butts C T a C C 1 Tar ck Angley Farm Cottages r i r e Bottoms T g r oa ) Solar Panels h L use a D ne Bungalow 70.4m T New o C e ch Ho 5 Fir Tree School r 2 ac d h a h 7

11 House ge r u 7 Farm ) i n D CB k lw r 73.2m


m V s O 33

Mast u B or t u PPENS

4 Minepit Shaw ( il 5 C 2 e s TI th S l

Pond t em th a e T

Pa ok C Recreation OR OSE ck 0 6 L 1 House

104.0m Juniper h o 1 1 C Springden a 6 r T e S an Coac r 1 D 9 BAK Hazels

Pond ra n HOP 2 CRO R T c H o Ground ob 3 ER Pond

k (

T Hill h SSS O 6 he 2

o u w s 8 c

u th a 1 2 o C lo 157 2 e 1 M T

ou l 6 2

s T 5 Rammell House s

4 Goddards Green cr l l E Pond u r

rt e h nga l 5 WT Station ooksden o a y ru H s 'S A

a e o BB t T Su C r rd o os s c T G ft k RO h C hil N h a u c o nd W e k e a E Cr e

C Farm b 95.1m s r R o T 2 AD F t f a o e D 66.1m a les 71.6m tage o U O rs ia 125.7m c H I f h Fencings Corn Hall irs r nd rd

S ) H ilden 4 l d

o e T AD

Angley Farm R 4 s Bd

K ) u The Grange h

s Goddards Green Barn oc 8

e o u 69.3m 8 1 t e Oast O

Bake y m 3 S h Hall 6 Ambulance H (u la O W Coursehorn Gle E le Baker's o nd R 98.5m 's Ho h 9 M tt m B Cross t n s ner 12 Station L e a ace or L Li f e

d ksideC E a

err Broo OS 6 E s

P a T 1 3 AD st 1 s t

pr le We 15 M 2 e

Stable Cottage TON CL o ck) G t M a

ra in A She d VE GOOSE LANE Pond 6

T g 4 R ork

( 2 50.8m


The Catholic 3 W Pond Coursehorn Barn BS

5 5 8 ck

7 6 Oast View

8 Ol a Church of 1

1 de 2 r ANGLEY RO 7

Issues T 1 Oa

Brooksden St Theodore st

1 6 C la R ha n ed 22 ds The Orchard rle 76.7m BR 24 st l Dr a o

t 3C S 110 J n a

t ou n IC s R 5 a m a

Shoemakers y d O i The Oast

3 K n in s t Montana 102.2m D o

th A e 132 M tage END

6 Baker's East Oast 1 1 D House

Pond ot 4 lan The Cottage

Goddards Green C 4 7 7

o t Cross

4 d EN 7 1 Loampit Shaw A 1 s k

2 Playing Field House c

3 ra 3B 2 R Orchard T P 4 o

a 3A Allot Gdns se C Coursehorne Farm 4 Pond

t T 3 House South Oast Issues h 2 ott (um) LB C age Pond 2 REE Pond r Spr 1

St Damians a 1 Issues 1

2 1 i Lower n n VENUE

30 7 g ck 5 Pond e 2 C A a HIGH ST 3 R r Pond ot Y

Farm 1 L M tag ose T 5 C 104.3m a 1 a TH A o 78.5m B p q tta mar Coursehorn Tra n e u ck House W les a ge rack ar e 6 O riu y P Pond T Me K 2 ak s 66.3m a Swim Cottages m L th l 28 Cot DORO Orchard (

DARDS CL A tag FB um mi Pond

D 8 W B Cottage Pond

C a ) ng A GO 8 1 2 1 e k S o

4 tte P

2 ar ool N

7 C

6 gero A 7A 6A s

T s 4 Dawn S 1

Pond N 8 AY Bungalow W U 1 K Grove N D 5 is TCB E own ow m Old Cloth Hall Little Ommerden T 2 T ad et Cottage GRE S VE e C 4 I M 4 C o LEY DR B ot u GP M r r Oaklands a t s

1 BRAM yth ag e

13 h 1 T 9 6 a he e orn

8 m Pond 1 C Fer El Sub S ottag ns Angley Wood ta T

m) 2 he e 1

7 9 G Si

GODDARDS Pond Pond ab lv CL 11

2 les erl

th (u 6 FR Ommerden Lodge

a 4 e

P T 1 Y a he Co 8 TH La ttage AY u Weavers End W E C Ch rel

L err s El Sub Sta 1 THE OS Drai Crane RY y n T F

Cot E Tr r 0 tag 1 ee e a 1 2 1 H c Pest House Sp o k i u T ndri se Fairways r

ack P f 1 w t


a 1 th 3

llo Pond 4 1 o T ( SCENT em u E Pond 125.6m m s H u 1 2 ka Chittenden Wood ) g

CR 1 ro E F Cr on TH in Rivendell LB Y 1 2 7 35 FR Rilv id Pond ean 92 GLASSE th N ar ew

G Lo Gr 3 c

e iddle Tanners t en M o

Collects NB leas


o 9 o t

1 4

8 KIR M U W B FR 12 23 il T ood ev B 8 l Dam r R e Y C Y 7 Q Br a Y rle T L ua oo Issues RO b H rr Pond c

ur y E OSE w k k

y W 7 ood 0 4 1


11 Wo Car Park 2 odl P Orchard Lodge a Pond a

Cou nds th


12 (

r 0

3 u

Ford tlan Freight Cottage C m

7 rack) ds ook 1 C he ) Colliers Lodge Wood (T r ot rr B E ta y

LANE 7 ys ge OOSE W 4 T VE G 2 STAR h 9 r i 4 a te VENU Folly Gill ane c La r ramle Na Issues d A B v k ies C Orchard Corner R an D Or 11 c YAR 1 End har AH URNE H C T 7 (He d illers W OR C alt de Cote d' entr h E n 6 or TL 3 e Club House

2 )

15 Br 9 aml 34 H o e w Collects 1 use y

Ch 7 9 NORM 1 Pond Golf Course

5 R

e 7 I AN 0 Oak ll SE 2 PENNY rne Sha ow FIELDS s ha eho

The Tile ven s Pond

7 6 House ur 1 Chi 1 o

t S C ef

upa 20 a 79.3m D

1 x

Blowers Hole Wood 2 Ho on

1 1 Blackbush Wood 1 u 64.9m Marlings um) se th ( Pa 4 7 W

Oakhurst Farm 2 Pond 6 il Hemsted Forest 25 l o 14 w Kiplings 36 Hawthorn d

77 en 7 1


Huggin's Hall 4 House Pond


6 O

4 4 The Oast House 1 2 2 Cottage 2 ak P 38 a app th le ( 128.3m Pond Ac s Farningham um Turnden or Hancock's Farm )

ns FB Farmhouse 8

Cottage 2 6 Cherrybrook

B Or

6 107.4m RO 1 Farm 1 ch 1 ADCL PEAR 2 a Starvegoose Pit Wood ood AD rd RO P V W TURNDEN Turnden a O ie th TH TREE 2 Turnden w Trac 0 59 Farningham Oast k 1 ( 8 4 u 3 C

ound Cottages m) L


6 6 T


Courtlands Farm Courtlands 6 c er Gr 1

5 k

w 3 Pond

o 1 4

5 1 L 1 Pond AVENUE TIL


3 P

9 a

0 1 t EN LA h TURN (u m 1

t ) 3

o 1 Hancocks Farm House

WIN 4 NE 6 Issues 5 C Pond k 41 H c T ra r C T ack um) L ( OS Pond Wingate th E a 8


4 Pond 6 D

ra 1 Hancocks Villas Play Area i ck Glenn House n a Huggin's Hall AL/CR4 Pond Tr Collects k FREIG Trac W CD

3 a H r T d T Pond B r LAN a D d k U y c k ) A n ac r E f d AD O T Pond 85.2m FB o R Hadleigh Y RO LE e y s Issues 115.6m T N 73.4m d r P a B A Marivent HAR u th d

o M (u ar Magpie Shaw m W (c Pond T O ) T Turnden ra R rack ck T k he c a Nes r T El A ld t Pond T er ra Sub ney ck T T ra W h c Sta e C k est Cartref Ol ott wa d a W Nu ge rd C end ra rse igd o Pond Che v ry e er ne r Sensible Equestrian Services 124.7m ing Folly Gill Collects T t H he on (Stables) Mount Little Farningham Wood ill Sl s a id t e in Ephraim Farmhouse gs AD Pond TURNDEN RO B roadoak Pond

H l il Oak Lodge il lcr LB Issues of Pond t High Hagues G Issues Pond W Timbers Pond es The Oast Barn te W rle oodsi y F P air a V de th Pond ie ( w u m G ) oo dw Pond Two Acre Shaw o Hartley Mount od Pond W estc T ra r Poultry Pond c of k t Houses Farningham Wood Beu lah Flagstones W Pond Tilsden Oast k ayfar

) ac ers r Pond

m T

Ha u ( wthorn Drain h

T t iv Har er tley a ain Co to P r tt n D ag Vill e a Garden Vec Cottage k 120.7m tis c a Und Hon He r dge Tilsden T ito n w a House ys Pond Tenn Li is C Hartley lac H El Su Co igh our ook LB House b ttage V t r The Freight St iew B FB a B e un 1 galo an 1 T r ho w C rn den FB 4 High Drain V Pond iew Ponds Te k rr ac ac L e r 4 o Pond T 16 ng Collects TH View Pond E 1 Pond 3 HE MS ATHERS in Bramleys Dra Spring

2 Pond 2 4

Pond 18 P Pond 1 le ack Pond 31 V as Tr Pond ie ant 30 w 75.7m RDENS R 29 os GA ed Hagues Gill e Trac ne k 24 28 La T to m Pond 27 or The Cobbs

5 F na


TL 32 lor Drain Pond 8 OUR enc 0 3 C 4 1 2 1

9 e R HA 22 Pond Bull Wood B 23 Hennicker PitFord 0 He 1 n Drain 20 C n (dis) Drai ott ike n 132.9m a r Pond Pond ack ge

r s 97.3m Little Coursehorne T 5 3

3 A 229 Path (um) 6

8 Mast (Telecommunication) 1 E Pond ack TL Tr Ruin 36 Invicta Pond Ford Little

rack Coursehorne T 5 Pond 69.6m Water Works 1 Pond Farm Pe 31 2 H el ous D Reservoir e Farningham Wood rai 30 n (covered) Kent Ho k Pond ac Pond Tr Bull Wood use FB Little Farningham Wood Greenwood W a Furnace Farm 24 r Bram d Glebe House ook Tilsden Farm B w Clan rBaner d ack ell C y Tr 2 nal an C Pond Pond AM PION C 19 188 ION R D P ESCEN A CMRES Play Area A Moat 53.1m C T TLEY RO Pond

Sheepfold Track 18

7 HAR Issues

9 3 1 Ford

Furnace Farmhouse Ponds

Bedgebury Furnace


1 1 Ford Pond Well Issues Chittenden 129.7m Pond

Sinkertweazel 2 Cottages 1 123.2m e Pond

ag l 2 tt Co Pond

Pond 70 k r

a 3 4 Hagues Gil 54.2m Furnace Oasts nchm T Pond e 75.5m rack B Cattle Grid

3 Dovecot Barn Chittenden Pond Track The New House 56.5m Oasthouse ack E Tr Pond Pond Pond Bull Wood Pond Pond SDEN LAN 85.4m A 229 TIL ack Tr GLASSENBUR BS Pond Well Hartley Gate 101.0m BS Farmhouse Forest Y RO Pond Chittenden Farm Cottage Pa Pond AD th y Sheepfold (u m) Pond GP Pond Ba Pond Hartley Dyke Pond

T r B 2086 D ac Business Park e k Bull Farm Barn f P a th ( um ) Pond

Bull Farm Pond 125.4m

Pond T 81.7m e n

) nis m

Und (u C h our Issues t a Pond P 108.1m t Pond Bull Farm Ponds Oast Little Saltwood Farm k 90.8m FB c B 20 a Bull Farm Und r Oaktree House House 85 T 98.9m C Pond o C Pond ons Tk 112.2m t, E 59 Dr D Pond a BS i & BISHOPS LANE Pond n

W 122.7m Drain a Pond CD r

1 d Bishops Hartley Hall Tank 6 Pond Pond B 1 Cottages d y The Paddock Ponds Tks The Old Granary Hartley Lands w Station Hill Cottage Farm BS Cottages Pond FF en Sha

d Tks T enend Un he Frisco Mo B bile Tks Statio Cottage Pond n Hou 106.8m Pond se Hartley Oast

ck a r Hartley T Farm House Pond Ponds ath (um) P SW A TTEND EN LAN U Track 122 nd LB 115.6m E ain LB 95.6m Dr Pond Pond Pond

1 Track 3 Pond Ivy Cottage Boundary Stone GP GP

2 Ponds 106.1m B 2086

5 Pond

6 e t a El Sub Sta g e CS Pond Lodge l 9 k CS c Dukes i r 9 Villas P 10 Swattenden Pippins El TCB Pond Dukes Swattenden Oast 103.5m Sub

86 2 WESTFIELD Pond FF Cottages Pond Barn 108.7m

TERRA Woodside 20 Sta Tanks 1 CE 8 Charit Har E in y B

tley Post TL Pond 1 Council Depot Farm Glenco Dra k Oast Charity Farm SW AT rac Track Kegwell House TENDEN LA T Little Charity NE D Kendor Pumping Station iRsR Pond ma Rosemary Cottage Ponds P Little Doves ila a Track Pond wn Oakside Cottage t at h Pond Playing Fields Pond yle Pond d

108.5m 1

4 Swattenden Cottages Issues Co C onst & T r Pond W ac ard B k Pond Cranbrook Dove's dy Masonic Hall Farm 1 Pond Track Doves Oast 7 Pond Dr

THE MEADS P 99.1m ai a n





0.91m RH m

) ack r Sunny Acres d T Pond Un Turks Swattenden 114.0m Oast Ridge Pond


A Pond

O ack r R

Tyto 100.8m T T k S Alba Trac

R CS Hallwood Farm U Turks Place H Oast K Hallwood Farmhouse W


H k Tr c ack a r Pond T Pond S W Turks A Barn T TEND


LAN Pond WB E Pond

T r a c Pond k 2 Swattenden Gill )

k m 4

ac 1 (u 31 r

T h t a Pond Rose Pond P Broomhill Cottages Bank Tanks Cottage Pond

West Weald Path (um) House Pond El Sub Pond Sta Pond

Edgehill 2

120.4m m) 1 C Chequer Tree Farmhouse Ford (u heq h C Pond t ott ue a age rt P ree s Pond

Broom Hill Tennis Court Broomhill Nursery


BS Issues

Issues Track Und Collects TASK 3 Collects

k ac r Pond T

T rac Hall Wood k Pond Pond Boundary Hill Crest Stone Robins Farm Wood Issues

Pond A 22 Hartley Hill


Pond Sharon Hill Crest Farm Oast

126.5m Issues

Path (um)


Robin's Wood Pond FUTUREPath (um) HOUSING GROWTH

BS Gordon Wood Drain Pond Little Wood Swattenden Gill Und m)


h t a P Pond Tingri T rack ) m ack (u r th T Pa ef D







a 0.91m RH




l t Drain

n a Pond m


i D Issues

Ford Pond

D 114.9m


a i n T rack

What are your opinions on the differentPond housing options as beingCS considered by Tunbridge Def Pond

Pond Pond Pond


P Duke's Wood ath (um)

CWo Const & ard B dy

Und y Guide E Def TL d Bd Post ar


& MS and BS


C o C ack Pond Tr Wells BoroughUnd Council? Explain your thinking. Nightingale Cottage Pond

Und 110.6m )

(um h t a P

Badger's Oak Cranbrook Wood Badgers Barn Und Oak Oast CD Badgers Oak

T Farmhouse unn

P el a Pond ef t f D h e (u D m)

Pond Ward Bdy Co Const & Pond Pond Eggshell Cottage Pond


Drain PARK LANE Pond Pond Foresters Cottage Boundary Stone


) m (u th a P

H Little Cranbrook Wood







CS Starvegoose Wood Pond k H T




T r ac D

i k s m

a n ack t r l T e d


a i l CS w

a y

Toll Wood Und Boundary Stone T rac k


P a th

( Lemon Wood f u e m) D

Boundary Post

T r ack 13

0.91m RH Path (um)

Ponds Pond f e D

CS Issues

ack r

T Toll Wood

Owls House

Oak House

Rooster Cottage Trenley Farm

Trenley Farm Oast

Pond Rakins Hole




T r a ck ef D


d Bd



t &


o C





ck a r T

Trenley Gill

) m (u

th a P





ef CS D Task 04 — Learning From Other Places

Participants were asked to Places to be proud of mark on a plan the places

that they liked with a green Places to improve sticky dot and the places they did not with a red sticky dot.

f De

f e D



BS Def Und

CD Stone Spring

T Un r Playfoot Wood d a c k ck Tra


nd U C S


a in BS Drain Def Und Pond Pond


Pa R th (u H m) Pond

n i

a r

D Pond

in a Dr Bounds End Farm

) Bowling Alley Wood m Drain u ( Pond th a P Pond

f De W a r Pond f d e B D Un d y d

Rosemary's Cottage



Paley T

r a

Tennis c

Redwater Farm Barn Farm k Court

T rack Track Redwater View Redwater Hill View Und Pond Redwater Cottage Bungalow

47.5m 54.2m

in Dra ide e ds a ag o tt R o e C 50.2m g ta ot C ill M

e g a tt o C m a Paley Mill e tr S

W 40.1m ar d B Pa U d th nd y ( um ) Collects

57.0m am Stre Hammer

Pond Cherry Cottage


ack Rock Wood Little r 37.1m T Hartridge Sluice Barn ) Path (um Hartridge Manor Pond Barn 70.6m

CR Hartridge Manor Farm 44.7m

M FB ILL E RS 36.8m T H U Hartridge Manor Oast ) MB Path (um


) Foxridge Wood






a Well Hartridge Manor

P 1 Cottages ) Folly Hill Farm Cottages

2 1 m 2


( Folly Hill


t Farm Barn

a P D ef

83.4m P a th (u m ) Folly

D Farm ef Oast P ath (um) Ponds

38.2m Brewers Wood

Folly Hill 2 79.0m Cottages 1 38.6m Trac CR k in Hartridge Manor ra 3 Cottages D

4 ) Foot (um Path Bridge

U n Saunders' Wood d

82.6m 5

D e f P ath (u m) Ponds Ponds

T rack 81.9m



W ack ar Tr Issues U d n Bdy d 45.7m

T ra c T k r 85.2m a c k Issues

Butts (disused) Pond 78.2m


ck k ra rac T T k c Cordons a r T





( u

m ) Pond

CR ) Pond Pond m

Pond Wood u ( Collects

h ) t m a h (u P Pat


d Amber Down Little Dale Farm Farm FB Pond P m) a th (u th Brewers Wood Pa (u m ) Pond

T Saunders r a Keepers c k Farm Cottage Collects ack r T 63.7m Pond Tennis Court

Pond Sluice Snowhill Barn Foxgloves Pond

T r a Pond c Little Pond k Fish Dale ck Ponds a Pa r t T h ( um Path (um) ) Pond

Ponds m) Snow Hill Rowland's Wood Path (u Allington Pond Pond Newton Moat May Cottage Hartridge House ) Path (um Thornstones 57.2m

) Pond Tr m ack u ( th Pa Bettenham Manor Pond

Pond Track CS GP 72.1m Pond 71.8m Collects 38.4m Pond T N 31.4m rack orth C ottag Su e P mmer a Ponds Pond h th ill ( Track u m 36.1m ) Well Sluice Dene k 37.6m Pond FB ac House r T

3 2 Bettenham Pond Cottages 41.6m

FB Folly Hill Cottage 1 Pond Little Bettenham 9 Pond 2



Bettenham Dr ai Barn n Badgers Wood CS Pond

ia l 70.6m 41.3m o 39.2m Bettenham n Oak Tree Cottage LO ag 52.0m k Dairymans NDON LANE rac M Pond T 43.7m FB

k c a Northwold House r T

Foxwood Belmont 3 Whitehouse

rack ) T Cottages 4 46.2m U m u n Whitehouse ( d Cottage h t Emperor a Staddleden P C House la ) y T t Hocker Oast ra o 44.9m m c k T nia u rac ( Pond Pond k th a Hillywood House FB P The Barn 46.4m Track Path (um) Issues Polmood Sunhaven T FB rac Pond k Hocker Edge ) Hocker Edge m rack u T Mad Dog ( Roxburgh Lodge Lake h t Footway Wood Catstail Wood a Shearnower P Shaw 84.7m FB Hillview Camden f T Lake e ack Cottage r Pond r Roxburgh Cottage a D T Hill c

k 2 Camden Hocker Edge Track

Green Gates Farm House Lorne House 1 Hill Meadow View Roxburgh Ridge The Oast House 47.1m Pond Letter Box Apple Tree Cottage Camden Hill Farm Issues 47.8m Three Chimneys Inn FB


T Hocker Edge r a r (PH) a


c k Nurseries k Pond

P Top Bungalow a t h ( u m Micklewood ) Track

9 2 2 Pond A Saxonhurst Saw Lodge ST ck Hilly Wood AR k a VE r N ac DEN Wood r Colliers' Green T T L The Bungalow Pond 48.4m ANE C of E Primary School Stump House Hillside Cottage Sissinghurst Park Wood Pond Pond Brewers Wood House Track Nut Hall

rm s a e 90.7m F g ta

2 ot

T Rydal House 1 C ra Collects c k Farriers Hall Glen Cove Nut Wood Chimney Cottage Pond The Homestead W ar U d Anvil Court Three Chimneys n d Bdy Pond The House My Lady's on the Hill Track Cottage Cherry Crest Pond Windrush Three Chimneys House

M ARD Innisfallen k

E ck c

N a a r r RO T T

AD 64.0m

71.9m White Ash Farm k c a TCB r Hammer T 67.8m Greenacres Pond




r ack Mount r a T y G View d S B Tra t D ck r E Barnoast e & Drain Pond a P m , C nst LB Co Pond o k C c a 53.6m H Watchman's r op T Apple Thatch Bettenham Pond P Pond ock Store Willowdene Wood et Mount Colliers' Green Hazelden Barn El Sub Sta CR House T Orchard View r a Farm c k ck Tra

Steddenden Telecommunications Mast Cottage Mount Pleasant Horse Race Path (um) Hazelden Hazelden The Grain Store House Villas Hayselden 51.0m Farm Cottage Hazelden Issues Track Oast Tra 61.4m ck Track Tra 2 ck ack Larkins r Couchman's T Pond NE Steddenden Barn A Toohoots Pond Wood L Y Goblins Moles Hole FB Pond ZLE Glade E The Tennis Court FRI Granary ck Oast Cottage a r

T Pond Sissinghurst Castle Farm

2 Cranbrook Common 90.3m 1 Hazelden FB 38.9m Cottages Couchman's s k d Garden

Manor Cottage c ers Cottage r Cottage a Oak a y Laneside r SPO r w d

T N G r S e ui LAN House t Japonica Cottage Pond Little q E ha S n Meadow c w Ponds Blenheim E r Tra he e Car Park ck i T T O Satins Hill Farmhouse r Lested View V ac

k Priest's House

2 T y 62.8m 1 r ac d e k n i d Well idg n

2 W R E Hawkridge Oast d 36.5m r Pond a

Friezley 1 Pa Hawkridge Farmhouse Satins Pond Coalpit Shaw t ch Pond h r (u Oast House Hill m O ) Oast

ack Tr Manor Barn Cottage 262 77.0m T Hayselden Manor r A a Friezley c Well Tower k Oak Hawkridge Barn Sissinghurst Castle Cottage (remains of) Tower m) h (u Lake Pat Merricroft Manor Barn Cottage 3 1 58.8m South Cottage

Degg's Wood Issues Pond The Manor House Pond 37.3m 67.2m Path (um) Sissinghurst Castle Barn 57.2m Hare Wood Pond Farm House Tambour House Hawkridge Cottages El Sub Sta


Friezley Wood 59.2m

P a th Pond ( u Friezley m) FB Pond mming i l w o S o P

) MARD 58.7m um E ( N RO W A D m) ar th (u a U d P th n B Pond Pa d dy 79.2m SpSehnacwer's




P c Dunley Wood a k k th c 80.7m a (u Vine Cottage r ) T m m th (u C a ) P



) 76.1m R M Lake Harewood Collects ob O m u in N ( P FB da FBs a Little Friezley l R e h th 51.7m O Lake t a A ( P u D m F ) ird ale Pinecroft Thie Cheerey Me ad ow 78.2m Pa s th )

(u m FB m) Pond k FB FB u Trac FB Lil y yd h ( ale t Bd a k D Pond P c E 54.3m Track ra T P & Heath Wood C onst, k C Trac Co



0 Birches Wood


Trelawne 3 54.4m Breach Wood

The Carpenter h (um) Pat 52.8m 84.1m 9 Crossways Cottages 22 A

Eagles GP 2 1

El Sub Sta A 262

Heath Wood 1 Cottages 3 Lower Boycourt Pond Mouse Hall Middle Boycourt Bull Wood Letterbox Cottage C ol Track l Ingleneuk i Copse Acre GP n g TCB w oo

T d El Sub Sta r 49.8m a c LB Boyscourt s k y AD a O Whitewell Farm r T RO LB w s C c RS s e o h HU g P t a G os a a t IN r t a r SS t n d SI C t g 84.3m o i e

C le 3 s Ambleside ack r

Orchard Whitewell Oasts T 4 Little Grigg ck P Dene Tra a Whitewell Farm Cottage t Christmas Pie Wood h

( u k Pond T m ac ra r c Santolina ) T k

k Wishing Well Cottage Roundshill Park Wood c


r T S 75.2m il Pond Woodville ver da le Oak k ac lan Tr k P T c h d a FB a e r T t O h ld 52.5m

N Pond ( u u rs S The Bramlings Pond e tr m a Tank Ford Hillside ry ch Ford ) na Nursery House Sewage Works Durley Brightside Totlands T Whitewell r 7 a Neave

c Pond Barn k

2 8 rack Sissinghurst 11 T Whitewell Lodge Heathcote Issues Dogkennel Farm 1

1 63.8m C of E 1 C 2 Tank Square Wood a 1 4 C

Te m OMM

r de 1 D r Primary School 1

a n

rai c 1

1 1

5 e 7

Ne 6 ON R BS n GO w SE Works Ti LO Copden Oak UD Ceylon House mbe C O 73.7m HU r A R s NUT D ST 1 B R 7 F C O O Pond S li A C T o D N s r E t Pond

h a

t D a i 3 ck R


g A 1 Pond

g 7

e G

e 7 h


u rn E

N Wents Wood r Pine age

Pond s 2 ou N


t 1 T

B 1 Mill Cottage ott K r Cottage S C a Kennel c Breach k Whitewell House F Holt

G The Market Garden l Cottage i Issues Mill 24 s r

h e White Cottage House 19 1 e 77.0m i



g w Manor w The Roundels 20 a 21 El e y Pond l Barn s Well Ruin l Pond Sub 59.3m CLEA Hen Pheasant


Pond 8 k Weald 1 E Cottage

Trac 4 l

S 61.5m 1 Cottage 5 in u

C Hen Pheasant

b Pond ra L CL 8 D E St

A 262 The Breach Farm A O a

V 1

S 1

Manor E

E 1

83.9m LB R 5

4 El Sub Sta

Farmhouse Oak Tree Farm S 6

5 Manor Farm 1 84.5m T


Breach Farm 4 1 1 a Pond S 2 PTON ck RAM Track C 64.6m H OVE W 1 h 63.7m Breach i El Sub Sta N t e 7 D 6 e El Sub Sta Wood 1 g us E N 2 a o 1 t e H S

Flishinghurst F GES a 2 TTA r A 26 ach E CO m e OUS T

LK H 2 r

MI 26 ack P 18 A ath ( he Br 90.8m u T m)


Flishinghurst Cottages 2 1 71.5m d Bdy r He

a rida

g nde A 2 FB 6 W d a MILL 68.7m 72.4m & le

LA D Cemetery 2

Four Wents Barn 1 W N Playing Field a E 10 y C s i P a onst, E A d 2 2 Mill Farm l s Lower 62 e 8 oug t Lomeer l Oast T e C o C 7 iew h MS V v as C h e i Meadow View T d 2 Copden Wood a 1 e o tl Bankside H Little mans Br w King George's Field e C E o Sumner M Mill A C HO tt 1

r S e 2 Four Wents 1 4 e t a

s H Oas Collins Farm

Lane P Farm d Little E t 3 ins

w P Col

70.0m 2 S

a 5

Pond Wilsley y Cottages O 2 72.9m 101.6m C 6 C u 1 m K age Plum Branden E Cott mer s Plummers Barn The Oast n Crown Pound oc T Farmhouse Ing C

Three Oaks k Ex Pond 4 GP l Ponds L Tel Avian The Old The Hoppins e C OS e 87.0m ot ag Cottage Pond Roundshill

w t T k

The Byway Nursery G FB Cot 9 h oo t e T El r a E os

FB een R e T d g N Rectory

Holly e D i S e T nk 4 The Lodge S G T h l h C s

Sub Sta t o i N a B Sports Pavilion o e The d

li a r er o n House n O w o e

e n a t b t d e s C t Hoppers Barn gs r l y tage er K d e t c e El l o Fircroft ot Cott

e o e

Oast Cottage c Orchard Cottage h in 2 A l h s Ba S n H W

1 ME s En t p g oat 1 C e RCH Aragon Farm Ho g a u 4 r Pond 3 s CHU k a

1 g il ' Sub p e o e 1 s Hol Camden Lodge t 2 Flishinghurst House d e C g a H Willow r t es o g use y H n

r h o tt i o The El ly a Sta w o F Twist g K C C un hur F Sissinghurst Place e l

e l 6 Milk 1 Sub Sta de e Dungeys h s t Trinity t o s B 3 Reed T Hall

l Kaianga l 3

Four Wents Cottages Pound s Collins Cottages At Last House Church 1 80.2m 1 (PH) War

Cottages s W TCB K

ingshe Place Pool nd e ad 5 The Oast House 4 ge Meml o ta st C Pond t W ottage P Co oo h Ver o dun Garden Cottage 1 ill dl l 2 m PC 1 Co

m S a 4 1 ttage GP 1 h s s ne nd e m

tt a e T Stunts Farm a

Oast o r r F HE STREET 77.1m C w 2 V a 1 e

C O 4 ood i r

Cottage e e 2 r Tennis t n 26 l p w T The Power

A d S o o h House


S e

l Court r o


t O C g

r W Oak 1 e

a Cot l tage o n

he St George's o p r g 2 G t ta Church t y


a t i t Pond a y a C t 2 House o n n t t er Oliver's t hor a o

e o n e d t ttage T 1 Flishinghurst n Garage Institute g He C

1 g e t o h h s o Pond e e P

LB t a W C 83.1m Cottages s s e ur C h T ' C e t a u 2 h Recreation Ground C t R v n s o o o e G s Pound C r e ' Park a o ob a ot s H t e t Pond W e t a t t

ag a C

Farm 6 Camden Cottages n a i s l h n e m i l View g ix n Hamm e i y House i o n C t e

e r e r g Whiteways o C ot r d

n The y R i e C c r y l

o S V 1 o u

C a t a C T Camden House t o c age s t Sunnyside Gatehouse ttag

o B hu a G set ho B Walnut Trees Pond g t s The Coach e t 229 r r a 83.4m t o ch H e e A Gatehouse Oast s g House

l k

e a

Camden s o m u

e Martland Villa s 85.0m p e

o House Oa

Sissinghurst R Pond A 262 eons Hill Side all Farm st GLap 80.4m Mylkehouse Pond


T Pond r Pinedene Island Cottage a ck 109.9m Pond Tennis

1 Pond Courts Pa Pond ANE P th (u L a m) CHALK th

(u m ) Tra Pond ck Track Playstole Sissinghurst Court Pond Pond

Issues The Barracks Little Branden Cottage P Wa a rd t B Cook's Wood h Un dy

( Flishinghurst Nurseries u d ) m

k m ) ac Flishinghurst Orchards Tr (u th a P Path Coney Wood


Pond H TCB

E I TL 75.4m T



Angley Lake E

Rock Wood L

Pond L



Pond N E Ponds 59.8m Milestone Wood Pond Drain

Pond C HAP in a 81.9m r EL D ) L Pond m AN u ( h E t R a ( P c O T o M r ack ur A k s N Track e ac Tr P o R a O t f h ) A Branden ( D ) u P m) a Five FB t ) (um h th FB Pa Chimneys (u Gravel Pit Wood m ) h (um Angley Orchard House 77.4m t a Lake The P Swimming Pool Track Oast Pond Cottage Pond

Und Pond

C FB r a n Pond e

Cook's Wood The Br T Oast ook rack Guernsey 108.8m FB Cottage Pond m) h (u Pat Mockbeggar 90.7m House M Hilly Wood Alder Wood Milestones i W 70.6m d i dl ls l Issues e C ey Spratsbourne H otta ou G e ook O re n Br s g e ra R ak e e n C Howlands Ru o C M s )

se C e m Pond F ott 1 L b 2 o o rc u r y y C t e ( e C ot a t s n g a rs 9 th Pond t o t e g er w Wilsley tt a e a s a g A22 P o

g e o e Green Pond FB d Fern Bank Old Mill FB The Gables B Pond BS e Pond C r C Oaklands 73.3m o y rBarnook 50.4m tt l k e a c Upper ge ra Rock Wood Cottage Willesley T House Drain Issues Well Wood Buckhurst Farm FB Spratsbourne Pa Issues 46.3m th (um Farm P ) er ath (u P The m) 50.7m a pp s Birch Wood B th U e Wilsley g 2 (u en 0 FB re tta Oast 8 m) Co 5 66.2m ilsley G W 93.4m Jai's Oak Und

Pond 76.4m 1

Wilsley 2 Pond Farm ) Cottages Forge Pond Tr (um ack Path

9 Cottage FB 2 22 97.2m A Issues El Sub Sta Sluice High Tilt Weir Wilsley Farm Farm

Lavender High Tilt 47.8m W Old Wilsley il Cottages H le Cottage T o s ra Pond u le Lake Chad ck se y

Weavers 2

S h 1 H a o w Holt u se T T r r Pond ac a c k Well k Willesley FB Garden Cottage Pond Oak Cottages use 96.9m P at High Tilt Farm Boundary Stone Ho Chantry h ( ch 3 um) oa Cottage Fir House C e FB LB Issues Th Hunters Cricket Ground House LB FB

WI 2


LL Path (um) Brooklyn

1 ES L 1 EY W Rugby Football a rd B The Wilderness d P Ground a

5 Coronation Wood y t U h G Cattle nd ( L 99.0m u A m

S Pavilion Grid s nds 16 i ) S 1 a n E es Hedgerow Cottage l 1 n t FB N g r 2 Path a 3 Te B Cook's Wood (um) tt od ou

U o o FB Rookhurst Collects C The C R Pavilion e W

Y T Cottages 9 Lodge r R ack O idenc A v o D r P 1 Fir Wood

P 14 Pond at 6

h ( 1 um


1 3

Courtstile 6 9 Broomey Issues ANGL

WA 9 LK k GP E o

6 Y Oak Hill Manor ro 0.91m RH

es B

8 e ag 7 ER 2 43.8m

VE n Pond 0

tt K I a

R t

o A o r

7 D 2 C

QU T gs C r 5

ac in Cattle Grid

ck K 3 k 1 ring a Glassenbury Park Sp r


2 2 7

8 Rogers Hill Farm in 1 ra r D

Pond e 1 k 1 Tank a ts t u 2 3 4 3 o Q C ) W m

Forge Farm 3 (u 1 h Isl IE Pat House and V

84.5m Co S

t T t 4

ages Pond 45.1m Angley Q 1 The Barn uaker WIF 8 S Cottage Hou 95.6m se 5 Golford Cottage Farm QU 4 AKER L C ANE HA The Round 98.6m 1

PE Park House The smine 1 Ja e L B 2085 ag The Park Lodge Hollies Cott TCB L Pond Collects A


E Angley Stud a Depot k Glassenbury The Clock The Oaks k c l a Pond e r House i Hill Oast g T 100.4m h Angley House The Farm The Square Pond Corner 59.9m 55.9m Long House 91.3m El Sub Sta El Sub Sta East Lodge Angley Park House rack The Oast T MS High Tilt Moat Pond Wildwoods Golford Filwood Place The Mews Highview Little Bank Farm Farm The Coach H Brig ou FB Pond se G El Sub Sta Hatch Pond ar 94.1m d en Golford Place

H Bungalow Glassenbury ouse Home Two Trees Oak P Pond Golford Lodge 60.3m 111.3m Wenman's Cottage Farm Roseacre at Golford Burnt Bank Wood h (u m Briar Knoll Sports Pavilion ) Glassenbury Hill Fontmell Tank W ) Windmill 6 Farm Th Chapel A T e P m Bel Canto Saddlehurst Farm rack T

u u Cottages E ( mp Tennis Courts Pa R Farm R h th L e H t O T Pond Forcett t a o ( r u h The Lodge u O e m) P s Playing Field e Y a D e R A t GOLE O Laylocks Golford NR 1 A A Golford Place Michael' D Jubilee Stables Tra Glassenbury LB s Barn Victoria c ack k r T House Forest View nd The Po Windmill Inn Haven Brindles Golford Cottage 65.5m 2 The Toll Went Ways Boundary Stone 1 (PH) Tennis Court The Flats Spring k Trac Glassenbury Tollgate Little Glassenbury West Lodge Godwin Rosemary Pond Lodge Cottage House f Cottages 2 Little Golford Gate e

D 1 E TL Swallows Farm LB ) Pond m l u 70.5m ( hoo h Sc t a TCB The ley y) P g Pond T n Golford House r Pond A ondar GP Oast Golford Gate a Cranbrook ck Pond (sec Church of England Primary School Ponds Pond 93.6m

ack D Little Glassenbury Barn r

A Pond B T O r ain R oa R r h O Y d t Golford (c D a R la P M

n o U d 1 Allotment u A B T r s r s N N ac S e R E Pond Gardens un k o O Little S 2 f S n ) AD i ) A n Br m Glassenbury L g w u Stream Wood 72.1m FB G e k ( r e e h m ll roo t Pond ed B a 116.8m P P e Pond ane Pond ath Cr (um) Path (um) Well Pond 6 Ilex Recreation Ground Issues Bowling Green

Crandon House 9 Cottage Tank House FB Tra ) 84.2m ck m 4 Cottage u Victoria Cottages ( h Waypost Meadow t 64 Sta a Corbins P Tank l Sub 14 C T E o H r t o a t

ck 1 a p 1 Hollybrook g e Harwood 16 e House 15 The Vicarage T 14 r Chittenden Wood

W ac 1 14 a k 13 Un rd ck B Tra El d d S OSE Allotment Gardens 11 y 54 7 um CL 6

Sub OATFIELD 12 (um) sebank Plantation Wood 9 o m 3 Path R Sta e 10 Bowling Green r fo n Leydene ld Myle



4 8 1

10 Church Cottages 17 ds Kirklan 95.4m 7 iew The Ponds 46 6 Hill V

Drain Pond 62.4m

5 ck 9 7 4 a 3 20 2 1 Starling Ye Olde Oast Middleton Farm Tr

23 Rydal Cottage

2 k

O 2 1

7 c

4 7 1 a 4 A 2 Stream View Sta 1 r ain D E b T T W

RI S rmington P


D r 9


VE 3 El Su 2 a 0

IEL 4 a

F 2

8 c t

2 D 3 32 e

CTORY e Pond

AFE DRIV RE 79.5m r

5 9 2

Tr Pond E l Playing Field a o 3 ck 3 Tr SH

ack o Pond 2

D 0


Issues Sluice EL 7 7 2

YTFI 28 6

33 Sports Pavilion


W 0 6 5 4 1 50 Play Area

6 Weavers Pond WH Blueberry LD Osborne Middleton Stables FB Issues TFIE 52 House Cottage

D LEAEA Surgery Swimming 77.1m H A 2 opden Cawthorne O TCB 3 W C Tennis Court

R Pool


5 y


r 7 r


ack 3 E



1 5

4 C 9 row 3 6 den r


5 Pond R b The

18 i Pond 14 A L House Angley Wood C Clinic Spotted Pond Stream Farm 58.3m k c Dog Walton Lodge 7 ra T A 229 Barham House Marlpit Wood

2 Dog Kennel Cottage 1 l 4 o Swatlands o D Campana ch A Willow Shaw T 22 2 Pond S

e 1 NE k RD RO rli 4 LA O

ng 5 Y o LF 1 o Hamilton H 1a r


u 1 2 alow b se 9 28 Barn Bung n Cottage 3 Tithe a 1 6 4 r C Cornwallis House Pond a Ba 3 k Badgers Mount 3 Old rg 1 5 The ac ate 6 c r

3 T D 43 5 Tithe k 5 Danes 3 A H a HENDLEY 1 Outfall c ouse 5 W 0 75.6m a H 3 Barn r E 4 TERRACE Woodside Lit C A St Dunstan's T CE RO tle L TF I M O IELD Carrandine S P V 3 t il LK a SE 3 ill 3 Beech H th ( R ton Grodorna D 6 A u SE o u Church k W H n m) P Hal ond s E 3 rse P

a bri LB Ho ta oo 3

t P r

h te 1 n El Sub Sta 1 1 4 O B (u 0 s 70.3m

R Museum e 2 m) s psons V d 3 12 er i Tanks h 6 n p 9 Jem She e Pond a a ow H Rectory w r

gal E C Crane House

) Bun ottage ND N C 1 2 ub St 8 Cotts R e

6 El S Drill DLE w

um 3 IV ( rack 1 e m Tank vill E 19 Pond

T rge a Rack Wood eo Y 4 n Tank Hall G 's 48 B P tre 43 tt u th en i a a The Moat o l Tollgate Barn P t AR C C d Sewage Works h d in ( Holly Cottage g Tollgate

u Wilwyn Pon

m) 1 FB

B 1 Farm

2085 CLANCY 17

1 5 Maryville El D 3 R LANE e 74.5m Oak Lea

Angley A FB c

O Sub Y 5 ck G to Whistlers ra Park R AR e TOR r T Hous C y The Tank DEN larke Sta H Playing Field or C RE in Pond Issues Lodge aj otts o Church a T Y M White rac

S o 24 u Gates k t ide 3 s S 1 ts e Dr

t 26 Elmbrook oa ngela C Horse The Church D A 4 a ) GLAS n M A n ne Ev 1 to Hall O eme m Drain e 16 (PH) House a (u ANGLE s Pond nd k 71.4m Windmill en m ad th T House ea Pa ra

S Hop d c

E Hawthorns 1 k House 8 2

Ten Acre Wood N Vine B Is 1 odge 3 L UR 20 Cott e su C 3 in Bir 14 A 3 P

Y R ch D a es UST 5 Whitecroft L Co L Lych Nash House y t E 7 7 O n t I 3 T

E de C a E 0 he G ge 2 Mast (Telecommunication) A d oleb F O m n T V 8 13 9 Gate Swimming Pool h I u T 73.7m in D m) n e N 3 a R s r M A 23 1 ra

u tone ook a 1 pl E 7 na P ack D 3 Dr Tr W e 5 7 1 C G s H a o Ba 1 3 on r th ( o a c y AD t d t r School or

L Pe 6 d a h e W de ea a R o 1 P T r C n S 5 B RO C O D ( r o ds s T r House a r e R um tt elan O w c A a A m o

p ge Ho 5 N C ho

k p w t 1 D o B 6 ot le 8 E t T a use 8 tage ) re n TCB George S of e C Lau nk 31 T e y L k GOLFO Chapel

H ott C RE 2 B r 1 J g a

a el Posts a 1 1 la w T H ck

t C ou Merrydown V s 33 T E 7 b h o 5 otta b S or ttage 5 m Hotel T C oo Cemetery i EE ir n 1 ll ds C r t Waterloo 62.1m C K a ine 73.9m ne Playing Field o o STR herr tt t gage 72.7m Bar C 4 y N 39 GH ur R r Pond Tre R 2 B os Yard C e A HI 1 e Co AN C Pea tt B ott ch T 76.1m 98.5m T 45 E re 7 h e C ott e L S A te L Chu FB

lla NE PO

M ime

a 3 ri 5 s 5

7 B Bk r

M 4

e s a c Orchard Lodge ad 2 9 Ten Acre Wood

ow A C nk h 9

cr il 3

) o s o 2

8 m ft E 4 a (u B ' t 7 5 S ig s 6 th ro F t

Pa ok The Garden House C ag MS

la O o 3 n 5 4 e H Games Court

d L Tre tt E F

2 a a e PH C 2 5 l 1 G C e r ge g m e ta v l 1 en ot e nton k e E Imber Tr C e 79.5m an r ees V lo ge B m s FB C ta H t

i ot t 71.0m

Y l ck 7

la o ont 1 H B 1 Court o 9 O Cranbrook El Sub lers C Ho u e

Lit J t But s 2 Pond

tle 20 Club o urs s ll e

W 7 t d C Builders Yard use 1

ack dh u GP o 1 ot r odc Lyn C P ar T A 22 ott rr s W Gu e y Ba Albert House B 3 St an Pond 208 2 n T 2 a Lyndhurst 3

4 Jersey k se 5 1 u

Fielden 2 House R M 2 1 o Cotts3 H 1 anger e s Bell View 1 id ws S 3 v 2 T a 40 Oak k D D Copthall St s Ho Bridge Club t s s 1 A Hazel P erd oo V r o h 4m b r I Cottages u l ep . Houses D' o m Sh ea e

Cottage l S B 83 PCs eb S C y l 1 ra g m 68.6m B is gle t H H esi a n a an t R m ou r r o Li t I 3 T A d Car Park D a 3 C o he e us enn e tt Issues tFl erhil 4 s G t e C T Pond H l E W d Li m e e The Lodge H r L F e 2 ind ig n se ig er g

h G a R itt L P ta

ab u t o 4 le h h a a o m s ar um l n C ARD C c 1 v e u l Y S 2 H m N g 1 il Pond FB de en r A in l Ho i P T e o Spring T r 6 Hou

ost ou o p

Or u l t S 1 he B s s C od HE ys d ta T 9 c R Pond Paddocks Paddocks T LB Cottages 68.9m s ot h U s 128.0m 1 e r o Ken g S e ls ttle e a S i r T S t e

h i oug EL Swimming Pool

33 e L g w t a Bungalow T r Op h u ages3 L Sunn g or t S Pippins

o e B Farm

u s C od d e y ot Y f 1 ir A O i p 2 h o Ol o a Chapel C R ll se Scott House La o H S m D t i ir t ou H l D u W m t t d u Springbank s ck o .7 A a d i u P 1 ot M o House Croft R M g s l er s a y 87 r e l d ri 2 r Horsley n e da F ne C H d a n Ken io o T to e 72.1m ge ill se

e y s w le Surgery a nnet

c C st i u Playing Field er M R C 1 e M L Place o T o t o Crusoe ill o

a M o EE t ott Playing Field t R o C H 77.0m t 4 Gleb Tennis ith r t ag ge M C k yr H ST D d otta Fire t G T Cottage tta H a HI e h o s H t ack t ge he e Br C Court r l a tt T a es c ge a 3 Station Eas o oo v F A W P ea o T 23 V en ar Ho H b n e E C Pond L NE i El HIL k t s W RO c M t L t b s bs 7 t S h u H Albion L er AD o e t oun o C i s t he a ri ng y e Sub Sta o 1 e L dge C e Cottage e a r er t is l a au o u Hurs al r n FB Hill t s s Jenn n d W L tt d FB e FB e end 1

s Copper odge r v t h a l 6

e th y E e 92.1m e W a age Scott House f r t n g 1 L t mo h l ma F t View o Pond a a l i y e T Beeches e c e a l o Hill Garden Cottage r Lan e s N l dsb r e r o C 7 Cr Bakersbarn im y s ur la ) eg H T ew s n 7 a T l ol St lie w House 4.8m b r e est El a House C n P m r rc K h C d s ey r p o ro L y e u a wa or a ttl n AD a ss in i odg r H w e i C RO ( p ng n le H Supermarket 6 e t c I sc a o e g lm L FORD Playing Field t h g nd gt d o h k A e n r a ar 66.7m GOL t r s u t A A c a ood on b T El LB d P w Posts ( T E ene e h s 1 Sh S T k k x r ou e ts ot e u W e o e ut r ac elei C ack Dulwich Preparatory m r a House ok Sub Sta 1 C T ac C C s 1 Tarb Angley Farm Cottages r r e Bottoms g r ) Solar Panels T h L a o D n ac Bungalow 70.4m School T New odg C ea eh 2 5 Fir Tree r h 7 a

1 h 7 c 1 House r u Ho Farm e i n DOC CB k l r 73.2m w ENS T

V s 3 P

Mast (um) B or t u 3 P

4 Minepit Shaw i 5 2 e l s TI th S l E

a Pond t e t a e T

P o h ouse C Recreation O OS ck 0 m 6 L 1 H

104.0m k Juniper ch o 1 R 1 C Springden a a D 6 r T e S a Co r 1 9 BAK Hazels

Pond ra n H 2 C R Pond T c H n o R

k o Ground 3 EOR (

T Hill h SSS O 8 6

he o u w s 2 b O c

u th a 1 2 ou C delon e 2 P 1 M T

o ll 6 2

u s T kgsa 5 Rammell House

4 Goddards Green cr l E Pond r

rt e h n l 5 WT Station oo o a

y ru H s 'S A a e o BB t S C r r oss T c d f o se N T G t k RO r h C und hi h a u c o W k e a E C e R

C Farm bles 95.1m s r lf T 2 F of o A s t a e D 66.1m a 71.6m ta i o U O 125.7m H I r ch Fencings Corn Hall D ir a r r e nd d ) H i S g l d

o l e s T A

Angley Farm R de 44 e Bd K ) u The Grange h

se Goddards Green Barn oc 8 D

o us 69.3m 8 1 t e n Oast O

Bak y m 3 o hl Hall 6 Ambulance Hom u O Coursehorn ( a WS e Glen E l H Baker's n R E 98.5m 's h 9 M tt d B Cross AN t s r 12 Station L i e L a ace orne L L f e

D d sideC SE a

err Brook O 6 E s

SE P a t T L 1 3 O A s 1 C e s tea

k) pri le We 15 N M 2

Stable Cottage O o c GT t M

ra ng TIN A Sh d VE GO Pond RO N 6

T R 4 R ork

( 2 50.8m

Pond STA 1 HU 3 W Pond BS

LEY The Catholic Coursehorn Barn


5 5 8 c

7 6 Oast View

8 Ol a Church of 1


d 2 r

ANG 7 e

Issues T 1 Oa

Brooksden St Theodore stl

1 6 C a R 2 ha nd The Orchard e 2 r s 76.7m d le BR 24 st l Dr an o

t 3 S Ja n

t C ou I s R 5 a C m ai

Shoemakers d The Oast

y 3 K O in

s t n Montana 102.2m D t o e

M tage E A

h 6 Baker's East Oast 1 1 N D

Pond ot 4 l House

a The Cottage

Goddards Green C 4 DE

nd 7

o t Cross


1 1 Loampit Shaw A N 7 s k

2 Playing Field House c

B 3 ra 3 2 R Orchard T P A Allot Gdns 4 o

a 3 se Coursehorne Farm Pond 4 C

t T 3 House South Oast Issues h 2 o (um LB C tta Pond 2 Pond r Spr ge NUE 1 St Damians TREE a 1 Issues S 1 E

2 1 i Lower n 0 ng V

) 3 7 A ck GH 5 Pond I e 2 C a H 3 R r Pond o Y Farm 1 L M tt os T

5B ag C a A e 78.5m 104.3m 1 ap TH q ot m Coursehorn Tra n e uar t ck ck House W les age ar ra ar M e 6 Oa RO iu y P Pond T e L K 2 k s 66.3m a Sw Cottages ml C L t 28 Co DO Orchard h im A (u Pond

ARDS ttag FB m m

8 W Ba i Pond

C Cottage ) ng GODD 8

1 2 1 e A k S o

4 tte P

2 ar o N

7 C

6 geros ol A

7 6 A

A T s 4 Dawn S 1

Pond N 8 AY Bungalow U 1 K Grove D 5 is TCB own w m Old Cloth Hall Little Ommerden T 2 T ado et Cottage GREENW S e C 4 RIVE M 4 C o EY D Br o u ML M t r GP A Oaklands a t s

1 BR y ag e

1 th h 3 19 6 T a he e o

8 1 m Pond F r C er n El Sub ottage ns Angley Wood Sta T

m) 2 he 1 7 9

u G Si

GODDARDS Pond Pond a lv CL 1 1 b

h ( 2 les erl

t 6 F Ommerden Lodge

a 4 R ea

P T 1 Y he C 8 TH ottage AY Lau Weavers End W E C Cherr rels

L El Sub Sta 1 THE OS Drain Crane Y y T FR

Co E Tr tta r 1 e g 0 e a e H 21 1 c Pest House Sp o k i use Fairways T nd r ri

ack P f NT 1 w t a 14

th E 3 lo Pond 1 T ( SC emuk

u 4 Hol Pond 125.6m m s 1 2 a Chittenden Wood ) CRE g

1 ro E F Cr on TH in Rivendell LB Y 1 2 7 R 35 FR ilvid Pond ean G th Ne L ar w

ASSENB Loc Gr le3 G

eenl idd Tanners t M o

Collects eas



9 o t

1 3

8 K M U W B FR 12 2 IRB ill T ood ev 8 r R e Y C Y 7 Q Br Dam a Y RO rle T L ua o Issues b HE rr o Pond c

ur y OS w k k

y W 7 ood 0

4 1



K 1 Wood Car Park 2 P Orchard Lodge la Pond a

Cou nd th

k 2 s ( 1

r 0

3 u tla Freight Cottage 2

Ford n C m) 7 rack) ds oo 1 C he Colliers Lodge Wood (T r ott rr

B s a y 7 LANE UE ge ey T W e 4 N l VE GOOSE 2 STAR hi 9 r 4 m a te VE Folly Gill an c La r ra N Issues die B av k C R A a s Orchard Corner E n O 11 RN rc YARD 1 End har AH H C TU 7 (Healt d illersd W OR C e Cot en h E n 6 e d'or tr TL 3 e) Club House 2 15 Bra

34 9 H ml o e w 11 u y Collects 7 NOR s Pond Golf Course C e

h 59 RISM Sha

el 7 AN O l E 20 PENNY ak rne ow FIELDS s ha ho

The Tile ven Pond

7 6 House 1 Ch 1 ourse

it S C ef

u 20 a 79.3m D 2 pa 1 x

Blowers Hole Wood Ho on

1 1 Blackbush Wood ) 1 use 64.9m Marlings (um th Pa 4 Oakhurst Farm 7 W 2 Pond 6 il Hemsted Forest l 1 o

4 6 w

Kiplings 3 77 Hawthorn den

7 1


Huggin's Hall 4 House Pond

6 9 O

4 4 1 2 The Oast House Cottage 22 ak P 38 ap at p h le ( 128.3m Pond Ac s Farningham um Turnden or Hancock's Farm )

ns FB Farmhouse 8

Cottage 2 6 Cherrybrook BR O

6 107.4m 1 r Farm od 1 O ch DN 1 AD P 2 a Starvegoose Pit Wood o OA EAR rd R P CL V W TURNDE Turnden a O ie th T T d 2 Turnden H R w Track ( 0 59 E Farningham Oast 1 4 E un u 38 C

o Cottages m) L

r OS

6 6 T

E ra

Courtlands Farm Courtlands 6 c er G 1 k

5 E

w 3 U

o 1 Pond 4

5 1 L 1 Pond AVEN TIL R


3 P

9 N D a

0 1 t UR EN h T (u LA m 1

to ) 3

1 Hancocks Farm House

W 4 N

6 Issues 5 IN E Pond k 41 CH c T ra r m) C T ack u L ( OS Pond Wingate th E a 8



Pond 6 Dr a 1 Hancocks Villas Play Area i k Glenn House n ac Pond Tr ck Huggin's Hall F Collects Tra REIG W CD

3 ar H T LA d T Pond B r a D d k U y c

c N ) k A n a r E f d AD O T Pond 85.2m FB o R Hadleigh LEY RO e s 115.6m T N 73.4m dy Issues r P a B A Marivent HAR u th d

o M (u ar Magpie Shaw c m W ( Pond T O ) Track Turnden rack R T k he c a N r est T El A ld Pond T er ra Sub ne ck T T rack W h y Sta e C est Cartref Ol ot war d ta W Nu ge d C e r n r a d s igd o e C v ry Pond ene h er e ri Sensible Equestrian Services 124.7m ng Folly Gill T Collects he t H on (Stables) Mount Little Farningham Wood ill S si la d tings e Ephraim Farmhouse OAD Pond TURNDEN R Br oad oak Pond

H l illc LB Oak Lodge Issues rof Pond s Gil t e High Hagu Pond Issues W Timbers es The Oast Barn Pond te W rl oodsi ey F P ai a r de t Vi h Pond ew (u m G ) oo dw Pond Two Acre Shaw oo Hartley Mount d Pond W e T stc ra r Poultry Pond c of k t Houses Farningham Wood B eu lah Flagstones Wa Pond Tilsden Oast yfa r ) ack ers r Pond

m T

Ha u ( wthorn Drain h Tiv Ha t n er rtle a ai Co to P tt n y Dr ag m Vi e 7 lla Garden Vec 120. tis Cottage k d ac Un Honit Hedge r o Tilsden T n w a House ys Tennis Pond L Hartley ilac El C Hig C Sub ottage h ou ook House V rt r The Freight LB Sta iew FB Bu e B n n 1 galo a 1 T r ho w C rn den FB 4 Hig Drain h V Pond iew Ponds Te k rra ce rac Lo T 16 4 n Pond g V Collects THE HEA ie Pond 1 w Pond MS 3 THE ain Bramleys RS Dr Spring 2 Pond

Pond 18 2 4 P Pond 1 le k 3 a Trac Pond Pond 1 V sa NS ie nt 30 w 75.7m RDE R 29 ose GA de Hagues Gill Tra ne ck 24 28 Lam T to Pond R 27 or The Cobbs

5 F na

Y E TL 3 lor Drain Pond 8 OU 2

R enc 0 3 C 4 1 2 1 9 e

HA 22 Pond B 2 Ford Bull Wood 3 Hennicker Pit in 0 Hen 1 Dra 20 C nik (dis) Drain 132.9m otta er Pond Pond ack 9 ge

r 2 s 97.3m Little Coursehorne T 5 33

A 2 Path (um) 6

8 Mast (Telecommunication) 1 E Pond ack TL Tr Ruin 36 Invicta Pond Ford Little

rack Coursehorne T 5 Pond 69.6m Water Works 1 Pond Farm Pe 31 2 H el ous D Reservoir e Farningham Wood rain 30 Ke (covered) nt ck Pond House ra Bull Wood Pond FB T Little Farningham Wood Greenwood W a Furnace Farm 24 r Glebe House Bram Tilsden Farm d oonek B w C rBar d ack ell lanna C y Tr 2 lan C Pond Pond AMP ION 19 C ES R ES AD CMPR ION CE O Play Area A NT R 53.1m C Moat EY

TL Pond

Track 1 R

Sheepfold 8

7 HA Issues

9 3 1 Ford

Furnace Farmhouse Ponds

Bedgebury Furnace


1 1 Ford Pond

Issues Chittenden Well 129.7m Pond

Sinkertweazel 2 123.2m Pond Cottages 1

age 2 tt Co Pond Pond rk ues Gill

ma 3 ag h 4 H 54.2m Furnace Oasts c T Pond en 75.5m rack B Cattle Grid

3 Dovecot Barn Chittenden Pond Track The New House 56.5m Oasthouse rack E T AN Pond Bull Wood Pond Pond 9 Pond DEN L 22 Pond k 85.4m A TILS ac Tr GLAS BS

SEN Pond Hartley Gate 101.0m Well BUR BS Farmhouse Forest Y RO Pond Chittenden Farm Cottage Pa Pond AD th y Sheepfold (u m Pond GP ) Pond Ba Pond Hartley Dyke Pond

T r B 20 D ac 86 Business Park e k Bull Farm Barn f P a th (u m ) Pond

Bull Farm Pond 125.4m

Pond T 81.7m en

) n

is C um Und (

o Issues th a Pond u P r 108.1m t Pond Bull Farm Ponds Oast Little Saltwood k 90.8m Farm c B FB a Bull Farm 208 r Und T Oaktree House House 5 98.9m C Pond o C Pond on 112.2m s Tk t, E Drain D Pond BS


W 122.7m D a r Pond C r ain

1 Hartley Hall D d Bishops Tank 6 Pond Pond B 1 Cottages

d y The Paddock Ponds Tks The Old Granary Hartley Lands w Station Hill Cottage BS Farm ha Cottages S Pond FF

nden d Tks ene Th Un e M Frisco B ob ile S Tks tatio n Cottage Pond Hous 106.8m Pond e Hartley Oast

k c a r Hartley Swattenden T Pond m) Farm House Ponds ath (u P SW ATT END U EN n Track LB LAN d 115.6m E rain LB 95.6m D Pond Pond Pond


Track 3 Pond Boundary Stone Ivy Cottage GP GP

2 Ponds 106.1m B 2086 5 Pond

6 e t a El Sub Sta g e C Pond Lodge l S 9 k CS c Dukes i r 9 Villas P 10 Pond Swattenden Pippins El TCB Swatt Oast 103.5m Dukes 6 enden Sub

8 2 WESTFIELD Pond FF Cottages Pond Barn 108.7m

TERR Woodside 20 Sta Tanks


Har 8 E Charity B

tley Post TL Pond 1 Council Depot Farm Glenco Drain Oast Charity Farm SW Kegwel ATTENDEN LANE rack Track l House Little Charity T D Kendor Pumping Station iRsR Pond ma Rosemary Cottage Ponds P k Little Doves ila a Trac Pond wn Oakside Cottage t at h Pond Playing Fields Pond yle Pond d

108.5m 1

4 Swattenden Cottages Issues Co C ons T t & r Pond W ack ard B Pond Cranbrook Dove's dy Masonic Hall Pond Farm Track 1 Doves Oast 7 Pond Dr

THE MEADS P 99.1m a a in




u 0.91m RH m

) ack r Sunny Acres T Pond Und Turks Swattenden 114.0m Oast Ridge Pond D

A Pond

O ack r R

Tyto 100.8m T T k S Alba Trac

R CS Hallwood Farm U Turks Place H Oast K Hallwood Farmhouse W


H k Tr c ac a k r Pond T Pond S W Turks A Barn T TE N D E N L Pond ANE WB Pond

T r ack Pond 2 Swattenden Gill )

k m 4 u ac 1 31 r ( T h t a Pond Rose Pond P Broomhill Cottages Bank Tanks Cottage Pond

West Weald Path (um) House Pond El Sub Pond Sta Pond

Edgehill 2 120.4m 1 um) C Chequer Tree Farmhouse Ford ( hequ h C Pond t o er a t ta tr P ge e s e Pond

Broom Hill Tennis Court Broomhill Nursery


BS Issues

Issues Tra Und Collects ck Collects

k ac r Pond T

T rac Hall Wood k Pond Pond Boundary Hill Crest Stone Robins Farm Wood Issues

Pond A


29 Hartley Hill

Pond Sharon Hill Crest Farm Oast

126.5m Issues

Path (um)


Robin's Wood Pond Path (um)

BS Gordon Wood Drain Pond Little Wood Swattenden Gill Und m)


th a P Pond Tingri Track ) m ack (u r th T Pa ef D


y RH a m



i 91

a 0.




l t Drain



m Pond


i D Issues

Ford Pond

D 114.9m


a i n T rack

S C Pond

Def Pond

Pond Pond Pond


P Duke's Wood ath (um)

CWo Cons ard B t & dy

Und y Guide E Def T d Bd Post L


W MS and BS st &


o C C k ac Pond Tr Und

Nightingale Cottage Pond

d Un 110.6m ) m (u th a P

Badger's Oak Cranbrook Wood Badgers Barn Und Oak Oast CD Badgers Oak

T Farmhouse unn

P el f a Pond e t f D h e (u D m)

Pond Ward Bdy Co Const & Pond Pond Eggshell Cottage Pond


Drain PARK LANE Pond Pond Foresters Cottage d Boundary Stone


) m (u th a P

H Little Cranbrook Wood







CS Starvegoose Wood Pond H k T



T r ac D

i k s m

k a n

ac t r l T e d


a i l CS w

a y

Toll Wood Und Boundary Stone T rac k T rack



t h ( Lemon Wood u ef

m D


Boundary Post

T r a ck

0.91m RH Path (um)

Ponds Pond f e D

CS Issues



T Toll Wood

Owls House

Oak House

Rooster Cottage Trenley Farm

Trenley Farm Oast

Pond Rakins Hole


RH Track This is a summary plan of the results

T r a ck ef D





onst &

o C





ack r T

Trenley Gill from the different groups

) m u (

th a P





ef CS D N scale 1:16,000 @ A1

14 Results of the Visioning Events April 2017 2 kms Cranbrook & Sissinghurst Neighbourhood Plan

Lack of pavements

Historic architecture

Disconnected housing C oun tryside vis tas

Dangerous roads

Public green spaces

15 Summary The results opposite are a culmination of all the contributions from the six groups.

For Sissinghurst, participants reached for the green dots first, conveying that they are generally proud of their village. The areas which gained most positive attention were the historic buildings along the high street, and important local services such as the shop and post office. Surrounding green space, recreational grounds, the school, church and pub were frequently highlighted.

The places to improve largely centred around Participants mark areas and buildings dangerous junctions and general pedestrian with red and green dots, describing their reasoning and thoughts. safety, with lacking or narrow pavements and common instances of speeding marked on the plan. Many people emphasised the disjointed nature of the more recent housing developments, along with dissatisfaction with their architectural quality. Better screening of the sewage works was suggested, as was the reuse of existing buildings.

The positives were nearly always marked down first.

16 Results of the Visioning Events April 2017 Cranbrook & Sissinghurst Neighbourhood Plan

Task 05 — Top Ten Challenges

1. Traffic Number of Appearances & Calculations

6x Traffic (1) (2) (1) (1) (2) (1) – 8/6 = 1.3 2. Over-development 6x Over-development (9) (1) (3) (3) (3) (3) – 22/6 3. Health services = 3.6 3x Health services (4) (8) (2) – 14/3 = 4.6 4. Affordable housing 2x Affordable housing (4) (6) – 10/2 = 5

5. Countryside Protection 5x Countryside protection (6) (5) (6) (7) (2) – 26/5 = 5.2 6. Lack of parking 2x Lack of parking (5) (6) – 11/2 = 5.5

7. Maintaining architectural 6x (maintaining) Architectural quality (8) (4) quality (5) (4) (3) (10) – 34/6 = 5.6

2x Village hall (3) (9) – 12/2 = 6 8. Village hall 4x Schools and education (2) (7) (8) (7) – 24/4 = 9. Schools & education 6

4x High-speed broadband (5) (3) (10) (9) – 27/4 = 10. High-speed broadband 6.75

2x Lack of public transport (10) (4) – 14/2 = 7

3x Lack of local employment – (9) (8) (6) – 23/3 = 7.6

4x Protecting shop and post office (7) (7) (10) (5) – 31/4 = 7.75

4x Non-school youth opportunities (8) (9) (7) (8) – 32/4 = 8

2x Opportunities for seniors and the retired NOTE : Only phrases and words that were (10) (10) – 20/2 = 10 nominated more than once were considered for inclusion in the top ten results table.

17 Task 06 — Audit of Local Services

This task asked participants Need speed restrictions (x2); Need a new to record the local services village hall (x2); Need more parking (x2); Need cycle path between Cranbrook and and facilities that they felt Sissinghurst; Need a 'Sissinghurst HQ'; Need were vital to quality of life to expand AONB; Need to expand school; in the parish. This audit of Need footpaths to castle; Need more buses; local services will inform the Need cross-country roads; Need a GP surgery. areas that need protecting and nurturing by the Cranbrook Schools (x7) (1x primary, 2x secondary, 1x neighbourhood plan. academy, 1x academy); Retail shopping (x6); Sports centre (x6); GP surgery (x5); Dentist Sissinghurst (x3); Queen’s Hall Theatre (x3); Library (x3); Shop and post office (x7); Pub/restaurant Free parking (x3); Banks (x3); Rugby club (x6); Church and rooms (toddler groups/ (x2); Churches (x2); Vet (x2); Health clinic Sunday School/Trinity Cafe/Room for (x3); Small and large Co-Ops (x2); Parish hire) (x5); Petrol station/MOT garage (x5); council / TWBC offices (x2); Museum (x2); Sissinghurst Castle and grounds (x4); Tennis Fire rescue and service (x2); Opticians / club (x4); Cricket club (x4); Scouts clubs (x3); osteo; Cricket club; Pet shop; Windmill; Recreation ground (x3); Primary school (x3); Farm shop; Children’s centre; Cranbrook Jubilee Field (x3) - fetes/community events; Primary; Farm shop; CAB; Post office; Learning Tree pre-school (x2); Public WCs; Butchers; Greengrocers; Toddler groups; Bun Penny Club; Tandoori (x2); Village Hall First Responders Community Group; Police; (x2); Primary schools work together or part of Solicitors; Accountants; Estate agents; a collaboration; Petrol station; Golf course; Funeral directors; Rammell Field; Cemetery; Hemsted Forest; Bluebell wood; Cemetery; Small community spaces; Local employment; Shared church/vicar with Parish. Hartley House care home; Assisted living for the elderly. Bus needs to run at night; Need evening restaurant; Need larger community facility.

18 Results of the Visioning Events April 2017 Cranbrook & Sissinghurst Neighbourhood Plan

Summary Sissinghurst residents most frequently highlighted their sole village shop as an important local facility. The pub followed, then the facilities hired by local clubs and groups, of which there are many. The landscape was clearly a cherished aspect of the parish. Participants also took the opportunity to highlight the facilities they are lacking. The improvements suggested were speed restrictions and more parking space, along with a new village hall, to achieve a “Sissinghurst HQ". Better public transport, footpaths and cycle routes were also suggested. This was Participants make an audit of the parish services and facilities. followed by expansion of the primary school and a new GP surgery.

Cranbrook has several unique buildings of local importance, such as the windmill and museum. The public sector is visible within the town, with the parish council offices and representation of the borough council, police, fire rescue and ambulance service. Many private businesses are also located within Cranbrook. Residents were proud of the many varied schools, the historic high street and sports facilities. Health services featured frequently on people's lists, as did the GP surgery and dental practice. Participants added a need for late night public transport, evening Participants note down the key services dining and a larger community facility. that they use across the parish. The relationship between the two settlements was stated as Sissinghurst providing the basic necessities to its residents, who then must travel to Cranbrook and elsewhere for more services. One participant added that the settlements don't support each other, and that there is a lack of unity.

19 Results Summary Cranbrook

Thursday 23rd March 2017


20 Results of the Visioning Events April 2017 Cranbrook & Sissinghurst Neighbourhood Plan

Task 01 — People & Places

In this task, participants Businesses & Employers were asked to discuss the Challenges challenges and opportunities High-speed broadband / phone signal (x5); faced by different Costly business rates/rents (x5); Too many demographic groups. similar retail and services, e.g. coffee shops (x2); Need start-up accommodation, e.g. workshops, Teenagers possibly on farms; Not enough eating places; Many leave Cranbrook to go shopping; Staff Challenges and retail turnover challenges. Public transport (x4); Entertainment (x3); Local Opportunities employment/apprenticeships/work experience Free parking; Good environment. (x2); Need a small Kino; Lack of meeting places; Lack of local leadership; Long distance Summary to further education. The parish provides an idyllic countryside setting for businesses, with free parking in Opportunities Cranbrook being a major draw. However, Sports centre/clubs (x3); Scouts/guides (x3); high tax rates and rents deter potential small Good schools; Cafes; Chip shop; Church; businesses from setting up shop within the Drama; Dance. town, as does the lack of high-speed broadband Summary and mobile phone signal. Teenagers in Cranbrook are limited by poor Participants highlighted the need for workshop public transport, lack of local employment and spaces, perhaps on farmland. Residents are entertainment. The desire for a Kino (small keen for small business to come to Cranbrook cinema) was frequently mentioned as a means and reverse the domination of coffee shops of entertainment for all demographic groups. on the high street, yet worry that the existing On the other hand, teenagers can join many hindrances will prevent the provision of sports and performing arts clubs throughout diverse shops and services. the town, and attend respected schools.

NOTE : The "x" reference records how many times that particular issue was raised by participants e.g. x1, issue came up once; x5, issue was listed five times etc.

21 Pensioners & Empty-Nesters Opportunities (none written) Challenges Summary Public transport (x3); Need accessible, The unanswered ‘opportunities’ section affordable living to downsize to (x3); Lack of perhaps says it all for young professionals meeting places (x2); Need more pedestrian within Cranbrook. The lack of affordable crossings; More respect for the needs of the housing, 1 – 2 bedroom houses, and evening elderly; Lack of health services; Lack of adult entertainment make Cranbrook difficult for education. this demographic to live in, as does the poor Opportunities public transport and phone reception. Clubs (x2); Sports facilities, e.g. U3A (x2); Business Association outings; CODS; Families With Young Children Choral society; Theatre; Volunteering; Local

enterprise. Challenges Summary Decent mid-range eateries (x2); Need more As in Sissinghurst, participants highlighted pedestrians crossings (x2); Need family friendly the lack of affordable housing of the right pubs and restaurants (x2); Need a Kino for all type, for people to downsize to. Road safety ages; Lack of public transport; Stone Street was a common concern, with a call for more etc is hazardous; Lack of clothes/shoe shops; pedestrian crossings and general respect for the Lack of affordable housing; Need better play needs of the elderly. facilities; Lack of primary school places; Costly clubs and support centres. The parish has great sports provisions, yet lacks in general meeting places, adult Opportunities education, health services and public Good schools and nursery (x2); Children’s transport. The performing arts enrich the lives Centre; Good range of clubs and groups.

of many, as do Business Association outings Summary and volunteering opportunities. Young children are able to enjoy Cranbrook due to the many sports and scouting clubs. Young Professionals Without There are good schools, yet these are Children oversubscribed and some children have to travel outside of the parish for education, Challenges using poor public transport. Participants again Evening entertainment (x3); Lack of 1 bedroom highlighted their wish for a Kino as family houses – private/mixed (x3); Affordable entertainment, along with family-friendly housing (x2); Public transport and rail links pubs and restaurants. As is common for all (x2); High-speed broadband / phone signal; demographic groups in the parish, parents Need a Kino; Need more sports facilities; Lack struggle with affordable housing and unsafe of adult education roads.

22 Results of the Visioning Events April 2017 Cranbrook & Sissinghurst Neighbourhood Plan

Visitors & Tourists Summary As with young people and pensioners, students Challenges are limited in their travel on poor public Lack of public toilets (x4); Need coach park transport. A lack of cultural and vocational (x4); Need directions and accessible info (x3); education within Cranbrook means leaving Need longer opening hours, inc. Sundays (x3); the town to experience such things, likewise Lack of places to eat (x3); Sainsbury’s instead of for evening entertainment. Cranbrook School Co-Op to improve attraction of town; Problem is a highly respected institution, and the local of unfriendly locals; Need to co-ordinate schools generally are well regarded. activities/events to avoid clashes.

Opportunities Historic attractions (museum x3, church, windmill x2, quality architecture x2); Free parking (x3); Independent retailers; Unique character.

Summary As in Sissinghurst, participants felt that visitors to Cranbrook are let down by a lack of directions and accessible information, along with no public toilets or a coach park. Many commented on a need for additional eateries and longer opening hours. However, Cranbrook offers great historic attractions, The Cranbrook event was well-attended such as the museum, windmill and churches. with over 70 participants. Quality architecture can be seen throughout the town and there are many independent retailers, altogether forming a unique character which is of great value to the tourism industry.


Challenges Lack of public transport (x3); Night-life is nil; Need more evening restaurants as in Headcorn; Lack of out of school facilities; Lack of cultural and vocational education

Opportunities Good local school education. Participants explore how different demographics feel about Cranbrook.

23 Task 02 — Top Ten Qualities

1. Attractive Number of Appearances & Calculations

6x Attractive (1) (3) (2) (1) (1) (8) -16/6 = 2.6 2. Unique 6x Unique (2) (7) (1) (2) (7) (3) – 22/6 = 3.6

3. Friendly 6x Friendly (7) (2) (8) (2) (4) (1) – 24/6 = 4

4. Distinctive 6x Distinctive (4) (10) (3) (1) (6) (2) – 26/6 = 4.3 6x Independent (8) (1) (9) (3) (4) (5) – 30/6 = 5 5. Independent 5x Safe (5) (5) (6) (3) (7) – 26/5 = 5.2

6. Safe 3x Cranbrook in Bloom (8) (5) (3) – 16/3 = 5.3

7. Cranbrook in Bloom 3x Free parking (6) (8) (2) – 16/3 = 5.3 2x Harmonious (5) (6) – 11/2 = 5.5 8. Free parking 4x Clean (3) (4) (10) (8) – 25/4 = 6.25

9. Harmonious 6x Green (9) (6) (4) (5) (10) (4) – 38/6 = 6.3

3x Schools (9) (4) (6) – 19/3 = 6.3 10. Clean 3x Cultural (8) (9) (7) – 24/3 = 8

2x Fun events (7) (9) – 18/2 = 9

NOTE : Only phrases and words that were nominated more than once were considered for inclusion in the top ten results table.

24 Results of the Visioning Events April 2017 Cranbrook & Sissinghurst Neighbourhood Plan

Task 03 — Limited Growth

This task tested how the • Modest but not complete infill in 131, 71/133, village could accommodate 129 (north section only), AL/CR4 – already passed; We need good road access a limited amount of new housing development. • Woodpeckers pre-school site if alternative space for pre-school found; AL/CR4 but with • AL/CR4 – housing needed (not to cross fewer houses than proposed at present; if the over River Crane, only western half); 131 – school does have to lose one field, then 131 on housing needed, affordable to be included; 92 – the corner of Oatfield Drive. executive housing; 122 – executive housing; No • Why 280? Need infrastructure to to 188; No to 25; No to 119; No to 132; Yes to 29; accommodate people; Small developments Yes to 120/152; Yes to 68 of <30-40 dwellings, not big estates to retain • No to 131, 71, 133, 129, 128, 132, as they are diversity; 71/133 – could be reasonable site as important sports/school areas; No to 188 and little used, but retain other playing field sites as 119, as woodland and farmland should not be green in Cranbrook is important; AL/CR4 – destroyed; Yes to 122; Yes to 70; Yes to 59; Yes OK providing we keep green lung along Crane to AL/CR4; Yes to 110; Yes to 92; 132 – no way!; Valley; 188 – seems opportunistic and desirable Yes to AL/CR6 and 271; Yes to 125; No to 130 but not sustainable as people would need to (east). drive into Cranbrook and add to congestion.

• Develop outlying settlements, e.g. Colliers Green due to loss of green spaces through infill

• Possibility of growth along A229, south of Cranbrook 188 and 122 prevent congestion in centre; More car parking in 110; 119 – good for utilities etc; AL/CR4 – dangerous access e.g. roundabout at Golford if site is developed and must be quality architecture if built on; 131, 71/133, 129, 130 (east), 128, 132, 157 should all stay green with green corridor spreading south from 157; Cranbrook town centre must survive.

25 Summary Many participants were worried about the impact future development would have on the existing traffic congestion within the town. Similarly, people voiced concerns about schools being at capacity and many children already having to travel outside of the parish for education.

A common wish was for new housing to be affordable. There was general opposition to sites 132 and 188, yet general support for sites 92 , 122 and AL/CR4. Participants frequently added conditions to the sites they supported, Groups assess the areas where new homes such as high quality architecture, fewer houses could be located at a future date. and good road access.

There was a clear view that special landscapes must be protected. Alternative sites were also mentioned, such as expansion of Colliers Green.

Groups discuss the different opportunities for new housing in and around Cranbrook.

26 Results of the Visioning Events April 2017 f De

f e D



BS Def Und

CD Stone Spring

T Und r Playfoot Wood a c k ck Tra


nd U CS


a in BS Drain Def nd U Pond Pond

Pond Pa R th (u H m) Pond



D Pond

Drain Bounds End Farm

) Bowling Alley Wood m Drain u ( Pond th a P Pond

f De W a r Pond f d e B D Und d y

Rosemary's Cottage



Paley T

r a

Tennis c

Redwater Farm Barn Farm k Court

T rack Track Redwater View Redwater Hill View nd U Pond Redwater Cottage Bungalow

47.5m 54.2m

in Dra de e adsi o tag R ot C ge 50.2m a tt o ill C M

e ag tt o C am Paley Mill e tr S

W 40.1m ar d B Pa U dy th n (um d ) Collects

57.0m ream mer St Ham

Pond Cherry Cottage


ack Rock Wood Little r T 37.1m Hartridge Sluice Barn Path (um) Hartridge Manor Pond Barn 70.6m

CR Hartridge Manor Farm 44.7m

M FB ILLER 36.8m S T H U Hartridge Manor Oast ) MB Path (um


) Foxridge Wood






a Well Hartridge Manor

P 1 Cottages ) Folly Hill Farm Cottages

2 1 m 2

u Folly Hill (


t Farm Barn

a P D ef

83.4m P a th (u

m ) Folly

D Farm ef Oast P ath ( um)


38.2m Brewers Wood

Folly Hill 2 79.0m Cottages 1 38.6m T CR rack n Hartridge Manor ai

3 Cottages Dr

4 ) Foot (um Path Bridge

Un Saunders' Wood d

82.6m 5

D e f P ath (u m) Ponds Ponds

T rack 81.9m



W ack a Tr Issues U rd Bd n d 45.7m y

T ra c T k r 85.2m a c k Cranbrook & Sissinghurst NeighbourhoodIssues Plan Butts (disused) Pond 78.2m


k rac rack T T k

Cordons ac r T





( u

m ) Pond

CR ) Pond Pond m

Pond Wood u

( Collects

h ) t m a (u P Path


d Amber Down Little Dale Farm Farm FB Pond P um) a th ( th Brewers Wood Pa (u m ) Pond

T Saunders r a Keepers ck Farm

Cottage Collects ck a r T 63.7m Pond Tennis Court

Pond Sluice Snowhill Barn Foxgloves Pond

T r Pond ack Little Pond Fish k Dale c Ponds a Pa r t T h ) (um Path (um ) Pond

Ponds m) Snow Hill Rowland's Wood Path (u Allington Pond Pond Newton Moat May Cottage Hartridge House Path (um) Thornstones 57.2m

) T Pond rack m (uth Pa Bettenham Manor Pond

Pond Tra CS ck GP 72.1m Pond 71.8m Collects 38.4m Pond T N 31.4m rac orth C k ottag Sum e P me a Ponds Pond rh th ill ( Track u m ) 36.1m Sluice Dene Well 37.6m Pond FB ack House r T

Map that accompanied Task 3 3 2 Bettenham Pond Cottages 41.6m

FB Folly Hill Cottage 1 Pond Little Bettenham 9 Pond


A D Bettenham rai Barn n Badgers Wood CS Pond


70.6m 41.3m nol 39.2m Bettenham Oak Tree Cottage LON ag 52.0m ck Dairymans DON LANE Pond Tra M FB 43.7m

ck a Northwold House r T

Foxwood Belmont 3 Whitehouse

rack ) T Cottages 4 Un m 46.2m u Whitehouse ( d Cottage h t Emperor a Staddleden P C House la ) Tr yt Hocker Oast ack o 44.9m T n um r ( ac ia Pond Pond h k t a Hillywood House P FB The Barn 46.4m Track Path (um) Issues Polmood Sunhaven T FB rac Pond k Hocker Edge ) Hocker Edge m rack u T Mad Dog ( Roxburgh Lodge h Lake t Footway Wood Catstail Wood a Shearnower P Shaw 84.7m FB Hillview Camden f T Lake e ack Cottage r Pond r Roxburgh Cottage a D T Hill c

k 2 Camden Hocker Edge Track

Green Gates Farm House Lorne House 1 Hill Meadow View Roxburgh Ridge The Oast House 47.1m Pond Letter Box Apple Tree Cottage Camden Hill Farm Issues 47.8m Three Chimneys Inn FB T

T Hocker Edge r a r (PH) a


c k Nurseries k Pond

P Top Bungalow a t h ( u m) Micklewood Track

229 Pond A Saxonhurst Saw Lodge

k c ST k Hilly Wood AR c a VE r N a DEN Wood r Colliers' Green T T LANE The Bungalow Pond 48.4m C of E Primary School Stump House Hillside Cottage Sissinghurst Park Wood Pond Pond Brewers Wood House Track Nut Hall

rm s a e 90.7m F g ta

2 ot

T Rydal House 1 C ra Collects c 160 k Farriers Hall Glen Cove Nut Wood Chimney Cottage The Homestead Pond W a r U d n Anvil Court Three Chimneys d Bd y Pond The House My Lady's on the Hill Track Cottage Cherry Crest Pond Windrush Three Chimneys House

M ARD Innisfallen k k

E c c

N a a r r T RO T

AD 64.0m 71.9m White Ash Farm k ac TCB r Hammer T 67.8m Greenacres Pond




r ack r

a Mount T y G View S d Tra t ck r ED B Barnoast e Drain Pond a CP & m t, ns LB Co Pond o k C ac 53.6m H Watchman's r op T Apple Thatch Bettenham Pond P Pond oc Store k Willowdene Wood et Mount Colliers' Green Hazelden Barn El Sub Sta CR House T Orchard View r a Farm c k ck Tra

Steddenden Telecommunications Mast Cottage Mount Pleasant Horse Race Path (um) Hazelden Hazelden The Grain Store House Villas Hayselden 51.0m Farm Cottage Hazelden Issues Track T Oast rac 61.4m k Track Tra 2 ck ack Larkins r Couchman's Pond T Steddenden Barn Toohoots Pond Wood LANE Goblins EY L Moles Hole Z Glade FB Pond The RIE Tennis Court F Granary ck Oast Cottage a r

T Pond Sissinghurst Castle Farm

2 Cranbrook Common 90.3m 1 Hazelden FB 38.9m Cottages Couchman's k ds Garden

Manor Cottage c ers Cottage r Cottage a Oak a y Laneside r SP r O i d

T N G r S L ew u A House t a Japonica Cottage Pond Little N q E h S n Meadow e c w Ponds Blenheim E r Trac h e Car Park k i T T O Satins Hill Farmhouse r Lested View V a c

k Priest's House

2 T y 62.8m 1 r ack e nd i dg Well i nd

2 W R E Hawkridge Oast d 36.5m r Pond Friezley a Pa 1 Hawkridge Farmhouse Satins Pond Pond Coalpit Shaw th ch (um) Oast House Hill Or Oast

ack 2 Tr Manor Barn Cottage 6 T 2 77.0m Hayselden Manor r A a Friezley c Well Tower k Oak Hawkridge Barn Sissinghurst Castle Cottage (remains of) Tower m) h (u Lake Pat Merricroft Manor Barn Cottage 3 1 58.8m South Cottage

Degg's Wood Issues Pond The Manor House Pond 37.3m Path (um) Sissinghurst Castle 67.2m 57.2m Hare Wood Barn Pond Farm House Tambour House Hawkridge Cottages El Sub Sta


Friezley Wood 59.2m

P a t h Pond ( g u in Friezley m FB Pond ) imm w ol S o P

) M m AR 58.7m u DE ( N RO W A m) h D a t (u r a U d P th nd B Pond Pa d y 79.2m SpSehnacwer's




P c Dunley Wood a k k th c 80.7m a (u Vine Cottage r ) m T th (um C a ) P



) 76.1m R M Lake Harewood Collects ob O m u in N ( P FB d FBs a a Little Friezley l R e h t O Lake t h ( 51.7m a A P u D m F ) irda le Pinecroft Thie Cheerey M ea do 78.2m P ws ath ) (u m m Pond k FB FB FB Li u Trac FB ) ly y d h ( d ale t B a k Pond P c ED 54.3m Track ra & T P Heath Wood C onst, k Trac Co C



0 Birches Wood


Trelawne 3 54.4m Breach Wood

The Carpenter th (um) Pa 52.8m 84.1m 9 Crossways Cottages 22 A

Eagles GP 2 1

El Sub Sta A 262

Heath Wood 1 Cottages 3 Lower Boycourt Pond Mouse Hall Middle Boycourt Bull Wood Letterbox Cottage C ol Track Ingleneuk Copse Acre li GP n 68 g TCB w ood T 49.8m El Sub Sta r a c LB Boyscourt s k y AD a O RO Whitewell Farm r T LB s C c RS sw e o h g P tt ar GHU os a a SIN r n a d S C tt ge SI 84.3m o ti C le

ck 3 s Ambleside a r

Orchard Whitewell Oasts T 4 Little Grigg ck P Dene Tra a Whitewell Farm Cottage t Christmas Pie Wood h

( u k Pond T m ac rack r Santolina ) T

k Wishing Well Cottage Roundshill Park Wood c

a r

T 75.2m Sil Pond Woodville ver dale

O ak ck land Tra P T h ack FB a e r T t O h ld 52.5m N

Pond ( ur u S The Bramlings Pond se tr m a Tank Ford Hillside ry ch Ford ) na Nursery House Sewage Works Durley Brightside Totlands T Whitewell r 7 a Neave

c Pond Barn k

2 8 Track Heathcote Sissinghurst 11 Whitewell Lodge Issues Dogkennel Farm 1

1 63.8m C of E 1

C 2 4 Tank Square Wood a 1 C

Te mde OM

r 1 D r Primary School 1

a n rain c 1 M

1 1

5 e 7 New 6 E ON BS GOU S Works Ti LO R Copden Oak D Ceylon House mbe O 73.7m HU r UT C A R s N D ST 1 B RO 7 F C O 29Pond S li A C T o D N s r E t Pond

h a

t D a i 3 ck R


g A 1 Pond g 7

e G

e 7 h n R u r E

N Wents Wood r Pine age

Pond s 2 ou t N I

t t 1 T

B 1 Mill Cottage o K r Cottage C S a Kennel c k Whitewell House Breach F Holt

G The Market Garden l Cottage i Issues Mill 24 s r

h e White Cottage 9 House 1 1 e 77.0m i



g w Manor w The Roundels 20 a 21

e El y Pond l Barn s Well Ruin l Pond Sub 59.3m CLEA Hen Pheasant

Pond VERS Sta


ck Weald 1 E Cottage Tra 4

l S 61.5m 1 Cottage 5 u

C Hen Pheasant

b Pond rain L CL 8 D E St

A 262 The Breach Farm A O a

V 1

SE 1

Manor E 5 1

83.9m LB R

4 El Sub Sta S

Farmhouse Oak Tree Farm 5 6 Manor Farm 1 84.5m T


Breach Farm 4 1 1 a Pond 2 PTONS ck AM Track CR 64.6m H O W VE 1 h 63.7m Breach i El Sub Sta N t 7 DE 16 e El Sub Sta Wood g N 2 a 1 t S e House F Flishinghurst h GES a 262 TTA r A CO m eac T


M 2 ack

1 A Pa Br 8 th e ( h 90.8m um T )

Bdy 6 Flishinghurst Cottages 2 1 71.5m d He ar rida

g nde A 2 W FB da 6 M 68.7m 72.4m le

ILL L Cemetery 2 1 A Four Wents Barn W NE Playing Field a 10 y C s i P a onst, ED & A de 2 2 Mill Farm l s o C Lower 6 8 t 2 Lomeer l Oast u T e C o 7 iew g h MS 155 V v a C h e i Meadow View T d 2 s Copden Wood 1 e oa tle Bankside H Little m King George's Field Br w C 54 E a M o Sumner n Mill A HO tt 1 C s

r S ea 2 Four Wents e 1 4 H Oast Collins Farm

s Lane P arm d Little E t 3 ins F

w P Col 70.0m 2 S

a 5

Wilsley y Cottages O 2 72.9m

Pond C 6 101.6m C um 1 K tage Plum Branden E Cot mers Plummers Barn The Oast n Crown Pound o T Farmhouse Ingl c C

Three Oaks k C Ex 4 l GP Pond Ponds L Te Avian The Old The Hoppins e O e 87.0m otta ag Cottage Pond Roundshill The Byway Nursery w t T k

G FB S Cot 9 h o e T El r o E os FB een R e T d ge Ne Rectory

Holly D i Sh T n 4 The Lodge S G T l h C s kers Sub Sta t o i N a B Sports Pavilion on e The d

lin a r o n House O w o ee

e a t b tta d C t Hoppers Barn gs r l y er House K d e t c e El l o Fircroft o Cott

e o e

Oast Cottage c h ing 2 A l h s Ba S Orchard Cottage n t H W

1 s t p g ME oat ge 1 C E e RCH Aragon Farm ag u 4 r HU 3 s Pond C k a

n 1 il ' Sub p e o e 1 s Ho Camden Lodge t 2 Flishinghurst House d e C g a t Ho Willow r e ot g y H n

r h l i o The s t El ly a Sta w o F Twist g K C C und hur F Sissinghurst Place 120 e l e l 6 Milk 1 Sub Sta

e Dungeys h s t Trinity e t o ds B 3 Ree T Hall

lls Kaianga 3

Four Wents Cottages Pound Collins Cottages At Last House Church 1 1 (PH) War

Cottages s W 80.2m TCB K

ings Place Pool nd h 5 es ead The Oast House 4 age Meml o t W Cott P Pond ot th age C o Verd ill o olm un Garden Cottage 1 dl PC 2 1 Co

Sh a 4 1 ttage GP 1 em s s n n e m

tt a e d T Stunts Farm a

Oast o r r F HE STREET 77.1m C w 2

V a 1 e

O 4 o iew r

Cottage e C r Tennis t n od l p T The Power

A 262 d S o

h House


S e

l Court o


t O er C g r W O 1 e

a ak Cot l tag o e

n a

h St George's o p r g 2 G t ge t Church t y


a t i t a Pond y a C t 2 House o n n t 152 t Oliver's t h a o

e or o n e d t T 1 Flishinghurst n Garage Institute g He C

1 g e t otta h h s o Pond e e P

LB t a W C Cottages u s s 83.1m e C h T ' C e t a u 2 h Recreation Ground C r t R v n s o o o e G s mmer Pound C rs e ' Park a o ob a ot H t e t Pond W e t a t t

a a C

Farm 6 Camden Cottages n a i g l s h n e m i l View g ix n Ha e i y House i o n C t e

e r e r g Whiteways o

o r d

n The C y Ru i e C c t r y l

o S V 1 otta

C a t a Ch T Camden House t o c Gatehouse a s t Sunnyside o a B G s h B g Walnut Trees 9 Pond g ett t u o s The Coach e e t ge r r a 22 o ch

83.4m e A Gatehouse Oast s ge House l

k Hou a

Camden s m

e Martland Villa s

85.0m p e

o House s O Sissinghurst R Pond 62 n Hill Side A 2 eo Farm a Galpl s La t 80.4m Mylkehouse Pond


T Pond r Island Cottage ac Pinedene

k 109.9m Pond Tennis

1 Pond Pat Pond LANE P Courts h (um CHALK a ) th ( u m ) Track Pond Track 159 Playstole Sissinghurst Court Pond Pond

Issues The Barracks Little Branden Cottage P Wa a rd t B Cook's Wood h Un dy

( Flishinghurst Nurseries u d ) m

k m ) ac Flishinghurst Orchards Tr (u th a P Path Coney Wood


Pond H TCB

E I TL 75.4m T



Angley Lake E

Rock Wood L

Pond L



Pond N E Ponds 59.8m Milestone Wood Pond Drain

Pond C H A ain P 81.9m E Dr ) L L Pond m AN (u h E t R a ( P c O T o M r ack ur A s N Track ck e a Tr P o R a O th f ) AD Branden ( ) um) P m a Five FB t ) (u h th FB Pa Chimneys (u Gravel Pit Wood m (um ) h Angley Orchard House 77.4m t a Lake The P Swimming Pool Track Oast Pond Cottage Pond

Und Pond

C FB r a n Pond e

Cook's Wood The Br T Oast o rack Guernsey o 108.8m k FB Cottage Pond m) h (u Pat Mockbeggar 90.7m House M Hilly Wood Alder Wood Milestones i W 70.6m dd ilsl le Issues C ey Ho Spratsbourne ot Gr e ook Oa u ta e Br se g e ran R k e n C Howlands R o C M s )

u s C er Pond F e ot 1 L b 2 o o c um r y y C t tt e e C ot a st n g a rs th ( Pond ott t e g 29 er w Wilsley a e 2 a s ag g A P o

e o e Green Pond FB d Fern Bank Old Mill FB The Gables B Pond BS e Pond C r C Oaklands o y rBrook 73.3m l an 50.4m tt k e a c Upper ge ra Rock Wood Cottage Willesley T House D Well Wood Buckhurst Farm rai Issues FB n Spratsbourne Pa Issues 46.3m th (um P Farm ) er ath (u P p The m) 50.7m a Birch Wood B t Up es Wilsley h (um) g 2 en ta 0 FB re t Oast 8 Co 5 y G 66.2m ilsle W 93.4m Jai's Oak Und

Pond 76.4m 1

Wilsley 2 Pond Farm Cottages Forge T um) Pond rack ath (

125 Cottage P FB 2 29 97.2m A 2 Issues El Sub Sta Sluice High Tilt Weir Wilsley Farm Farm

Lavender High Tilt 47.8m W Old Wilsley il Cottages H le Cottage T o s ra Pond u le Lake Chad c se y k

Weavers 2 Sh

H a 1 o w Holt u se T T r r Pond ack a c Well k Willesley FB Garden Cottage se Pond Oak Cottages 96.9m P at High Tilt Farm Boundary Stone Hou Chantry h ( 3 um) Fir House oach Cottage C FB LB Issues The Hunters Cricket Ground House LB FB

W 2


ILL Path (um) Brooklyn

1 E SL 1 E W Rugby Football Y a rd B The Wilderness d P Ground a

5 Coronation Wood y t Un h G Cattle ( L 99.0m d u A m

S Pavilion Grid nds 16 is ) S 1 n E es Hedgerow Cottage 1 n t FB N 2 Path ag dla 3 Te B Cook's Wood (um) o our FB U Rookhurst Collects ott o The C R C Pavilion e W

Y c T Cottages 9 Lodge r R en ack


A vid o D r P 1 Fir Wood

P 14 Pond at 6

h ( 1 um


1 3 Courtstile 6 9 Broomey Issues ANG


6 Oak Hill Manor ro 0.91m RH

es B

g 8 e

a 7 ER 2 n 43.8m

Pond 0


7 2 o t t a o A r DR C

QU T gs C r 5 a in Cattle Grid

c K k 13 ring ack Glassenbury Park Sp r


2 8 2 7 Rogers Hill Farm in 1 Dra

Pond er 1 k s 1 Tank a t u 2 3 4 3 ot Q C

W m) 1

Forge Farm 3 (u Isl IE Path House and V

84.5m Cottag S

es 4 Pond IFT 1 45.1m Angley Quake The Barn r 8 SW Cottage Hou 95.6m se 5 Golford Cottage Farm QU 4 AKER L C 98.6m ANE H The Round 1 A

P House The smine 1 E Park Ja L B 2085 age The Park Lodge Hollies Cott TCB LA Pond Collects


Angley Stud Depot a Glassenbury The Clock The Oaks k ck l a Pond e r House i Hill Oast g T 100.4m h Angley House The Farm Pond The Square 59.9m Corner 91.3m El Sub Sta El Sub Sta 55.9m Long House k East Lodge Angley Park House rac The Oast T MS High Tilt Moat Pond Wildwoods Golford Filwood Place The Mews Highview Little Bank Farm Farm Th e Coa Brig ch House FB Pond G El Sub Sta Hatch Pond ar 94.1m d en Golford Place

H Bungalow Glassenbury ous Home Two Trees e Golford Lodge Oak Pa Pond 60.3m 111.3m Wenman's Cottage Farm Roseacre th Golford Burnt Bank Wood (u 71 m Briar Knoll Sports Pavilion ) Glassenbury Hill Fontmell Tank W ) Windmill 6 Farm The Chapel A T m Bel Canto Saddlehurst Farm rack P T u u Cottages E ( mp Tennis Courts Pa R Farm R h th L e H t O T Pond Forcett t a ou ( r u h The Lodge O e m) P s Playing Field e Y a D e E R LA t GO O Laylocks Golford R 1 A AN Golford Place D Michael's Jubilee Stables Tra Glassenbury LB Barn Victoria c ack k r T House Forest View nd 133 The Po Windmill Inn Haven Brindles Golford Cottage 65.5m 2 The Toll Went Ways Boundary Stone 1 (PH) 129 Tennis Court The Flats Spring k Trac Glassenbury Tollgate Little Glassenbury West Lodge Godwin Rosemary

Pond Lodge Cottage 2 House Cottages Little Golford Gate ef

D 1 E TL Swallows Farm LB ) Pond

um 70.5m ( hool c th S a TCB y) P The r Pond T ngley Golford House r Pond A onda GP Oast Golford Gate a Cranbrook ck Pond (sec Church of England Primary School Ponds Pond 93.6m k

ac D Little Glassenbury Barn r

A Pond B T O r ain R oa R h O Y d t Golford (c Dr a R lan P o M

U d 1 Allotment u A B T r s r s N N a S e R E Pond Gardens c u k o O Little S 2 nn f S ) AD ing ) A Br m Glassenbury L w Stream Wood 72.1m FB G e k (u r el o emede h l ro t Pond a 116.8m 131 P P Pond ane B Pond ath Cr (um) Path (um) Well Pond 6 Ilex Recreation Ground Issues Bowling Green

Crandon House 9 Cottage Tank AL/CR3 FB House Trac ) 84.2m k m 4 Cottage u Victoria Cottages ( Waypost Meadow ta h S t 64 b a Corbins u P Tank 14 C T El S ot H r o a t

ck 1 a p 1 Hollybrook g e Harwood 16 e House 15 The Vicarage T 14 r Chittenden Wood W ac

1 3 14 a k 1 U rd ck n B Tra El 133 d d Allotment Gardens y Su 4 OSE 11 5 7 CL 6 nk

Sub mme OATFIELD 12 (um) eba Plantation Wood 9 os 3 Path R Sta 10 Bowling Green r fo en Leydene ld Myl



4 8


1 0 1 s Church Cottages 7 d Kirklan 95.4m 7 View The Ponds 46 6 Hill 62.4m

Drain Pond

5 ck 9 7 4 a 3 2

1 Starling Ye Olde Oast r

2 0 Middleton Farm 3 T

2 Rydal Cottage

2 k

O 2 1

a 77 1 ac 44 A 2 Stream View 1 r ain DR T T


S irmington P VE F K

I 2

D r l Sub St I LD 9

I VE l 0 3 E 2 E EL a

4 a

FI 2

8 c t


D 3

3 e

CTORY 2 e Pond

RE 79.5m r 5 9 2

Tr Pond l Playing Field a o ck 33 Tr SHEAFE DR ack o

2 Pond

D 0

7 L 6

Issues Sluice E 7 FI 2 130

2 6

YT 3 8

A 3 Sports Pavilion


W 3 5 40 1 50 Play Area

6 Weavers WHEA Blueberry Pond LD Osborne Middleton Stables FB Issues A TFIE 52 House Cottage A D 77.1m LE Surgery Swimming en A opd Cawthorne TCB 32 WHE C O Tennis Court

R Pool


5 y


r 7 r


a 3 E


ck a

1 5 9

4 Crow 6 de r 3 R n

5 Pond

R b The Pond

18 i 1 A 4 L House Angley Wood C Clinic Spotted Pond Stream Farm 58.3m Dog

Walton Lodge 7 rack T A 229 Barham House Marlpit Wood

24 Dog Kennel Cottage 1 l o Swatlands Campana AL/CR2 ho Willow Shaw c AD T 22 2 Pond S RO

e 1 ANE 5

rling 4 Y L ok

a 1 o Hamilton

Hou 1 JOCKE r GOLFORD 12 2 ow b s 9 2 ngal Cottage e 8 rn Bu n 3 Tithe Ba a 1 6 4 r C Cornwallis House Pond Bar 3a Badgers Mount 3 Old ck g 1 5 The a ate House 6 c r

35 T 43 Tithe k 5 Danes Outfall 35 AD a HENDLEY 1 c W 0 75.6m a RO H 34 TERRACE Barn r L CLE St Dunstan's T Woodside ittl AT ICE e F S M OS I Carrandine K P V EL 3 t il L a 3 Beech Hill 3 th to D Grodorna D n E 6 A (u SER o u Church W H n m) P Ha ond P s ok E 3

a lbri LB Horse ta o 3

t P r

h te 1 n El Sub Sta 1

1 4 O B

(u 0 s 70.3m s 2 R Museum m) son V 12 erds 39 mp i Tanks ph 6 Je ne She ew Pond a a ow H Rectory r

St ngal age EN C Crane House

Bu ott D N C 1 2 8 Cotts RI ewm

6 El Sub Drill DLEY

3 VE 9 (um) rack 1 Tank ville 1 Pond

T rge a Rack Wood l Geo 4 n Tank Hal 's 48 B P tre 43 u th en i a a C The Moat ott l Tollgate Barn P t AR d Sewage Works h in Holly Cottage g Tollgate

(um) Wilwyn Pond C

1 FB

B 2085 1 Farm

CL 17


ANCY GAR 1 Maryville El NE D 3 R e 74.5m Oak Lea

Angley A FB c

O Sub Y LA 5 R t ck O o Whistlers ra Park R use T r T e Ho y The Tank D Sta ts n Lodge ENS or Clark REC H Church Playing Field Pond Issues Maj ot ou ai Tra

4 e C White r ck

EY o 2 d Gates t i 3 s S 1 ts e D

t 26 Elmbrook oa ngela Horse The Church Daneme A M269A 4 ) G n ne Ev 1 to Hall O Dra LAS en 1 House um ANGL Pond 6 (PH) a 71.4m ( s den kme ad th T Windmill H a ra SENBUR ou a P in se Hop d c

Hawthorns 1 k House 8 2

Ten Acre Wood Vine ge Issues 1 Lod 20 Cott 3 Bi 14 C 3 Pine r A 3 Y R c D a h C UST 5 Whitecroft L ot L Lych Nash House y E 7 7 O n t I 3 T

E de C age E 0 h 2 Mast (Telecommunication) A d ol F O e m n T V 8 1 9 Gate Swimming Pool n he I eb T 73.7m un 3 G i D m) N a R st r M A 23 13 r r

u one oo a 1 an pl E 7 P ck D D Tra W k es 35 1 C a

G H a o B 17 3 on r D th ( o a a c y A th d t r School or

L Pe 6 d a e W de O ea a R on 1 R P T r C S 5 B C O ( r o s T r House ack r ew um t elands ONE ST A tage A o ORD

p Hom 5 C ho

p w t 1 D o Ba 6 ot LF le 8 t T use O 8 t ) r n George of age ee L nk 31 TCB G C aur y L k Chapel

H ot C RE 2 B 1 J

a t el Posts a 3 1 1 la o

w T Ha ck

t C o Merrydown V s 3 T E 7 b h ottage 5 ottage b S 5 Hotel o u m T C o Cemetery r i ir e n 1 ll ds C r t Waterloo 62.1m C K a i 73.9m Playing Field o o 72.7m he tt t ne gage Banr r C 4 9 ry N 3 R r Pond Tre R 2 Bur ose C Yard C e A HIGH STREE 1 Cott A P B ea N ott ch T 76.1m 98.5m T 45 E L re 7 e Cott he S A tell L C FB

a i N PO

M me hur 5 a 3 ri E s 5

7 Ba Bk

M 4

ead s ch Orchard Lodge 2 9 Ten Acre Wood

ow A C nk 9

cr il 3

) o s ot 2 m ft E 48 a (u B ' 5 S ig s 67 th ro F t Pa ok The Garden House C a MS l O

a ot g 3 n 5 4 e H Games Court

d L Tre E F 2 t

a a e PH C 2 l 1 G C e r g m 5 e age v l 1 en ott e n e E Imber Tr C e 79.5m nk r ees V l to ge Ba m s FB C o ta

il ot H t 71.0m

Y ck n 7 l o on 1

a ers C B 1 Court ot 9 O Cranbrook E H l Ho u

e Li J st But se t 2 Pond 20 l o

ttle Su Club l

W Builders Yard 7 l d C

ack u 1 u r GP r oodc 1 otts P s Lyndhur C T A 22 ot r s W t b e Gur e ya AL/CR1 B B 208 3 St n Albert House a a Pond 2 nk M T 24 a Lyndhurst

Jersey 3 se 5 1 u

Fielden 2 House R 2 1 Cotts3 Ho 1 a ew s Bell View 1 d n ST vi ger AL/CR5 3 a 2 ub 40 Oak s k D Copthall Bridge D Cl St H o 1 A ts P ds s o Hazel ol V Cottages ol S b r I epher .4m b Houses D'S our m Sh 3 ea e

Cottage B 8 PCs C r 1 128 a B m ag 68.6m is ngley ta H H es ane t RID m o Li r 3 r ou id Car Park T A us ae 34 C ot he enn F e tt G Issues e C T se Pond d H l E W Littl merhill e L F e The Lodge Hi i 2 indmi gh g R itt e P

G rn Laur

ables use r RD o 4 h a ottag um le n A char v l Y C S C m 1 Pond FB 21 H g ll Ba de en AN n 119 Ho T e Spring T P 6 Ho e o ood

osts ous u l C t Spri 1 h ysi s t THE u c d RU Paddocks Paddocks T LB o a Cottages h se Pond 68.9m 128.0m 19 e tle Or r or K g S ls e a e t SELLS 3 T S t e es

h ig n oug Swimming Pool

3 e Lit w t a g Bungalow h r 3 T r O u g

Sunn o e o Pippins Farm

u od H d AL/CR6 B Y s p C e y otta

1 A a f ir e O i 2 h ot Old o Chapel C RD l s Scott House L S t il i o H ld Springbank Da u k W r t t ump s oo A a u i u P r ot M o House Croft R M s l e 1 ac y 87.7m r g e l d ri 2 r Horsley n e da F H a n Ken io one T to e 72.1m t ill C se

ed y s w le C Surgery

c innet u Playing Field M ls R C 1 e M L Place o T o t o Crusoe il o

her a M o t eb ottages Playing Field t REE o C H 77.0m t 4 Gl Tennis it r tt ST ag ge M C k yr H D d otta a Fire G T Cottage tt H a HI e h o H t ack t g he e B C Court r le a tts T a e c g a r 3 Station s Eas F W ook o v Abb o e P THE ea V en ar C 23 NE ns Ho eb Pond L ic El 271 H W RO M t L t 7 ILL st t S hi u Albion er es A or e s H D t L oun o C t a ng y s 1 e er Sub Sta o ia d C a e Cottage e us er ish l au ott enn Hur al r ge n FB Hill t s J L d nd FB W e FB e e 1

Copper o r v t h a l 6 th y dg El e e W a age Scott House

nsd t n 92.1m ge 1 L t View mont he m F of a le i y e Pond T Beeches c a l ot Hill Garden Cottage r La e s e Newi l t dsb r e a r o C 7 a Bakersbarn im l y s ur l ) egar H T s n 74 a y T l o St lie w House .8m b r es El a House C n P m r rc K h C da s e p o ro L y e u a or ttle Cr AD a ss in odge r H e i ( p ng ngt l Supermarket 6 e tn c a t I dwa e H o ew g lm L r Cr FORD RO Playing Field g n d o h k A esc nb r a 66.7m GOL th r s d use ta A A c a oo on Ho T El LB d P T Ex w ene Posts S ( r he o 1 Sh e T u k W e o ot r ack c e us C a Dulwich Preparatory m r le a ok Sub Sta 1 butts C T a C C 1 Tar ck Angley Farm Cottages r i r e Bottoms T g r oa ) Solar Panels h L use a D ne Bungalow 70.4m T New o C e ch Ho 5 Fir Tree School r 2 ac d h a h 7

11 House ge r u 7 Farm ) i n D CB k lw r 73.2m


m V s O 33

Mast u B or t u PPENS

4 Minepit Shaw ( il 5 C 2 e s TI th S l

Pond t em th a e T

Pa ok C Recreation OR OSE ck 0 6 L 1 House

104.0m Juniper h o 1 1 C Springden a 6 r T e S an Coac r 1 D 9 BAK Hazels

Pond ra n HOP 2 CRO R T c H o Ground ob 3 ER Pond

k (

T Hill h SSS O 6 he 2

o u w s 8 c

u th a 1 2 o C lo 157 2 e 1 M T

ou l 6 2

s T 5 Rammell House s

4 Goddards Green cr l l E Pond u r

rt e h nga l 5 WT Station ooksden o a y ru H s 'S A

a e o BB t T Su C r rd o os s c T G ft k RO h C hil N h a u c o nd W e k e a E Cr e

C Farm b 95.1m s r R o T 2 AD F t f a o e D 66.1m a les 71.6m tage o U O rs ia 125.7m c H I f h Fencings Corn Hall irs r nd rd

S ) H ilden 4 l d

o e T AD

Angley Farm R 4 s Bd

K ) u The Grange h

s Goddards Green Barn oc 8

e o u 69.3m 8 1 t e Oast O

Bake y m 3 S h Hall 6 Ambulance H (u la O W Coursehorn Gle E le Baker's o nd R 98.5m 's Ho h 9 M tt m B Cross t n s ner 12 Station L e a ace or L Li f e

d ksideC E a

err Broo OS 6 E s

P a T 1 3 AD st 1 s t

pr le We 15 M 2 e

Stable Cottage TON CL o ck) G t M a

ra in A She d VE GOOSE LANE Pond 6

T g 4 R ork

( 2 50.8m


The Catholic 3 W Pond Coursehorn Barn BS

5 5 8 ck

7 6 Oast View

8 Ol a Church of 1

1 de 2 r ANGLEY RO 7

Issues T 1 Oa

Brooksden St Theodore st

1 6 C la R ha n ed 22 ds The Orchard rle 76.7m BR 24 st l Dr a o

t 3C S 110 J n a

t ou n IC s R 5 a m a

Shoemakers y d O i The Oast

3 K n in s t Montana 102.2m D o

th A e 132 M tage END

6 Baker's East Oast 1 1 D House

Pond ot 4 lan The Cottage

Goddards Green C 4 7 7

o t Cross

4 d EN 7 1 Loampit Shaw A 1 s k

2 Playing Field House c

3 ra 3B 2 R Orchard T P 4 o

a 3A Allot Gdns se C Coursehorne Farm 4 Pond

t T 3 House South Oast Issues h 2 ott (um) LB C age Pond 2 REE Pond r Spr 1

St Damians a 1 Issues 1

2 1 i Lower n n VENUE

30 7 g ck 5 Pond e 2 C A a HIGH ST 3 R r Pond ot Y

Farm 1 L M tag ose T 5 C 104.3m a 1 a TH A o 78.5m B p q tta mar Coursehorn Tra n e u ck House W les a ge rack ar e 6 O riu y P Pond T Me K 2 ak s 66.3m a Swim Cottages m L th l 28 Cot DORO Orchard (

DARDS CL A tag FB um mi Pond

D 8 W B Cottage Pond

C a ) ng A GO 8 1 2 1 e k S o

4 tte P

2 ar ool N

7 C

6 gero A 7A 6A s

T s 4 Dawn S 1

Pond N 8 AY Bungalow W U 1 K Grove N D 5 is TCB E own ow m Old Cloth Hall Little Ommerden T 2 T ad et Cottage GRE S VE e C 4 I M 4 C o LEY DR B ot u GP M r r Oaklands a t s

1 BRAM yth ag e

13 h 1 T 9 6 a he e orn

8 m Pond 1 C Fer El Sub S ottag ns Angley Wood ta T

m) 2 he e 1

7 9 G Si

GODDARDS Pond Pond ab lv CL 11

2 les erl

th (u 6 FR Ommerden Lodge

a 4 e

P T 1 Y a he Co 8 TH La ttage AY u Weavers End W E C Ch rel

L err s El Sub Sta 1 THE OS Drai Crane RY y n T F

Cot E Tr r 0 tag 1 ee e a 1 2 1 H c Pest House Sp o k i u T ndri se Fairways r

ack P f 1 w t


a 1 th 3

llo Pond 4 1 o T ( SCENT em u E Pond 125.6m m s H u 1 2 ka Chittenden Wood ) g

CR 1 ro E F Cr on TH in Rivendell LB Y 1 2 7 35 FR Rilv id Pond ean 92 GLASSE th N ar ew

G Lo Gr 3 c

e iddle Tanners t en M o

Collects NB leas


o 9 o t

1 4

8 KIR M U W B FR 12 23 il T ood ev B 8 l Dam r R e Y C Y 7 Q Br a Y rle T L ua oo Issues RO b H rr Pond c

ur y E OSE w k k

y W 7 ood 0 4 1


11 Wo Car Park 2 odl P Orchard Lodge a Pond a

Cou nds th


12 (

r 0

3 u

Ford tlan Freight Cottage C m

7 rack) ds ook 1 C he ) Colliers Lodge Wood (T r ot rr B E ta y

LANE 7 ys ge OOSE W 4 T VE G 2 STAR h 9 r i 4 a te VENU Folly Gill ane c La r ramle Na Issues d A B v k ies C Orchard Corner R an D Or 11 c YAR 1 End har AH URNE H C T 7 (He d illers W OR C alt de Cote d' entr h E n 6 or TL 3 e Club House

2 )

15 Br 9 aml 34 H o e w Collects 1 use y

Ch 7 9 NORM 1 Pond Golf Course

5 R

e 7 I AN 0 Oak ll SE 2 PENNY rne Sha ow FIELDS s ha eho

The Tile ven s Pond

7 6 House ur 1 Chi 1 o

t S C ef

upa 20 a 79.3m D

1 x

Blowers Hole Wood 2 Ho on

1 1 Blackbush Wood 1 u 64.9m Marlings um) se th ( Pa 4 7 W

Oakhurst Farm 2 Pond 6 il Hemsted Forest 25 l o 14 w Kiplings 36 Hawthorn d

77 en 7 1


Huggin's Hall 4 House Pond


6 O

4 4 The Oast House 1 2 2 Cottage 2 ak P 38 a app th le ( 128.3m Pond Ac s Farningham um Turnden or Hancock's Farm )

ns FB Farmhouse 8

Cottage 2 6 Cherrybrook

B Or

6 107.4m RO 1 Farm 1 ch 1 ADCL PEAR 2 a Starvegoose Pit Wood ood AD rd RO P V W TURNDEN Turnden a O ie th TH TREE 2 Turnden w Trac 0 59 Farningham Oast k 1 ( 8 4 u 3 C

ound Cottages m) L


6 6 T


Courtlands Farm Courtlands 6 c er Gr 1

5 k

w 3 Pond

o 1 4

5 1 L 1 Pond AVENUE TIL


3 P

9 a

0 1 t EN LA h TURN (u m 1

t ) 3

o 1 Hancocks Farm House

WIN 4 NE 6 Issues 5 C Pond k 41 H c T ra r C T ack um) L ( OS Pond Wingate th E a 8


4 Pond 6 D

ra 1 Hancocks Villas Play Area i ck Glenn House n a Huggin's Hall AL/CR4 Pond Tr Collects k FREIG Trac W CD

3 a H r T d T Pond B r LAN a D d k U y c k ) A n ac r E f d AD O T Pond 85.2m FB o R Hadleigh Y RO LE e y s Issues 115.6m T N 73.4m d r P a B A Marivent HAR u th d

o M (u ar Magpie Shaw m W (c Pond T O ) T Turnden ra R rack ck T k he c a Nes r T El A ld t Pond T er ra Sub ney ck T T ra W h c Sta e C k est Cartref Ol ott wa d a W Nu ge rd C end ra rse igd o Pond Che v ry e er ne r Sensible Equestrian Services 124.7m ing Folly Gill Collects T t H he on (Stables) Mount Little Farningham Wood ill Sl s a id t e in Ephraim Farmhouse gs AD Pond TURNDEN RO B roadoak Pond

H l il Oak Lodge il lcr LB Issues of Pond t High Hagues G Issues Pond W Timbers Pond es The Oast Barn te W rle oodsi y F P air a V de th Pond ie ( w u m G ) oo dw Pond Two Acre Shaw o Hartley Mount od Pond W estc T ra r Poultry Pond c of k t Houses Farningham Wood Beu lah Flagstones W Pond Tilsden Oast k ayfar

) ac ers r Pond

m T

Ha u ( wthorn Drain h

T t iv Har er tley a ain Co to P r tt n D ag Vill e a Garden Vec Cottage k 120.7m tis c a Und Hon He r dge Tilsden T ito n w a House ys Pond Tenn Li is C Hartley lac H El Su Co igh our ook LB House b ttage V t r The Freight St iew B FB a B e un 1 galo an 1 T r ho w C rn den FB 4 High Drain V Pond iew Ponds Te k rr ac ac L e r 4 o Pond T 16 ng Collects TH View Pond E 1 Pond 3 HE MS ATHERS in Bramleys Dra Spring

2 Pond 2 4

Pond 18 P Pond 1 le ack Pond 31 V as Tr Pond ie ant 30 w 75.7m RDENS R 29 os GA ed Hagues Gill e Trac ne k 24 28 La T to m Pond 27 or The Cobbs

5 F na


TL 32 lor Drain Pond 8 OUR enc 0 3 C 4 1 2 1

9 e R HA 22 Pond Bull Wood B 23 Hennicker PitFord 0 He 1 n Drain 20 C n (dis) Drai ott ike n 132.9m a r Pond Pond ack ge

r s 97.3m Little Coursehorne T 5 3

3 A 229 Path (um) 6

8 Mast (Telecommunication) 1 E Pond ack TL Tr Ruin 36 Invicta Pond Ford Little

rack Coursehorne T 5 Pond 69.6m Water Works 1 Pond Farm Pe 31 2 H el ous D Reservoir e Farningham Wood rai 30 n (covered) Kent Ho k Pond ac Pond Tr Bull Wood use FB Little Farningham Wood Greenwood W a Furnace Farm 24 r Bram d Glebe House ook Tilsden Farm B w Clan rBaner d ack ell C y Tr 2 nal an C Pond Pond AM PION C 19 188 ION R D P ESCEN A CMRES Play Area A Moat 53.1m C T TLEY RO Pond

Sheepfold Track 18

7 HAR Issues

9 3 1 Ford

Furnace Farmhouse Ponds

Bedgebury Furnace


1 1 Ford Pond Well Issues Chittenden 129.7m Pond

Sinkertweazel 2 Cottages 1 123.2m e Pond

ag l 2 tt Co Pond

Pond 70 k r

a 3 4 Hagues Gil 54.2m Furnace Oasts nchm T Pond e 75.5m rack B Cattle Grid

3 Dovecot Barn Chittenden Pond Track The New House 56.5m Oasthouse ack E Tr Pond Pond Pond Bull Wood Pond Pond SDEN LAN 85.4m A 229 TIL ack Tr GLASSENBUR BS Pond Well Hartley Gate 101.0m BS Farmhouse Forest Y RO Pond Chittenden Farm Cottage Pa Pond AD th y Sheepfold (u m) Pond GP Pond Ba Pond Hartley Dyke Pond

T r B 2086 D ac Business Park e k Bull Farm Barn f P a th ( um ) Pond

Bull Farm Pond 125.4m

Pond T 81.7m e n

) nis m

Und (u C h our Issues t a Pond P 108.1m t Pond Bull Farm Ponds Oast Little Saltwood Farm k 90.8m FB c B 20 a Bull Farm Und r Oaktree House House 85 T 98.9m C Pond o C Pond ons Tk 112.2m t, E 59 Dr D Pond a BS i & BISHOPS LANE Pond n

W 122.7m Drain a Pond CD r

1 d Bishops Hartley Hall Tank 6 Pond Pond B 1 Cottages d y The Paddock Ponds Tks The Old Granary Hartley Lands w Station Hill Cottage Farm BS Cottages Pond FF en Sha

d Tks T enend Un he Frisco Mo B bile Tks Statio Cottage Pond n Hou 106.8m Pond se Hartley Oast

ck a r Hartley Swattenden T Farm House Pond Ponds ath (um) P SW A TTEND EN LAN U Track 122 nd LB 115.6m E ain LB 95.6m Dr Pond Pond Pond

1 Track 3 Pond Ivy Cottage Boundary Stone GP GP

2 Ponds 106.1m B 2086

5 Pond

6 e t a El Sub Sta g e CS Pond Lodge l 9 k CS c Dukes i r 9 Villas P 10 Swattenden Pippins El TCB Pond Dukes Swattenden Oast 103.5m Sub

86 2 WESTFIELD Pond FF Cottages Pond Barn 108.7m

TERRA Woodside 20 Sta Tanks 1 CE 8 Charit Har E in y B

tley Post TL Pond 1 Council Depot Farm Glenco Dra k Oast Charity Farm SW AT rac Track Kegwell House TENDEN LA T Little Charity NE D Kendor Pumping Station iRsR Pond ma Rosemary Cottage Ponds P Little Doves ila a Track Pond wn Oakside Cottage t at h Pond Playing Fields Pond yle Pond d

108.5m 1

4 Swattenden Cottages Issues Co C onst & T r Pond W ac ard B k Pond Cranbrook Dove's dy Masonic Hall Farm 1 Pond Track Doves Oast 7 Pond Dr

THE MEADS P 99.1m ai a n





0.91m RH m

) ack r Sunny Acres d T Pond Un Turks Swattenden 114.0m Oast Ridge Pond


A Pond

O ack r R

Tyto 100.8m T T k S Alba Trac

R CS Hallwood Farm U Turks Place H Oast K Hallwood Farmhouse W


H k Tr c ack a r Pond T Pond S W Turks A Barn T TEND


LAN Pond WB E Pond

T r a c Pond k 2 Swattenden Gill )

k m 4

ac 1 (u 31 r

T h t a Pond Rose Pond P Broomhill Cottages Bank Tanks Cottage Pond

West Weald Path (um) House Pond El Sub Pond Sta Pond

Edgehill 2

120.4m m) 1 C Chequer Tree Farmhouse Ford (u heq h C Pond t ott ue a age rt P ree s Pond

Broom Hill Tennis Court Broomhill Nursery


BS Issues

Issues Track Und Collects TASK 3 Collects

k ac r Pond T

T rac Hall Wood k Pond Pond Boundary Hill Crest Stone Robins Farm Wood Issues

Pond A 22 Hartley Hill


Pond Sharon Hill Crest Farm Oast

126.5m Issues

Path (um)


Robin's Wood Pond FUTUREPath (um) HOUSING GROWTH

BS Gordon Wood Drain Pond Little Wood Swattenden Gill Und m)


h t a P Pond Tingri T rack ) m ack (u r th T Pa ef D







a 0.91m RH




l t Drain

n a Pond m


i D Issues

Ford Pond

D 114.9m


a i n T rack

What are your opinions on the differentPond housing options as beingCS considered by Tunbridge Def Pond

Pond Pond Pond


P Duke's Wood ath (um)

CWo Const & ard B dy

Und y Guide E Def TL d Bd Post ar


& MS and BS


C o C ack Pond Tr Wells BoroughUnd Council? Explain your thinking. Nightingale Cottage Pond

Und 110.6m )

(um h t a P

Badger's Oak Cranbrook Wood Badgers Barn Und Oak Oast CD Badgers Oak

T Farmhouse unn

P el a Pond ef t f D h e (u D m)

Pond Ward Bdy Co Const & Pond Pond Eggshell Cottage Pond


Drain PARK LANE Pond Pond Foresters Cottage Boundary Stone


) m (u th a P

H Little Cranbrook Wood







CS Starvegoose Wood Pond k H T




T r ac D

i k s m

a n ack t r l T e d


a i l CS w

a y

Toll Wood Und Boundary Stone T rac k


P a th

( Lemon Wood f u e m) D

Boundary Post

T r ack 27

0.91m RH Path (um)

Ponds Pond f e D

CS Issues

ack r

T Toll Wood

Owls House

Oak House

Rooster Cottage Trenley Farm

Trenley Farm Oast

Pond Rakins Hole




T r a ck ef D


d Bd



t &


o C





ck a r T

Trenley Gill

) m (u

th a P





ef CS D Task 04 — Learning From Other Places

Participants were asked to Summary mark on a plan the places The results opposite are a culmination of all the contributions from the six groups. that they liked with a green sticky dot and the places they As in Sissinghurst, Cranbrook residents reached for the green dots first. A common did not with a red sticky dot. occurrence was that residents highlighted the derelict Providence Chapel with both a green Places to be proud of and red dot, conveying that it is an important historic building yet needs to be revitalised and Places to improve brought out of disrepair.

Many appreciate the free car parking located at the Co-Op supermarket, yet would like the space to be landscaped better so as to screen it from view. Historic architecture, public green spaces, important local services and the AONB landscape were all popular amongst the participants.

The dominance of vehicles was again highlighted as a key issue, with concerns over traffic speeds and pedestrian crossings. One group felt that the High Weald Academy and sports centre need substantial redevelopment.

Participants mark areas and buildings with red and green dots, describing their reasoning and thoughts.

28 Results of the Visioning Events April 2017 Cranbrook & Sissinghurst Neighbourhood Plan

Lack of pedestrian crossings

Dangerous roads

Historic architecture

Local services

Attractive countryside

29 Task 05 — Top Ten Challenges

1. Sports and leisure Number of Appearances & Calculations

provision (Kino) 2x Sports and leisure provision (Kino) (1) (3) – 4/2 = 2 2. Traffic 4x Traffic (7) (3) (1) (2) – 13/4 = 3.25

3. Non-school youth 4x Non-school youth opportunities (2) (3) (5) opportunities (5) – 15/4 = 3.75

3x Countryside protection (1) (6) (6) – 13/3 = 4.3 4. Countryside protection 6x Diversity of shops (1) (5) (6) (4) (5) (6) – 27/6 5. Diversity of shops = 4.5 5x Housing growth (8) (9) (3) (1) (2) – 23/5 = 4.6 6. Housing growth 3x Schools and education (4) (4) (7) – 15/3 = 5

7. Schools and education Super-fast broadband (5) (4) (8) (4) – 21/4 = 5.25

8. Super-fast broadband 6x Community organisation and structure (10) (2) (8) (2) (10) (1) – 33/6 = 5.5

9. Community organisation 5x Opportunities for seniors and the retired (3) and structure (7) (8) (7) (10) – 35/5 = 6

4x Health services (6) (2) (9) (9) – 26/4 = 6.5 10. Opportunities for seniors and the retired 3x (maintaining) Architectural quality (9) (4) (9) – 22/3 = 7.3

2x Town squares and civic spaces (8) (7) – 15/2 = 7.5

2x Employment space (7) (8) – 15/2 = 7.5

2x Bus services (9) (6) – 15/2 =7.5

3x Access to recreational land (10) (10) (5) – 25/3 NOTE : Only phrases and words that were = 8.3 nominated more than once were considered for inclusion in the top ten results table.

30 Results of the Visioning Events April 2017 Cranbrook & Sissinghurst Neighbourhood Plan

Task 06 — Audit of Local Services

This task asked participants Cranbrook to record the local services Schools (x7) - Cranbrook School, Cranbrook Primary, High Weald Academy, Dulwich and facilities that they felt Preparatory, Rainbow/Woodpeckers pre- were vital to quality of life schools; Churches (x7); Vestry Hall (x5); Fire in the parish. This audit of station (x5); Sports centre (x5); Angley Wood local services will inform the (x4); Library (x4); Crane Valley nature reserve areas that need protecting (x3); Queen's Hall theatre (x3); Rugby club (x3); GP surgery (x3); Dental practice (x2); Police and nurturing by the station (x2); Playground (x2); Community neighbourhood plan. clinic (x2); Museum (x2); Farm shops (x2); Parish Council offices (x2); Fishing lakes; Sissinghurst Swattenden Centre; Small and large Co-Op; Primary school (x5); Sissinghurst Castle (x3); Health centre; Bowls, Cranbrook in Bloom; Milkhouse (x2); St George’s Institute (x2); 1 hotel and 1 pub – get more; Community Church and community hall (x3); Playground orchard; U3A; Vet; Bowls club; Memory Café; (x2); Good footpaths between; Poor bus Children’s centre; Fishmongers; Windmill; service/public transport; Pre-schools; Cricket; Banks; Post Office; Citizens Advice Bureau; Football; Tennis; Further north are trains from Film society; Cranbrook Conservation Area Staplehurst and Maidstone; Good community Advisory Committee; George Hotel; White spirit with newcomers. Sissinghurst needs: Horse; Hartley House; Rammel Field; Scouts Quiet lanes used for cycle routes; Community clubs; Ball Field; Shopping; Eateries; Bus hall; Kino; Network of bridleways to increase services; Petrol station; Footpaths generally; use of paths and cycle links between houses Golf club; Market town; Hub of AONB. etc; GP; More parking. We don’t want: Betting shop; Bingo hall; Games/entertainment shop; Multiplex; Keep shops on high street!

31 Summary One participant stated: “... the two settlements love each other and are joined at hip in spirit, not by housing".

On the other hand, some felt that the two settlements do not support each other enough, except for schools and health. Others stated that the two communities work well, with Cranbrook providing extra facilities that Sissinghurst requires. Cranbrook residents listed far fewer local services found within Sissinghurst than the Sissinghurst residents, yet Sissinghurst residents listed a similar Participants make an audit of the parish amount for Cranbrook. This perhaps reveals services and facilities. how Sissinghurst residents must travel into Cranbrook to access facilities, yet the opposite does not occur.

The same key assets featured on the lists, such as schools, churches, outdoor recreation and local clubs. A need for stronger pedestrian and cycle links was highlighted, along with the common request of a Kino for the parish and a doctors' surgery for Sissinghurst. Cranbrook residents also took the opportunity to state exactly which facilities they would not like to see. This included a betting shop and bingo hall, and a desire to maintain a vibrant high street rather than an out of town multiplex. Participants note down the key services that they use across the parish.

32 Results of the Visioning Events April 2017 Cranbrook & Sissinghurst Neighbourhood Plan

Task 07 — The Future

This task asked participants The best things about to think about the best things Cranbrook in Cranbrook and the things Sense of community (x5); Windmill (x5); that could be better. They AONB / Countryside (x4); Churches (x4); Free were also asked to describe parking (x4); Variety of schools (x4); Historic the village 15 years' from buildings (x3); Museum (x3); Independent shops now. (x3); Beautiful architecture (x2); Angley Woods (x2); Sports facilities (x2); Butchers (x2); “In 15 years’ time, Cranbrook Cranbrook art show; Banks; Farmers’ market; will be… Kitch & Stitch; Bowls club; Age Concern; Footpaths; Sporting community; Doctors; ...even more beautiful and retain its unique Library; Flower boxes; Tradition; Open spaces; character" Tea rooms; Fishmongers; Events; Vistas; Music education; Charming Wealden town; Queens ...merged with Sissinghurst into one big town, thereby losing their individual identities" Hall; Bypass (A229) keeps traffic out of town.

...over-populated, over-priced with over- stretched services, unless there is proper Things that could be better planning control" Public transport (x5); Diversity of shops (x4); ...obviously bigger, hopefully better and a Pubs / restaurants (x4); Parking (x4); Police place to make residents proud" presence (x4); Community centre (x4); Traffic ... a lively day and night town with high management (x3); Providence Chapel (change quality architecture, historic buildings to theatre or Kino) (x3); Evening entertainment retained, and affordable housing for young (x3); Youth opportunities (x3); Sunday total and people. It shall be a place where people will Wednesday early shop closure (x3); Pedestrian want to live, retain good free car parking, support local employment, and have local crossings (x2); Schools (x2); Affordable decisions determining where and how much housing; Vestry Hall access; Live music venues; housing" Street lighting; More community wardens; CCTV at night; Public toilets; Communication within community; Vandalism; Access to countryside; Use of school pitches by community; Medical services centre.

33 Summary When asked to describe the future, many participants feared that development would result in Cranbrook losing its identity and cause a huge increase in the local cost of living. The potential merging of Cranbrook and Sissinghurst was concerning for those who appreciate the distinct differences between the two settlements, as well as those wishing to preserve green space.

Others took a more positive view, predicting a vibrant town with conserved heritage and affordable housing. Participants felt that the Participants categorise different village best things about Cranbrook today were the features and facilities. sense of community and unique features, as well as the impressive AONB landscape. Popular sports and community groups and local services were frequently mentioned.

In terms of improvements to Cranbrook, the most common concern was public transport. The diversity of shops and longer opening hours featured heavily, as did the need for a police presence, evening entertainment and dining, and affordable housing. Many participants stated the need for traffic management, encompassing road safety and pedestrian crossings. Retention of the younger population was also a concern, which participants felt could be achieved through the Participants map issues and opportunities improvements mentioned. onto the parish.

34 Results of the Visioning Events April 2017 Cranbrook & Sissinghurst Neighbourhood Plan

Task 08 — Feelings of Safety

This task asked participants Congregations of youth outside the Co-Op to note down the places make the more senior residents feel uneasy, and participants felt a stronger police presence where they feel safe or would solve such issues. unsafe at different times of the day across Cranbrook. Evening & Safe

Daytime & Safe Generally the parish feels safe (x2); Rugby club; Cricket Club; Tennis Club; Bowls club; Sports Generally the parish feels safe (x2); Inside centre; Shopping on the high street. shops (x2); High Street (shopping) (x2); Stone Street (shopping); Library; Church; Vestry Hall; Weald Sports Centre; Ball Field and play Evening & Unsafe area; Angley Woods; Freight Lane; Woodland Roads and traffic at rush hour; Angley Road; Trust area. High Street; Stone Street; White Horse corner; A229; 4pm onwards more policing is needed; Daytime & Unsafe No social “clumping" (groups on the street?).

Stone Street (road safety) (x4); High Street Summary (road safety) (x2); Most roads during rush Indoor and outdoor sports facilities were hour (x2); Golford Road (x2); Angley Road; highlighted as safe places during the evening, A229; Ball Field play area (teenagers); Feelings along with the high street shops. As in the day dependent on age of individual – often ‘youth’ time, road safety was a big concern. Speeding congregating outside small Co-Op; No traffic and lack of pedestrian crossings make footpath to cemetery; More policing needed. navigating the town difficult, particularly at Summary rush hour. Participants felt that The White The overriding opinion was that Cranbrook Horse pub feels unsafe, as does the street and Sissinghurst Parish is generally a safe place immediately outside which is often populated to live. Popular community areas such as the with pub-goers. Again, participants felt that a high street and its shops, public buildings and police presence from 4pm onwards would allow outdoor recreation grounds were deemed safe them to feel safer. during the day. The unsafe areas were predominately due to road safety.

35 Night Time & Safe

The George Hotel (x2); The Milkhouse; Residential areas/streets; Streetlights needed (non-light polluting and ultra efficient).

Night Time & Unsafe

Crane Valley / Lane (x5); Lack of street lighting across parish (x3); Co-Op car park (x3); White Horse (x2); Carriers Road (x2); Quaker Lane; Outside the small Co-Op; Waterloo Road; Vandalism increasing at top of High Street/ Participants note down where they feel Baker’s Cross/toilets/Crane Valley; Old public safe at different times of the day. toilets; A229; Bank Street; The Hill/Baker’s Cross; Back of Wilkes Field; High Street; Fear of unsupervised teenagers so more policing needed.

Summary Participants felt that The George Hotel and The Milkhouse are safe pubs within the parish. Residential areas were also deemed safe at night, yet more streetlights are needed. This concern about street lighting was frequently mentioned, and is often a contentious issue within rural settlements. Similarly, rural lanes were felt to be unsafe at night. Groups systematically worked through the tasks in a two hour session. Participants stated they feel unsafe in the Co-Op car park, passing The White Horse and outside the small Co-Op. An apparent increase in vandalism was mentioned as a contributing factor to unease. As in the day time and evening, participants felt that a stronger police presence would help people feel far safer in such places.

36 Results of the Visioning Events April 2017 Cranbrook & Sissinghurst Neighbourhood Plan


Copies of the task sheets as used at the visioning events. Please note that because of time constraints, not all tasks were completed at both events.

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