Revised Register of Congregation Qualified Under the Provisions of Sect 3, Stat IV, of the Statutes of the University
WEDNESDay 4 fEbruary 2015 • SuPPLEMENT (1) TO NO 5084 • VOL 145 Gazette Supplement Revised Register of Congregation Qualified under the provisions of Sect 3, Stat IV, of the Statutes of the University aarnio, O M, St Edmund Hall aldridge, H D J N, Development Office andrews, K S, Development Office aarts, D G a L, Christ Church aldridge, S, Queen's andrews, L a, research Services abate, a, Linacre aleksidze, N, Pembroke andrews, T M, faculty of Clinical Medicine abecassis, M, Wadham alen amaro, C M, Linacre andreyev, C C L, Christ Church abeler, J, St anne's alexander, C a H, Merton angel, a G, Dept of biochemistry aboobaker, a, Lady Margaret Hall alexander, J H, Linacre angelou, C L, Development Office abouzayd, S, Christ Church ali, H, faculty of Clinical Medicine angiolini, Dame Elish, St Hugh's abraham, D b, Wolfson ali, r, Cancer research uK Epidemiology unit angus, b J, NDM Experimental Medicine abrams, L J, balliol alkire, S M, Magdalen Division abramsky, S, Wolfson allan, C L, Wolfson anonuevo, E, finance Division acheson, D J, Jesus allan, J M, bodleian Enterprise units ansell, b W, Nuffield ackermann, S M, Linacre allan, J W, St Cross ansorge, O, Christ Church ackroyd, J M a, Social Sciences Division allan, W, university College anthony, D C, Somerville acuto, O, Lincoln allen, a M, Exeter antonini, M, St Peter's adam, a K M, St Stephen's House allen, C a, St Catherine's antoranz Contera, S, Green Templeton adam, C S, St Cross allen, G f, Pembroke aoki, y, Dept of Physiology, anatomy and adams, a C G, Merton allen, J M W, St
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