Barley-Malt Syrup I Ner of Donna, Announced Some- Santiago, 3B: Lupe

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Barley-Malt Syrup I Ner of Donna, Announced Some- Santiago, 3B: Lupe 7/k BROWNSVILLE HERALD SPORTS SECTION =3 < > "■* r WICHITA FALLS PLAYERS WIN GAME FOR BROWNS --- Girls Team MORRIS AND RICHBOURG CHEER BOSTON FANS Swimming Back in Members Are £ Captain Traynor Taking STEER-PONY I Less o n s Pirate Senator Ye BOSTO^ifAM Life-Saving Chester “Lefty” Webb, who has Lineup; GAME TODAY teen trying out with the Houston FORT WORTH. April 11.—Of the luffs, has been unconditionally re- I 5S8L thirty girls out for the swimming ■ »ased. He will sign with the Free- Stars Hurt in Giant Game team at Texas Christian university, >ort of the South Coast Tarpons nine are taking life-saving instruc- Indians Will Start Gar* “ague. Webb twirled for the Tar- the of swim- J NEW YORK. April 11.—{JP)—The barnstorming Cincinnati Reds today tion under manager ► I tons last summer, under Uncle At 3:30, As Compliment had turned out to be Reds. After coasting through six weeks ming appointed by the Woman's Silly Disch, who managed the club “storming” of drill and exhibition matches in the south without a break be- Athletic association of the univer- To Wives i nd won the single pennant. Miss Elizabeth McKissick. of * * * cause of the weather, the Reds have been balked in their last three sched- sity, Cisco. uled matches, twice by rain and once by cold. They will return to Cincin- The Lone Star league may be a DALLAS. Tex.. April 11.—(/P)— '•cinnati Three other girls besides Miss our-club circuit this summer. Of- tonight. The Southern Methodist Univer- With George Grant and Walter McKissick have already passed the lcials of the loop believe however, sity’s Mustangs furnished opposi- Miller scheduled as pitchers for the senior Red Cross life-saving exam- ; hat six teams will enter before the tion today for the Dallas Steers. first game, the Cleveland Indians ination. They are Misses Valleda tart of the season on April 24. The Collegians will face Charlie • • • go to Birmingham for a two-game Penry and Marian Campbell. Fort Barnabe. while the Steers will face series with the Birmingham club to- Worth and Miss Margaret Roberts The Valley could have a four two and Dif- day and tomorrow. They deserted of Hitchcock. Others who will take right-handers, Lyles If someone would take club league I --.-- .__^ As a of train- their New Orleans camp last night the examination this year are Miss- fey. part yesterday’s the initiative and. backed by the the Herd defeated, 9 to 1. the on the trek north for the opening es G’race Jennings, Lubbock; Isa- ing, citizens In a helping way, organize Lone Star Texas amateur game with Detroit at Dunn field bel Sharp. Bessie Allbright and Gassers. it. champions. • * * Tuesday. Margaret Hodgson of Fort Worth, Home Run Wins and Madeline Westbrook of San The Wichita Falls Spudders tap- How about Harlingen, Corpus Angelo. ered off their spring training pro- Brownsville in A home run by a rookie outfielder, ihristi. McAllen and gram today with one workout. not believed Tom Jenkins, clinched a victory 4-club circuit? It is Manager Galloway apparently be- wants to enter. for the St. Louis Browns over the Jan Benito lieves his charges are in splendid * * • Tulsa Oilers yesterday and show’ed Herb another is about condition and the team will need Vernon Taylor is a high school Cobb, recruit, for the show. He let the DEMPSEYMUM only a little batting and fielding of Gonzales. He lost a ready big pitcher practice from now until the league's to Main Avenue nine of Oilers down with one hit in four game season opens text week to Keep Antonio Monday, 4 to 3. He innings. San the players in shape. struck out twenty San Antonio The Fort Wayne Chiefs made the ON CH! PLAN The San Antonio Indians made batters. How’s that for luck? mistake of putting in a pitcher that » m a bid for the favor of house- * has been hurling to the St. Louis V today Podraza Is headed for the Cardinals in batting practice all wives who stay at home as well as Billy Rumor That Jack And Com- hubbies who attend the ball iarden* of New York. His latest spring, and as a result the Chiefs l games by announcing games this year ictim was Kid Peck of Little Rock. bowed to the ‘Big Brothers” of bine Plan Chain Fight would start at 3:30 instead of 4 *odraza showed Valley fans scinc- Rickey’s farm chain yesterday. The Denied thus meals on hing they haven't seen in many tosser was Dominic Ryba. wrho along System, o’clock, insuring time. The Indians and a semi- ears four weeks ago in Mercedes, with a number of other likely look- team were /hen he outpointed Brooks Hooper ing youngsters, got Florida training. CHICAGO. April 11.—(VP)—If pro rained out yester- but a was in this f San Antonio by a wide margin. Travnor Third Jack Dempsey is planning on mak- day trip prospect * * • a his afternoon to San Marcos, for a 1 The Red Sox returned to Boston ing Chicago center of ring won’t in game with Southwest Texas State A ball player who stay today with only a series-with the promotional activities, he believes the Teachers Uvalde will bs condition—who violates all Braves between them and the open- in keeping it quiet. College. some oth- visited for a rules of the clubhand er of the regular season. The squad The former heavyweight boxing game Friday. be tolerated in or- ers—shouldn’t is in excellent condition with two Enthusiasm over Boston’s ball clubs is no higher this year than usual but smiles are forthcoming when champion has been in Chicago for baseball, if he is a re- ganized exceptions. Pitcher Horace Lisen- you mention Big Ed Morris and Laance Richbourg. two days but still mystery sur- T. C. U. ROUGH RIDERS nine times calcitrant on one club bee is suffering from a sore arm rounds the “why” of his visit. Jack’s he will be the same on J. R. a WIN INTRAMURAL TITLE out of ten and Pitcher Eddie Carroll is recup- By VESSELS a part ef their clubs for pair of but praise when the names of Big money man, Ed Cole, and Attor- Conditions may not be — another. erating from an attack of tonsilitis. BOSTON—(JP)—There aren't many ballplayers wearing Boston uni- Ed Morris of the Sox and Lance ney Arthur Driscoll, are due to- best on a certain club as others club owners to forms. FORT WORTH. the Both men should be jet by the first major league willing Richbourg of the Braves are men- morrow for a conference with April 11.—By works a on —and that hardship of next week. trade their teams for either or both Where nothing but criticism tioned. Dempsey. downing the Sophomore A team 24- of the the player. SENATORS Capt. Pie Traynor plays third base Boston entries, but there are comes Boston's way regarding the Here is a 21, the Rough Riders won the in- • • • pair of ball players, Jack declares their visit has a lot of them who would with clubs as a there's for the Pirates in today’s exhibition part whole, nothing either one of which would have nothing to do with Chicago. He tramural championship in basket- But there is no excuse for a play- When Bucky Harric left Wash- to with the Memphis Chickasaws, to several said there was to the ru- ball at Texas Christian university interest in ington, Clark Griffith found his brought pennants big nothing r not taking enough see how much his defective hip The Riders just league clubs last year. This is es- mor the Dempsey-Cole-Fugazy alli- last week. Rough ilmself and the welfare of the team club without a second baseman. “I’m all has improved. right again true of Morris, as a champions of the independent condition. His first move was to pecially who, ance was seeking a building here lot to stay in bring Stuffy and I must have some practice,” went the entire * * * rookie at 27, won 19 games for a as a of a league, throughout Stewart up from the and part proposed chain of Birmingham Pie told Manager Donie Bush. Bush Aggies a Longhorns club that finished last. With either season without defeat. The I We know the general demeanor club. him it. sport palaces. consented to let try the Giants, Athletics or Cubs, Mor- sophomore A team, after winning certain clubs work a hardship Griffith always thought well of of Sens Injured ris would have meant a the A title, won the it is an pennant. Reports from the Danville. 111., league right 5 on certain players, and Stewart as a second baseman but The Nationals were Cross Bats 12-13 Washington April With a first-division club to of St. Louis to play for the championship by can be help training camp the i injustice. Those things had little use for him during Har- in their own backyard today to show him along, he easily would have-won Cardinal farm hands, are that downing the B league champs. rectified, and are, in most cases. ris’ regime. Stuffy was up with the homefolks some of the power * • • 25 games and probably several more Pitcher Eddie will be named Eight members of the Riders will the Senators in 1925 and 1927 but the sensation Dyer that has made them AUSTIN, Tex.. April 11.—Crip- maine poisoning, but it is doubtful than that.
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