SINGAPORE – Tech Day EN SINGAPORE – Tech Day Monday, March 24th 2014 – 10:30 to 17:00 ICANN – Singapore, Singapore UNIDENTIFIED: …are you seeing? Okay. This is Singapore 49, room Olivia, date March 24, 2014, time 10:30 Start ccNSO tech day. [OPEN MIC] EBERHARD LISSE: All right then. Good morning. Can everybody in the back sit down so I don’t have to call you by name? Okay. Welcome to the 23rd Tech Day. We are not calling it ccNSO Tech Day anymore. We are, as you all know, are trying to widen the audience, so current events apparently have overtaken us, and we scheduled a second meeting about the NTIA invitation for proposals, but to our meeting, but let’s see whether this improves in the afternoon. This time we have got quite a packed agenda. I actually had to ask Christina to get us some more time because we were so fully booked that I didn’t want to cut the lunch time off. So we had to start half an hour early, and as usual, I must shout at everybody who is here for the other one, so I’m not here being late on things like this. In the beginning, we do three things about measurements. The ATLAS project will be demonstrated by Jaap. Edward Cocker from the University of Auckland, I think, in New Zealand, has got Note: The following is the output resulting from transcribing an audio file into a word/text document. Although the transcription is largely accurate, in some cases may be incomplete or inaccurate due to inaudible passages and grammatical corrections.
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