Subsystem symmetry enriched topological order in three dimensions

David T. Stephen ,1,2 José Garre-Rubio ,3,4 Arpit Dua,5,6 and Dominic J. Williamson7 1Max-Planck-Institut für Quantenoptik, Hans-Kopfermann-Straße 1, 85748 Garching, Germany 2Munich Center for Quantum Science and Technology, Schellingstraße 4, 80799 München, Germany 3Departamento de Análisis Matemático y Matemática Aplicada, UCM, 28040 Madrid, Spain 4ICMAT, C/ Nicolás Cabrera, Campus de Cantoblanco, 28049 Madrid, Spain 5Department of , Yale University, New Haven, Connecticut 06511, USA 6Yale Quantum Institute, Yale University, New Haven, Connecticut 06511, USA 7Stanford Institute for Theoretical Physics, Stanford University, Stanford, California 94305, USA

(Received 16 April 2020; revised 27 July 2020; accepted 3 August 2020; published 28 August 2020)

We introduce a model of three-dimensional (3D) topological order enriched by planar subsystem symmetries. The model is constructed starting from the 3D , whose ground state can be viewed as an equal-weight superposition of two-dimensional (2D) membrane coverings. We then decorate those membranes with 2D cluster states possessing symmetry-protected topological order under linelike subsystem symmetries. This endows the decorated model with planar subsystem symmetries under which the looplike excitations of the toric code fractionalize, resulting in an extensive degeneracy per unit length of the excitation. We also show that the value of the topological entanglement entropy is larger than that of the toric code for certain bipartitions due to the subsystem symmetry enrichment. Our model can be obtained by gauging the global symmetry of a short-range entangled model which has symmetry-protected topological order coming from an interplay of global and subsystem symmetries. We study the nontrivial action of the symmetries on boundary of this model, uncovering a mixed boundary anomaly between global and subsystem symmetries. To further study this interplay, we consider gauging several different subgroups of the total symmetry. The resulting network of models, which includes models with fracton topological order, showcases more of the possible types of subsystem symmetry enrichment that can occur in 3D.

DOI: 10.1103/PhysRevResearch.2.033331

I. INTRODUCTION to conventional SPT phases such as extensive edge degen- eracy and unique entanglement properties. They also serve A new paradigm in the classification of gapped phases of as resources for quantum computation via the paradigm of matter has recently begun thanks to the discovery of models measurement-based quantum computation [23–29]. with novel subdimensional physics. This includes the fracton In this paper, we build on this paradigm of subdimensional topological phases [1–12], in which topological physics by considering how topological order may be en- are either immobile or confined to move only within subsys- riched in the presence of subsystem symmetries. We call such tem such as lines or planes, as well as models with subsystem order subsystem symmetry enriched topological (SSET) order. symmetries, which are symmetries that act nontrivially only For global symmetries, the theory of symmetry enriched on rigid subsystems of the entire system [7,8,13–29]. These topological (SET) phases of matter is well developed, and two types of models are dual since gauging subsystem sym- is characterized by a nontrivial action of the symmetry on metries can result in fracton topological order, analogous to the topological excitations [30–35]. In two dimensions (2D), how topological order can be obtained by gauging a global these excitations are pointlike . The symmetry can act symmetry [7,8,15]. Models with subsystem symmetries are on the anyons by permuting them, and the anyons may also also interesting in their own right. For example, one may use carry a fractional symmetry charge, which means that the them to define symmetry-protected topological (SPT) phases, action of the symmetry on a state containing several anyons giving rise to the so-called subsystem SPT (SSPT) phases reduces to nontrivial projective actions localized around each [16–22,26,28]. SSPT phases display new physics compared . For example, in with SO(3) spin rotation symmetry, the whole system forms a spin singlet, but indi- vidual anyons, i.e., spinons, may have nontrivial spin, and hence carry a degeneracy that is protected by the symmetry. Published by the American Physical Society under the terms of the Crucially, single anyons cannot be created, and any physical Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International license. Further state containing some anyons will transform under symme- distribution of this work must maintain attribution to the author(s) try overall in a trivial manner, despite the nontrivial action and the published article’s title, journal citation, and DOI. Open on each anyon. In three dimensions (3D), the situation is access publication funded by the Max Planck Society. made more complicated by the presence of extended looplike

2643-1564/2020/2(3)/033331(19) 033331-1 Published by the American Physical Society STEPHEN, GARRE-RUBIO, DUA, AND WILLIAMSON PHYSICAL REVIEW RESEARCH 2, 033331 (2020) excitations, but significant progress has nonetheless been made [36–42]. In the presence of subsystem symmetries, the kind of on mobile pointlike excitations described in the preceding paragraph cannot occur. In anticipation of the main model of this paper, consider a 3D system with planar subsystem symmetries, and suppose there are two pointlike excitations living on a single plane. It may seem as though it is possible for each excitation to carry a fractional charge, as above. However, in this case, we can simply move one of (a) (b) the excitations away from this plane, such that the subsystem FIG. 1. (a) Schematic diagram of a 2D SSPT order with linelike symmetry now only acts on a single excitation. Since the symmetries (dashed line) in the presence of a boundary (thick red total action on the system must be trivial, the local action line). Near a boundary, neighboring line symmetries locally anticom- on a single excitation must also be trivial, and there is no mute (small circles), leading to an extensive degeneracy on the edge. fractionalization or permutation. One way around this is to (b) The ground state of the 3D SSET order has planar subsystem consider excitations with restricted mobility, as in fracton symmetries, and is a condensate of closed membranes of 2D SSPT topological order. In this case, it may not be possible to move orders. Left: a closed membrane of 2D SSPT order. Planar operators an excitation away from the symmetry plane, or there may be intersect the membrane along a loop, indicated by the dashed line, a conservation law that restricts the number of excitations on and reduce to the line symmetries of the membrane. Right: an open each plane to be, e.g., even, so fractionalization again becomes membrane carries a linelike excitation on its boundary, indicated by possible. Such an option was explored in Ref. [17]. the thick red line, which transforms nontrivially under subsystem In this paper, we show that topological excitations of symmetries in the same way as the boundary of the 2D SSPT order. higher spatial dimension lead to another opportunity for sub- system symmetry fractionalization. Namely, consider a one- dimensional (1D) looplike excitation in a 3D system. A global symmetry cannot fractionalize on the loop, at least not in appear along the boundary of open membranes, now coincide the simple way described above, since there is no way to with the boundary of cluster states. Due to the SSPT order decompose the symmetry action as a product of disjoint local of cluster states, these boundaries, and hence the loop exci- actions. However, when we consider subsystem symmetries, tations, fractionalize under the planar symmetries. The im- fractionalization on a single loop is possible. Consider a mediate consequence of this fractionalization is that the loop plane which intersects a looplike excitation. Acting with a excitations are endowed with a degeneracy per unit length symmetry on the plane reduces to a product of local actions which is protected by the subsystem symmetry. The procedure at each intersection point. Since the number of intersection of decorating topological orders with lower-dimensional SPT points is necessarily even, it is possible for the symmetry to orders is a well-established way to create SET orders [45–48], fractionalize at each point. This is precisely what occurs in the and our construction here can be seen as a generalization model described in this paper. Additionally, we find models of this procedure to subsystem symmetries, with the notable containing both pointlike excitations with restricted mobility, feature that d-dimensional subsystem symmetries of the dec- as well as looplike excitations, and a nontrivial symmetry orating SSPT translate into (d + 1)-dimensional subsystem action that couples the two types. symmetries of the decorated model. Another effect of the subsystem symmetry fractionaliza- tion that we discover is an increased value of the topo- Summary of results logical entanglement entropy (TEE). The TEE refers to a Our SSET model can be understood as a decorated 3D toric constant correction to the area law when computing bipartite code model [43,44]. This toric code consists of on the entanglement entropy, and is a topological invariant, in the faces of a cubic lattice, and the ground states can be visualized sense that it takes a uniform value within a given topological as equal-weight superpositions over all basis states where the of matter [49,50]. Recently, it has been understood faces in the state |1 form unions of closed 2D membranes. To that there are certain quantum states for which the TEE, enrich this model with subsystem symmetries, we introduce for certain bipartitions, does not match the expected value new qubits on the edges of the lattice and couple them to the [18,20,22,51–55]. In a majority of known cases (see Ref. [55] faces in such a way that edge qubits lying on membranes form for a possible counterexample), this is due to the presence 2D cluster states, and those away from membranes remain of lower-dimensional SPT order around the boundary of the in symmetric product states. The 2D cluster state [25] has bipartition, which can in turn be related to the presence of linelike subsystem symmetries and is the prototypical exam- SSPT order [18]. In fact, it was shown in Ref. [22] that this ple of SSPT order [16,26] [see Fig. 1(a)]. Constructed in this “spurious” TEE takes a uniform value within the SSPT phase way, the decorated model has planar subsystem symmetries of the 2D cluster state, and can be used to detect SSPT order acting on the decorating qubits. This is due to the fact that, and phase transitions. To emphasize its relation to the SSPT along the intersections of a given plane and the membranes, order, it was dubbed the symmetry-protected entanglement the symmetry action of this plane reduces to the linelike entropy (SPEE). For the case of an SSET, which naturally has symmetries of the decorating cluster states [see Fig. 1(b)]. a nonzero TEE coming from the topological order, one might Furthermore, the loop excitations of the toric code, which therefore expect a larger value of the TEE due to the additional


SSPT symmetries and investigate the network of models in Fig. 2. Sec. II Finally, in Sec. V, we discuss some principles that could help guide a general theory of subsystem symmetry enrichment, s s1 g 2 give an argument against the existence of SSET order in 2D, and discuss possible routes of future work. SSE Fracton SSET SSE Fracton Sec. IVB1 Sec. III Sec. IVB2 II. SYMMETRY-PROTECTED TOPOLOGICAL ORDER WITH GLOBAL AND SUBSYSTEM SYMMETRIES g s s g s1 2 s1 2 To derive our model of SSET order, we begin with a SSE Panoptic SE Fracton SSE Panoptic short-ranged entangled model that has SPT order with respect Sec. IVC1 Sec. IV B 3 Sec. IV C 2 to a combination of global and subsystem symmetries. The SSET is obtained by gauging only the global symmetries of s 2 g s1 this model. The process of partially gauging symmetries of an SPT order to obtain SET order is well understood in the Panoptic case of global symmetries [34,42,58,59], and is reviewed in a Sec. IVC3 simple 2D example in Appendix A. We first define the short-range entangled model, and FIG. 2. Flowchart describing the various models obtained by demonstrate its nontrivial SPT order by identifying the non- gauging and ungauging the symmetries of the SSET in different trivial action of the symmetries on the boundary, as encoded ways. The arrows are labeled by the symmetry which is gauged by a certain 3-cocycle. Notably, the nontrivial order arises along the direction they point, where g, s1,ands2 represent the global from an interplay between the global and subsystem sym- symmetry, lattice-plane subsystem symmetries, and dual-plane sub- metries, and the system becomes trivial if only the global system symmetries, respectively. A model is called “fracton” if all symmetry or only the subsystem subsystem symmetry is excitations display some mobility restrictions (this includes stacks of preserved. We will refer to this type of order as SSPT order, 2D topological orders), and “panoptic” if restricted-mobility excita- despite the equal importance of both global and subsystem tions appear alongside fully mobile and loop-like excitations. “SE” symmetries. denotes models with symmetry enrichment due to global symmetries The SSPT model lives on a simple 3D cubic lattice, with alone, while “SSE” denotes models enriched by subsystem symme- qubits in the body centers (C) and on the edges (E). To begin, tries, possibly alongside global symmetries. consider a trivial paramagnetic Hamiltonian acting on this system, =− − , presence of the SPEE. This is exactly what we confirm in our Htriv Xc Xe (1) SSET model. c∈C e∈E Our SSET model stems from a unique interplay of global whose unique ground state is a product state of |+ = and subsystem symmetries. To better understand this inter- √1 (|0+|1) on every edge and body . Our model can 2 play, we consider gauging and ungauging the symmetries of be defined by acting on this trivial system with a finite depth the SSET in various combinations, resulting in a network of unitary circuit, eight different models, as pictured in Fig. 2. At the root of this network is a short-range entangled model with SSPT order UCCZ = CCZ, (2) under a combination of global and subsystem symmetries. We  calculate the cocycle that encodes the nontrivial action of the  symmetries on the boundary of this model, revealing a mixed where the product runs over all triples of qubits consisting anomaly between global and subsystem symmetries. Using of one body qubit and two of its nearest-neighboring edge qubits, as pictured in Fig. 3(a), and CCZ acts on the three this cocycle, we calculate the effect of the symmetries on the | | | = − ijk| | | extrinsic symmetry defects, which allows us to predict the qubits as CCZ i j k ( 1) i j k . Using the fact that CCZ X CCZ† = X CZ , where CZ|i| j=(−1)ij|i| j, outcome of gauging the symmetries in different combinations. abc a abc a bc We then discuss the nature of the topological order and the we obtain the Hamiltonian, symmetry enrichment of each of the eight models, and in = † HSSPT UCCZ HtrivUCCZ particular show that the model resulting from gauging all symmetries, i.e., the model resulting from gauging the sub- =− Bc − Ce, (3) system symmetries of the SSET, displays the “panoptic” order c∈C e∈E that was recently discovered in Refs. [56,57], and contains † where Ce ≡ UCCZ XeU is defined pictorially in Fig. 3(a) non-Abelian fractons. CCZ (bottom), and Bc = XcUc with The rest of the paper is structured as follows. In Sec. II,we introduce a model with both global and subsystem symme- U = U , (4) tries, and show that it has nontrivial SPT order by analyzing its c f f ∈c boundary. Then, in Sec. III, we gauge the global symmetries of this model to obtain our model of SSET order and study where f ∈ c runs over the six faces of c, Uf is a product of its properties. In Sec. IV, we consider gauging the subsystem four CZ operators in a diamond on face f [see Fig. 3(a)].


(a) (b)

FIG. 3. (a) Top: a unit cell of the 3D SSPT state. Four of the FIG. 4. The 3D cylinder with periodic boundary conditions in triangles  appearing in Eq. (2) are shown; there are four such the x and y directions, and open boundaries in the z direction. The triangles for each face within this cell. The red lines represent the effective action of the bulk symmetries on the boundary is shown. CZ gates contained in Uc [Eq. (4)]. Bottom: the Hamiltonian term The red lines denote CZ gates coming from the global symmetry Ce,wheree is the central vertical edge. (b) Decoration by 2D cluster action, while blue lines indicate the action of xz planar symmetries, states. The colored faces depict either domain walls, in the case of with blue dots denoting X operators. The plane in the yz direction |SSPT, or membranes, in the case of |SSET. represents a domain wall that is inserted to create a global symmetry flux through the cylinder.

HSSPT has a unique ground state which we denote by |SSPT. We can get some intuition for this ground state using There is a more insightful way to understand the presence the viewpoint of decorated domain walls (DDW) [45], as of the planar symmetries. Observe that the intersection of a shown in Fig. 3(b).LetC ⊂ C be a set of body-center qubits, plane P with a domain wall configuration forms closed 1D and define the state |C such that each qubit in C is in the loops, as pictured in Fig. 1(b). Since XP acts trivially away |1 state, while the rest are in |0. Noting that CCZ|i| j|k= from the domain walls, we can restrict the action of XP onto |i⊗CZi| j|k, we can write the ground state in the following these closed loops. This is a symmetry since the 2D cluster way: states living on the domain walls have linelike subsystem symmetries. Therefore, the planar symmetries of the 3D SSPT |SSPT= |C⊗|GC, (5) follow from the linelike symmetries of the 2D SSPT states C⊂C which we use to decorate domain walls.1 where the sum is over all subsets C of C and we have defined We can see explicitly that |SSPT is in a trivial phase if the state |GC on the edge qubits as only the global symmetry or only the subsystem symmetries are enforced by constructing disentangling circuits which ⊗|E| |GC= Uc |+ . (6) respect one of the symmetries. Namely, if we group all of the c∈C CCZ gates from UCCZ that live in a given cube, we obtain a Since the CZ gates cancel out between neighboring cubes in local unitary that respects all of the subsystem symmetries. C, |GC describes a state of 2D cluster states on the domain Applying this unitary to all cubes is therefore a subsystem | walls of C, and |+ states away from them. The 2D cluster symmetry-respecting circuit that disentangles SSPT .Adis- state is the paradigmatic example of a state with SSPT order entangling circuit which respects the global symmetries can under linelike symmetries [16,26]. Therefore, |SSPT can be be obtained by similarly grouping CCZ’s into octahedrons, described as an equal-weight superposition over all body- one for each face of the lattice. Importantly, neither disentan- qubit configurations in which the domain walls of the body gling circuit respects both types of symmetry, and we argue qubits are decorated with 2D SSPT states. in the next section that such a symmetric disentangling circuit Letusturntothesymmetriesof|SSPT. First, by nature of does not exist by virtue of the nontrivial SSPT order. | the DDW structure of SSPT , we have a global Z2 symme- = try acting on the body qubits XC c∈C Xc, which follows Boundary of the SSPT simply from the fact that the domain walls are invariant We now demonstrate the nontrivial nature of our SSPT under flipping all body spins. The edge qubits have planar model by analyzing its boundary. Let us consider the geom- subsystem symmetries. For any plane moving parallel to one etry pictured in Fig. 4, where the boundary is a 2D square of the coordinate planes of the cubic lattice, we define the P ⊂ lattice with periodic boundary conditions and qubits on the subset E as the set of edges that are intersected by this edges. In the presence of this boundary, the whole 3D state plane. We remark that these planes come in two distinct types, may no longer be symmetric under the global or subsystem determined by whether they are parallel or perpendicular to symmetries. In particular, it may be necessary to dress sym- the edges they intersect, and we refer to the two types as metry operators with additional action on the boundary qubits lattice planes and dual planes, respectively. We then define the = subsystem symmetry for each plane as XP e∈P Xe.The fact that XP is a symmetry of |SSPT for all planes P can be 1 seen by first noticing that [Uc, XP ] = 0 for all c ∈ C and all P. We note that this picture breaks down when P is tangent to the Then, it follows that XP is a symmetry of |GC for all C ⊂ C, domain walls, in which case XP rather acts as a patch of global and therefore is also a symmetry of |SSPT thanks to Eq. (5). symmetry, which turns out to still be a symmetry.

033331-4 SUBSYSTEM SYMMETRY ENRICHED TOPOLOGICAL ORDER … PHYSICAL REVIEW RESEARCH 2, 033331 (2020) in order to leave the system invariant. For the planar symme- cohomology class in H 2(G,U (1)),thea flux carries a non- tries, this turns out to be unnecessary, and the action of the trivial 1D SPT order. We remark that, for finite Abelian planar symmetries on the boundary, for planes perpendicular G, χa is in a trivial cohomology class if and only if it is to the boundary, is simply a line of X’s. The global symmetry, symmetric, i.e., χa(b, c) = χa(c, b)[65]. Since Va(b)Va(c) = χa (b,c) on the other hand, must be decorated with additional CZ’s Va(c)Va(b), the cohomology of χa is trivial if and only χa (c,b) acting between every nearest-neighboring pair of edges on the if the action of the symmetry on the boundary commutes. boundary. The action of the symmetries on the boundary is Furthermore, a 3-cocycle ω whose slant product (for some a) summarized in Fig. 4. belongs to a nontrivial class in H 2(G,U (1)) must itself belong We see from the above analysis that neighboring plane to a nontrivial class of H 3(G,U (1)). symmetries commute on the boundary. This is different from If we compute the slant product with a = (1, 0) corre- the 2D SSPT order of the 2D cluster state, where neighboring sponding to inserting a global symmetry flux via the domain line symmetries commute in the bulk but anticommute on the wall added in Fig. 4, we find boundary. However, we will see that, in the presence of a global symmetry flux threading the cylinder, which is intro- R s (s + +s − ) χ , , , = − i=1 2i 2i 1 2i 1 . duced by adding the domain wall pictured in Fig. 4, neighbor- (1,0) ((g s) (g s )) ( 1) (10) ing plane symmetries will anticommute. This highlights the importance of both global and subsystem symmetries in our In particular, the commutation relation reads as SSPT model.

To formalize this, we can use the language of group coho- χ ((g, s), (g , s )) 2R (1,0) s s +s s + mology which classifies SPT order. Imagine “compactifying” = (−1) i=1 ( i i+1 i i 1 ). (11) χ , , , our 3D system into a quasi-2D system [60]. This is achieved (1,0) ((g s ) (g s)) simply by fixing the length R in the y direction, as indicated in Fig. 4. We then get a different quasi-2D system for each This says precisely that neighboring plane symmetries anti- compactification radius R. The subsystem symmetries per- commute on the boundary in the presence of a global sym- pendicular to the compactification direction, i.e., xz planes, metry flux. We can also compute the slant product for a become standard global symmetries of the compactified sys- subsystem symmetry flux, corresponding to a = (0, ˆi), where tem. There are 2R of these symmetries, labeled by indicies for the vector ˆi contains 1 at position i, and 0 elsewhere. We find i = 1,...,2R where even (odd) i corresponds to lattice-plane (dual-plane) symmetries, as pictured in Fig. 4. Including the + χ , , , = − g (si−1 si+1 ), global symmetry as well, we can consider the symmetry group (0,ˆi)((g s) (g s )) ( 1) (12) G = × 2R R Z2 Z2 which tells us that, in the presence of a lattice-plane (dual- = {(g, s)| s ={s1,...,s2R}; g, si = 0, 1}, (7) plane) subsystem symmetry flux, the global symmetry anti- commutes on the boundary with the two dual-plane (lattice- where the generators g and si correspond to the global and plane) subsystem symmetries neighboring the flux. subsystem symmetries, respectively. One might wonder if we are missing out on any important For each R, we can study the 2D SPT order of the com- information by only considering subsystem symmetries in one pactified system under the symmetry group GR. This order is ω × × → direction (the xz planar symmetries). Indeed, it could be the determined by a 3-cocycle : GR GR GR U (1) cor- case that, e.g., perpendicular symmetry planes anticommute ω ∈ 3 , responding to a cohomology class [ ] H (G U (1)) which in the presence of a certain symmetry flux. However, we have characterizes the action of GR on the boundary [61,62]. We checked that this is not the case: the cases considered above can straightforwardly calculate this cocycle using the proce- capture all of the nontrivial fractionalization that occurs in our dure introduced in Ref. [63]. The result is model. R g s (s + +s − ) ω((g, s), (g , s ), (g , s )) = (−1) i=1 2i 2i 1 2i 1 . (8) From the nontrivial slant products computed above, we see that the 3-cocycle ω belongs to a nontrivial cohomology We can determine the effect of inserting a global symmetry class for all compactification radii R. The general arguments flux using the slant product, as described in Refs. [62,64]. The of Ref. [61] then show that the boundary, when considered as slant product corresponding to a group element a is a function a quasi-1D system, cannot be gapped and symmetric; either χa : GR × GR → U (1) defined as the symmetry will be spontaneously broken, resulting in a ω(a, b, c)ω(b, c, a) boundary degeneracy, or the boundary will be gapless. In ad- χ b, c = . a( ) ω , , (9) dition to this, when we enforce a true 2D notion of locality, the (b a c) boundary could potentially gain even more nontrivial features When ω is a 3-cocycle, χa will be a 2-cocycle, corresponding that we miss by employing compactification. In Appendix B, 2 to a cohomology class [χa] ∈ H (G,U (1)). The physical we examine some possible Hamiltonians which respect the meaning of the slant product is the following. For any a ∈ boundary symmetries. We find that, unlike in conventional G,letVa(b) be the action of b ∈ G on the boundary in SPT phases, neither of the simplest choices of boundary the presence of an a flux. This action may be projective, Hamiltonian lead to a gapless boundary, suggesting that it may i.e., Va(b)Va(c) may equal Va(bc) only up to a phase. This be necessary to look beyond this compactified description to phase is precisely given by the slant product Va(b)Va(c) = fully understand this boundary. We leave such an analysis to χa(b, c)Va(bc). In the case that χa belongs to a nontrivial future work.



In this section, we gauge the global Z2 symmetry of |SSPT. The resulting model is a Z2 gauge theory in which the looplike topological excitations fractionalize under the subsystem symmetries. We therefore call this model an ex- ample of SSET order. We show that this implies an extensive degeneracy of the loop excitations which is protected by the (a) (b) (c) symmetry. We also show that the model has an enlarged value of the topological entanglement entropy, as compared FIG. 5. (a) Top: a unit cell of the 3D SSET state. Four of the to the underlying topological order, due to the subsystem triangles  appearing in UCCZ are shown; there are four such triangles symmetry enrichment. on each face of the lattice. Bottom: the Hamiltonian term Ce,where Let us briefly describe the gauging procedure we which we e is the central vertical edge. (b) A looplike excitation appearing on employ (more details may be found in Refs. [7,8,15]). The the boundary of the surface , indicated by shaded faces. Excitations gauging procedure maps body qubits to qubits on the faces appear on edges marked by points. (c) A 2D cut of our 3D lattice (F) of the lattice, in such a way that the face qubits f ∈ F take with a loop excitation corresponding to the half-infinite membrane the state |1 on the domain walls of the body qubits, and |0 ∞, as viewed from above. There is an effective qubit degree of elsewhere. That is, given a state |C on the body qubits, the freedom for each edge on the boundary of ∞, indicated by dots. The effect of the gauging map  can be written as |C=|∂C, horizontal dashed lines represent the intersection of two symmetry where ∂C ⊂ F is the set of faces on the boundary of C, and planes P with this 2D slice, and the action of XP on the edge degrees |∂C describes a state on the face qubits where all qubits in of freedom, according to Eq. (24), is shown beside each line. ∂C are in the state |1, and the rest are in |0. We note that the edge qubits are unaffected under the action of this map. excitations. Therefore, we can say that |SSET has subsystem We can then extend the map  to arbitrary states on the body symmetry enriched topological order. qubits by linearity. Applying this procedure to |SSPT, we get A. Excitations and symmetry enrichment |SSET=|SSPT= |C⊗|GC The Hamiltonian for which |SSET is a ground state can be C⊂C obtained by gauging HSSPT, and has the following form: = |∂C⊗|GC. (13) 1 + Ae C⊂C H =− A − B − C , (17) SSET e c e 2 e∈E c∈C e∈E This state can again be visualized using Fig. 3(b), where where now the colored faces indicate elements of ∂C, which can be viewed as a configuration of closed membranes on the faces Ae = Z f , (18) of the lattice. Therefore, |SSET is a superposition over all f e closed membrane configurations on the face qubits, where = , the membranes are decorated with 2D cluster states on the Bc Uc Xf (19) edge qubits. It is clear that |SSET has the same subsystem f ∈c symmetries on the edge qubits as |SSPT. where f e denotes all faces incident on edge e. Ce is defined If we were to remove |GC from the above equation, the pictorially in Fig. 5(a). The new gauge term Ae enforces that state described would be exactly the 3D toric code |TC= the face qubits form closed membranes in the ground state. C⊂ |∂C, which has topological order. In fact, we can The modified terms B and C are simply the original terms C c e disentangle the edge qubits from the face qubits using a Bc and Ce rewritten as functions of the new face qubits, → → unitary circuit UCCZ which places four CCZ’s on each face using the rules Xc f ∈c Xf and c f Zc Z f that follow as in Fig. 5(a). Applying this circuit to |SSET, we get, from the gauging procedure. In addition, we project the Ce term onto the closed membrane subspace (Ae = 1 ∀ e ∈ E)in UCCZ |SSET= U˜CCZ (|∂C) ⊗|GC) (14) order to ensure that the Hamiltonian respects the subsystem C⊂C symmetries. We note that all terms in HSSET commute. On a topologically nontrivial manifold like a three-dimensional = |∂C⊗ Uc |GC (15) torus, the ground space of HSSET is degenerate. |SSET is one C⊂C c∈C of the degenerate ground states, and the others can be obtained =|TC⊗|+⊗|E|. (16) by adding noncontractible membranes into the superposition in Eq. (13). Therefore, |SSET is related to |TC by a unitary circuit, up Let us now construct the excitations of HSSET, which to trivial degrees of freedom, so the two states have the same come in three types. Violations of Ce are topologically trivial topological order. However, this circuit does not respect the particles that can be created locally by acting with Ze,so subsystem symmetries. In fact, we will show that, when these we do not discuss them further. The other two types of symmetries are enforced, |SSET is in a distinct phase from excitation are topologically nontrivial, and must be created by |TC, as indicated by symmetry enrichment of the topological extended nonlocal operators. Violations of Bc, called electric

033331-6 SUBSYSTEM SYMMETRY ENRICHED TOPOLOGICAL ORDER … PHYSICAL REVIEW RESEARCH 2, 033331 (2020) excitations, are pointlike, and are created in pairs at the end degeneracy of the 2D cluster state. In analogy, the planar points of string operators, subsystem symmetry here protects the exponential degeneracy of the linelike excitation. A similar discussion holds for an e = , S Z f (20) arbitrary membrane , although there can be some finite-size f ∈ effects due to corners, as discussed in Ref. [16]. Therefore, where  ⊂ F is a curve on the dual lattice that penetrates the looplike magnetic excitations of |SSET carry a twofold faces. Violations of Ae, called magnetic excitations, are loop- degeneracy per unit length that is protected by the planar like. They appear along the boundary of open membrane subsystem symmetries. operators m B. Topological entanglement entropy S = Xf Uf , (21) In this section, we show that the topological entanglement f ∈ entropy (TEE) of our 3D SSET state is larger than that of where  ⊂ F is an open membrane of faces, as pictured in the 3D toric code when the boundaries of bipartitions are Fig. 5(b). If we were to braid an electric excitation through aligned with the symmetry planes. This is in analogy to the loop of a magnetic excitation, we would pick up a minus the fact that states with 2D SSPT order, such as the cluster sign due to the anticommutation of X and Z. This is the same state, have a nonzero TEE when bipartitions are aligned with as in the toric code. the linelike symmetries, despite the absence of topological The difference from the toric code comes from the degen- order [18,22,52,54]. To emphasize that this value comes from =− eracy of the excitations. In particular, since Ae 1 when the SSPT order, rather than topological order, we call it the  + / acting on the boundary of , the projection (1 Ae) 2re- symmetry-protected entanglement entropy (SPEE) [22]. In moves the corresponding terms Ce, so we can decorate the this case, we say that the 3D SSET has a nonzero SPEE in m boundary of the membrane operator S with Z operators addition to the TEE inherited from the topological order of without changing the energy of the resulting excitation: the 3D toric code. m m a The origin of the SPEE can be imagined as follows. Con- S ({a } ∈∂) = S Z e , a = 0, 1 (22)  e e  e e sider one closed membrane in the membrane soup defining ∈∂ e |SSET. If we bisect the membrane with a plane aligned with where ∂ denotes all edges on the boundary of the membrane the subsystem symmetries, as in Fig. 1, we can calculate the . Thus, the looplike excitation is twofold degenerate per entanglement between the two halves of the membrane. Since unit length. This degeneracy is protected by the subsystem the membranes are decorated by 2D cluster states, and the cut symmetries. Intuitively, this is because the looplike excitation is aligned with the linelike symmetries of the cluster state, we coincides with the boundary of a 2D cluster state which has an find a nonzero SPEE for this membrane. Since |SSET is a exponential boundary degeneracy protected by the subsystem fluctuating soup of such membranes, one can imagine that it symmetries. also exhibits a nonzero SPEE. In the rest of this section, we ∞ More precisely, consider a membrane  which is a half- show that this is indeed the case, with details of the calculation infinite plane, as shown in Fig. 5(c). This creates an excitation presented in Appendix C. ∞ lying along ∂ which is a line of N edges that we denote For simplicity we calculate the entropy of a finite section by ei for i = 1,...,N. The degenerate subspace associated to of a 3D torus, such that the boundary between subsystems A this excitation is spanned by the states |a1,...,an defined as and B is two disconnected 2D tori. However, we expect the N same results to hold for any geometry that is appropriately m ai aligned with the subsystem symmetries, as in Ref. [54]. We |a1,...,an := S∞ Z |SSET, ai = 0, 1. (23) ei (2) =− ρ2 i=1 will aim to determine the 2-Rényi entropy SA ln Tr( A) where ρ is the reduced state of subsystem A.2 Ona3D Let us now determine the action of the subsystem symmetries A torus, HSSET has eight degenerate ground states. We choose in this N-qubit space. Consider those symmetry planes that |SSET to be one of the minimal entropy states which have are perpendicular to ∞ and also cross ∂∞, as pictured P P the largest TEE [66]. This is done by picking the ground in Fig. 5(c). We can index these planes by i and i+1/2, state that is +1 eigenstate of the membrane operators Sm z corresponding to dual planes intersecting edge ei, or lattice where z is the noncontractible membrane, as well as the planes intersecting between edges ei and ei+1, respectively. e loop operators S where x/y are the noncontractible loops, Then, we can calculate x/y as pictured in Fig. 6(a). In this way, the subsystem A has | ,..., = − ai | ,..., , XPi a1 an ( 1) a1 an maximum knowledge of the whole state, and hence minimum entropy. We define G to be the Abelian group generated by all XP |a ,...,a =|a ,...,a ⊕ 1, a + ⊕ 1,...,a . (24) i+1/2 1 n 1 i i 1 n Hamiltonian terms A , B , C as well as Sm and Se . e c e z x/y × × Therefore, if we let Xi, Zi denote the logical Pauli operators in For simplicity, we assume that region A contains L L =∼ =∼ 2 the degenerate edge subspace, we have XPi Zi and XPi+1/2 L vertices, such that L edges are cut on each boundary. In XiXi+1. We see that neighboring plane symmetries anticom- mute on the edge of the excitation. This is the same pattern of symmetry fractionalization found on the boundary of the 2Ideally, we would calculate the von Neumann entropy, but this is 2D cluster state [16]. In the case of the 2D cluster state, the more difficult since the entanglement spectrum will turn out to be not linelike subsystem symmetry protects the exponential edge flat.


be present for other bipartitions whose geometry is aligned with the symmetry planes, as is the case for the SPEE of the 2D cluster state [54]. In Ref. [54], the authors also constructed a method to extract the SPEE due to linelike subsystem symmetries in a 2D system, such that it can be separated from the TEE. They show that the combination of entropies

S = SB + SABC − SAB − SBC (27) (a) (c) SPEE is equal to the SPEE, where subsystems A, B,C form a dumbbell shape as in Fig. 6(b). This is due to the fact that the linelike symmetries [blue line in Fig. 6(b)] can be terminated by applying local operators in the circled red regions, such that we get a constraint that reduces SABC. Crucially, the red regions have a larger radius than the width of B, such that the same truncated line cannot fit into B, AB,orBC.Onthe (b) (d) other hand, the TEE is the same for each of the four terms in Eq. (27), and hence will cancel out, as will all extensive parts FIG. 6. (a) The geometry considered throughout this section. of the entropy. Opposite sides are identified, resulting in a 3D torus. The A and Following the same logic, we propose a set of subsystems  B subsystems are shown, as well as the noncontractible loops x,y A, B,C such that SSPEE will be equal to the SPEE due to  and membrane z. (b) The dumbbell configuration for detecting planar symmetries [see Fig. 6(c)]. The subsystem B is a the SPEE in 2D systems from Ref. [54]. (c) The picture frame thin slab, while A and C are thickened, giving a geometry configuration proposed to detect the SPEE that arises due to planar similar to that of a picture frame. As in the dumbbell, the subsystem symmetries in 3D systems. Here, we see a view from the planar subsystem symmetries can be truncated by applying top. A cross section along the dotted line reveals a shape identical to operators along the boundary. Such an operator will fit into that of (b). (d) The alternate picture frame configuration that does not region ABC of the frame, but none of the other combinations. detect SPEE due to linelike symmetries. Therefore, we conjecture that SSPEE should be equal to γSPEE for the picture frame geometry. If there is also a SPEE due Appendix C, we show that the entropy can be expressed in the to linear subsystem symmetries, then SSPEE would grow as following way for large L: the perimeter of region B. If we take the alternate picture √ frame geometry in Fig. 6(d), we would only detect SPEE due (2) = | |+ 2 − | |− F , SA ( A 2L )ln2 ln GA 2 (ln 2) (25) to planar symmetries since any truncated line operator that 3 2 contributes to SABC will also contribute to one of SAB or SBC . where |A|=6L + 3L is the number of qubits in A, GA is the subgroup of G containing those operators that act nontrivially on A only, and F(β) is the (extensive) free energy of a 2D IV. GAUGING THE SUBSYSTEM SYMMETRIES square-lattice Ising model at inverse temperature β. By count- In this section, we examine the variety of topological ing independent generators in the same way as for the 3D toric phases that arise from gauging some or all of the subsystem 6L3−2L2+4 code [44], we can compute that |GA|=2 . Compared symmetries, starting either from |SSPT or |SSET.More to the toric code case, GA here contains an additional nonlocal precisely, starting from |SSPT, we can independently choose operator for each boundary, namely, the product of Ce for all to gauge the global symmetry, lattice-plane symmetry, and edges e on the boundary, which is equal to the subsystem dual-plane symmetry, resulting in eight possible models (in- symmetry on the corresponding dual plane. cluding |SSPT). We denote the global, lattice-plane, and To compute the free energy,√ we can use Onsager’s result dual-plane symmetries as Zglob, Zsub1 , and Zsub2 , respectively. F = 1 + 2 2 2 2 [67], which yields (ln 2) ln 2( 2 ln 2)L for large L We use this notation with the understanding that there are a (for more√ details, see Appendix C). Crucially, the temperature subextensive number of subsystem symmetry generators, so β = ln 2 lies in the disordered phase of the Ising model, sub1/2 Z2 describes the local action of the symmetry, not the such that the free energy is extensive with no constant term. total symmetry group. It is known that gauging subsystem Putting everything together, the entropy is symmetries can result in models with fracton topological (2) 2 order [7,8,15]. Here, by “fracton” topological order (or more S = 2cL − 2γTEE − 2γSPEE +···, (26) A succinctly fracton order), we mean any model in which all where c = (3 − ln 2) ln 2, γTEE = γSPEE = ln 2, and the ellip- topological excitations have restricted mobility of some sort. sis represents terms that go to zero as L goes to infinity. We In our definition, this includes systems like stacks of 2D toric include the factors of 2 to emphasize the fact that A has two codes, which are usually considered to be trivial as fracton disconnected boundaries. γTEE comes simply from |GA| in the orders. We use the usual terminology of fracton, lineon, and same way as for the 3D toric code, whereas γSPEE is due to planon to describe pointlike topological excitations which are the subsystem symmetries forming nonlocal constraints on the fully immobile, constrained to a 1D line, or constrained to a boundary of A. 2D plane, respectively. Later, we consider models in which While we have only shown the existence of a nonzero such excitations coexist with fully mobile excitations, and we SPEE for this specific bipartition, we expect that it would also refer to the order in these models as “panoptic” [56].


TABLE I. Summary of gauged models. Gauge fluxes for the global symmetry are always looplike, and gauge fluxes for subsystem symmetries are planons, but they may be composites of excitations with lower mobility.

Gauged symmetry Type of order Mobility of gauge charges Effect of ungauged symmetries None SSPT Mixed glob./sub. boundary anomaly Global SSET Unrestricted mobility Fractionalization of loops Lattice plane Fracton Lineon Mixed glob./sub. fractionalization Dual plane Fracton Planon Mixed glob./sub. fractionalization Global + lattice plane Panoptic Unrestricted + lineon Attaches charges to fluxes Global + dual plane Panoptic Unrestricted + planon Attaches charges to fluxes Lattice plane + dual plane Fracton Fracton Fracton permutation All Panoptic Unrestricted + fracton

Throughout this section, we do not explicitly perform the of symmetry on them, determine the braiding and fusion gauging as we did in the previous section (except in one statistics of the gauge fluxes, as well as possible symmetry case). Rather, we rely on our understanding of |SSPT and fractionalization under any ungauged symmetries [34,58,59]. its symmetries to determine both the mobility and type of The other type of topological excitations that emerge from symmetry enrichment of the resulting topological excitations. gauging are called the gauge charges. The gauge charges The key properties of the gauged models are summarized in are gauged versions of symmetry charges, which are objects Table I. that locally anticommute with the symmetry, corresponding in our case to a single Z operator on the lattice. There are also composites of gauge charges and existing topological A. Symmetry defects and gauging excitations such as gauge fluxes, sometimes referred to as To understand the effects of gauging, we need to under- dyons. These arise from the symmetry charges created by the stand the symmetry defects of |SSPT. To define a symmetry action of symmetry on gauge fluxes or defects that are then defect, we first define domain wall operators. Consider the promoted to gauge charges via gauging. Even for an Abelian operator UR which applies some symmetry operator to a symmetry group this can lead to non-Abelian topological ex- compact region R of the lattice. For a global symmetry, R citations after gauging due to permutation or fractionalization is some 3D region, whereas for our subsystem symmetry, [34]. As described in Ref. [15], the mobility of gauge charges R would be a 2D region confined to a plane. Then, for can be determined directly from the spatial structure of the Hamiltonians composed of local, symmetric terms, the only subsystem symmetries. Namely, if a symmetry charge is acted nontrivial effect of UR will be near the boundary ∂R of R. on by planar symmetries in one, two, or three orthogonal ∼ ∼ Therefore, we can write UR = V∂R, where “=” indicates that directions, then the corresponding gauge charge will be a the two operators act in the same way within the ground-state planon, lineon, or fracton, respectively. Relations between subspace, and V∂R is an operator acting on ∂R which we call the symmetry generators that imply parity conservation for the domain wall operator. V∂R is precisely a membrane of glob CZ’s for Z2 , while for the planar subsystem symmetries it is a 1D loop operator also consisting of CZ’s. Symmetry defects are defined to appear at the boundaries of open domain wall glob operators. The Z2 symmetry defects are closed 1D loops, sub1/2 while the Z2 symmetry defects are pointlike (see Fig. 7). The symmetry defects carry important information about what happens after gauging the symmetry. After gauging, domain wall operators are proliferated, and the symmetry defects become deconfined topological excitations that we call glob gauge fluxes. As we saw in Sec. III, Z2 gauge fluxes are mobile looplike excitations. Gauge fluxes corresponding to sub1/2 generators of Z2 , on the other hand, are pointlike and can only move within a single plane without creating additional sub1/2 excitations, i.e., they are planons. This is because the Z2 symmetry defects are themselves pointlike and mobile only within a given plane. However, we find that in some cases FIG. 7. Interplay between symmetries, symmetry defects, and | these planons can be decomposed into a pair of excitations symmetry charges in SSPT , as revealed by Eqs. (10)and(12). sub1/2 glob of lower mobility, as in the X-cube model [7]. This is due (a) Acting with a Z2 symmetry on the linelike Z2 flux creates sub2/1 glob to the symmetry domain walls decomposing further, such as Z2 charges on neighboring planes. (b) Z2 symmetry on a sub1/2 sub2/1 a planar domain wall decomposing into a product of two pointlike Z2 flux creates Z2 charges on neighboring planes. sub2/1 sub1/2 glob cage-edge domain walls as in X-cube [10]. The properties (c) Z2 symmetry on a neighboring Z2 flux attaches a Z2 of the symmetry defects before gauging, including the action charge to the flux.

033331-9 STEPHEN, GARRE-RUBIO, DUA, AND WILLIAMSON PHYSICAL REVIEW RESEARCH 2, 033331 (2020) the number of subsystem charges on all planes in orthogonal this model represents a fracton model where excitations carry directions can be used to determine whether such lineons and a fractional charge under the combination of global and sub- fractons are irreducible, meaning they are not a composite of system symmetries. particles of higher mobility [68–70]. The slant products calculated in Sec. II can be used to 2. Gauging dual-plane symmetries determine the relationship between the symmetry generators, sub Each edge qubit is acted on by only one generator of Z 2 . symmetry charges, and symmetry defects. Indeed, although 2 Therefore, the gauge charges are planons, and furthermore we we initially performed these calculations in Sec. II to un- can gauge the symmetry in each dual-plane separately, such derstand the action of the symmetry on the boundary in that we arrive at a stack of decoupled 2D toric codes in all the presence of symmetry flux, a symmetry flux is in fact three directions, one for each dual plane, which can be viewed inserted using a domain wall operator, which terminates on as a rather trivial fracton model. The layers are coupled via the the boundary via a symmetry defect. So, we were actually sub body qubits in such a way that the Z 2 gauge fluxes in a given calculating the action of the symmetries on the symmetry 2 plane transform as a nontrivial projective representation under defects, regardless of whether or not these defects were the adjacent Zsub1 generators and Zglob [Figs. 7(b) and 7(c)]. pushed to the boundary. The algebra of symmetry actions 2 2 on defects in |SSPT, as described by the slant products, allows us to calculate the stable topological excitations when 3. Gauging all subsystem symmetries a (subsystem) symmetry is gauged, by condensing domain Gauging all subsystem symmetries of |SSPT results in a walls and projecting topological excitations and defects onto model with fracton excitations, where the global symmetry irreps of the appropriate symmetry actions. We can further permutes the fractons. This permutation action can be under- calculate the action of the remaining ungauged symmetry stood by the fact that the global symmetry, when acting on on the topological excitations via the algebra formed by the a lattice-plane (dual-plane) symmetry defect, attaches a pair remaining symmetry operators and the fluxes and charges of of symmetry charges to the neighboring dual planes (lattice the gauged symmetries. planes). Hence, in the gauged model, the global symmetry More precisely, for the SSPT model, if symmetries b and c attaches gauge charges to gauge fluxes [Fig. 7(b)]. As in the anticommute on a a defect, i.e., χa(b, c)/χa(c, b) =−1, then general case, the gauge flux is a planon. However, in this acting with b (c)onana defect creates a c (b) symmetry case, a planar domain wall can be decomposed into a pair charge. This will manifest either as a fractionalization or of domain walls and thus the planon can be split into a pair permutation of the excitations in the gauged theory, depending of fractons. We can isolate these two fractons by considering on which symmetries are gauged. Specifically, if a is among the symmetry defect corresponding to a stack of dual-plane the gauged symmetries, while b and c are not, the a gauge symmetries. Gauging this defect gives two fractons, one at the flux will carry a fractional charge under b and c.Ifa and b top of the stack and one at the bottom. The fact that these are are gauged and c is not, then acting with c symmetry on an a fractons follows from relations between the gauge constraints, (b) gauge flux attaches a b (a) gauge charge. The action of the as we elaborate on in Fig. 8. Applying the global symmetry symmetries on the symmetry defects of |SSPT (and therefore attaches a gauge charge to each fracton. Since the symmetry on the corresponding gauge fluxes of the gauged models) can charges are acted on by planar symmetries in all three direc- be determined by Eqs. (10) and (12), and is summarized in tions, the gauge charges are fractons. In particular, there are Fig. 7. relations between all subsystem symmetries in two orthogonal directions that imply the fractons are irreducible. Therefore, B. Gauging only subsystem symmetries: Fracton order the global symmetry action causes fracton permutation. This permutation action will be useful for understanding We now turn to gauging the subsystem symmetries of | the model obtained by gauging all symmetries in Sec. IV C 3, SSPT . The resulting models all have fracton topological so here we will explicitly write the gauged Hamiltonian. To order, characterized by topological excitations with restricted perform this gauging, we follow the procedure for gauging mobility. The ungauged symmetries will either permute the subsystem symmetries outlined in Ref. [15]. First, we identify excitations or fractionalize on them, depending on whether we the minimal coupling terms which commute with all subsys- gauge all or only some of the subsystem symmetries. tem symmetries, which in the present case takes the form of four-body interactions near an edge, pictured in Fig. 8.The 1. Gauging lattice-plane symmetries gauge qubits are placed in the nexus of these interactions sub1 Gauging Z2 results in a nontrivial fracton model that as shown in Fig. 8. We therefore have four qubits for each is not obviously equivalent to any known models. Symmetry edge e, one for each cube c surrounding e. We may therefore charges before gauging are acted on by two perpendicular sub- label gauge qubits uniquely by a pair (c, e). We can view the system symmetries, so the gauge charges are lineons. These gauge qubits as living on the edges of a smaller cube within are irreducible as the product of all lattice-plane symmetries is each cube of the lattice, and we use the labeling in Fig. 8 the identity, so there is a charge parity conservation symmetry to reference each of the 12 gauge qubits in a given cube. for all lattice-plane symmetries taken together. Interestingly, Following Ref. [15], we now express existing Hamiltonian due to how the ungauged symmetries act on the gauge fluxes terms Bc and Ce in terms of the new gauge qubits, resulting in by creating symmetry charges [Figs. 7(b) and 7(c)], the gauge the terms Bc and Ce. Furthermore, we add additional flux terms fluxes transform as a nontrivial projective representation un- which enforce a zero-flux constraint on the gauge qubits, as glob sub2 der Z2 and adjacent Z2 symmetry generators. Therefore, determined by relations between the minimal coupling terms


observe that the global symmetry XC permutes the membrane operators Sm † = Sm Se . XC RXC R R (31) This shows that acting with the global symmetry attaches gauge charges onto gauge fluxes, thereby permuting the frac- tons of the gauged theory. We remark that Eq. (31) is implied directly by a similar equation describing the action of the global symmetry on the symmetry defect of a stack of dual planes, and that similar equations hold for all permutation actions described in the following section.

C. Gauging global and subsystem symmetries: Panoptic order FIG. 8. Hamiltonian terms of the fracton model obtained from gauging subsystem symmetries of |SSPT. (a) The minimal inter- In this section, we consider gauging the global symmetry of action term symmetric under all subsystem symmetries. The gauge |SSPT along with some or all of the subsystem symmetries. qubit (blue dot) is placed at the nexus of the interaction. (b) Labeling Equivalently, we are gauging the subsystem symmetries of of the 12 gauge qubits within a cube, which live on the edges of |SSET. In each case, we will find that fully mobile pointlike a smaller inscribed cube. (c) The flux term Ae consists of four Z and looplike excitations, coming from the gauged global sym- operators acting on the gauge qubits closest to e,wheree is the metry, coexist with the restricted-mobility excitations coming C central vertical edge. (d) The Hamiltonian term e consists of 16 X from the gauged subsystem symmetries. Such a system was operators acting on gauge qubits and four CZ operators (denoted by dubbed to have “panoptic” order in Ref. [56]. a red line) that connect a gauge qubit to a body-center qubit. The interaction is only shown in one quadrant for clarity; it acts in an 1. Gauging lattice-plane and global symmetries analogous (rotated) manner in all four cubes surrounding the edge e sub1 glob as indicated by the dashes. (e) The nine flux terms within a cube. Z• If we gauge Z2 and Z2 , we end up with a model that A A(i) is, in the absence of symmetry, equivalent to a stack of the is shorthand for Z(c,•). The flux terms e and c satisfy a number of relations which determine the mobility of gauge fluxes, such as the 3D toric code and the fracton model from Sec. IV B 1.The sub A A(7) A A(4) A(5) ungauged Z 2 symmetry couples the two models by permut- product of all e and c in an xz dual plane; e, c , c in a yx 2 A A(2) A(3) sub2 lattice plane; and e, c , c in a yz lattice plane. ing excitations between them. Specifically, a Z2 generator sub1 creates Z2 gauge charges on a pair of planes wherever it A glob [15]. There is one flux term e for each edge, and nine flux intersects the looplike Z2 gauge fluxes [Fig. 7(a)], and the terms A(k) for each cube c. We define C and the flux terms in glob sub1 c e same generator attaches a Z2 gauge charge to Z2 gauge Fig. 8. The precise form of Bc is not required for our purposes fluxes in adjacent planes [Fig. 7(c)]. Thus, the symmetry here, as it is not associated with any topological excitations. enrichment manifests as an interesting permutation involving Overall, the gauged Hamiltonian is fully mobile excitations and those of restricted mobility. 9 =− B − C − A − A(k). 2. Gauging dual-plane and global symmetries Hfrac c e e c (28) sub glob ∈ ∈ ∈ ∈ = 1 c C e E e E c C k 1 Gauging Z2 and Z2 gives a model in the same topolog- ical phase as a stack of the 3D toric code and layers of 2D toric Now, let us investigate the excitations of Hfrac.Dueto the sheer number of terms, and the fact that they are not all codes in all three directions. Similar to the previous model, the remaining Zsub1 symmetry generators permute excitations independent, the full spectrum of excitations is tedious to 2 sub2 describe. Instead, let us focus on two types which allow us between the 2D and 3D toric codes by attaching Z2 gauge glob to see the nontrivial action of the global symmetry. Gauge charges to the looplike Z2 gauge fluxes [Fig. 7(a)] and by C glob sub1 charges, i.e., violations of e, can be created at the corners attaching Z2 gauge charges to Z2 gauge fluxes in adjacent of a membrane operator planes [Fig. 7(c)]. Se = , R Z(c, j)Z(c,l) (29) 3. Gauging all symmetries c∈R To understand the model obtained by gauging all symme- R ⊂ where C is a rectangle of cubic cells in the xz plane, tries, it is easiest to start from Hfrac in Eq. (28), where all and excitations appear on the edges at the four corners of R. subsystem symmetries have been gauged. Then, what remains A Gauge fluxes corresponding to violations of e can be created is to gauge the global symmetry, which we saw enacts a non- by the following membrane operator: trivial permutation on the fractons of the model. For this, we m can use the general arguments of Ref. [56](seealsoRef.[57]). S = X , X , X , X , CZ , , CZ , , , (30) R (c m) (c n) (c o) (c p) c (c j) c (c l) Therein, it is argued that gauging a fracton permuting symme- ∈R c try results in a model with non-Abelian fractons. Furthermore, where gauge fluxes again appear at the four corners of R.The gauge fluxes will be looplike excitations that braid nontrivially fact that these are fractons follows from the three orthogonal with the excitations of reduced mobility. Since we expect the relations among flux terms described in Fig. 8.Now,we gauging of different symmetries to commute (as is indeed

033331-11 STEPHEN, GARRE-RUBIO, DUA, AND WILLIAMSON PHYSICAL REVIEW RESEARCH 2, 033331 (2020) the case in Appendix A), we can conclude that gauging the conservation rules and the subsystem symmetry generators subsystem symmetries of the SSET will result in the same lead to constraints on possible consistent symmetry actions panoptic order with non-Abelian fractons. that generalize those of a global symmetry in 2D. It is interesting to compare to the model obtained by gaug- To capture this, we introduce the concept of fusion rules ing the layer-swap symmetry of the bilayer X-cube model, as restricted to subsystems, assuming no fusion degeneracy for c | = , , presented in Refs. [56,57], which also has panoptic order with simplicity, we write Nab S 0 1 to indicate whether topolog- non-Abelian fractons. A potential equivalence between this ical excitations a and b, supported on a subsystem S,mayfuse model and our own is suggested by the equivalence between to c, also supported on S, creating and annihilating no further the model obtained by gauging the layer-swap symmetry of excitations on S. We remark that this definition allows arbi- the bilayer 2D toric code [56,57], and the model obtained by trary excitations to be created and annihilated outside S, and gauging all symmetries of the nontrivial Z2 × Z2 × Z2 SPT applies to segments of extended topological excitations that with type-III cocycle [71] (which is somewhat analogous to are supported on S. For example, a looplike excitation restricts |SSPT), as discussed in Appendix A. Therefore, it is tempting to pointlike excitations where it intersects a codimension-1 to conjecture that the gauged bilayer X-cube model and the subsystem symmetry. This allows us to generalize symme- model obtained by gauging all symmetries of |SSPT are try enrichment with global symmetries to include subsystem equivalent as gapped phases of matter. symmetries, by replacing constraints on the action of a global symmetry from the fusion rules with constraints on the action of subsystem symmetries from the fusion rules V. DISCUSSION AND CONCLUSIONS restricted to the appropriate subsystems. We investigated the phenomenon of subsystem symmetry This paints a general picture for how subsystem sym- enrichment in 3D systems. We began with a base model pos- metries can act on topological phases, via permutation and sessing SPT order under a mix of global and planar subsystem generalized projective representations that satisfy the consis- symmetries. By gauging the global symmetries of this model, tency equations coming from all restricted fusion rules, or we obtained a topological model with looplike excitations equivalently conservation laws. This generalizes the familiar that carry fractional charge of the subsystem symmetries, classification of 2D SET phases. The projective representation which we called an example of SSET order. We showed that of the full subsystem symmetry group should further respect this fractionalization leads to a extensive degeneracy of the locality in the sense that the action of subsystem generators excitations, as well as an increased value of the topological that are far separated in space should commute, while those entanglement entropy. We then considered also gauging the that act on a common excitation in the same spatial region subsystem symmetries of the base model, resulting in a net- need not commute. work of models all related by gauging and ungauging sym- As an example, consider looplike excitations in 3D, which metries (Fig. 2). Using the algebra of the symmetry defects obey the 1-form conservation law that every sphere is pierced of the SPT model, we were able to understand the nature by a loop an even number of times. Codimension-1 symme- of each gauged model, uncovering several distinct types of tries may act via nontrivial projective representations with subsystem symmetry enrichment. In particular, we found Z2 fusion (as in Sec. III) and locally permute the string models supporting mixed global and subsystem symmetry excitations, which could involve attaching particles (as in fractionalization, permutation between mobile and restricted Sec. IV C 1) or a segment of a general one-dimensional defect mobility excitations, and a model with non-Abelian fractons. [72,73] with Z2 fusion rules. For a second example, fractons To conclude, we present the first steps toward a general with planar charge conservation rules such as in the X-cube theory of subsystem symmetry enrichment, which allows us model [6,74] and other foliated fracton phases [9,75] can be to argue against the existence of nontrivial subsystem sym- acted upon nontrivially by planar subsystem symmetries that metry enrichment in 2D systems. We then give an outlook on are aligned with the planar conservation rules [17]. generalizations and possible applications of our results. No nontrivial SSET in 2D A. Toward a general theory of subsystem symmetry enrichment Our discussion of SSETs above leads to the conclusion As discussed briefly in the Introduction, symmetry en- that there can be no nontrivial intrinsic SSETs in 2D, in richment is defined by a symmetry action on topological other words, all such SSETs are equivalent to a stack of a excitations and defects, which can involve permutation and conventional SET and an SSPT. To see this, we first point fractionalization. For subsystem symmetries, the same is true. out that there are no fracton topological orders in 2D and However, as demonstrated in our examples, there is an addi- hence all topological particles are fully mobile [76]. Thus, tional nontrivial interplay between the spatial structure of the any topological charge can be moved to the complement subsystem symmetries and the mobility and geometry of the region not acted upon by any subsystem symmetry generator. topological excitations. The mobility restrictions on fractons This implies the action of this subsystem symmetry on any are often formulated in terms of Abelian conservation rules for topological sector must be trivial, involving no permutation the particles supported on various subsystems, which may be nor projective representation. Although the string operators planar or [69,70]. Furthermore, such conservation rules for the anyons may have unavoidable intersections with the on deformable codimension k subsystems encode that a local subsystem symmetries, the defects created by the subsystem excitation must appear as part of an extended k-dimensional symmetries are in the trivial topological superselection sector, excitation. The spatial intersection of these subsystem by definition of an SSET. Hence, there can be no statistical

033331-12 SUBSYSTEM SYMMETRY ENRICHED TOPOLOGICAL ORDER … PHYSICAL REVIEW RESEARCH 2, 033331 (2020) processes between the anyonic string operators and subsystem symmetries either. The argument above immediately generalizes to rule out nontrivial subsystem symmetry enrichment on fully mobile point charges, and nontrivial actions by codimension k, or above, subsystem symmetries on fully mobile (k − 1)- dimensional, or lower, extended excitations.

(a) (b) B. Outlook Our SSET model can be obtained by decorating the 3D FIG. 9. (a) The Union-Jack lattice. Filled triangles represent the CCZ toric code with 2D cluster states. We can straightforwardly four unitaries associated to one face. The shaded circle contains the Hamiltonian term C ,whereX acts on v and red lines represent generalize our model by changing both the underlying 3D v CZ unitaries. (b) The decorated domain wall structure of |SPT. topological model, as well as the 2D SSPT model used to Vertex qubits are initialized in the |+ state, then CZ unitaries are decorate. This raises the question of classification for SSET applied along thick red lines. phases in 3D, and whether all phases can be captured by such decorated constructions. We remark that there should be some issues of compatibility, in that only certain combinations of use is the of a symmetry-protected degeneracy on topological model and SSPT are allowed. For example, in the looplike excitations. 2D SET models, the possible kinds of fractionalization that a pointlike excitation can carry are restricted by its braiding ACKNOWLEDGMENTS statistics with other excitations [34]. In analogy, we suspect that there is a connection between subsystem symmetry frac- D.T.S. is grateful to N. Schuch for interesting discus- tionalization in looplike excitations and their braiding with sions. A.D. thanks M. Cheng for useful discussions. D.T.S., pointlike excitations. As a further generalization, it is also A.D., and J.G.R. thank the Centro de Ciencias de Benasque plausible that, by decorating with a 2D SSPT possessing 2D Pedro Pascual for their hospitality during the 2019 Quan- fractal subsystem symmetries [8,19,28,77], one could obtain tum Information workshop, where this work was initiated. a 3D SSET enriched by 3D fractal subsystem symmetries. This work has received funding from the European Research These questions are closely related to the classification of Council (ERC) under the European Union’s Horizon 2020 SPTs with mixed global and subsystem symmetry, where the research and innovation programme (Grants No. 636201 and approach of Ref. [78] should be applicable. No. 648913). D.T.S. was supported by a fellowship from The models analyzed in this work inherit their properties the Natural Sciences and Engineering Research Council of from the nontrivial interplay between global and subsystem Canada (NSERC), and by the Deutsche Forschungsgemein- symmetries. In particular, gauging all symmetries results in schaft (DFG) under Germany’s Excellence Strategy (EXC- panoptic order, rather than “pure” fracton order in which all 2111-390814868). J.G.R. acknowledges financial support excitations have mobility constraints. It would be interesting from MINECO (Grant No. MTM2017-88385-P), Comunidad / to remove the global symmetries from the equation and con- de Madrid (grant QUITEMAD-CM, Grant No. P2018 TCS- sider systems with subsystem symmetries alone. Aside from 4342), and ICMAT Severo Ochoa Project No. SEV-2015-0554 providing mechanisms for subsystem symmetry fractionaliza- (MINECO). D.W. acknowledges support from the Simons tion, this provides a route toward a systematic construction of Foundation. “pure” fracton models with non-Abelian fracton excitations [68,79,80], which would arise from gauging a symmetry APPENDIX A: GAUGING AND SYMMETRY enriched fracton model in which fracton excitations carry ENRICHMENT IN 2D a fractional subsystem symmetry charge. Additionally, by considering fractal subsystem symmetries, it may be possible In this Appendix, we discuss a model of 2D SPT order to obtain type-II fracton models with non-Abelian fractons which, upon gauging different subgroups of its symmetry, which, as of yet, have proved elusive, previous attempts displays different kinds of symmetry enrichment. This serves having resulted in panoptic models [56,57]. as a simple analog to the 3D model discussed in the main text. Finally, we address the possible applications of our models The starting point is the “Union-Jack” model of 2D SPT or- to the storage and processing of quantum information. In der [87,88], which is closely related to the model of Ref. [89]. general, it would be interesting to investigate whether the in- The model can be described by a simple cubic lattice with troduction of subsystem symmetries and subsystem symmetry qubits living on the vertices (V ) and faces (F) of the lattice, as pictured in Fig. 9(a). We then define the state defects into topological models can augment their computa- tional capabilities, as is the case of global symmetry defects ⊗|V ⊕F| |SPT= CCZ |+ , (A1) in 2D topological systems [81–83]. Regarding the SSET  model from Sec. III, the fact that it combines the universal (measurement-based) quantum computational power of the where the product runs over all triangles formed by triples SSPT order [26–29] together with the information storage consisting of a face qubit and two neighboring edge qubits, capabilities of the topological order [84–86] suggests some as depicted in Fig. 9(a). We can obtain a Hamiltonian for potential applications. A relevant phenomenon that may be of which |SPT is the unique ground state starting with trivial


⊗|V ⊕F| Hamiltonian whose ground state is |+ : have projected Cv onto the zero-flux subspace to ensure that H commutes with the residual Z × Z symmetry. This =− − , SET 2 2 Htriv Xv Xf (A2) Hamiltonian can be disentangled by acting with CCZ on v∈V f ∈F every edge and its two vertices, resulting in a toric code and then conjugating it by the entangling circuit CCZ to Hamiltonian on the edges and a trivial Hamiltonian on the  × obtain vertices. However, this circuit does not respect the Z2 Z2 symmetry, and we now show that H is in fact in a different =− − , SET HSPT B f Cv (A3) SET phase than the toric code Hamiltonian in the presence f ∈F v∈V of this symmetry. We note that this same model appeared in Ref. [48], although it was derived from a different perspective. where Cv is pictured in Fig. 9(a) and We recall that the ground states of the toric code can B f = Xf CZ∂e, (A4) be described as loop condensates, which are equal-weight e∈ f superpositions of configurations in which the edge qubits in state |1 form closed loops. Furthermore, a configuration where CZ∂e acts on the two vertices touching e. | × × including an open string of 1’s will create anyonic excita- SPT has a global Z2 Z2 Z2 symmetry generated by tions, corresponding to violations of A , at the end points. the operators X , X , and X , which apply X on all even v B Y F After placing CCZ ,∂ on every edge, these loops become (blue) vertices, odd (yellow) vertices, and faces, respectively. e (e) | decorated by 1D cluster states. Therefore, the anyons at the The fact that SPT has nontrivial SPT order under these end points of open strings are accompanied by the edges of symmetries can be understood using a decorated domain wall 1D SPTs. Since these edges transform nontrivially under the (DDW) picture [45]. Namely, we observe that the state can be symmetry, the anyons fractionalize. expressed as an equal superposition over all configurations of More precisely, consider the following string operator: the face qubits, with domain walls decorated by 1D cluster states, as pictured in Fig. 9(b). The 1D cluster state is an S = XeCZ∂e, (A9) example of a state with 1D SPT order, so |SPT is described e∈ by decorating the domain walls of a trivial state with lower- dimensional SPT order, which is known to produce nontrivial where CZ∂e acts on the two vertices touching e, and  is some SPT order [45]. open string of edges with terminal vertices vi and v f , which Now, we look at how gauging subgroups of the total we assume to both be yellow without loss of generality. If symmetry group lead to models with SET order. In one case, we apply this operator to a ground-state |SET, we get an we find that the anyons of the gauged theory carry fractional excited state with excitations at vi and v f , corresponding to charge of the residual symmetry, while in the other case the Av =−1. Because Av =−1 at these points, the projection 1+Av anyons are permuted by the symmetry. We then show that the ( 2 ) annihilates the Hamiltonian terms involving Cvi/ f ,so gauging processes commute: if all symmetries are gauged, the we can dress the end points of S with Z’s without changing resulting model does not depend on the order in which they are the energy of the resulting excitations. This means we have gauged. four different string operators:

a b S (a, b) = SZ Z , a, b = 0, 1. (A10) 1. Gauging face symmetries vi v f

First, let us gauge the Z2 subgroup generated by XF , Thus, each anyon carries a twofold degeneracy. Furthermore, leaving behind a residual Z2 × Z2 symmetry group. We will Z2 × Z2 symmetry acts projectively on each anyon. To see show that the resulting topological order displays symmetry this, consider the subspace of degenerate states |a, b := fractionalization. The gauging procedure maps qubits on the S (a, b)|SET. We compute faces to new qubits on the edges of the lattice, such that the | , =| ⊕ , ⊕ , edge qubits take the state |1 on domain walls of the face XB a b a 1 b 1 qubits, and |0 away from them. The gauged Hamiltonian a b XY |a, b=(−1) (−1) |a, b. (A11) becomes 1 + A Therefore, XB ∼ X ⊗ X and XY ∼ Z ⊗ Z in this subspace. H =− A − B − C v , (A5) SET v f v 2 Since X and Z anticommute, each anyon carries a projective v∈V f ∈F v∈V representation of Z2 × Z2, which demonstrates the fractional- where ization. Av = Ze, (A6) 2. Gauging vertex symmetries e v × B f = XeCZ∂e, (A7) Now, we instead gauge the Z2 Z2 symmetry subgroup generated by X and X . For convenience, denote the subsets e∈ f B Y of all blue/yellow vertices by VB/Y ⊂ V . Notice that VB/Y each C = X CZ , , , v v v e(v v) (A8) form a rotated square lattice. We can therefore gauge each v ∈n(v) Z2 factor individually in the same way that we gauged XF where n(v) is the set of nearest-neighboring vertices to v, in the previous subsection, such that the vertex qubits are and e(v, v ) is the edge connecting vertices v and v .We mapped onto a pair of new qubits on each face. This results

033331-14 SUBSYSTEM SYMMETRY ENRICHED TOPOLOGICAL ORDER … PHYSICAL REVIEW RESEARCH 2, 033331 (2020) in three qubits per face which we label fr,b,y with fr labeling shown therein that gauging the symmetry results in a model the ungauged face qubit. with D8 topological order, where D8 is the symmetry group of The gauged Hamiltonian reads as a square. y Now, let us rather start from H and gauge the anyon- 1 + A SET H =− Ay − Bb v permuting symmetry. In Ref. [56], it was shown in general that SET v v 2 v∈VB gauging an anyon-permuting symmetry leads to non-Abelian anyons. The symmetry considered in Ref. [56] was a layer 1 + Ab − Ab − By v − C , (A12) swap of a bilayer toric code, which appears superficially v v 2 f v∈VY f ∈F different from the permutation observed for HSET. However, upon a relabeling of anyons that preserves the braiding and ⊂ where, if we let Fv F denote the four faces surrounding fusion rules, the two symmetries turn out to be the same. vertex v, Therefore, the resulting gauge theory should be the same as / b y = , the one found in Ref. [56], namely, D8 topological order. A Z f / (A13) v b y As the two above cases show, we expect a non-Abelian f ∈Fv D8 topological order after gauging all symmetries of |SPT, b/y = , Bv Xfb/yCZfr , fy/b (A14) regardless of the order in which the symmetries are gauged. f ∈Fv This reinforces the intuition that the gauging operations for a = . pair of commuting symmetry subgroups should commute. Cf Xfr CZfb, fy (A15) We have again projected certain terms onto the zero-flux subspace to ensure the Hamiltonian is symmetric. If we apply 4. Symmetry defect analysis

CCZ fr , fb, fy to every face, this Hamiltonian is disentangled to Now, we show that examining symmetry defects in the two copies of the toric code on the blue and yellow face qubits, ungauged model allows us to draw the same conclusions and a trivial Hamiltonian on the red face qubits. Once again, without explicitly gauging the symmetries. Using the defi- this unitary does not respect the residual Z2 symmetry. nition of symmetry defects from Sec. IV A, we find that the This time, the residual symmetry acts in a way that per- symmetry defects associated to XF appear at the ends of 1D mutes the anyons of the two toric codes, rather than fraction- lines consisting of CZ’s on a path along the edges of the alizing. To see this, consider the following string operator: lattice. Then, we find that the end point of the XF defect line transforms projectively under the XB/Y symmetries, in the  = , , Q XfbCZfr fy (A16) exact same way as the string operator S in Eq. (A10). The ∈ f defects associated to XB (XY ) appear at the ends of strings where  is a connected path of faces. If we apply this operator of CZ’s on a path alternating between face qubits and yellow

|ψ (blue) vertex qubits. Consider the XB defects, with end points to a ground state g of HSET, we get an excited state with a b on yellow vertex qubits. Then, the XF symmetry transforms pair of excitations of Av at the two yellow vertices at the end points of the path. Now, if we apply the symmetry to this state, the defects by dressing these end points with Z operators. we find These correspond to XY symmetry charges. If we were to ⎛ ⎞ then gauge the Z × Z symmetry generated by X / , these 2 2 B Y ⎝ ⎠ two charges would become a pair of anyons. Therefore, the X Q|ψ =Q Z X |ψ =Q Z |ψ . (A17) F g fy F g fy g permutation action of the symmetry in the gauged theory can f ∈ f ∈ be seen by how the symmetry decorates the symmetry defects |ψ with symmetry charges. The string operator f ∈ Z fy acting on g creates excita- y tions of Bv at the same yellow vertices. Therefore, acting with XF permutes the anyons of the gauge theory. We can repeat APPENDIX B: BOUNDARY HAMILTONIANS FOR |SSPT the same procedure starting with different string operators. If In this Appendix, we consider some possible Hamiltonians we let mb/y and eb/y denote the anyons associated to violations / / which respect the boundary symmetries of |SSPT. Recall of Ab y and Bb y, respectively, then the residual Z symmetry v v 2 that, on the boundary, the planar subsystem symmetries act permutes anyons by attaching to every m particle an e particle like lines of X operators, while the global symmetry acts like of opposite color, i.e., m / ↔ m / e / . b y b y y b CZ’s between neighboring edges. The two simplest Hamilto- nians that respect these symmetries are 3. Gauging all symmetries =− − , We can also consider gauging the whole Z2 × Z2 × Z2 HcSSPT Xe Xe Ze (B1) ∈∂ ∈∂ ∈ symmetry group. While we will not perform this calculation e E eE e n(e) explicitly, we can use some general results to determine the HSSB =− Ze , (B2) resulting gauge theory. First, suppose we start from H SET e∈∂E e ∈n(e) and gauge the fractionalized Z2 × Z2 symmetry. In general, when a symmetry acts on the anyons as a higher-dimensional where ∂E denotes the set of edges on the boundary, and n(e) representation, gauging it results in non-Abelian anyons [34]. contains the set of four edges that are nearest-neighboring The fractionalization pattern observed for HSET corresponds edges to e, as measured by distance to the center points of precisely to that shown in Fig. 2(c) of Ref. [90], and it is each edge. In HcSSPT, the global symmetry interchanges the

033331-15 STEPHEN, GARRE-RUBIO, DUA, AND WILLIAMSON PHYSICAL REVIEW RESEARCH 2, 033331 (2020) two sums. Note that the edge qubits lie on the vertices of the medial square lattice. HcSSPT is exactly a 2D cluster Hamiltonian in an external field, tuned to its critical point [23,91]. This critical point corresponds to a first-order between the 2D SSPT phase of the cluster state and the trivial phase [22]. Being first order, the phase transition is caused by a level crossing, such that HcSSPT has two degenerate ground states with a gap above them. In fact, these two grounds states are re- FIG. 10. After tracing out qubits in the B subsystem, as indicated lated by the boundary action of the global symmetry. HSSB,on by the slashes, the operator Ce (left) is transformed to CePe up to a the other hand, corresponds to two decoupled plaquette Ising constant factor of 24 = 16. models [16], one on the vertical edges, one on the horizontal edges. The ground states of this model spontaneously break the subsystem symmetries, such that there are an extensive G which have nontrivial support in B have zero partial trace number of degenerate ground states, with a gap above them. since the Pauli operators are traceless. The only exception ∈ ∂ We see that both of the above Hamiltonians have a degen- are the operators Ce where e AE . In this case, the trace erate ground space with a finite gap above. It is interesting to over B traces over one of the qubits involved in half of the compare this to the analogous situation which arises on the CZ operators in Ce. This does not give 0, rather we have = = 1+Z boundary of a 2D SPT order [89]. In that case, the boundary TraCZab 2Pb where P 2 . Using this, we find system is a 1D chain. The minimal Hamiltonian terms that 1 ρ = g C PE , commute with the boundary symmetry correspond to the 1D A |A| E (C2) 2 ∈ E⊂∂ cluster Hamiltonian in a magnetic field tuned to its critical g GA AE point, and two decoupled 1D Ising models. Thus, the situation where we have defined the projector PE as is similar to the current one. A crucial difference, however, lies in the fact that the ground state of the critical 1D cluster PE = P (C3) Hamiltonian respects the anomalous symmetry, and is there- f f ∈dE fore gapless [89]. Furthermore, adding the Ising interaction on top preserves the criticality in a finite region [92]. Therefore, with the 2D SPT supports a boundary with symmetry-protected = , gaplessness. Conversely, it is not immediately clear how to CE Ce (C4) engineer a gapless boundary for |SSPT. This is similar to e∈E the situation for 2D SSPT phases, which also only support where Ce is a unitary operator obtained from Ce by removing degenerate boundaries [16]. We leave a more detailed analysis half of the CZ’s (see Fig. 10). The subgroup GA is defined of the boundary of 3D SSPT phases to future work. to be generated by all elements of G which act nontrivially only on A, except for the two operators ∈∂ L/R Ce, which we e AE APPENDIX C: CALCULATION OF TOPOLOGICAL exclude for notational convenience. ρ2 , = , = ENTANGLEMENT ENTROPY To compute A, we observe that [CE g] [PE g] 0for

all g ∈ G and E ⊂ ∂AE . Then, we get In this Appendix, we compute S(2) for the bipartition A A depicted in Fig. 6(a). The subsystem A is defined by two 2 1 ρ = |G | g CE⊕E PE PE , (C5) planar cuts that run parallel to subsystem symmetry planes A 22|A| A g∈G E,E ⊂∂A and intersect edges/faces of the lattice, such that the qubits A E on intersected edges and faces lie within subsystem A (i.e., A 2 where we have used the facts ( ∈ g) =|G |( ∈ g) g GA A g GA has rough boundaries rather than smooth ones). The boundary 2 and C C = C . We observe that ρ is not proportional between the two subsystems is therefore two disconnected E E E⊕E A to ρ because of the presence of the projectors PE . Therefore, tori. Let ∂A ⊂ E denote the edges intersected by the bi- A E ρ is not a projector, which shows that the entanglement partitioning planes on each end of A. Likewise, let ∂A ⊂ F A F spectrum of our model is not flat, as it would be for the 3D denote the intersected faces, and let ∂A = ∂A ∪ ∂A . Since E F toric code. the boundary is made of two disconnected pieces, we can ρ2 = L R Now, we take the trace of A in three steps, TrA break each set into left and right parts, i.e., ∂AE = ∂A ∪ ∂A E E Tr∂ Tr∂ Tr −∂ . When taking the first trace, all nontrivial and ∂A = ∂AL ∪ ∂AR . AF AE A A F F F elements of G with support outside of ∂A are traceless, Let G be the Abelian stabilizer group defined in the main A except again for C for e ∈ ∂A . This gives text. Then, since |SSET is the unique state satisfying g|ψ= e E |ψ∀g ∈ G, we can write [52,93]   −|∂A| 2 2 Tr −∂ ρ = |G | g XE⊕E PE PE , (C6)  A A A 2|A| A 3D 3D 1 g∈G E,E ⊂∂A ρ = ψ ψ = g, (C1) ∂A E SSET SSET 2|A|+|B| g∈G where | | | | where A and B are the number of qubits in subsystems A XE = Xe (C7) and B. When we trace out the B subsystem, all elements in e∈E


, is obtained from CE after removing all CZ’s. G∂A contains where l(ei e j ) refers to the face that links edges ei and e j.The ∂ all elements of GA which act nontrivially only on A, and is trace is given by ∈ ∂ generated by the operators Ae for e AE . Now, the trace over 1−σ σ i j ∂ E = E 2 √ |∂ L | √ σ σ AE is 0 unless ,giving 1 AF i j Tr PE = 2 = 2 2 (C14) 2   −|∂AF | i, j i, j 2 2 Tr∂ Tr −∂ ρ = |G | g PE , (C8) AE A A A |A| A such that 2 ∈ E⊂∂ g G∂A AE √ |∂ L | √ AF ln 2 σ σ Tr PE = 2 e i, j i j . (C15) where we used that PE PE = PE .Atthispoint,itisusefulto E⊂∂AL σ consider the two boundaries of A separately. We can write E We have written the sum in√ such a way that it corresponds to   −|∂AF | 2 2 the partition function Z(ln 2) of the 2D Ising model, where Tr∂A TrA−∂A ρ = |G | g PE E A |A| A 2 g∈G E⊂∂AL β  , σiσ j ∂AL E Z(β) = e i j . (C16) σ × g PE . (C9) g ∈G E ⊂∂AR With this, Eq. (C12) becomes ∂AR E   √ −|∂ L | √  2 4 AF 2 Observing that the final trace over ∂A can further be factor- TrA ρ = |G | 2 Z(ln 2) − 1 . (C17) F A 2|A| A ized as Tr∂ = Tr∂ L Tr∂ R , and the left and right boundaries AF AF AF are disjoint and equivalent so we can simply square the result For conceptual clarity, let us define the group GA which / for the left boundary, we get is obtained by adding the two generators e∈∂AL R Ce, which | |=E | | we omitted earlier, into GA. Then, we have GA 4 GA .By   −|∂AF | L 2 letting N =|∂A | be the number of spins in the Ising model, Tr ρ2 = |G | E A A 2|A| A we get ⎛ ⎡ ⎛ ⎞⎤⎞   2 (2) =− ρ2 SA ln TrA A × ⎝ ⎣ ⎝ ⎠⎦⎠ . √ Tr∂AL PE g (C10) − F =| | − | |− N Z − . A ln 2 ln GA 2ln[2 (ln 2) 1] (C18) E⊂∂AL g∈G E ∂AL This Ising√ model has a phase√ transition at inverse temperature E = = + For each , this remaining trace is 0 unless g e,org β = ln(1 2) [67]. Since ln 2 <β, our partition function = c 2 c e∈E Ae. In the latter case, we have PE e∈E Ae PE . There- E lies in the disordered phase. In this phase, the free energy is fore, every term in the sum over gets doubled, except when extensive, in the sense that F(β):= ln Z(β) = αN for large E =∅ E = ∂ L or AE . This gives N. Importantly, there is no constant term in ln Z(β), as there −|∂ | would be in the ordered phase. The 2D Ising model has been   2 AF Tr ρ2 = |G | solved exactly in the large-N limit by Onsager [67], and is A A 2|A| A ⎛ ⎡ ⎤ ⎞ given in Ref. [94]as 2 α = ln [2 cosh(2β)] × ⎝ ⎣ ⎦ − − ⎠ . 2 Tr PE Tr P∅ Tr P∂AL (C11) E π   E⊂∂AL 1 1 2 E + dφ ln 1 + 1 − k2 sin φ , (C19) 2π 0 2 |∂ L | = = AF Noting that Tr P∅ Tr P∂AL 2 , we write 2 E where k = 2sinh(2β)/ cosh√ (2β). Evaluating this integral numerically for β = ln 2, we find that α is equal to   4 Tr ρ2 = |G | ln 2(ln 2 + 1 ) up to six decimal places. Thus, for large values A A 2|A| A 2 ⎛ ⎞ of N we get 2   (2) =− ρ2 ⎝ −|∂AL | ⎠ SA ln TrA A × 2 F Tr PE − 1 . (C12)   ln 2(ln 2− 1 )N E⊂∂ L =| | − | |− 2 − . AE A ln 2 ln GA 2ln e 1 (C20)

ln 2(ln 2− 1 ) We now proceed by expressing the remaining sum in terms Note that e 2 > 1, such that we can approximate ln 2(ln 2− 1 )N ln 2(ln 2− 1 )N of the partition function of a 2D square-lattice Ising model. ln (e 2 − 1) ≈ ln (e 2 )forlargeN,giving   To this end, we define an auxiliary square-lattice system with (2) 1 S =|A| ln 2 − ln |GA|−2ln2 ln 2 − N. (C21) degrees of freedom σi =±1 on each vertex near the boundary. A 2 ∈ ∂ L E Each vertex i corresponds to an edge ei AE .Given ,we The final step is to evaluate |GA|. To do this, we need σ σ =− ∈ E σ = define a vector such that i 1ifei , and i 1 to count the number of independent generators of GA.This otherwise. With this notation, we can rewrite is done using the usual counting arguments for the 3D

−σ σ   1 i j toric code [44]. Suppose for simplicity that the region A = 2 L × L × L N = L2 PE Pl(ei,e j ) (C13) contains vertices, such that . We then have 3 2 3 2 i, j 3L + L edges contained in A, and 3L + 2L faces, giving

033331-17 STEPHEN, GARRE-RUBIO, DUA, AND WILLIAMSON PHYSICAL REVIEW RESEARCH 2, 033331 (2020) 3 2 3 2 |A|=6L + 3L . Starting with the body-center terms Bc, and the two nonlocal terms ∈∂ L/R Ce,giving3L − L + 2 e AE 3 − 2 m we have L L terms contained in A, all of which are terms. Finally, we have the three nonlocal operators S and 3 z independent. We have 3L edge terms Ae, but they are not all e 3 2 S . Altogether, this gives 6L − 2L + 4 terms, such that independent. Namely, the product of all edge terms around x,y | |= 6L3−2L2+4 a given vertex is the identity, and so is the product of all GA 2 . The final result for the entropy is therefore  edge terms on a noncontractible plane [such as the plane z (2) 3 3 = − 2 − , in Fig. 6(a)], giving L + 1 constraints, and hence 2L − 1 SA (L) ln 2(6 2ln2)L 4ln2 (C22) independent terms. Finally, we have one Ce term for each edge away from the boundary, all of which are independent, plus corrections which go to zero as L goes to infinity.

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