OpenStax-CNX module: m43616 1

Predefined software collections in - LAMP∗

Hannes Hirzel

This work is produced by OpenStax-CNX and licensed under the Creative Commons Attribution License 3.0†

Abstract tasksel is a utility program in Ubuntu which allows you to choose from a set of predened software collections. This makes it easy for example to set up a LAMP stack ( Apache MySQL PHP) for . Introduction In the Ubuntu OS there is a utility program called tasksel which eases the installation of complex collections of software. In the following it is shown how to install a LAMP stack. Installation of tasksel To install tasksel open a terminal window with T and do sudo apt-get install tasksel Run tasksel To execute tasksel do sudo tasksel

∗Version 1.4: Nov 23, 2013 9:47 am -0600 † OpenStax-CNX module: m43616 2

Checking the installation To check the installation you might want to bring up a and navigate to The screen shot inserted below shows how the result should look like.

What you see is the le index. contained in the directory /var/www. To check the PHP installation navigate to OpenStax-CNX module: m43616 3

cd /var/www Then create a new le check. sudo gedit check.php

Insert the following code into the le


Then navigate in the browser to Then the parameters of the PHP setup are displayed. References help.ubuntu.com1 unixmen.com2 LAMP3 software bundle (Wikipedia)

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