Division II, Humanities and Fine Arts
'LYLVLRQ,, Division II includes the Departments of Art, Classical Languages and Literatures, English, Modern Languages and Literatures, Music, Philosophy, Religion, Rhetoric, and Theater. 7KH)DFXOW\RI'LYLVLRQ,, Hughes, Cheryl (chair) Lamberton, Jill Abbott, Jennifer Makubuya, James Abbott, Michael ** McDorman, Todd Bear, Andrea Miles, Lynne Baer, Jonathan Mills, Jessica Benedicks, Crystal ### Morton, Elizabeth *** Blix, David *** Nelson, Derek Bowen, Richard Pence, Nadine ^^^ Calisch, Douglas Phillips, Gary ^^^ Cherry, James Pouille, Adrien ~ Day, Joseph (spring) Pullen, Qian Day, Leslie (spring Redding, Gregory Drury, Jeffrey Rogers, V. Daniel Drury, Sara Rosenberg, Warren Ferber, Andrea Rossi, Stefani Freeze, Eric Royalty, Robert Freeze, Rixa ~ Stark, Harvey Gómez, Gilberto Stokes, Thomas Gross, James .risten Strandberg ~ Hardy, Jane Szczeszak-Brewer, Agata Hartnett, Jeremy Trott, Adriel Helman, Glen Tucker, Brian ### Herzog, Tobey Watson, Dwight Hudson, Marcus ** Wickkiser, Bronwen Hulen, Peter Wilson, Ivette .ubiak, David ** <i, .e Lake, Timothy ** Sabbatical leave, spring semester *** Sabbatical leave, full year ### Leave, full year ^^^ Administrative appointment, full year ~ Part-time 2013-2014 Wabash College Academic Bulletin 73 In addition to departmental majors, the Division offers a joint major in the Humanities and Fine Arts, which the student should declare by the end of the sophomore year. The Division Chair will appoint a committee to supervise the Humanities major, taking into consideration the student’s suggestions for membership. In the ¿rst semester of his junior year, the student must submit to his committee a written proposal for a project in the Humanities and Fine Arts, which will be completed, along with his course of study, by the end of the ¿rst semester of the senior year.
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