vaccine safety resources American Academy of Pediatrics (AAP) Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC)

The AAP is an organization of 60,000 primary The CDC is a government resource care physicians, pediatric medical subspecialists and for safety. pediatric surgical subspecialists dedicated to the health, safety and well being of infants, children, The CDC web site includes: adolescents and young adults. • ACIP • Vaccine Adverse The AAP web site includes information recommendations Event Reporting System in both English and Spanish on: • National Health surveys • Clinical • Immunization • FAQs on diseases and Safety Assessment schedules • Vaccine Information Statements • Interactive schedulers • Audio clips of vaccine • Access to vaccines experts • Vaccine Safety • Web pages on safety Datalink

Immunization Action Coalition (IAC) EveryVaccinate Child By Your Two Baby (ECBT) •

The IAC works to increase immunization rates Every Child By Two, founded by and and prevent disease by creating and distributing , is an organization devoted to raising educational materials for health professionals and awareness of the critical need for timely . the public that enhance the delivery of safe and ECBT’s Vaccinate Your Baby web site is a one-stop effective immunization services. shop for families with questions about vaccines. IAC’s web site includes: The Vaccinate Your Baby web site includes:

• Immunization handouts • Vaccine Information • Video FAQs from top • Information on vaccine for patients and staff Statements and experts development, ingredients translations and reasons for • Newsletters about • Vaccine safety studies recommended schedules vaccinating children • Ask the Experts Q&As • Links to Facebook page and adults for vaccinators and vaccine blog • Facts on diseases and • Immunization record vaccines cards Vaccine Education Center National Network for Immunization Information (NNii)

The Children’s Hospital of Philadelphia’s Vaccine Education NNii is a service provided by Immunizations for Center provides complete and up-to-date information Public Health, a Texas-based nonprofit corporation about vaccines to parents and health care professionals. dedicated to making immunization information available to those who need it. The Vaccine Education Center’s web site includes: NNii’s web site includes:

• Factsheets on • Information regarding • Factsheets on each • Vaccines common questions preventable diseases vaccine recommended for pregnant women such as thimerosal, and vaccines • Web pages on aluminum and the • Parents PACK, which safety issues, such • FAQs number of vaccines offers a web site as ingredients, recommended on the and monthly e-mail exposure parties and schedule newsletter the recommended • Videos and booklets schedule on vaccine safety

Institute for Vaccine Safety Parents of Kids with Infectious Diseases (PKIDs)

The Institute for Vaccine Safety provides an independent PKIDs’ mission is to educate the public about assessment of vaccines and vaccine safety. infectious diseases, the methods of prevention and transmission, the latest advances in medicine, and the The Institute’s web site includes: elimination of social stigma borne by the infected. • Independent evaluations laws and links to state PKIDs’ web site includes: of vaccine safety legislation • How vaccines and the • Stories of children • All vaccine components, • Vaccine schedules, immune system work who have had vaccine- including Thimerosal, recommendations, preventable diseases for approved vaccines package inserts and • What the world would manufacturers look like without • Q&As about vaccine • Vaccine exemption vaccines safety • Infectious Disease Workshop materials Books with Helpful Vaccine Information

100 Questions & Answers About Expecting 411: Clear Answers Childhood Immunizations & Smart Advice for Your Pregnancy this resource brought to By Thomas Belhorn, MD, PhD By Michele Hakakha, MD and Ari Brown, MD you by Merck & Co., Inc. • • and Pfizer, Inc. Autism’s False Prophets: Bad Gentle Baby Care Science, Risky Medicine, and the By Elizabeth Pantley and Harvey Karp Search for a Cure • By Paul A. Offit, MD The Mother of All Parenting Books • By Ann Douglas Baby 411: Clear Answers and Smart • Advice For Your Baby’s First Year The Panic Virus: A True Story of By Ari Brown, MD and Denise Fields Medicine, Science and Fear • By Seth Mnookin Caring For Your Baby and Young • Child: Birth to Age 5 Taking Care of Your Child: By Steven P. Shelov, MD, MS, FAAP and Tanya Remer Altmann, MD, FAAP A Parent’s Illustrated Guide • to Complete Medical Care The Complete Idiot’s Guide By Robert H. Pantell, James F. Fries and Donald M. Vickery to • By Michael Joseph Smith, MD, MSCE and Laurie Bouck Vaccines and Your Child: • Separating Fact From Fiction Deadly Choices: How the By Paul A. Offit, MD and Charlotte Moser Anti-vaccine Movement • Threatens Us All What to Expect the First Year By Paul A. Offit, MD (January 2011) By Heidi Murkoff • • This resource was reviewed and approved by: Do Vaccines Cause That?! What to Expect Guide American Academy of Pediatrics A Guide for Evaluating to Immunizations Every Child By Two Vaccine Safety Concerns By Heidi Murkoff and Sharon Mazel Immunization Action Coalition By Martin G. Myers, MD • and Diego Pineda Institute for Vaccine Safety Your Baby’s First Year • National Network for American Academy of Pediatrics Dr. Spock’s Baby and Child Care Immunization Information By Benjamin Spock Parents of Kids with and Robert Needlman Infectious Diseases