The capacity of a society to successfully tackle current challenges is very much linked to the capacity of its different parts to stand together and to permanently readapt collective answers to ever changing needs. Social economy plays a key role in this regard. This is due not at least to its large potential to mobilise and involve different members of local communities in defining their real needs and in developing appropriate responses that serve the general interest. An increasing number of actors, including policy-makers at different level, therefore consider the social economy an important partner. Moreover, partnership has become a main condition for the implementation of the new programming period of the European Structural and Investment Funds (Regulation 1303/2013, Art. 5).

REVES supports, since 1996, the creation and strengthening of partnerships between the social economy and local/regional authorities, for a most fair, inclusive, participative and responsible society. With the Award, the network would like to make this kind of alliance and its success more visible. At the same time, it aims to foster the emergence of new partnerships between these two actors.

The objective of the REVES Award 2015 is to identify and reward best working examples of general-interest-oriented partnership between public authorities and social and solidarity economy that is based on or produces measurable and replicable social innovation (including a direct involvement of citizens in design and realisation of actions).

Committee of the Regions of the EU, Rue Belliard, 99/101, 1040 , room JDE51, 5 JUNE 2015, 9.00-17.00

Le Conseil de l'économie sociale et solidarie (ESS), Strasbourg 9.00 - 9.30 Welcome Metropole, A representative of the Committee of the Regions (tbc) Strategic partnership in development& implementation of the Felice Scalvini, Co-President of REVES AISBL social economy program, County of Medjimurje, Croatia Jan Olsson, Co-President of REVES AISBL Social economic marketing, CADORE S.C.S, Italy 9.30 - 10.00 Presentation of the members of the jury Un nouveau modèle de bien-être local, City of Sceaux, France Jens Nilsson, MEP, Co-President of the Social Economy Intergroup 13.30 - 14.30 Break Ariane Rodert, Economic and Social Committee of the EU 14.30 - 16.00 Presentation of applications Roberto Di Meglio, International Labour Organisation Crèche meli-melo, Coopérative Petite Enfance, France Antonella Noya, OECD WIN - Welfare d'iniziativa, Associazione vecchie e nuove povertà, Emmanuel Verny, Social Economy Europe Empoli, Italy 10.00 - 13.30 Presentation of applications Financité Microsavings Project, Laboriously, Fare Comunità, Italy Le partenariat dans le domaine des activités de collecte, Nature School – Sponsorship Class Action, Villa Elba, Finland recyclage et réemploi, Strasbourg Metropole, France Mamas Retro, Forum Skill, Sweden Collaborative networks - production, employment and local Academy of life, Centre for NGO, Konin, Poland development, Animar, Portugal Bees coop, Cooperative Bruxelloise Ecologique Economique et Sociale, Belgium Junts Fem Barri: proceso participativo, Gavà, Spain Pronto badante: the needed care, just in time, Region of Tuscan, Italy Judo Parthenay Pays de Gâtine, France Tremplin vers l'emploi durable des jeunes, Strasbourg Metropole, France Create for , Local Community Enterprise Support Network, Lithuania 16.00 - 17.00 Final intervention by the Jury and award Cité de l’Autre Economie, Dijon, France ceremony for the REVES EXCELLENCE AWARD 2015 Distretto Integrato di Economia Sociale, Marche, Italy

Simultaneous translation in English and French

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