We would like to take this opportunity to wish you an extremely warm welcome to Lightcliffe Academy. The aim of this booklet is to help you to find out about your new school and get off to a great start when you arrive in September.

At Lightcliffe Academy, our core values are Dignity, Aspiration, Respect, Endeavour and Service. They help us to make our school a happy place where students feel safe and learn a lot. We are very proud of our school and students-they are our best ambassadors and represent themselves and our school well. We hope that you have high expectations of yourself and we encourage you to see yourself as a "Leader of Learning".

High quality learning is at the heart of our school and we can offer you plenty of learning opportunities both inside and outside the classroom. We encourage you to take advantage of these and make the most of your time at Lightcliffe Academy.

We look forward to working with you and your parents/carers to help you to be the very best that you can be.

Yours sincerely

Our Mission Statement is to:

These are our values: The member of the Senior Leadership Team who is in charge of Student Welfare is Mr J Clarke

The Head of Year for Year 7 is—Miss L Williams They are helped by Mrs D Fenwick (Attendance) & Miss L Barr (Head of Nurture)

Your form tutor will be responsible for looking after you every morning. They will get to know you well and will deal with any questions you have. They are usually the first person you or your parent/carer will speak to if you have a problem that needs dealing with. Each day you will meet with your form tutor in your form room for Tutor Time. It is important that you arrive on time. The morning starts at 8:40am every day so you should be in school by 8:30am

You will already know some of the students in your form group from your primary school and you will have already met the other students on the morning of Transition Day.

Form groups are arranged by year group. This means that during Tutor Time you will spend 20 minutes each day with only Year 7 students.

At Tutor Time, you are expected to be in your seat and wearing correct school uniform. You must wait quietly for your teacher to take the register and read out any notices. Often, they will check uniform or equipment before they ask you to read silently, discuss any major topics of the day, complete work that is relevant to the ‘Pastoral Curriculum’ or attend assembly.

Each week there will be time given to the ‘Pastoral Curriculum’. This is work that might help you through school or give information about options, careers, current affairs or even help you understand how to keep yourself healthy and safe.

You will attend one assembly each week. This will be with your Head of Year or with a member of the Leadership Team. At Lightcliffe Academy you will have different teachers and you will go to different classrooms for every subject.

It is important that you take pride in your work and always check classwork and homework for correct spelling and punctuation.

In lessons, you will be asked to sit in a particular seat or work with a particular group of people and you are expected to try to do your best. If you find the work difficult, teachers and other adults will help you.

You will be given a ‘Progress Level’ soon after arriving in Year 7 and you will be encouraged and helped to work towards and even beyond this level.

There are also a number of ‘Learning Habits’ we would like you to follow. These all relate to the school values and can be found on the next page.

Homework is an important part of learning at Lightcliffe Academy. It prepares you for the world of work and for further study at College or University, where you will be asked to complete tasks when no-one is constantly checking what you do.

Homework is important because:

1. It will help your teacher to find out if you understood during the lesson

2. It will help you to remember what you learned in the lesson

3. It will also help you to develop ways for finding things out when there is not someone available to help you

4. It will prepare you for life after school, when you are given a job or study at Sixth Form or University.

You should expect to receive homework and you should spend at least 20-30 minutes completing each piece of set homework.

All homework should have a date, title and ‘H/W’ written at the top of the work.

You and your parent/carer will also have access to an app for your computer, smartphone or tablet, which will inform you both of when you have homework, as well as when you have been awarded an Achievement Point for good work or behaviour. However, it will also inform you of when you get a behaviour mark for bad behaviour!

These can be downloaded from the Apple App Store:

Or from Google Play:

To have a look at what this looks like then take a look online at: https://pages.classcharts.com/#ParentsAndStudentsApps During your first morning at school, you will receive a two week timetable.

Week One will have different lessons to Week Two. You can check your timetable to find out which week it is. As well as having a paper copy, you can log on to Outlook and view it in your Calendar.

Every day you will have 5 different lessons as well as a Tutor Time period and your timetable will look something like this:

Mon Tues Weds Thu Fri The first piece of useful Tech - Art English Science English information on your RM timetable is the subject 1 FEN RCR NRY RCR SSS you will be learning. E.1.01 B.2.02 F.1.27 B.2.02 F.2.05 Geog History English Maths MFL 2 SHD MSN RCR AHH PHF E.3.17 F.2.08 B.2.02 B.1.07 F.2.07 Tutor Tutor Tutor Tutor Tutor time time time time time The second thing you need to

RJT RJT RJT RJT know is which room you are in. RJT A.1.08 A.1.08 A.1.08 A.1.08 A.1.08 This is easy to work out BREAK  The school is organized with Sci- Block ‘A’ at one end and Science Maths RE Geog ence block ‘F’ at the other.

NRY AHH EKK SHD NRY  Next is which floor you are on: 3 F.1.27 B.1.07 E.2.03 E.3.17 F.1.27  Ground floor is .1.

English Music MFL MFL PE  Second floor is .2. 4 RCR DWT PHF PHF LDY  Third floor is .3. (D & E Sports B.2.02 B.1.04 F.2.07 F.2.07 Hall Blocks Only) LUNCH  Finally is the room number on Tech - Maths PE History IT that floor 5 Food AHH LDY MSN KTF LHD E.2.07 Gym F.2.08 E.3.16 B.2.05 Here F.1.27 means  Science is in Block – F, Finally you will see the  on the ground floor (Floor 1) teacher’s initials. Even though  in room number 27 you will not know them at first, you will get to know them very well after a few weeks Below is a list of subjects that you will take during Year 7.

Mathematics Food Technology English Modern Foreign Languages Drama History Physical Education (PE) Technology: Resistant Materials Science Geography Religious Education Information Technology (IT) Technology: Graphic Art Music Technology: Textiles Design

You will be expected to bring the equipment listed below to school with you every day.

 1 blue/black pen  A green pen  A pencil  A ruler  A rubber  Your reading book (DEAR Book)  A scientific calculator (Casio FX-83 GT or similar is the preferred model, these can be purchased through school for £8.35 via ParentPay)

It is important that you are always equipped for learning, without the basics you cannot make the most of your learning opportunities. It is also advisable to have some spare pens and a pencil sharpener.

As you get older you will also need basic Maths equipment:  A protractor  A compass

In addition, you will need two aprons:

 White for Food Technology

 Beige for Resistant Materials and Art All students will have Art on their timetable for the first two years at school. It will be helpful if you have a rubber and an apron for lessons that involve working with materials such as clay or printing ink.

If you have been taking music lessons at primary school, then you may wish to carry them on when you join Lightcliffe Academy. You will be able to do this if you wish.

The school uses tutors from the Peripatetic Service and you may well have met them at your primary school. Your parent/ carer may wish to contact them directly but if you need more information, please see Mr West, Head of Music. There are tests in most school subjects during the school year. Your teachers will tell you when your tests are and they will tell you what to revise and how best to revise.

At three points during the year your parent/carer will receive a progress report on how well you are doing in all of your subjects. Each report will also include information of your effort (Endeavour), behaviour (Respect), homework (Endeavour) and any next steps to help you progress further.

During the year there will be two opportunities for you to attend parents evenings with your parent/carer. The first one is in October and is called a ‘Moving-on’ evening. It is a time for you and your parent/carer to speak to your Head of House/Form Tutor about settling in and your early progress.

The second is in the Spring Term 2020 and is ‘Parents Evening’ where you and your parent/carer can discuss with all of your subject teachers how you are getting on. This will help you to find areas that you are doing well in and where you can make improvements. You will be emailed details of how to log on to our online booking system and book appointments, approximately two weeks before the evening.

Rewards can take the form as simply as praise but more often students receive an ‘Achievement Point’, and this is recorded centrally on the school system. This links to the ClassCharts electronic app and parents/ carers are notified when you receive a point.

Achievement Points can be gained for any one of the five school values and are rewarded for:

Dignity – usually for something that shows you doing the best you can and bringing a positive image of yourself, your family or the school. Aspiration – often awarded for trying to achieve something you have never done before Respect – where you try to show tolerance of others, and care for the community or environment. Endeavour – usually awarded for hard work and effort Service – where you have undertaken a random act of kindness, or helped or supported another student, or member of the community. Attendance and punctuality (being on time) are very important at Lightcliffe Academy. If you achieve 100% attendance and punctuality then you are more likely to make the most of your learning opportunities and you won’t miss out. If you achieve 100% attendance, you will be rewarded with:  A letter home to your parent/carer  A certificate that will be presented to you in assembly  For ‘Outstanding’ attendance and punctuality you will also receive additional Achievement Points

If you are absent from or late to school, your parents/carers must contact the Attendance Officer on 01422 201028 option 1 (ext 137) or text on our Absence Alert Number – 07624812225 Alternatively parents/carers can email [email protected] for each day of absence, so that we know where you are.

Holiday requests must be emailed to [email protected] for permission. Any holidays taken in term-time are unauthorised unless due to an unexceptional circumstance.

If you are not in school and we are not aware, your parent/carer WILL receive a text message asking for them to contact school immediately to explain your absence.

Punctuality is very important and we expect you to arrive at school on time for Period 1 and all of your lessons. In September, you will receive your ID Card. This is your own personal card and will have your name and photograph on it. You must not deface your card and if you misplace it, your parent/carer will need to purchase a replacement for £3 via ParentPay - www.parentpay.com. This is also the way that parents/carers top-up your lunch money and view what you have bought throughout the day.

We are very proud that our school was the first Secondary School in to be awarded the ‘National Healthy Schools Award’.

The school canteen offers a variety of food and drink items for you to purchase. We have a pasta/curry bar, sandwiches, wraps and paninis. Hot meals are also available. You can buy a Meal Deal for £2.60; this consists of a main meal, plus a dessert or a piece of fruit/yoghurt or a bottle of water.

It is important to eat a healthy, balanced lunch and to drink plenty of water so that you are ready to learn. You may decide to bring a packed lunch; you can eat this in the Main Hall with the other students. We ask all students to place any litter in bins in order to keep our school clean and tidy. Please bring a reusable water bottle. You are able to refill your water bottle using the water fountains around school.

For your own safety, you are not allowed to leave the school premises at either break or lunchtimes. Leadership is important through the school years. We will encourage you to go for your goals and speak up. Next year there will be Form Captains who will represent you and your peers and voice any concerns/issues to your Year group forum and Head of House. They then can take your wishes and concerns to the whole school council. The responsibility of the School Council is to make an active and positive contribution to the daily life of the school community and to also help the form tutor with various roles and responsibilities within the form. The School Council can then speak to Mrs Nellis (Principal) and changes around school can be made for the better. One of the issues tackled by the School Council was mobile phones. Students felt that the rules regarding mobile phones in school were not clear and they wanted to make them easy to understand. The School Council worked together to create a ‘Code of Conduct’ that they took brought to the Senior Leadership Team in school for approval. An outline of the school Code of Conduct for mobile phones is below.

 Mobile phones are allowed in school at your own risk

 School cannot nor will not accept any responsibility for mobile phones that are either lost or stolen on the school premises, on school visits or whilst travelling to and from school

 In addition, PE staff may allow mobile phones to be placed in the valuables tray during PE lessons or practices for safe keeping

 At all times during the school day, mobile phones must be inside the student’s bag and they must be switched OFF completely. Having it on silent or vibrate runs the risk of having it confiscated

 If parents/carers need to contact you urgently they should phone the school office and a message will be given to you. If you need to contact your parent/carer you may use a school phone, NOT your own mobile

 If students use their mobile phone during the school day, it will be confiscated and it will only be returned to the parent/carer who must collect it in person from the school office To make everybody’s bus journey as enjoyable as possible, we ask you to sign up to the following Code of Conduct:

 Queue sensibly, away from the road  Get on the bus calmly, without pushing  Parents/carers must ensure that your child is at the bus stop in good time to catch the bus

 Show your pass to the driver  Pay for your journey  Find a seat and stay seated for the journey  Fasten your seatbelt (where applicable) - for safety and as a legal requirement  Do not distract the driver—unless in an emergency  Do not damage the bus  Always behave sensibly throughout your journey  Never touch the emergency exit  Never leave your bag in the aisle

 When your stop is next, press the bell once. If it has already been pressed, you do not need to ring it again  If you have to cross the road after you get off the bus, wait until the bus has moved off and you can see the road clearly in both directions or go to the nearest available crossing

You are respectfully reminded that by registering to use the service, you accept the terms and conditions of travel. This includes sanctions which would be applied if the required standards of behaviour are not met. Parents/carers need to be aware that if their child causes any damage or does not meet the required standard of behaviour on the bus they could:  Have their pass withdrawn  Be banned from the bus  Be prosecuted by the police  Be required to pay for any damage they have caused

It is important to note that your bus pass now needs to be purchased on-line Applications need to be made to Metro on their website ‘Generation M’. The direct address for the applica- tion form is https://www.wymetro.com/schools/ For the bus routes please see the website or the attached routes at the back of this booklet. As well as learning in your lessons, you will have the opportunity to participate in extra-curricular activities. These take place at lunchtimes, after school and at weekends.

Some of extra-curricular activities that you can get involved in include:

 The school’s drama club

 Drama Productions

 Many sports teams and clubs including

 Football

 Rugby

 Hockey

 Netball

 Athletics

 Cricket

 Cheerleading

 Art club

 Film club

 Creative Writing Club

School will also run a number of visits and trips through your time in school. These might include:

 Language Trips

 Sports Tours

 Rewards Trips

 Course visits – such as a Geography field work or Science trips

 A year group residential

…and these are only a few of them!

I arrive late at school? Sign in with Main Reception & go straight to your first lesson

Tell someone! I am being bullied? Tell a member of staff, a parent, your tutor or another student - especially the Anti-Bullying Ambassadors

I have a Ask your parent/carer to email the details to dental/ medical [email protected]. Sign out at the appointment? Main Reception, when you leave

I have lost Lost property is taken to the Head of Year Office. something? Remember all property should be marked with your name

I don't understand my See your subject teacher, your tutor or even a friend homework task?

I have forgotten to bring Explain to your subject teacher as soon as you can and something to at the start of the lesson at the latest school?

I got something Ask politely the teacher who confiscated it, when it can confiscated? be collected and what the conditions are

Tell your teacher, who may request for you to be sent to the I don't feel well? medical room. Please do not contact home yourself

A parent or carer will to contact school before 8am or I am absent? email [email protected]. Catch up on missed work on your return

Parents/carers will need to contact the School's First Aider. I take medication? They may need to complete a form for any medication that is to be taken in school time

New Parents Evening – Thursday 25th June (For both parents/carers and students) Transition Day – Friday 3rd July (students only) Leadership Team 1:1 meetings – W/C 6th July, time TBC Summer School – Dates in August TBC (students only) Moving on Evening – October (For both parents/carers and students) Year 7 Parents Evening –January 2021 (For both parents/carers and students)

School reopens on Tuesday 8th September 2020 (Y7, Y11 & Post 16 Only) Training Day – close on Thursday 8th October (staff only) Half term – close on Friday 23rd October – reopen Monday 2nd November Trust Training Day – Date in November TBC (staff only) Christmas – close on Friday 18th December – reopen Monday 4th January 2021 Half Term – close on Friday 12th February – reopen Monday 22nd February Easter – close on Friday 1st April – reopen Monday 19th April May Day – closed on Monday 3rd May Half term – close Friday 28th May – reopen Monday 7th June Summer – close Friday 23rd July (Further information to be confirmed about the time of closure and running of buses on this day) If your child is absent from or late to school, parents/carers must contact the Attendance Officer on 01422 201028 option 1 (ext 137) or text on our Absence Alert Number – 07624812225

Alternatively parents/carers can email [email protected] for each day of absence, so that we know where you are.

Holiday requests must be emailed to [email protected] for permission. Any holidays taken in term-time are unauthorised unless due to an unexceptional circumstance.

If your child is not in school and we are not aware, parent/carers WILL receive a text message asking for them to contact school immediately to explain your absence.

Punctuality is very important and we expect your child to arrive at school on time for Period 1 and all of their lessons.

We have a wide range of people available to help Parents & Carers with any issues they may have. Please email [email protected] to request an appointment, giving at least 24 hours’ notice.

•First point of contact for all routine issues and concerns

• For issues concerning Behaviour, Attendance & Uniform

•For subject specific issues

•To support students, parents and teachers in matters of attendance

•To support those students with special learning needs

•To help students overcome difficulties with their learning and give them support and guidance

•For issues not resolved after all other channels have been explored

Your child will receive regular homework from each subject and your child will receive information via their online electronic app.

You will have access to this through the ‘Classcharts’ app. This is available on your computer at home as well as mobile devices, such as an iPad or smartphone.

You will also be able to check to see if your child has any homework or messages sent directly to a class as well as all progress and behaviour information.

To see what this looks like, please go to: https://pages.classcharts.com/#ParentsAndPupilsApps

It is important that your child is always equipped for learning. Without the basics, they cannot make the most of their learning opportunities.

They will need:-  All lessons - pens, pencil, pencil sharpener, ruler & calculator (Casio FX-83 GT or similar)  For Art/ Technology – HB pencils, soft rubber and apron (Beige)  For Maths – protractor & compass  For Food Technology – another apron is required (White)  For P.E. – their PE kit on those days (See list on the next page)

Remember to: Thomas Smith  Put your name on everything

 Do not bring valuable belongings into school unnecessarily as the school will not take responsibility for them if they become lost or broken

 Do not bring large sums of money to school; only bring what you need for bus fare. We are a cashless school

 If you lose or find anything, either tell your form tutor, Head of Year or inform the school office immediately

All students in Year 7 to 11 are required to wear the approved school uniform. We expect high standards of work and behaviour from our students, and believe that these are helped by high standards of dress and appearance. All items of school uniform are worn conventionally and we expect all parents/carers to support our simple and practical requirements. We operate checks each morning to ensure students uphold our high standards with regard to the dress code and to check on essential items for a successful day. This includes checking that students have the correct uniform and that it is worn professionally.

The school blazer is to be worn at all times around school and in Assembly. Students may ask permission to remove their blazer in classrooms.

A V-neck grey jumper with the school logo is optional and may be worn in addition to the school blazer.

Plain white school shirts or blouses should be worn, tucked in. The collar buttons to the neck should enable a clip-on tie to be worn. Fashion shirts are not permitted.

Clip-on school ties should be attached to the top of the shirt collar with the top button fastened. These can be purchased from the Uniform providers listed below.

Trousers should be school trousers. Tight trousers (fashion trousers), combats, jeans, varieties of leggings, and footless tights are not acceptable.

A plain, slim, black belt may be worn, but coloured wide belts or belts with large buckles should not be worn.

Skirts are mid-grey and of a sensible length, design and material. The new skirts this year must have the school logo visible at the top. Fashion skirts, very short, long or tight skirts are not permitted.

Shoes are plain all-black leather or leather-look school shoes, not leather trainers (e.g. Converse). The wearing of backless shoes, boots, trainers, fabric or canvas shoes, platforms, flip-flops or high heels is not allowed. Shoes and soles must not have logos or writing on and laces must be black.

Make-up is not allowed in Years 7-9. It will only be tolerated in Years 10 and 11, if it is kept to a minimum. Students will be expected to remove make-up with a suitable cleanser if judged too excessive by the Academy.

Nail extensions, false nails are not permitted, shellac or nail varnish in anything other than clear is not permitted. Extreme hairstyles such as very close shaven hair, tramlines or any other shaved patterns are not permitted. Unnatural colours or extreme contrasts of colour are not allowed.

Jewellery is restricted to the wearing of a watch and a single pair of plain, metal, stud earrings. Other types of earrings including bars, ear stretchers and tapers are not allowed. Other kinds of piercings, including tongue/nose/eyebrow are not permitted. Students should not wear rings or bracelets/bangles.

Trousers - Plain grey school-type trousers with a slim black belt

Shoes - Plain black leather or leather-look school shoes with no logos or brand names

Trousers/Skirt - Grey pleated, straight or A-line skirt. Approximately knee length with an embroidered school flame logo. Plain grey school-type trousers

Shoes - Plain black leather or leather-look school shoes with no logos or brand names

School blazer – This is badged with the school logo and must be worn around school

School jumper, tie, blouse/shirt – Optional grey jumper with school logo, white blouse or shirt. School ties are clip on and must be attached to the top of the shirt collar with the top button fastened The compulsory PE Kit consists of:  A navy Polo Shirt with the school logo  Navy shorts with the school logo  Navy Tracksuit with the school logo  Navy sports socks  Trainers (pumps are not acceptable)  Football/rugby boots

No leather trainers (e.g. Converse), backless shoes, boots, trainers, fabric or canvas shoes, platforms, flip-flops or high heels. Shoes and soles must not have logos or writing on and laces must be black

The Academy has considered its obligations under the Equality Act 2010 not to discriminate unlawfully on the grounds of disability, ethnicity, gender, sex, religion or sexual orientation. Racial, cultural and religious needs accommodated within the general policy are given below.  Muslim females who choose to wear a headscarf are permitted to do so, but it must be navy and tied in a safe and secure manner during all practical lessons. The wearing of a Niqab is not allowed  Jewish males may wear a navy kippah and Sikhs may wear a Turban  Muslim males and females and Hindu females are allowed to wear the Lightcliffe Academy tracksuit bottoms for PE The Academy respects the decision of:  Muslim and Sikh males to grow facial hair (i.e. a beard)  Rastafarians and Sikhs to grow their hair long, but it must be tied back in a safe and secure manner in all practical subjects  Males and females with African-Caribbean ethnicity to wear their hair in cornrows or braids  The Academy may allow certain religious amulets to be worn discretely by students where there is religious significance

Uniform that bears our logo is only available from the approved stockists below. The compulsory school logo badged items are the blazer, V-neck jumper and the PE kit. This gives you the flexibility to buy any remaining items such as trousers and shirts, from wherever you choose. This is to offer families the opportunity to gain best value for money; however, it must meet the Academy’s standard uniform requirements. Official approved stockists of Lightcliffe Academy’s badged items are:

Frank Harrisons, – 01484 719288 www.fhbschooluniform.co.uk Halifax Uniform Shop – 0113 279 7971 www.halifaxuniformshop.co.uk Shaw Hardcastle, Halifax – 01422 353949

Please note: badged items purchased from retailers other than our approved stockists may not meet the standard for quality of the product and of the embroidery; if this is the case, it may mean you will have to replace your uniform item.

 2 Aprons (One for Food Technology - White and one for Design Technology & Art - Beige)

Please visit West Metro for applications and renewals for September 2020: https://www.wymetro.com/schools/applications/applications-and-renewals-for-september- 2020/

For further information, please contact Education Transport on 0113 348 1122 or visit www.wymetro.com/schools For lost property, please contact the bus operator on the telephone number provided with the timetable of your bus. For updates on travel to schools and colleges within , please check @metrogenm on Twitter

SERVICE C50 Village Street - Norwood Green - Lightcliffe Academy Lightcliffe Academy - Village Street - Norwood Green

ROUTES Towards Lightcliffe Academy From Village Street, Station Road, Huddersfield Road, Road, Road, Stoney Lane.

From Lightcliffe Academy From Stoney Lane, Smith House Lane, Laverock Lane, Well Green Lane, Finkil Street, Lower Finkil Street, Newton Park, Catherine Slack, Smith House Lane, Wakefield Road, Bradford Road, Huddersfield Road, Station Road, Village Street.

TIMETABLE Village Street - Norwood Green DEP 0805 Lightcliffe Academy ARR 0820

Lightcliffe Academy DEP 1510 Bailiff Bridge DEP 1530 Village Street - Norwood Green ARR 1545


SCHOOLS SERVED: Lightcliffe Academy, Stoney Lane, Lightcliffe HALIFAX , HX3 8TL

OPERATOR: South Pennine Community Transport 07593 852259

SERVICE C51 Halifax Bus Station - Lightcliffe Academy Lightcliffe Academy - Halifax Bus Station

ROUTES Towards Lightcliffe Academy From Halifax Bus Station, Northgate, Broad Street, Northgate, North Bridge, New Bank, Godley Road, Godley Lane, Bradford Road, Back Clough, Bradford Road, Halifax Road, Brighouse And Denholme Gate Road, Denholme Gate Road, Road, Wakefield Road, Stoney Lane.

From Lightcliffe Academy From Stoney Lane, Wakefield Road, Leeds Road, Denholme Gate Road, Brighouse And Denholme Gate Road, Halifax Road, Bradford Road, Back Clough, Bradford Road, Godley Lane, Godley Road, New Bank, Burdock Way, North Bridge, Northgate, Broad Street, Northgate, Halifax Bus Station, Halifax Bus Station Aisle E.

TIMETABLE Halifax Bus Station DEP 0745 Stump Cross DEP 0752 Upper Brear DEP 0757 Shelf Roundabout DEP 0800 Lightcliffe Academy ARR 0815

Lightcliffe Academy DEP 1510 Shelf Roundabout DEP 1520 Northowram Westcroft Lane DEP 1524 Stump Cross DEP 1530 Halifax Bus Station ARR 1545


SCHOOLS SERVED: Lightcliffe Academy, Stoney Lane, Lightcliffe HALIFAX , HX3 8TL

OPERATOR: First Calderline 0113 381 5000

Please note that students using this service must hold a Priority Photocard or a zero fare Boarding Pass.

SERVICE C52 Halifax Bus Station - Lightcliffe Academy Lightcliffe Academy - Halifax Bus Station

ROUTES Towards Lightcliffe Academy From Halifax Bus Station Aisle A, Halifax Bus Station, Northgate, Broad Street, Northgate, North Bridge, New Bank, Godley Road, Godley Lane, Leeds Road, Halifax Road, Leeds Road, Wakefield Road, Stoney Lane.

From Lightcliffe Academy From Stoney Lane, Wakefield Road, Leeds Road, Halifax Road, Leeds Road, Godley Lane, Godley Road, New Bank, Burdock Way, North Bridge, Northgate, Broad Street, Northgate, Halifax Bus Station Aisle E.

TIMETABLE Halifax Bus Station DEP 0755 Cross Roads DEP 0807 Lightcliffe Academy ARR 0815

Lightcliffe Academy DEP 1510 Hipperholme DEP 1515 Halifax Bus Station ARR 1530


SCHOOLS SERVED: Lightcliffe Academy, Stoney Lane, Lightcliffe HALIFAX , HX3 8TL

OPERATOR: First Calderline 0113 381 5000

Please note that students using this service must hold a Priority Photocard or a zero fare Boarding Pass.

SERVICE C53 Hungerhill Estate - Lightcliffe Academy Lightcliffe Academy - Hungerhill Ridgeway

ROUTES Towards Lightcliffe Academy From Hillcrest Road, Ridgeway, Brighouse Road, High Street, Chapel Street, West End, Ford Hill, Halifax Road, Queensbury Road, Boothtown Road, Haley Hill, Burdock Way, New Bank, Lister's Road, Godley Lane, Leeds Road, Halifax Road, Leeds Road, Wakefield Road, Stoney Lane.

From Lightcliffe Academy From Stoney Lane, Wakefield Road, Leeds Road, Halifax Road, Leeds Road, Godley Lane, Godley Road, New Bank, Haley Hill, Boothtown Road, Queensbury Road, Halifax Road, Ford Hill, West End, Chapel Street, High Street, Brighouse Road, Hillcrest Drive, Hillcrest Road, Ridgeway.

TIMETABLE Hungerhill Estate DEP 0739 Queensbury Cenotaph DEP 0742 Catherine Slack Swales Moor Road DEP 0749 Boothtown, New Inn DEP 0755 Stump Cross at Holmward Car Sales DEP 0805 Lightcliffe Academy ARR 0815

Lightcliffe Academy DEP 1510 Stump Cross DEP 1520 Boothtown (New Inn) DEP 1530 Queensbury Cenotaph DEP 1541 Hungerhill Ridgeway ARR 1548


SCHOOLS SERVED: Lightcliffe Academy, Stoney Lane, Lightcliffe HALIFAX , HX3 8TL

OPERATOR: First Calderline 0113 381 5000

Please note that students using this service must hold a Priority Photocard or a zero fare Boarding Pass.

SERVICE C54 Claremount (Belgrave Avenue) - Lightcliffe Academy Lightcliffe Academy - Claremount Road at Thorpe Street

ROUTES Towards Lightcliffe Academy From Belgrave Avenue, Claremount Road, Boothtown Road, Haley Hill, Burdock Way, New Bank, Godley Road, Godley Lane, Leeds Road, Halifax Road, Leeds Road, Wakefield Road, Stoney Lane.

From Lightcliffe Academy From Stoney Lane, Wakefield Road, Leeds Road, Halifax Road, Leeds Road, Godley Lane, Godley Road, New Bank, Horley Green Road, Belgrave Avenue, Claremount Road.

TIMETABLE Claremount (Belgrave Avenue) DEP 0750 Boothtown, New Inn DEP 0755 Stump Cross DEP 0805 Lightcliffe Academy ARR 0815

Lightcliffe Academy DEP 1510 Stump Cross DEP 1520 Claremount Horley Street DEP 1530 Claremount Road at Thorpe Street ARR 1535


SCHOOLS SERVED: Lightcliffe Academy, Stoney Lane, Lightcliffe HALIFAX , HX3 8TL

OPERATOR: First Calderline 0113 381 5000

Please note that students using this service must hold a Priority Photocard or a zero fare Boarding Pass.

SERVICE C55 Stump Cross - Lightcliffe Academy Lightcliffe Academy - Halifax Bus Station

ROUTES Towards Lightcliffe Academy From A58, Bradford Road, Back Clough, Bradford Road, Newlands Grove, Northowram Green, Score Hill, Hud Hill, Brighouse And Denholme Gate Road, A644, Brighouse And Denholme Gate Road, Denholme Gate Road, A58, Wakefield Road, Stoney Lane.

From Lightcliffe Academy From Stoney Lane, Wakefield Road, A58, Denholme Gate Road, Brighouse And Denholme Gate Road, A644, Brighouse And Denholme Gate Road, Hud Hill, Score Hill, Northowram Green, Newlands Grove, Bradford Road, Back Clough, Bradford Road, A58, North Bridge, Northgate.

TIMETABLE Stump Cross DEP 0750 Newlands Grove Bradford Road DEP 0755 Shelf Roundabout DEP 0800 Lightcliffe Academy ARR 0815

Lightcliffe Academy DEP 1510 Shelf Duke of York DEP 1520 Northowram DEP 1525 Stump Cross DEP 1533 Halifax Bus Station ARR 1545


SCHOOLS SERVED: Lightcliffe Academy, Stoney Lane, Lightcliffe HALIFAX , HX3 8TL

OPERATOR: First Calderline 0113 381 5000

Please note that students using this service must hold a Priority Photocard or a zero fare Boarding Pass.

SERVICE C56 Northowram Westcroft Lane - Lightcliffe Academy Lightcliffe Academy - Shelf Village Hall

ROUTES Towards Lightcliffe Academy From Back Clough, Bradford Road, Newlands Grove, Northowram Green, Score Hill, Hud Hill, A644, Halifax Road, A6036, Witchfield Hill, Carr House Lane, Cooper Lane, Carr House Road, Witchfield Hill, A6036, Halifax Road, A644, Brighouse And Denholme Gate Road, Denholme Gate Road, A58, Wakefield Road, Stoney Lane.

From Lightcliffe Academy From Stoney Lane, Wakefield Road, A58, Denholme Gate Road, Brighouse And Denholme Gate Road, A644, Halifax Road, Bradford Road, Newlands Grove, Northowram Green, Score Hill, Hud Hill, A644, Halifax Road, A6036.

TIMETABLE Northowram Westcroft Lane DEP 0739 Shelf Duke of York DEP 0744 Carr House Ln Cooper Lane DEP 0750 Shelf Village Hall DEP 0755 Shelf Roundabout DEP 0800

Lightcliffe Academy ARR 0815 Lightcliffe Academy DEP 1510 Shelf Roundabout DEP 1520 Newlands Grove nr Northowram Green DEP 1523 Shelf Duke of York DEP 1527 Shelf Village Hall ARR 1532


SCHOOLS SERVED: Lightcliffe Academy, Stoney Lane, Lightcliffe HALIFAX , HX3 8TL

OPERATOR: First Calderline 0113 381 5000

Please note that students using this service must hold a Priority Photocard or a zero fare Boarding Pass.

SERVICE C57 Shelf Roundabout - Lightcliffe Academy Lightcliffe Academy - Shelf Roundabout

ROUTES Towards Lightcliffe Academy From Halifax Road, Wade House Road, Witchfield Hill, Carr House Lane, Cooper Lane, Carr House Road, Witchfield Hill, Wade House Road, Halifax Road, Brighouse And Denholme Gate Road, Denholme Gate Road, Leeds Road, Wakefield Road, Stoney Lane.

From Lightcliffe Academy From Stoney Lane, Wakefield Road, Leeds Road, Denholme Gate Road, Brighouse And Denholme Gate Road, Halifax Road, Wade House Road, Witchfield Hill, Carr House Lane, Cooper Lane, Carr House Road, Witchfield Hill, Wade House Road, Halifax Road.

TIMETABLE Shelf Roundabout DEP 0745 Carr House Road DEP 0750 Shelf Village Hall DEP 0755 Shelf Roundabout DEP 0758 Lightcliffe Academy ARR 0815

Lightcliffe Academy DEP 1510 Shelf Roundabout DEP 1520 Shelf Village Hall DEP 1525 Carr House Road DEP 1529 Shelf Roundabout ARR 1534


SCHOOLS SERVED: Lightcliffe Academy, Stoney Lane, Lightcliffe HALIFAX , HX3 8TL

OPERATOR: First Calderline 0113 381 5000

Please note that students using this service must hold a Priority Photocard or a zero fare Boarding Pass.

SERVICE C58 Wibsey Park Avenue / St Enochs Road Top - Lightcliffe Academy Lightcliffe Academy - Wibsey Park Avenue / St Enochs Road Top

ROUTES Towards Lightcliffe Academy From Wibsey Park Avenue, Farfield Avenue, Carr House Lane, Cooper Lane, Carr House Road, Witchfield Hill, Wade House Road, Halifax Road, Brighouse And Denholme Gate Road, Denholme Gate Road, Leeds Road, Wakefield Road, Stoney Lane.

From Lightcliffe Academy From Stoney Lane, Wakefield Road, Leeds Road, Denholme Gate Road, Brighouse And Denholme Gate Road, Halifax Road, Wade House Road, Witchfield Hill, Carr House Lane, Farfield Avenue, Wibsey Park Avenue.

TIMETABLE Wibsey Park Avenue / St Enochs Road Top DEP 0743 Carr House Ln Cooper Lane DEP 0750 Shelf Village Hall DEP 0755 Shelf Roundabout DEP 0800 Lightcliffe Academy ARR 0815

Lightcliffe Academy DEP 1510 Shelf Roundabout DEP 1520 Shelf Village Hall DEP 1525 Carr House Ln Cooper Lane DEP 1535 Wibsey Park Avenue / St Enochs Road Top ARR 1542


SCHOOLS SERVED: Lightcliffe Academy, Stoney Lane, Lightcliffe HALIFAX , HX3 8TL

OPERATOR: First Calderline 0113 381 5000

Please note that students using this service must hold a Priority Photocard or a zero fare Boarding Pass.

SERVICE C59 Fenwick Drive near Abb Scott Lane - Lightcliffe Academy Lightcliffe Academy - Woodside Fenwick Drive/Halifax Road

ROUTES Towards Lightcliffe Academy From Fenwick Drive, Abb Scott Lane, Royds Hall Lane, Halifax Road, Carr House Road, Witchfield Hill, Wade House Road, Halifax Road, Brighouse And Denholme Gate Road, Denholme Gate Road, Leeds Road, Wakefield Road, Stoney Lane.

From Lightcliffe Academy From Stoney Lane, Wakefield Road, Denholme Gate Road, Brighouse And Denholme Gate Road, Halifax Road, Wade House Road, Witchfield Hill, Carr House Road, Halifax Road, A6036, Royds Hall Lane, Abb Scott Lane, Fenwick Drive.

TIMETABLE Fenwick Drive near Abb Scott Lane DEP 0733 Halifax Road DEP 0739 Shelf Village Hall DEP 0745 Shelf Roundabout DEP 0750 Lightcliffe Academy ARR 0805

Lightcliffe Academy DEP 1510 Shelf Roundabout DEP 1520 Shelf Hall Lane End DEP 1525 Halifax Road DEP 1530 Woodside Fenwick Drive/Halifax Road ARR 1538


SCHOOLS SERVED: Lightcliffe Academy, Stoney Lane, Lightcliffe HALIFAX , HX3 8TL

OPERATOR: First Calderline 0113 381 5000

Please note that students using this service must hold a Priority Photocard or a zero fare Boarding Pass.

Additional Work – Maths

Dear Parent/Carer

At Lightcliffe Academy we have been using www.hegartymaths.com as an online learning tool with our Key Stage 3 classes. When your child begins at Lightcliffe Academy they will be doing their homework and revision using this site. We will set your child up with a login so that over the summer they can begin to familiarise themselves with how the website works and the importance of independent study. I have attached a list of topics that both revise the content they will have covered in year 6 and also introduce the topics we will be covering in year 7. Alongside this I have attached a guide on how to login for the first time and search for a topic.

It is not required that the students complete this revision but it is there as an extra tool for you to support and prepare your child for their transition to our school. The list of topics is quite extensive so please don’t feel that they need to complete everything. Some topics may be too easy for them; there is no need for them to revise these. If they feel a topic is too difficult one of the major benefits of using Hegarty Maths is that each topic comes with its own video explaining the topic and doing some example questions. After they have completed a question they can leave feedback for the teacher which will give us some insights into the areas your child may need help with in September.

If you have any issues logging in please do not hesitate to contact me at [email protected]

Thank you for your support.

P Harrod Head of Maths

Go to www.hegartymaths.com and click on existing users and then student log in.

Search for Lightcliffe Academy and click on this once the correct option appears.

Enter the correct details and then you will be asked to create a password.

You can search by topic title or skill number as shown on the topic list. Searching by skill number will give a more refined result.