WHAT IS VEGAN? A vegan diet contains no animal products or by-products. This includes the obvious items such as meat, fish, eggs, dairy and honey, but vegans also avoid hidden animal ingredients such as gelatine, cochineal and rennet. So, what do vegans eat? The answer to that is: the same as everyone else, they just choose plant-based versions.

For almost every animal-derived ingredient and product, there is now a vegan alternative. There are cheeses, milks, yoghurts and ice creams, sausages, salami and bacon. There are even steaks and burgers that look, taste and feel like meat but are made entirely from plants. All of these delicious and convenient products - and more - mean we need to make only small changes in our diet to create a huge difference in the world.

And let’s not forget the 20,000 edible plants in the world that offer us an overwhelming range of vegetables, grains, fruits, spices, nuts, pulses and tubers. Being vegan is most certainly not about deprivation.


WHY VEGAN? Millions of people around the world have chosen to eat a vegan diet, and each of them has their own reason for doing so, but wherever you go and whoever you ask, there are five powerful reasons that crop up time and again. They are:




TO PROTECT THE PLANET Animal agriculture is one of the Most of us who have abundant fresh leading contributors of climate- water at the turn of a tap rarely give a In recent years, we have presided over the changing emissions. thought to worldwide water shortages, yet there are 844 million people without decimation of forests, the pollution of land, In fact, the United Nations Food and access to clean water, and 300,000 Agriculture Organization has stated waterways and earth, and the extinction of children die each year of diarrhoea, that animal agriculture is responsible countless species. We have witnessed record- linked to dirty water and poor for 14.5 percent of -induced sanitation.4 The situation is expected to breaking storms, raging forest fires, water emissions - which makes animal worsen as the effects of climate change products more damaging than every shortages, coral bleaching, ocean dead zones, hit home, and - as is often the case - car, plane, train and ship on the planet.2 heat waves, rising waters, melting ice caps and the world’s poorest are likely to suffer devastating floods. The situation is now desperate. The the most. United Nations’ Intergovernmental Without water, nothing can live. And Panel on Climate Change (IPCC) has while the surface of our planet is warned that urgent and profound Driving this global devastation is our predominantly water, only three percent changes to the way we live must consumption of animal products.1 of it is fresh, with just one-third of be made if we are to keep global that readily available for human use.5 temperature rise to no more than 1.5 We must be careful how we use this degrees above pre-industrial levels. precious resource. Globally, agriculture Anything above this level will significantly uses 70 percent of all available worsen the risks of drought, floods, water,6 but it is animal agriculture that extreme heat and poverty for hundreds demands the most. This is because it of millions of people.3 takes 9,000 litres to produce one pound The IPCC has made clear that we have of beef but just 60 litres to produce one until just 2030 to slash our emissions pound of potatoes.7 Pigs are said to and each of us must look to our own be the thirstiest animals of all, with the lifestyles - not just to how we travel, how largest farms using water that could we heat and light our homes and how supply an entire city.8 Three times more many children we have - but crucially water is needed to grow food for a meat the food that we eat. To prevent eater than for a vegan.9 catastrophic climate change, we must Wealthy but water-stressed nations drastically cut back on consuming like Saudi Arabia and South Africa are animal products - or better still, cut already renting millions of hectares of them out altogether. farmland in other countries to take the pressure off their own supplies, but all this does is export the problem to other water-stressed regions.10 To ensure we don’t waste this essential life-sustaining liquid, we must end our reliance on animal products.



There are 70 billion animals farmed every year 11 and Animal agriculture not only requires more energy and More than 30 percent of the world’s fisheries have every one of them produces waste. There is far more water than plant agriculture, it also requires more land. already been pushed beyond their biological limits or are in need of dramatic action to restore them,23 slurry than can be spread on the earth as fertiliser or A lot more land. In order to make way for grazing washed down a drain, and it has to go somewhere. and to grow the crops needed to feed them, and whole aquatic populations are on the verge of collapse.24 It is usually ‘stored’ in massive lagoons where it emits whole swathes of forests and other ancient habitats have toxic gases that have killed many farm workers,12, 13, 14 been razed to the ground. The people and animals who Vast nets drag trillions of fish from the oceans. In and it often leaks out or overflows and causes once lived there are displaced or killed. amongst the ‘target’ species are ‘by-catch’ - animals that devastation to the earth and to waterways. Such wanton destruction has driven whole species to weren’t wanted but were caught by the indiscriminate Once in the water table, it threatens drinking supplies, extinction. In fact, 60 percent of animal populations nets. These include whales, dolphins, porpoises, sharks, damages wetlands 15 and fuels the rapid accumulation of have been wiped out since 1970.18 This has led some starfish, sponges, turtles, and even diving seabirds such algae which, in turn, wipes out aquatic life.16 Across the scientists to declare we are entering the world’s sixth as the iconic albatross.25 Species like Maui’s dolphin and US, Europe and Asia, tens of thousands of miles of rivers mass extinction and the first to be caused by a species.19 North Atlantic right whale are being pushed to the very are polluted with slurry each year.17 brink of extinction.26, 27 The three causes singled out for this unprecedented massacre are: Switching to farmed fish does little to protect wild fish, as farmed fish feed is made up of their cousins who 1. Destruction of habitats, were dragged from the oceans. Often, to compound largely to create farmland the problem, their feed also includes soya, grown on 2. Wild animals being eaten deforested land. into extinction 3. Overfishing 20 By 2050, Africa is expected to lose 50 percent of its birds and mammals, and Asian fisheries are likely to completely collapse. The loss of plants and sea life will reduce the Earth’s ability to absorb carbon, which will exacerbate the effects of climate change.21 The director of the UN Convention on Biological Diversity has warned that international governments have just two years to secure a deal to halt this destruction.22 Each of us can play our part by eating only plant-based foods. ‘A vegan diet is probably the single biggest way to reduce your impact on planet Earth, not just greenhouse gases, but global acidification, eutrophication, land use and water use.’28

Joseph Poore, Researcher at the University of Oxford, 2018


The United Nations Food and Agriculture Organization puts it this way: ‘When livestock are raised in intensive systems, they convert carbohydrate and protein that TO HELP FEED THE might otherwise be eaten directly by and use them to produce a smaller quantity of energy and GLOBAL POPULATION protein.’ 29 The more meat we eat, the less food there is In all, one-third of the world’s cereal harvest and 90 percent of the world’s soya harvest is fed to farmed to feed other people. This is because farmed animals.30 If these crops were made available to people animals are not efficient converters of feed to instead, we could eradicate world hunger today, yet 815 meat. Quite simply, we get fewer calories back million people will go to bed hungry tonight.31 in meat, milk and eggs than we put in. Eating meat is not sustainable. We are taking the food out of people’s mouths.

More than 80 percent of farmland is used for animal agriculture but it produces just 18 percent of food calories.32


This is because male chicks hatched in the egg industry and male calves born in the dairy industry are not wanted. Male chicks cannot lay eggs; male calves TO REDUCE THE cannot produce milk. So, millions of day-old chicks are SUFFERING OF ANIMALS gassed, while day-old calves may be shot in the yard. probably endure the worst suffering on the There is no getting away from the fact that largest scale, but factory farming is a truly terrible experience for any animal. Crammed together inside animals are killed for meat but most people sheds or warehouse-style hangars, animals live and don’t know the scale of it, the depth of suffering die in their own filth. For chickens, ducks and turkeys involved or that animals die in their millions for - where the number of animals inside one shed is breathtaking - individual care is impossible, and so the dairy and egg industries too. millions suffer and die without ever seeing a vet or being treated.

Pigs are treated as breeding machines. Inside factory farms, sows are restrained inside farrowing crates so small they cannot turn around. They cannot even nuzzle their newborn, but must lie there trapped as their litters feed from them. After just three weeks, their young may be removed and sent for fattening, and their mother will soon be impregnated again.

Even female calves born to dairy cows are removed early too, to stop them drinking the milk that was made for them but that people want. Cows can grieve for days 33 for the loss of their young, and call repeatedly for their calf to return.

Whatever the species, whatever the method of farming, animals suffer. may look content out in the fields but a significant proportion of sheep are lame and don’t even walk unless absolutely necessary because it is too painful to do so. And – as with all farmed animals – breeding is not natural. Ewes may have hormone implants under their skin or sponges inserted into their vaginas to synchronise the flock’s fertility. In some countries, insemination of sheep is conducted surgically.34

There are a thousand similar stories of hidden suffering in animal farming, and absolutely none of it is necessary.


In the beginning of the Bible, it is told that God gave every seed, fruit and green plant to eat. Yet, despite having access to an abundance of plant-based foods, TO SHOW BENEVOLENCE the vast majority of Christians - and people of other faiths and none - still consume meat and other animal TO ALL LIVING BEINGS products. Globally, more than 70 billion land animals’ lives are Increasingly, the teaching that humans have taken from them each year to satisfy people’s appetites.35 dominion over the fish, birds and every living True, we may not be the ones to take their young while thing that moves on Earth is interpreted kindly, mothers cry out for them, prod them with electrically- charged batons, or cut their throats, but when we buy and people are choosing to undertake humane the meat we are paying for someone else to do all those stewardship rather than be part of a system of things, and more. ruthless exploitation. And by sparing animals from slaughter, we are also sparing the trauma caused to those people charged with slaughtering them. work has been linked to post-traumatic stress disorder, perpetration-induced traumatic stress, as well as alcohol and drug abuse.36 Those who undertake such work can suffer serious psychological impacts, which affect them and their families, and wider society too. Slaughterhouse work has been connected to an increase in crime rates and higher incidents of domestic abuse.37 Very few people on earth rely on meat, eggs and dairy for their survival. For most of us, every nutrient we need can be obtained quite easily from plants. And this begs the question: if we can live healthily and happily by showing benevolence to all living beings, why wouldn’t we?



TO IMPROVE HEALTH Animal products contain high levels of The fact that diabetes is so common saturated fat that can raise cholesterol now should not detract from just how Eating a vegan diet cuts the risk of developing and increase our risk of developing serious this condition is, as it can heart disease, type 2 diabetes and some kinds heart disease. Conversely, the majority lead to complications including heart of cancers, while vegans typically have lower of plants are low in saturated fat and disease and stroke, nerve damage, cholesterol levels, lower blood pressure and don’t contain any cholesterol, so a diet kidney disease, blindness, leg ulcers full of plant products such as whole and peripheral vascular disease that are slimmer than omnivores. Given these are grains, beans, fruits and vegetables can can lead to foot or limb amputation. among the world’s biggest killers, that’s a pretty help to lower blood cholesterol and The good news is that this potentially compelling list of health benefits! provide a heart-healthy diet. And it’s devastating condition can be prevented never too late to start protecting your through lifestyle changes. People who heart. A growing number of doctors are eat a plant-based diet have just a small finding they can reverse heart disease fraction of the occurrences of diabetes in patients who undertake a program compared to those who regularly eat that includes eating a plant-based diet. meat.38

‘Plant-based foods, particularly fruit and vegetables, nuts, pulses and seeds, have been shown to help in the treatment of many chronic diseases and are often associated with lower rates of Type 2 diabetes, less hypertension, lower cholesterol levels and reduced cancer rates.’39 Diabetes UK



In 2015, The World Health Organization announced it While such diseases can be devastating for those who had sufficient evidence from epidemiological studies to suffer from them and for their loved ones, animal farming classify processed meat as carcinogenic to humans.40 has the capacity to destroy human health on a global This means they are convinced that sausages, bacon, scale. Many infectious diseases people suffer from today chorizo, salami, hot dogs and any other meat that has – including whooping cough, leprosy and measles – are been smoked, cured or otherwise processed, can thought to have originated in the animals we farmed and cause cancer.41 In this case, they determined that eating the transfer of diseases from animals to people is far processed meat causes colorectal cancer and an from over. Avian influenza (‘bird flu’) still infects and kills association with stomach cancer was also seen. people every year.43 Moreover, unprocessed red meat was also classified as The World Health Organization states: ‘Whether being ‘probably carcinogenic’ to humans. The strongest currently-circulating avian, swine and other zoonotic IT WAS JUST THE RIGHT PATH evidence for an association with eating red meat is for influenza viruses will result in a future pandemic is colorectal cancer but there is also evidence of links with unknown. However, the diversity of zoonotic influenza FOR ME. I FELT LIKE AS SOON pancreatic cancer and prostate cancer. viruses that have caused human infections is alarming.’44 It has long been known that plant-based foods are And there is another animal farming practice that could AS I WENT VEGAN, I WAS MORE protective, with insufficient intake of fruit and vegetables have an even bigger impact on the global human estimated to cause around 14 percent of gastrointestinal population: the overuse of antibiotics. MYSELF, LIKE I WAS JUST cancer deaths worldwide.42 Now, it seems that it is not Intensive farming stresses animals and weakens their just a lack of vegetables that increases the risk of cancer. LIVING ACCORDING TO WHAT immune systems while simultaneously exposing them It is the consumption of red meat. to squalor. Unsurprisingly, diseases on such farms I BELIEVED, WHICH IS SUCH are rife. But instead of providing better conditions, the industry doses the animals with antibiotics and in A FREEING THING ONCE YOU overusing them, has allowed antibiotic-resistant strains of superbugs to emerge. FINALLY COMMIT TO IT. In the European Union, use of antibiotics for non- medicinal purposes, including adding them to animal feed, has been banned since 200645 but elsewhere in the world things are worse and governments talk about ‘tens of millions of deaths’ if something is not done.46 Actress Surely, jeopardising millions of human lives is too big a price to pay for eating meat.


1 2 WHAT DIFFERENCE WHERE DO VEGANS GET TEN COMMONLY- CAN ONE PERSON MAKE? THEIR PROTEIN? In our lifetimes, it is estimated that For some reason, the myth persists that each of us will eat more than 7,000 we need meat for protein. We don’t! 47 ASKED QUESTIONS animals, so simply choosing not to do There is protein in a whole range of so will spare a lot of lives. That’s a lot foods – actually, in almost every food of factory farming, long-distance live – and a plant-based diet can certainly transportation, antibiotic usage and fulfil all our protein requirements. ABOUT VEGANISM slaughter that just won’t happen. Great plant-based sources include: Our carbon emissions will also be beans and pulses (including lima beans, significantly reduced, and a lot less pinto beans, baked beans, edamame, land and water will be needed to grow lentils – green, black and orange); nuts our food. While these are significant (Brazils, cashews, pistachios, almonds, benefits, such impacts are magnified walnuts); green vegetables (kale, further because we are not going vegan broccoli, seaweed, peas) and grains alone. There are millions of people (rice, pasta, quinoa, bulgur wheat). choosing to eat only animal-free foods and together we can limit the effects Those who eat a varied vegan diet will of climate change, spare billions of get more than enough protein. As an animals, and massively reduce the example, this typical day’s meal plan amount of land needed for food, which delivers far more protein than is needed: means natural habitats can instead provide homes for and grain can • Breakfast: peanut butter on toast be made available for hungry people • Lunch: hummus and falafel wrap instead of being fed to farmed animals. • Dinner: veggie sausages with potatoes When we drop some coins into a charity and peas box, we don’t think our contribution will be enough to cure cancer by itself. There are online trackers for those We know it is only when thousands of wishing to keep an eye on the amount people also donate that things will really of protein they consume, but remember change. And it is the same when we eat this: some of the most powerful animals a plant-based diet. We are doing our bit on the planet are vegan, and no one to make the world a kinder, safer place. asks a rhino where she gets her protein!


3 4 5 6 DO FISH FEEL PAIN? DOES SOYA LOWER WHAT WOULD HAPPEN TO ALL THE WHAT’S WRONG WITH HONEY? TESTOSTERONE IN MEN? ANIMALS IF WE DIDN’T EAT THEM? Pain is a difficult thing to assess in any Bees work extraordinarily hard to make species, even humans. We cannot always honey. For every one pound of honey, Soya has no known effect on Animal agriculture – like all businesses – see someone else’s pain but we can they must collect nectar from five million testosterone levels in men. is about supply and demand. As people hear them describe it and trust what flowers, regurgitate it, dehydrate it and become vegan and demand for animal they say is true. But it is not so simple Soya contains natural phytoestrogens, then store it. And they do all this because products drops, farmers will breed fewer to assess the pain in species that do not known as isoflavones, and these resemble they need it to feed the hive over the animals, which means fewer animals speak our language. So, scientists have oestrogen chemically. Some time ago, this winter months. will have to endure the legally-permitted come up with two ways to determine led researchers to conjecture that they mutilations, the filth of factory farms, the Honey contains everything bees need whether other species are likely to feel would behave the same as oestrogen but terror of long-distance transportation and to be healthy, but it is taken from them pain: one, do they have all the necessary they don’t, and many research projects the horrors of slaughter. and replaced with a sugar solution. physiological equipment that would have now concluded that this initial Researchers know that malnutrition in allow them to feel pain? And, two, do they assumption was a mistake. Some people worry that species will bees is associated with immune system behave as though they do feel pain? become extinct if we don’t breed them to One study suggests that soya isoflavones impairment 53 and found ‘hundreds of eat. And it is true that this could happen. In the case of fish, the answer to both have just 1/10,000 the potency of ‘real’ differences in gene expression’ in bees 48 But those species are not natural species; these questions is yes. oestrogen. Another study looked at who were fed these replacements.54 seven healthy young men who ate a lot they were bred specifically for their traits, Fish have pain receptors, which would be of soya beans and found no changes in such as a high milk yield or their ability to Researchers state: ‘Poor nutrition can strange if they weren’t able to feel pain. oestrogen or in free testosterone at all. It have more offspring in a litter. Wild turkeys make bees more susceptible to pesticides They also produce substances known as did, however, find some positive benefits are not the same as farmed turkeys; wild and lead to a compromised immune enkephalins that mediate pain in the same to their soya consumption including boar are not the same as farmed pigs. system, making bees more vulnerable to way they do in other vertebrates like us. 55 an improvement in spatial cognitive If some of these unnatural breeds become diseases.’ It seems then that taking their 49 Research has also shown that many performance. extinct, that would be a good thing. honey is likely to be a contributory factor to the current collapse of bee colonies. aquatic species have an aversion to There has been so much research into Turkeys and broiler chickens, for example, noxious substances. When harmed they are bred to put on a lot of weight as soya and testosterone that one group Left to themselves, bees swarm to rub themselves in the affected area or quickly as possible. As a result, their joints of researchers gathered together all reproduce, and this creates significant hide from the thing that hurts them. They are painful, their hearts are weak and their the available data into one big meta- genetic diversity in the population. Some behave in the exact same way that we bones can break beneath them. It’s right analysis. They looked at 15 placebo- conventional beekeepers prevent this would if we were in pain but couldn’t that these poor creatures are not bred to controlled studies and 32 reports on 36 process by clipping the wings of the speak. be this way. treatment groups and concluded: ‘Clinical queen, and may kill and replace them The evidence is strong and getting studies show no effects of soy protein or And if we are truly worried about species to ensure they have a young and fertile stronger all the time, but even if it wasn’t, isoflavones on reproductive hormones in becoming extinct, we should remember queen. As one commercial beekeeper 50 shouldn’t we err on the side of caution men’. that eating meat is actually driving writes: ‘The depth of the gene pool for and treat aquatic species with care and What research has shown, though, is that countless species to extinction. As forests many years, has been maintained by the compassion? soya consumption is linked to a 20-30 are razed to the ground to make way for large pool of feral bees. In recent years percent reduced risk of suffering prostate grazing for farmed animals, the demise however, this pool has shrunk significantly cancer.51 Soya is good news for men. of species is accelerating. Research has from the influx of diseases and pests, found that we have lost 60 percent of not to mention loss of habitat [and] use all animal populations since 1970, with of pesticides.’56 Without a robust genetic animal farming being a significant driver pool, bees inbreed, further compromising of this.52 For the sake of all animals – their ability to deal with mites, pesticides farmed and wild – we would do well to and other challenges. Bees need their stop eating them. honey, and we need bees. 13


7 8 WHAT DO VEGANS EAT? CAN YOU BE A SUCCESSFUL VEGAN ATHLETE? Shepherd’s pie, chilli non carne and Ask Lewis Hamilton, Serena Williams and believe that what we’re doing to the earth Twenty years ago, being vegan meant spaghetti Bolognese can be made in the Hector Bellerin! Ask Virat Kohli, Venus we get paid back.’ 59 some compromise was required and it Williams and David Haye! These elite same way as their meaty versions just by Indian national cricket team captain helped if you were able to cook from athletes – and many more – have reported switching to soya mince, and for lasagne, Virat Kohli became vegan in June 2018 scratch. But there has been a food significant health and performance using plant milks in the béchamel sauce. and within four months was reporting it benefits since adopting a plant-based revolution in recent years and now in had helped him with his game and he For fajitas, there are meaty strips. For diet. most countries there is a vegan version curries, casseroles and stews, there are was feeling stronger than ever.60 Since Lewis Hamilton became vegan for the available of almost every animal-based meaty chunks. These products have the becoming vegan, Virat has become the environment, for animals and for his product. This includes sausages, burgers, taste of meat without the downsides, and fastest batsman to reach 10,000 runs in health. With a family history of heart one-day internationals, beating the record cheeses, ice cream, cheesecake, they mean you don’t have to abandon disease and cancer, he said: ‘When... you of Sachin Tendulkar.61 yoghurts, mayonnaise and meringues. your favourites recipes. see meat clogging up your arteries, you see all the stuff they put in the meat, stuff Venus Williams says going vegan It can take a few weeks to adjust to 62 Many of these items are available in we are all eating, there is no way I am ‘changed everything’. The tennis star supermarkets – you just need to know buying new ingredients and products, going to disregard that.’57 Since being was suffering from an autoimmune where to look for them! but very quickly, people discover that vegan, Lewis has won his fifth world disease that caused fatigue and painful becoming vegan is not restrictive. Many championship title. joints. With a vegan diet, her condition When people become vegan, they don’t report that becoming vegan opened their eased, allowing her to return to form. She Serena Williams follows a vegan diet says: ‘Once I started I fell in love with the stop being who they are! Those who liked eyes to a wealth of new foods and that when she is training, and after she gave concept of fuelling your body in the best hot dogs before, can still eat hot dogs. they have never enjoyed such a varied birth to her daughter, she ate vegan in way possible. Not only does it help me on Those who liked milkshakes can still enjoy diet! order to get back into shape as quickly as the court, but I feel like I’m doing the right 58 them. It’s often just a question of picking possible. No one could doubt the talent thing for me.’ 63 up a different brand, although there are and drive of Serena Williams. She has won 23 Grand Slam titles. Heavyweight boxing champion David plenty of products that people already buy Haye became vegan in 2014. He says without even recognising they are vegan. For Arsenal defender Hector Bellerin, he is fitter, punches harder and is more becoming vegan has made a huge determined than ever since becoming difference. He says: “At the beginning I Think about the foods you regularly put vegan.64 ‘I felt healthier, I felt cleaner, wanted to try it for a couple of weeks to into your shopping basket: pasta, rice, lighter … I wake up brighter in the detox my body... but I just felt so great mornings, fresher… my energy levels felt peanut butter, jam, tinned tomatoes, after it that I’ve been doing it for more better. A lot better.’65 baked beans, bread, crackers and crisps, than six months now [and]... when it got coconut milk, curry pastes, tomato puree, to the beginning of the third week I felt so There are top-class runners, footballers, rugby players, boxers, tennis players, tomato ketchup, tea, coffee and fruit juice. good. For me the most important thing is the inflammation in my body after games dancers and ice dancers, and far from All of these everyday items are vegan (or and the speed that my body recovers being a hindrance, they report that being are likely to be). And most meals we eat compared to before. It doesn’t just make vegan helps them train harder, perform can easily be made plant-based. a difference in your body but I strongly better and recover quicker.


9 10 DO YOU NEED MILK IS VEGANISM A BIT EXTREME? FOR STRONG BONES? Animal agriculture releases more climate- We need calcium for strong bones, along changing emissions than all the cars, with vitamin D, and we can get calcium planes, ships and trains on the planet. It from a wide variety of plant sources. Dairy is a key driver of deforestation; it wastes does not have the monopoly on it! land, energy and water; and it pollutes the air, waterways and the earth. It Calcium can be found in many of the causes appalling unnecessary suffering plant milks and yoghurts that are readily to billions of farmed animals while available. It can also be found in beans simultaneously driving countless wild (especially black turtle beans, kidney species to extinction. beans and soya beans), kale, collards, watercress, broccoli, sweet potato, A plant-based diet, on the other hand, YEARS OF CULTURAL PROGRAMMING butternut squash, tofu and dried figs. needs less land, water and energy; it is not wasteful of the earth’s resources; and Getting enough calcium as a vegan is means that every person on the planet HAVE TAUGHT US TO LOVE SOME not difficult so long as you eat a varied could be fed. It does not demand forests diet. But eating calcium-rich foods is are razed and wild species killed or ANIMALS WHILE EATING OTHERS, not enough. We need vitamin D – the displaced. It does not create slurry that sunshine vitamin – to help absorb it, so poisons our air, earth and waterways. It WHEN IN ALL REALITY, ALL ANIMALS spending some time outdoors each day does not condemn billions of farmed will help this. In winter months, especially animals to a miserable life and terrifying ARE SENTIENT BEINGS WITH THE in countries in northern latitudes, people death, and it is kinder to the bodies of should not rely on the sun and must be those who eat it. CAPACITY TO FEEL, BOTH PHYSICALLY sure to have another source. In terms of foods, mushrooms are a great source, and Now, which of those sounds more AND EMOTIONALLY. many breakfast cereals and breads are extreme? already also fortified with it, as are many For more vegan myth-busting, visit vegan butters. Since getting sufficient .com/myths vitamin D in winter is difficult for everyone, no matter what diet they eat, some people Kat von D choose to take a supplement just to be on model and entrepreneur the safe side. For optimal bone health, we are also advised to limit caffeine and avoid smoking, as both increase calcium loss from the body, and to do regular weight- bearing exercise such as walking, running, dancing, playing football or lifting weights.



Most of us were brought up eating meat, Many people who become vegan say milk and eggs. We think about turkey there was one thing above all that they BREAKING missed in the first few weeks. And for at Christmas, lamb at Easter, and meat sizzling on summer barbecues. Food most people, it is either cheese or chocolate. is more than just food. It is a way of BAD HABITS The great news is that – where once the bonding with family and friends, and it It is often said that it takes 21 days to break a bad is integral to shared occasions and to vegan alternatives weren’t all that great, or they weren’t readily available – now, habit, although research has recently found this our memories. No wonder it can take a little adjustment to realise that the there are excellent versions of both. So, to be a little simplistic! It can, in fact, take some instead of seeing this as a sad goodbye, most important components of those people as little as 18 days and others as much as see it as a bright hello. Try out all the occasions remain, even without the 66 versions you can find and see which 254 days so, the period of Lent is a great place meat. Christmas lunch is not about ones are right for you. to start when it comes to making changes in your eating a factory-farmed bird. It is life. For many people, those few weeks will be about being with your loved ones and Many supermarkets and health food more than enough to break old habits and form enjoying a delicious meal with crispy stores carry vegan cheese in a variety of types and flavours, and you’ll find roast potatoes and parsnips, stuffing, new ones. even more varieties available online. red wine gravy and cranberry sauce Some are soya-based, others coconut and piles of fresh vegetables. It is about but increasingly there are vegan artisan crackers and party hats, silly jokes, cheeses being made from cashew nuts candles and wine. The centrepiece can and they are utterly delicious. You will change but all the rest will remain, and like some more than others but isn’t that the memories will be just as vivid. And true of dairy cheese too? it is the same for Easter lunch and for As for chocolate, vegans are not barbecues, and for every other meal. restricted to dark bitter chocolates. Again, check out local stores and online retailers to find vegan ‘milk’ chocolate and white chocolate, as well as seasonal ‘Some people think the plant- products like advent calendars and based, whole-foods diet is extreme. Easter eggs. Half a million people a year will have their chests opened up and a Being vegan is most certainly not about vein taken from their leg and sewn deprivation! onto their coronary artery. Some people would call that extreme.’ Caldwell B. Esselstyn, Jr. M.D.


Visit your local supermarket to check out their vegan range or order 1  online from any supermarket. Check out specialist online stores too, as you’ll find a whole world of delicious treats, meals and ingredients you TEN TIPS TO didn’t know about.

 Stock up on the basics. Make sure you have plant milk and yoghurts, a 2 vegan breakfast cereal (many are vegan!) bread and a dairy-free spread. GET YOU STARTED Or veggie sausages and bacon. That way you’ll be sure to have a decent breakfast and your first day as a vegan will be off to a flying start!

Check out some recipe sites and bookmark those you would like to 3  try. Some people find making a meal plan helpful, so they are not left wondering what on earth to make for dinner.

Think about the meals you normally have and see how easily they can be 4  made vegan. Often, it is simply a matter of switching one ingredient so you can still use your favourite recipes.

If you know you have a sweet tooth, make sure you have a vegan version of 5  your favourite treat at the ready. That way you won’t be tempted to visit your late-night garage to get a non-vegan sugar hit when you could have had some delicious and vegan treats already at home.

Be open-minded! Not all the vegan versions will taste exactly like the non- 6  vegan versions because they are not the exact same thing. Expect little differences and you won’t be disappointed. Often, where people can tell the difference, they find they prefer the vegan version anyway.

7 If you try one kind of plant milk and you don’t like it, don’t assume you’ll  dislike all the plant milks! There are so many to choose from – soya, almond, cashew, rice, hemp, and oat – that you’ll soon find one you like. You may find you prefer almond milk in coffee and oat milk on your cereal. Be bold. Try them all!


8 Take your reading glasses to the supermarket! Not every vegan product  is clearly labelled, but if it is vegetarian, and if it does not have milk or eggs listed in the allergens, and there is no honey in it, it’s almost certainly vegan! Don’t worry about the phrase ‘may contain traces of milk/eggs’. In some countries, the manufacturer must state this if there are milk or eggs in the factory where the product was made. It doesn’t mean the product isn’t vegan.

9  If you’re looking for a particular product, ingredient or recipe and don’t know where to start, start online. There you will find recipes for vegan meringues, cheeses, cakes and more, as well as the best places to buy the items and ingredients you want.

10  Be kind to yourself. It’s rare for someone to make the change to a plant- based diet without making a mistake at some time. If you slip up – either I’VE BEEN A VEGAN FOR TWO YEARS … I’M accidentally or because the lure of an old favourite was just too strong! – don’t worry, and don’t give up. These things happen. Just start again. MOTIVATING PEOPLE TO DO SOMETHING ABOUT HOW WE ARE LIVING ON THIS PLANET. WE HAVE TO BE ABOUT MAKING OUR PLANET MORE GREENER, THE URBAN AREAS MORE SUSTAINABLE FOR THE CHILDREN. WE CAN’T JUST TALK ABOUT IT, WE HAVE TO BE ABOUT IT. Stevie Wonder musician


‘It’s the position of the Academy of Nutrition and Dietetics that appropriately VEGAN NUTRITION planned vegetarian, including vegan, diets are healthful, nutritionally adequate and may provide health benefits for the prevention and treatment of certain It is absolutely possible to get all the nutrients diseases. Vegetarians and vegans are at reduced risk of certain health conditions, you need – including protein, calcium, iron and including ischemic heart disease, type 2 diabetes, hypertension, certain types of cancer, and obesity.’ 67 omega-3 – without eating animal products. But, The Academy of Nutrition and Dietetics as with any diet, it is possible to eat well and equally possible to eat badly. The rise in delicious and convenient vegan food products means it’s possible to eat ten kinds of ice cream for A NOTE ON PROTEIN A NOTE ON CALCIUM breakfast, a cheese platter for lunch and cakes Protein is needed for healthy enzymes, Just as meat does not have the with custard for your dinner. No one would argue hormones and antibodies, and to monopoly on protein, milk does not that such a diet is good for you, despite it being build and repair muscles, and it is the nutrient that people worry about have the monopoly on calcium! Beans vegan. But if you eat a wide range of foods – most. Yet it’s very hard to be protein- and greens tend to be calcium-rich, so grains, proteins, fats, fruit and vegetables – you deficient as a vegan as almost every eat plenty, including black turtle beans, won’t go far wrong. food contains some protein. Guidelines kidney beans and soya beans, kale, for how much we need vary depending collards, watercress, okra and broccoli. on gender, age, activity levels and You’ll also find calcium in sweet potato, even where you live, since different countries’ governments give different butternut squash and tofu, and if you recommended intakes. But, as an snack on dried figs and almonds, example, a 30-year old active woman you’ll be getting a calcium hit again. requires 47 grams a day, while a man Plant milks, including milkshakes, and of similar age requires 56 grams. This yoghurts are often fortified with it, too. typical daily menu easily reaches those targets: Make sure you get a good dose of vitamin D to help you absorb all that • Peanut butter on toast lovely calcium. Be out in the sunshine (2 pieces / 4 pieces) 15g / 30g as much as possible – it is not called the • Thr ee-bean salad wrap sunshine vitamin for nothing – and in (2 wraps /4 wraps) 18g / 36g the winter months, look out for dairy- • Shepherd’s pie, made with soya mince served with peas & broccoli 29g free margarines, breakfast cereals and breads that are fortified with it. In winter, Add in snacks, plant milk in your tea, most people struggle to get enough of a milkshake in the afternoon or extra veggies and you can see how a typical this vitamin, irrespective of their diet, so day’s food can easily exceed your you may consider taking a supplement, protein requirements. just to be on the safe side. 19 VEGAN STARTER KIT

A NOTE ON IRON A NOTE ON OMEGA-3 Although iron-deficiency anaemia is not Our bodies are able to make almost all the HEALTHY VEGAN uncommon, particularly in women who fats we need for the proper functioning menstruate, those who eat a plant-based of our tissues, but there are two we must FOOD PYRAMID diet do not appear to be any more at risk get from our food, and for this reason of iron deficiency than those who eat these are known as Essential Fatty Acids: PROCESSED / FATTY FOODS BERRIES meat, and there is no reason why any omega-3 and omega-6. vegan should struggle to get enough HIGH-FAT WHOLE FOODS OTHER FRUITS (ALL TYPES) Omega-6 can be found plentifully in iron so long as their diet is healthy and LEGUMES INCL. TOFU AND TEMPEH GREENS & CRUCIFEROUS VEGETABLES leafy vegetables, seeds, nuts, grains and balanced. most vegetable oils. It is very easy to get UNREFINED WHOLE GRAINS OTHER VEGETABLES (ALL TYPES) Start with a breakfast of oats, or a sufficient omega-6 on a balanced vegan breakfast cereal that is already fortified diet but this fat competes with omega-3 with it. Sprinkle some seeds and dried fruit for use in the body, and so we need on top, and you may just have reached to make sure we are getting sufficient your daily intake before you leave the omega-3 every day. The best sources are: <1 house. Other foods to help boost your leafy vegetables (Brussels sprouts, kale, iron intake are: edamame beans, lentils, spinach), walnuts, rapeseed oil, ground chickpeas and beans, tofu, tempeh, flaxseed and flaxseed oil, soya beans and quinoa, blackstrap molasses, watercress, tofu. kale, Brazil nuts, sesame seeds and dark 1-2 2-3 chocolate. To help you absorb all that iron, include A NOTE ON IODINE foods rich in vitamin C and avoid drinking Iodine is tricky because having either coffee or tea with your meal. too much or too little can cause thyroid 3+ problems, so all of us – vegan and non-vegan – need to get it right. There A NOTE ON VITAMIN B12 are small amounts in nuts, bread, fruit, vegetables and beans but the best plant This is the one vitamin that can be trickier sources are seaweed and iodised salt, 3 3+ to obtain as a vegan. It is present in though the amounts in seaweed can animal products, but it isn’t made by the vary quite widely. Brown seaweeds can animals themselves but by the bacteria contain too much iodine so eating them inside them. We can get B12 by eating just once a week will be sufficient.68 Those yeast extracts (like Marmite), nutritional who dislike seaweed and need to reduce NUMBER OF SERVINGS yeast flakes, breakfast cereals and plant- salt intake can supplement. This should based milks that are fortified with it. Many be in the form of potassium iodide or vegans will also take a supplement of potassium iodate, and you should aim for this important vitamin to be sure they are 150mcg a day or 200mcg if pregnant or getting sufficient. breastfeeding.


BREAKFAST A MICROWAVE MEAL - such as mac ‘n’ cheese, lasagne, TOAST - curry or enchiladas with vegan butter, peanut butter, MEAL IDEAS Marmite, jam, marmalade, hummus, beans, avocado, sliced tomato, Two tips that often help people transition or dairy-free cheese DINNER to a plant-based diet are: PORRIDGE - PIZZA - 1. Plan your meals ahead with your choice of plant milk. with vegan cheese and chorizo, Add seeds, nuts and fruits tomatoes, basil, corn, artichoke, olives 2. Keep it simple. Wherever possible, make only and capers small changes to the meals you normally eat to BREAKFAST CEREALS - with dairy-free milk or yoghurt. SPAGHETTI BOLOGNESE - make them plant-based. Add seeds, nuts and fruit made with lentils or soya mince, or a Here are some ideas to start you off. CONTINENTAL - combination vegan croissant, pain au chocolat PIE AND MASH - and cinnamon swirls are available in some countries there are lots of vegan pies readily available ENGLISH - vegan sausages and bacon, scrambled CURRY - tofu, hash browns, grilled tomatoes, Thai, Indonesian, Indian, Bangladeshi, or mushrooms and beans ‘veganise’ your favourite recipe

Tea, coffee and fruit juice BURGER AND CHIPS - with a fresh green salad

STEW AND DUMPLINGS - LUNCH a rich root veg stew with a variety of SOUP AND ROLL - beans and herb dumplings (homemade or shop-bought) SHEPHERD’S PIE - SANDWICHES AND WRAPS - substitute the meat for soya mince and / homemade (cheese and pickle; ‘ham’ or lentils, and use dairy-free milk for the and mustard; hummus and carrot etc.) mash or shop-bought ROAST DINNER - PASTA SALAD OR A HOT PASTA DISH with vegan roast beef or make a JACKET POTATO - different centrepiece, and serve with all with salad, cheese, chilli or beans, or the trimmings make a delicious vegan tuna salad STEAK AND CHIPS - NOODLE STIR-FRY there are now vegan steaks available! SUSHI - homemade or shop-bought


SNACKS AND DIPS DESSERTS CRISPS AND SALSA CAKES AND CHEESECAKES - it’s possible to both buy and bake these CRACKERS WITH HUMMUS - and a choice of dairy-free cheeses SCONES WITH CREAM - you can easily make vegan scones and SAUSAGE ROLLS - buy vegan clotted, double and squirty shop-bought or homemade cream BISCUITS/COOKIES - ICE CREAM - lots of these happen to be vegan there are many vegan flavours available, CHOCOLATE - including cones and choc ices there are many vegan dark, ‘milk’ and STICKY TOFFEE PUDDING - white chocolates available really easy to make FRUITS - TREACLE TART - grapes, strawberries, cherries, blueberries, really easy to make mango, bananas ONCE I FULLY UNDERSTOOD WHERE APPLE PIE - PANCAKES - bought or homemade it’s easy to make vegan pancakes MEAT CAME FROM … I FOUND THAT MERINGUE - YOGHURT - it is easy to make vegan meringues CONCEPT QUITE HARD TO LIVE WITH. vegan yoghurts are readily available in lots out of aquafaba (chickpea water!) of flavours IF YOU DON’T NEED MEAT TO SURVIVE, FRUIT CRUMBLE - DIPS - easy to make baba ganoush, olive dip, guacamole, and I DON’T SEE WHY YOU HAVE TO HAVE IT. a range of hummus flavours Ellie Goulding, Singer


Eating out as a vegan gets easier all the time. Now, many international chain restaurants including OUR TOP TIP: HAPPY COW Wagamama, Yo! Sushi, Pizza Express EATING OUT and even Nando’s and McDonald’s To find vegan meals near you – have vegan options or a separate whether that is in an exclusively vegan menu. This means wherever vegan restaurant or an omnivorous AS A VEGAN you go, you are never far from a vegan chain outlet – check the Happy meal. Cow website or app. Type in your location, and it will tell you where In Indian, Thai, Chinese, Italian, to go! Lebanese and Mexican restaurants, eating vegan is not difficult. You may still need to check whether Indian restaurants use ghee (clarified butter) and whether Thai restaurants have fish in their sauces. Also watch out for egg noodles in Chinese restaurants (instead ask for rice noodles) and egg pasta in Italian restaurants. If you speak to the serving staff or to the chef, and ask whether there is egg, dairy or fish in any of the vegetarian options, you won’t go far wrong. Independent restaurants may have vegan options already on the menu but if not, they may be happy to create something for you. It is best to call ahead to check rather than to rely on the chef being prepared on the night but if you don’t, it is usually possible to easily adapt a dish already on the menu.


TEN OF OUR FAVOURITE TEN OF OUR FAVOURITE RECIPE SITES COOKBOOKS VEGAN SO VEGAN - VEGAN RICHA’S EVERYDAY KITCHEN - delicious, fuss-free foods, often with Richa Hingle just a handful of ingredients KEEP IT VEGAN - INSPIRATION BOSH TV - delicious, fun foods, the classics with a Aine Carlin twist DELICIOUSLY ELLA EVERY DAY - VEGANUARY - Ella Mills over 600 vegan recipes from all over the THE NAUGHTIEST world CUPCAKES IN TOWN - BETTINA’S KITCHEN - Ms Cupcake gluten-free, veg-packed recipes FEED ME VEGAN - DELICIOUSLY ELLA - Lucy Watson beautiful, veg-filled classics OH SHE GLOWS - VEGAN IN 15 - healthy, tasty meals and snacks Kate Ford WICKED HEALTHY - HAPPY FOOD - chef-crafted recipes Bettina Campolucci-Bordi

VEGAN RICHA - RECIPES FOR HAPPINESS - meals, snacks, one-pot dinners and The Happy Pear baked goods VEGAN 101 - THE VEG SPACE - easy, comfort food Jenny Engel MINIMALIST BAKER - WHAT VEGANS EAT - simple, colourful, beautiful foods Brett Cobley


TEN LIFE-CHANGING TEN INSPIRATIONAL TEN LIFE-CHANGING BEFORE THE FLOOD (2016) - Leonardo DiCaprio meets with scientists, BOOKS TO READ ACCOUNTS TO FOLLOW FILMS TO SEE activists and world leaders to discuss the EARTHLING ED - dangers of climate change and possible EATING ANIMALS - DOMINION (2018) - a man who has devoted his life to animal exposing the dark underbelly of animal solutions Jonathan Safran Foer rights to atone for the animals already agriculture through drones, hidden and PLANTPURE NATION (2015) - killed on his behalf WHY WE LOVE DOGS, EAT PIGS, AND handheld cameras Neal Barnard MD, Colin T Campbell and WEAR COWS - JO-ANNE MCARTHUR’S WE ANIMALS - (2011) - Nelson Campbell are on a quest to spread award-winning photographer researchers explore the possibility that the message of one of the most important documenting human use of non-human people changing their diets from animal- health breakthroughs of all time HOW NOT TO DIE - animals based to plant-based can help eliminate Michael Greger MD WHAT THE HEALTH (2017) - GEORGE MONBIOT - or control diseases like cancer and filmmaker Kip Andersen uncovers the THE CHINA STUDY - journalist and author renowned for his diabetes secret to preventing and even reversing environmental activism T. Colin Campbell COWSPIRACY (2014) - chronic diseases MARI MAULAND - follow the shocking, yet humorous, HOW TO GO VEGAN - vegan ultra-runner and endurance athlete journey of an aspiring environmentalist, Veganuary MOBY - as he seeks to find the real solution to the THE ETHICS OF WHAT WE EAT - musician, environmentalist and vegan most pressing environmental issues CAPTAIN - EARTHLINGS (2005) - environmental activist and founder of Sea still the most powerful indictment of how THE ULTIMATE BETRAYAL: IS THERE A Shepherd humans treat our fellow animals HAPPY MEAT? - LAND OF HOPE & GLORY (2017) - Hope Bohanec EVANNA LYNCH - actress, host of @chickpeepspod and a sobering insight into the UK’s standard FARMAGEDDON: THE TRUE COST OF aspiring cat animal farming practices, filmed at more than 100 facilities CHEAP MEAT - AL GORE - Philip Lymbery former Vice-President of the United States (2010) - and climate change campaigner FERAL: REWILDING THE LAND, THE SEA, follows three New Yorkers as they adopt a vegan diet for six weeks AND HUMAN LIFE - PLANT BASED NEWS - a vegan news platform providing the latest George Monbiot CARNAGE - inspiring and entertaining content Simon Amstell’s mockumentary set DOMINION OF LOVE: LIVEKINDLY - in 2067 where older generations are ACCORDING TO THE BIBLE - a news platform providing informative and suffering guilt for the things they did to thought-provoking vegan content animals and the planet


Find vegan friends. If you don’t know any in real life, you’ll find plenty 1 of lovely people and groups online. Check out Vegans United, Vegan Runners and Veganuary. Or find your nearest MeetUp group to enjoy dinner with like-minded people. You’ll also find vegan festivals and fairs TEN TIPS taking place all over the world. Why not go along to one near you? 2 Download some helpful apps, including Happy Cow to help you find places to eat and Dr Greger’s Daily Dozen to help you get all the nutrients ON NAVIGATING you need.

3 Break the news to your friends and family before you sit down to dinner A NON-VEGAN with them! When eating at non-vegan friends’ houses, you might share some recipes beforehand, offer to take your own main or even make dessert for everyone. It’s a good idea to find out what the host is cooking so you can make something similar and not stand out too much. Make it WORLD look and smell delicious, and wait for everyone to salivate over the vegan option!

Read up. Friends and family will have a lot of questions about why you are 4 vegan and what you eat, and some may take a little pleasure in testing your knowledge! You are likely to find that suddenly everyone you know is a nutritionist. You don’t have to be an expert, but it is useful to have a few facts at your fingertips to counter their concerns.

Have a sense of humour. Most of us choose to become vegan for very 5 serious reasons, and so it’s not always easy to get the ‘funny’ jokes that are levelled at vegans. Try not to take it personally. Once your friends see the amazing food you eat, see how well you look, and that you haven’t actually keeled over, they’ll quit the quips and you may just win them round.

6 What to do with your leather shoes, coats and bags? And what about woollen jumpers and silk scarves? Some new vegans decide not to throw away these items but to use them until they wear out and then not buy animal products again. Others give them to charity shops and treat themselves to cruelty-free versions straightaway. Whatever feels right is right for you.





7 If you are travelling overseas, do some research first. You’ll be well catered for in most cities worldwide so check, or to plan where you’ll eat. There are many vegetarian and vegan hotels and B&Bs if you’d like to be well-fed at every meal or check out Vegvisits, which is similar to Airbnb, only just with vegetarian/vegan accommodation listings. There are also now several vegan tour companies where you can join like- minded people in exploring the world. VegVoyages, Vegan Travel Club and Vegan Cruises are three examples. If you are planning to visit a more remote region, be prepared to take your own snacks, and you might be wise to consider self-catering. Download the Vegan Passport app, which will help you communicate your dietary requirements in 78 languages.

8 It’s OK to take it slow. Some people can flick a switch and become vegan overnight. For others, it takes a little time to adjust and to make it stick. If you’re struggling or overwhelmed by the change, just switch out one product at a time. Find a plant milk you like and when you’re used to it, try the yoghurts. Don’t think of cutting things out, think of trying new things and adding them in. Treat finding new sausages, burgers, pies and puddings IF YOU DON’T WANT TO BE BEATEN, as an adventure. You’ll soon find that all the great vegan options you’ve discovered have crowded out the old non-vegan versions. IMPRISONED, MUTILATED, KILLED OR TORTURED, THEN YOU SHOULDN’T 9 Be kind to yourself. You’re not perfect. None of us are. You may slip up. We’re all doing our best, and we’ll keep striving to be better. Remind yourself of the impact your food choices have, and try again. CONDONE SUCH BEHAVIOUR TOWARDS ANYONE, BE THEY HUMAN OR NOT. 10 Try and stay vegan for the whole of Lent. After all, it’s only a few weeks. But in that time, you will learn so much about the impact our food choices have on the planet, on animals, on the world’s poorest and on your own health. You may or may not stay vegan after that time – that is your choice – but if you are vegan for the period of Lent, you will almost certainly discover a different relationship with food, the earth and our non-human kin, and you almost certainly will not want to go back to all your old eating habits. Moby musician

Many of the images in this guide have been supplied by our friends André Nogueira and Rita Parente from their vegan cookbook: Vegan Para Todos. And also Derek and Chad Sarno from Wicked Healthy. Check them out! 27 VEGAN STARTER KIT

WHAT NEXT? Of course, we’d love you to stay vegan. After all, it’s the single biggest thing you can do to help protect the planet. But there is more you can do! If any of the issues you have learned about in this guide have touched your heart, you may feel empowered to join a campaign. This can be anything from letter-writing to giving school talks to joining peaceful demonstrations. Some people set up their own blogs or recipe sites. You could host a monthly vegan dinner party for charity or take baked goods into work along with recipe cards, so your colleagues can be introduced to vegan cooking. You might volunteer at your local animal rescue centre or give a home to some former battery hens. Perhaps you’ll recommend books and films that have inspired or moved you to friends and family.

There are so many ways to help the planet and all who live here, and how you choose to do that is entirely up to you.



APPENDIX 1/2 1 Springmann M, Clark M et al, ‘Options 12 Lloyd Vries, ‘Gas from manure pit kills 5 on 21 Jonathan Watts, ‘Stop biodiversity loss 30 ‘Agriculture and energy for keeping the food system within dairy farm’, CBS News, 3 Jul 2007 or we could our own extinction, warns UN’, consumption’, Foodprint environmental limits’, Nature, 2018 The Guardian, 6 Nov 2018 pit-kills-5-on-dairy-farm energy-climate-change] nov/03/stop-biodiversity-loss-or-we-could- 2 Key facts and findings’, Food and Agriculture 13 ‘Essex farm workers die in slurry accident, 31 ‘5 global hunger facts you need to know,’ face-our-own-extinction-warns-un Organization of the United Nations inquest told BBC News, 5 Mar 2013 World Vision 22 Ibid icode/ essex-21673403 global-hunger-facts] 23 ‘Overfishing’, World Wildlife Fund 3 Jonathan Watts, ‘We have 12 years to 14 Dunloy death farm: why is slurry so 32 Damian Carrington, ‘Avoiding meat and dairy limit climate change catastrophe, warns UN,’ dangerous?’, BBC News, 8 Jun 2014 is “single biggest way” to reduce your impact 24 Azua (Zizhan) Luo, ‘Ocean fish stocks The Guardian, 8 Oct 2018 on Earth, The Guardian, 31 May 2018 on “verge of collapse”, says IRIN report’, ireland-27754408 New Security Beat, 28 Feb 2017 oct/08/global-warming-must-not-exceed-15c- may/31/avoiding-meat-and-dairy-is-single- 15 ‘Livestock policy brief’, Food and Agriculture warns-landmark-un-report biggest-way-to-reduce-your-impact-on-earth Organization of the United Nations fish-stocks-on-verge-collapse-irin-report/ 4 Fiona Harvey, ‘Are we running out of water?’ 33 J. Webster, 1994, : A Cool Eye 25 ‘New US regulations offer better The Guardian, 18 Jun 20 Towards Eden. Blackwell Science, page 255 16 George Monbiot, ‘Toothless Environment protection from bycatch’, World Wildlife Agency is allowing the living world to be Fund, spring 2017 34 ‘Trial of the Scandinavian AI method under are-we-running-out-of-water wrecked with impunity’, The Guardian, British sheep farming conditions’, Agriculture 5 ‘Water Scarcity: Overview’, World Wildlife Fund 12 Nov 2015 spring-2017/articles/new-us-regulations- and Horticulture Development Board, offer-better-protection-from-bycatch georgemonbiot/2015/nov/12/toothless- systems-and-cost-of-production/systems- 6 John Vidal, ‘Ten ways can help 26 ‘Maui dolphin’ World Wildlife Fund environment-agency-is-allowing-the-living- and-cost-of-production-sheep/trial-of-the- save the planet,’ The Guardian, 18 Jul 2010 world-to-be-wrecked-with-impunity scandinavian-ai-method-under-british-sheep- species/cetaceans/about/hectors_dolphin/ farming-conditions/ jul/18/vegetarianism-save-planet-environment 17 John Vidal, ‘Ten ways vegetarianism can help mauis_dolphin/ save the planet,’ The Guardian, 18 Jul 2010 35 Bas Sanders, ‘Global animal slaughter 7 Ibid 27 ‘North Atlantic right whales on the brink statistics and charts’, Faunalytics, 10 Oct 2018 of extinction, officials say’, The Guardian, 8 Ibid jul/18/vegetarianism-save-planet- 11 Dec 2017 environment 9 ‘Water requirements’, statistics-and-charts 18 Damian Carrington, ‘Humanity has wiped dec/11/north-atlantic-right-whales-brink-of- environment/water-requirements out 60% of animal populations since 1970, extinction-officials-say report finds,’ The Guardian, 30 Oct 2018 10 John Vidal, ‘Ten ways vegetarianism can help 28 Damian Carrington, ‘Avoiding meat and dairy save the planet,’ The Guardian, 18 Jul 2010 is “single biggest way” to reduce your impact oct/30/humanity-wiped-out-animals-since- on Earth, The Guardian, 31 May 2018 1970-major-report-finds jul/18/vegetarianism-save-planet- environment 19 Ibid may/31/avoiding-meat-and-dairy-is-single- biggest-way-to-reduce-your-impact-on-earth 11 ‘Strategic Plan 2013-17: For kinder 20 Ibid fairer farming worldwide’, Compassion 29 Dead Zone, Philip Lymbery, Loc 1060 in World Farming strategic_plan_20132017.pdf



36 Ashitha Nagesh, ‘The harrowing 45 ‘UK on track to cut antibiotic use 52 Damian Carrington, ‘ Humanity has wiped 61 ‘Virat Kohli becomes the fastest to 10,000 ODI psychological toll of slaughterhouse work’, in animals as total sales drop 9%’, out 60% of animal populations since 1970, runs breaking Sachin Tendulkar’s record’, The The Metro, 31 Dec 2017 Government press release, 17 Nov 2016 report finds’, The Guardian, 30 Oct 2018 Guardian, 24 Oct 2018 animals-everyday-leaves-slaughterhouse- to-cut-antibiotic-use-in-animals-as-total- oct/30/humanity-wiped-out-animals-since- oct/24/virat-kohli-becomes-fastest-to-10000- workers-traumatised-7175087/ sales-drop-9 1970-major-report-finds odi-runs-breaking-sachin-tendulkars-record- video 37 Ibid 46 Ibid 53 Marsha M Wheeler and Gene E Robinson, ‘Diet-dependent gene expression in honey 62 Alison Mango, ‘This drastic diet change 38 Michael Greger MD, How Not To Die, p. 106 47 Chris Pleasance, ‘We really are a nation of bees: honey vs. sucrose or high fructose corn helped Venus Williams fight her autoimmune meat eaters: Carnivores devour more than 39 ‘Vegetarian diets and diabetes’, Diabetes UK syrup’, Sci Rep. 2014; 4: 5726. 17 Jul 2014 condition’, Health, 12 Jan 2017 7,000 animals in their lifetime including 11 cows, 2,400 chickens and 30 sheep, Daily enjoy-food/eating-with-diabetes/vegetarian- PMC4103092/ raw-vegan-diet diets Mail, 9 Macr 2015 54 Ibid 63 Ibid 40 ‘Q&A on the carcinogenicity of the We-really-nation-meat-eaters-Carnivores- 55 64 Guy Kelly, ‘David Haye: going vegan consumption of red meat and processed devour-7-000-animals-life-time-including-11- Ibid made me stronger than I’ve ever been’, meat,‘ World Health Organization, Oct 2015 cows-2-400-chickens-30-sheep.html 56 Genetic diversity in bees’, Bush Farms The Telegraph, 6 May 2016 48 Jerry Branium, ‘Soy and your testosterone’, en/ htm Ironman, 27 Feb 2010 david-haye-going-vegan-made-stronger- 41 ‘Processed meat and cancer - what you need 57 Andrew Benson, ‘Lewis Hamilton: F1 driver than-ive-ever-been/ to know,’ Cancer Research UK , 26 Oct 2015 testosterone/ on going vegan and his fears for the planet’, 65 David Haye interview with PETA UK, http://scienceblog.cancerresearchuk. 49 Celec P, Ostatnikova D, Hodosy J, Putz Z, BBC Sport, 16 Sept 2017 18 May 2016 org/2015/10/26/processed-meat-and- cancer-what-you-need-to-know/ Kudela M, ‘Increased one week soybean 58 consumption affects spatial abilities but not Naomi Gordon, ‘Serena Williams reveals 66 42 Signe Dean, ‘Here’s how long it really ‘Promoting fruit and vegetable consumption sex hormone status in men’, Int J Food Sci the strict diet that helped her get into shape takes to break a habit, according to science’, around the world’, World Health Organization Nutr. 2007 Sep;58(6):424-8. post-baby’, Harper’s Bazaar, 2 Jul 2018 Science Alert, 9 Jun 2018 index2.html news/a22015954/serena-williams-strict-diet- 50 Hamilton-Reeves JM, Vazquez G, Phipps WR, break-a-habit-according-to-science 43 ‘Cumulative number of confirmed human shape-post-baby/ Kurzer MS, Messina MJ, ‘Clinical studies show 67 Melina V, Craig W, Levin S. Position of cases for avian influenza A (H5N1) reported 59 James Benge, ‘Arsenal’s Hector Bellerin no effects of soy protein or soy isoflavones the Academy of Nutrition and Dietetics: to WHO, 2003-2018, reveals how vegan diet has helped ease on reproductive hormones in men: results Vegetarian Diets. J Acad Nutr Diet. 2016 his injury struggles’, Evening Standard, of a meta-analysis’, Fertil Steril. 2010 Dec;116(12):1970-1980 interface/2018_09_21_tableH5N1.pdf?ua=1 29 Mar 2018 Aug;94(3):997-1007. 2009 Jun 12. 44 ‘Influenza (Avian and other zoonotic), hector-bellerin-reveals-how-vegan-diet-has- 68 ‘Iodine’, The Association of UK Dietetics 31 Jan 2018 World Health Organization 51 Tomomi Kimura, ‘’ East meets West: ethnic helped-ease-his-injury-struggles-a3802731. influenza-(avian-and-other-zoonotic) differences in prostate cancer epidemiology html between East Asians and Caucasians’, 60 Indranil Basu, ‘Captain Kohli turns vegan feels Chin J Cancer. 2012 Sep; 31(9): 421–429. it has improved his game’, The Times of India, PMC3777503/ 7 Oct 2018 sports/cricket/news/captain-kohli-turns- vegan-feels-it-has-improved-his-game/ articleshow/66103693.cms