167 bus time schedule & line map

167 Sutton Coldeld - via View In Website Mode

The 167 bus line (Sutton Coldeld - Erdington via Walmley) has 2 routes. For regular weekdays, their operation hours are: (1) Erdington: 9:37 AM - 3:37 PM (2) Sutton Coldeld: 9:48 AM - 4:07 PM Use the Moovit App to nd the closest 167 bus station near you and nd out when is the next 167 bus arriving.

Direction: Erdington 167 bus Time Schedule 34 stops Erdington Route Timetable: VIEW LINE SCHEDULE Sunday Not Operational

Monday 9:37 AM - 3:37 PM Gracechurch Shopping Centre (Sh) Lower Parade, Tuesday 9:37 AM - 3:37 PM

Holland House School, Sutton Coldeld Wednesday 9:37 AM - 3:37 PM 110A Holland Road, Birmingham Thursday 9:37 AM - 3:37 PM Shirley Drive, Sutton Coldeld Friday 9:37 AM - 3:37 PM 11 Coles Lane, Birmingham Saturday 9:37 AM - 2:37 PM Douglas Rd, Sutton Coldeld 161 Coles Lane, Birmingham

Rowan Rd, Sutton Coldeld 223 Coles Lane, Birmingham 167 bus Info Direction: Erdington Shooters Hill, Stops: 34 12 Corncrake Close, Birmingham Trip Duration: 38 min Line Summary: Gracechurch Shopping Centre (Sh), Recreation Ground, Wylde Green Holland House School, Sutton Coldeld, Shirley Drive, 106 East View Road, Birmingham Sutton Coldeld, Douglas Rd, Sutton Coldeld, Rowan Rd, Sutton Coldeld, Shooters Hill, Wylde The Green, Wylde Green Green, Recreation Ground, Wylde Green, The Green, 152 East View Road, Birmingham Wylde Green, Allendale Rd, Walmley, Walmley Ash Rd, Walmley, Walmley Ash Lane, , Forge Croft, Allendale Rd, Walmley Minworth, Asda Superstore, Minworth, Thornley 2-8 Pakenham Close, Grove, Minworth, Arbury Walk, Minworth, Asda Superstore, Minworth, Forge Croft, Minworth, Walmley Ash Rd, Walmley Walmley Ash Lane, Minworth, Walmley Junior Webster Way, Birmingham School, Walmley, Walmley Infant School, Walmley, Ashurst Rd, Walmley, Ashfern Drive, Walmley, Trident Walmley Ash Lane, Minworth Close, Walmley, Penns Lake Rd, Walmley, Penns Hall 17 Lytham Close, Birmingham Hotel, Walmley, The Chase, Walmley, Berwood Rd, Yenton, Salisbury Grove, Yenton, Beech Hill Road, Forge Croft, Minworth Yenton, Hart Road, Yenton, Erdington Fire Station, 21 Harbury Close, Birmingham Erdington, New Street, Erdington, Barnabas Road, Erdington, Six Ways Island, Erdington Asda Superstore, Minworth

Thornley Grove, Minworth Lindridge Drive, Birmingham Arbury Walk, Minworth Arbury Walk, Birmingham

Asda Superstore, Minworth

Forge Croft, Minworth 28 Forge Croft, Birmingham

Walmley Ash Lane, Minworth 17 Lytham Close, Birmingham

Walmley Junior School, Walmley 1 Anton Drive, Birmingham

Walmley Infant School, Walmley 100 Walmley Ash Road, Birmingham

Ashurst Rd, Walmley 40 Walmley Ash Road, Birmingham

Ashfern Drive, Walmley 22 Walmley Ash Road, Birmingham

Trident Close, Walmley 304 Penns Lane, Birmingham

Penns Lake Rd, Walmley 280 Penns Lane, Birmingham

Penns Hall Hotel, Walmley 226 Penns Lane, Birmingham

The Chase, Walmley 182 Penns Lane, Birmingham

Berwood Rd, Yenton 146 Penns Lane, Birmingham

Salisbury Grove, Yenton 114 Penns Lane, Birmingham

Beech Hill Road, Yenton 80 Penns Lane, Birmingham

Hart Road, Yenton 90 Orphanage Road, Birmingham

Erdington Fire Station, Erdington 4 Orphanage Road, Birmingham

New Street, Erdington New Street, Birmingham

Barnabas Road, Erdington

Six Ways Island, Erdington 19 York Road, Birmingham Direction: Sutton Coldeld 167 bus Time Schedule 34 stops Sutton Coldeld Route Timetable: VIEW LINE SCHEDULE Sunday Not Operational

Monday 9:48 AM - 4:07 PM Six Ways Island, Erdington 19 York Road, Birmingham Tuesday 9:48 AM - 4:07 PM

Barnabas Road, Erdington Wednesday 9:48 AM - 4:07 PM 32 Machin Road, Birmingham Thursday 9:48 AM - 4:07 PM Wilton Rd, Erdington Friday 9:48 AM - 4:07 PM Wilton Road, Birmingham Saturday 9:48 AM - 1:48 PM Erdington Fire Station, Erdington 4 Orphanage Road, Birmingham

Salisbury Grove, Yenton 75 Penns Lane, Birmingham 167 bus Info Direction: Sutton Coldeld Fourlands Ave, Yenton Stops: 34 3 Salisbury Grove, Birmingham Trip Duration: 38 min Line Summary: Six Ways Island, Erdington, Berwood Rd, Yenton Barnabas Road, Erdington, Wilton Rd, Erdington, 167 Penns Lane, Birmingham Erdington Fire Station, Erdington, Salisbury Grove, Yenton, Fourlands Ave, Yenton, Berwood Rd, Yenton, The Chase, Walmley The Chase, Walmley, Penns Hall Hotel, Walmley, 192 Penns Lane, Birmingham Penns Lake Rd, Walmley, Ashfern Drive, Walmley, Ashurst Rd, Walmley, Walmley Junior School, Penns Hall Hotel, Walmley Walmley, Walmley Ash Lane, Minworth, Forge Croft, 228 Penns Lane, Birmingham Minworth, Asda Superstore, Minworth, Thornley Grove, Minworth, Arbury Walk, Minworth, Asda Penns Lake Rd, Walmley Superstore, Minworth, Forge Croft, Minworth, 253-275 Penns Lane, Birmingham Walmley Ash Lane, Minworth, Walmley Ash Rd, Walmley, Walmley Rd, Walmley, The Green, Wylde Ashfern Drive, Walmley Green, Recreation Ground, Wylde Green, Shooters 10 Walmley Ash Road, Birmingham Hill, Wylde Green, Rowan Rd, Sutton Coldeld, Douglas Rd, Sutton Coldeld, Shirley Drive, Sutton Ashurst Rd, Walmley Coldeld, Holland House School, Sutton Coldeld, 2 Tudman Close, Birmingham Lower Queen St, Sutton Coldeld, Coleshill St, Sutton Coldeld, Sutton Library, Sutton Coldeld, Walmley Junior School, Walmley Gracechurch Shopping Centre (Sh) 141 Walmley Ash Road, Birmingham

Walmley Ash Lane, Minworth 17 Lytham Close, Birmingham

Forge Croft, Minworth 21 Harbury Close, Birmingham

Asda Superstore, Minworth

Thornley Grove, Minworth Lindridge Drive, Birmingham

Arbury Walk, Minworth Arbury Walk, Birmingham

Asda Superstore, Minworth Forge Croft, Minworth 28 Forge Croft, Birmingham

Walmley Ash Lane, Minworth 17 Lytham Close, Birmingham

Walmley Ash Rd, Walmley Webster Way, Birmingham

Walmley Rd, Walmley 327 Wylde Green Road, England

The Green, Wylde Green 152 East View Road, Birmingham

Recreation Ground, Wylde Green 104 East View Road, Birmingham

Shooters Hill, Wylde Green 10 Corncrake Close, Birmingham

Rowan Rd, Sutton Coldeld 174 Coles Lane, Birmingham

Douglas Rd, Sutton Coldeld 130 Coles Lane, Birmingham

Shirley Drive, Sutton Coldeld 14 Coles Lane, Birmingham

Holland House School, Sutton Coldeld 73 Holland Road, Birmingham

Lower Queen St, Sutton Coldeld 131 Upper Holland Road, Birmingham

Coleshill St, Sutton Coldeld 96 Victoria Road, Birmingham

Sutton Library, Sutton Coldeld 63 Lower Parade, Birmingham

Gracechurch Shopping Centre (Sh) Lower Parade, Birmingham 167 bus time schedules and route maps are available in an oine PDF at moovitapp.com. Use the Moovit App to see live bus times, train schedule or Check Live Arrival Times subway schedule, and step-by-step directions for all public transit in . About Moovit MaaS Solutions Supported Countries Mooviter Community © 2021 Moovit - All Rights Reserved