
2021 Scottsdale Spring Horse Shows / – COVID-19 Safety Protocol The following protocols are in effect for the horse shows and meets or exceeds the USEF requirements.

1. FACE MASKS: Required to be worn by all staff and attendees at any time while on competition grounds except when on horseback … both the horse show and Westworld will provide and post appropriate signage 2. SOCIAL DISTANCING: Required in all areas of the competition grounds … both the horse show and Westworld will provide and post appropriate signage 3. RESTROOMS: Westworld will maintain and sanitize all restrooms and keep hand washing and sanitizing stations properly stocked and in full working order 4. FOOD SERVICE: Working with the food service provider, keep lines and gatherings to a minimum and maintain proper sanitization procedures for all areas that can be accessed by attendees 5. BARNS / STALLS / ARENAS: • Will provide hand washing or hand sanitization stations in barns and competition areas • Shall maintain proper social distancing in the barns, around the arenas and in the paddock areas 6. HORSE SHOW OFFICE: • Horse show and Westworld will provide hand sanitization for office staff and attendees in the office • Office staff will maintain strict sanitization procedures in the office through frequent wiping of desks, counters and anything else that can be touched in high-traffic areas (pens, pencils, copy machine, laminator, supply drawers, etc) • Some staff equipment such as radios, clipboards and folders will be assigned to one individual for the entire show to prevent the sharing of such • Sneeze guards will be in use to maintain a barrier between office staff and attendees • Each barn must designate one or two representatives to come to the office when necessary to minimize exposure from too many different people • No minors (anyone under the show age of 18) may come to the office for any reason • Office will be limited to two attendees at a time … others must wait outside of the office while practicing social distancing • Most transactions, like class adds and scratches, trainer sheets and payments, will now be performed electronically to minimize exposure • Horse show website and social media sites will be utilized to communicate with attendees to minimize office visits for information 7. SANITIZATION GOALS: • One staff member will have a golf cart and be responsible for driving around the competition grounds to disinfect and sanitize high-traffic areas and items that are frequently touched by staff and attendees, including, but not limited to, door handles, jumps and jump equipment, common-use hoses, back gate and judge’s stands, etc. • Westworld has mobile hand sanitization stations for use in high touch point areas that develop 8. ENFORCEMENT: • Each staff member is required to have their temperature taken upon arrival on the show grounds each day and must maintain a temperature under the CDC recommended 100.4 degrees • Every trainer, horse owner, rider, parent or adult guardian whose name appears on an entry blank must complete and sign a USEF Waiver of Liability acknowledging and agreeing to the current USEF Covid-19 Protocols • Arizona Veteran Security has been contracted to provide security services during all scheduled performances … this individual will be responsible for patrolling the competition areas to insure full compliance with all COVID-19 protocols • In the event of an individual that refuses to comply with these protocols or is constantly reported to be in violation, the security guard shall notify show management for a resolution and, if none can be found, show management shall remove the individual from the grounds … this includes the option to request assistance from Westworld and/or Scottsdale PD if necessary

These are all basic guidelines for the Covid-19 Protocols in effect during the 2021 Scottsdale Spring Horse Shows at Westworld. Management reserves the right to make adjustments to this in the event the USEF, Westworld or the CDC warrants.