Ecole Supérieure Des Sciences Économiques

and Commerciales (ESSEC)


http://www.essec. edu/

City Population: 450,000 Enrolment: 10,200 Standard Course Load: 30 ECTS

ABOUT ESSEC ESSEC (École Supérieure des Sciences Économiques et • Mardis de l'ESSEC: One of the school's most Commerciales) is one of the foremost business schools famous clubs. It organizes discussions with leaders and Grandes écoles in France. in many different fields. Former participants total more than 400 people, and have included current The former ESSEC MBA was ranked the 7th best MBA in (and former) heads-of-state and ministers, such as the world by The Wall Street Journal in 2007. In 2010, the Nicolas Sarkozy and Jacques Chirac, and major ESSEC Master in Management was ranked 9th business players, such as Serge Dassault. The first worldwide by the Financial Times. In the 2009 QS Global participant was Salvador Dali, in 1961; 200 Business Schools Report, the school was ranked • Reve FM: The school's radio; 16th in Europe. The school is known for its extremely • ESSEClive: ESSEC's community website, the first competitive entrance exams and has among its notable student website in France (by number of visits); alumni many CEOs of French and international • Melt: Melt is a student association that aims to bring companies. together international students (more than 900) and ESSEC students in order to encourage and develop ESSEC was created by Jesuits in 1907, and originally intercultural relations on campus. It organizes located in the heart of Paris, next to the University of various activities for international students Paris II: Panthéon-Assas, rue d'Assas. Its campus was throughout the year; later relocated to -Pontoise, 30 km west of Paris • Foyer des élèves (Foy's): Founded in 1973, the (Val d'), in 1973. Foy's is a student-run pub located at the Cergy- Pontoise campus. It serves ESSEC students from ESSEC has a very rich student culture, and EPSCI noon to midnight, offering fresh sandwiches for lunch students are an integral part of it. From entrepreneurial to and a wide variety of drinks all day long. In addition humanitarian, from cultural to sports-related, there are to every day operations, the "Foy's" also organizes more than 100 student clubs at ESSEC, among which: many concerts, events, and themed parties. COURSES ABOUT CERGY-PONTOISE Depending on the semester, Students can choose Cergy-Pontoise is a new town in France, in the Val d'Oise courses in: département, northwest of Paris on the Oise River. It owes • European Economics its name to two of the communes that it covers, Cergy and • European Geopolitics Pontoise. • E-business • International Marketing In the 1960s, faced by the fast development of Paris and its • Project Management suburbs, it was decided to control and balance it by creating several new cities around Paris. • International Logistics • Advanced Corporate Finance To the north, the choice was made on the surroundings of • Purchasing Pontoise. The old city was to be integrated in a much larger • Negotiation Skills Workshop unit, whose center would be Cergy, at the time not more than • International Financial Engineering a village. From 1965, the establishment of the new city was • Management Information Systems to be done in several stages: • Introduction to Corporate Strategy • Intercultural Marketing • April 16, 1969: creation of the publicly owned • International Business Simulation. "Établissement public d'aménagement" (EPA) • Accounting and financial studies • Business • 1971: creation of the Syndicat communautaire • Economics d'aménagement (SCA). • HR Management / Labour Studies Management • August 11, 1972: official creation of the new city of • Marketing Cergy-Pontoise gathering fifteen communes (the eleven current ones, and Boisemont, Boissy- LANGUAGE REQUIREMENT l'Aillerie, Méry-sur-Oise and Pierrelaye). Students normally enrol in classes instructed in English. For French courses, Competency in French as • 1983: the law Rocard amended the new cities. determined by the Arts Faculty. • 1984: Syndicat d'agglomération nouvelle (SAN) replaces the SCA, four communes left the structure SEMESTER DATES (the four mentioned above) Semester 1: Late August / early September – late December • December 31, 2002: end of the mission and Semester 2: March - June dissolution of the EPA, following the completion of the new city.

HOUSING • January 1, 2004: transformation of the SAN into a ESSEC provides guidance and dedicated solutions to communauté d'agglomération. help you with your search. Through ALEGESSEC (ESSEC’s student housing association), ESSEC • 2004: Boisemont becomes the 12th commune of Business School offers comfortable and well-equipped Cergy-Pontoise. rooms and studio apartments near the campus, as well as other amenities to help simplify day-to-day life.

Students can purchase a welcome kit upon arrival which includes linen and crockery (blanket, pillow, pillowcases, sheets, towels, glasses, utensils, pans, frying pans for


Read the France section in the blue files in the Study Abroad

Office. You will find some very useful information from HEALTH INSURANCE returned UWA students. UWA has insurance to cover its outgoing exchange students: UWA Corporate Personal and Travel Policy. It Go to the following website for more information about is usually accepted by the host universities as primary studying in France; insurance. However, students will need to enrol in the French Social Security Healthcare system, known as „La Sécurité Sociale’. CONTACTS


Our contact details: Tel: 6488 8199 [email protected]