
1611 Feagin Dr. Luin, TX 75904 Phone (936) 632-9100 February 28, 2021

Second Sunday of Lent

ADAM AND EVE – CHRISTIAN SYMBOLS OF LENT A few years ago, I put up a banner of and Eve at the entrance to the parish campus. Every- one who drove up or down the Jacksonville Hwy. saw the banner. Adam and Eve have traditionally been the great symbol of the Lenten season, standing there at the tree, Eve with her apple, looking bewildered, Adam looking tragic and the snake slithering on the ground. Of course, they are mostly nude except for the scanty fig leaves. A few prudish Catholics complained that the poster was pornography!!! As is my way, I ex- plained that it was medieval Christian art. One lady told me that in her beauty shop, our banner was the number 1 topic of conversation. They had no sense of the imagery of the naked Adam and Eve as symbols of sin and self-destruction. I tried my best to explain, but to no avail. So I ig- nored them and carried on. This image of God confronting Adam and Eve is a mosaic from the great Romanesque Cathedral of Monreale in Sicily. This building contains some of the finest mosaic work in the world. You can see their distress and shame. 12th century Mosaic Cathedral of the Assumption, Monreale, Sicily

First Friday Adoration First Friday Adoration will be this coming Friday, March 5th at 8 am. Please spend some time with the Lord.

Adoración del Primer Viernes del mes va ser este viernes, 5 de Marzo des de las 8 am. Por favor vengan a tomar un poco de tiempo con el Señor.

ADÁN Y EVA - SÍMBOLOS CRISTIANOS DE CUARESMA Hace unos años, coloqué una pancarta de Adán y Eva en la entrada del campus parroquial. Todos los que condu- jeron por Jacksonville Hwy. vio la pancarta. Adán y Eva han sido tradicionalmente el gran símbolo de la tem- porada de Cuaresma, parados allí en el árbol, Eva con su manzana, luciendo desconcertada, Adán luciendo trági- co y la serpiente deslizándose por el suelo. Por supuesto, en su mayoría están desnudos excepto por las escasas hojas de higuera. Algunos católicos mojigatos se quejaron de que el cartel era pornografía. Como es mi manera, expliqué que era arte cristiano medieval. Una señora me dijo que en su salón de belleza, nuestra pancarta era el tema de conversación número uno. No tenían ningún sentido de la imagen de Adán y Eva desnudos como símbo- los del pecado y la autodestrucción. Hice lo mejor que pude para explicarme, pero fue en vano. Así que los ig- noré y seguí adelante. Esta imagen de Dios frente a Adán y Eva es un mosaico de la gran catedral románica de Monreale en Sicilia. Este edificio contiene algunos de los mejores mosaicos del mundo. Puedes ver su angustia y vergüenza.

Pastor Fr. Timothy Kelly [email protected] Gary Treviño [email protected] Deacon Jesus Reyes [email protected] Parish Admin. Susie Healy [email protected] Secretary Sandra Ortega [email protected] Music Director Brian Buchanan [email protected] Media Director Allison Guse [email protected] Ethics & Integrity Coordinator James Donellan [email protected] Guadalupano Ministry Simona Vallejo [email protected] Prayer Group Tavo Mendoza [email protected]

Baptism Preparation/Bautismos: Please contact the parish office (936-632-9100). When you come to class or when you find out you are Pregnant. Please bring a copy of the child’s birth cer- tificate. / Por favor llamar a la oficina (936-632-9100). Cuando vienes a clase o cuando descu- bres que estás embarazada. Traer una copia del certificado de nacimiento de su hijo o hija.

Sacrament Preparation & Religious Formation: Please contact the Director of Religious Edu- cation, Bridget Grubb at [email protected]

RCIA-Adult -Becoming Catholic : Please contact the office at 936-632-9100 for more information.

WEDDINGS : Couples planning to marry should call church office and schedule an appointment with Fr. Kelly at least nine months (ideally 12 months) prior to the planned wedding date.

Monastery of the Infant Jesus Schedule 1501 Lotus Ln. Saturday Vigil: 5:00 pm - English Sunday: 8:00 am - Spanish Daily Masses 7:20 am 10:30 am - English Sunday Mass 7am 12:30 pm - Spanish Eucharistic Adoration every day until 8 pm

Tues., - Fri. 12:15 pm - English (Schedule subject to change on Holy Days of Obligation and at other times) Thurs. 6:45 pm - Spanish At present, our chapel is not open for Sunday Mass due to COVID-19. We hope to be open again very soon!

Daily Mass Schedule/Intentions Collections Sat/27 5:00 pm (Eng) Pro Populo February 13/14, 2021 Regular Collections $2,703 Sun/28 8:00 am (Sp) †Laura Patricia Garcia Online 1,125 10:30 am (Eng) † John Marcus Smith Building Fund 183 12:30 pm (Sp) Por Saul Mijares manda por Tuition Assistance 20 †Josefa Montoya Altar Flowers 5 Tue/2 12:15 pm (Eng) †Juan Segura Total Collections $4,036

Wed/3 12:15 pm (Eng) Very Rev. Mark Dunne 6:30 pm Station of the Cross followed by Mass February 20/21, 2021 Regular Collections $3,081 Thu/4 12:15 pm (Eng) Rev. Matias Rodriguez Online 2,575 6:30 pm Station of the Cross followed by Mass Building Fund 145 Tuition Assistance 424 Fri/5 12:15 pm (Eng) Rev. Luis Roncancio Diocese of Tyler School 20 6:30 pm Station of the Cross followed by Mass Ladies Guild 25 St. Andrew Charity 25 Confessions Youth Ministry 25 Total Collections $6,320 Wednesday ( miércoles):

11:30 am - 12 pm Next weekend's 2nd Collections Saturday ( sábado): March 7: Building Fund 4 pm - 4:45 pm March 14: Tuition Assistance March 21: Youth Ministry LECTORS / LECTORES Feb. 27, 5:00 pm Randy Burt, Randy Burt Fish Fry Feb. 28, 8:00 am Perfecto Nájera, Juan Barrón Feb. 28, 10:30 am Julie McManus, Julie McManus Feb. 28, 12:30 pm Reynaldo Juan, Elpidia Juan

March 7, 8:00 am Violeta y Héctor Montoya March 7, 12:30 pm Sergio Ramírez, Reynaldo Juan

March 14, 8:00 am Elpidia Juan, Briana Cruz March 14, 12:30 pm Rosario y Gustavo Hernández March 12, 2020

March 21, 8:00 am Felipa Hernández, Maria Alva- 5:30- 8:30PM rado St. Andrew Parish Hall March 21, 12:30 pm Oralia Azamar, Maria Olalde DRIVE THROUGH ONLY March 28, 8:00 am Gustavo y Rosario Hernández March 28, 12:30 pm Perfecto Nájera, Juan Barrón Ticket sales have started after masses and in the Parish Office during regular hours. Please Pray For: Tickets $10.00 Gerald Denais, Patrick Tomez, and Ann Tomez. Benefitting Parishioners serving our country: Bianca Hernan- dez, Rita Martinez, Daniel Hughes, Harvey Olivares, Monastery of the Infant Jesus

Kari Grass, Ernest Grass, Tyler Oliver, John Jost, Luis And Medina Jr., Angela Callaway, Anthony Orta and Tan- ner Crocker. Summer Youth Program at St. Andrew

As Fr is declared Venerable, his biographer describes his life of Christian grace by Gerard Skinner

On 20 February, yesterday, Francis declared that the nineteenth century Passionist priest, Fr Igna- tius Spencer, would be known as Ignatius Spencer, a step towards the of this 19 century relative of Diana, Princess of Wales, and of Sir Winston Churchill. His biographer Fr Gerard Skinner writes about his extraordinary life.

By the time of George Spencer’s birth on 21 December 1799 at Admiralty House, (Ignatius be- coming his name in latter years), the Spencers were one of the most prominent families in British Socie- ty. Having been baptized a member of the Church of , George Spencer’s earliest years were spent between the family’s great houses of Althorp in Northamptonshire, Spencer House on the edge of Green Park in London and a villa in Wimbledon. He was educated at before being sent to study with a private tutor, continuing his education at Trinity College, Cambridge.

From an early age Spencer felt called to ministry in the , finally being ordained as an Anglican priest in 1824. In the parish of the family estate at Althorp he was tireless in his ministering to the spiritual and physical needs of his parishioners. “His great charity to the poor and wandering beggars was unbounded,” wrote a parishioner. “At times he gave them all the money he had, and stripped himself of his clothes to give them to the distressed.”

On 30 January 1830 Spencer was received into the Catholic Church and was sent to the English College, , for two years of studies, being ordained a priest in May 1832.

Spencer was sent to the mission in , where he lived an ascetic life. A convert of Spen- cer’s from this time recalled: “His sublime instructions taught me how to pray for the grace of God to guide me to his true Church. He was ever persecuted and nobly overcame his enemies.

“I remember one morning when he was going to visit the poor and sick, he had to pass a boys’ school, at Hill Top. They used to hoot after him low names but, seeing he did not take any notice, they came into the road and threw mud and stones at him: he took no notice. Then they took hold of his coat and ripped it up the back. He did not mind but went on all day as usual, through Oldbury, Tipton Dudley, and Hill Top, visiting his poor people.

“He used to leave home every morning, and fill his pockets with wine and food for the poor sick, and re- turn home about six in the evening, without taking any refreshment all day, though he might have walked twenty miles in the heat of the summer. One winter’s day he gave all his clothes away to the poor, except those that he had on, money was soon given away.”

Others recalled how Spencer “visited the sick constantly” and, should someone come to his church whom he did not recognize “he would find them out at their own houses”, the writer reflecting: “I believe that he brought many that way into the Church.”

In 1838 Spencer initiated a campaign of prayer for the conversion of England, a theme that he was to preach passionately about for the rest of his life and a mission that Pope Leo XIII was to recall over thir- ty years after Spencer’s death. He encouraged Anglicans, such as Newman (in 1840), to join in the pray- er campaign, seeking unity in the truth of Christ. Spencer is considered by many as the pioneer of ecu- menical prayer. Most of all, he sought to enlist the prayers of the Irish for England, touring around Ire- land preaching of the value of the prayers of a people that felt persecuted for their oppressors.

Another distinctive aspect of Spencer’s spirituality was thanksgiving: “He always came and went rejoic- ing and thanking God and trying to make others do so too,” wrote one friend. Throughout his many let- ters of spiritual direction and amongst his brother priests, this was clearly a note of Spencer’s spirituality that grew ever stronger as his life progressed.

In 1839 Spencer was sent to become a member of staff at Oscott College, his bishop hoping that those in Spencer’s charge would imbue his missionary zeal. It was noted at this time that: “Though it cost him much, he always obeyed, and used to pray that Heaven would direct his superiors, whose direction he never refused to obey. . . he never wished for anything but the will of God, and waited patiently for its accomplishment.”

Early during his time in Rome Spencer had met Blessed . The two had become friends and Spencer had assisted in bringing the to England. Spencer finally found his ultimate spir- itual home by joining the Passionists on 21 December 1846, his 47th birthday. As he began his novitiate at Aston Hall, Stone, he took the name of Ignatius of St Paul, being professed at the hands of Blessed Dominic Barberi on January 1848. During his novitiate he fell so gravely ill of fever, due to his work amongst the sick Irish people in the workhouse at Stone, that he was allowed to make his religious pro- fession provisionally, as he was thought to have been in danger of death.

For the final sixteen years of his life, Spencer dedicated himself to the Passionists’ great work of giving missions rooted in hours of meditation upon the Passion of Christ and vigils of prayer in the early hours of the morning. In order to be able to visit more towns he developed a system of giving “Little Mis- sions” – visits to a parish of just three days during which he not infrequently was to be found in the con- fessional for up to twelve hours each day.

He gave missions throughout England, Ireland and whilst also being given various roles or re- sponsibility within his congregation. While continuing to encourage prayers for the unity of the Church, Spencer spoke often of the necessity of the sanctification of the laity, knowing that this would be a great witness of the faith of the Church. He was instrumental in introducing the SVP to Britain. During the last years of his life Spencer assisted in the foundation of the congregation now known as the Sisters of the Cross and Passion.

Spencer died suddenly on 1October 1864 and was buried in St Anne’s, Sutton, . In a biog- raphy published within two years of Spencer’s death, the author, a confrere of Spencer, asserted: “All reverenced [Spencer] as a , and every day of his religious life increased the estimation in which he was held by his own brethren.”

Fr Gerard Skinner is a priest of the diocese of Westminster and the author of Father Ignatius Spencer: English Noble and Christian Saint (Gracewing).

February — The Month of the Holy Family

February — The Month of the Holy Family

2021 Bishop's Annual Appeal. "This is the follow-up weekend of the 2021 Bishop's Annual Ap- peal. Your support today allows for the Purpose, Responsibility, and Hopeneeded for the Church in East Texas to grow towards Saintli- ness. Pleaseplace your pledge envelope in the collection basket, make your donationonline (, or mail in your gift today. Thankyou for making your commitment today to Foster the Mission."

Promesa Anual alObispo de 2021 "Este es el fin de semana de seguimiento de la Promesa Anual al Obispo de 2021 . Su apoyo hoy permite la misión, la responsabilidad yla esperanza necesaria para que la Iglesia en el este de Texas crez- ca. Porfavor, coloque su sobre de compromiso en la canasta de la co- lecta, hagasu donación en línea ( o en- víe su regalo porcorreo hoy. Gracias por comprometerse hoy para Fomentar la Misión." ______

LENT 2021 Stations of the Cross followed by Mass. Wednesday, Thursday and Friday evenings 6:30 pm.

Vía Crucis Miércoles, Jueves y Viernes 6:30 pm Antes de la Misa

Lenten Penance Service March 29, 6:30 pm

Roy J. Guse, M.D.

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