12/4/2018 Commonwealth of Virginia Mail - Fwd: Conservat on Groups Respond to Northam's Shakeup of Air Board with a Pipeline Permit Pending _A. Common-•11~ ol .N Virginia Thomasson, Kelly <
[email protected]> Fwd: Conservation Groups Respond to Northam's Shakeup of Air Board with a Pipeline Permit Pending Mary Rafferty <
[email protected]> Thu, Nov 15, 2018 at 11 22 PM To: "Thomasson, Kelly" <Kelly,
[email protected] gov> Cc: "Strickler, Matt (GOV)" <Mall.Stlickler@govemor virginia gov> Sec,etary Thomasson: You may have already seen some of lhe press but I wanted lo reach out to you personally given our conversation back June regarding lhe air and waler board appointments. The conseivalion community is deeply disappoinled with deecsions to remove Rebecca Rubin and Sam Bleicher from lhe air board this week. We are calling on the Governor lo reverse his decision until the current board has finalized its deliberations on the pending a1r permit. The full jo nt-statement from the broader conseivation community is below. While there are many ways in which we have, and will continue to, work with this administration lo promote and protect our clean air, water and natural resources, I believe today's decisions w erode public trust in the process setting us back - not moving us forward • on our shared vision of protecting the Commonwealth's environment. Please don't hesitate to reach out if you have any questions of if you'd like to discuss this further. Mary Mary Rafferty Executive Director Virginia Conseivation Network