©Wiener Coleopterologenverein (WCV), download unter www.biologiezentrum.at

158 Koleopt. Rdsch. 80 (2010) Koleopterologische Rundschau 80 159–166 Wien, September 2010

Heterocerus sp. ♀

MATERIAL EXAMINED: 1 ♀ labeled: “Hong Kong: New Ter. Fanling, Ma Wat, light trap 18.vi.2003 J. & M. Novak lgt” (CSU). Three new species and new records of Most likely H. fenestratus THUNBERG, 1784, however without any male specimens not to be from the Neotropical Region identified. (Coleoptera: Heteroceridae)

Acknowledgements A. MASCAGNI & C. MONTE

I wish to express my thanks to Dr. M.A. Jäch (NMW) and Mr. M. Novák (Prague, Czech Republic) for loan and present of his Heteroceridae. I am obliged also to Mr. P. Aston (Llanelli, Wales, UK) for valuable comments and for reading the manuscript. Abstract Three new species of Heteroceridae (Coleoptera) are described from the Neotropical Region: References minor sp.n. (Mexico), H. penai sp.n. (Argentina) and H. santiagensis sp.n. (Chile). The following species represent new country records: Heterocerus boliviensis (PACHECO, 1964) from Brazil, H. meridianus (PACHECO, 1975) from Dominican Republic, H. pachecoi SKALICKÝ, 2002 from CHARPENTIER, R. 1965: A monograph of the family Heteroceridae (Coleoptera) of the Ethiopian Region. Argentina, H. similis GROUVELLE, 1896 from Bolivia and Venezuela, H. spinifer SHARP, 1882 from – South African Life 11: 214–343. Nicaragua, H. woodruffi (PACHECO, 1975) from Brazil and Argentina, bilineatus CHARPENTIER, R. 1967: A monograph of the family Heteroceridae (Coleoptera) of the Notogean region. (CHEVROLAT, 1864) from Costa Rica, Mexico and Nicaragua, T. davidsoni MASCAGNI, 1993 from – Arkiv för Zoologi 20 (11): 205–241. Paraguay, T. milleri MASCAGNI, 1993 from Argentina, T. squamosus PACHECO, 1964 from Paraguay, and T. vicinus MILLER, 1992 from Nicaragua. MASCAGNI, A. 1995: Heteroceridae: Check list of the Heteroceridae of China and neighbouring countries, and description of two new species (Coleoptera), pp. 341–348. – In Jäch, M.A. & Ji, L. (eds.): Key words: Coleoptera, Heteroceridae, Heterocerus, Tropicus, , new species, new records, Water of China, Vol. I. – Wien: Zoologisch-Botanische Gesellschaft in Österreich and Argentina, Bolivia, Brazil, Chile, Costa Rica, Dominican Republic, Mexico, Nicaragua, Paraguay, Wiener Coleopterologenverein, 410 pp. Venezuela. MASCAGNI, A. & SFORZI, A. 1999: Contribution to the knowledge of Heteroceridae from India and neighbouring countries (Coleoptera: Heteroceridae). – Koleopterologische Rundschau 69: 111– 117. Introduction SKALICKÝ, S. 2005: New and little known species of Heteroceridae from Java (Coleoptera: Hetero- ceridae). – Koleopterologisch Rundschau 75: 349–358. The study of 1180 specimens of Heteroceridae from the Neotropical Region, deposited in the SKALICKÝ, S. 2008: New species and new records of Heteroceridae from Pakistan (Insecta: Coleoptera). Museum für Naturkunde der Humboldt-Universität, Berlin (Germany), in the Staatliches – Mitteilungen des Internationalen Entomologischen Vereins 30 (3/4): 133–142. Museum für Naturkunde, Stuttgart (Germany), in the Naturhistorisches Museum Wien (Austria), in the Institut royal des Sciences naturelles de Belgique, Bruxelles (Belgium), in the Museo Stanislav SKALICKÝ Civico di Storia naturale, Genova (Italy) and in the Museo Entomologico, León (Nicaragua), has Dukla 322, CZ – 56201 Ústí nad Orlicí, Czech Republic ([email protected]) revealed three new species and 11 new country records.

Acronyms used in the text:

CMS Coll. A. Mascagni, Scandicci (Firenze), Italy CMF Coll. C. Monte, Firenze, Italy ISBN Institut royal des Sciences naturelles de Belgique, Bruxelles, Belgium MSNG Museo Civico di Storia naturale “G. Doria”, Genova, Italy NMW Naturhistorisches Museum Wien, Austria SEAN Servicio Entomologico Autonomo, Museo Entomologico, León, Nicaragua SMNS Staatliches Museum für Naturkunde, Stuttgart, Germany ZMHB Museum für Naturkunde der Humboldt-Universität, Berlin, Germany

Heterocerus angustatus CHEVROLAT, 1864 Material examined: JAMAICA: 48 exs. (ISBN), 2 exs. (CMS): Priory, Univ. Campus (at light), 3/12.vi.1990, leg. G. Haghebaert. Distribution: United States, The Antilles (PACHECO 1964).

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160 Koleopt. Rdsch. 80 (2010) MASCAGNI & MONTE: Heteroceridae from the Neotropical Region (HETEROCERIDAE) 161

Heterocerus boliviensis (PACHECO, 1964) Material examined: BRAZIL: 1 ex. (ISBN), 1 ex. (CMS): Santarém, Amazonas, 8.xii.1963, leg. G. Marlier. Distribution: Bolivia (PACHECO 1964). First record for Brazil.

Heterocerus catamarcensis SKALICKÝ, 2003 Material examined: ARGENTINA: 2 exs. (ZMHB), 1 ex. (CMS): Fuerte Quemado, Catamarca Tucumán, 28.ii.1992, leg. L.E. Peña. Distribution: Argentina (SKALICKÝ 2003).

Heterocerus ciliaticollis STEINHEIL, 1869 Material examined: ARGENTINA: 4 exs. (ZMHB), 1 ex. (CMS), 1 ex. (CMF): Tucuman, El Cadillal, 6/8.xi.1991, leg. L.E. Peña. Distribution: Argentina, Brazil (PACHECO 1964), Paraguay (SKALICKÝ 2002).

Heterocerus cognatus SHARP, 1887 Material examined: MEXICO: 3 exs. (ZMHB), 1 ex. (CMS): Tepic, El Cora, leg. A. Lüdecke; 2 exs. (ZMHB): Tepic, Ixtapa, leg. E. Hildebrand. Distribution: Mexico (PACHECO 1964).

Heterocerus guttatus KIESENWETTER, 1851 Material examined: CUBA: 1 ex. (ZMHB). Distribution: Cuba (PACHECO 1964).

Heterocerus meridianus (PACHECO, 1975) Material examined: DOMINICAN REPUBLIC: 16 exs. (SMNS), 2 exs. (CMS): Azua, 18.xi.1973, leg. Klapperich. Distribution: Brazil, Bolivia (PACHECO 1975). First record for Dominican Republic.

Heterocerus minor sp.n.

TYPE MATERIAL: Holotype ♂ (ZMHB): “MEXICO, Tepic, Ixtapa, leg. E. Hildebrand”. DESCRIPTION: Holotype ♂: Total length 2.50 mm (to apex of labrum); elytra 1.50 mm long, 0.92 mm wide across shoulders. Head bright brown, thick pubescence whitish; small mandibles with acute apex; antennae with 11 segments, apical seven clubbed; clypeus without pair of anterior horns, with dense and short setae (longer on the sides). Pronotum bright brown, with ochra border, wider than the base of the elytra, trapezoidal, narrowing strongly anteriorly and bordered posteriorly; dense whitish pubescence with setae longer on the sides; irregularly and densely punctate with intermixed micropunctures; dense whitish pubescence with setae longer; elytral markings as in Fig. 1. Legs bright brown, densely setose; tibiae with numerous spines. Abdomen ochra; stridulatory arch marked, with striae; post-metacoxal line absent; spiculum Figs. 1–4: Heterocerus minor, holotype, 1) elytral markings, 2) spiculum gastrale, 3) aedeagus, dorsal gastrale (Fig. 2) V-shaped. Aedeagus 0.43 mm long, shape as in Figs. 3–4. view, 4) aedeagus, lateral view. Scale: 0.1 mm. Figs. 5–8: Heterocerus penai, holotype, 5) elytral markings, 6) spiculum gastrale, 7) aedeagus, dorsal DIFFERENTIAL DIAGNOSIS: The shape of the aedeagus of Heterocerus minor differs greatly view, 8) aedeagus, lateral view. Scale: 0.3 mm. from all known American species.

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160 Koleopt. Rdsch. 80 (2010) MASCAGNI & MONTE: Heteroceridae from the Neotropical Region (HETEROCERIDAE) 161

Heterocerus boliviensis (PACHECO, 1964) Material examined: BRAZIL: 1 ex. (ISBN), 1 ex. (CMS): Santarém, Amazonas, 8.xii.1963, leg. G. Marlier. Distribution: Bolivia (PACHECO 1964). First record for Brazil.

Heterocerus catamarcensis SKALICKÝ, 2003 Material examined: ARGENTINA: 2 exs. (ZMHB), 1 ex. (CMS): Fuerte Quemado, Catamarca Tucumán, 28.ii.1992, leg. L.E. Peña. Distribution: Argentina (SKALICKÝ 2003).

Heterocerus ciliaticollis STEINHEIL, 1869 Material examined: ARGENTINA: 4 exs. (ZMHB), 1 ex. (CMS), 1 ex. (CMF): Tucuman, El Cadillal, 6/8.xi.1991, leg. L.E. Peña. Distribution: Argentina, Brazil (PACHECO 1964), Paraguay (SKALICKÝ 2002).

Heterocerus cognatus SHARP, 1887 Material examined: MEXICO: 3 exs. (ZMHB), 1 ex. (CMS): Tepic, El Cora, leg. A. Lüdecke; 2 exs. (ZMHB): Tepic, Ixtapa, leg. E. Hildebrand. Distribution: Mexico (PACHECO 1964).

Heterocerus guttatus KIESENWETTER, 1851 Material examined: CUBA: 1 ex. (ZMHB). Distribution: Cuba (PACHECO 1964).

Heterocerus meridianus (PACHECO, 1975) Material examined: DOMINICAN REPUBLIC: 16 exs. (SMNS), 2 exs. (CMS): Azua, 18.xi.1973, leg. Klapperich. Distribution: Brazil, Bolivia (PACHECO 1975). First record for Dominican Republic.

Heterocerus minor sp.n.

TYPE MATERIAL: Holotype ♂ (ZMHB): “MEXICO, Tepic, Ixtapa, leg. E. Hildebrand”. DESCRIPTION: Holotype ♂: Total length 2.50 mm (to apex of labrum); elytra 1.50 mm long, 0.92 mm wide across shoulders. Head bright brown, thick pubescence whitish; small mandibles with acute apex; antennae with 11 segments, apical seven clubbed; clypeus without pair of anterior horns, with dense and short setae (longer on the sides). Pronotum bright brown, with ochra border, wider than the base of the elytra, trapezoidal, narrowing strongly anteriorly and bordered posteriorly; dense whitish pubescence with setae longer on the sides; irregularly and densely punctate with intermixed micropunctures; dense whitish pubescence with setae longer; elytral markings as in Fig. 1. Legs bright brown, densely setose; tibiae with numerous spines. Abdomen ochra; stridulatory arch marked, with striae; post-metacoxal line absent; spiculum Figs. 1–4: Heterocerus minor, holotype, 1) elytral markings, 2) spiculum gastrale, 3) aedeagus, dorsal gastrale (Fig. 2) V-shaped. Aedeagus 0.43 mm long, shape as in Figs. 3–4. view, 4) aedeagus, lateral view. Scale: 0.1 mm. Figs. 5–8: Heterocerus penai, holotype, 5) elytral markings, 6) spiculum gastrale, 7) aedeagus, dorsal DIFFERENTIAL DIAGNOSIS: The shape of the aedeagus of Heterocerus minor differs greatly view, 8) aedeagus, lateral view. Scale: 0.3 mm. from all known American species.

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DISTRIBUTION: Known only from the type locality. dense whitish pubescence with setae longer on the sides; densely dotted. Elytra with dense ETYMOLOGY: The name of the new species refers to its small size. whitish pubescence with setae longer on the sides; irregularly and densely punctate with intermixed micropunctures; dense whitish pubescence with setae longer; elytral markings as in Fig. 9. Legs bright brown, densely pubescent; tibiae with numerous spines. Abdomen ochra; Heterocerus pachecoi SKALICKÝ, 2002 stridulatory arch marked, with striae; post-metacoxal line absent; spiculum gastrale (Fig. 10) V- Material examined: ARGENTINA: 1 ex. (ZMHB): Santiago del Estero, Telares, 3.iii.1992. shaped. Aedeagus 1.00 mm long, shape as in Figs. 11–12. Distribution: Paraguay (SKALICKÝ 2002), Bolivia (SKALICKÝ 2006). First record for Argentina. Paratype ♂: Total length 4.07 mm (to apex of labrum); elytra 2.64 mm long, 1.57 mm wide across shoulders. Habitus similar to holotype. DIFFERENTIAL DIAGNOSIS: Due to the shape of the aedeagus, H. santiagensis is similar to Heterocerus penai sp.n. the H. brunneus group sensu PACHECO (1964). It differs from the species of the latter in the TYPE MATERIAL: Holotype ♂ (ZMHB): “ARGENTINA, prov. Tucuman, El Cadillal, 6/8.xi.1991, leg. L. E. structure of the male genitalia (Fig. 11), see PACHECO (1964: Figs. 132–162 and pp. 44–54). Peña”. Allotype ♀ (ZMHB), same data as holotype. DISTRIBUTION: Known only from the type locality. DESCRIPTION: Holotype ♂: Total length 5.00 mm (to apex of labrum); elytra 3.07 mm long, ETYMOLOGY: The name of the new species refers to its type locality. 1.85 mm wide across shoulders. Head dark brown, thick pubescence whitish; rather great mandibles with acute apex; antennae with 11 segments, apical seven clubbed; clypeus with pair of anterior horns, with dense and short setae with setae longer on the sides. Pronotum dark brown, as wide as the base of elytra, oval, pronotal base completely rimmed; dense whitish pubescence with setae longer on the sides; densely and finely dotted. Elytra with dense whitish pubescence with setae longer on the sides; irregularly and densely punctate with intermixed micropunctures; dense whitish pubescence with setae longer; elytral markings as in Fig. 5. Legs ochre with brown border densely pubescent; tibiae with numerous spines. Abdomen ochre; stridulatory arch marked, with striae; post-metacoxal line absent; spiculum gastrale (Fig. 6) V- shaped. Aedeagus 1.07 mm long, shape as in Figs. 7–8. Allotype ♀: Total length 4.57 mm (to apex of labrum); elytra 2.85 mm long, 1.71 mm wide across shoulders. Mandibles smaller, clypeus without pair of anterior horns. Habitus similar to male. DIFFERENTIAL DIAGNOSIS: The aedeagus of H. penai is similar to the H. brunneus group sensu PACHECO (1964). It differs from the species of the latter in the structure of the male genitalia (Fig. 7), see PACHECO (1964: Figs. 132–162 and pp. 44–54). DISTRIBUTION: Known only from the type locality. ETYMOLOGY: Named after L.E. Peña, who collected the holotype and allotype.

Heterocerus rivularis GERMAIN, 1854 Figs. 9–12: Heterocerus santiagensis, holotype, 9) elytral markings, 10) spiculum gastrale, 11) aedeagus, Material examined: CHILE: 2 exs. (ZMHB), 1 ex. (CMS): Reloca, Maule, xii.1990. dorsal view, 12) aedeagus, lateral view. Scale: 0.3 mm. Distribution: Chile (PACHECO 1964).

Heterocerus similis GROUVELLE, 1896 Heterocerus santiagensis sp.n. Material examined: ARGENTINA: 2 exs. (ZMHB): Córdoba, leg. J. Frenzel; 5 exs. (ZMHB), 1 ex. (CMS), 1 ex. TYPE MATERIAL: Holotype ♂ (ZMHB): “CHILE, Santjago, Puelma”. Paratype ♂ (ZMHB), same data as (CMF): Fuerte Quemado, Catamarca Tucumán, 28.ii.1992, leg. L.E. Peña; 128 exs. (ZMHB), 6 exs. (CMS), 6 holotype. exs. (CMF): El Cadillal, Tucumán, 6/8.xi.1991, leg. L.E. Peña; 267 exs. (ZMHB), 16 exs. (CMS), 16 exs. (CMF): Beltrán, Santiago del Estero, 28/29.ii.1992, leg. L.E. Peña; 7 exs. (ZMHB), 1 ex. (CMS), 1 ex. (CMF): DESCRIPTION: Holotype ♂: Total length 4.28 mm (to apex of labrum); elytra 2.71 mm long, Telares, Santiago del Estero, 3.iii.1992, leg. L.E. Peña; 3 exs. (ZMHB): Quimili, Santiago del Estero, 1.ii.1992, 1.64 mm wide across shoulders. Head dark brown, thick pubescence whitish; rather great leg. L.E. Peña; 1 ex. (MSNG): La Viña, Salta, 24.xi.1983, leg. L.E. Peña; 61 exs. (ZMHB), 3 exs. (CMS), 3 exs. mandibles with acute apex; antennae with 11 segments, apical seven clubbed; clypeus without (CMF): Las Manderas, Jujuy, 21.ii.1992; 2 exs. (ZMHB): Sancho Corral, leg. S.V. Steinbach; 1 ex. (MSNG), 1 pair of anterior horns, with dense and short setae. Pronotum dark brown, with ochra border, as ex. (CMS): Salta Tolloche, xi.1982, leg. A. Bolle; 20 exs. (MSNG), 1 ex. (CMS): Chaco de Santiago, leg. Le Moult; 231 exs. (MSNG), 13 exs. (CMS): Entre Rios, Pronunciamiento, iv.1987, leg. Martinez; 1 ex. (MSNG): wide as the base of elytra, trapezoidal, narrowing strongly anteriorly and bordered posteriorly; Entre Rios, Liebig, Colón, 15.iii.1988; 1 ex. (NMW): Prov. Misiones, Iguaçu, at light, 10.xii.1988, leg. Foerster.

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DISTRIBUTION: Known only from the type locality. dense whitish pubescence with setae longer on the sides; densely dotted. Elytra with dense ETYMOLOGY: The name of the new species refers to its small size. whitish pubescence with setae longer on the sides; irregularly and densely punctate with intermixed micropunctures; dense whitish pubescence with setae longer; elytral markings as in Fig. 9. Legs bright brown, densely pubescent; tibiae with numerous spines. Abdomen ochra; Heterocerus pachecoi SKALICKÝ, 2002 stridulatory arch marked, with striae; post-metacoxal line absent; spiculum gastrale (Fig. 10) V- Material examined: ARGENTINA: 1 ex. (ZMHB): Santiago del Estero, Telares, 3.iii.1992. shaped. Aedeagus 1.00 mm long, shape as in Figs. 11–12. Distribution: Paraguay (SKALICKÝ 2002), Bolivia (SKALICKÝ 2006). First record for Argentina. Paratype ♂: Total length 4.07 mm (to apex of labrum); elytra 2.64 mm long, 1.57 mm wide across shoulders. Habitus similar to holotype. DIFFERENTIAL DIAGNOSIS: Due to the shape of the aedeagus, H. santiagensis is similar to Heterocerus penai sp.n. the H. brunneus group sensu PACHECO (1964). It differs from the species of the latter in the TYPE MATERIAL: Holotype ♂ (ZMHB): “ARGENTINA, prov. Tucuman, El Cadillal, 6/8.xi.1991, leg. L. E. structure of the male genitalia (Fig. 11), see PACHECO (1964: Figs. 132–162 and pp. 44–54). Peña”. Allotype ♀ (ZMHB), same data as holotype. DISTRIBUTION: Known only from the type locality. DESCRIPTION: Holotype ♂: Total length 5.00 mm (to apex of labrum); elytra 3.07 mm long, ETYMOLOGY: The name of the new species refers to its type locality. 1.85 mm wide across shoulders. Head dark brown, thick pubescence whitish; rather great mandibles with acute apex; antennae with 11 segments, apical seven clubbed; clypeus with pair of anterior horns, with dense and short setae with setae longer on the sides. Pronotum dark brown, as wide as the base of elytra, oval, pronotal base completely rimmed; dense whitish pubescence with setae longer on the sides; densely and finely dotted. Elytra with dense whitish pubescence with setae longer on the sides; irregularly and densely punctate with intermixed micropunctures; dense whitish pubescence with setae longer; elytral markings as in Fig. 5. Legs ochre with brown border densely pubescent; tibiae with numerous spines. Abdomen ochre; stridulatory arch marked, with striae; post-metacoxal line absent; spiculum gastrale (Fig. 6) V- shaped. Aedeagus 1.07 mm long, shape as in Figs. 7–8. Allotype ♀: Total length 4.57 mm (to apex of labrum); elytra 2.85 mm long, 1.71 mm wide across shoulders. Mandibles smaller, clypeus without pair of anterior horns. Habitus similar to male. DIFFERENTIAL DIAGNOSIS: The aedeagus of H. penai is similar to the H. brunneus group sensu PACHECO (1964). It differs from the species of the latter in the structure of the male genitalia (Fig. 7), see PACHECO (1964: Figs. 132–162 and pp. 44–54). DISTRIBUTION: Known only from the type locality. ETYMOLOGY: Named after L.E. Peña, who collected the holotype and allotype.

Heterocerus rivularis GERMAIN, 1854 Figs. 9–12: Heterocerus santiagensis, holotype, 9) elytral markings, 10) spiculum gastrale, 11) aedeagus, Material examined: CHILE: 2 exs. (ZMHB), 1 ex. (CMS): Reloca, Maule, xii.1990. dorsal view, 12) aedeagus, lateral view. Scale: 0.3 mm. Distribution: Chile (PACHECO 1964).

Heterocerus similis GROUVELLE, 1896 Heterocerus santiagensis sp.n. Material examined: ARGENTINA: 2 exs. (ZMHB): Córdoba, leg. J. Frenzel; 5 exs. (ZMHB), 1 ex. (CMS), 1 ex. TYPE MATERIAL: Holotype ♂ (ZMHB): “CHILE, Santjago, Puelma”. Paratype ♂ (ZMHB), same data as (CMF): Fuerte Quemado, Catamarca Tucumán, 28.ii.1992, leg. L.E. Peña; 128 exs. (ZMHB), 6 exs. (CMS), 6 holotype. exs. (CMF): El Cadillal, Tucumán, 6/8.xi.1991, leg. L.E. Peña; 267 exs. (ZMHB), 16 exs. (CMS), 16 exs. (CMF): Beltrán, Santiago del Estero, 28/29.ii.1992, leg. L.E. Peña; 7 exs. (ZMHB), 1 ex. (CMS), 1 ex. (CMF): DESCRIPTION: Holotype ♂: Total length 4.28 mm (to apex of labrum); elytra 2.71 mm long, Telares, Santiago del Estero, 3.iii.1992, leg. L.E. Peña; 3 exs. (ZMHB): Quimili, Santiago del Estero, 1.ii.1992, 1.64 mm wide across shoulders. Head dark brown, thick pubescence whitish; rather great leg. L.E. Peña; 1 ex. (MSNG): La Viña, Salta, 24.xi.1983, leg. L.E. Peña; 61 exs. (ZMHB), 3 exs. (CMS), 3 exs. mandibles with acute apex; antennae with 11 segments, apical seven clubbed; clypeus without (CMF): Las Manderas, Jujuy, 21.ii.1992; 2 exs. (ZMHB): Sancho Corral, leg. S.V. Steinbach; 1 ex. (MSNG), 1 pair of anterior horns, with dense and short setae. Pronotum dark brown, with ochra border, as ex. (CMS): Salta Tolloche, xi.1982, leg. A. Bolle; 20 exs. (MSNG), 1 ex. (CMS): Chaco de Santiago, leg. Le Moult; 231 exs. (MSNG), 13 exs. (CMS): Entre Rios, Pronunciamiento, iv.1987, leg. Martinez; 1 ex. (MSNG): wide as the base of elytra, trapezoidal, narrowing strongly anteriorly and bordered posteriorly; Entre Rios, Liebig, Colón, 15.iii.1988; 1 ex. (NMW): Prov. Misiones, Iguaçu, at light, 10.xii.1988, leg. Foerster.

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BOLIVIA: 1 ex. (ZMHB): Guanay, N of La Paz, 19/25.viii.1989. CHILE: 15 exs. (ZMHB), 2 exs. (CMS), 2 exs. Tropicus davidsoni MASCAGNI, 1993 (CMF): Reloca, Maule, xii.1990. PARAGUAY: 1 ex. (MSNG): Rio Confuso, 1/16.ii.1937, leg. Vinogradoff; 3 Material examined: PARAGUAY: 8 exs. (NMW), 1 ex. (CMS): Dep. Boquerón, M. Estigarribia, 24.ii.1992, leg. U. exs. (NMW), 1 ex. (CMS): Dep. Guaira, Calle Florida, 11.iv.1992, leg. U. Drechsel; 9 exs. (NMW), 1 ex. Drechsel; 1 ex. (NMW), 1 ex. (CMS): Dep. Boquerón, M. Estigarribia, 5/9.v.1992, leg. U. Drechsel; 1 ex. (CMS): Dep. Boquerón, M. Estigarribia, 24.ii.1992, 5/9.v.1992, leg. U. Drechsel; 1 ex. (NMW): Dep. San Pedro, (NMW): Dep. Guaira, Calle Florida, 11.iv.1992, leg. U. Drechsel; 1 ex. (CMS): Dep. San Pedro, Nueva Nueva Germania, 19/22.xi.1991, leg. U. Drechsel; 1 ex. (NMW): Dep. Cordillera, Altos, 6.iv.1992, leg. U. Germania, 19/22.xi.1991, leg. U. Drechsel. Drechsel. VENEZUELA: 1 ex. (SEAN): Pto. Aguaondo, T.F. Amazonas, vii.1982. Distribution: Brazil (MASCAGNI 1993). First record for Paraguay. Distribution: Argentina, Brazil, Chile, Paraguay (SKALICKÝ 2002), Uruguay (PACHECO 1964). First record for Bolivia and Venezuela. Tropicus imperator PACHECO, 1964 Heterocerus spinifer SHARP, 1882 Material examined: PARAGUAY: 1 ex. (CMS): Rio Confuso, 1/16.ii.1937, leg. Vinogradoff. Material examined: NICARAGUA: 1 ex. (SEAN): Posoltega, UV light, 19.iii.1984, leg. Algodon; 6 exs. (SEAN), Distribution: Argentina, Bolivia, Brazil (PACHECO 1964), Paraguay (SKALICKÝ 2002). 3 exs. (CMS): Las Flores, Masaya, UV light, vi.1993, leg. C. Lecocq & I. Cantamessa.

Distribution: Guatemala (PACHECO 1964). First record for Nicaragua. Tropicus insidiosus (GROUVELLE, 1896) Material examined: BRAZIL: 17 exs. (ISBN), 1 ex. (CMS): Santarém, Amazonas, 8.xii.1963, leg. G. Marlier; 1 ex. Heterocerus unicus MILLER, 1988 (ISBN): Santarém, Igarape Mapiri, Amazonas, 30.xi.1963, leg. G. Marlier; 2 exs. (ISBN), 1 ex. (CMS): Careiro, 7.x.1963, leg. G. Marlier. Material examined: MEXICO: 4 exs. (ZMHB), 1 ex. (CMS): Canelas. Distribution: Brazil (PACHECO 1964). Distribution: Canada, United States, Mexico (MILLER 1988).

Tropicus lituratus (KIESENWETTER, 1843) Heterocerus woodruffi (PACHECO, 1975) Material examined: DOMINICAN REPUBLIC: 1 ex. (ISBN): Puerto Plata, 5/18.vii.1992, leg. G. Haghebaert; 1 ex. Material examined: ARGENTINA: 1 ex. (ZMHB): Las Manderas, Jujuy, 21.ii.1992. BRAZIL: 1 ex. (ISBN): (ISBN), 1 ex. (CMS): near Sosua, 5/18.vii.1992, leg. G. Haghebaert. Santarém, Amazonas, 8.xii.1963, leg. G. Marlier; 2 exs. (ISBN), 1 ex. (CMS): Manaus, Amazonas, 20.x.1963, leg. G. Marlier; 1 ex. (CMS): Ceara, artificial pond, 13.x.1997, leg. W. Rossi. PARAGUAY: 1 ex. (NMW), 1 ex. Distribution: St. Thomas (KIESENWETTER 1843), Virgin Islands (PACHECO 1964, sub T. cithara (CMS): Dep. Boquerón, M. Estigarribia, 24.ii.1992, leg. U. Drechsel. PACHECO), Dominica, Puerto Rico, St. John, St. Croix (IVIE & STRIBLING 1984). Distribution: Bolivia (PACHECO 1975), Paraguay (SKALICKÝ 2002). First record for Argentina and Brazil. Tropicus milleri MASCAGNI, 1993 Material examined: ARGENTINA: 1 ex. (NMW), 1 ex. (CMS): Prov. Misiones, Iguaçu, at light, 13.ii.1986, leg. Tropicus alcicornis MASCAGNI, 1989 Foerster. PARAGUAY: 7 exs. (NMW), 2 exs. (CMS): Dep. San Pedro, Nueva Germania, 19/22.xi.1991, leg. U. Drechsel; 1 ex. (NMW): Dep. Guaira, Calle Florida, 11.iv.1992, leg. U. Drechsel; 19 exs. (NMW), 2 exs. Material examined: PARAGUAY: 6 exs. (SMNS), 1 ex. (CMS): Dep. San Pedro, W Vacajhù, Est. Triangulo, (CMS): Dep. Boquerón, M. Estigarribia, 24.ii.1992, 5/9.v.1992, leg. U. Drechsel. 24°35–40' S / 56°35–45' W, 180 m, 1/6.xi.1995, leg. F. Bretzendorfer & C. Häuser; 2 exs. (SMNS): Dep. San Pedro, Vacajhù, Est. Triangulo, 21/28.iii.1998, leg. K.F. Hohenstein; 5 exs. (NMW), 1 ex. (CMS): Dep. Distribution: Paraguay (MASCAGNI 1993). First record for Argentina. Boquerón, M. Estigarribia, 24.ii.1992, 5/9.v.1992, leg. U. Drechsel; 1 ex. (NMW), 1 ex. (CMS): Dep. Central, Aregua, 20.xii.1991, leg. U. Drechsel; 6 exs. (NMW), 1 ex. (CMS): Dep. San Pedro, Nueva Germania, 19/22.xi.1991, leg. U. Drechsel; 10 exs. (NMW), 2 exs. (CMS): Dep. Guaira, Calle Florida, 11.iv.1992, leg. U. Tropicus sanisidroensis SKALICKÝ, 2002 Drechsel. Material examined: PARAGUAY: 1 ex. (ZMHB): Asunción, viii.1988, leg. L.E. Peña. Distribution: Paraguay, Venezuela (MASCAGNI 1989), Bolivia (SKALICKÝ 2006). Distribution: Paraguay (SKALICKÝ 2002).

Tropicus bilineatus (CHEVROLAT, 1864) Tropicus squamosus PACHECO, 1964 Material examined: COSTA RICA: 1 ex. (SMNS): Puerto Viejo, Talamanca, 1/16.ii.1986, leg. M. & V. Gajek; 5 Material examined: ARGENTINA: 2 exs. (ZMHB), 1 ex. (CMS), 1 ex. (CMF): Quimili, Santiago del Estero, exs. (SMNS), 2 exs. (CMS): Puerto Viejo, 3.iv.1987, leg. M. & V. Gajek. MEXICO: 1 ex. (CMS): Guerrero, 7 1.ii.1992, leg. L.E. Peña; 14 exs. (ZMHB), 1 ex. (CMS), 1 ex. (CMF): Beltrán, Santiago del Estero, km N Milpillas, 700 m, scrub on river, 13.viii.1986, leg. J. Rawlins & R. Davidson. NICARAGUA: 13 exs. 28/29.ii.1992, leg. L.E. Peña; 11 exs. (ZMHB), 1 ex. (CMS), 1 ex. (CMF): Beltrán, Santiago del Estero, (SEAN): León, UV light, 19.xi.1988, leg. J.M. Maes; 1 ex. (SEAN): León, UV light, 8.xi.1989, leg. J.M. Maes; 28/29.iii.1992, leg. L.E. Peña; 6 exs. (ZMHB), 1 ex. (CMS), 1 ex. (CMF): Telares, Santiago del Estero, 3 exs. (SEAN), 1 ex. (CMS): León, UV light, 11.ii.1993, leg. J.M. Maes; 1 ex. (SEAN), 1 ex. (CMS): Finca V. 3.iii.1992, leg. L.E. Peña; 1 ex. (ZMHB): Ojo de Agua, Santiago del Estero, 4.iii.1992, leg. L.E. Peña; 2 exs. Hernandez, León, UV light, 6.xi.1989, leg. J.M. Maes; 1 ex. (SEAN), 1 ex. (CMS): Posoltega, UV light, (ZMHB): Córdoba, leg. J. Frenzel. PARAGUAY: 3 exs. (ZMHB): Cobecionados en Asunción, 1912, leg. A. 21.iii.1984, leg. Algodon; 2 exs. (SEAN), 1 ex. (CMS): Las Flores, Masaya, UV light, vi.1993, leg. C. Lecocq & Barbero. I. Cantamessa; 16 exs. (SEAN), 3 exs. (CMS): Bio. Chococente, Carazo 11°30' N / 86°10' W, UV light (bosque tropical seco), 11/13.ix.1992, leg. Maes, Martinez & Lopez. Distribution: Argentina, Bolivia (PACHECO 1964). First record for Paraguay. Distribution: Cuba (IVIE & STRIBLING 1984). First record for Costa Rica, Mexico and Nicaragua.

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164 Koleopt. Rdsch. 80 (2010) MASCAGNI & MONTE: Heteroceridae from the Neotropical Region (HETEROCERIDAE) 165

BOLIVIA: 1 ex. (ZMHB): Guanay, N of La Paz, 19/25.viii.1989. CHILE: 15 exs. (ZMHB), 2 exs. (CMS), 2 exs. Tropicus davidsoni MASCAGNI, 1993 (CMF): Reloca, Maule, xii.1990. PARAGUAY: 1 ex. (MSNG): Rio Confuso, 1/16.ii.1937, leg. Vinogradoff; 3 Material examined: PARAGUAY: 8 exs. (NMW), 1 ex. (CMS): Dep. Boquerón, M. Estigarribia, 24.ii.1992, leg. U. exs. (NMW), 1 ex. (CMS): Dep. Guaira, Calle Florida, 11.iv.1992, leg. U. Drechsel; 9 exs. (NMW), 1 ex. Drechsel; 1 ex. (NMW), 1 ex. (CMS): Dep. Boquerón, M. Estigarribia, 5/9.v.1992, leg. U. Drechsel; 1 ex. (CMS): Dep. Boquerón, M. Estigarribia, 24.ii.1992, 5/9.v.1992, leg. U. Drechsel; 1 ex. (NMW): Dep. San Pedro, (NMW): Dep. Guaira, Calle Florida, 11.iv.1992, leg. U. Drechsel; 1 ex. (CMS): Dep. San Pedro, Nueva Nueva Germania, 19/22.xi.1991, leg. U. Drechsel; 1 ex. (NMW): Dep. Cordillera, Altos, 6.iv.1992, leg. U. Germania, 19/22.xi.1991, leg. U. Drechsel. Drechsel. VENEZUELA: 1 ex. (SEAN): Pto. Aguaondo, T.F. Amazonas, vii.1982. Distribution: Brazil (MASCAGNI 1993). First record for Paraguay. Distribution: Argentina, Brazil, Chile, Paraguay (SKALICKÝ 2002), Uruguay (PACHECO 1964). First record for Bolivia and Venezuela. Tropicus imperator PACHECO, 1964 Heterocerus spinifer SHARP, 1882 Material examined: PARAGUAY: 1 ex. (CMS): Rio Confuso, 1/16.ii.1937, leg. Vinogradoff. Material examined: NICARAGUA: 1 ex. (SEAN): Posoltega, UV light, 19.iii.1984, leg. Algodon; 6 exs. (SEAN), Distribution: Argentina, Bolivia, Brazil (PACHECO 1964), Paraguay (SKALICKÝ 2002). 3 exs. (CMS): Las Flores, Masaya, UV light, vi.1993, leg. C. Lecocq & I. Cantamessa.

Distribution: Guatemala (PACHECO 1964). First record for Nicaragua. Tropicus insidiosus (GROUVELLE, 1896) Material examined: BRAZIL: 17 exs. (ISBN), 1 ex. (CMS): Santarém, Amazonas, 8.xii.1963, leg. G. Marlier; 1 ex. Heterocerus unicus MILLER, 1988 (ISBN): Santarém, Igarape Mapiri, Amazonas, 30.xi.1963, leg. G. Marlier; 2 exs. (ISBN), 1 ex. (CMS): Careiro, 7.x.1963, leg. G. Marlier. Material examined: MEXICO: 4 exs. (ZMHB), 1 ex. (CMS): Canelas. Distribution: Brazil (PACHECO 1964). Distribution: Canada, United States, Mexico (MILLER 1988).

Tropicus lituratus (KIESENWETTER, 1843) Heterocerus woodruffi (PACHECO, 1975) Material examined: DOMINICAN REPUBLIC: 1 ex. (ISBN): Puerto Plata, 5/18.vii.1992, leg. G. Haghebaert; 1 ex. Material examined: ARGENTINA: 1 ex. (ZMHB): Las Manderas, Jujuy, 21.ii.1992. BRAZIL: 1 ex. (ISBN): (ISBN), 1 ex. (CMS): near Sosua, 5/18.vii.1992, leg. G. Haghebaert. Santarém, Amazonas, 8.xii.1963, leg. G. Marlier; 2 exs. (ISBN), 1 ex. (CMS): Manaus, Amazonas, 20.x.1963, leg. G. Marlier; 1 ex. (CMS): Ceara, artificial pond, 13.x.1997, leg. W. Rossi. PARAGUAY: 1 ex. (NMW), 1 ex. Distribution: St. Thomas (KIESENWETTER 1843), Virgin Islands (PACHECO 1964, sub T. cithara (CMS): Dep. Boquerón, M. Estigarribia, 24.ii.1992, leg. U. Drechsel. PACHECO), Dominica, Puerto Rico, St. John, St. Croix (IVIE & STRIBLING 1984). Distribution: Bolivia (PACHECO 1975), Paraguay (SKALICKÝ 2002). First record for Argentina and Brazil. Tropicus milleri MASCAGNI, 1993 Material examined: ARGENTINA: 1 ex. (NMW), 1 ex. (CMS): Prov. Misiones, Iguaçu, at light, 13.ii.1986, leg. Tropicus alcicornis MASCAGNI, 1989 Foerster. PARAGUAY: 7 exs. (NMW), 2 exs. (CMS): Dep. San Pedro, Nueva Germania, 19/22.xi.1991, leg. U. Drechsel; 1 ex. (NMW): Dep. Guaira, Calle Florida, 11.iv.1992, leg. U. Drechsel; 19 exs. (NMW), 2 exs. Material examined: PARAGUAY: 6 exs. (SMNS), 1 ex. (CMS): Dep. San Pedro, W Vacajhù, Est. Triangulo, (CMS): Dep. Boquerón, M. Estigarribia, 24.ii.1992, 5/9.v.1992, leg. U. Drechsel. 24°35–40' S / 56°35–45' W, 180 m, 1/6.xi.1995, leg. F. Bretzendorfer & C. Häuser; 2 exs. (SMNS): Dep. San Pedro, Vacajhù, Est. Triangulo, 21/28.iii.1998, leg. K.F. Hohenstein; 5 exs. (NMW), 1 ex. (CMS): Dep. Distribution: Paraguay (MASCAGNI 1993). First record for Argentina. Boquerón, M. Estigarribia, 24.ii.1992, 5/9.v.1992, leg. U. Drechsel; 1 ex. (NMW), 1 ex. (CMS): Dep. Central, Aregua, 20.xii.1991, leg. U. Drechsel; 6 exs. (NMW), 1 ex. (CMS): Dep. San Pedro, Nueva Germania, 19/22.xi.1991, leg. U. Drechsel; 10 exs. (NMW), 2 exs. (CMS): Dep. Guaira, Calle Florida, 11.iv.1992, leg. U. Tropicus sanisidroensis SKALICKÝ, 2002 Drechsel. Material examined: PARAGUAY: 1 ex. (ZMHB): Asunción, viii.1988, leg. L.E. Peña. Distribution: Paraguay, Venezuela (MASCAGNI 1989), Bolivia (SKALICKÝ 2006). Distribution: Paraguay (SKALICKÝ 2002).

Tropicus bilineatus (CHEVROLAT, 1864) Tropicus squamosus PACHECO, 1964 Material examined: COSTA RICA: 1 ex. (SMNS): Puerto Viejo, Talamanca, 1/16.ii.1986, leg. M. & V. Gajek; 5 Material examined: ARGENTINA: 2 exs. (ZMHB), 1 ex. (CMS), 1 ex. (CMF): Quimili, Santiago del Estero, exs. (SMNS), 2 exs. (CMS): Puerto Viejo, 3.iv.1987, leg. M. & V. Gajek. MEXICO: 1 ex. (CMS): Guerrero, 7 1.ii.1992, leg. L.E. Peña; 14 exs. (ZMHB), 1 ex. (CMS), 1 ex. (CMF): Beltrán, Santiago del Estero, km N Milpillas, 700 m, scrub on river, 13.viii.1986, leg. J. Rawlins & R. Davidson. NICARAGUA: 13 exs. 28/29.ii.1992, leg. L.E. Peña; 11 exs. (ZMHB), 1 ex. (CMS), 1 ex. (CMF): Beltrán, Santiago del Estero, (SEAN): León, UV light, 19.xi.1988, leg. J.M. Maes; 1 ex. (SEAN): León, UV light, 8.xi.1989, leg. J.M. Maes; 28/29.iii.1992, leg. L.E. Peña; 6 exs. (ZMHB), 1 ex. (CMS), 1 ex. (CMF): Telares, Santiago del Estero, 3 exs. (SEAN), 1 ex. (CMS): León, UV light, 11.ii.1993, leg. J.M. Maes; 1 ex. (SEAN), 1 ex. (CMS): Finca V. 3.iii.1992, leg. L.E. Peña; 1 ex. (ZMHB): Ojo de Agua, Santiago del Estero, 4.iii.1992, leg. L.E. Peña; 2 exs. Hernandez, León, UV light, 6.xi.1989, leg. J.M. Maes; 1 ex. (SEAN), 1 ex. (CMS): Posoltega, UV light, (ZMHB): Córdoba, leg. J. Frenzel. PARAGUAY: 3 exs. (ZMHB): Cobecionados en Asunción, 1912, leg. A. 21.iii.1984, leg. Algodon; 2 exs. (SEAN), 1 ex. (CMS): Las Flores, Masaya, UV light, vi.1993, leg. C. Lecocq & Barbero. I. Cantamessa; 16 exs. (SEAN), 3 exs. (CMS): Bio. Chococente, Carazo 11°30' N / 86°10' W, UV light (bosque tropical seco), 11/13.ix.1992, leg. Maes, Martinez & Lopez. Distribution: Argentina, Bolivia (PACHECO 1964). First record for Paraguay. Distribution: Cuba (IVIE & STRIBLING 1984). First record for Costa Rica, Mexico and Nicaragua.

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166 Koleopt. Rdsch. 80 (2010) Koleopterologische Rundschau 80 167–169 Wien, September 2010

Tropicus vicinus MILLER, 1992 Material examined: BRAZIL: 1 ex. (ISBN): Santarém, Amazonas, 15.xii.1963, leg. G. Marlier; 1 ex. (CMS): Manaus, Amazonas, 20.x.1963, leg. G. Marlier; 1 ex. (ISBN): Lac Redondo, Amazonas, 7.x.1963, leg. G. A note on the genus Ebaeus ERICHSON, 1840 Marlier. NICARAGUA: 1 ex. (SEAN): Las Flores, Masaya, UV light, vi.1987, leg. J.M. Maes; 1 ex. (SEAN): Las Flores, Masaya, UV light, 30.vi.1993, leg. C. Lecocq & I. Cantamessa; 1 ex. (CMS): Las Flores, Masaya, (Coleoptera: Malachiidae) UV light, 30.v.1994, leg. Maes & Johnson; 7 exs. (SEAN), 3 exs. (CMS): Bio. Chococente, Carazo 11°30' N / 86°10' W, UV light, dry tropical forest, 11/13.ix.1992, leg. Maes, Martinez & Lopez. I.S. PLONSKI Distribution: Brazil (MILLER 1992). First record for Nicaragua.

Acknowledgements Abstract We are grateful to J. Constant (ISBN), M.A. Jäch (NMW), J.M. Maes (SEAN), R. Poggi Ebaeus (s.str.) korsuni TSHERNYSHEV, 2003 stat.n. (Coleoptera: Malachiidae) is reported for the first (MSNG), W. Schawaller (SMNS) and M. Uhlig (ZMHB), for allowing us to study the many time from China and given full species status, because the new record lies within the distribution specimens of Heteroceridae in their collections. Our thanks are due to W. Rossi and R. Davidson range of E. (s.str.) transbaikalicus PIC, 1912. for loan of additional specimens of heterocerids. Key words: Coleoptera, Malachiidae, Ebaeus, faunistics, taxonomy, China, Russian Far East.

References Introduction IVIE, M.A. & STRIBLING, J.B. 1984: Taxonomic and nomenclatorial notes on caribbean Tropicus Pacheco (Coleoptera: Heteroceridae). – Proceedings of the Entomological Society of Washington 86 (4): During the study of undetermined material of “Malacodermata” in the collection of the 946–950. International Research Institute for Entomology at the Natural History Museum of Vienna KIESENWETTER, E.A.H. 1843: Beiträge zur Monographie der Gattung Heterocerus. – Zeitschrift für (NMW), my attention was drawn to some specimens of the genus Ebaeus ERICHSON, 1840 from Entomologie 4: 194–224. the Russian Far East and China. Subsequent species identification resulted in two new faunistic MASCAGNI, A. 1989: Tropicus alcicornis sp.n. dell’America meridionale (Coleoptera Heteroceridae). – records and a taxonomic adjustment, below detailed. Bollettino della Società entomologica italiana 120 (3): 187–190.

MASCAGNI, A. 1993: La collezione eteroceridologica del Carnegie Museum of Natural History di Ebaeus (s.str.) transbaikalicus PIC Pittsburgh (U.S.A.), con descrizione di quattro nuove specie (Coleoptera: Heteroceridae). – Opuscula zoologica fluminensia 103: 1–12. Ebaeus transbaikalicus PIC 1912: 33. – GREINER 1937: 54. – EVERS 1968: 27; 1971: 235. – WITTMER 1971: 371. – TSHERNYSHEV 2006: 83. MILLER, W.V. 1988: Two new species of Heterocerus from North America, with notes on related species Ebaeus (Ebaeus) transbaikalicus transbaikalicus: TSHERNYSHEV 2003: 289; 2009b: 150. – MAYOR 2007: 432. (Coleoptera: Heteroceridae). – The Coleopterists Bulletin 42 (4): 313–320. Ebaeus tranbaikalicus [lapsus calami]: TSHERNYSHEV 2009a: 32, 35. Ebaeus altaiensis EVERS 1968: 26; 1971: 234. – WITTMER 1976: 176. (t. TSHERNYSHEV 2003: 289). MILLER, W.V. 1992: New species of Tropicus from South America (Coleoptera: Heteroceridae). – The Ebaeus altaicus [lapsus calami]: WITTMER 1971: 371. Coleopterists Bulletin 46 (4): 384–393. Ebaeus amurensis [misidentification]: EGOROV 1992: 97 (t. TSHERNYSHEV 2009a). Ebaeus oblongulus [misidentification]: EGOROV 1992: 97 (t. TSHERNYSHEV 2009a). PACHECO, F. 1964: Sistemática, filogenia y distribución de los Heteroceridos de América (Coleoptera: Heteroceridae). – Monografías del Colegio de Post-Graduados: No. 1. Chapingo, México: MATERIAL EXAMINED: Escuela Nacional de Agricultura, Colegio de Post-Graduados, 209 pp. 1 ♂, 1 ♀ (NMW): “USSR, Primorskii kr. \ ARSENEV env. \ 27.V.-5.VII.1991 \ O. Sausa leg.”. – 4 ♂♂, 2 ♀♀ (NMW): “USSR, Primorsk. Kraj \ Arsenev env. \ VI.1991 \ leg. Strba”. PACHECO, F. 1975: Descripción de dos especies sudamericanas de Efflagitatus Pacheco (Coleoptera: Heteroceridae) y notas acerca de la distribución de otras tres especies. – Folia Entomologica Mexicana: 119–126. Ebaeus (s.str.) korsuni TSHERNYSHEV stat.n. SKALICKÝ, S. 2002: New species and new records of Heteroceridae from Argentina and Paraguay (Coleo- Ebaeus transbaikalicus korsuni TSHERNYSHEV 2003: 290. – MAYOR 2007: 432. ptera: Heteroceridae). – Koleopterologische Rundschau 72: 169–182. MATERIAL EXAMINED: SKALICKÝ, S. 2003: New species of Heteroceridae from Argentina, Brazil and Chile (Insecta: Coleo- 1 ♂, 1 (NMW): “NE – CHINA \ Ba[i]he City, 19.8 \ Changbhaishan Res[earch].st[ation]. \ leg. Jäch 1994 (25)”. ptera). – Mitteilungen des Internationalen Entomologischen Vereins 28 (1/2): 1–12. ♀ IDENTIFICATION: The male specimen studied fits undoubtely with the illustrations associated SKALICKÝ, S. 2006: New species of Heteroceridae from Bolivia (Coleoptera: Heteroceridae). – Entomo- logical Problems 36 (2): 85–90. with the original description of Ebaeus (s.str.) korsuni, regarding the chromatical, eidonomical and anatomical characters. Furthermore, the biometric features of both specimens do not deviate Alessandro MASCAGNI & Cinzia MONTE from the aforementioned source. Museo Zoologico de “La Specola”, Università di Firenze, Via Romana 17, I – 50125 Firenze, Italy ([email protected]) TAXONOMY: The new faunistic record lies within the known distribution of E. transbaikalicus s.str. (cf. TSHERNYSHEV 2003: Fig. 32). Thus, Ebaeus transbaikalicus korsuni (olim) is here

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