Ck2 assemble company

Continue Please help with checking or updating old sections of this article. At least some of them were last tested for version 2.7. The are gangs of troops that can be hired for a price. They can be hired from a military screen tab on mercenaries. You can hire a mercenary company whose capital is within a certain distance of your capital (usually 600 for ordinary mercenaries). Some mercenaries have different recruitment ranges. Many mercenary companies are also limited to one or two religious groups, but unlike the holy orders, they will fight any enemy and always demand the maintenance of wealth. Content In addition to the original hiring fees, they have content fees that are much higher than any of your own troops. Make sure you have a lot of money to pay them. The mercenaries cannot be set up for a raid. In the production of mercenaries, the full force of their unit will not be available if they continue to recover from the losses suffered under the previous employer. Over time, they will gradually replenish their workforce. Check their labor on the mercenary screen to make sure you get what you pay for. The cost of recruiting troops does not vary depending on how many units they currently possess, but maintenance costs do decrease because the mercenaries have suffered losses. For this reason, and also because mercenaries can top up losses while on the field faster than standard fees (and are able to strengthen while in hostile territory), it is advantageous to put mercenaries where the losses are expected to be the highest. The monthly content of the company depends on the current size of this unit. A careful and unscrupulous ruler can intentionally spend half the company in a futile attack to save money. Mercenaries can only be hired by one ruler at a time - so it is possible that at any given time, all mercenaries who are within your range of employment may be unavailable because they have been hired by other spheres. If your military strategy depends on hiring mercenaries, make sure you check for mercenaries before you declare war. You can even hire them before the war (only the raised fees prevent you from declaring war). The bonuses of mercenaries depend on the technological level of the capital's mercenary province. Even if the company has landed, the mercenaries do not suffer from the creation of bonuses to military defense or defense. The composition ratio of the company is fixed, but the actual number of troops increases over time, depending on the size and the current year. Company is considered the titular duchy and uses an open optional succession. Main article: Vassalization of mercenaries and holy orders Some rulers may send their children or siblings to prove themselves mercenaries: With the Horse of the Lords DLC, nomads and their descendants who support the Mercenary Tradition of the character of the modifier with the Holy Fury DLC, rulers with pedigree described with Children can prove themselves as mercenariesC conclave DLC, other rulers can appoint courtiers with military education to lead a group of mercenaries. It costs 50 riches and reduces your demesne fees through the Support Mercenaries Band modifier. In return, the group will pay 15% of its income to your coffers. You can also invest in upgrading your mercenaries. Once you create a group, you'll have options to send it to troops or equipment. For 50 riches, you can add another 100 light infantry or 100 light cavalry. Sending equipment transforms these Light Troops. For 50 riches, you can either convert 50 light infantry into heavy infantry or Pikemen or you can convert 50 light cavalry into heavy cavalry. A group of mercenaries must not be hired to send troops or equipment; Right click on the portrait of the mercenary captain to see the options. Sending relatives to show themselves as mercenaries can help them gain prestige, especially useful with nomadic succession. However, it risks their death in battle or religious treatment if you hire them to stand in a safe place. List of mercenary company (in order from landed_titles.txt) CoA Title Capital Religion Culture Rental conditions Vassalizable by decision Composition Size ID Turkmen company Emba sunni Turkish No 5 d_sunni_turkic_company Khazar Company Yaik Sunni Khazar Muslim Religion Group zoroastr The Buddhist group No. 4 d_sunni_cuman_company the Berber-based company Atlas sunni Berber Muslim religion groupzoroastrian religion group No. 3 d_sunni_berber_company the Arab company Halaban Sunni Bedouin Muslim religious group No. 3 d_sunni_ bedouin_ Company Emba Shiite Turkish No. 5 d_shiite_turkic_company Steppe Company Yaik Shiite Cuman Muslim religion group and the D_shiite_cuman_company Atlas Shiite Berber Muslim religion group No. 4 3 d_shiite_berber_company The Bedouin Company Halaban Shiite Bedouin Muslim Religion Group of the Soroastrian Religion Group No. 3 d_shiite_bedouin_company Essex Catholic Anglo-Saxon Christian Religion Group No. 5 d_white_company The Of Niederbayern Catholic German Christian Religion Group No. 5 d_great_company Company of St. George Lombardy Catholic Italian Christian Religion Group No. 4 d_company_of_st_george Company Star Ferrara Catholic Italian Christian Religion Group No. 4 d_star_company Company Hat Mantua Catholic Italian Christian Religion Group No. 3 Rosa Padua's Company Catholic Italian Christian Religion Group No. 3 3 Barcelona Catholic Catalan Christian Religion Group No. 3 d_catalan_company Navarrese Company Navarre Catholic Basque Christian Religion Group No 2 d_navarrese_company Swiss company Geneve Catholic French Christian Religion Group No. 2 d_swiss_company Breton company Penthievre Catholic Breton Christian Religion Group No. 2 d_breton_company Sardinia company Cagliari Catholic Italian Christian Religion Group No 2 d_sardinian_company Sardinia Band Arborea Catholic Italian Italian Christian group No 2 1 d_sardinian_band Victual Brothers Marienburg Catholic Christian Religious Group (Reformed) German Religion (Reformed) Religion Suomenusko (Reformed) Religion Romuva No (slow growth: 25% normal growth against other mercenaries over the centuries) 5 d_victual_brothers Varangian Guard Uppland Orthodox (from 1066) Germanic (if formed by the decision earlier) Norse Yes (Byzantine Empire , by decision (worth 300 gold and prestige, must be some German pagan rulers not too far) or from 950 to 1204) 6 d_varangian_guard Cuman Company Yaik Orthodox Cuman No 5 d_cuman_company Rus Company Kiev Orthodox Russian No 4 d_rus_company Pechen Olvia Orthodox Pecheneg No. 3 d_pecheneg_company Bulgarian Company Dopostum Orthodox Bulgarian No. 2 d_bulgarian_company Turkish Turkic Company Orthodox Emba No. 3 d_turkic_company Lombard Lombard Lombard Catholic Italian Christian Religion Group No. 1 d_lombard_band Swiss Band Geneve Catholic French Christian Religion Group No. 1 d_swiss_band Breton Band Penthievre Catholic Breton Christian Religious Group No 1 d_breton_band Catalan Band Barcelona Catholic Catalan Christian Religious Group No 1 d_catalan_band The Catholic Saxon Christian Religion Group No. 1 d_saxon_band Cuman Band Yaik Orthodox Cuman No. 1.5 d_cuman_band Rus Band Kiev Orthodox Religion Group No. 1.5 d_ rus_band Finnish group Heme Suomenusco Finnish Christian religious groupPagan religious group No. 1 d_finnish_band Sami Banda Kemi Suomenusco Sami Christian Religious Group The Pagan Religious Group No. 1 d_lappish_band group Lietuva / Yumud Romuwa Lithuanian Christian religious groupPagan religious group No. 1 d_lithuanian_band Abyssinian group Ax Miaphysite Ethiopian Christian religion group Jewish religious group No.1.1.5 d_abyssinian_band Nubian group Hayyaphysi Miate Ethiopian Christian religion group Jewish religious group No 1.5 d_nubian_band Scottish group Gowrie Catholic Scottish Always No 1.5 d_scottish_band Irish Band Cill Dara Catholic Irish Always No 1 d_irish_band Alan Band Always No 15.5 Pecheneg Band Olvia Православный Печенег No 1,5 d_pecheneg_band болгарский банды Doros Doros Болгарский No 1 d_bulgarian_band тюркская группа Emba православный турецкий No 1 d_turkic_band Mamluks Каир шиитской египетской мусульманской религии группы No (Египет от 850) 6 d_mamluks Адриатический Галлеи Венеция Католический итальянский год 1066 и христианской религии группы No 9 d_venetian_navy Лигурийский Галлеас Генуя Католический итальянский год 1066 и христианской религии группы No 9 d_genoese_navy Балтийский Cogs Любек католической Поморский год 1066 и христианской религии группы No 9 d_hanseatic_navy Северном море Cogs Голландии католической голландской год 1066 и христианской религии группы No 9 d_frisian_navy Магриб военно-морского флота Махдия суннитских берберов Год 1066 и мусульманской религии группы No 9 d_maghreb_corsairs Ghilman Кара-Кум суннитской персидской мусульманской религии группы No (Персия от 1037, Ром от 1157) 6 d_ghilman Гана Band Гана Западноафриканская группа культуры Мэнде No 1,5 d_ghanan_band Тамил Band Tagadur индуистский Тамил No 1 d_tamil_band Маратхи компании Vairagara индуистской Маратхи No 3 d_marathi_ company Marathi Band Vairagara Hindu Marathi No 1 d_marathi_band Bengal Company Candradvipa Hindu Bengali No 3 d_bengal_company Bengal Band Candradvipa Hindu Bengali No 1 d_bengal_band Rajput Company Mandavyapura Hindu Rajput No 3 d_rajput_company D_marathi_band Раджпут Band Mandavyapura индуистской Раджпут No 1 d_rajput_band Дракон армии Анси даосский Хань Лонг найма диапазона (1300) No 6 d_han_massive Phoenix Company Anxi даосский Хан Лонг найма диапазона (1300) No 5 d_ han_ большая компания Цилин Анси даосский Хань Лонг найма диапазона (1300) No 3 d_han_mid Черепаха компании Anxi даосский Хань Лонг найма диапазона (1300) No 2 d_han_mid_low Outlaws марш-анси даосский Хань Лонг найма диапазона (1300) No 2 d_han_mid_low Outlaws марш-анси даосской Хань Лонг найма диапазона (1300)1300) No 2 d_outlaws_of_the_marsh Кран Band Anxi даосский Хань Лонг найма диапазона (1300) No 1 d_han_low Peony Band Anxi даосский Хань Лонг найма диапазон (1300) No 1 d_han_tiny_1 Орхидея Band Anxi Даосский Хань Лонг найма диапазон (1300) No 1 d_han_tiny_2 Jurchen Band Anxi Даосский Jurchen Лонг найма диапазона (1300) No 1,5 d_jurchen_band Tangut Band Jyekundo буддийских Тангут Найма диапазон: 800 Нет 5 1 d_tangut_low Бёдпа Band Пуранг Бюн Бёдпа Найма диапазон: 800 No 1 d_bodpa_low Сокровища флота Саматата даосский Хан Найма диапазон : 1200 No 5 d_treasure_fleet Хан Junks Саматата даосский Хан Найма диапазон : 1000 No 9 d_han_junks Jurchen Corsairs Саматата даосский юрченский наем диапазона: 1000 No 9 d_jurchen_corsairs Персидский караван гвардии Мерв шиитский персидский No 3 d_persian_caravan_guards Шелковый путь Стражи 3 Удабханда буддийский Панджаби No 3 d_silk_road_sentinels Турецкая гвардия Сыр Дарья Хурмазта Турецкая No 3 d_turkic_guard Scholae Palatinae Константинопольский православный греческий вассал Византийской империи до 1082 (slow growth : one tenth of normal growth against other mercenaries for centuries) 2 d_scholae_palatinae d_scholae_palatinae Папская гвардия Римско-католической итальянской Вассал папского государства 4 d_papal_guards «Файл: »32px» Тон-Тиги армии Мали африканских Мандале Найма диапазоне: 900 No 6 d_african_massive (Файл:'32px) Mandekalu Всадники Джими африканских Soninke Диапазон найма: 900 No 5 d_african_large «Файл: »32px» Куле-Кун пехоты Кости африканских нубийских найма диапазоне: 900 No 3 d_african_mid (Файл: »32px» Mandekalu Band Гана Африканский Soninke Найма диапазона : 900 No 2 d_african_mid_low_1 «Файл: »32px» Hausa Компании Мали Африканский Hausa Найма диапазоне: 900 No 2 d_african_mid_low_2 «Файл: » 32px » Группа Гиппо Гао африканских Songhay Найма диапазоне: 900 No 1 d_african_low «Файл: »32px» Крокодил компании Воздух африканских берберов Найма диапазон: 900 No 1 d_african_tiny d_african_tiny ck2 agot assemble mercenary company

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