Krosno Flying Eastern

The plane of the „Krosair” Podkarpacie Airlines has landed. Flight {3} number 44 from Gdańsk and Ełk. The plane is taxiing to station four. “Ladies and Gentlemen, welcome to Krosno. Thank you for ying with us. We wish you a nice stay, successful meetings and talks as well as many interesting experiences…” “’Airtaxi’ to Koszyce, ight number 45 will depart ac- cording to schedule. The passengers are requested to check in at gate six… We remind the passengers that the plane of Austrian Airlines from Koszyce to Vienna departs at 3.20 pm, you are requested to…” – when will we hear and see for certain a nice lady announcing such and other similar information…?

As opposed to what it seems, the question sounds justi- ed, taking into account the plans of not only the visionaries from Krosno as well as … the reality. There is no other place in Po- land with more “aero-terms” than Krosno: Ekolot (eng. eco ight), Aerospace, Aerokros, Lightplanes, Avia Service, Aviation Valley, etc., and their designates can be seen, touched, viewed inside…

The project entitled “Flying Eastern Poland” makes the visions real, implements plans, con rms the sense of thinking about the future. It is implemented by Krosno (Podkarpacie voivodship) in partnership with Chełm (Lublin voivodship) and Ełk (Warmia-Ma- zury voivodship). The essence of the programme is construction (Ełk) and modernisation (Krosno) of the airports and creation of an oer for the aviation industry (Chełm), which will contribute to an increase of the investment, tourism and scienti c attractiveness of the bene ciary cities.

Krosno, due to its importance and tradition, has assumed a lead- ing role in its approach to “Flying Eastern Poland”. It is the city which, similarly as in the period of the 19th century oil prosperity, wants to con rm its role in the processes stimulating progress and systematic increase of its inhabitants’ quality of life. Glass, oil and aeroplanes… The latter ones will be particularly helpful in ying faster and higher… {4} LOCATION Krosno is located at the national road No. 28. The international road E-371, leading to the border crossing with in Bar- winek (37 km from Krosno) and to Rzeszów (70 km) runs at the distance of 5 km. The nearest international airports are in Rzeszów, Kraków and Slovakian Koszyce. There is a local airport in Krosno, developed and systematically adjusted to general aviation (entire private and commercial air trac, except for scheduled and mili- tary ights). *** Krosno, a medieval borough with forti cations, a former Royal Free City of Krosno, which used to be referred to as “small Cracow”, located by King Casimir the Great in the half of the 14th century. Situated on the river of Wisłok in the southern part of Podkar- packie voivodship, the city charms with its beauty of medieval churches and historical tenement houses, situated mainly within the Market as well as in other parts of the city. Nowadays, there centre and its potential is demonstrated, for instance, by a great are about 47 thousand people for whom the present and future variety of business branches. The most important industry sectors mean opportunity. Krosno has been recognised as number 1 in on which the local economy is based have their roots in rich tradi- Podkarpacie in the “Report on the investment attractiveness of the tions and continuous introduction of innovations. Polish voivodships 2012”. The city is a strong industrial and service {5} GLASS

The history of glass production in Krosno began in the twenties of the previous century. It is the only glass-producing centre in Poland, whose location is not determined by the presence of glass-making sands, but the energy source – the local de- posits of natural gas. Krosno and its area have become one of the largest centres of utility, decoration and domestic glass as well as glass bre production in Europe. In the city and its area, there are several dozen companies related to manufacture and decoration of glass. There are not only the highest quality products made in the city – collections of wine glasses, vases or carafes, but also unique sculptures, glass images, decorative statuettes and even elements of interior design – a glass door with extraordinary ornaments made by means of a modern fus- ing method.

The oldest plant is Krośnieńskie Huty Szkła KROSNO SA with almost 90-year-old tradition. It is the largest and best known glass manufacturer in Poland as well as one of the world market leaders. {6}

CARS The automotive industry has existed in Krosno since 1945. It was It was the place of birth of various techniques, technologies and then that the rst plant manufacturing shock absorbers was estab- constructions which laid the foundations for the development of lished. Today, the automotive companies create a strong branch of various branches of the oil industry, from geology and searches, the local economy and they belong to the largest employers in the drilling and mining, re nery industry to distribution of oil and its city. BWI Poland Technologies is an enterprise with Chinese capi- products. It was the place of birth of an industry which brought tal, a leading manufacturer of shock absorbers for such car makes great civilization development to the world. as BMW, Ford, Volvo, Opel, Land Rover, Peugeot, Citroen, Audi and Ferrari. Near Krosno, there is a thriving Oil Re nery . The divisions On the other hand, FA Krosno SA is a national producer of gas of PGNiG Technologie SA functioning in the city produce devices springs, steering rods and cup-and-ball joints. The company’s own and apparatuses for the mining of oil and gas, elements of drilling research-development laboratory allows it to introduce technolo- platform equipment, steel structures for technically and techno- gies, manufacturing methods and quality control systems, innova- logically advanced oil and gas industry facilities. tive on a world scale.

OIL 15 kilometres from Krosno, in the Bóbrka region, thanks to Ignacy Łukasiewicz and his partners, Karol Klobassa-Zrenecki and Tytus Trzecieski, the oil industry was born in 1845. It was the place of establishment of the world’s rst mine of rock oil, as petroleum used to be called. That was the beginning of something that rules and will surely keep ruling the spheres of inuence on the world markets. AEROPLANES parts for Goodrich company. The group of recipients includes well- {7} The aviation tradition of Krosno is slightly “younger”. It was begun known manufacturers from the aviation, automotive, drilling-oil, in 1945 by the company WSK PZL – Krosno, launching the produc- power supply and furniture branches operating both on the do- tion of gliders. The area of Wisłok is a place of production of aircraft mestic and foreign market. which can be seen as a whole or the elements of other wholes at WSK PZL KROSNO SA the airports and in the air space of the entire world. Krosno aims high… The aviation trade companies of Krosno are characterised The company has been operating since 1945. It produces such by a high degree of innovation. They conduct not only a produc- elements as aviation subassemblies (body and chassis structures) tion activity, but also carry out research and development opera- and tools used in the aviation industry. tions. They represent the Polish technical thought. They create their own innovative structures achieving success on the interna- PPHU EKOLOT tional markets. The representatives of the world aviation industry leaders have The company was established in 1995 and manufactures aircraft located their seats in Krosno, due to attractive location and tradi- designed by an extraordinary constructor, tions of the region. Jerzy Krawczyk. “FLYING GIANTS” FROM KROSNO JK 05L Junior, JK 01A Elf, KR-030 GOODRICH AEROSPACE POLAND Sp. z o. o. Topaz are three agship prod- UTC AEROSPACE SYSTEMS ucts of “Ekolot”, made of composites based on glass or carbon bres. The ultralight planes are well- The company is a part of the global concern Goodrich Corporation, known in the entire aviation world and valued for such properties a provider of systems and services for the aviation and defence in- as safety, ease of piloting and low use costs. dustry. The “Krosno branch” of the corporation manufactures sub- assemblies of the chassis for civil and military aeroplanes. If there FKLIGHTPLANES Sp. z o.o. is a boeing, gulfstream, bombardier or airbus on the ground or in the sky, we can assume with a high degree of certainty that they The company produces ultralight planes of German construction, include a component coming from the city situated on the river sold around the world. FK-Lightplanes manufactures 3 types of Wisłok. F-16 takes o and lands with the support of the chassis planes: FK9 Ela, F12 Comet, FK14 Po- produced by Goodrich Aerospace Poland from Krosno. laris - high-wing monoplane, biplane and low-wing monoplane. They are all PPHU WIETPOL characterised by stylish design and low fuel consumption. The 360° panoramic views from The company manufactures and renders services in the metal the FK14 cabin provide an unforgettable experi- branch. It specialises in, among other things, machining, pro- ence. The planes are used for recreation, training and duction of bolts, screws and seal rings, galvanic processing and sport purposes. making steel structures. It is the largest sub-provider of aviation {8} AVIATION CLUSTERS

AVIATION VALLEY LOTNICZE ZAKŁADY PRODUKCYJNO NAPRAWCZE „AERO KROS” SP. Z O.O. Apart from being located on the river Wisłok, Krosno is situated, despite the terrain shape, in ... an Aviation ... Valley. The Association “Aero-Kros” is an heir of the rich traditions and experiences of the of the Aviation Industry Entrepreneurs, “Dolina Lotnicza” (Aviation Polish Aeroclub within the scope of manufacture of the aviation Valley), with its seat in Rzeszów, associates over 90 members. It equipment and service of aircraft. It commenced its operation in includes Goodrich, WSK “PZL-Krosno”, Wiet-Pol PPHU Piotr Wiet- 1956. Currently, the company produces its own designed ultralight echa and LZPN “Aero – Kros”. It is the largest world-class Polish plane – MP-02 Czajka, characterised by a wide range and low industrial cluster and its operation is reected in the use costs which, in combination with aerodynamics and dynamic development of Podkarpackie voivodship. performance, are conducive to the commercial application of the machine, for instance, for pa- LIGHT AND ULTRALIGHT trolling large areas. AVIATION CLUSTER PESZKE s. c. The Subcarpathian Aviation Cluster associates several dozen entities from the aviation and re- The company has been operating since 1989 lated branches joining their forces to perform and its founder is a talented constructor, Grze- common projects. The Cluster Coordinator is gorz Peszke. It manufactures modern propellers the B-4 Association from Rzeszów. The compa- for light, ultralight and special planes as well as ul- nies follow the mission of creation of a group tralight trikes and autogyroes. Furthermore, it imple- of providers and manufacturers of subassem- ments the production of a motor glider with pneu- blies for the aviation industry, production of matic drive, innovative on a world scale. ecological planes and implementation of in- novative solutions in civil aviation. The clus- AVIA SERVICE KROSNO ter provides its members with access to the most modern The company was established in 2007 by Krzysz- machines and devices as well as a production area in the tof Lampert, an experienced mechanic, combining production hall located in Krosno, and supports them in their knowledge and passion for aviation in his work. The search for external sources for development. company deals with repairs and extensive renovation of ultralight planes. “BREEDING GROUNDS FOR STAFF” STANISŁAW STASZIC UPPER SECONDARY {9} IN KROSNO WHERE TO FIND A SCHOOLS COMPLEX IN KROSNO MECHANIC ... “MECHANIC” Modern Technologies Centre for aviation professions (aviation KROSNO STATE COLLEGE mechanics, avionics): The Institute of Technology – aviation mechanic-technician – a specialist dealing with re- major: mechanics and machine construction pairs of aircraft and their subassemblies, a quali ed employee, specialty: aviation mechanics and piloting knowing the regulations of the aviation law, able to read the airframe and engine documentation, The graduate of this specialty gains good knowledge of aviation – avionics technician – a specialist in the discipline of aviation technique, with particular consideration of avionics, construction electronics and automatics. of airframes and aviation engines. These issues cover the construc- tion, operation and use as well as diagnostics of the particular as- The school possesses the state-of-the-art laboratories, serving the semblies of the planes. The theoretical knowledge and practical school and university students who raise their professional quali- skills constitute a form of preparation to the eorts to obtain the cations. It gives solid foundations for the operation and design- individual certi cate of the Civil Aviation Oce, required in the ing of aircraft as well as prepares to obtain the international PART profession of an aviation mechanic. Having completed the rst licence, authorising to work at the airports in Poland and in all degree studies, the graduate engineer can: countries of the world. – diagnose conditions of proper operation of the aviation en- gines, – use the aviation navigation systems, – conduct basic repairs of the aviation equipment. {10} PODKARPACKI AEROCLUB AVIATION SCHOOL IN KROSNO Podkarpacki Aeroclub is an organisation with a beautiful, over 65-years long history, one of the largest and most active aeroclubs in the country. It has the following sections: gliding, planes, parachuting, model-making, light planes and Senior’s Club. All sections provide the opportunity to test oneself by taking part in trainings and, later, with “good winds” jumping, ying or launching “one’s own aircraft model”.

An essential role in the education of the future constructors, mechanics and pilots is ful lled by Krosno Aviation Model- makers’ Association. The amateur enthusiasts develop their love for aviation from their childhood, and the successes they have inspire them to start their professional career in avia- tion. The pilots, gliders and model-makers from Krosno used to be and are important persons in the Polish air space. {11}

49°40’59,05’’ N 21°44’01,11’’ E There are certain investment “attempts” which will allow for full Elevation: 280 m AMSL use of the “aero-acreage” constituted by the airport in Krosno Frequency: 122.4 MHz and the adjacent terrains. The plans for the nearest future cover Fuel: AVGAS 100 LL creation of appropriate conditions for aviation schools and man- ICAO code: EPKR ufacturers who plan to conduct the aviation equipment tests in AIRPORT Krosno. An important objective is also the increase of the so- called general aviation trac, i.e. opening of an airport for light and ultralight, business and private planes, similarly to other The airport in Krosno was opened in 1932. Then, it was one of countries in Europe and around the world. The future can also the largest and most modern tted airports in Europe. Currently bring the launch of ights of the air taxis (e.g. with the use of the it is used for course, training and recreation purposes. Beechcraft King Air plane for 7 people ...).

The airport is managed by the self-government of Krosno. The Airport modernisation: main user is Podkarpacki Aeroclub, and the other users are the aviation training centres as well as plane manufacturers from • NDB radio beacon, Krosno, Rzeszów and Mielec. • aprons, • new plane hangar, • airport fuel station, • maintenance of the grassy landing area allowing for aviation operations in various directions, • upward extension of the tower, its adjustment to air- port management and providing AFIS air information service, • new plane hangar, • taxiways, • hardened runway 1100 x 30 m with lightning, bearing strength of pavement PCN = 50, • aeronautical meteorological station, • fencing, patrol road, • PAPI approach path indicator, • innovative R-NAV GNSS satellite navigation procedures. {12} SPECIAL ECONOMIC ZONE Investment support: – income tax exemptions within the Special Economic Zone Area: 35.7 ha “EURO – PARK” Mielec – for investors who will incur expenses with the value of at least EUR 100 thousand. The value of ex- Intended application: complex I and V – innovative production emption for large investors is 50% of the incurred costs of a and services; complex II, III and IV with direct access to the airport new investment or two-years’ costs of work of the newly hired – aviation and related activities. employees, and for medium and small entrepreneurs – 60% and 70%, correspondingly. Available infrastructure: electricity, gas, water pipeline, sani- – real property tax exemptions arising from the creation of new tary and rain sewage system, yard for trucks; direct access to work places: the runway of the airport from a part of the terrain. Access to the terrains by a new road connected to the national road Minimal number of Minimal number of newly created work no. 28. At the border there will be a new city bypass road con- Exemption newly created work places connected with structed, facilitating communication. period places in the aviation the innovative activity sector and production out- Terrains covered with the local spatial development plan. side the aviation sector 1 year 5 5 2 years 10 15 3 years 20 25 4 years 35 50 5 years 50 100 6 years 100 - WORTH SEEING ... {13} Krosno is one of the Bieszczady Mountains gates, the wildest and most mysterious as well as the most charming Polish mountains. There is still some distance to them (Polańczyk – 74 km, Ustrzyki Górne – 127 km), but looking from the West, Krosno is the larg- est city in their vicinity. Up to 1998 the capital of the voivodship and the administrative “owner” of the wonderful mountains. Fly- ing over the Bieszczady Mountains… Today it’s possible and it provides unforgettable experiences to everyone who will see the panorama of pastures or sail boats on Soliński Basin from a bird’s eye view. Minimal number of Minimal number of newly created work Exemption newly created work places connected with period places in the aviation the innovative activity sector and production out- side the aviation sector 1 year 5 5 2 years 10 15 3 years 20 25 4 years 35 50 5 years 50 100 6 years 100 - {14} However, before we y there, it is worth looking closer at Krosno, at the magical places. You are invited to: • admire balloons over Krosno. The rst weekend of May in Kros- no is, apart from various calendar holiday occasions, a balloon festival. Since 2000 on these days the sky above the city and poviat becomes colourful and full of balloons and the sport competitions provide an opportunity to have a great time on the ground, for concerts, meetings, attractions for the older and younger event guests. The International Mountain Bal- loon Competition is one of the most beautiful and spectacu- lar cyclic sport events in Poland. • the Glass Heritage Centre in Krosno – a tourism-cultural fa- cility, presenting the topic of glass-works and glass creations in an innovative manner. • visit the historical Market of Krosno, the most picturesque place in this city. • the Podkarpackie Museum in Krosno, possessing the larg- est collection of kerosene lamps in Europe. While in areas of Krosno, one must visit, in particular: It would take too long to enumerate all magical places in the {15} • Odrzykoń with the ruins of “Kamieniec” castle, once the Krosno Land. , Iwonicz and Rymanów health resorts, Kar- largest stronghold of south-eastern Poland. It is very close to paty Temples Track, cycling path “Museums of the Beskidy Moun- “Prządki” Nature Reserve in from here. tains”… • Oil and Gas Industry Museum in Bóbrka – the oldest crude oil mine in the world. Whoever decides to come and stay here, for shorter, longer for • Carpathian Troy – an archaeological heritage park located ever, for business, for tourism… anyways – they won’t regret it. in Trzcinica where one of the rst forti ed settlements in the And they’ll even tell others to do the same. There is enough place territory of Poland was discovered, dated at the beginning of and opportunities for many. the bronze age (over 4000 years ago). • Magurski National Park, a wonderful place for all those who seek peace and quiet in the primeval wilderness of the Karpaty Mountains or in the mountain meadows full of or- chids. MUNICIPAL OFFICE OF THE CITY OF KROSNO ul. Lwowska 28 A, 38-400 Krosno

Tel. + 48 13 47 43 219 Fax + 48 13 43 62 865 e-mail: [email protected]

European funds – for Development of Eastern Poland Free publication nanced from the assets of the European Regional Development Fund within the framework of the Operational Programme Development of Eastern Poland