Attached is a screen shot of the site as of today with numbered sections. #1 – Header section – Web designer must edit / add #2 – Drop down – web designer must edit / add #3 – Current Delays… - K2 – ALERTS & ANNOUNCEMENTS category #4 – Seniors MODULE – EXTENSIONS – MODULE MANAGER - seniors #5 – Left Links List – MODULE - EXTENSIONS – MODULE MANAGER – left navigation #6 – Front page ARTICLES / NEWS – CONTENT – ARTICLE MANAGER – Front Page Items. #7 – Right nav w modules – web designer must edit. #8 – Footer area. Shows links list for some pages. No need to edit.

First you must login to the admin console to edit / add anything in the site. http://www.rideata.net/administrator is the address you will go to in order to login.

Using the username and password assigned to you login to the admin console.

First you will see the main console. Everything is available via the main links at the top of the console in the drop downs. You will also see some shortcuts in the main page area.

You can use the main links OR the shortcuts to access what you need to edit.

IF you are locked out of any ARTICLE or K2 ITEM simply MOUSEOVER TOOLS at the top of the admin console then CLICK on GLOBAL CHECKIN. When it is finished go back to your article list or K2 list.


These are different but similar tools you will use to create pages and / or Route schedules.


To access the ARTICLES or PAGES within the site MOUSEOVER CONTENT in the main links at the top of the console then CLICK on ARTICLE MANAGER.

You will see a complete list of PAGES which are actually ARTICLES within your site. You will also see several tools to the right of each page. The first column shows if the page has been PUBLISHED on the site. The second shows every ARTICLE PAGE which shows up on the HOMEPAGE or FRONTPAGE of the site. Not all articles go on the front page. The ORDER of pages is in the next column. This can be useful when displaying articles on the front page. If you want to change the ORDER the articles appear on the front page simply type in the correct order and click on the SAVE by

1 of 10 the word ORDER at the top of the column. Alternatively, you can click on the up and down arrows in that column to move articles. ACCESS LEVEL is next showing you which articles can be viewed by what site user. Section, category, author and date columns are helpful when trying to FIND an article to edit. Simply CLICK on the header at the top of the column to SORT by that feature. You can see how many HITS each page has received as well. This is helpful in tracking how effective your marketing efforts are.

To EDIT any of these ARTICLE pages simply CLICK on its name in the list.

The ARTICLE EDITOR will open showing you the page as it is right now. Since you are just learning REMEMBER TO SAVE YOUR WORK REGULARLY. My rule of thumb is every 5 minutes. You can choose to save your work either by clicking on the APPLY or SAVE button at the top right hand side of the page. SAVE will save your work and bump you back to the articles list. APPLY saves your work but keeps the article open so you can continue editing.

You can edit ANY of the information on this page starting with the TITLE. This acts just as a title to a report or book. Alias – you can leave that blank and the system will assign it an alias. SECTION, you can change what section this article will appear in… same with category. You can UNPUBLISH the article by choosing NO beside the word PUBLISHED. This KEEPS the article for later use but leaves it inaccessible from the front end of the site.

FRONT PAGE – This has special instructions associated with it. When you choose to add an article to the front page click on YES beside where it says FRONT PAGE. THEN, you should LIMIT the amount of intro text viewable on the front page by adding a READ MORE line within the online editor. That way the homepage of your site does not get bogged down with too much content. IMPORTANT: When adding NEWS & INFO to the front page make sure you place the article in the GENERAL section and NEWS & INFO category so it will show up on the News & Info Page as well.

To ADD A READ MORE LINE simply CLICK ONCE where you want the intro text to stop on the homepage. Usually after the first paragraph or so. Making sure the INSERTION POINT or BLINKING is where you want it to be CLICK on the READ MORE button located at the bottom left of the online editor area.

SPECIAL DATED ARTICLES – Sometimes you may want to create articles ahead of time and have them appear ON TIME then GO AWAY on a certain date. To the RIGHT of the online editor you will see CREATED DATE, START PUBLISHING and FINISH PUBLISHING. That is what they are for. So, if I wanted the article to APPEAR on the site June 14, 2011 I would CLICK on the little calendar icon to the right of START PUBLISHING and choose June 14, 2011. Then, if I wanted the article to DISAPPEAR from public view on July 3, 2011 I would CLICK on the little calendar icon to the right of FINISH PUBLISHING. SAVE YOUR WORK.

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META and SEO for ARTICLES – I recommend adding meta data for each article if you have the time. This makes it MUCH easier for the search engines to FIND the information you have spent time putting in there. I would suggest pasting in the title and first sentence of the article into the description box. In the KEYWORDS box type in ONE WORD AT A TIME separated by a comma and a space. Do not type in repetitive words like: ATA senior discounts, ATA vans, ATA etc… DO NOT use more than 20 single keywords. No need to enter in anything for robots nor author unless you want to.


K2 COMPONENT – ALL of your ATA Route Schedules

To EDIT a Schedule page: MOUSEOVER COMPONENTS then CLICK on K2 CLICK on ITEMS NOTE: If you need help finding the route you want to edit TYPE part of the name into the and that should narrow it down.

CLICK on the route you want to edit. The online editor will open. Since most of the route schedules are rather wide you may want to MAXIMIZE your online editor. CLICK on the MAXIMIZE button. (illustrated below)

Use the online editor just as you did for ARTICLES.

Some things which are different with the K2 items: IMAGE – This is the image which will appear in the list of routes as a placeholder for the route schedule. IMAGE GALLERY, VIDEO, ETC.. are not used because they are included in a different section using different components for the entire site.. not just K2.


ADDING A NEW ROUTE using K2 You will probably want to COPY an existing route and use that template for your new one.


3 of 10 CLICK on the to the left of the route name you want to copy. Try to choose a route template that best matches the new route you are creating so you don’t have to edit as much. On the top right hand side of the ITEMS LIST page CLICK on COPY The system will copy that page and place it in the list for you to edit. It will have (copy of) in front of the name.

OPEN that route by clicking on its name.

First you want to edit the TITLE. Remove everything in the TITLE ALIAS box and leave blank. CHOOSE which category you want the new route to be displayed in.

EDIT the route template as needed.

To Change the IMAGE which appears on the front end of the site as the placeholder image for that route CLICK on the IMAGE tab. CLICK on the BROWSE button Select the file you want to represent the new route from the files on your computer. CLICK on the APPLY or SAVE button at the top right hand side of the item edit page to save and upload the image.

A few pointers: To ADD a COLUMN CLICK in the column to the left or right of where you want the new column to appear. There will be a left and right arrow with a circle in the middle with an X in it. CLICK on the left or right arrow (depending on which side you want the new column to appear) and this will add a column. Same with ROWS. Click on the UP or DOWN arrow to add rows. To DELETE a column or row SELECT all of the row or column and CLICK on the circle with the X in it.

To FORMAT a cell, row or column: This is a bit tricky. The following is a list of COLORS used in the tables. BLUE behind RUN numbers: #0872aa GREEN: #009b63 PEACH: #fde7d8 MINT GREEN: #bfe4d5 GRAY: #e3e3e3 Save these colors because you will need to PASTE them into the cell color box.

RIGHT CLICK inside the CELL which you want to change the color of. MOUSEOVER CELL then CLICK on CELL PROPERTIES PASTE the color you want into the BACKGROUND COLOR box. INCLUDE the “#”


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You use the media manager like an FTP program to upload and store files on your website.


You can create NEW folders to organize your site files but I would recommend using the existing folders and NOT adding TOO many. TYPE in the name for your new folder into the box LEFT of the CREATE FOLDER button then CLICK on CREATE FOLDER TO UPLOAD FILES CLICK on the folder you want to place your uploaded file into to open it. CLICK on the BROWSE button at the bottom left of the media manager. A will appear showing you all the files and folders within your own computers drives.

CLICK on the file you want to upload then click OPEN. This can be a PDF, JPG, JPEG, PNG, GIF, DOC DOCX is not permitted. I would NOT upload doc files unless you are sharing them with staff. Create a PDF of documents you want for public use.

The dialog box will go away. Click on START UPLOAD in the media manager. IF you get an error that probably means you are uploading an image and it is too large. Try resizing it.

If the upload was successful you will see an UPLOAD COMPLETE message at the top of the media manager in a BLUE line.

(START updated 05-20-11) ------

USING THE MEDIA MANAGER TO UPLOAD NEW ROUTES OR CHANGED ROUTES If you need to CHANGE a route PDF or upload a NEW ROUTE PDF use the following instructions:

OPEN the MEDIA MANAGER CLICK on the ROUTES folder on the left hand side of the page to OPEN that folder for uploading. CLICK on the BROWSE button at the bottom left hand side of the page. A dialog box will open showing you all the files and folders within your own computers drives. CLICK ONCE on the file you want to upload. CLICK on the OPEN button in the dialog box. It will go away. CLICK on START UPLOAD BUTTON at the bottom left hand side of the page. If the upload was successful you will see an UPLOAD COMPLETE with a blue bar at the top of the media manager.

5 of 10 Your file is now on the server in THIS FOLDER: http://www.rideata.net/images/routes/

LINKING TEXT and IMAGES to a FILE on the server If you have uploaded a file whether it be a jpg, png or pdf that file has its own WEBSITE ADDRESS where it can be accessed. This is the LINK URL for that file. If you have uploaded a file called HOME.PDF to the folder ROUTES then its URL would be: http://www.rideata.net/images/routes/HOME.PDF If you have uploaded a file called george.jpg to the IMAGES folder its URL will be: http://www.rideata.net/images/george.jpg and so on... So.. When you UPLOAD a file and then want to LINK it to some text or an image on a routes page for example you need to REMEMBER its URL so you can link to it. OPEN the page on which the piece of text or image is located that you want to link. HIGHLIGHT the text then CLICK on the button in the online editor as illustrated below.

There are TWO link buttons but the one WITHOUT color is the one you want. CLICK on BROWSE SERVER in the LINK pop up. On the top left hand side you will see a drop down. If you are linking to a file located in the ROUTES folder SELECT IMAGES from the drop down. CLICK on the ROUTES folder in the middle to open it. CLICK ONCE on the FILE you want to link to. IMPORTANT: You must add this to the URL in the box: www.rideata.net/ BEFORE the main . Example: If it says images/511PA_Safe_Travel_Button.jpg You would add the above to make it look like this: www.rideata.net/images/511PA_Safe_Travel_Button.jpg CLICK OK SAVE YOUR WORK Same for an IMAGE. CLICK on the image ONCE to select it. CLICK on the LINK tool in the online editor. Etc… SAVE YOUR WORK

(END updated 05-20-11) ------


Click on the FAQs Tab Click on the big NEW button at the top right hand side of the page.

6 of 10 CHOOSE a category TYPE in a question TYPE in the answer CLICK on the big SAVE button at the top right hand side of the page.

ADDING an FAQ CATEGORY CLICK on the FAQ CATEGORIES tab CLICK on the big NEW button at the top right hand side of the page. TYPE in the category NAME into the TITLE box You may choose to type in a description but it is not necessary. IF you want an image for the new FAQ category you must first upload it using the media manager to the folder FS/FAQCATS in order for it to show up in the drop down list. SAVE the new category by clicking on the SAVE button at the top right hand side of the page.

ADDING EVENTS to the EVENTS CALENDAR MOUSEOVER COMPONENTS then CLICK on JEVENTS CLICK on MANAGE EVENTS CLICK on the big green NEW button at the top right hand side of the page. TYPE in the event TITLE into the SUBJECT box CHOOSE a category for the event to appear in. NOTE: create the appropriate category for the event if it is not already present BEFORE you add an event.

TYPE in the description of the event into the online editor area. Below the online editor TYPE in the LOCATION, CONTACT INFO and EXTRA INFO. Next you need to add a TIME and DAY for your event. CLICK on the CALENDAR tab beside the COMMON tab towards the top of the page. CLICK on the little calendar icon beside the date for START DATE and choose a day and year your event will start. Same for end date. If the event starts at 8am type in 08:00 If the event starts at 8PM type in 20:00 If the event is a monthly, weekly, yearly thing click on the appropriate repeat type. SAVE the event by clicking on the big SAVE button at the top right hand side of the page. You may add IMAGES to your description. CLICK inside the online editor where you want the image to appear. CLICK on the IMAGE tool as illustrated below.

The IMAGE PROPERTIES will appear. CLICK on BROWSE SERVER If the image is not already uploaded you need to click on BROWSE – find the file on your own computer – click on it then click OPEN Back in the FILE BROWSER CLICK on SEND IT TO THE SERVER

7 of 10 It may take a little bit to upload. CLICK on the file in the list that you just uploaded Back in the IMAGE PROPERTIES window TYPE in 300 into the WIDTH box so the image is a more manageable size in the online editor. To RESIZE the image within the online editor you can either click on it once so that the resize handles appear and you can click and drag the image to the right size OR simply DOUBLE click on it and type in a different and lower number into the size boxes.


ADDING AN EVENTS CATEGORY In JEVENTS click on MANAGE CATEGORIES CLICK on the NEW button TYPE in the TITLE for the new category If this is a SUB category choose the PARENT category from the PARENT drop down. CLICK on the and choose a color for this category. Events within this category will show up in this color on the main calendar. CLICK YES beside PUBLISHED You may type in a description but it is not necessary.

Click SAVE

NEWS & INFO PAGE – When you add an article and want it to show up in the news and info page as WELL as the front page you need to place it in the section – GENERAL and category NEWS & INFO.


OPEN the ROUTES page you want to edit the links of. HIGHLIGHT the TEXT you want to add or change the link of. IE: ROUTE PDF or MAP PDF Either RIGHT CLICK on the highlighted text and choose EDIT LINK or CLICK on the LINK button as shown below:

The LINK window will appear. CLICK on BROWSE SERVER By default the FILES folders will appear first. CLICK ONCE on the FOLDER you want to open and upload to so that the name of the folder appears at the top of the little window.

8 of 10 CLICK on the BROWSE button at the bottom left of the FILE BROWSER little window. A dialog box will appear showing you all the files and folders within your own computer. CLICK ONCE on the file you want to upload. CLICK on the OPEN button at the bottom right hand side of the dialog box. (REMEMBER: USE THE SMALLEST FILE SIZE FOR FASTER LOAD TIMES ON THE WEBSITE) The dialog box will go away and the file location should appear in the field to the left of the browse button. CLICK on SEND IT TO THE SERVER button. When it has finished uploading you will see the file name appear in the list of files. CLICK ONCE on the file name. That window will disappear and you will see the LINK window again. IMPORTANT: the LOCATION of the file in the URL box needs to have the SITE URL in front of it. So, type www.rideata.net/ to the LEFT of the word FILES in the URL so it looks like this: www.rideata.net/files/countyfolder/yourfilename.pdf CLICK OK The LINK window will disappear and you should see your online editor again. The text is now linked. SAVE YOUR WORK. The ONLY difference in linking a PHOTO is you only have to click on the photo ONE TIME to select it then proceed to link it using the steps above.

(updated 07-07-11) ATTACH and LINK new pdf brochures and maps to the table pages.

OPEN the table you want to add a new pdf to. IE: Punxy-DuBois via COMPONENTS -> K2 -> ITEMS

CLICK on the ATTACHMENTS tab located just above the online editor tool bars as seen below.

You may see some files already attached to this item. You may not. CLICK on the ADD ATTACHMENT FIELD

CLICK on the BROWSE button. FIND the file you want to upload from the list of files and folders on your computer. TYPE in a name which will represent the link to the file. IE: If it is for PUNXSY DUBOIS BROCHURE type that in. If it is for PUNXSY DUBOIS MAP type that in. I would try to remain consistent in the NAMES of the links throughout the site.

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CLICK on SAVE or APPLY at the top right hand side of the entire page to begin the upload.

OPEN a new browser window or tab so you can check the link from the front end of the site. The front end is what everyone viewing the site will see.

NAVIGATE to the table you have just added the attachment to so you can see the DOWNLOAD link. COPY the LINK URL for the new attachment.

RETURN to the ADMIN section where your table should still be opened. DOUBLE CLICK on the BROCHURE or MAP link to open the link properties window. PASTE in the LINK that you just copied into the URL field. MAKE SURE the http:// is displayed in the PROTOCOL drop down. CLICK OK APPLY or SAVE your work.

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