FRIDAY, JANUARY 16, 2004 THE MIRROR 13 North Carolina loses rhythm NO.9 Tar Heels fall short of comeback, continue to struggle against Maryland

RON GREEN JR. has llown back to Chapel Hill the Tcrps' dere nsive a tl.e ntio n KN I GHT RlUl>Elt wilh a loss. ami his inability to fi nis h plays '"!'\'C never becn beaten by a closc to the baskeL.

(KHT ) COLL EGE PARK, MeL b')'lll in Illy life, H Williams grum- Thc Tar Heels also were hurl Non h Caroli1li1 baskclball bled after lhe game. b)' Maryland poilll. gu cored i3 points b)' the to p ia)' from behind most. o f the nig ht. Terps. sc(';ond hall: He LOok :1 At least th is one close. After trailing by e ight with less mo m ent LO This time, the Tal' Heels than eight minutes to play, North survey the Slat pl:tyed well cad y, Ilashing their C;lrolina tied the game at 78 sheet. wh ic h explosive transition offense o nly when Rashad McCants nailed a dctailed the to see il e\'

R seii'.c the game when the chance guarding him 0 11 the perimctC'r, o ne pia)' O lll of .. tho usand. North Carolina's looks downcourt after rebounding a ball during the Tar Heels 90--84 loss t o the Maryland t ・ ョ 。 セ ウ :trosc in Ihe fimtl ll1ilHHes. whcl'c he ..... as able to drive pan Williams said he d ecided to Wednesday at College Park, Md, North Carolina has lost in College Despite .hc change in addrcss Nonh Carolin il's big man. play Jawad Williams doctor'S Park six out of its last seven trips. from old Colc Field I-Inusc to the セ i knew .l amar Smith was clearcd him Tuesday afternoon . new Comcasl Center• •he Tal' good," May said. MJ-Jc's .1 great Bm Williams was rehni\'cl)' Heels' troubleS in (',o ll ege P:lrk player. I-Ie did whirl he had '0do . ineffectivc. scoring five ー ゥ ャ ャ l セ in COL 0 R A 0 a haven ', ab"ted. I didn't. I played like a little baby 12 minutes. appearing to be

5i,.; times in 'he ー 。 セ ャ seven Ollt there. H tll.comfortable wearin g: a prOlec- trips. Nort h Carolina (10-3. 1-2) May said he was frustntl ed by tin: mask on his r(lcc. au TUNE teams lose 800.639.QUIT

Basketball from page 11

O ne highlight of'he g. The personall>csi was slll>- plcmented by back-to-back .hree- poinle rs in .he second half. Open Sun-Thurs. till 9:30 pm T he women's 'ealll may 110 ' Fri & Sot 10:30 pm have beaten Regis. but the atten- dance al the ir game did beal. that au TNET of the men '.'1. More .han 400 spec. BELLY BUSTER tators found lheir way '0 the A one pound hamburger that women's game, whi le on I)' 2i9 will feed one or more. Served ft tlellded the men '.'1. The ....·omen will have a break with a mountain of fries. to recuperale before their lIext $1 0.50 game, Tlr (.1' take o n Fon I-Iays Slale at 7 p.m. o n J an. 24 at Are you tired of tobacco controlling your life! Butlcr-Hancock gymnasium. G • ttL c M V ..... セ i c s ? I "I" Itl