MONDAY 16/07/2018 at 7.30 pm. Sub-committee meetings held 7.00 pm.


Cllr L Oakley Cllr Sue Gray Cllr S Blewitt Cllr P Hughes Cllr Jenny Evans Cllr Matt Furniss Cllr N Kearse Mr M Heath Mr D Evans Tony Boxall Mr C Pritchard Mr L Stovold Mr M Dimond Ms J Laker Mr D Crail

Clerk: Mrs Margaret Murray

1. Chairman’s announcements and apologies for absence: Apologies received: Cllr A Carey, Cllr Paul Spooner, Cllr Andrew Gomm. 2. The minutes from the meeting on 18/6/2018 were approved. Proposed: Cllr Blewitt, Seconded: Cllr Hughes. 3. Code of conduct: disclosure if interest: None declared. 4. Matters arising: none which would not be dealt with in the course of the meeting. 5. County and Borough Council Matters: Cllr Kearse advised that BC’s Local Plan, although needing a few amendments, was basically sound and carrying some weight. The green belt was more protected. There are more high-number developments threatening Guildford and Waverley, and the potential development although refused remains as a potential. Cllr Furniss and Cllr Kearse advised that the Ash Bridge meeting in July will now be held in October. Cllr Furniss advised that the line marking outside St Paul’s church will proceed, and will probably be a single yellow line. The gap on the Hogs Back where cars need to cross to access White Lane is clearly difficult and dangerous and is to be examined for safety issues, as is turning right into White Lane at the end of Poyle Road. End July, there will be a litter pick on the Hogs Back. Repairs on local roads are taking place, including Poyle Road. Rats seem to be breeding and spreading; Cllr Furniss suggests people contact GBC Environmental team, and reminded the meeting to avoid putting any foodstuffs in compost bins. Cllr Evans remarked that The Street was getting ever more congested; she asked whether SCC would consider making The Street one-way only. Cllr Furniss agreed to put the idea forward. Cllr Kearse advised that in his opinion the new traffic lights at the Oxenden Road roundabout would help, as they would clear the exits and accesses for the A331. Cllr Furniss added that the new Ash Bridge would help, the A331 would be improved first, then the Road junction, then the new road. Mr Stovold asked about the selfish parking outside St Paul’s school; the Clerk had been at a session up there with the community wardens, who had been verbally abused by some young mothers parked on the zig-zags lines, over driveways, on corners. Cllr Furniss advised that the best way was to keep reporting the issue to the Police on 101, pr to apply for double yellow lines which could be enforced. Ms Laker asked who was responsible for the SANG land, still Bewley. Cllrs Furniss and Kearse will raise the issues with Bewley. SCC will not sign anything off until it is satisfactory. Mr Stovold said there were signs refusing liability, and was advised these were not legal or accurate – Bewley are liable until the area is handed over, either to SCC or to a trust. Mr Heath asked if TPC installed a fence along The Street, beside the ditch, would SCC still be liable; advised that no, TPC would be liable. Cllr Furniss asked to be kept informed of any speed gun trainee volunteers. He also advised he had funding available for improve BOAT 518.

6. Adjournment: Mr Mike Heath read his report as follows: County Council (SCC) A - SCC Highways has advised that the removal of the Chicane on Oxenden Road and the Task Group investigation for possible alternative speed calming ideas i.e. introduce Speed Humps etc. has yet to considered prior to then being considered by the Guildford Local Action Committee - on-going. B - SCC Councillor Matt Furniss has been requested to have Pavements improved/extended in front of the Recreation Ground on Poyle Road - on-going. C - SCC Highways has replaced the Damaged Rail outside the Fish and Chip Shop - All to Note. D - SCC Highways is to be requested by GBC to improve the Drainage Pipe Work System leading to The Cardinals to prevent Flooding. GBC CCTV investigations has found various damage and design faults on route - on-going. E - SCC Highways is to extend the road marking to reserve the space for Church Functions - on-going. F - SCC Councillor Matt Furniss has offer ‘Free of Charge’ a Container for Storing Cricket Equipment in the Recreation Ground - All to Note. Guildford Borough Council (GBC) A - GBC has provided a copy of the report of their inspected/investigated part of the Drainage System in the Poyle Farm Area. This report content has been discussed with the various dwelling owners and now waits to hear from the GBC Drainage Manager what repair actions are required - on-going. B - The handover arrangements of the Ash SANG Walk from Bewley Developers to The Land Trust - on - going. Tongham Community Association (TCA) A - Work to provide a Hard Surface Storage Area in the Recreation Ground for the Cricket Screens has started and due to be finished in July 18 - on going. Tongham Parish Council (TPC) A - TPC has agreed to provide £250 towards a Tongham Sports Trophy Cabinet - All to Note. B - TPC decided not to arrange for Fencing along the ditch on The Street near Lambourne Way – All to Note. C - TPC to arrange for Speed Gun Training – on-going. D - TPC to obtain GBC Approval to locate a Storage Container near the Cricket Practice Area - on-going. E - TPC has decided not to pursue arranging for a Neighbourhood Plan - All to Note. F - TPC has arranged for quotes to be submit plans for a Play Area in the Recreation Ground - on-going. G - TPC has arranged for the installation of a Security Post at each of the three Main Field Wooden Gates in the Recreation Ground - on-going. Tongham Care Group (TCG) A – TCG to arranged for a NISA Sponsor Sign design for the Flower Planter – on- going. B - TCG to contact the owner of Poyle Cottage No1 to request the attention to the Corner Hedge - on-going. D - TCG to investigate reason for the damage on the road of Spoil Lane – on-going. E - ASHRA has advised that the next Forum Meeting to discuss the Ash Bridge is scheduled for October18 - on- going.

7. Reports from sub-committees:

a. Planning: Chair Cllr Blewitt: No reports. b. Lighting and General Purposes: Chair: Cllr Carey. i. CCTV update: The Street: ongoing, Mr Tyreman is working on the best position to site the cameras and enlisting the co-operation of local shops. ii. New play area: the Clerk has received 2 plans, and has met with a further company. Once all three sets of plans have been received, a public presentation will be held to decide on the best way forward. iii. 30 MPH signage at top of The Street: it was decided that we could usefully have two signs clearly marked Welcome to Tongham and 30, one at the Oxenden Road entry to the village and one as you enter The Street from the Hogs Back. Clerk to contact SCC for permission, and to obtain quotes both with and without installation. Also to be considered for Concurrent Grant Aid application 2019/2020. iv. ROSPA report: to be given to Cllr Oakley, and passed electronically to all Councillors. c. Finance, Policy and Administration: Chair Cllr Hughes. i. Financial statements for month ending 29/06/2018 was agreed and signed by Cllr Hughes. ii. Funding request from Tongham Care Group for Trophy cabinet. It was unanimously agreed to award £250.00 Section 137. iii. Co-option of new Councillor; as we have not had sufficient time to advertise the vacancy, rolled forward to September 2018. iv. Any other business – 1. Planning has gone in for 6 houses at 64 The Street. Concerns were raised about the existing and potential traffic levels on The Street, and the fact that cars were parked routinely across the road from No 64, making The Street in effect a single lane road at that point. Objection to be made to GBC on those grounds. 2. Cricket corner enhancement: Cllr Furniss has offered the Cricket Club, free of charge, a very large storage container; the cost of collecting and delivering, plus painting, would be iro £2000.00. Councillors have requested photographs as there is a concern that a) it would be visually intrusive and b) there does not seem to be a need for a container of this size. 8. Execution of documents: To consider, if necessary, passing the following resolution: "That the Council do seal in the manner prescribed by law, or the clerk or member as appropriate, do sign on behalf of the Council any Order, Deeds or Documents, required to give effect to any of the matters and recommendations contained in the reports as presented to, and approved by, the Council on 16/07/2018.”

Proposed: Cllr Sue Blewitt, Seconded: Cllr Sue Gray.

Signed: …………………………………………….. Chair of meeting Date: 17th September 2018