Device usage

US UK Germany Denmark Sweden Norway Finland 2 AudienceProject Insights 2020 03 Editorial

07 Number of devices

CONTENTS 23 Device penetration

41 Smart speakers

47 About the study

AudienceProject Insights 2020 3 4 AudienceProject Insights 2020 to smart TVs and smart speakers increases

While the penetration keeps decreasing, newer devices such as the smart TV and continue their rise in popularity

EDITORIAL In our new study, we see a surprising development tied to the gen- eral decline of the PC; the is shared just as much as the computer. There is a difference between the shared usage of the two devices when comparing families with and without children, though. are used by multiple people almost as much in families without children as in families with children, while , by a big margin, are mostly shared in families with children.

While the continuous decline of the computer was expected, the ques- tion of whether VR would take off was more up in the air. It still has not, and when or if that will ever happen with VR is still questionable. Other newer devices, however, are continuing their rise in popularity. Both smart TVs and smart speakers are doing well in most markets, with especially the smart TV penetration increasing.

Rune Werliin Chief Product Officer @ AudienceProject

AudienceProject Insights 2020 5 6 AudienceProject Insights 2020 NUMBER OF DEVICES

The number of connected devices that people have access to increases in all countries. In the US, the average American now has access to more than 10 connected devices. Also, we see that people’s personal devices might not be that personal as both computers and mobiles are shared with other people.

AudienceProject Insights 2020 7 The average American has access to more than 10 connected devices

[ How many connected devices do Americans on average have access to in their households? ]

0.67 10.37 The average number of connected

0.42 0.08 devices that Americans have access 0.89 to in their households



2.27 2018 8.54



2020 10.37


Computer Tablet Mobile Smart TVConnected Video game Virtual reality Smart Total TV box console device speaker *Connected TV boxes was not included in the 2018 study

8 AudienceProject Insights 2020 The average Briton has access to more than 9 connected devices

[ How many connected devices do Britons on average have access to in their households? ]

0.64 9.16 The average number of connected

0.31 0.04 devices that Britons have access to 0.73 in their households



2.32 2018 7.94



2020 9.16


Computer Tablet Mobile Smart TVConnected Video game Smartwatch Virtual reality Smart Total TV box console device speaker *Connected TV boxes was not included in the 2018 study

AudienceProject Insights 2020 9 The average German has access to more than 7 connected devices

[ How many connected devices do Germans on average have access to in their households? ]

0.29 7.13 The average number of connected 0.25 0.03 0.48 devices that Germans have access to in their households 0.37



2018 6.30



2020 7.13 1.61

Computer Tablet Mobile Smart TVConnected Video game Smartwatch Virtual reality Smart Total TV box console device speaker *Connected TV boxes was not included in the 2018 study

10 AudienceProject Insights 2020 The average Dane has access to nearly 8 connected devices

[ How many connected devices do Danes on average have access to in their households? ]

0.17 7.73 0.17 0.04 The average number of connected 0.42 devices that Danes have access to in 0.63 their households



2018 6.83

+0.90* 1.11

1.97 2020 7.73

Computer Tablet Mobile Smart TVConnected Video game Smartwatch Virtual reality Smart Total TV box console device speaker *Connected TV boxes was not included in the 2018 study

AudienceProject Insights 2020 11 The average Swede has access to 8.5 connected devices

[ How many connected devices do Swedes on average have access to in their households? ]

0.30 8.51 The average number of connected 0.26 0.05 0.58 devices that Swedes have access to

0.68 in their households



2018 7.29

+1.22* 1.16

2.11 2020 8.51

Computer Tablet Mobile Smart TVConnected Video game Smartwatch Virtual reality Smart Total TV box console device speaker *Connected TV boxes was not included in the 2018 study

12 AudienceProject Insights 2020 The average Norwegian has access to nearly 9 connected devices

[ How many connected devices do Norwegians on average have access to in their households? ]

0.10 8.82 0.41 0.04 The average number of connected 0.70 devices that Norwegians have access to in their households 0.72


2.25 2018 7.96

+0.86* 1.28

2020 8.82 1.99

Computer Tablet Mobile Smart TVConnected Video game Smartwatch Virtual reality Smart Total TV box console device speaker *Connected TV boxes was not included in the 2018 study

AudienceProject Insights 2020 13 The average Finn has access to nearly 8 connected devices

[ How many connected devices do Finns on average have access to in their households? ]

0.07 7.80 0.27 0.03 The average number of connected 0.57 devices that Finns have access to in 0.37 their households 1.06


2018 7.09

0.96 +0.71*

2.18 2020 7.80

Computer Tablet Mobile Smart TVConnected Video game Smartwatch Virtual reality Smart Total TV box console device speaker *Connected TV boxes was not included in the 2018 study

14 AudienceProject Insights 2020 AudienceProject Insights 2020 15 People living in households with more people have access to more devices

[ How many connected devices do people living in different houshold sizes on average have access to in their households? ]

6.3 US 5.9 4.2 Household size of 1 4.9 UK 5.2 5.4 Germany 5.2 Denmark 9.5 8.0 Sweden 6.8 Household size of 2 6.8 Norway 7.7 8.0 7.4 Finland

10.6 9.7 8.4 Household size of 3 8.6 9.1 9.2 9.3

12.2 11.7 9.5 Household size of 4 10.7 10.8 13.0 10.5

13.4 13.2 9.7 Household size of 5 12.7 13.1 14.8 10.8

16 AudienceProject Insights 2020 People with higher household incomes have access to more devices

[ How many connected devices do people with different houshold incomes on average have access to in their households? ]

7.8 US 7.4 5.5 <$29.999 6.5 UK 5.7 6.9 Germany 6.0 Denmark 9.5 8.7 Sweden 6.6 $30.000-59.999 5.9 Norway 6.8 6.8 6.6 Finland

10.8 10.1 8.1 $60.000-112.499 8.1 9.2 9.4 8.3

11.4 11.9 9.0 $112.500-149.999 8.9 10.9 10.5 9.6

12.9 11.4 9.5 >$150.000 10.1 10.9 12.5 11.6

AudienceProject Insights 2020 17 People with children in the household have access to more devices

[ How many connected devices do people with and without children in the household on average have access to in their households? ]

Households without children Households with children

9.1 US 12.2

8.0 UK 11.5

6.2 Germany 8.8

6.3 Denmark 10.2

6.8 Sweden 10.7

7.5 Norway 11.9

6.5 Finland 10.0

18 AudienceProject Insights 2020 AudienceProject Insights 2020 19 People are both sharing their computers and mobiles with others

[ How many are people sharing their devices with on a weekly basis? ]

US 1.6

UK 1.6

Germany 1.5 The average number of people using the Denmark 1.5 same computer Sweden 1.6

Norway 1.5

Finland 1.8

US 1.8

UK 1.5

Germany 1.7 The average number of people using the Denmark 1.4 same mobile Sweden 1.6

Norway 1.6

Finland 1.9

20 AudienceProject Insights 2020 People with children in the household are sharing their devices with more people

[ How many are people living in households with and without children sharing their devices with on a weekly basis? ]

Households without children Households with children

1.4 US US 2.1

1.5 UK UK 1.9

1.4 Germany Germany 2.0

1.4 Denmark Denmark 1.5 1.4 Sweden The average number Sweden 1.9 1.4 Norway of people using the Norway 1.5 1.5 Finland same computer Finland 2.5

1.4 Average Average 1.9

The average number 1.5 Average of people using the Average 1.7 same mobile

AudienceProject Insights 2020 21 22 AudienceProject Insights 2020 DEVICE PENETRATION

While the decline of the computer continues, the mobile penetration is now close to full saturation in most countries. At the same time, newer devices such as the smart TV and smartwatch continue their rise in popularity. In all countries, at least two thirds now have access to a smart TV, while more than one in ten have access to a smartwatch.

AudienceProject Insights 2020 23 In most countries, one in ten don’t have access to a computer

[ How many have access to a computer in their household? ]

US UK Germany

87% 82% 89%

Denmark Sweden Norway Finland

91% 88% 87% 93%

24 AudienceProject Insights 2020 2015 Computer penetration decreases in all countries 2016 2017 [ How many have access to a computer in their household? ] 2018 2020

N/A N/A US 89% 89% 87%

N/A N/A UK 85% 84% 82%

N/A N/A Germany N/A 91% 89%

98% 98% Denmark 95% 91% 91%

98% 97% Sweden 95% 92% 88%

97% 96% Norway 94% 93% 87%

97% 96% Finland 95% 94% 93%

AudienceProject Insights 2020 25 In most countries, two thirds have access to a tablet

[ How many have access to a tablet in their household? ]

US UK Germany

72% 72% 62%

Denmark Sweden Norway Finland

65% 67% 69% 61%

26 AudienceProject Insights 2020 2015 Tablet penetration is stable 2016 2017 [ How many have access to a tablet in their household? ] 2018 2020

N/A N/A US 65% 71% 72%

N/A N/A UK 74% 76% 72%

N/A N/A Germany N/A 61% 62%

69% 69% Denmark 70% 62% 65%

66% 71% Sweden 68% 68% 67%

72% 75% Norway 76% 72% 69%

59% 59% Finland 63% 64% 61%

AudienceProject Insights 2020 27 Mobile penetration is close to full saturation in the UK and Nordics

[ How many have access to a mobile in their household? ]

US UK Germany

88% 94% 92%

Denmark Sweden Norway Finland

94% 95% 95% 96%

28 AudienceProject Insights 2020 2015 Mobile is stable at close to full saturation 2016 2017 [ How many have access to a mobile in their household? ] 2018 2020

N/A N/A US 81% 86% 88%

N/A N/A UK 90% 93% 94%

N/A N/A Germany N/A 90% 92%

98% 93% Denmark 94% 93% 94%

92% 93% Sweden 96% 97% 95%

92% 93% Norway 96% 97% 95%

96% 98% Finland 93% 94% 96%

AudienceProject Insights 2020 29 At least two thirds in all countries have access to a smart TV

[ How many have access to a smart TV in their household? ]

US UK Germany

70% 73% 65%

Denmark Sweden Norway Finland

68% 66% 76% 70%

30 AudienceProject Insights 2020 2017 Smart TV penetration increases in all countries 2018 2020 [ How many have access to a smart TV in their household? ]

56% US 66% 70%

59% UK 66% 73%

N/A Germany 56% 65%

60% Denmark 63% 68%

48% Sweden 53% 66%

63% Norway 72% 76%

51% Finland 61% 70%

AudienceProject Insights 2020 31 *E.g. Almost half in the US, UK and Scandinavia has access to a connected TV box Fire TV, Apple TV or [ How many have access to a connected TV box* in their household? ]

US UK Germany

49% 46% 26%

Denmark Sweden Norway Finland

43% 44% 47% 29%

32 AudienceProject Insights 2020 AudienceProject Insights 2020 33 In most countries, more than one third have access to a

[ How many have access to a video game console in their household? ]

US UK Germany

46% 43% 30%

Denmark Sweden Norway Finland

29% 35% 40% 39%

34 AudienceProject Insights 2020 2016 Video game console penetration is stable 2017 2018 [ How many have access to a video game console in their household? ] 2020

N/A 46% US 44% 46%

N/A 45% UK 42% 43%

N/A N/A Germany 26% 30%

27% 30% Denmark 28% 29%

27% 32% Sweden 35% 35%

31% 40% Norway 42% 40%

36% 35% Finland 37% 39%

AudienceProject Insights 2020 35 A quarter in the US and Norway have access to a smartwatch

[ How many have access to a smartwatch in their household? ]

US UK Germany

26% 20% 17%

Denmark Sweden Norway Finland

11% 16% 24% 19%

36 AudienceProject Insights 2020 2016 Smartwatch penetration increases in all countries 2017 2018 [ How many have access to a smartwatch in their household? ] 2020

N/A 14% US 18% 26%

N/A 11% UK 13% 20%

N/A N/A Germany 12% 17%

3% 5% Denmark 6% 11%

4% 8% Sweden 10% 16%

5% 12% Norway 15% 24%

4% 7% Finland 10% 19%

AudienceProject Insights 2020 37 Only a small minority has access to a virtual reality device

[ How many have access to a virtual reality device in their household? ]

US UK Germany

6% 4% 3%

Denmark Sweden Norway Finland

3% 3% 3% 2%

38 AudienceProject Insights 2020 2017 Virtual reality device penetration stays on low level 2018 2020 [ How many have access to a virtual reality device in their household? ]

8% US 7% 6%

5% UK 5% 4%

N/A Germany 2% 3%

2% Denmark 3% 3%

1% Sweden 2% 3%

3% Norway 3% 3%

1% Finland 3% 2%

AudienceProject Insights 2020 39 40 AudienceProject Insights 2020 SMART SPEAKERS

Smart speakers are no longer only appealing to a few early adopter households. Smart speakers have been growing in popularity, particularly in the US and UK with one third of households now having access to one. Previously, Amazon dominated the smart speaker market. However, Google has taken up the fight for this lucrative and fast-growing market.

AudienceProject Insights 2020 41 One third in the US and UK have access to a smart speaker

[ How many have access to a smart speaker in their household? ]

US UK Germany

33% 34% 16%

Denmark Sweden Norway Finland

9% 15% 7% 4%

42 AudienceProject Insights 2020 2018 Smart speaker penetration increases in all countries 2020

[ How many have access to a smart speaker in their household? ]

23% US 33%

14% UK 34%

10% Germany 16%

6% Denmark 9%

8% Sweden 15%

1% Norway 7%

4% Finland 4%

AudienceProject Insights 2020 43 Amazon and Google dominate the smart speaker market

[ Which smart speaker(s) do people have in their household? ]

Harman Google Home Apple HomePod Amazon Tap Essential Home Invoxia Triby Other Kardon

US 70% 33% 5% 2% 5% 3% 1% 0% 5%

UK 74% 24% 5% 0% 3% 1% 0% 0% 5%

Germany 72% 20% 12% 1% 4% 1% 1% 0% 11%

Denmark 7% 22% 42% 6% 7% 4% 3% 0% 13%

Sweden 8% 41% 24% 7% 5% 8% 8% 5% 14%

Norway 18% 81% 12% 14% 11% 6% 5% 7% 2%

Finland 6% 12% 20% 7% 4% 4% 0% 0% 21%

44 AudienceProject Insights 2020 Playing music is still the most widespread use of smart speakers

[ What purposes are smart speakers used for? ]

Playing music / Receiving weather, Receiving Calendar / podcasts / traffic or other real Setting alarms To-do lists Phone calls Grocery shopping Other news updates appointments audiobooks time information

US 84% 58% 60% 34% 34% 28% 30% 21% 18% 6%

UK 89% 56% 50% 30% 28% 20% 22% 10% 11% 6%

Germany 85% 60% 55% 43% 32% 27% 17% 14% 10% 5%

Denmark 80% 22% 22% 23% 15% 8% 9% 4% 6% 2%

Sweden 78% 22% 23% 17% 22% 16% 9% 15% 8% 4%

Norway 76% 53% 49% 35% 36% 22% 20% 15% 16% 1%

Finland 79% 18% 14% 9% 14% 5% 5% 14% 2% 1%

AudienceProject Insights 2020 45 46 AudienceProject Insights 2020 Further insights This is just the tip of the iceberg. AudienceProject has in-depth data on the dig- ital market. For more in-depth data about device usage - or other digital trends, please reach out to us.

Methodology The study is a part of AudienceProject Insights 2020. Data is collected through online surveys done in Q1 2020. The respondents have been selected from our Nordic, German, UK and US panels consisting of more than 1.5 million panelists and weighed to achieve representativity on the more than 14.000 respondents who completed the survey. ABOUT THE Editor & Data About AudienceProject Rune Werliin [email protected] AudienceProject is a technology-based +45 60 17 77 76 STUDY company founded in Text & Design Denmark and operational worldwide Martin Kokholm that helps publishers, agencies and [email protected] advertisers identify, build, reach and +45 25 61 32 19 measure audiences.

Contact AudienceProject empowers publishers, [email protected] agencies and advertisers to collect and Website activate their own audience data, so they can create unique data offerings and show advertisers the true value of Twitter omnichannel marketing. @Audience_P #apinsights2020

AudienceProject Insights 2020 47