GSJ: Volume 9, Issue 5, May 2021 ISSN 2320-9186 1479 GSJ: Volume 9, Issue 5, May 2021, Online: ISSN 2320-9186 DIGITAL WORKAHOLICS:A CLICK AWAY Tripti Srivastava Muskan Chauhan Rohit Pandey Galgotias University Galgotias University Galgotias University
[email protected] muskanchauhansmile@g
[email protected] m om ABSTRACT:-In today’s world, Artificial Intelligence (AI) has become an 1. INTRODUCTION integral part of human life. There are many applications of AI such as Chatbot, AI defines as those device that understands network security, complex problem there surroundings and took actions which solving, assistants, and many such. increase there chance to accomplish its Artificial Intelligence is designed to have outcomes. Artifical Intelligence used as “a cognitive intelligence which learns from system’s ability to precisely interpret its experience to take future decisions. A external data, to learn previous such data, virtual assistant is also an example of and to use these learnings to accomplish cognitive intelligence. Virtual assistant distinct outcomes and tasks through supple implies the AI operated program which adaptation.” Artificial Intelligence is the can assist you to reply to your query or developing branch of computer science. virtually do something for you. Currently, Having much more power and ability to the virtual assistant is used for personal develop the various application. AI implies and professional use. Most of the virtual the use of a different algorithm to solve assistant is device-dependent and is bind to various problems. The major application a single user or device. It recognizes only being Optical character recognition, one user.