Jersey's Only Weekly Pictorial Magazine

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Jersey's Only Weekly Pictorial Magazine WEEK'S COMPLETE TELEVISION PROGRAMS THE UHDAY ORTH JERSEY'S ONLY WEEKLY PICTORIAL MAGAZINE News Highlights of Clifton East Paterson Fair Lawn Garfield Haledon Hawthorne Lodi Falls Mountain View ß North Haledon .i Poferson Passaic Pompton Lakes Prospect Park Singac Tofowa Wayne West Paterson BANKING INSTITUTE OFFICIALS I•IAY 22, 1960 VOL. XXXII, No. 21 435 STRAIGHT STREET PATERSON, N.J. MUlberry 4-7880 Gift Department Living Bedrooms- Bedding Dining Rooms Furniture Accessories ' "%:.:•:i'?i?:-:.!i:.-:-'!i•!•7•,'• : ..:....'::-'? .i:i'X:!:::,•' '-:-'"•_% ..-. ' ! Carpeting : :?.::...'": .... :::$i:i:!:• --• • •. ß ß ß .- ' '!i.:'.'?."4::,:•::. Appliances :.:':•.. .."-:. '-?.i:•iiiiiii•i!ii!%.,....:.: ',• ::•' •.'i ,:.•: '.... ' ':"?'"-•-'!it::ii•i"'}!iii?:- . '"" :'"" .......:' . :.'::?:'"':-:"-:'""::'..!.!::............. •::'-'- ..-...'i*i:..!,:•?',.;• . ..:,..., THE IDEAL- PLACE TO DINE AND WINE .:' -- ' :- , <.-:.;.:...':-::'-:i** .....-.;: ß(•' : :' •. - ' •'iiiii!i:.:i:..... :'8;':' "' :i:. :: <':':'":"•':-" ":' .;. ß - --..*.•''i" ." ." ...........'.'.' ". ß . '::- •, ;::.-. GOOD WISHES FROM DICK- Vice President Richard M. Nixon greets Walter P. Kennedy, Republican Congressional candidate, ITALIAN.AMERICA at a recent meeting in his office, where the Vice-President gave Kennedy his good wishes for a winning campaign in the Novem- - KITC#E.-'•.:.• 1. ber election. Le•t to right are: Alexander E. Fasoli, Kennedy's campaign manager; Congressman Gordon Canfield, who arranged the meeting, Nixon and Kennedy. The Vice-President also sent B•OI[ED [OB$1ER • -- DAILY Kennedy a congratulatory telegram •0_11owinghis success at the •ROGS' I,EGS- •!.'T SHELL OI•A•- BLUEFIgH - •A!•BOW polls on Primary Day in which he said "I shall .be looking •orward OYSTI•HS - CI.AM - COD FISH - SWORD FISH DAILY to working with you •or a Republican victory in November." - - LAmbert,S-S • I. PARRILLO 'Save ... Borrow... and Check with TheMan from Equitable asks- Willyou leae your family: ,m '• ß e,:' •' " .•:e.•,.e ,..g.•... *. ...e' • •.•_.• -,, . •. ,. , ß --or a mortgage? THEODDS that you5v:ll die beforeyou pay off your mortgageare 16 timesgreater than the chanceyour housewill catchfire. Yet, mostprudent families wouldn'tthink of beingwithout fire insurance. Why I:.%-'?':" •-". '• ? ' ' be without mortgageinsurance? •;,'..•AND •'r- u $?..½o M PAN¾-•,, Equitable'sremarkable mortgage repayment insur- ",' .•-.•",,•_•,_'i'-•-'.9 •'•.•-<-:',-• ....• anceplan protectsyour family against forced sale... lossof lossof home.Costs are low for .•e, ..........- ....... I'................... this basicprotection. For full informationcall... .. ß Member Federal Reserve System ß Member Federal Deposit InsuranceCorporation I. PARRILLO THE FULL SERVICE BANK 200 EAST KIDGEWOOD AVENUE ooo IMDGEWOOD, N.J. CLIFTON ß HALEDON GI 5-3342 GI 4-9891 LITTLE FALLS ß NORTH HALEDON ß PASSAIC PATERSON ß WEST PATERSON Letthe menfrom Equitable bring you peace of mind Page Two THE CHRONICL• 4, ß J. A ß Published Weekly by THE CHI•NICLE COMI'ANY 170-172 Butler Street Paterson, N.J. LAmbe• 5-2741 VINCENT S. PARRILL•, Publisher VINCENT N. PARRII_J_•, Managing Editor Entered as Second Class matt• August 24, 1926, at the Pozt •-'-Office at •son, N.J., under tl•.• aM of March 3, 1879. MAY 22, 1960 -- VOL. XXXII, No. 21 Sfmgle.Copy 10 Cents ß.•:•---',-,,r; -22 $4.00 a Year by Mail _ CONTENTS FEATURES Martinez and Redl Square Off 5 . Do... YOUFavor Capital Punishment? 6 OPENING GAMBIT- Walter Slezak makes a sly move to set the mood for the start of "The Chevy SuspenseShow" series, Focus 9 which will be colorcaston the N BC-TV Network Sundaynights beginningMay 29. The distinguishedstar of television,Stage crOSswordPuzzle 10 and screen will be host of the suspense-mysteryseries which will present original and live dramas. TelevisionHighlights 12 • , CkSckwork,by Howard Breslin A Complete Short Story 14 ..• ... DE'ARTMENTS Social World 7 ' '- Editorials 8 "Editor Speaks 8 ' ..C:.omplete Television ___11-12-13 COVER PICTU'E- Shown on today's cover are employes from the First National Bank of Passaic County who have been elected to office in the Passaic County Chapter of the American Institute of Banking. Left to right: Kenneth Hinchliffe, Market Street of- •fice, memberof board of directors;David Templeton,Ellison :Street office, second vice president; 'Miss Doris Dubnansky, ICE MAlDEN--Jacquelinedu Bief, formerworld's figure skating champ,will float throughthe air, and over the ice, on "Music on '•!.ParkerAvenue, Clifton office, member of boardof directors; Ice," new variety ice show colorcastSunday nights on the NBC- :l'andHenry Harra, Ellison Street office, newly elected presi- TV Network. Miss du Bier, a native of Paris, France, has skated "dent'of the countychapter. with the Ice Cai3ades. Hollywood Ice .Revue and Holiday on Ice. 'TIi• CHRONICLE Page Three Thousandsof ShipwrecksLittering Ocean Floor Off New Jersey Coastline Are Being Inventorled The thousands of shipwrecks xvhich litter young men in New Jersey. important place in our State history," said the ocean floor off New Jersey's beaches In describing the intended study of the North. will be part of the Historic Sites Inventory State's historic maritime disasters, Mr. "We hope to. pinpoint the location of the now being undertaken by the State Com- North said the inventory will include light- most historic of these wrecks and plan to mittee for the Evaluation of Historic Sites. houses, life saving stations, naval batties survey and photograph many of their re- The State-wide inventory, under the direc- and pirate visitations. "Many of the tragic mains underwater. Particularly wrecks tion of Dr. William H. Cole, prof.essor shipwrecks which took place, particularly in about which we are seeking more informa- emeritus of Rutgers, The State University, the 18800's, were the monumental disasters tion are the New Era, Powhatan, John Min- is conducted by volunteers as a first step of their time," North said. "Disasters like the turn, Vesta and Germania. We hope that leading to classification and evaluation. The wreck of the New Era in •854 near Deal anyone with old photographs, prints, news- Committee for Evaluation of Historic Sites with a loss of about 300 lives and the wreck paper clippings or information about wrecks was appointed by Salvatore A. Bontempo, of the Powhatan off At]antic City in 1854 off the Jersey Coast xvill contact us. Commissioner of the New Jersey Depart- with a loss of 311 are major calamities by "Many a pirate, including Captain Kidd, is ment of .Conservation and Economic Devel- today's standards. reputed to have stomped his boots on Jer- opment in May 1959. Dr. Richard McCor- 'Earlier shipwrecks led to New Jersey's sey sand. We want to record these sites, as mick of Rutgers, is chairman. development of life saving' apparatus later well as places where pirate treasure has According to Dr. Cole, the inventory of copied and used throughout the world. been recovered. shipwrecks will be initiated by William C. "The idea for a gun which would shoot a "The New Jersey seacoast has figured North, 34 Campbell Street, Red Bank. Mr. lifeline aboard a stranded ship was conceiv- prominently in our history from the first North is public relations supervisor for the ed on a New Jersey beach by one-time Gov- recorded xvreck in 1620, through the colon- Mutual Benefit Life Insurance Company; ernor John Newell as he watched thirteen ial period and all wars including the Battle past president of the Newark Junior Cham- crew men lose their lives in a raging sea, of the Ariantic in World War II," North con- ber of Commerce and the founder and first almost within reach of land. cluded. "Each of these periods has influ- chairman of the Men's Council of the New- "Newell is also credited with conceiving enced the development of the State and has ark Museum. He is a member of the Nauti- the idea of the Life Saving Service which added to its colorful history. Through this cal Research Guild International and the once protected the nation's entire coastline inventory and the Historic Sites Evaluation Shipcrafters Club of New York. In 1959 he and saved thousands of lives. Committee they may become an authentic was named one of the five outstanding "Men and events such as these deserve an part of our State and national heritage." Tipson Touring You're a driver of quickwit and highintelligence--so you neverget a ticket and you always avoid accidents. But someof your friendsare not so good.An important reason--stressed bya Bureauof Public Roads study-- is that theydon't suit theirdriving to the road. Everybody knows excessivespeed is dangerous, and most drivers are careful to avoid that hazard. But many forget that "too slow" is also hazardous--it actually causes more accidents than speeding. The Bureau of Public Roadssurvey shows that on high grade roads in open country, more accidents occur at 35 m.p.h. than at any other speed.. In terms of number of accidents, the. greatest menace is the slow poke.' How come? Modern roads and' modern cars are designed to permit safe, comfortable driving at higher • 'MD USA' -- Wherever Americans live- from ugak in this filmed report. Dr. David Dolese speeds than were common a genera- . the snow-shrouded sweeps of Alaska to the (right) of Ganado, Ariz., deals with "medical ,ion ago. This is progress,and most Navaho heart of Arizona--doctors serve. Their peculiarities" of the Indian tribes on the great motorists have adjusted to it. But story, shown through the lives of five physi- Navaho reservation. "Now watch my finger, some have not. Their. caution can cians in widely scattered regions of the nation, please," he tells this big-hatted Navaho in a confuse others. will be told in a special full-hour "March of mission out-station at Tselani in the Arizona Result: Some states are consider- ' Medicine" colorcast, "MD USA," on the NBC. ßdesert. In the making. since last July, the pro- ing minimum speed limits to solve TV Network Friday, May 27. Dr. William Mills gram also will picture the work of an obstetri- the slowpoke problem.
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