Selected Aspects of the Ecology of Adult Summer

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Selected Aspects of the Ecology of Adult Summer SELECTED ASPECTS OF THE ECOLOGY OF ADULT SUMMER STEEIBEAD IN TRINITY RIVER, CALIFORNIA by J. Lincoln Freese A Thesis Presented to The Faculty of Humboldt State University In Partial Fulfillment of the Requirements for the Degree Master of Science Aup:ust , 19 82 SELECTED AS.PECTS OF THE ECOLOGY OF ADULT SUMMER STEELHEAD IN TRINITY RIVER , CALIFORNIA by J. Lincoln Freese ABSTRACT The abundance, seasonal distribution, holding habitat and behav­ ior of adult summer steelhead were studied during the summers of 1979- 1981 in the Trinity River system, California. The North Fork Trinity River and New River were the only streams in the drainage harboring significant numbers of steelhead during the summer months. Estimated combined run size for both streams ranged from a maximum of 776 fish in 1980 to a minimum of 455 fish in 1981. Summer steelhead began entering the tributaries in early June; entry peaked during mid-July. Steelhead numbers and distribution had substantially stabilized by early August. Summer steelhead were tagged in a single holding pool in the North Fork Trinity River during Septem­ ber 1981. Subsequent surveys revealed that they remained in that pool until the first storm fronts had passed through the area in early Octo­ ber, at which time small groups of fish rapidly migrated upstream. How­ ever, some tagged fish were still present at the tagging site in early November. High stream discharge precluded further survey work after that time. Holding pools do not appear to be a limiting factor for adult summer steelhead in either tributary. During the study period, the percentage of pools harboring one or more adult summer steelhead ranged from a minimum of 14 percent to a maximum of 36 percent in the North Fork; corresponding values for the New River were 27 percent and 31 percent. iii Twenty-seven pools in the New River were surveyed periodically during the swnmer of 1980. Factor analysis suggested a relationship between steelhead nwnbers in pools and available cover and shade, but failed to show a relationship between steelhead nwnbers, pool dimensions, upstream gradient, downstream gradient or distance to first downstream pool. Although no statistical analysis of steelhead nwnbers and other pool variables was performed for the North Fork Trinity River, obser­ vations indicate a high correlation between steelhead nwnbers and pool dimensions in that stream. Gold-dredging activity was heavy in the New River watershed, and appeared to have had an effect upon steelhead distribution among holding pools in that stream. Heavy poaching activ­ ity is a significant threat to the continued survival of the summer steelhead run in the New River drainage. u. S. Forest Service barrier modification efforts in the North Fork Trinity River appeared to have had an effect upon summer steelhead distribution. Steelhead were observed in greater nwnbers in upstream areas, and were concentrated in a fewer nwnber of pools, after barriers were modified. Analysis of scales taken from North Fork Trinity River summer steelhead revealed that 95 percent of returnees smolted at age 2, 44 percent of returnees made their initial upstream migration as "half­ pounders", and 42 percent of returnees were repeat spawners. iv ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS I would like to express my sincere appreciation to Dr. Terry Roelofs for giving me the opportunity to study summer steelhead, and for serving as chairman of my graduate committee. His friendship and guidance will be long remembered. Thanks is extended to Drs. David Craigie and David Hankin for serving on my committee, and for their helpful suggestions during the preparation of this manuscript. I am grateful to Mr. Paul Brouha, Fisheries Biologist, U.S. Forest Service, for his cooperation and helpfulness during the course of this study. Special thanks is given to fellow students Mitch Lorenz, Tim Quane, Brian Winter and Larry Wilson; their efforts in the field were instrumental to the successful completion of this project. I am also grateful to Dr. Fred Everest, Pacific Northwest Forest and Range Experiment Station, Corvallis, Oregon, for his help in analyzing summer steelhead scales. Recognition is given to the California Department of Fish and Game for supplying personnel, and to the Pacific Southwest Forest and Range Experiment Station for supplying funds, for this investigation. Finally. my deepest appreciation is given to my wife, Beverlyp for her logistical support in the field, and especially for her under­ standing and love throughout the entire course of this study. V TABLE OF CONTENTS Page ABSTRACT iii ACRNOWLEDGEMENTS . V LIST OF TABLES . ix LIST OF FIGURES X INTRODUCTION 1 DESCRIPI'ION OF STUDY AREAS 5 North Fork Trinity River . 5 New River . 9 METHODS AND MATERIALS . 1.3 Stream Selection Methods . 1.3 Steelhead Census Methods . 13 Photographic Documentation . 14 Methods Employed for Collection and Analysis of North Fork Trinity River Data •••••••••• . 14 Methods Employed for Collection and Analysis of New River Data •••••••••••••••• 17 RESULTS • 22 North Fork Trinity River . 22 Summer Steelhead Abundance and Distribution •••••••• . 22 Pool Utilization . 25 Seasonal Movements . 28 Life History Patterns I a I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I 31 Growth I I I I I t I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I 37 vi TABLE OF CONTENTS (continued) Page Predation . , . • 37 New River • e I e I • • • • • • • ■ • • • • ■ • • • • • 39 Summer Steelhead Abundance and Distribution I • • • • • • I a • • a a a a a • • ■ a I a 41 Pool Utilization . 41 Seasonal Movements . Relationships Between Steelhead Numbers and :Fhysical Characteristics of Study Pools , , • • • • • • , • , • • • . Microhabitat Selection and Steelhead Behavior ••• , , , •• . 53 DISCUSSION . Summer Steelhead Abundance, Distribution and Seasonal Positioning • , ••••••• . I ■ ■ I Barrier Modification . 70 Relationships Between Summer Steelhead Numbers and Physical Characteristics of Holding Pools , , • • • , , • • , , • . 72 Microhabitat Selection and Steelhead Behavior •••• • • • . Life History :Patterns ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ I I ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ I ■ ■ I 75 SUivJIVIARY AND RECOMMENDATIONS 79 REFERENCES CITED . 83 PERSONAL COMMUNICATIONS ■ ■ ■ ■ I ■ I ■ ■ ■ ■ I ■ I I ■ ■ ■ ■ 88 APPENDICES . 89 A, Gradient Profile, North Fork Trinity River . 89 B, Values of Selected Geomorphic Variables for North Fork Trinity and New Rivers •••• . 90 c. Gradient Profile, New River , • • . 92 vii TABLE OF CONTENTS (continued) Page D. Water Temperature Data for North Fork Trinity River . • . • . • . • . 93 E, Water Temperatures (oc) in New River Study Pools . • • • . • • . • . • . F, Values for Physical Parameters of 27 New River Study Pools . • . • . • . 96 viii LIST OF TABLES Table Page 1 Variables incorporated in factor analysis for New River study pools ••••••••• 20 2 Distribution and abundance of adult summer steelhead in Trinity River system, 1979-1981 •••••• • • • I a I I I a e a a 23 3 Life history categories of North Fork Trinity River summer steelhead at time of first upstream migration ••••• . 33 4 Fork lengths (cm) for North Fork Trinity River summer steelhead, at time of capt 1rr e . • . 34 5 Ages at which summer steelhead smolt in North Fork Trinity, Klamath and Rogue Rivers • • • • • • • • • • • • . 35 6 Years of ocean growth attained by summer steelhead from North Fork Trinity, Klamath and Rogue Rivers, before beginning initial upstream migration •••••••••••• . 36 7 Distribution and abundance of adult summer steelhead in 27 study pools during six surveys of the New River, 1980 •••••••••••• . 49 8 Principal components of study pool physical characteristics and summer steelhead sampling results . , . 51 9 Percentage of total adult steelhead observed in shallow ( < 1.5 m) runs and riffles in six study sections. New River, 1980 ••••••• . 63 ix LIST OF FIGURES Figure Page 1 lG.amath River system 4 2 Trinity River system . 6 3 North Fork Trinity River watershed . 7 4 New River watershed . 10 5 Stream reaches in North Fork Trinity River •••• , •••.•.••• . .• . 15 6 Stream reaches in New River (1979-1981); study sections 1-6 in New River (1980) 18 7 Locations of 27 study pools in New River . 19 8 Distribution and abundance of summer steelhead in North Fork Trinity River stream reaches. 1979-1981 ••• 24 9 Distribution of summer steelhead in North Fork Trinity River, in one kilometer increments . 26 10 Pool utilization by summer steelhead in North Fork Trinity River stream reaches •••••• . 27 11 Locations of tagged steelhead in North Fork Trinity River. October 9-11 •••••••• ■ I I I ■ 29 12 Locations of tagged steelhead in North Fork Trinity River; October 29-November 2 ••• . 30 13 Length frequency for North Fork Trinity River summer steelhead ••••••••• . 38 14 Distribution of suction dredges in New River. August, 1980 • • . 40 15 Distribution and abundance of summer steelhead in New River stream reaches. 1979-1981 .•• . 42 16 Distribution of summer steelhead in New River, in two kilometer increments . 43 X LIST OF FIGURES (continued) Figure Page 17 Pool utilization by swnrner steelhead in New River stream reaches. 1979-1981 44 18 Movement of swnrner steelhead among New River stream reaches. 1980 ••••••••••• 46 19 Two examples of study pools. Upper, study pool 6. Lower, study pool 15 . 48 20 Swnrner steelhead resting on pool substrate, supported by caudal and pectoral fins ••• 54 21 Large group of swnrner steelhead holding in a two meter deep pool •••••••• . 56 22 Swnrner steelhead utilizing cover provided by a cave under a boulder •••••••• 57 23 Swnrner steelhead utilizing cover provided
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