The Truly Ultimate Guide To 10X Your Shopify Store Good news: You don’t have to know everything to grow an online store. Or be gifted with incredible intelligence. Or have a type-A personality. Or get lucky... In fact, you can set yourself on the road to massive eCommerce growth with a few simple ideas I’ll reveal to you below.

How would your life change Not a pipedream. That’s if you woke up knowing: true eCommerce success.

Your online store was making dozens, And that’s what this guide is all about. hundreds, or even thousands of sales You can grow your eCommerce busi- while you slept. ness, make money while you sleep, automate many manual processes, You automatically had psychological and save tons of time. triggers built into your store to maxi- mize conversions and average order And you don’t have to spend years value. studying eCommerce best practices or weeks trying to find the latest hot Your store is so sexy, your competi- products to get there. tion is irrelevant. All that’s required of you is a willing- ness to think about eCommerce in a different way than you’re probably used to. In this guide, you’ll learn:

01 eCommerce website design What are 10,000 visitors worth if you’re converting at 0.5%? Diddly. Let’s fix that.

02 eCommerce SEO Use to drive thousand of high-converting visitors.

03 Social media Get more likes than that one from Grandma. Discover how to make social media work for you.

04 Content SEO and social media are almost impossible without con- tent. Learn how to create the best.

05 Customer service Keep customers coming back and get more free referrals. What’s not to like?

06 Location-based marketing Have a physical location? This section is perfect for you.

07 eCommerce marketing & growth strategies Learn everything else that didn’t fit in any of the previous categories.

08 18 Shopify apps and counting Wondering what the cool cats are using to grow their stores? Check these out. Section 1: 01 eCommerce Website Design Section 1: eCommerce Website Design

No amount of eCommerce hacks, tips, or tricks will help you if your site sucks (not that your site sucks, but you know…).

Even if your site is awesome, I’m willing to bet it could do with a few more tweaks. After all, in the words of Vince Lombardi (NFL player and coach):

“Perfection is not attainable, but if we chase perfection we can catch excellence.”

So, how do you optimize your Shopify store for maximum conversions? Obviously, one little tweak won’t change the world, but this section will cover the following:

1 eCommerce Site Navigation

2 Making Your Site Mobile-Friendly

3 Improving Your eCommerce Search Function

4 Making Your Site The Speed of Light

5 Better Product Descriptions & Options

Let’s pimp your site. Section 1: eCommerce Website Design eCommerce Site Navigation

1 eCommerce Site Navigation

Your site’s navigation (the links at the top of the page) are like the signs in the aisles at an unfamiliar grocery store. You’re sort of familiar with how things should look and they help you get to the goodies you want in that particular store.

So, what does site navigation have to do with increasing your online sales?

Only the fact that KISSmetrics lists bad navigation as the number one reason people leave a website!

Bad site navigation causes friction and confusion, two of eCommerce owners’ biggest enemies. To combat this, your navigation should express your brand while also providing familiarity to your shoppers in order to build trust and make buying simple and easy.

But this guide isn’t about vague notions of what you should do. It’s real, actionable stuff that you can use right here, right now.

To improve your website navigation, do this:

Work from the top down. Start high-level, with general and meaningful labels. Things like “Phone Cases”, “Shoes”, or even “Clothing”.

Don’t get too fancy. Calling your shoe category “Foot Houses” or something weird to go with your brand probably isn’t that great of an idea, tvhough it could arouse curiosity and might be worth testing. (Oh, the contradictions! Conversion optimization is a scientific art, not an exact science.)

Be logical and intuitive. If you have something that could go in two categories, put it in both categories. For example, puts the subcategory “Bathroom Lighting” under both “Bath- room” and “Lighting” parent categories.

Go with what’s common. While it can be tempting to create some fancy navigation, for eCommerce sites it’s Section 1: eCommerce Website Design eCommerce Site Navigation

often better to go with what people know. Again, the whole familiarity builds trust and cuts friction thing.

Make top level navigation clickable. A 2013 Baymard Institute survey found that shoppers expected the top level of a dropdown or flyout menu and any headings in that menu to be active links. On the Macy’s website, for example, the top-level navigation labels are links to category landing pages.

There you have it - our quick eCommerce site navigation tips. If you feel your site navigation needs an improvement, why wait? Go fix it right now. Section 1: eCommerce Website Design Making Your Site Mobile-Friendly

2 Making Your Site Mobile-Friendly

We live in a world where more people own a mobile phone than own a toothbrush.


Yea, but it says something: Mobile is important.

Probably too important, but I’m not here to judge.

The reason mobile matters isn’t because of how many people have them, but because of how many people use them to do their shopping. In 2015, roughly one-third of all sales came from mobile.

But ignoring mobile doesn’t just cut your sales by a third.

Sure, most people buy on their computers… but, they start their search on their phone. Roughly 45% of all shopping involves a mobile device, and 57% for millennials.

If your store isn’t mobile friendly, you’re losing those people, too.

So, how do you optimize your site for mobile? If you’re reading this, you’re probably using Shopify. You’re in luck - most Shopify stores are mobile-friendly.

However, not all of them are, and if you made changes you may have un-optimized it. So, it’s a good idea to check.

To check if your site is mobile-friendly, put it into Google’s mobile-friendly test. Section 1: eCommerce Website Design Making Your Site Mobile-Friendly

If it’s not mobile-friendly, the tool will show you how to correct the issues.

Keep in mind, however, that even if your site comes back positive, that doesn’t mean it’s user-friendly on mobile! It just means it has the proper code and load speed. You may still need to tweak your site.

Visit your site on your phone. Answer these questions:

• Does it look good? • Is it easy to navigate? • Is it difficult to click on anything (i.e. are buttons or links too small)? • Does it load quickly (within 3 seconds)?

Note: If you’re unsure how to optimize your site for mobile or improve mobile usability, you can hire us to do it for you!

3 Improving Your eCommerce Search Function

The search bar on your site is likely one of the highest-converting tools at your disposal. Chances are, if someone’s searching for something, they’re about ready to buy.

Check this out:

Footsmart saw an 82% improvement in conversion rates (!!) by simply optimizing their site’s search function. They made it stand out by changing the color to green, providing better filtering options, and displaying better results. Section 1: eCommerce Website Design Improving Your eCommerce Search Function

How can you do the same? Here are some tips from KISSmetric’s post on search optimization:

1. Make your search bar stand out (by contrasting colors or making it bigger).

2. Provide better filtering options.

3. Offer semantic based search (meaning your search engine can understand “shoe” and “sneaker” should bring up similar results) using a tool like Instant Search Plus or Nextopia.

4. Implement intelligent autocomplete (similar to Google’s search suggestion function). Instant Search Plus and Nextopia can do this as well.

5. Use breadcrumbs to help people go back and forth (i.e. “All Products -> Women’s -> Shirts -> Red). See how Kohl’s does this in the image below.

Site search all tuned up? Good, let’s keep going. Section 1: eCommerce Website Design Making Your Site The Speed of Light

4 Making Your Site The Speed of Light

A major part in making your site mobile friendly (and in SEO, which we’ll discuss later) is making sure your site runs fast.

In fact, according to surveys done by Akamai and, nearly half of web users expect a site to load in 2 seconds or less. And if the site isn’t loaded within 3 seconds, they’ll just leave!

One study even found that a single second delay lead to a 7 % drop in conversions. So if you make $100 a day, in one year you’d lose $2,555 per one second of lag. Yikes!

But you needn’t worry. There are plenty of simple things you can do to improve your site speed (...and some not so simple things).

First of all, test your site’s load speed with PageSpeed Insights and Web Page Test. (I recommend both to get an accurate picture, as sometimes they’re not totally accurate.) Section 1: eCommerce Website Design Making Your Site The Speed of Light

As you can see, they both show mobile and desktop version speeds. They also give you the steps to boost your site’s speed yourself.

While some of them are highly technical - like “eliminating render-blocking JavaScript and CSS in above-the-fold content” - don’t let that stop you from fixing the easier things.

In fact, since you’re using Shopify, you probably won’t have many of these problems.

The most common issue in Shopify store-loading speeds is actually large image files, which is an easy (though perhaps time-consuming) fix.

To compress your images, there are two simple options:

• Download Gimp for free and manually shrink images by scaling them down (Image -> Scale Image) and exporting them as a jpeg file (Export As -> JPG) with a 97 image quality.

• Download the Shopify app.

If that still didn’t fix your page load speed, I recommend reading throughShopify’s page speed guide. They give even more tips to help you tweak your site.

If all that is too much for you, you can also hire us to optimize your site for you. Click here to get a free quote.

5 Better Product Descriptions & Options

If you’ve done your research on eCommerce marketing, you know that product descrip- tions are really important to increasing conversions.

A good product description makes sales. A bad one makes people leave your site.

Plus, as we’ll get to later, great product descriptions can boost your SEO. Section 1: eCommerce Website Design Better Product Descriptions & Options

So, how do you write better product descriptions? Try these on for size:

Use emotional language. In the words of famous copywriter Joseph Sugarman, “We buy based on emotions and justify our purchase with logic.”

How do you write with emotion? Try using trigger words.

For example:

• Taste = savor • Smell = aroma • Use = luxuriate • Sweet = decadent • Future = destiny

Take this example from Green and Black:

My mouth’s watering, too. Section 1: eCommerce Website Design Better Product Descriptions & Options

Paint a picture for your customers. In the words of famous copywriter Joseph Sugarman, “We buy based on emotions and justify our purchase with logic.”

How do you write with emotion? Try using trigger words.

For example:

Be personal. Write your descriptions as if you were talking to the person face-to-face, explaining the emotional, descriptive details of your product.

For example, which of these sounds more inviting to you?

• Brews 1-6 cups. • Brew a quick cup in the morning just for you, or put on a fresh pot for your whole party - up to six cups total! Section 1: eCommerce Website Design Better Product Descriptions & Options

Describe results, not functions. People care about what a product does for them, not what the product does.

For example, look how GoPro writes their product description….

...They use benefit-focused wording, like “capture the moments you don’t want to miss” and “gear-mounted shots when the shutter button is out of reach”.

Let your customers customize their order. People crave . If you can give that to them, they’ll buy.

This could mean adding custom graphics, a name, or a cool quote.

For example, see how this jersey can be gift wrapped, with a custom name and number, gender, size, style, and more: Section 1: eCommerce Website Design Better Product Descriptions & Options

Unfortunately, Shopify limits you to 1000 variants (which sounds like a lot, but really isn’t). Fortunately, you can get around this using a tool like the Bold Product Options Shopify app.

And that brings us to the end of the eCommerce website design section! For more info on beefing up your product descriptions, check out these posts:

• How to Write Product Descriptions That Will Make Customers Love Your Brand • The High Impact of Online Copywriting on Ecommerce Conversions

Remember, design is first because no amount of traffic or leads will help you if you’re not optimizing what you already have for conversions. Sending traffic to a poor website is like a knife with no tip - pointless. Section 2: 02 eCommerce SEO Section 2: eCommerce SEO

SEO stands for Search Engine Optimization. It’s the art of optimizing your website to show up in search engine results for keywords around your product or service.

Let me explain how important SEO is...

Roughly 410,000 people Google the word “shoes” every month.

(Source: Ahrefs ) Imagine you sell shoes and you rank #1 in search results for that keyword.

Do you think you’d start making some serious sales? Let’s do the math.

Roughly 30% of clicks go to the first Google result. Take 30% of 410,000 and you’re left with 123,000 clicks. Every month.

Let’s say you convert at a low-ball 1%, and you make $10 average per sale. That’s 1,230 sales, or $12,300. For free. Every month. Section 2: eCommerce SEO

Get that conversion rate up and you could easily quadruple that. (See why we did website design first?)

That is the power of eCommerce SEO.

And yes, ranking for the keyword “shoes” is virtually impossible for anyone but the giants.

But, there are loads of hidden gem keywords waiting to be scooped up.

In this section, we’ll cover:

1 Finding keyword gems

2 Optimizing your site for search engines

3 Boosting your site’s search rankings

Let’s get started! Section 2: eCommerce SEO Finding High Volume, Low Difficulty Keywords

1 Finding High Volume, Low Difficulty Keywords

Finding the right keywords is the most important part of eCommerce SEO.

Choose a word with a lot of traffic, but also a lot of competition, and you might never rank. Choose a word without any competition, but no traffic, and you won’t get any benefit.

So how do you find great keywords?

Try these on for size:

Using to Find Keywords Amazon is the single largest online retailer, which makes it perfect to find high-quality keywords.

Here’s how:

Go to Amazon and type in a keyword related to your products. You’ll see a bunch of search suggestions.

These suggestions are real long-tail keywords lots of people typed in the search bar. (Long-tail means it’s a search phrase as opposed to a single word.)

These longer search phrases tend to have a higher conversion rate and less competition.

Now, this can be pretty time-consuming. BUT there is a better way! (And it’s free!) Section 2: eCommerce SEO Finding High Volume, Low Difficulty Keywords

The Keyword Tool Dominator scrapes Amazon’s search suggestions. It will show you dozens of these results without you typing in a bunch of different words.

You can even save the keywords that make sense for your store. Just check the box near the ones you like, then click “Add Selected to Your Keyword List”.

So these are all well and great. But, you don’t know how much search volume these keywords are getting, nor how difficult it will be to rank for them.

How do you determine those key metrics?


Finding Keyword Search Volume and Difficulty Google Keyword Planner is Google’s free tool for determining keyword search vol- ume and paid search ad competition.

While it was built for search engine marketing and PPC ads via Google AdWords, you can still use it to see how much search volume your keywords get. Section 2: eCommerce SEO Finding High Volume, Low Difficulty Keywords

As you can see, “Adidas shoes men” gets the highest search volume at 10k - 100k per month. All of them have high competition, but competition refers to paid results, not organic rank difficulty.

Note: High competition isn’t necessarily a bad thing. It actually shows that a keyword converts well. If it didn’t, people wouldn’t be competing for the ad.

In order to see how difficult a keyword is to rank for organically, you’ll need another tool, such as Ahrefs, SEMrush, or Moz.

While each of these tools has a paid version, they also give you a few free daily key- word searches. These searches will give you keyword suggestions, search volume, and ranking difficulty.

I’ll show you using Ahrefs, because it’s the tool I use daily.

Notice the search volume is very different. I’ve honestly found a lot of variability in this, but I do think Ahrefs is more accurate than GKP.

The important piece here is KD.

KD stands for Keyword Difficulty, and it’s Ahrefs’ score of how difficult it is to rank for a keyword. It goes from 0-100, 100 being scaling mount everest and 0 being taking a walk around the block.

“Adidas shoes men” has a KD of 31. Not bad, but not a low-hanging fruit, either. Ahrefs estimates you’ll need ~38 backlinks to hit the first page of Google; certainly nothing to scoff at. Section 2: eCommerce SEO Finding High Volume, Low Difficulty Keywords

Note: Backlinks are links from other websites to your page. But more on that in the next section on boosting your search rankings.

“Adidas shoes youth” has a KD of just 8, or ~9 backlinks. Definitely more doable for a small site. But, it doesn’t get the traffic we want to see.

If you feel like this is a slow, painful process; it is.

But again, there’s an easier way.

The Secret Competition Keyword Spying Strategy Ahref’s paid accounts give you access to competitive research. And that’s where the gold nuggets come in. (Note: They do offer afree 14-day trial you can use to try this out.)

First, find your competition. Sticking to our shoe store idea, I’ll start with Zappos, the holy grail of shoe retailers.

Once you have at least one competitor in mind, head to Ahref’s site content explorer and paste their website URL in the search bar.

Click on the “Organic search” tab and scroll down to the top five organic keywords. Click “View full report”. Section 2: eCommerce SEO Finding High Volume, Low Difficulty Keywords

You’ll see a report of all the keywords they rank for. Obviously, this is way too much to go through.

To find the gold nuggets, filter your results to show the top 20 positions (because the lite plan can’t see past that anyway) and a KD max of 15 or so (to show only the keywords that are fairly easy to rank for). Then, organize by search volume.

From here, dig around for the keywords that make sense for your shop. Section 2: eCommerce SEO Finding High Volume, Low Difficulty Keywords

“Chacos” has has a KD of just 6 and an incredible volume of 88,000 per month! But, we can’t base our decisions solely off Ahrefs KD value. Let’s take a look at the real search results for “chacos” to see what we’d be up against. Section 2: eCommerce SEO Finding High Volume, Low Difficulty Keywords

There are some heavy hitters here, like the Chacos brand website, Amazon, Zappos, and the Chacos Facebook page.

However, Sierra Trading Post and Backcountry are beatable, with enough effort. It won’t be quite as easy as Ahrefs makes it out to be, but it is still doable.

Rinse and repeat this process of searching filtered results of various competitors until you’ve found a solid list of 10-20 potential keywords.

Make sure you check them out on Google before giving them the OK, and use your intuition to pick the winners.

Once you’ve found some good keywords, it’s time to optimize your site. Section 2: eCommerce SEO Boosting Your Site’s Search Rankings

3 Boosting Your Site’s Search Rankings

There are over 200 ranking factors that Google uses to rank pages in search results. Memorizing and capitalizing on every factor would be brutal. I don’t expect you to do that, nor do you need to.

Here are the 5 most important factors you need to worry about (in no particular order):

1. Keyword in your title tag. Having your keyword in your title tag (the H1 tag in your HTML, or the title of your page) is an important SEO ranking factor.

While it’s not imperative that your keyword comes in the beginning of your title tag, it does give it a better chance for Google to rank it.

For example, if I was targeting “Lose Belly Fat”, headline #1 below would rank slightly better than headline #2..

2. Long Content. One thing the top 10 Google search results have in common is length .

According to SerpIQ , the top 10 results average over 2000 words. Many experts recommend reaching at least 1500 words in order to rank. Section 2: eCommerce SEO Boosting Your Site’s Search Rankings

I don’t expect you to start writing ridiculously long product pages. However, you could add longer descriptions and product reviews to reach that count.

The best way to rank in search results, however, isn’t with your product pages.

The best way is to create a blog and start content marketing. Section 4 is entirely dedicated to eCommerce content marketing and starting a blog for SEO, traffic, and authority.

3. Page load speed. Google is placing a major emphasis on usability. That means mobile-friendliness, for- matting, and page load speed are all important to your rankings.

Go back to the section on making your speed as fast as light if you haven’t already boosted your site’s speed.

4. Keyword prominence and positioning. Gone are the days when stuffing a page full of keywords helped you rank in Google.

But that doesn’t mean Google stopped caring about keywords… not even close!

Placing your target keyword in specific places on your page - like your title, in the first 100 words of your article or listing, and in headings - gives signals to Google that your page is about that keyword. Section 2: eCommerce SEO Boosting Your Site’s Search Rankings

Read this post about on-page SEO to learn more. (Or read this guide specifically for optimizing product pages .)

5. Page authority. The authority of your page - determined by the quantity and quality of inbound links, among other things - is by far the number one factor Google uses to rank your page.

In other words, link building is still the number one way to boost your site rankings in Google.

This is especially true for eCommerce sites, where it can be more difficult to build links to product or category pages.

While these five pieces are only the beginning of understanding SEO, they will put you well on your way to ranking your site.

To recap eCommerce SEO:

1 Find great keywords.

2 Optimize your site for those keywords using on-page SEO.

3 Ensure your site is fast and optimized to keep people on your page.

4 Build backlinks to the pages you optimized for keywords.

5 Profit.

If you need more info, here are some great resources:

• The Ultimate Guide to SEO for eCommerce Websites • A Simple (But Complete) Guide To Ecommerce SEO

SEO is a long-term game, taking at least 3 to 6 months to see results (sometimes up to a year).

But, once you get traction, it’s a snowball effect of massively increased traffic over time. If you win at SEO, you’ll win at long-term eCommerce. Section 3: 03 Everything you need to know about Social Media for eCommerce Section 3: Everything you need to know about Social Media for eCommerce

Social media is massive.

It’s changed the way people go about their daily lives, interact with one another, and even how they purchase products.

But you already know that. I don’t need to sell you on social media marketing.

The real question is…

How do you do it - and see real, tangible results?

This section will cover:

1 How to choose the social media platforms for your store.

2 How to use those platforms to increase sales and build relationships.

3 Everything you need to know about paid social advertising.

Let’s go social! Section 3: Everything you need to know about Social Media for eCommerce How to choose the social media platforms for your store

1 How to choose the social media platforms for your store

There are dozens of social media websites out there now.

Which ones should you be on? Do you need to be on all of them? How do you choose? Don’t worry; This section will clear up all these questions.

Let’s start with the stats.

Shopify analyzed data from 37 million social media visits that led to 529,000 orders.

Check out what they found:

“Facebook dominates as a source of social traffic and sales. Nearly two thirds of all social media visits to Shopify stores come from Facebook. Plus, an average of 85% of all orders from social media come from Facebook. ”

Here’s a visual of their findings: Section 3: Everything you need to know about Social Media for eCommerce How to choose the social media platforms for your store

In other words, Facebook is THE social media platform you should be on. If you can only choose one, go with the big FB.

Besides, Facebook is by far the largest site, with a whopping 1.59 billion accounts. Compare that to the second highest, Instagram, at just 400 million. FB dwarfs the competition.

But should you be on multiple social media sites?

This is a question everyone has. Is just being on Facebook good enough?

Unfortunately, I have to answer this question with more questions…

Where does your audience hang out? The key to successful marketing is knowing your customer.

Do they scroll through Instagram everyday? Are they a big Pinterest pinner? Is Reddit their favorite place to spend an afternoon?

The best way to figure this out is to spy on competitor’s social media accounts. Where is your competition getting the most engagement? Go there.

What can you handle? Keeping your social media accounts updated and responding to your followers’ com- ments and messages is time-consuming. You have a business to run.

Ultimately, you shouldn’t take on more than you can handle. Social media only works if you’re active and social. If you can only do that on one account, just stick to Face- book.

For more help on choosing a platform, see these resources: Section 3: Everything you need to know about Social Media for eCommerce How to use social media to boost sales and build relationships

• Which Social Media Platforms should my business be on? • Which Social Media Accounts Really Matter and Why

Pro Tip: I think this is a good time to mention the Bold Social Autopilot app. This tool lets you automatically push your blog posts and product updates to your social media accounts.

While you shouldn’t automate everything on social media, it’s a great way to ensure you stay active.

2 How to use social media to boost sales and build relationships

Picking the right channels is only the first step. Now you have to actually put in the work.

This section is devoted to eCommerce social media marketing tips and tricks for opti- mal performance.

In other words: The stuff that really works.

First things first…

Begin with the end in mind. This is a habit made famous by Stephen Covey’s book, The 7 Habits of Highly Successful People. I’d argue it’s the most important, too.

Writing down your goals nearly doubles your chances of success. Starting your social media strategy with a clear, written goal is the best way to prevail. All the little tactics in the world won’t make up for a great strategy.

To begin, answer the following (in writing!):

Why are you on social media? Is your main goal to increase sales, to grow your brand awareness, to build your email list, or something else? Section 3: Everything you need to know about Social Media for eCommerce How to use social media to boost sales and build relationships

How can you measure your progress towards that goal? How do you know if you’re on the right track?

Some metrics you can use include:

• Followers (although this is more of a vanity metric) • Engagement (meaning likes, comments, and shares) • Leads (how many people clicked through to subscribe on your site) • Direct sales (you can track this using Facebook Pixels on your Shopify store)

Here’s an example of a strong goal:

Increase average engagement per Facebook post to 20 likes, 10 comments and 5 shares by the end of March.

It’s specific, imaginable, and measurable. I know whether or not I’m hitting my goal by looking at my Facebook page insights. Section 3: Everything you need to know about Social Media for eCommerce How to use social media to boost sales and build relationships

While working towards your social media goals, review your progress daily. Or at the very least weekly, because tracking your goals helps you stay on target and motivates you to try harder.

Next, get active on social media. I’m not talking about posting X times per day or liking X people’s Instagram photos. I mean actually getting on the platform and using it (with a goal in mind).

How do you do that?

Set a goal to spend 15 to 30 minutes every day on Facebook. Post something really valuable to your followers, like an inspirational quote, interesting article, or live video.

Use the rest of that time to engage with your followers.

Like, share, and comment on their posts. Respond to their comments on yours. Mes- sage them to let them know how grateful you are for them. Tag them in your updates.

For example, here is one of my highest engagement posts, with a reach of 2,600 people… Section 3: Everything you need to know about Social Media for eCommerce Paid Social Media Advertising: The do’s and don’ts

...notice how I linked to all the people I mentioned in the post. 11 of them shared it, which gave a MAJOR post to its reach.

The post was about must-have RV accessories, if you’re interested in checking it out.

Finally, be human. It sounds obvious, but social media is about being social. You’re interacting with real people with real dreams and ambitions.

Here’s a really simple way to improve your social media skills:

Every day, interact with one person and try to make their life better. Your goal could be to solve one of their problems, make their day with a gift, or even simply to make them laugh. Actually, especially to make them laugh.

Laughter is one of the strongest indicators of a successful relationship. If you can make your followers laugh, they’ll love you. Plus it’s fun for you, too!

But social media isn’t all about feel-good moments. We’re a business, too, and busi- nesses have to make money. Let’s talk about paid social media advertising.

3 Paid social media advertising: The do’s and don’ts

Let’s face it: social media sites need to make a profit, too.

That’s why Facebook became pay to play. Only 6% of your “fans” on Facebook will be shown your post updates, on average. That’s 6 out of every 100 people.


While there are methods to increase your organic reach, the easiest way to promote your business is through paid advertising.

There are hundreds of case studies of paid advertising success. Everything from Facebook to LinkedIn and more. Section 3: Everything you need to know about Social Media for eCommerce Paid Social Media Advertising: The do’s and don’ts

Where do you even start?

My suggestion: Facebook ads.

The average CPC (Cost Per Click) of FB ads is $0.27, or $27 per 100 clicks. If you convert at 3% (the average conversion rate for retail FB ads), that’s 3 sales per $27 spent.

If you can make just $10 per sale, that’s a profit of $3 - not great, but it’s a start. And I’m low-balling things to make a point.

Note: Actual percentages and costs can vary widely depending on what you’re selling. These numbers are just to give you a rough estimate of what’s realistically possible.)

Besides, if you followed my advice, you’re already on Facebook. And, once you break even or make a slight profit with your ads, you cantweak things to improve your conversion rate.

If you’re ready to start with Facebook advertising, check out this guide.

But what if you want to branch out from Facebook? Surely there are other advertising options.

Here are guides for advertising on each platform:

• Pinterest ads • ads • Instagram ads • YouTube ads • Reddit ads

Social media is a way of life now. Love it or hate it, it’s here to stay. Either adapt or be left in the dust. Just treat others with kindness and respect, and you’ll grow your business. Section 4: 04 Content Marketing Section 4: Content Marketing

Content marketing is a miracle marketing tactic…

...if you do it right!

To get all definition-y on you, content marketing is the process of creating, promoting, and profiting from worthwhile content.

That content could come in the form of videos, social media posts, or even user reviews. But the most common form of content is blogging.

As we discussed in the section on eCommerce SEO, blogging is a great way to rank your website on search engines. Articles tend to rank much more easily than a product or category page.

Content marketing is also one of the best marketing strategies out there right now.


Because… • Since Google is primarily a research tool, they prefer to rank longer content (2,000 + words) because longer content has a greater chance of containing complete information. It’s also a lot easier to write (and get backlinks to) a 2,000 word blog post compared to a 2,000 word product description.

• Blog posts are more valuable than product pages because they are information rich. Not only does this lead to more backlinks (which help you rank higher), but it also leads to more social shares and email opt-ins.

• Finally, content marketing costs 62% less than outbound marketing, yet it generates more than three times as many leads! Section 4: Content Marketing

This entire guide is an example of content marketing. We wrote it to help you grow your store, in the hopes that you’ll consider our products when you’re ready to make it grow even more.

You can do the same thing for your website and your target market. But there are a few basics you need to know about it before you dive in head-first.

This section covers those basics:

1 How to come up with blog topics with SEO in mind

2 Tips to become a better writer

3 How to promote your blog posts for improved reach

Get excited; it’s time to learn content marketing for eCommerce! Section 4: Content Marketing How to come up with blog topics with SEO in mind

1 How to come up with blog topics with SEO in mind

The topics you write about are arguably the most important part of starting a blog.

The right topics help you rank for industry-related keywords, entice people to click on you over your competitors in search results, and bring in more social shares.

But coming up with topics isn’t always easy. Sometimes it can feel like pulling teeth. Here are a few surefire ways to find awesome topics:

Create a topic . If you leave your ideas in your head, you’ll lose them. Create a Google sheet to keep a running list of topic ideas you can pull from.

Note that these can be actually title ideas, or just vague notions of an idea that can be formed into a coherent title later. The important part is getting the idea down.

Here’s an example of mine:

Now, create a mind map. A mind map is a tool for brainstorming. It starts by placing your main blog topic in the center, then creating branches off of it for different ideas.

While this doesn’t involve keyword research, it does help you come up with ideas for the seed keywords we talked about.

Here’s an example using the free tool MindMup: Section 4: Content Marketing How to come up with blog topics with SEO in mind

I started with “Live Chat ” and linked overarching categories, then got more specific.

It doesn’t matter how you organize the ideas; what’s more important is getting them down. You can organize later.

Pro Tip: For best results, give yourself a time limit with an online timer. I find 10 to 15 minutes to be the best amount of time because it forces you to put stuff down without getting stuck on approving every idea.

Jot down your favorite ideas into your Google sheet, then…

Spy on your competition Remember how we used Ahrefs to spy on our competitors’ keywords? You can do the same thing to spy on their blog post keywords.

Sticking with the live chat example, let’s spy on Olark, a major live chat provider.

Within five minutes, I found the keyword “chat box”. It gets 2,000 monthly searches with a KD of 4.

Now you could write a post like “7 Ways to Maximize Revenue with a Chat Box”.

Creating a high-quality article that follows standard on-page SEO should land you on the first page with just a few links to your new post.

Again, be sure to check actual Google results before you dive in with a keyword. Those results can give you an idea of what people are looking for when they search that keyword.

Record your findings in your Google sheet. Section 4: Content Marketing How to come up with blog topics with SEO in mind

Finally, dig for related keywords. Remember that fancy word, latent semantic indexing? It’s coming back.

When optimizing a blog post for SEO, you need to include semantically related key- words. But don’t worry, they’re easy to find.

Just head over to Google and type in your keyword. I’ll stick with “chat box”. You’ll notice Google give suggestions.

This tells me that if I’m writing about chat boxes, I should include “chat box for your website”, “chat box html” and “chat box app”, if they relate to my topic.

You can find more at the bottom of the page.

Jot these down in your Google sheet. (I like to create a new sheet for semantic keywords, since they’re all related to a single article. It just makes things easier to organize.)

Based on these related keywords, you might also come up with topic ideas for other posts. Section 4: Content Marketing 6 Tips to become a better writer

For example, one post could be “How to Code a Chat Box” and another could be “How to Use a Chat Box”, based on the HTML/app keywords versus the live chat keywords.

For more info on finding and using LSI keywords, check outthis guide.

Once you’ve figured out some topics, it’s time to start writing.

2 6 Tips to become a better writer

The next most important part of content marketing after choosing the right keywords and titles is the content itself.

But I have good news:

You don’t have to be an amazing writer to create great content. You just need to follow some best practices.

Here they are:

1. Practice great formatting. Which of these would you rather read?

Me too.

I’m sure you’ve noticed that this guide is broken up into sections, with easy navigation. That was no accident. Section 4: Content Marketing 6 Tips to become a better writer

Great formatting makes it easy for your readers to skim your content and pull key information.

(And don’t kid yourself; the average person only reads 20% of a page.) It also makes you look more trustworthy and increases your chances of getting organic backlinks (which, again, are important for SEO).

So how do you format well?

• Break up your post using headings and subheadings • Use bullet points to display key information • Bold and italicize key points (but only use one, not both) • Keep your paragraphs no longer than 3 to 5 lines

Finally, use images to break up your text and display key information.

2. Use high-quality, relevant images. Did you notice how many screenshots and charts I’ve included in this guide? How has that affected your ability to read and absorb key points?

Images, when done well, add a lot of value to a blog post.

Plus, BuzzSumo found that articles with an image once every 75-100 words received double the social media shares as articles with fewer images. Section 4: Content Marketing 6 Tips to become a better writer

If you feel like that’s a lot; it is.

I would say a good rule of thumb is one image every 300 words or so. If you have to go longer, try breaking up the text with a click to tweet box, a quote block, or a bul- leted list.

Keep in mind that these images need to be high-quality and relevant! That means screenshots to better explain a step, charts and graphs to visually repre- sent data, and custom-made banners to break up sections.

Where can you get high-quality blog images?

Check out this post: How to Create Awesome Blog Images Without a Designer.

3. Read and write more. Now it’s time to talk about actually writing a post.

There are two key things here I want you to notice: 1. I’ve been referring to blogging as creating content, not writing content. This is because great content isn’t written, it’s assembled. Writing is only one small part. 2. Anyone can become a writer. In fact, everyone is a writer. We all write emails, social media posts, or text messages every day. Writing blog posts is just a habit you need to develop, like exercising or eating healthy. So how do you become a better writer?

According to Stephen King, by reading and writing. It really is that simple.

Here are some great resources I highly recommend:

• Awesome! 16 Powerful SEO Copywriting Secrets (That Work Fast) • Everybody Writes by Ann Handley • The free Copyblogger course Section 4: Content Marketing 6 Tips to become a better writer

Make it a habit of writing 500 words every day, or set a timer for 15 minutes. I like having a word count because it separates results from time. (I got this practice from Jeff Goins, a popular writer and author.)

4. Back up your claims with research and facts. I could tell you right now that standing on your head for 5 hours a day doubles your lifespan. We’ll call that a “Bold” claim. (See what I did there?)

Why on Earth would you believe me if I didn’t link to my source? Where is the re- search that backs that up?

I’ll sum this up to one sentence:

Always, always, always , link to your sources.

Not only does this practice make you more credible, it also keeps you honest and helps with SEO (outbound linking is a ranking factor). It forces you to try and find the source for that stat you remember reading one time.

When all else fails, just remember the Credible Hulk: Section 4: Content Marketing 6 Tips to become a better writer

5. Involve influencers. Influencer marketing is more than just getting influencers to share your products. You can involve them in your blog posts to get more shares and backlinks, too!

Aaron Orendorff @iconiContent( ) is a master at this.

For example, he wrote Clinton vs. Trump: 18 CROs Tear Down the Highest Stakes Marketing Campaigns in US History, which become Unbounce’s most-shared post with over 8,000 shares!

Why was it such a huge success?

Because, aside from great writing and a great title, he involved 18 CRO (conversion rate optimization) experts to give their input in the article.

If someone asked you your opinion, then put it in their article next to a nice picture of you, how would that make you feel?

Chances are, you’d feel flattered. And you’d share the post.

And so, all 18 of these CROs (many being highly influential) shared the post. And the traction began.

To learn more about this tactic, check out Jason Quey’s ultimate guide to influencer marketing. Section 4: Content Marketing 6 Tips to become a better writer

6. Spread the love. Blogging is not a vacuum. Even if you’re a one-man (or woman) crew, you need other people to read and promote your blog.

Plus, as I said earlier, outbound links improve SEO (as long as you’re linking to high-authority, high-quality content).

But that’s not all they do.

Spreading the love by linking to people across the web gives you an opportunity to promote your work.

For example, in the last section on influencers I mentioned Aaron Orendorff and Jason Quey.

When this post went live, I reached out to them to let them know I linked to them. It was easy for me to ask for a share in return.

I can do that for every link in this entire guide. Imagine the kind of results we’ll see just from that!

For more on this tactic of linking and outreach, check out this guide by Aaron Agius on KISSmetrics. Section 5: 05 Providing stellar customer service Section 5: Providing stellar customer service

At Bold, we believe relationships are everything.

Here’s why:

On our launch day five years ago, we totally forgot to upload the instructions with our app.

Within an hour, we had our first review - it was one star.


But it turned out to be a blessing in disguise!

We fixed the problem immediately and reached out to the store owner. We’re proud to say this is our first review:

That experience was an absolute blessing in disguise. It taught us that excellent customer service skills are the most important part of our business.

Most B2B software companies hire developers first. Our first two hires were customer service reps. It’s the reason we’re still around five years later and will be around for the next five years. Section 5: Providing stellar customer service Don’t be afraid of returns

Note: We’ll discuss getting user reviews in detail in section 7.

And we’ll teach you what we’ve learned:

1 Don’t be afraid of returns

2 Send thank-you letters and other gifts

3 Use live chat and social media support

Let’s get started.

1 Don’t be afraid of returns

Returns, like negative reviews, can be a blessing in disguise.

Any time someone returns a product, it’s a chance for you to blow them away and get a customer for life.

How do you do that?

Make returns as painless as possible. Don’t ask for a picture or a restocking fee. Don’t make them pay return shipping. Hell, don’t even make them return the product if you can help it.

We wrote a full post on how to use your returns policy to increase sales. If you want to learn more, go give it a read!

Make returns as painless as possible. Returns on Shopify can get a little complicated as you scale your store. Things can quickly get disorganized and confusing.

To combat that, you can use the Returns Manager app for Shopify.

Here’s a quick explainer video: Section 5: Providing stellar customer service Send thank-you letters and the other gifts

2 Send thank-you letters and other gifts

You know that feeling when you check the mail and get something that isn’t bills or junk advertisements?

It’s SUCH a good feeling! No one takes the time anymore to send handwritten letters or surprise gifts. It’s so rare that when it does happen, you remember it.

That’s why sending hand-written letters to your customers, even just in their packages, is a perfect way to stand out.

This tactic also plays on the rules of reciprocity. As proven by psychologists, when we receive a gift, we feel we should return the favor.

In other words, your customers are more likely to buy. Buffer does this incredibly well. They send handwritten letters signed by their “happi- ness team” (AKA customer service department).

But that’s not all! They also send STICKERS!! Section 5: Providing stellar customer service Send thank-you letters and the other gifts

Stickers are great because: 1. Everyone loves stickers. 2. They’re cheap. 3. They advertise your brand for free.

What’s more to want?

Some other good simple gift ideas include:

• Beef jerky • Gift cards to your store • Cash (though be wary of sending this in letters) • Your products • Anything on this list

As far as the handwritten letters go… you don’t have to write them yourself!

You can use a service like Thankbot to send them automatically to your customers. You even get to pick the card, handwriting, text, and packaging! Section 5: Providing stellar customer service Use live chat and social media support

3 Use live chat and social media support Being available to your customers is important. Email and phone are becoming ancient artifacts in today’s high-tech, always connected world. People want instant messaging.

In fact, 63% of customers said they were more likely to return to a website that offers live chat as opposed to one that doesn’t.

Plus, live chat is a great opportunity to interview your customers to learn more about their psychographics for better marketing.

If you’re looking for a good live chat software for Shopify, check out Formilla live chat. They offer a great free plan to get you started. Section 6: 06 Leveraging location-based marketing Section 6: Leveraging location-based marketing

Location-based marketing, like putting your shop on Google or using local ads, is often overlooked for stores who rely primarily on eCommerce.

If you have a physical store, this is a huge mistake!

Here are three steps to using location-based marketing:

1 Get your business on Google

2 Use location-based advertising

3 (Optional): Install Bold’s Store Locator app

1 Step #1: Get your business on Google If you aren’t already registered with Google, do that first. It’s really easy, free, and only takes a few minutes.

To get on “Google My Business”, follow the steps in this guide.

Besides helping people find your store, it also boosts your SEO with a nice backlink and faster indexing. Section 6: Leveraging location-based marketing Step #2: Use location-based advertising

2 Step #2: Use location-based advertising

Location-based advertising is exactly what it sounds like: Displaying ads on a person’s phone based on their current location in real-time.

You know how an app asks you whether or not you want to allow location tracking when you install it? That’s how it works. (And most people have no problem allowing this.)

According to eConsultancy, “Using a person’s location data, gleaned from their mo- bile device, advertisers can send different messages to people depending on where they are.”

Imagine you’re walking down the street in your local city and you see a 50% off ad for a Starbucks just two blocks down the road.

Chances are, you (and most people) will take a look, because it hits on the three requirements for amazing advertising:

• It’s personalized. • It’s relevant. • It’s timely. Section 6: Leveraging location-based marketing Step #3: (Optional): Install Bold’s Store Locator app

That’s a slam-dunk in the advertising world!

Want to learn how it’s done? Check out this guide to location-based advertising by Mobileads.

3 Step #3 (Optional): Install Bold’s Store Locator app

Bold’s Store Locator app lets you display the location of your store on a digital map, directly integrated with Google Maps.

Why should you care?

Here’s a video overview: Section 7: 07 Other eCommerce Marketing & Growth Tactics Section 7: Other eCommerce Marketing & Growth Tactics

By now, you’re over 6,000 words into this guide. That’s a lot of information to take in.

But you’re not at the end yet. There are still a few things left for you to learn about growing your online store.

Ten strategies, to be exact:

1 Product upselling & cross-selling

2 Product bundling

3 Leverage scarcity

4 Volume discounts

5 Built-in sales incentives

6 Reducing abandoned carts

7 Membership programs

8 Loyalty and rewards programs

9 Subscriptions

10 Customer reviews

Let’s start with an idea that’s changed the retail world as we know it: Section 7: Other eCommerce Marketing & Growth Tactics Upselling & cross-selling

1 Upselling & cross-selling

Upselling and cross-selling are responsible for roughly 10-30% of all eCommerce revenue.

In fact, upsells made up 35% of Amazon’s revenue in 2006. Old data, yes, but still impressive considering that amounts to $3.7 billion.

Amazon’s really good at upselling and cross-selling. We’ve all fallen prey to it. Just look how tempting this is:

Yup, I want it all. Gimme, gimme, gimme!

That’s great for Amazon, but how do you implement these tactics and reap the benefits?

Easy: Click here to read our full guide to upselling on your shop.

We discuss everything from what to upsell or cross-sell, how much to sell it for, and how to increase your conversions.

Don’t have the best Shopify app for upselling and cross-selling yet? Download Bold Product Upsell now!

Once you’re done with that, you can move on to… Section 7: Other eCommerce Marketing & Growth Tactics Product bundling

2 Product bundling

Product bundling is a strategy where you bundle multiple products together at a better price to get more sales.

Sounds simple enough - and it is. Done right, it can help you increase your average order value.

But, there’s a strategy to make it more effective.

It all lies in the way you advertise your bundles. Think of it as cross-selling, but with- out showing the products separately.

Here it is in action:

See how powerful this can be?

It’s easy enough to do. Just install the Product Bundles Shopify app, then enter in your variants.

For more info on product bundling, check out Jay Lagarde’s guide for Entrepreneur. Section 7: Other eCommerce Marketing & Growth Tactics Leverage Scarcity

3 Leverage Scarcity

Scarcity is INCREDIBLY powerful in online sales.


Get this:

One of the most well-known scarcity studies was conducted by Stephen Worchel in 1975.

He and his colleagues offered subjects cookies in a jar. One jar had ten cookies in and the other jar had two cookies.

What did they find?

Subjects preferred the cookies from the jar with two in it, even though the cookies in both jars were identical.

Image Source Section 7: Other eCommerce Marketing & Growth Tactics Volume Discounts

And it works in eCommerce.

For example, OnePlus sold over one million phones using scarcity tactics.

Need more examples? Check out this post full of case studies by ReferralCandy.

Here are a few strategies to actually implement scarcity on your store:

1. Add a timer to your product pages to show when a sale is going to end. 2. Show the quantity of items left, especially if it’s under 15. 3. Give a sale to the first X buyers. (Promote it via social media and your email list.)

However, keep in mind that when more than 30% of the items in your store have a “for sale” or discount sticker on them, scarcity stops working.

4 Volume Discounts

Volume discounts aren’t for everyone, but they can allow some B2C stores to also sell B2B.

If this is something you’re interested in, check out our case study! Section 7: Other eCommerce Marketing & Growth Tactics Built-in Sales Incentives

5 Built-in Sales Incentives

Have you ever been shopping online, when a message popped up and said, “Hey, if you spend $X more you’ll get free shipping!” or “X% off!”?

Like this:

That’s a sales incentive. And it works 3 out of every 10 times.

In other words, adding this feature to your store will increase 30% of your order’s values! Sounds awesome, right?

Here’s how to do it:

First, install The Motivator Shopify app, a plugin that lets you show this message automatically.

Once you have it, crunch some numbers to see how much of a discount you can offer. Or you can give away free shipping or a free product; whatever floats your boat.

Finally, launch it and watch the sales roll in! It really is that easy.

Here’s a quick explainer video: Section 7: Other eCommerce Marketing & Growth Tactics Strategies to decrease cart abandonment

6 Strategies to decrease cart abandonment

It’s been found that something like 70% of all carts are abandoned.

Poor things. Nothing we could do for them…

...or is there?

That’s a lot of money left sitting around. What would you do with 60% more sales?

While you probably won’t recover all of those who left, recovering 20-60% is very do-able.


First, we need to understand why people abandon cart. It’s a lot easier to get someone to come back if you know why they left in the first place.

Here are the most common reasons for abandoned carts, according to a study by Baymard Institute: Section 7: Other eCommerce Marketing & Growth Tactics Create a membership program to make passive income

More than half leave due to extra costs, like shipping, tax, and other fees.

The best part?

That’s SO easy to fix! All you have to do is make people aware of any extra costs before they ever reach the checkout page.

Let’s learn how…

How to reduce abandoned carts: 11 proven strategies There are a lot of ways to go about getting those shoppers back.

You can use exit-intent popups with a tool like PixelPop, send follow-up emails with Conversio, or use retargeting ads.

But I’m not going to discuss all that here because we’ve already covered abandoned carts in-depth. Click here to see the 11 strategies now.

7 Create a membership program to make passive income

We already talked about subscriptions; now we’re talking about memberships.

What’s the difference?

A subscription is just a recurring order every month or week. A membership, on the other hand, is a recurring payment in exchange for something.

That “something” could be unique content, special discounts, or member-only products (like an “I’m a member!” t-shirt or mug).

Why on Earth would you want to add another thing to worry about on your store?

Because it can make you easy, passive money.

And the more passive money you’re making, the more people you can hire and software you can afford, and the more quickly you can scale your business. It’s a win-win-win. Section 7: Other eCommerce Marketing & Growth Tactics Build a massive following with a loyalty program

So how do you do it?

Easy: Just install the Bold Recurring Memberships app on your Shopify store!

8 Build a massive following with a loyalty program

A 2016 study found that customers who are members of loyalty programs, such as frequent flier clubs, generate between 12 and 18 percent more revenue than non-members.

This is a common theme. Loyalty programs cater to the 80/20 rule (almost).

They’re created for the top 20% of your customers, who generate 70% more revenue than the rest of your 80% of customers. They spend more over a longer period of time.

The question isn’t “should I use loyalty programs” (that’s a resounding ‘yes!’), but rather “how do I improve my loyalty program?”

I’ll tell you how.

Here are a few tips to amplify your loyalty program:

Match your program to your brand. Dollar Shave Club, for example, is a masculine, fun-loving, almost vulgar brand. They give their members fun quotes like “‘I like shav- ing with a dull razor.’ - No one, ever.” Section 7: Other eCommerce Marketing & Growth Tactics Create a subscription program

Reward customers who give referrals. Referrals are free customers. Referrals by your best customers are likely to become more of your best customers. It’s a compounding effect. So give lots of bonuses, like gift cards, free merch or products, and even cash prizes, to those who send you referrals.

Give customers bonus points on certain days. Nordstrom does this really well. It’s a perfect way to drive traffic on slow days and boost engagement.

Use your loyalty program to get more reviews and survey answers. Reviews can increase sales; 63% of customers are more likely to make a purchase from a site which has user reviews. And surveys can help you personalize your marketing efforts. perfect way to drive traffic on slow days and boost engagement.

For bonus virality, give anyone who shares your store loyalty points. It’s cheap marketing, really. Plus, when someone shares something, they tend to like it more.

Check out Sweet Tooth Reward’s list of 20 awesome loyalty program examples for inspiration.

And when you’re ready to launch a loyalty program on your Shopify store, have a look at Bold’s Loyalty Points app.

9 Create a subscription program

Subscription box services are all the rage right now.

Just take a look at this Google Trends report: Section 7: Other eCommerce Marketing & Growth Tactics Create a subscription program

It’s getting more popular over time. And it looks like we’re due for another spike.

(You can even get bacon delivered to your doorstep every month. Count me in!)

But why should you care?

Because they’re simple to implement, bring in scalable profits, and create repeat orders automatically. Not to mention almost any niche can use them, if you’re creative enough.

One of the biggest difficulties in eCommerce is bringing in new customers. Sub- scription boxes help ease that burden by keeping the customers you’ve already paid money to get.

Here’s what you need to know:

First, get Bold’s Recurring Orders app if you don’t already have a way to implement subscription boxes. You’ll love it.

Once you have it, you need something to sell.

Here are some brainstorming ideas:

• Anything with unlimited variations, such as coffee mugs with differ- ent shapes and designs, shirts, or phone cases. (Hint: Start selling these things with designs focused on your niche!)

• Anything consumable. If it can be eaten or used up, people will need a new one.

• Don’t have a fit for either of the above? Think of things that can complement the things you sell. For example, if your primary busi- ness is selling laptop computers, you could create a “mousepad of the month” club with new designs every month. Or even a “screen cleaner of the month”. Section 7: Other eCommerce Marketing & Growth Tactics Customer reviews

Basically, you want to look for things that people can either eat, use, or show off their personality with. Typically you’ll want to keep the subscription under $200 a month to get the most customers, but there are some exceptions.

Easy peasy, right?

If you want to learn more about how to start a subscription box on your store, check out this Webinar with Lucky Tackle Box. We discuss how they came up with their box idea and how they made it into a success.

10 Customer reviews Customer reviews of your store and your product are basically like free marketing.

Plus, any time a customer leaves a review, it increases their lifetime value and makes them like your brand more. Get them to share their review and it’s a win-win-win.

Product reviews have other uses as well. They can be displayed in Facebook ads for better conversions, added to your upsell pop up to increase average order value, and they even help boost your SEO.

If you’re not already accepting customer reviews, you need to be. You can get started for free with YotPo, a beautifully designed Shopify plugin that makes it stupid easy to get and promote your reviews. Section 7: Other eCommerce Marketing & Growth Tactics Customer reviews

They also have added features, like the ability to send responsive emails that allow the customer to review their purchase right from their inbox without going to another screen.

To learn more about harnessing the power of product reviews on your online store, check out our full guide.

And that brings us to the end of our extra marketing tips and tricks.

But we’re not quite done yet! We want to make sure you have all the resources you need, so the final section covers the best Shopify apps on the market. Section 8: 08 18 Shopify apps and counting Section 8: 18 Shopify apps and counting.

This section is dedicated to showing off the best Shopify apps.

It contains everything from automation to marketing, web design, and more!

Here’s a quick list of them all, then we’ll get into them in more detail:

1 Bold apps

2 Yotpo

3 TradeGecko

4 Nextopia

5 Nosto

6 Conversio

7 Shipstation

8 Spently

9 Rare

Let’s break ‘em down. Section 8: The very best Shopify apps Bold Apps / Yotpo

1 Bold Apps

As you’ve seen throughout the article, here at Bold Commerce we have 18 Shopify apps and counting!

Since we’ve already talked about most of them throughout this guide, I won’t get into too much detail here. Instead, click here to see our full list of apps.

2 YotPo

YotPo is your go-to app if you need user reviews (and you do!). If you don’t have a review app already installed, use YotPo. Section 8: The very best Shopify apps TradeGecko / Nextopia

Their software is intuitive, easy to install, and doesn’t slow down your site. It’s also got a very clean UI and makes it really easy for customers to leave reviews. Plus, you get extra features like Facebook reviews, testimonials and follow-up emails to get even more user generated content.

3 TradeGecko

TradeGecko is an “inventory and order management software for modern merchants”.

In other words, you can use their platform to automatically place your orders with suppliers and keep an eye on your inventory. This is especially useful if you’re dropshipping, since you’ll be placing orders every day.

4 Nextopia Section 8: The very best Shopify apps Nosto

Nextopia offers the next-gen in site search-ability. You can install their search bar to get awesome features, like:

• Autocomplete (like Google and Amazon) • Suggested searches (based on common past searched) • Additional details (like price, size, brand, etc.) • Product recommendations • Geotargeting

We already discussed how your navigation plays a major role in increasing conversions. Give them a shot!

5 Nosto

Nosto is an all-in-one solution to provide personalized shopping experiences for your customers.

They can:

• Help you with Facebook advertising • Show your customers personalized product recommendations • Provide behavioral popups • Send personalized emails

Great service! Definitely check them out if you need any of the above. Section 8: The very best Shopify apps Conversion / Shipstation

6 Conversio

Conversio is awesome. They were formerly Receiptful, an app that helped you send awesome receipts that upsold your customers and recovered abandoned carts.

They have a whole slew of apps now, including a dashboard, a feed- back and review system, a search bar, and a recommendations app.

7 Shipstation

Shipstation is a shipping management app. The image above should be enough to make you want to use it. These guys are awesome!

With their platform, you can automatically place orders, print shipping labels, and get shipping discounts, right from your laptop or phone. Section 8: The very best Shopify apps Spently / Rare

8 Spently

Similar to Conversio, Spently allows you to automatically send transactional emails and follow-ups with built-in product recommendations and discounts.

They also have advanced analytics and an email template builder to help you quickly design beautiful emails for your customers.

9 Rare

Rare is a predictive email marketing solution. In simpler terms, it automatically sends personalized emails based on actions your customers have taken.

For example, it can send customized birthday emails, abandoned cart emails, emails based on how long it’s been since a customer opened your last email, and more.

And that’s it for must-have Shopify apps - and for this guide! Section 8: The very best Shopify apps Conclusion


Creating an eCommerce store is easy. Growing it is hard.

However, with the strategies we’ve revealed in this guide, I’m confident you can reach six, seven, and even eight figures. They’re strategies used by the best shop owners in the biz.

If you’re serious about creating an asset that grabs sales while you sleep and grows month over month, make sure you’re coming back to this guide every few months to keep your store ahead of the curve.

For best results, I recommend you tackling the guide one section at a time, starting with your website design since a great website improves everything else mentioned.

And if you need help designing a powerful website, consider getting a free quote from our team here at Bold. We’ve worked with businesses of all sizes, from ‘mom and pop’ stores working out of their basements to Fortune 500 companies like: Google, Zippo, TimeLife, Cirque du Soleil, and P&G. Our team specializes in inte- grations, migrations from existing platforms, custom app creation, as well as custom design and development; Bring us your ideas and we’ll make them a reality.

Good luck, and thanks for reading!