Scientific and Cultural Conference for World Peace
REVIEW OF THE SCIENTIFIC AND CULTURAL CONFERENCE FORWORLD PEACE ARRANGED BY THE NATIONAL COUNCIL O~ THE ARTS, SCIENCES AND PROFESSIONS AND HELD IN NEW YORK CITY ON MARCH 25, 26, and 27, 1949 APRIL 19, 1949 Prepared and released by the COMMITTEE ON UN-AMERICAN ACTIVITIES, U. S. HOUSE OP REPRESENTATIVES WASHINGTON, D. C. COMMITTEE ON"UN';A:MERICAN' ACTIVITIES, UNITED STATES HOUSE OF REPRESEKTJ\TIVES JOHN B.WOOD, Georgia, Chairman FRANCISE. WALTER, Pcnnsyivanla J. PARNELL THOMAS, New]ersey BURR P. HA.RRISON,Virglnin RICHARD M. NIXON, California JOHN McSWEENEY, Ohio FRANCIS CA.SE, SouthDakota MORGAN M. MOULDER, Missouri HAROLD H. VELDE, illinois LOUIS J. RUSSELL, Senior. IflIJe&tioatoT :attNl~~nNMANDEL, Direclor: Of lU8earch JOlIN W. CARRINGTON, Olerk Of Comrn!t(ie II ~ ... " :... X" ~.~ ...... \" .', - . / A REVIEW OF THE SCIENTIFIC AND CULTURAL CONFERENCE FOR WORLD PEACE ARRANGED BY THE NATIONAL COUN CIL OF THE ARTS, SCIENCES, AND PROFESSIONS AND HELD IN NEW YORK CITY ON MARCH 25, 26,. AND 27, 1949 Parading under the imposing title of the Scientific and Cultural Conference lor World Peace the gathering at the Waldorf~A~toria 'Hotel in New York City on 1tlarch 25, 26, and 27, 1949, was actually a supermabilization of the inveterate wheelhors~s and supporters of the Communist Party and' its auxiliary organizations. It was in a sense a glorified pyramid club, pyramiding into one inflated front the names which had time and again been used by the' Communists as. decoys for the entrapment of innocents. The Communist-front connections of these sponsors, as reflected by the tabulation in this report, are very extensive.
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