SUGARBEET January 2013 Contents (Dates in Parenthesis Indicate When Each Topic Was Updated)

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SUGARBEET January 2013 Contents (Dates in Parenthesis Indicate When Each Topic Was Updated) UC IPM Pest Management Guidelines: SUGARBEET January 2013 Contents (Dates in parenthesis indicate when each topic was updated) General Information Relative Toxicities of Pesticides Used in Sugarbeet to Natural Enemies and Honey Bees (1/10) .................................................. 1 Insects and Mites (Section reviewed 11/05) Aphids: General Considerations (1/10) ................................................................................................................................................... 2 Bean Aphid (1/10) ....................................................................................................................................................................................... 3 Green Peach Aphid (1/10) ......................................................................................................................................................................... 6 Other Aphids (1/10) ................................................................................................................................................................................... 8 Sugarbeet Root Aphid (1/10) .................................................................................................................................................................... 8 Armyworms (1/10) ..................................................................................................................................................................................... 9 Beet Leafhopper (1/10) ............................................................................................................................................................................. 11 Cutworms (1/10) ....................................................................................................................................................................................... 12 Empoasca Leafhoppers (1/10) ................................................................................................................................................................. 14 Flea Beetles (1/10) ..................................................................................................................................................................................... 16 Grasshoppers (1/10) ................................................................................................................................................................................. 17 Leafminers (11/05) .................................................................................................................................................................................... 18 Saltmarsh Caterpillar (1/10) .................................................................................................................................................................... 19 Seedcorn Maggot (1/10) ........................................................................................................................................................................... 20 Spider Mites (1/10) ................................................................................................................................................................................... 21 Webworms (1/10) ..................................................................................................................................................................................... 23 Whiteflies (1/10) ........................................................................................................................................................................................ 25 Wireworms (1/10) ..................................................................................................................................................................................... 27 Diseases (Section reviewed 11/05) Aphid-Borne Viruses (1/10) .................................................................................................................................................................... 28 Cercospora Leaf Spot (1/10) .................................................................................................................................................................... 29 Curly Top (1/10) ........................................................................................................................................................................................ 30 Erwinia Soft Rot (11/05) ........................................................................................................................................................................... 31 Phytophthora and Pythium Root Rots (11/05) ..................................................................................................................................... 32 Powdery Mildew (1/10) ........................................................................................................................................................................... 33 Rhizoctonia Root and Crown Rot (11/05) ............................................................................................................................................. 34 Rhizomania (1/10) ..................................................................................................................................................................................... 35 Rhizopus Root Rot (11/05) ....................................................................................................................................................................... 36 Sclerotium Root Rot (1/10) ...................................................................................................................................................................... 37 Seedling Diseases (1/10) .......................................................................................................................................................................... 38 Whitefly-Borne Viruses (1/10) ................................................................................................................................................................ 39 Nematodes (Section updated 1/13) ............................................................................................................................................................ 40 Weeds (Section reviewed 11/05) Integrated Weed Management (1/10) .................................................................................................................................................... 43 Special Weed Problems (11/05) ............................................................................................................................................................... 48 Common and Scientific Names of Weeds (11/05) ................................................................................................................................ 49 Susceptibility of Winter Weeds in Sugarbeet to Herbicide Control (1/10) ...................................................................................... 51 Susceptibility of Spring and Summer Weeds in Sugarbeet to Herbicide Control (1/10) ............................................................... 52 Herbicide Treatment Table (1/13) ........................................................................................................................................................ 53 Precautions for Using Pesticides .............................................................................................................................................................. 57 An illustrated version of this guideline is available online at Publication 3469 UC Statewide Integrated Pest Management Program UC IPM Pest Management Guidelines – SUGARBEET Authors Insects and Mites: E.T. Natwick, UCCE Imperial Co. Diseases: S. Kaffka, Agronomy and Range Science, UC Davis; T. A. Turini, UCCE Fresno Co.; W.M. Wintermantel, USDA-ARS, Salinas Nematodes: B. B. Westerdahl, Nematology, UC Davis; J. O. Becker, Nematology, UC Riverside Weeds: K. J. Hembree, UCCE Fresno Co. Acknowledgment for Contributions to Insects and Mites: C. G. Summers, Entomology, Kearney Agricultural Center, Parlier; D. R. Haviland, UC IPM Kern Co.; L. D. Godfrey, Entomology, UC Davis Acknowledgment for contributions to Diseases: R. T. Lewellen, USDA-ARS, Salinas; C. A. Frate, UCCE Tulare Co. Acknowledgment for contributions to Nematodes: U. C. Kodira, Nematology, UC Davis Acknowledgment for contributions to Weeds: R. F. Norris, Vegetable Crops and Weed Science, UC Davis About this publication Produced and edited by: UC Statewide IPM Program University of California , Davis Guidelines Coordinator: R. Basler Production: K. Gosal, C. Laning This publication has been anonymously peer reviewed for technical accuracy by University of California scientists and other qualified professionals. This review process was managed by the ANR Associate Editor for Agricultural Pest Management. The UC IPM Pest Management Guidelines are available from: • Online: • UC Cooperative Extension County Offices University of California • ANR/Communication Services Richmond, CA 94804 510-665-2195; 800-994-8849 Updates: These guidelines are updated regularly. Check with your University of California Cooperative Extension Office or the UC IPM Web
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