Part 1- Section F

Oral Assembly Questions for answer on 19th October 1999

R Signifies the Member has declared an interest.

( Self identifying Question no. shown in brackets )

To ask the Assembly First Secretary

1. Jonathan Morgan (South Wales Central); What representation has the executive received in relation to the administration of European Taskforce. (OAQ1455VB)

2. Alison Halford (Delyn); If he will initiate a study to assess what costs may be saved by merging the Sports Council for Wales and the Welsh Sports Trust. (OAQ1474VB)

3. Christine Humphreys (North Wales); Will he consider the establishment of a body similar to the National Centre for Volunteering, which exists to 'promote excellence in Volunteering' in England'. (OAQ1477VB)

4. David Melding (South Wales Central); If he will make a commitment to reducing social exclusion by instituting a hospital building programme. (OAQ1456VB)

5. Peter Black (South Wales West); In accordance with the Memorandum of Understanding, what consultations took place with the Welsh Government prior to the launch of the Government's Early Learning proposals , how will these be applied in Wales and what additional funding will be available from the UK Government to pay for the proposed inspection regime. (OAQ1472VB)

6. Phil Williams (South Wales East); What is the estimated net transfer of revenue from Wales as a result of the payment of the proposed climate change levy and the reduction of National Insurance contributions. (OAQ1481VB)

7. Janet Ryder (North Wales); What arrangements are in place to ensure full access to information from the Assembly for those who are visually impaired. (OAQ1453VB) 8. Richard Edwards (Preseli ); What progress has he made in securing an effective voice for this Assembly in rail transport policy in Wales to make Wales more attractive for industry and tourism. (OAQ1452VB)

9. Nick Bourne (Mid and West Wales); What action he is proposing to deal with the threat to hospital services posed by the deficit on the Health and Social Services budget. (OAQ1457VB)

10. Alun Cairns (South Wales West); What amount of match funding would be required in the first year of the Objective One programme for Wales to receive maximum benefit. (OAQ1451VB)

11. Jenny Randerson ( Central); Is there a code of practice in place for Assembly civil servants which deals with bullying in the workplace. (OAQ1479VB)

12. Mick Bates (Montgomeryshire); How many public inquiries have been held concerning wind farm development and what is the total cost incurred. (OAQ1482VB)

13. David Davies (Monmouth); What assessment he has made of the benefits to the Welsh economy of a beef export market in Europe. (OAQ1464VB)

14. Kirsty Williams (Brecon and Radnorshire); The reasons for the need for police officers to be employed by the National Assembly at an estimated annual cost of £200,000. (OAQ1478VB)

15. Dai Lloyd (South Wales West); If he has plans to have discussions with House of Commons Procedure Committee and/or the Secretary of State for Wales to assist the debate in the House of Commons on 21 October including the fast track procedure for Assembly Legislation. (OAQ1480VB)

16. Rhodri Glyn Thomas (Carmarthen East and Dinefwr); Has he had any discussions with the Secretary of State for Wales concerning the return of the European Commission's contribution to the calf processing scheme from the Treasury's budget to the National Assembly's budget. (OAQ1475VB)

17. John Griffiths (Newport East); What strategy he will follow to enhance the influence and image of Wales in Europe. (OAQ1476JS)

18. Elin Jones (); Has the First Secretary received any comments from associations or individuals in Wales regarding the transfer of administrative and financial control of the European Social Fund from the Department of Education and Employment to the National Assembly for Wales. (OAQ14783VB)[w] 19. Cynog Dafis (Mid and West Wales); What discussions has he held with the Secretary of State for Wales and others regarding the creation of a process of speedy primary legislation in Westminster on the request of the National Assembly. (0AQ1471VB) [w]

20. Owen John Thomas (South Wales Central); Has he seen a copy of the District Auditor's report dated September 1999 in relation to the County Council and if he will make a statement on its contents. (OAQ1454VB)

21. Jocelyn Davies (South East Wales); What powers does the Assembly have to take action against drug trafficking in Wales. (OAQ1458VB)

22. Geraint Davies (Rhondda); Will local Authorities with low or no reserves be at a disadvantage when allocating Objective One funds. (OAQ1484VB)