(Rice Krinkles, 2006) (Froot Loops, 2009)

The HistoryCHAPTER 1

• First mascots

• Affect on sales

• Popularity

• Advertisements

• Change in style over years (Pingu , 2013) Crisp, (Pingu (Tony Tiger, 2010) MethodologiesCHAPTER 2 Semiotics

Quantitative research EXPRESSION Questionnaires-Parents of children, People exposed to characters from a young age.

What makes you choose the cereal?

Popular mascots, ability to recognize them

( box, 2015) COLOURS “Ronald McDonald, the second most recognized figure among children after Santa Claus” CLOTHING PARLOFF, 2003 CHARACTER Eyes in the isle CHAPTER 2

A team of researchers from Cornell University in the US analysed the shelf placement and eye positioning of 86 cereal spokes-characters in 10 grocery stores, finding that those aimed at children overwhelmingly displayed downward eye inflection compared with cereals targeted at adults.

(Cocopops rocks, 2015) ( cereal, 2015)

“Cereal characters on child oriented cereals make incidental eye contact at children’s eye level,” CORNELL, 2003

“Eye contact with cereal spokes-characters increased feelings of trust and connection to the brand.” CORNELL, 2003

Sugarpuffs box, 2014) Ricicles, 2010) Marketing taticsCHAPTER 3

• Catchphrases and jingles

• Puzzles on boxes

• Prizes inside

• Health benefits

In 2007, new laws were introduced about how companies could advertise which products to children. It meant that you could no longer, for example, try to persuade a kid to eat your unhealthy food.

Cereal toys, 2015) Conclusion

• Future of cereal mascots in the UK

• Restrictions on advertising to children

• Health concerns

• Increase in healthy eating

• Link back to my findings from quantitive research

( parody, 2013) Chapter themes

Introduction 3 Influence of marketing

What I intend to find out from research • Marketing tactics Brands that rely on mascots • Eyes in isles-Cornell study • Toys, new European laws restricting marketing 1 History junk food to children • Reference to questionnaires • Introduction of mascots, affect on sales, popularity, advertisements Conclusion

2 Methodology • The future of cereals in UK • Are mascots dead? • Quantitative research questionnaires, • Healthy eating increase influence of mascots on sales.

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