RICHARD W. r'ARS TDW Drakewalls House , Drakewalls , , , England. TEL . NO . : 832381 ( STD 0822) V.A.T. NO .: 132- 7852- 67


~ail orders are promptly filled and despatched on a 7- day examination basis , subject to approval. I~mediate refund guaranteed on return of·the specimen(s) in good condition. Please quote the narre and number of the specimen(s) required and enclose P . O./Cheque with order. All prices a re inclusive of V.A.T. No ·charge is made for postage and packing , except for overseas customers and postage over 75p. We reserve the right to r~ke .s light subs~ituti ons, if necessary , unless advised to the cO[1trary . Special requests and wants lists ar e welcome. We hope that we may be of some service to you and assure you of our best att enti on at all ti res.


1 . ANDRADITE Gf\f1 ~J ET variety ~'ELANITE. San Oenito Co. , California , U. S.A . Sharp bright - black crystals to 3 mrr in size scattered over matrix with chlorite. 2b<2 ",£4 . 50p

2. NA TIVE ARSENIC . Kusa ~ine , near Cau , Sarawak , Dorneo. Silvery- grey botryoidal ' shells ' . Each approx 1" if") s ize , £1.50p each.

3. ARSEI\(JPYRITE. Parrall , Chihuahua , ~exico . Oright ·silvery sharp crystals to 8 mm i n si ze coveri ng rotrix with a little crystallised ·Quart z. 2tx1tx1t" , £10. 00

4. AURICHALCITE. 79 ~~n e , Gila Co., Arizona , U.S . A. Specimen A: Select turquoise- blue radiating aggregates of crystals covering large areas of matrix with colourloss - crystallise[\ Hemirrorphite. Nice display specimen. 4ix4", £28.00. Speci rren 0 : Turquoise- blue r adiating aggregates of crystals scattered in cavities in cellular matrix with hemirrorphite. 3x2x1 ~ ", £6.50p. Specimen C: Turquoise- blue tufts of crystals covering a l a rge area of matrix. 1tx1ix1" , £4.00 5. GABINGTDliiITE . Orastad ~ine , Arendal, Norway. A: Sharp l ustrous terminated blackish crystals to 5 mm in si ze li ni ng a 1x1" cavity , and a smaller cavity , with minute olive- green Epidote crystals in al bite/babingtonite matri x . 3x2x2" , £10. 00. Specimen 0 : Sharp lustrous blackish terminated crystals to 4 mrn in s ize scattered in cQvities in Albi te matrix . 2x1tx1i", £6.00. Specirren C: Sharp lustrous blackish terminated crystals to 4 mm in size lini ng a f " cavity i n Albi te rrotri x. 1fxltX1t", £4.75p. .

6. G ARY T~S . Wet Groves ~[1e , we nsleydale , Yorkshire. Choi ce lustrous s harp c r eamy tabular crystals to 1 ~ " in size· attractively intergrown on matrix . Good display speci rren . 4{·x3x 2", £24.00 7 . OARYTES . Dreislar, Sauerland , Germany. Creamy- wh i te bl aded cockscomb cryst al s to 1t" in s ize covering matrix , with a sprinkling of sma ll sharp br assy CHALCOPYRITE crystals. 4-}x2}" , £9 . 00 8 . OARY TES. S ilv erband - ~ane , Dun Fell , Westrroreland. Sharp c l ear tabular crystal s to 1-t " in size intergrown on rretrix . 3tx2ix1f" , £12.00 9. NATIV E OISr·UTH. Wheal Spornon , , Cornwall. Silvery· cl eavages richly scattered i n quartz with srreltite. 1~-X1 -tx 1t ", £6.00 ·10. OOUR NONITE. "Herodsfoot nne , La nreath', Cornwall. Oright silvery- grey cog- wheel crystals to over 7" in size scattered on quartz rret rix with a little pyrites and casts of qua rtz Qftor thin tabular barytes crysta ls. 2-tx2xlt", £60. 00 11 . BUS TAMITE. Critish Rail Quarry , ~eldon , Devonshire. Pale brown t o pinkish bl aded crystQlline rreGS with pyrrhotite and hornfels . 3x1fx1t", £3 . 50p 2

12. CALCITE . Croft Pit , Gigrigg , west Cumberland. Snarp , clear terrrinated e longa~ed crystals to 1" in length ~ntergrow(1 on lirronite matrix. ;zt1ix1 " , £14.00 13. CALCITE. Ladywash V~ne , Eyaw , Dorbyshire. Well formed translucent golden coloured coubly terrrinatsdscalenohedral crysta l , with inclusions of chalcopyrite and sorre interm;;ting etch- patterns on the outside. 4b< 2-3-x 2 " , £7.00 14. CALCITE . Naicu, Chihuahu-:1 , f"

16. CASSITERITE . Potgietersrust , Transvoal , S . Af rica . Very rich heavy lust~ous black crystfJlline maSS8S in matrix with a little Galena and Sphalerite. 3x2tx2i" , £5. 50p 17 . CASSITERITE . ' Llallagua , Potosi , Oo livia. Sharp bright bl ack crystals to -t " in s ize forrring ~n intergrown nEss with a little quartz . 1tx1" , £8. 00 18. CASSITERITE concentrate. Wheal Vor , Elreage , Cornw~ll. A 2i" glass bottle fi lled with reddish- brown concentrate , an old lebal i s in the bottle . £3 .75p

19, CELEST+TE . Schofield, ~~chigan , U.S.A . Sharp , transparent colourless to pale blue terrrinated cryst;ll~ to ~ " in length thickly covering ma trix . 3x1tx1t" , £4 . 50p

20. CERUSSITE. t/~bladen , Atlas ~'ts ., ~'orDcto. Speciwsn A: Sharp , lustrous creamy to srroky colour8d large pyrarridal single crystal. 1ix1b<1i" , £18.00. Specimen D: Translucent shtJrp lustrous srroky- colour ed pyrarridal s ingl e crystal with -a li.ttle crystallisod b~rytes attached at the base. 1tx1';;x1-t" , £13.00. Speci rren C: Sharp translucent gl~ssy pyrarri dal crystal with sowe twinni ng on it ' s f aces , implanted on ~ bLlrytes notrix . CrystLll is ixtxt" on wet rix 1ix1 ". £7 . 00 21. CERUSSITE . Redgill Mine , Caldbock , Cumberland. Swell creawy to colourless twinned cryst ~ ls sC2ttered on quartz. 3x1b<1i" , £3.50p 22 . CHROI"E CERUSSITE. K"pi i";ine , Dundas , Taswenia. Lustrous pal e yellowish twinned cryst

25. CHRO~'J:T E . SelLikwe , RhodeSi a. Solid , heavy blacki sh crystalline mass . 3x2x1~- " ,£3 .75p

26 . ~LINOCLASE . Awsricon Eagle i"i ne , Tintic , Utah , U. S . A. Sel ect sparkling dark blue small sharp crystals and crystal aggregates covering large,areas and lining cavities in barytes/ enargite matrix , with a little crystallised ' 81ivenite, Azuri to ond botrYOidal green Cornwallite. 3ix2tX1t", £44.00 27 . COBALTITE. Skutterud , Norway. Silvery well forrred cubic crysta l s and crystal sections on and in matrix . 2x2 " , £8. 00 : 28. CONICHALCITE . i";ina Ojuola , i"apirri , I"exico. Rich appl e- green botryoidal masses Ll nd crusts lining l arge cavities in cellular lirronitic wet rix with a little Calcite. Speciwen A: 3x1~-x11 " , £5.75p. Specimen 0 : _2x2x 1-t" , £4.75p

29. NA TIVE COPPER . South ~'in e , st . Cleer , Cornwall. ttetallic coppery coloured hackly crystallinu m;lSS . 1b<1-t" , £4 .75p 30. 'COVELLITE . Leonord I"i ne , Butte , f'ionti3na , U. S.A . Select i rri descent purplish platy crystalline masses with minor bmssy pyrites "md greyish digenite. Speciwsn A: 4ix2i" , £9.00. Specil)'8n 0 : 3x2x1-t," , £6 . 00. Specimen C: 2x1ix1 ", £3 . 00 31. CROCOITE. Red Luad nne , Dundas , Tosrmnia. Specimen A: Dright orangey- red elongated crystals forrring an intergrown rnss with a littl8 lirronitic matrix. 1ix1-}x1-t" , £14 . 00. Specimen 0 : Oright orangey- red elongat ed crystals intergrown together on lirroniti c not-rix , ,not so rich- as speci wsn A. 1b<1tx1 " , £6 . 00 32 . CROCOITE . Korri nsky Vine , Dundss , Tasmania. Sma ll shorp orangeYllred termi nated crystals to G rrm in 18ngth scattered over limonitic rrotrix with light to dark green crystals of Pyrorrorphite. 1ix1ix1-t" , £4.75p 3 33. CRONSTEDTITE . LJh~ol J~ne , K~a , Cornwall , Lustrous blackish agg r ~gates of small crystals scattered a mongst slendar elongated Quartz crystals and 0 little light brown SideritD on quartz matrix. 27;X1~x1* ", £6.00

34. CUPRITE . f'houni x ~' , Linkinhorne , Cornw::!ll. Lustrous dark reddi sh well forrmd octahedral crystals to 5 m in size scattcred on limonite/quartz veinstuff. An old label.accorrponies the s pecimm. 2;}x2x1,;" , £15. 00

35. CUPRITE . Tsurreb , Otavi , S.W. Africa . Speci men A: ~ right dark reddish sharp modi f i ed octahedral crystols to 5 rrm in s izo scattered 011 over a quort zose motrix . 3x2tx2" , £20. 00. Specirren 0 : Cright sharp dar k reddish crystals to 5 rrm i n s i ze sC2ttereci all over calcitL; rmtrix . 1fx 1-'-x 1 " , £9 . 00 36. CYLI NDRITE . POD po , Oruro , Doli vi·a . Silvcry- grey cy li ndri cal rross wi th pyrites. 1;f-x 1 " , 1:4 .7 5p 37 . DESCLOISITE. Jerg AukJs , Otavi , S .W. Afri ca . Sel ect lustrous dark brown groups of sharp tabular crys tals to 1 cm i n size intergrown one- upon- onother . SpecirrBn A: 2-t.-X1 11 , £10 .. 00, Spoci rre n 0 : "~x 1t1 , £5000

38. DIOPT AS E. T G u ~c b , Otavi , S .W. Africa . ~ rilliant emeral d- gr eem sharp crystals to 1 cm in s ize intergrown on calcite rr3trix . 2~X1i-x1t " , £40.00' 39 . DOLOI"J TE. Florence Fi ne , 6grerront , CumberL:md . Lus t rous c reamy saddl a- shaped crystals to t oo i n s i ze scattered 011 over tri x Uli th tronsporent colourless to vary pale blue cubic FLUORITE crystals . 3x2:-x1t" , £9.00

40. EOSPHORITE . I1rQcuai , ~'i nos Gerais , f' r:Jzi 1. Golden- brown spr ays of srroll sharp terminLlted cry?tols.covering crystalline rose- qu<;lrtz rmt rix. 1xf ", £7.00

41 . FL UORITE . narbary ~~ ne , Weardalc , Co . Durham. Sharp , bright light purple mostly clear twinned inter- penetrant single crystal. 3x2x2", £14 . 00 42 . FL UOR ITE . Car:JVia r:iine , Asturi as , Spai n. Li ght purple we U forrred translucent cubic crystals with stepped f,.,ces , to too i n size, intergrown on mat rix wdJth pyramid3l Qua rtz crystals. 4-tx3x1f" , £10.00

43. FLUOR ITE. Wheill ~'ory Ann , I"enheniot , Cornwall. Twinned pal e greeni s h cubic crystal 1" i n size encrustod wi th sf"3 ll sparkling quartz crystal s on fluorH e/qu3rtz matrix . 1~-x1;f-x1" , £2. 00 44. GAL ENA . S llcleugh ';i ne , Ne ntheod, Cumberl::ind . Sharp greyi sh cubic crystuls to -} " i n size dotted.on lirrestone rntri x with a littl e c r 8CJmy dolomite . ~x1-il-X1i.- " ,::10. 00

45. GAL E NI~ . C'lsClpalc:1 , near Li m3 , Peru . Cri ght s ilvery- grey s ti arp skeleta l cryst31s to 1 cm in s i ze intorgfOwn on matri x with 0 little pyri tes . 2i,-x1-:l- ", £9 . 00 46. GALE NA . Obckdene f"ii ne , Weard<'l l e , Co . Du rharr. Dright silver y- grey sharp cuhe­ octahedrel crystals to 1t-" in s ize intergrown on qU 3rtz matrix. 3x2~x1 -t ", ;15. 00 47 . NATIVE GOLD'. Argentina . Golden flakes r i chly sC3ttored all over two sides of quartz rrotri x. An old lebel .is attached to the specimen. 3x2x1i-", £24 . 00 48 . NA TIVE GOLD , Veresp3tak , Oi hor rts. , RUmAni a . Gright golden flat crystalli ne plate , 2OxC: rrm , m. DO 49. GRA ND IDIERITL Cetroka , ~·adC!goscElr . Oluish- green cryst311ino mass with a little muscovite mica . 1~1 ;f-x1 " , D.75p 50. HEVATITE . St . Gotth:Jrd , Ti ci no , Swi tzer l a nd. Oright b1:Jckish hexElgonal cryst:Jl rosettes to 5 rr i n si ze i mp l anted on a shClrp t ranslucent creamy ADULAR I A crystal with a little crystallisud Stilbite . txi-xf." , £3 .00.

51. HEHI"DRPHITE . La ESJTErGld3 ~'iine , Chihuahua , I"exico . Choi ce l ustrous light turquoise - blue botryoi d,,!! m3SS0S thickly coveri ng c ellu13r rretrix . Specirren A: 4x3i;x<-" , £15. 00 -- nicL display specirren. Speci me n 0 : 3x2x1-t", £8. 00. Specimen C: 2x1-~-x1{''' ' £3 . 50p. Speci rren D: Pi eces a pprox 1-t-x1i,- ", £1.7 5p 8ach.

52 . HIDALGOITE . Gol d Hi ll , Tooele Co . , Ut ~h , U.S.A. Rich yollowish to brownish cellulor ITOsses. Specimen A: 2b<11,-x1,i " , £3 . 00. Specirron 0 : 1ix1-tx1;f-", £2.50p

53 . HYALITE OPf1L . r·'te t:lrci , Sordinia. Transp:lnmt colourless glassy botryoid31 ITt'lSS covering rratrix. 3i;x2~- ", £7.00 4 54. JoSEITE. HudciOnfl n...,V Fount"in , Smithers , n .s. , C3mdCl. Rich bright silvllrv- grav platy crystalline moss as scattered in rrotrix. Sp~cirren A, vurv rich in JODoite , 2~'x2;)-xl''' , ::13.00. Spaci.,-en c : 2x2x1i" , £12.00. Specirren C: 2x1*x1~" , W.OO. Specirrcn D: 2x1tX1-~" - not so rich CIS spacirren C - £4.75p

55. KUTNgHoRITE . Luvanll , .'"\rDzzo , ItolV. P~l,-, brown botrvoid'Jl rrosses lining a cavity in rrudstono with spiky Aragonite crvstols. 1ix1ix1"" , £4.00 56. LIE3IGITE. Scilw"rtzwmdder rina , Golder:T , Colorado , U.S .A. Rich Vellowi sh- grDan thick crvstallinu moss covoring largo areas of motrix. Sorre good crystal faces in places. 2x1}x11';-" , £10.00

57. LoLLINGITE . Trorrcorne Cliff , near Porthlcven , Cornwall. Rich ~right silvery crystalline mo"ses in pGgrrotitd. 3x2xlt" , 1:3.50p 58. I"ALACHITE . Tsurreb , Otovi , S . W. Africa. Or ight green silky botryoi dal rrasses thi ckl\, l ining a 1-})(1~.-" covitV in chalcocite/heT1'Jtite , trix. 3x2tx2" , £12.00 59 . I"ALAVAITE. Red- a- Ven fVi ne , fVeldon , Devonshi re. Vary rich light yellowi sh rrass wi til minor garnot , wbllastoni ta ,md sphalerite.' 2~x2x1i " , w.oo

60. ~ALACHITE after AZURITE . Shessy , Rhone , France. Dark green ma l achi te repl aci ng well forred tabular terminated Azurite crystals to t " in size thi ckl y i nter gr own on rmtrix . 3x2'}x1i!-" , £38.00 . 61. fVAfIJ3ArcOPHVLLITE . Langban , WerlT'land , Sweden. Li ght to dark browni sh foliated rrass . 2ixl}x1,'L" , £2.50p

62. I"ARCASITE. Joplin, Fissouri , U.S.A. iJright brossv sharp bladed crvstol s to 8 1m1 in size thiGklV covering rrotrix with e little calcita. 4x3 " , £9.00 63 . fVIfVETITE . Vim Ojuula , fVapilT'i , r:exico·. Light yallowish botrvoidol JT>asses thickly covering lirronitic rrotri x with a little crystalli sed Hemirro r phite. 3tx2xl-}" , £8. 00

64 . ~' INIU M. Oelrront ~;ts. , ~'oricopa Co. , Ari zom3 , U.S . A. Rich light orangey- red rrasses On Dnd in nutrix. 2ixli", £7.00

65. oLIVENITE . Whaal Uni ty , GWGnnop , Cornwall . Lustrous dark oli ve- green sharp t8 r rran~tad crystals to 4 rr· . in length lini ng large CElvi tics in qUDrtz vei nstuff . 2.zx2x1c' ." , £19.00

66. oLIVENITE . Wheal Gorl~nd , st. DaV , Cornwall. ShOlrp , lustrous durk ol i va- gr een crystals to 3 rrm in length richly lining cavities in gossanv quortz . 2~'x2x17 '" £12 . 00 67 . PARGASITE . Optollack H83d , st. Just, Cornwall. D::rk grr,ani sh- bl ack bladed crystalline rr8SS with minor axinite . 2*xl~Xl~" , £2.50p

68. PLATTNERITE . ~lna ojuela , [vapimi , V[Jxiao. Srrell spiky sparkli ng bl ack c rystal s wi th crystallised hemi rrorphi ta and calcite on both sides of l irronitic rrotri x . 1-b<1~':~1 " , £4 . 75p

69 . PLU~1JOGUFf'![TE. DrV9i 11 ['·ine , Caldbeck Fells , Currbarl ond. Ri ch light blue to gr eenish thick botryoidal crusts covering quartz with 0 littlo mirreti t e . Speci rren A: 2-:·x1~· " , £11.00. Sp8cirren D: lixl" , £5.75p 70. PSEUDOt'ALACHITE . Vi rnebarg [Vi n[J , Rheinbroi tbach , GBrlT£lny. Choice l ustrous dork gram crystal aggregat[Js to 8 IT'll' i n sizo scattered over milky quart z . Fi ne ol d specirren. y'-x3x 1'~'" £7 O. 00

71. PYRITES . Ri o ~'

72. PYRI TES . ~ i lvurrran8s , Co. Tipperary , Ireland. Specirren A: S~a ll sp~rkl i ng i rri dascent crystals thickly covering and l i ni ng larga cavities in IT'Otri x , wi t h creElmy dolomite crystals and gerrrry transparent golden- brown sphnl eri te c r yst Qls . ~x2;:Xl'} '" £17 . 00. Specir-en G: SlT'Oll bright sp3rkling slightly irr i desc ant crystals covoring rmtrix with odd crystals of gol d"m- br own sphal ari te. 2~'X1?x1,''' , £Cl. 50p. 73. PYRotJORPHITE. uroken Hi 11 , N. S. W:Jlos , r,ustmli a . Lust rous brown feat her y oggregates of crystals to 1 Cf:' i n size forming 0 pure intergrown ross . 2"1-x1ix1~ " , £18. 00 74. PVRmDHf-'HITC . f.'inu bs Fi'r::J.Js, CrlCusc; , Fr~nct... Lustrous light bruwr. elong-:t2d cryst:Jls to .;." in siz... sc,tt<.lr8d ~ll ovor .., group of tr3nsluc'lrt wLll forreL t:Jbul:lr JIiRVTES crystals. 2'X1*X1,1" , 1:9.00 7 5. PVRm'ORr'HITE. 8urgorr Fin~ , Shdli," , Shropshi r8. rright green srall sh:lrp spi ky crystals thickly covering JTGtrix . Very showy specirrens. Speciren A: 2tx2x1 ", :::7 . oo Speci rrun : 2x1f." , 1:4 .7 5p 76. QUARTZ VLJriety flOCK CRVSTAL. Corinto, I'ims G<2r"Jis , "r:JZil. Sptlcirren A: Choioe shorp wdur- cle:Jr Llbngatod termimted shmd:Jr crystols to 3" in length forming }x2'>1}", £'14.00 77 . SMJKV ()UI1rnz. Old Hondra t:h!ywork , st. Donnis , Cornw,ll. Lustrous , shorp tr,msluc!Cnt sIrOky pyr:Jmid"l crysbls to t-" in size intorgrown on rcctrix. 3-}x2X1*" , £5. 5Up 78. QUARTZ . Floronco ~~nu , EgrolrOnt , CurrberlLlnd. ShLlrp , bri ght gl Llssy tr3nsparent pyromidcl crystals to ovor } " i n sizo covoring trGtrix with p<1tches of bright block cryst311i sGd SpoculLlri te. 3-}x37", £18 . 00 79. QUARTZ v:Jri l.lty Herki rror Di3rrond., Louisvillo, rJew York , U.S.A . Sh3rp , cl83r , g13ss'l doubly tl.lrmin:!tl.ld cryst:Jls to ne3rly ,~ " in SiZ8 irrplsntod on rntrix. 1 ix1~-x1 ~" , £8 . 00 80. QUARTZ. South Wli231 T-.rrnr , ' 8ere Ferrers, DevonshirD . Doubly terminatEJd milky crystLlls to 1 cm in size cov8ring ~r. unusuLll trGtrix showing;] hacked structure - pr es u~ bly hollows left by t'1bular barytes cryst

83. RUTILE . Cre~g - n~ -CLlill ic h , Killin, Perthshiro , Scotland. Reddish- brown rod- likD cryst

84 . SCoRoDITE. H8rrerdon CLlll Wolfr:Jrr ~i nD , Plyrrpton , Devonshi rD. Sh;::rp translucent light gr8enish termin;::tod crys ta~s to 3 rr in siz~ sC'Jttered in c~vitios in milky qU

86. NATIVE SILVE~. Cobalt , OntariO , Can;::do. Rich tarnished rret311ic pluty and hackly moss with ~ httlo cre'JrT',I culcite. 2-1.x ~x1" , £15. 00 87. NATIVE SILVEr. . I'orocochc , Peru . IndividufJl Silvery spiky crystd wires , sorre with ;] littlD rrctrix Qtt

89. S~1THSur.JITE. n rok8n Hill, PJ . S . W:Jl8S , Australiu. Tronsluc8nt pale gre

96. STILOITE . Dr~i~ , Orugon , U.S.A. Crearry- wnite well furred she3vCls of cryst3ls to 1~" in longth fQrroing iJn inturgrown group. 4x2J·x1-1" , £10. f10 97. TEKTIT:::. Sukhoth:Ji , Th:Jiland. Spoci 'n A: Lustrous bbck ulongated roundod Spocir.Dn wi th pittod outer surfaco. 3}x1x1" , £12.00. Specim=n n: Lustrous black rounc;Cld spC!cirren with outer pitted surfacD. 1~-x1~·x1.1" , £12.00. Spocirren C: Sli ghtly flC!ttened roundCld lustrous blClck spClcioCln with pJiJtted sur f:Jce . 1tx1~1 " , £8. 00

98. TENNANTITE. Lev~nt ~1ne , Pendeen , Cornw~ll. Srroll silv8ry- grClY spar kling crystals covoring orDas of cullul=r veinstuff. 2x1~-x1" , £5.75p 99. TENORITE . Coppur Queen Mne , Oisbo8 , Arizom , U. S. A. Ri ch pitchy- black rross with dcrk rDduish CupritCl , greenish r.olachitc :Jnu brochantite. 4x27x1t, £9 . 00

100. TETRADYt'U:TE. Hudsons :Joy ~'ount::Ji n , Sroi thers , C.C. , C"mdo. Spoci r.8n A: Ri ch silvery­ grey platy rrosses in quartz . 2tx2x1~ " , £12.000 Specirren J : Cri ght silver y- groy platy crystalline 5S 1x1 '" in size embedded in qU<'lrt z. 1?x1-~ ", £9 . 00 101. TETRAHEDfUTE. Castrovirreyn'l , mmr LiIT\J , Puru. Shnrp , bri ght Si lver y crystal s to nea rly 1 cm in size L:5soci:JtDd with Cllongnted oilky quartz cryst:Jl s to 1" in length , and light brown Sphal erite crystL:I s . ~X1tX1t ", £9 . 00

102, TURQUOISE . ~u nny ~cine , St. Austell , Cornwall. Rich cri ght tur quoi se- blue 0855 , with mi nute well forrrcd cryst3ls in cClviti 8S , ;]nd roinor YCl F owi sh V::; rl;]ooffi te and t'uscovite Fico in :lSSOc:i 3tion. 2-tx2x1-~ II, £'1.00

103. VALLERIITE . wil itehors8 ~'fim~ , B.C., Camda . Ri ch light bronzey c r ystalli ne rraS5 Witl1 a little oognotitu and bornite. 2'~x1~-~1 ", £4.75p 104. WITHERITE. rJlmtsb2rry j"; , Alston r'oor , Cuober bnd. We ll for rred t r <'lns lucent hexagonal crystals with a crCl8rP\j - whitu coating of b:JrytGs , to 1" i n s i ze , forming a group in par:Jllcl growth. 3x2x1~" , £8. 00 1 05. WOL FRAI-'J:TE . East Pool r'i ne , Illogon , Cornwell. Very r i ch hc.:Jvy bl ock blpded OOS5 with tarnished rretalli c grey STANNITE , and 0 littl e quurtz , cholcopyrite and orsenepyri to, 3x2-~-x2 " , £15.00 RICHARD .;:Wc:._ ...::=::.A::..:R,STDW Drakewalls Hause , Drakewalls , Gunni slake, Corr.wall , England. TEL . NO .: Tavistock 832381 (STD 0822) , V.A.T . No. : 132- 7852- 67


Mail orders are pr ~ ~~ly filled and despatched on a 7- day examination basis , subject to approval. Immediate refund guaranteed on return of the specimen(s) in good condition. Please quote the name and number of the specimen(s) required and enclose P.o./Cheque with order. All prices are inclusive of V.A.T. No charge is made for postage and packing , except for overseas customers a nd postage over 75p.

We reserve the right to make slight substitutions , if.necessary , unl~s advised to the contrary. ' Special r equests and wants lists ar e welcome. We hope that we may be of some service to you and assur e you of our best attention at all times .

FEBRUARY 1981 1 . ADAI''lIiE' . K na ojuel a I ~.apimi , i":exico. Specimen A: Lust rous' lime - gr een sharp crystals to 4 mm in size 'richly scatter ed i n cavities in cDllular limonite. 2ix2x1t" , £6. oo SpecimDn 0 : Lustrous transpurent sprays of pale yellowish crystal s to 5 mm i n size sCuttered all over matrix . 2~x1f.. " , £5.00. Specimen C: Lustrous pal e yellow sharp terminatEd crystals to t" in size intergr own on matrix. 1x1" , £2 .75p

2 . ' ALLoPHANE . Hawks Wood, r~ orth Hill , Cornwall. Rich light green botryoidal and mammilQted crusts thickly covGri-ng granitiC matrix. oright gr een fluorescence under U.V. Specimen g : >a-x2-tX1 i" , £8.00. S~ec im en B: 2~x2x1~ ", £4.75p. Specime n C: 1 -~x1tx1t" , £2 .75p. 3. APATITE . Panasqueira, Oeira-Bei xa , Portugal . Lustrous sharp pal e gr een tra nsparent hexagonal crystals to 1t'" in size f.orming an interlocking group. 2-2-x1-f.x1t" , £1 4.00 4 . APAT ITE vari et Ii FRAr;.coLITE. ConsoJ.s lid. ne, Tywa rdreath , Cornwa ll. Lust rous colourless sharp crystals to 2 mm i n size s cattered over milky pyramidal qua rtz crystals with a little crystallis <:, d Siderite. 3x2-t-x2", £6 . 75p 5. ARAGONITE . Frizington , Cu mberland. LU 3trou5 colourless to golden elongated t a pering single crystal showing parallel growth. 3iI!X~'X_~iI: £12.00

6. ARSENOPYRITE . Wheal Pendarves, , Cor~wall. Bright s ilvery s harp crystal s to 4 mm in s ize lining cavities in cellular quartz. 2x1tx1 " , £2 . 75p 7. ARSENOPYRITE variety DANAITE. [Jelstone Consols i"JiJne , Stic kl epat h , Devon. Rich silvery­ grey metallic masses aSSOCiated with andr8di te garnet and traces of secondary pink cobalt minaral s. Specimen A: 2~x2x 1 i " , £4.75p. Specimen B: 2x1f..x1_} " , £3. 50p. Specimen C: 2x1-t-x1 " , £1.75p 8 . ATACAMITE . Ryans Shaft , ~oo nt 8 , S. Austral ia. Dark green f l attened cryst 8is and crysta l masses on matri x . 2x2x1~ ", £3. 50p 9. AXINI TE . [Jri tish Ra il Quarry , Me ldon , Devon. Speci men A: Sharp lustrous brown crystols to over t " in size scattered over matri x with greeni s h crystallised Actinolite , 8nd 8 little Arsenopyrite ami Quartz. 4x3x1~_ II, £12.00. SpeCimen 0 : Lustrous sharp light brown crystals to 1 cm i n size intergrown on mat rix with actinolite. 2x1-?rx 1 ~ ", £5.75p 10. AZUR ITE. Tsumeb , Ctuvi , S.W. Afric 3. Bri ght blue s har p tabular crystal s to 1 cm in length intergrown on matrix with minor cerussite and duFtite. 1-t-x 1" , £2 . 75p 11 . AZURITE . Chessy , Rhtne , France . Very fine lustrous dark blue sharp tabular crystals to ~- " in size th~( kly intergrown on matrix with a little fi brous green i"olachite in places. Fine o:..d specimen. 3x<-f.x1t.-", £1 15. 00 2

12. AZURITE . Cisbea , ArizonG, U.S . A. Dc rk blue smQl l sha rp crysta l s oncrusting 8 f plata - f banded green ~ALACHITE. 3x2-1;- ", £B.SOp

13. CARYTES . Taffs Well, near C. rdiff , Gl~morg a nshir8 . Lustrous creamy tc light sharp tabul:"!r crystals to 1" in s ize intergrown

24 . CALCITE . Na i Cil , Chihuahua , Mexico. Sharp creamy-·white rhombic crystal- 1 ix1-~· " in si ze i mplanted on matrix with sm"lller crystals and 0 little bright bl ack well crystallised Sphal eri t 8 and brassy Pyri t es. 3x2tx 1-[," , £11.00 25. CALCITE. Levant Mi ne , PendGen , Cornwelil. Lust rous sharp t r a nsparGnt doubly- termi nated nail- head crystal s to t tl i n siZG enc[Justing lGrge pyr ami da l qU3rtz crystals to 1 ~- " in S ize , with odd minute crystals of Pyritos . 4i-x4x2i-", £19.00 26. CArlROLL ITE. Kamoto Pit , Kolw8zi , Zaire. Groups of tarnished well formed intergrown crystal s with rri nor IllGt rix . Each approx t tl in s izo, £2 . 00 each 27 . CASSITERITE. Parbol a fvine , Gwinear , Cornwall. Resinous brown veinlets and spots in porpbry. 2x1 ", £1 . SOp 28. CERULEITE. Whoal Go rland , St . Day _ Co rnwall. Pale blue fibrous spherioal Gggregates richly covering l arge ar eelS of quartz veinstuff. ~x2x 1i-" , £8.00 . 29. CERUSSITE . Tsumob , otavi, S .W. Africa . Lustrous glassy partl y transparent sharp twinned s i xling crystEll with ojd f r agments of matrix attached. 3x2tx1t ", £22.00 30. CERUSSI TE. Tynagh Mine , Co . GalwGY, Irel and. Vory rich crBGmy - white jaCk- straw crystallised moss cemented by :_ight green f'ALACHITE and G little CupritG. 3x2~-x2i. ", £20. 00 31. CERUSSITE . Orandybottle f'i ne , Swal edsle , Yorksri r e . Creamy · wh ite shnrp twi nnGd crystals to 1 cm in size scatter~d in l argp. cavities in cellular motri x with small sharp crystals Jf oarytes . 2tx1f~ 1 f ", £6 . 00 32 . CHALCOCITE. Wheal CC'ck, st. Just , :ornwall. Cright s ilverY--1r ey crystClls to B mill in sizG thickly irtE'rgrow:1 on m8t ri (. 2x2x1 " I £2(, . 00 3 CHALCOCITE purtly altered to bornite. Cooks Kitclllln hine , Illog8n, Cornwall. Well formed. tarnished composite crystals to 5 mm in size thickly intergrown on matrix. 2x1~x1" , £6.00

CHALCoPHYLLITE . Whe~l Gorland , st. D~y , Cornwall. Oright green platy crystals richly embedded and scattered in gossany matrix. A Oritish ~useum label accompanies the specimen. 2X1f.x1t" , £28.00

35. CHALCoSIDERITE . Phoenix ~~ne , Linkinhorne , Cornwull. Lustrous dark green crystals and crystal aggregates covering l 8rge areas of cellular qU8rtz matrix . 2X1f,-x1t" , £8.00

36. CHILDnENITE . Crinnis ~~ne , st. Austell , Cornwall. Rich crusts of small , sharp light to d8rk brown sparkling crystal s cevering l8rge are8S of brecciated qU8rtz/s18te veinstuff.· ~pecimen A: 3f.x.:>tx1t", £1o.50p. Specimen 0 : 3x27X2" , £8. 00. Specimen C: 2-}x2x1" , £4. • 75p. Spocimen D: 1b1x1'.' , D.OO . 37. NATIVE COPPER . Tincroft Mine , Illogan , Cornwall. Rich cellular crystallised m3SS with fragments of rr.ilky quartz. 2x2x1i.-" , £10. 00

38. NATIVE COPPER . Quincy ~.ine , Keweenaw Pen. , Michigan , U.S . A. Branching hackly crytalline mass with some well formed crysta~s to -!" in size. 3x2", £9 . 00

39. CUPROADA~[TE . Lburion , Attica district , Greoce. Small sh2rp dark lime- green crystols thickly lining large cavities in limonitic m:3t rix. :>tx2ix1i" , £16 . 75p 40. DJURLEITE. Castle Hill quarry , C3nnington , Somerset. Rich greyish metallic masses in calcite with small cavities lined with small sparkling blue Azurite crystals. Specimen A: 3i!-x2~'x1-~n , £8.00. Specimen 13 : 2~x2x11!- ", £5.00. Specimen C: - with only traces of azurite - 2x1-~x1" , £2 .75p

41. Do~EYKr TE. Mohawk Mine , Keweenaw Pen.; ~.ich igan , U. S. A. orownish patches and masses on and in milky qUQrtz matrix. *x3x1~ " , £7.00 42 . ENARGITE . qu iruvilca , Libertad Dept. , Peru. Spocimen A: Bright s ilvery- groy sharp terminoted ,crystals to 1;-" ·in size encrusting matrix with a little crystallises pyrites cmd quartz. 2x1ix1 ", £18.00. Specimen 0 : Gright silvery- grey sharp crystals to 5 mm in size scattered on matrix with sharp pyritohedral Py rites crystals. 2x1f.x1t" , £,10. 00 43. EPlDoTE . Olesberg Mine , Namaqualand , South Africa. Lustrous slendar elongated sharp olive- grc18n cr~stals to ~ " in l en~th scotter ed and intergrewn on crystallised qU.'\RTZ mat rix. Specimen A: 4x>tx1t" , £11 . 130 . Specimen D: 2i.-x2x1i.-" , £G . o.o. Speci men C: 2xl~x1" , £4·.75p 4&. FLUORITE . Ca~ck Eals V.ine , Weardale , Co. Durham. Sharp transparent light purple cubic crystals to ~ " in size Elssociated with ~ustrous milky sh3rp pyramided QUARTZ _ crystals to -t il in size intergrown on matrix. :>tx2-tx1i " , £7.0.0 45. GALENA . Old Foxdal e Mi na , Isle- of - ~.3n • . Sharp silvery- grey mcdifi ed cubi c crystnl i " in si ze i mp l:mtcd on creamy curved Dolami t e cryst:Jl s covering matri x . An A. Kingsbury labol occompanics the specimen. 3x2~x1i ", £14 . 00 .

46. GALENA . Olackdene ~.i ne , Weordole , ~o. Durham. Oright siluerv- grey cube- octohedr:Jl crystals to 1 cm in size f orming nn interlocking group. 1ix1i.-x1" , £4 . 0.0 47. Nr.nVE Go.LD . i"oth8r lodl.l, Darling Nine, neor Pla[Jerville , El Dorado Co. , Coliferniu , U. S • .'~ . Rich golden flakes scattered on 3nd in milky quartz ond limonite mr trix . I\n old label i s attached to the specimen. 1b<1~X1-~''' ' £18.00.

48. GYPSUM variety SELE NITE . South ~~ ne , Oroken Hill , N. S. , Australia. Sherp, cleor colourless terminated crystals to J.. " in length ihtBrgrown and scattered on colcitl.l matrix . 4x~ ", £6.0.0 49 . HEFATITE . nio i"c rina , Isle of 6lbc , Italy. o.right bl a[Jki sh sh3rp crystals to 1J.." in size intergrown on matrix . 3x2fx1t" , £16.00 50. HEI·JIH1JRPHITE . Roughtengill I''line , Caldbeck Fells , Cumberland. Sky- blue botryoi dul mass covering miltrix. 1.f;-x1", £3.75p 51. HEr'IIr1JRPHITE . nroken Hill , ZOrr/Jio. Lustrous c:teamy- white multiple cryst3ls to 7" in size intergrown en massive , r:Jdiuting hemimerphite. 1tx1ix1-t" , £5.0.0 4 52. HOLM:1U I STITE . uto I s l and, Soder rT12 nland, Sweden. Oright blnck slcmdor in matrix. 3x2" , £3 . 50p 53. HORNOLENDE . Arend,l , Aust- Agder, No r wuy . Wt:ll f or med dull brownish- bl ack c to 1" i n sizD forming .,n interlocking group. 2x 1+x1t" , £4.75p 54. HYDROCERUSSITE . ~'ILmcip Hills , Sombrsut. Spocimen A: Rich lustrous croCimy-white plat crystnlline mssus in pyr olusite m'ltri x "lith., lit tle c31cito. 3x2x1 ~ " , £8. 00. SpeciITllJn 0 : As speci men A - 2+x1-:i-x1t- " , £4 .75p. Spucimen C: Pure crQamy- white lus'crous platy cr ystollino m'Js!>. 1il-x1 " , £3.00 55. IDRoCRASE. I"o ntc So=', Vus uvi:Js , ItGly. Lustrous sharp t8rmimted dork brownish crystals to 1 cm in size implonted in a cavity on one 8nd of a crystulline ~ss of Aegirine , with some good aegirlilne crystals i n cavities. 3tx3x1~" , £18.50p

56. KAOL I NI TE after ORTHOCLASE. HensbGrrow ~oor , Cornwall. Shurp, creamy- white twi nnod orthoclase crysta ls r eplaced ,by kaolinite - the classic ' pigs eggs ' f rom t he cliJinaclay district. Specimon 1\ : 2x1i" , 1:2.50p. Spocimen 0 : 2x1il-" , £1 .75p

57 . KESTffi ITE. Cligga ~'ne , Perr(ln zabuloe , Cornwall. Specimen A: Rich metollic grtly m",ss with quartz on a lter ed s l ote. 2tX1ix1t" , O.75p. Specimen [1 : Solid irridescently ternished metallic mass. 1ix1il- " , 1:1.75p 58. LINAR ITE. Bl a ncha r d Cl,irrs , Bingham , New ~exic o , U.S.A. Bright blue cryst.,l patches and rGlSettes richly covering l or g8 :J r eas of quortz matrix. 2ix2tx1t-" , £8 . 00 59. LDLLINGITE. Pe nlee Qry. , , Cornwall. Very rich heavy si l very mass with minor quortz. 2tx1~x1il- ", 0.75p

60. ~~GNETITE . Mina 10 Judie , Badej oz , Spain. Shar p bright bl ack oct ahedr21 cryst21s t o 5 rml in s izo \ntor grown a nd scatter ed on matrix. 2x1ix1il-" , £9.00

61. ~ARCI\S ITE. Panasqueira , Oeiro- Oeixa , Po rtugal.-Shar p brassy compositu crystals to i " i n size thickly intur gr own on mat ri x with a little crystallised Colcite and flrsenopyri t e o 2ix2~ ", £16 .50p

62. ~:E T A CINNACAR . I"ount Di :Jblo , Contra Cost:'l Co. , C3liforni :'l , U.S.A . Blackish well formed crystiJls and crystal aggr egat es:to 3 rrm in size scottered on qU:Jrtzite. Speci me n A: 3x2x1i" , £7.00. Specimen B: 2x1i-" , 1:4.75p

53. ~I ILLE R ITE . Halls G:Jp , Umcaster Co . , Pennsyl vania , U.S • • Bright brassy needles spanning ond infilling :I~ " c2vity in :J nudula r rr as s of qU 3rtz. 1-l-x1" , £4 .75p

54. I"llr!

65. oLIVENITE . Cerh:Jrrack ~~n e , Gwemnap , Cornwall. Olive- gr een r od- like cryst:J ls tc 4 mm in l ength inter gr own on a 1x1 " 3r 8a of a lter ed slate matrix. 1ix1t \' £2.25p

66 . OR THOCLASE . Itrongoy , Tulesr Prov. , ~~dagas c a r. Transparent very pal e golden coloured glossy single crystal. ~ " in s ize , £:2.50p

57. PEIlfTLI'.NDITE. Cushveld , Sout h Africa . Ri ch br onzey froSS wi th a li tt l e chnlcopyrit G . 2l-x17 " , £4.75p

, 68. POSNJAKITE. Dr akawalls I"~n e , Gunnis l oke , Cornwall. Light blue crystollised crust on :Jltar ed sl:Jte ma trix. 2x1 ", E3 . 50p 59. PSILOMEU\I\IE. Chillaton & Hogst c r f'i.i.nL , r ' ~lt o n Abbot , Daven. Grayish - bl~ck attrocti ve betryoi dul 055 covering mat rix . 2ix2", £9.00 70. PYRAIlGYRITE . Hi endeloencina , Gu odol :c j a r a , Spain. Sharp lustEous deep r8d termin::Jted crystals to 4 mm in s iza scatt ered on ,m"ltrix. 1.;}x 1i", £23.00 71. PYRITES . 'Joli den ~il. nes , Swedon. Unusual bri ght br elSs y rounded m:lss8s to -t" in si ze scntt ured in '", mass of ctialcopyrit e . 3x2x1t" , 1:4 .75p

72. PYRITES . Wheal J nne , Kee , Cornw~ll. Sh.,rp cubic br assy cryst~ls to 1 cm in size forming ::m wtt r ecti've intergrown group with minor matrix. 1ix11x1j- " , £G . OO 73. PYRI TES 8fter PYRRHOTITE. Castro Virreynw Mine , near Lima , Peru. Shorp hexagonal crystols oij pyrrhotite t o ~ " in s ize repLJC8d by br ossy Pyrites , thickly inter­ grown on m.:itrix . Specimen A: 2ix2x1 " , £15.00. Specimen 0 : - with crl/stols to ~- " i n s izu - 1tx1x1" , 1:10 . 00 o QU,':'Ir1TZ Frizingtun, Currbarl-:nc .. Lustrcus J s~""'rp s]i~htlv s, -Jk\ rou! ly tL..!'r,i:: .... T;w cryst'1l s to 1" in s izl. , with inclusions of specularih" intergrown on hL!ootitl2 mctri x . 2-:\x2}x1i" , 1:8.75p

QUARTZ . ~lJunt Wellington ~ine , Tw81v ehe2ds , Corrwall. Lustrous milky elongateC t~Jrlni:nuted cryst2ls to 1t" in length int8rgruwn on matrix with;) little pyrites. 2-zx11ix1t-" , 1:4 .50p 76. qUARTZ . Colcl2 rrow Qry . , Luxuly~n , Cornw~ll. Sh'1rp terminated elongated crystals to 1" in l ength , with c1c::::r tips , i ml=i-1nted on peg -:tito m:Jtrix with tourmolinl2 , rruscovite mic') ~nd ., little c:Jlcih. ctx2x1" , £5.00

77 . QUARTZ vori ety A~E THYST. Thunder bay , Ontario , Con3da. Fine lustraus sharp amethystine crystcls with reddish tips , tc t il in si z8 , covering qUartz mCltrix. All ::re very attractivl. specilT1l3ns. Specimen A: 4ix3x1t,-" , £18.00. Specimen G: 3xctx1}", £12.00. Speci me n C: 2ix1i-x1~ 1I, £7.00. Specimen D: 1 iX 1-~x 1-t;" , £4.75p 78 . RHODOCHROSITE . Trepcn , YugoslaviCl . Larg8 light pink rhombic cryst l s to 1+.- " in size associnted with sharp , silvery ARS ENOPYRITE crystals to t " in Size , on ootrix. 4-~x3i,-)( 1 t " , £48. 00

79. SHATTLCK ITE. New Cornelia t'tine , Aj o , Arizona , U.S . A. Sp8cimen ~I : Rich bright blue moss with b 2-uish -g n~en AJoITE in cssociati on. 1tx1i.-x1t" , £5. 00. Specimun 0 : Rich bright blue I113SS with minor mntrix. 1t,-x1t", £3.75p

80. SIDER ITE . ~Je u dor f , Harz , Germ:my. Lustrous sherp l arge light brown l entioulClr crystnls to over t,- " in size thickly intergrown on both sides of rretrix , - with odd rrtinuto bright silvery- gr ey crystals of tetr'1hedrite in plnces . 4x2~-x1t.-" , £30. 00 81 . SIDERITE. Ti ncroft Mino , Illogan , Cornwall. Sharp, transpar ent light brown tabular c rystals t o -t; " in siz8 dotted on quartz. 1x1'", £2.50p

82. NA TI VE SILVER . GUCln juClto , ~,ex ic o. V8ry bright silvery spi ky crystals ,mL dendri t cs to +.-" i n size scatterdd on a nd in crenmy calcite motrix. 2tx2x1t.-", £48. DO 83. SMITHSONITE . Ts umeb , Otavi, S.W. Africn. Specimen A: Lar ge sharp translucunt creamy colourod crystcls to over 7" in s ize thickly covering matrix. 3tx2tx1-}" , 1:14.00 Sp8ci men 0 : Sh3rp tranSp3r8nt rhombic c'rystals t'o 1 cm in sizo intergI'own on m:ltri x . 17X1" , £2.75p

84 . Sf''il:THSONITE after f\~.G LESITE. Tsum8b , Ota\Ji , S . W. AfricEl. Croomy white crystallised srrtithsonito replacing 3 l ar ge tabular terminated Ang l esitc crystal , with Dud sma ll bright yoll owy crystals of mimetite in pl oces . Unusual and i~ta re st ing pS8ueomorph. 2i}x1xt", £24 . 00 ' 85. SPESSllRTITE GARNET . Crok8n Hill , NS. WElles , Aust):,olia. Large , sh3rp lustrous rBddish crystols to oval' -1- " in size impl:Jnted on :o nd embedded in i'l sphulorit8 aml galona mat rix. 3i,-x2tx2 ", £26.00 86. SPHALERITE . TreEce , Kansas , U.S.A. Choic8 lustrous sharp l 2r ge dElrk br ownish cryst als to- over 1 " in siz8 forming on int2rgrown gr oup. Fine specimen for displ:Jy. ~-x4x2 " , £30.00 87 . SPHALERITE . New Gl encrieff Mine , Wo nlockheod , Dumfri es , Scotl a nd. Group of bright blac k large composite crystals to 1t" in sizu intergrpwn together , with .odd wall formed crystuls of quortz ane c31cit8. 3x2-2-x1t ", £16.00 88 . SPHALERI TE. Pribram, : Oohemio , C.S . S.R . Transpa rent Y81lowish- gr e8n sharp crystals to 5 mm in s ize implanted in a 1" cavity in sph8lerite/ galana/quartz ITlDtrix . 3x2x1-}" , £9.00

89 . SPHI'LER ITE. C:JstrD Virreyna ~'tina , near Lirra , Peru . Shar p bright bl acki sh twinned crystals to 7" in size associated with skei etsl G:J 18na crystols on matrix. 1+'-x1t", £9.00

90. STI8ICONITE aftor STI GN ITL Son Luis Potosi , Zac'1t ec:Js , ~,ex i co . Vollowish to creamy stibiconite replacing" gr oup of sharp , el ongated terminated Stibnite crysta ls to 1" in l!.mgth . 3x17" , £12.00

91. STAII!NITE. Ll unny ~tin8 , st . Austall , Cornwall . Rich metCl llic grey m2SS p:Jrtly nlter ed to Y8llowish VflR L:WIJFFITE on gr eisen Ir3trix. 2ix1i-x1t", £3 .75p 92. STI '~JITE . PGlt~Llluor 01/ ~,in_ , S • Enr:clli"n .. Cornw,'ll. Rlch "ilverV- sr8V h' , "' ~,~r in milky quurtz . Specimlm A: 3x2~1t ", £5.7Sp. Specim,m 8 : 2-tx1~X1-t ", £2 .75p

93 . STILeITE. Oorufjord, IcelGnd. Vo r v finG lustrous creamy do u b l y - t 8 r min~tec sheavos of crystals to 1i}" in sizG porchec' on matri x , with a lit tle c r vstullisod Heulanilite in association. 2-tx1~'X1 ", £20.00

94. STOLZITE . Cordill ere Minb , N. S . Weles , Austral ia. Shvr~ lustr ous yel lowish c r ystal s to 3 m in s i za dotted cn liroonitic matrix. 2x1-t", £8.00 9S . SmONTII1NITE . Whitosmith Mi ne , Strontian , Argyllshire , Scotland. Speci men II : Ri ch lime- green Eldiating rross with calcite and,a littlG brewsterit,- . 3x2t" , ;;:4 . 7Sp. Specitncln 8 : Ri ch li rPe" graen nss wi th minor bClrytes. 2x 1x1 " , £2 . Sop 96. NATIVE SULPHUR . Agrigento , Si cily , ItDly. Specimen .1 : Choi ce bri ght yellow sharp trnnspwrent crystals to ~ " in s i ze stacked one- upon- a r)ot her t o f orm an excellent attractive group. 2tx2x17", £18.00. Speci men 0 : Light ycllow most l y transpnrent large shorp t8bul:Jr si ngl8 c r ystaL 1tx 1-tx 1 " , £S . OO

97. TETRAHEDR ITE. Heroc'sfoot ~~ne , L8nr 80th , Co r nwall. Wall for med cha lcopyrite coatod crystals to 1 cm in s ize i ntergr ow n with srrall go12na crys t a ls on mnt rix . 1i-x1t " , £9.00

98. ToPf,Z . Thorros ~'its . Ut ah , U.S .A. ShtHP , t runsp8r ont gerrmv s herry- colourecl tor mi nwt l:c singh! crystal s . Each appr ox t tl tc; 1" in l ength , £2 . 00 oach. 99 . TDURM'1LINE. Kari bib , S .W. Af rica . Very deep 01ive- gr e8n el ongat ed s tri ated' sherp terminated s i ng l e cr yst a l , with a pinkish t ip. Th er e a r e s OlT'e good gemmy ar GOS inside the crystuL S" l eng by 1x1 " :lcr oss t he axi s . £80. 00 1OC . TURGI TE. Or oken Hill , 4,mbi 8 . Ve r y at t r active botryoi dal mess with a 10VGl y irridesc ent s ur f 8ce , a nd wi th smu ll gl assy c r yst al s af Ta r buttite on t he reverse side. Nice displ ay spt;lci me n. 4-tx 3-tx2-t " , £28. 00

101 . TVRoL ITE . ~u r tsc h e n a l p , Gl aurus , Switzerl8nd. Light gr een pl aty crys t al s cov2ring rrotri x . 1t-X 1-} " , £3 . 00 ' 102. VI1NADINITE. f"d.b l aden , .:jtlas hts . , f'/oro cco . Fine s h3r r: bright r eddish hexagona l crys tals to t " in s ize thi ckl y encrus ting Dnd sc;Jtt er ed over both s i des of nutrix . 2-tx2-ti<1t,." , £20.00. Speci m"m 0: Sm-Jl l bright orongey s parkling crys tal s sCDttered over crcmmv- wh i t e p12ty C,~RV T ES cryst a l s on mat rix. 2-}x2-tX1" , £9 . 00

103. Vr.RLAf'DFF ITE. [VUlbElrr y ~iim! , L:1ni vet , Cornwfl l l. Rich bright yellcw mas s es with a littlEl greenish Seor odiJte coveri ng slatEl mutrix . SpeCi me n ;\ : 4x 2x1t " , £4 . 7 Sp. Speci men U: 2tX1tx1 ", £2. S0p 104 . VI VI ANITE . Ll· l l agua , PotOSi , Ooli vi,. WEl ll formed lus trous indi go- blue t abular crystCll s to ,1 " i n s i ze int8rgr own on pyrites mut r ix . 23-x2 " , £16 . 00

1 05. W,WELLI TE . Hot Spr i nge , i1 r k:Jnsas , U. S . A. Li ght 'groen r a di at i ng s ~h e ri c a l Clgg r eg3tes t o 1 cm i n di amet er covori ng both s i des of rretri x . 3x2x1-t" , £5. 7Sp

106. WEI LEEITE. Tsumeb , 'otavi , S . W. Afri ca . Spec i ~en A: Li ght gr eenish thick crusts and musses i ntergr own wi th qU::1 rt z , with a litt l e well crysta llised Cu proadomi t e a nd Olivenite i n cavities . 2x 1-tx -H, " , £14.00. Speci me n 0 : Rich light gr elenish masses wi th qua r t z wi th e fros t i ng of minute sparkling do l Omi t e crvst8ls in pl aces . 2i}x2x1i;" , £9 . 00 107 . WI LLEf'!JTE . Tsumeb , otavi , S .W. Africa . Speci me n A: Choice light blue cryst2ls end crystal :Jgg r egates to 5 mm i n si ze eover i ng m3trix . 2tx 1-!x 1 " , £1 6 . 00. Speci men 0 : Lustr ous l i ght blUE t r 8nspar8nt cryst al s and crysta l 3ggr 8gat es t o 4 rrm i n s izl: intorgr ow n and s C::1 t ter ed on m t r i x with a little do lomite . 2tx1-~''' , £9 . 00

108. lLULF Ef\IIT E. Los L3mentos , Chi huahuo , ~ex i co . Ori ght or Cl ngDY sharp t abulor crys t Cl ls to -~- " i n s i ze for ming an i nter gr own gr oup with ::1 little creomy colcite . 1x1" , £4 . 75p RIC HARD W. 'lARSTDW Dr akewalls House , Drakewa lls, Gu nnis lake , Cornwall , Engl and. TEL . NO. : Tavistock 832381 (STD 0822) V.A.T.No.: 132-7852- 67


~~ il orders are promptly fill ed and despatched on a 7- day examination basis , subject to approval. Immediate r efund guar anteed on return of the specimen(s) in good condition. Please quot e t he name and nu mbe r of the·specimen(s) required and enclose P.O./Cheque with order. All . pri ces are i nc+usi ve of V.A .T. No charge i s made for postag e and packing , except for overseas customers and postage over 75p. We reserve the right to make slight substitutions , if necessary , unless advised to the conif-rary. ' Special reques ts and want s lists ar e welcome. We hope that we may be of some service to you and assure you of our best attention at all times .

~ AR CH 1961

1. ANAPAITE. Be llaver de Cerdena , Gerona , Spain. S~a ll sharp sparkling 'olive coloured transparent cr ys t a ~ s lining cavities in matrix . 1x1 " £O . 80p 2. APOPHYLLITE. Catcai r n, Co . Antrim, N. Ir eland. Sharp .colourless transparent crystals to 1 cm i n si ze i mplant ed on matrix with'snpwy- white crystallised ~ESOLIT E. 3x2" , £4 .751'1

3. ARTHURITE. Hi ngston Down Co nsols ~ine , , Cornwall. Rich light green crystalline crusts' coveri ng both sides of mat rix. ¥.X1-t", £4 .75p

4. ATAC A~ ITE. Remolinos , Atacama , Chi l e . LustEous dark green sharp crystals to 5 mrn in size thickly lining a 1x1" cavity in crys t alline ataca~ite and hematite matri x. 2x2x1 -k ", £18. 00 . 5. AUTU NITE. ~erriv a l e Quarry, Dart moor , Devon . Crust of light green small crystals richly covering granite ~at r i x . 3 ' : 1 '~ " , £2 •.5 0p 6. AZURITE. Touissit , ' near oUj da , ~DTOCCO. Specimen A: Lustrous dark blue well formed t abular cryst al s and cryst al sections to. -til in size intergrown on limonitic matrix, tili th some clusters of l arger crystals on t he reverse si de. 4ix2-tX1-t", £48.00. Specimen' 3: Lar ge lustrous deep blue well forme d terminated crystals to 2" in l ength forming a group in parallel growth, with a little li ~D nite matrix in places. · 3 x 1~-X1-k" , £34.00. Specimen C: Sharp lustrous da rk blue stout t abul ar t erminated crystal rrostly invested with silky green ~ALACHITE. 1-kx1x-t" , £?3.oo. Specimen D: Bright blue lustrous crystals tc over til in size growing in parallel on do l omite ma trix with a littlo ma lachite . 2x1-tx 1-t " , £18.00. Specimen E: Sharp lustrous dark blue termim t ed crystal -t il in size implant ed on dolOmite matri x. 1~x1-kx1-k" , £14.0C 7. BARYTES. Silvermines , Co. Tipperary , Ireland. LustrOUs well formed golden crystalS to 1" in size inter grown on matrix with bright silvery- grey modified gal ena ·crystals. ¥.x2" , £10. 00 . '8 . BENITOITE. San Denito Co., California , U.S.A. Sh arp pal~ blua translucent crystal 1 cm in Size , implanted on ma trix. 1-tx1-k" , £11 .• 00 9. BoUR NmJ ITE. Julcani Mine , Junin Prov., Peru. Sharp silvery- grey cog- wheel twinned crystals to 4 mm in sizo scatt er ed on matrix with numerous sharp bright black . SPHALERITE cryst al s , a little light pink crystallised RHODOCHROS ITE , and quartz . and pyrites crystals . 4x3x1i", £28. 00 10. BRoNZITE . Paar n Vooso , Li zard, Co~nw a ll. Large . bronzey crystalli ne cleavages to 1i" in size with mi nor gabbro pegmatite. 3x2i x1t ", £2.50p 2 11. 8USTAf"ITE . Troburlnnd f!;J r.g ont.lS l: ! , Altarnun , ILbrnwall. Ve r y rich pole bladed crystGlline masses with veinl et s of pink RHODON ITE . S p ec irr~ n A: £6.75p. Specimen 8 : 3x2x1f", £4 . 75p

12. CALCI TE. 801tsburn ~ne , Rookhope , CD . Durham. Sharp lustrous tra ns lucent cr eamy coloured discus- shGpBd crystal s to 1" in size attr activel y dotted on crys t a llised Sidel:ite motrix with minor crystalli sed quart z. 302x11-" , £5 . 00 13. CALC ITE. SweetwatLlr I' , Ellington , rvlissouri , U. S .A. Choille t r anspar ent t o trans l ucent sharp doubly- termin::ted hexogonal cryst"ll s to l*" i n l ength inter grown a nd scattered on ITEltrix with minor crystal lised chalcopyrit e and dolomite . Ni ce display specimen. 5x3x1-t" , £26.08 14 . CAL EDON ITE. Hardluck Clai m, 82ker , Califor ni a , U. S.A . Light blue crystalline patches with areas_of ri~h dark blue crystal line LI NAR ITE covering bot h sides of matrix. 2X1~ ", £B . 00 _ 15. CASSITER ITE·. Ki t Hi ll , St oke Climsl and , Cornwall. Lus tlCo us dark br own sharp twinned crystal ~ " i n si ze i mpl anted on quartz/gr ei sen ma tri x . z1-X1 ~X1 1- ", £14 . 00 16. CASS ITERI TE var iety WOOD TI N. Potosi , Bolivi a . Unus ua l dar k brownish botryoi dal masses with a little lirro nite. Pi eces appr ox 11-x1 " , £1 .75p each. 17 . CHALCOCITE. Levant I'une , Pendeen , Cornwall. f"etallilc grey s har p platy crystal s· t o 4 mm i n s i ze i nter grown on 0 11-x~ " 8rea of quar t z/hemotite/cha lcocite matrix , with cre8my- white spheri cal aggr egat es of ca l cite i n pl aces . 2ix2~x 1 1- " , £1 2.25p 18. CHALCOCITE r eplaced by BORNITE and CHALCOPYR ITE . St. Ives Consol s rtoine , St. Ives , Cornwall. I rri descentl y tarnished p13t y cryst al s t o ~ " in s ize thickly inter gr own on matrix . 2x2x1i" , £28. 00 19. CHALC OPYR ITE. Castrovi r r eyn8 , near Li ma , Peru . Oright br assy sha rp crysta ls to i " in s ize intergrown on rratrix wit h oe d small clear Qua rtz crysta ls, and numerous small .shar p s i l ver y- grey Tetr:3hedrite cryst a l s . ~x 2ix1i ", £18 . 00 20 . CHALCOPYR ITE. French Creek rtli ne , Ch est er CD. , Pennsylvanin , U.S . A. Bright br as?y well for med skel etal crystal s t o ~ " i n size scatt er ed on matrix with a little octahedr al cryst allised Pyrites. ~X:>tX1~ '" £28.00. Specime n 3 : La r ge slightly t a rnished br as sy skel et81 crystal tx," i n s i ze i mpla nted on ITEltrix . 1ix1" , O.75p 21. CLINOCL AS E. WheOl l Gorl a nd , St. DOlY , CD nwe ll. trous deep blue crysta l aggregat es to 5 mm i n s izlJ scattered i n a nd infilli ng cavities t o ~ " in size in quartz matrix , wi th well cr·ystalli sed OL I VENITE TInd crusts of green Cornwallite in places • . 2ix2tX1~_ II , £~4 . 0o

22. CoLE ~AN ITE. Do r on , Ca lifornia , U.S . A. Lustrous s harp glassy s peOl r - like crystals t o ~ II in s i ze thickl y intt!rgr own ull over mut r i x wi th a little creamy- yellow calcite i n pl ac es . 4x3xz1-" , £1(3 . 00 .

23. NA TIVE COPPER . C~rn·Orea rv'! , Illogan , Cornwa ll. Copper y colourep cellular masses of spi ky crystal s , some for ming dendritic shapes . Pi edes each approx t "- t ", £O.50p each. . 24 . NA TIVE COPPtR . Wheal Gorl a nd , St . Doy , Cqrnwall. Ri ch cellular crystallised mass with odd small sharp deep red cryst al s of Cuprite , a nd f r agment s of milky quartz. 2tx 1 ix1 ~- ", £14 . 00 25. CoRNETITE . OlLGnLJ l'kub2 , Ndol a , Zambi a . rto.nute deep blUE spa rkling cryst a ls richly covering solid bri ght green well ba(l ded rtALACH ITE . 3x2x1~" , £15.00 26. CO RONAD ITE. Tsumeb , Otavi , S . W. Af r i ca. Speci me n A: Gr eyish dendritic masses scattered all over l ustr ous rhombi c cr ystal s of CALC ITE to t il in s ize encrusting matrix. 4x2t" , £14 . 00. Speci men 0 : Greyi sh dendritic a nd bot r yoi dal masses forming a cellulOl r mass with Dud minute spar kling cOl l cite crystal s . 2x 1tx1 ", £4.75p 27. CoWL ESITE. OqllyclarB , CD. Ant rim, N. I r e l and. Silky col ourless t o crea my c rys t alline mosses lining c<1vi ties to 1 cm i n s ize in bas alt matrix . Specimen A: 2t x 1tx 11-" , £4 .75p. Specimen 0 ; 2x 1t ", £3 . 5Op 28 . CUPR ITE. Groken Hill , N.S . Wa l es , Aust r a lia. Unus unl ma l achit e replac ed and coat ed s harp cubi c crystals t o 4 mm i n s ize scat tered on ce rus site/cuprit e ma trix. 1tx1fx11-" , £11 . 00 3

CUPROADAMITE. Tsuml!b , [)t~v i, S .W.!:\fri c"l. Spocimen A: Shar p l ust r ous e> live- gr mm c rystals to 5 mm in s i zu"thickl y cov8r ing rotrix . 2tx2" , £24 . 00. Speci me n 0 : Small sholOp li,ght oppl e- gr een cr ystals to 2 mm i n s i zo t hi ckly covering," gr oup of lar ge well fo mLd TENNANTITE cryst al s to 1-} " i n size, togl!t her with crus t s of a dark gre8n micro crystallisod copper mineral , pr obabl y Dufti te. 2tx2-i;-X 1t " ,£23 . mJ 30. CY~R IT E . L8ngban , Wormland , Sweden. Creamy coloured moSSl!S richl y scatte r e~ t h ough light brown micm;:eous i""I\(J(,NOPHYLLITE matrix. 2ix2tX1-~ " , £6 . 50p

31. DANGUR ITE. Ch2rcDs , Sun Luis Potosi , ~:exico . Sharp l ustrous termi nat8d creamy col oured crystf'ls to ,i!-" in longth thi ckly i ntergr own all ov,or Jl18t rix . 3x2t" , £14 . 00 32 . DA TOLI TE. Pattorson , Now Jersey , U.S .A. Shar p lustrous gl ossy c r yst a l s t o 8 mm i n s ize i ntergrown on rratrix with creamy Sti lbite crystal s t o 5 mm i n s ize . 2tx2t" , £7 . 00

33. DAWSONI TE . S~nta Fior o , Tuscany , Italy. §reamy coloured star - li ke aggr egat es t o 5 mm in s i ze richly scattered on matrix. 2x1tx1 " , £4 .75p 34. DEl"ANTO I D GARNET . Vel l..plonco , ,Sondri o , Italy. Lust r ous t r a ns lucent t o tra nspar ent cr yst als and crystal sections to 4 mm in s i ze coveri ng l ar ge a r eas of matrix with s ilky asbestos .i n aSSOCiation. 4tx3", £18.00 35. DIOP TAS E. Tsumeb , OtC'vi , S.W . Afri ca . Sharp bri ght eme r a il: d green cryst al s t o -t" i n s i ze dotted on crm;lmy calcite IT13trix, 1tx1t-X1 " , £10. 00 '

36. DUNDAS I TE . Kopi I"~ne , Dundas , Tasm2nia , Austral ia. Ri ch c r eamy- white s i lky cryst a lliSE crust 1tx1" on limonitic J11[Jtr i x , with. the rest of t he speci men cover ed with pal o greeni sh- yellow CHROI"E CERUSSI TE crystal s to 3 mm i n size , a nd sma ll orangey- r ed CROCOITE crystals . , 2-}x2}," , £10.00 37 . EPIDO TE. Pinos Altos , Oaja Cal i forni8 , ,exi co . Shs r p l ust cous t erminat ed olive- gr een crystals to 1 cm i n.size intergrown and s cattered all over IlBtrix. ~x2tx 1 i " , L 1 8 . 00 38 . ERI ONI TE. Dunseverick , Co . Antri m, N. Ire18nd •. Creamy white r adi ating crys t a lline musses i nfilling CQvities to -io " i n s ize i n bssslt mQtrix . Speci me n A: 2x 1-} ", £4. 50p Specimen r : 1}x 1Jc " , £3 .75p

39 . ERYTHRITE . Gou r,zzer , J bel Ssrhr o , ~:o r o c co. Choi ce raspberry- r ed shar p lustrous tsbulsr crystals snd crystal aggregat es to i " in si'ze scatter ed on s nd encrt:!sting a r eas of skutterfudite.,matri x. 4x2tX1-t" , £35.00 40. FLUOR ITE. Florence I"ine , Egremont ,' Currb&rl anc. Li ght 'tur ouoi se- blue tra nsparent shar p s i ngle cubic crystal , with a lit tle hematite attsched on one si de. 2Ox 17x17 rrrn. £10. 00

41 . FLUORITE. Heights ~line , Wear al e , Co. Durham. Oright green sharp tra nspar ent int er ­ penetr ant twi nnod crystals to i!- " i n s ize thickl y covering i r ons t one matrix 'wit h a few small corro~ed gal ena crys tClls in pl aces. Fine di spl ay s pecime n . stx 5x ¥." , £42 . 00

42 . FLU ELL ITE . K~pundCl , South Australi a. Sm,ll sh~rp glass y c r ysta ls lining cavities t o 1" in size in lirrcniti c mutrix. 2~x2x1i " , £1 4. 00 43. FRIEDELITE . OgdensbUr g , New Jer sey , U. S . A. Li ght brown s mall s harp crysta ls and crystallin,e patcl).es On cal cite/ frsnklinite matri x. 2t-x1i!-" ,. £7 . 00

44 . GALENI1 . Whenl Jane , Kon , Cornwall. Sharp s ilvery- grey modified crystal ~ " in size and several srn311er distorted crystal s impl ant ed on mil ky quartz crystals , t oget her with srn3 11 shorp bro9sy Chsl cflJy rite cryst :J l s. 2tx2~x1t " , £7. 50p

45. GAL ENA . Olac kdenll ~'~ n e , Weardale , Cu . Durham. Very bright silvery- gr ey mo dified cube- octahedr,l cryst81 p2rtly encrusted wi th lustrous croamy t r 3nslucent nail- hoad CALCITE crystol s to nenrl y -t" in si ze. 2-tx2~x l~ ", £14.00 46 . GO ETHITE. NOQr Ouarzozote , I1tlas Mts. , I"orocco . Lustr ous bl ac ki sh nl! edly cr ysta l s oggr egClteci in ruilioting m2ssBs to 1" i n s i zEl ::md sCElt t er 8d indivi dua lly on cleCl r py r amidal ljUARTZ cryst3ls to -1 " in s i ze completely lini ng a deep geode. Ni ce di spl ay speci men . L.-tx3x2-t", £22 . 00

47 . NA TI VE GOLD . K~lgoorlie , Western Aust r a li ~ . SmQll gol den masses on 3nd in schistose rotrix with sm<::ll patch8s of s ilvery- gr oy PET ZITE. 2tx1i.-x 1 ", £18 . 00 4 48. GRUNERITE. Vi1l2 f1eo l , Tr8Sos r-tontes , Portugal. Rich greyish aCi eul,r crystalli masses with minor mDgm~tite. Specirren I~ : 3x2 " , £3.75p. Speciml!n 0 : 2x1~x1t " , £2 .7 49. HOHHJRPHITE . Film oju81o , I-.'pimi , I".exico. Shorp lustr ous colourless t:Jbul:Jr cryst. aggregated in sprays to 1 cm in l ength and ossociJtod with croamy rhombic CALCITE crystals on lirronite rrntrix'. 3x2x1t", £6.75p 50. HoPEITE. or okun Hill , Z,mbia. Lustreus creamy~whi t e sharp t


54. KoTTIGITE. ~'d.m ojucla , t'iJpimi , ~',exico . LuStVOl)S sage- green srn-.,ll well formed crysta ls in star- liku :Jggregat es covering a 2xfll erDa of li mo nitic matrix. 3X1i-x17\-" , £15.50p 55. NA TIVE LEnD . Lz> ngban , Wormla'lc , Sweden. Rich h81lVY du ll grey hackly mass with minor matrix. 2f.-X1tx1 ,;}- 1I , £28. 00 56. LIBETHE NITE . Phoenix r-tiine , Linkinhorne , Cornwall. Srrall shar p lustrous dark olive­ gr oen octallEH:Jra l crystols richly scattered in c3vitios in quortz. 21!x2" , £6.00 57. U BETHENITE . Viindola openpit , neor Kitwe , Zorrbi:J. Very 12r go lustrous d

58 . U i"DN ITE . Dotall

61. ~I r-tETITE . Tsumeb , Utovi , S . W. Africa . Lustrous light yellow el ong ated crystals to 1 cm i n l e ngth thickly inte r grown on both sides of rratri x . 2x1 ", £3 .50p 62 . r-tDLV BDENITE. Houtonbeck r-tano , near Groblersdel , Tra nsvaal , S . Africa. Rich greyish f oliat ed p18t es witll quartz. Pi eees appr ox 1tx1-t;-", £1.50p e:Jch. 63. r1lTTRA~tTE. Dr uken Hill , l3mbia. Dark brown lustrous platy cryst81s t o 4 mm in siz2 int8rgr own and scett e r ed on stalscti'tic linoni te matrix with creamy wi:llemi te. 2x1t-x1 II , £9 . 00

64 . NEPHELHlE'. ~bnt e Sbmrrc , r'cpl es , Itoly. Sharp glassy trnnsp:Jrent hexcgonal crystols to 5 mm in si ze richly sGltt ered 311 over ma trix. 3tx3tx1t", £14 . 00 65. oL IVENITE. Wh8:Jl Unity , Gwennap , Cornwall. olive- gr oen banded and radiating mass with a little' quartz , ~ nd with srr~ll c 3vities lined with well formed olivenite crysta ls. 2x1-tx1~,lI , £8.50p

66. oSU~ . I~I:E. :;te. ;'r ~i , Sord ~ni a . Sma113sh~;;p reddish to bl ackiSh ~rl~tals dotted in cavltles 1n matrlx . Spocl me n n: 2x14X14 , £3 . 00. Speclmen 0 : 14X 4 , £1.50p 67. PHACoLITE . Cr3i g

71. PS E UDO~ALI1CHITE . N ICh o ngo ~ino , Z~wbio . Dcrk green b~nded WDSS with a botryo i d~ l s ur f ace which i.s covElred i n STl''lll sh:Jrp sPQrkling pseudamol'lchite cr yst ;]ls. 2~x1~x1 " , £12.00 7-2. PYR ITES . Ti ncroft hi nD , Illogon , CornwalL Oright br:Jssy well formed cubic c r yst a l s to ~ " i n size intllrCJrown and stocked one- upon- onot her on 0 br ecciated qu art z rniJ t ri: 3x2x1~- " , £9 . m 73. PYR ITES . Qui ruvilc:J , Li bllrt2d Dept . , Peru. Specimon A: Sh

74. PYROCHLOR E. Sandefjorc, VElstfold , Norw

75. PYRO~DRPH IT E . ~' les FClrges , CNuse , FNnce. Chci ce light gr oenis h di ver gent sprays of t2pering hexogunal cryst3ls to uver -?>- " in s ize thickl y i nter gn wn and sCutter ec on crystClllisBd barytas mC1tri x. 3x3xlt", £48. 00 76. PYROJVORPHITE. Whe:!l .-,lfrod , Fhi llack , Cornw211 . Thumb nail s i zed group of sharp lustrous l i ght green hexagon:J1 crystals . £1.50p

77 . PYRO~DRPH IT E. iledCill I.ine , C"lcbElck Fells , Cumberhmd. SI1'.2 11 l ust r ous light gr een crystLJls encrust~ m; cr\jstallis8d quart z . 1-}x1tx1 " , £2. 50p 78. qUAR TZ. Panasqueiro , Ooira- Oeixo , Po r t uyal . Shar p g13ssy t r a nsparent el ongat ed terminated crystal s to 1~ " in length completel y covering matrix , wi th 0 little muscovite mica in plac2s. Good displ2Y speci m6n . 4txl, ,, , £24 . 00 79. QUAR T Z vari et y CITRmE. him,s Ger3i s , 'lrLlzi 1. .5h:JrP t ronspar Bnt gol den t o or angey pyramidal cryst21s to ~ " in size covering milky ~U3rtz mot rix. Fine displ ay piece. - 4~x4x2" , £1S . I}[i 8C. RU TILA TED qU.';RTZ . Di::JmClntin2 , i"inss Gerais , Or3zi l. Sharp gl assy t r a ns p2 r ent crystal wi th a good termination, enclosi ng "u erous bri ght ~o l den di ver gent spr::JYs of KUTILE . 2.zX1t-x1~" , £1C.00

81. QUAR TZ epi morphous 0fter FLUOR I TE . Hc l mbush ~inc , Stoke Cl iwsl a nd , Cornwal l. Sha r p cubic casts of quart z after fluorite cr ys tal s 3tt 3i ning t " i n s ize , both s i des of the specimen show the casts. 4x 3-}x1~ " , W.OO

82. RHODON ITE . Liccott I/

86. Ni\ TIVE SI LV E:1 . Nipi.ssi nlJ Hill i"

qa. SPH LERITE. Furc. CT'~ iJ.fl , '1-. i'lL-wick, Cur, ~ I-nl'. Lustrcrus hck sh~rn cTyst-lc to ave i" in ::.t .. L thi~kly c ,vLri r. ];-ix. ",,4><1 " , £14.

91. SPINEL. ~~t. So" 11 sh rp 'luish cryst~15 richly scottwrec en nntrix with Ii cc r r - ito mic • 2fx1b<1~" , £7.5Cp

92. ~ TIVE SUL,HU.. rigunte , Sicily , It,ly. Vtrv cheicL right yellow sh~rr. r8nsp~rcn"t to translucent cry"t,l;:; to 1" in si ZG thickly I:ncrustinJ cN~my c~lcit8 IT-trix. SI=Qcimtln is cxcdlont for ;!ispl~V -md i3 vi rtu,lly frLc 3 d"lfl\2ge. &txu';-x1i" , £70. ~L

93. TELLURO IS~UTHITE. ~ flgf,l!sh~r~et , 03stcrcottcn , SwcLcn. Rich silvery rrOSS8S in ndEllusi.t8 OnL c;uortz matrix , with minor tbtrnr:Yf11i.t" and pxrites. Specimen i\ : 3x2x1''' , Sp"cirr,cn : 2tx2", £c,.:rv. S;:8cil".""\ C: 2t-x1." , £4.75p. SpcciITtJn D: 1x'I" , £1.

94. TENr>l;,N TITE . Tsum.J. , Ot:::!vi , .l.W . ,fricn. Sh'lrp Jrl!vish twinnee crys ~l 15x15 ITI'1 in SiZ8 impl,mter ' em nilky qu2rtz crystols covloring motrix . 2.ly2xl1" , £12.00

95. TEPHROITE . Trehurlont tinL , qltornun , Co flU:::!ll. Rich Jrevish to d-Tk ~rownish mosses with pink ~OCOnitL ontJ ., littlo brownish hustJmite. Sp8cimen I. : 3x2'x1t,." , £4.75p. Sp.Jcim8n C: 2-~x2x1" , £2.5Cp 96. TEm L'-IEDiIITE . I-Ierotisfoot r'inc , L'Inreoth , CornwQll. Sherp cholcop rite- coatee crvstds to ~" in siz" ossociot.Jc with mL't~llic JrllV ,,318n3 crvst"l s to ~" in size :me scattered dl over rrntrix with 'Jre:Js of milky qu~rtz crvstds. 5x3x1-~ ", 1:2C..CC TILHSITE. U~n,;tlcm , W8 ml:::nd , Sweder. 'iich or:::ngcy- brown rr.Jsses. Speci rr..:n .. : 3x2tx1~" , I:b.CO. SpeCimen ' : 2-tx2 " , D.5'1p. Specimer C: 2X1~ ", ~2.50p. Speci men D: 1b<1" , £1.5Lf

98. TOP ~, Z. Ek:Jtcrint:urJ , Urwl l:ts. , luss,la. Shorr: tr"lnSp3r8nt very p I t: l ue we ll former. and terminotee sin:;;lc crvst:1l. 1f long bV t" '1cross the axis . £38.00

99. TOPAZ . Zinnw'Jld , [ohemic , C.S.S.l. unusual lustrcus cre~mv to pal e greenish r 'Jdiating Fibrous crvstollim; rr.Jss with minor zinnuslc'itt mic-. Specimen,n : 3x2tx2" , £9 • .:'0. Specimen ' : 2-~x2x1+" , £r;.oc. Specirren C: 2-:1-x1~x1" , D.OO 100. TOROERNITE . WhL31 C3sset , Illog,n , Cornw~ll. Light green crystal s wnd crvstol sections to 5 ~ in SiZ2 richly sC3tte ed OV8r both s i cf c:::l l u l ~ T quartz. 3tx2tx1~:" , £15. ~~

101 . TSU~£8ITE . Tsumel' , ot~vi , S .W. ,;f rico. SpGcimen ," : Sha:rp light ; r ecn c)' jst:Jls to 2 mm in size sc~tt8red on eu titL covering quortzosE n,tr ix , wi th bot r voi d31 green rn:Jl~chi"i;c. -:ne WEll! formed crvsto1s of wulfenite. 2fx1-+x1t" , 1:24 . CC . Specimen C: Shu [J bri']ht green crystals to 1 lOr. in size thickly l ini ng n t-xt-" CQvitv in rr.8trixo 1x1" , i:16.0C. Sr-eci men C: '9 speci nen :l , lining 'J -'.}xi- II c:lvitV in motrix . 1 "-x1 " , £8.;::C . SrECi men D: Sm:Jll sh3rp ,; r een c r vst ol s scot ter ed in srr.iJll cilvities in oxidisctl are . 1x1 " , £4.75p

1[;2. W~qDITE . ,pid C:'eok , Yukon , C3n:JdiJ . Specimen :1 : Shar p lustrous Cr e3mv crvst31s ";0 5 mm in size sC:Jtterer over m:ct :;-ix ILtith !icro cryst d lisec chile' r enit e. 3x1-tx1 " , £'26.CO. Specimen J : Sh3rp ':JTi~ht cre2mv coloured cryst al s t o 4 rrm i n s ize -:;h i ckllj coverin.; mr:trix . 1-Lx1 " , 1:14.00 '

103. illLFf

GRIT I Sa i'ITNER[;L & GEi"i SH,' - Holieny Inn HOt81 , St . Nicho12s Circle , Leicest er . S::turdav Ferch 25th-; one Suneoy t',o'rch 29th , open 1C. OC am t o 'i. 00 pm e'lch eOlV . We sh:Jll be 2ttenCin~ this show , cn~ ~u stand no ' s :J r e 24 , 25 Cl nd 26 , s itu ~ t ec in the ~l i n 011 . We Jc hope VOU WIll ~e ~c18 tc come t L this show , wh ich ~ r o mi ses to be t he best one hele' so far in [,rit:Ji n -- it ' s :J ll mi ner=l s (:J nd '} f8W fos s ils ) , so t her" ' 11 be lots to se8 and choose from. We ' ll 88 f02t uri ~ miner c l s f r e~ J rit :Jin nne ove r se:Js tc su ~ t 811 pockets , ~s well as w~~y new ~nd f i ne r.i Gces f rom C O T nw~ l l and Irel and. I ' ve just r:urch:Jsee 0 lcrJ2 01-' Corni sh collec"ti on , 3nc will h:Jv8 m... mv iterrs from thi s on sal E. RICHARD W. AR STOW Dr akewa lls HOU SR, Drakewalls , Gunnislake , Cornwa ll , Engl and. TEL. I\() . : Tavistock [13230 (STD OC22 ) V. A. T.f\'o. : 132-7852- ,)7 oRDERI IIll I NFoRflJlTION 'ail orders erc promptly fill ed and despat ched on a 7- day examination basis , subject to approval . Immediate erund guarant eed on return or the specimen(s ) in goo d condition. Pl ease quote' the nama and nu ber of t he s pecimen(s) reqUired and enclose P.o ./Cheque wi th order. All prices ar e inclusive of V.A.T.

, No char ge is made for pos t age and packing , except for overseas custome 5 and pos t age ov er 75p. We reserve t he right to make s light substitutions , if necessary . unless advised t o t he corrt r ar Y. SpeCi al r equests and wa nts lis ts are welcome. We hope t hat we may be of some service to you and aSSur e you of Our best attention at all times .

APR IL 1981

1. AIIllLESITE . Toui ssi t , near ouj da , ~OrO C CO . Sh arP lus t ous cl ear colourless cryst al s to t ot in. size f orming an inter grown group. 1x1 " , £8 . 00

2. APATITE . Ehrenfrieders dorf , Saxony , ~ e rmany. LustrOUs lavendar coloured shar P hexagonal crystal s and cryst al s ections to t- " i n si ze scat ter ed in caviti es i n milky quar tz. 2!.-o<2x1t ", £14.00

3. ARAGO NITE . ~olin a de Ar agon. Spain. ChOice lustrous l ight purplish pseudo- hexagonal crystal s t o 2" in diamet er f ormi ng an int e locki ng group . 3tx<$<2" , f. 11 . oo 4. NA TIVE ARSENIC. Kusa Mine . Oau , Sar awak. SpeCi me n A: Gr eyish- bl ack well f ormed c ystal s to 3 mm in size thickly cover ing botr yoi da l native arsenic with mi no r amounts of cryst al lised Sti bnite and Quartz. 3t-x2tx1i " , £24. 00. SpeCi me n 0: As s pecimen A, but with the cl'ystals not so we ll f ormed . *2x1i" , £16.00. SpeCimen' C: As speci men A, 2t x1ix1t ", £12 . 00 . SpeCi men D: Greyi sh- bl ack well fOrmed crystal s to 3 mm in size thickl y coveri ng quartz matrix. 1tx1tx1", £9 . 00 5. AXINITE . oritish Rail Qr y. , f"e ldon, Devon. Sharp bright clove- brown cryst al s to t ot i n s i ze f ree- st anding on matrix with a l i t tle cryst allised Actinolite. 3X l~X 1 t- ". £12.00 6. AZUR ITE. Cnessy , Rhone , Franc e . 0 i ght blue sha p t abular cr ystal s to nearly i " in s ize f orming an attractive gr oup with no matrix , and with a little bright green fibrous Ma l achite ,i n places. Fine di s'play s pecimen. 4tx ~x 2" , £27 5.00 7. AZURI TE. Broken Hi ll , N.S. Wal es , Aust ralia . Bright blue r osettes of crystals t o 5 mm in size dotted on bright gr een ma l achite covering matrix. 1 ~ 'x1 t ", £4.75p 8 . OARY TES. Fel s obanya , Rumani a . ChOi ce gr oup of sharp, trans par ent mi l ky to colourless tabular crystal s to ov er 1" i n size. 3tx2tx1t", £26 . 00 9. BEC QUEi ELITE . Shi nkolobwe , Kat anga , Zaire . Minut e or ang ey cryst als lining joints and small canit i es i n a mass of solid bl ack Uraninite and or angey- yel l ow Curite. 1ix1t x1t ", £23 . 00 10. BEUDA NTITE . Wheal Car perrter , Gwinear , Cornwall . ~nute s parkli ng crystal s r i ch l y lining cavi ties i;lnd joi nts in gosSany quartz. 2x 1ix1t." , £4.75p

11. BrXBY ITE. Tepetnte, San Lui s PotOS i , ~ e xico. Sh ar p lus t ro~S black cubiC crystal 3x 3 mm in size i mplanted on c e ~lul D r rhyo lite matrix. 2x.1ix1t " , £8. 00 12. ooR NITE . ' Carn Brea Mi ne , Illog8n, Cornwal l. We l l formed t arnished cubi c crystal s t o 3 mm i n size sC Qtter ed Qnd i ntergrown on matrix. 1 tX l~x 1 ", £14.00 2

13. oRNITE ~nd OJIJlLEITE r..;pL.lci ny CHALCOCITE. L~v[1nt ~~ nt.. , J cndmm, CO r rt.Jnll. G-oup5 of I:. 8I,·.3h met-;Jllic hQx~goml ond n"il- h(nd ch:Jlcocitt! cr yst..,l s by bornitc <:!nd c1jurlGite. Group:l erJch apprOx - 1" in size, [4 . 75p e:)ch. 14. CAGRERITE . Li:!urion , Attico district , Greece. Specimen A: ShnrP oppl e- green Spr:JY5 of cry5t~15 -ichly lininJ cDvities in m~trix. 1~x1, ", [~.OO . Speci men : ShnrP ~pple - .;rcen :;;p :Jy~ of cryst~ls dott~d on c:]lci t£.,. 1x1 ", O.75p

15. CALCITE. r· pimi , Dur~ngo , r-'exico. AttrrJctivr; clustcr of lustrous crlnmy- white tabula crystds forming '1 brunching m"ss. 4x2~X1!" , £6 . 00

16. CALCITE. ~~. VOrnon , Indi~no , U.S .A. Lustrous tronspnrent golden- brown sharp complex crystnls to 1' " in size interg own toge h£l on matrix. ctx1tx1" , £5 . 0(1 17 . CARf,'INITE . ,cnjc>min Hill , Sonon , Fllxico. V£ry rich carmine-red masses and potchus of minute needly crystals on one in matrix with ar8as of yellowish ARS ENI OS I 2 1" 1~" , £4 . SOP 18. CARNOTITE . Uravan , ColorrJdo , U. S. A. Rich br ight yel low moss wi th minOr sandstone. C7x2 ", £4 . 7Sp 19. CASSI TERI TE. Dolcooth Mine CambornB, Cornwo ll. Lus t rOUs dar1 br own s har P el ongated ' Sp."rable ' c""ystals to " in length r iChl y sC3ttered on chl or ite mat rix wi th B little crystallised quartz. 3-!x~2 ", £10.00

20. CASSITERITE . Travaskus ~i ne , Gwi near , Cornwoll. Shor p bright bl ack c eys t a l s t o' 3 mm in size sCi:!ttered over matrix wi t h 0 l i t tle we ll crys t allised Arsenopyrite. 2x1-t" , £10.00 21 . CERARGYRITE . F rc:!i bUrg , Saxony , Germany. Soli d li ght br own mass . 1txb

22. CERUSSIT E. r·libladen, Atlas Mts . , ~o r occo. Sha r p t rans par ent col ourless c rysta l s t o 8 mm in sizu scattered over pi nkish bl aded 3ARY TES crys t al s coveri ng mat r i x . 1b<1tX1f" , £9 . 00

23 . CHALCOCITE . Cot811Dck ~n n e , St. Just , Cornwall. 8right metallic gr ey well f ormed cryst3ls to' r; mm in Size intergr own rmd scatter ed on massive chalcocite and cal cite m<:!trix . 2x1;}x,1t", £3e. oo

~ 4 . CHALCoPHYLL ITE . SouthCaradon ~ne , ' St. Cl eer , Cornwall. SharP emer ald- gre'en well formed hexagoml cryst<:!l s 5c2ttered in cavities a nd joints in cupri t e/ ar seno'pYrite and ma l achite matrix. SpEcimen A: 2x 1 ~x 1", £9 . 00. Speci m8 n 0 : 1x1x1': - very rich i n chalcophyllite , £8. 00. SpeCimen C: 1-tx1" , £3.7 5p.

25 . CHI LDR ENITE. Geor ge & Charl otte ~n ne , near Tavi stoc k , Devon. SharP lus t rous golden­ brown crystnl s to 3 Il'm in size dotted on one edge of s l at e/quartz matrix. 3x2x1t " , £5 . 00

26 . CHR YSoCoLLA . Inspi rati on ~ n ~ ~ I':i.ami , Ari zon3 ,. U. S . A. Very rich colourful bright blue masses . Speci me n 1;\ : 2tx2~'x1 t " , £5. 00. Speci me n B: 2x1t x1t "" £3.Do. 2:7 . CLI J\lJ ZoI SITE. Pinos Altos , Oaja California , Mexico . Choice pinkish- rEd r a diating crystalline musses' to t OO im di umet er sC3t,ter e d in milky qua rtz with minor amo unts of ol ive- gr een Epi dot e . Specime n A: 2b<2;}X1 -t", £7.00. Specimen 0 : 2X 1tx1t ", £4 . 75p. Specime n C: 2x 1 ~ x1" , £3. 50p. Specimen, D: 1-~x1 ", £1 . 00, 2B . CoNICHALCITE. Hinu ojuel a', Mn pimi , ~18 xic o . Ap ple- green micrp crystals a nd crl,lsts richly cbv8ring the s ur f ac e a nd lining cavities ih limonitic mat ix, with a little c ryst allised calcite . 2~x1tX 1" " £4.7 5p

29 . NA TIVE COPPER. 'QUi ncy ~1in e , Kewee naw Penins ular , ~ chi ga n, U. S . A. Large well formed e l ongat ed crystdl 2tx1 " in s ize i mpla nted on a hackly thick sheet of native copper , toget her with oilil well f or med creamy Calcite crystals. fi x3-!", £74. 00

30. NATIVE COPPER enclosed in SELENITE . ~ri ss i o n r"li ne , Pima Co ., Arizona , U.S . A. Cle3vage'mas ses of tra nspar ent Sel enite with inclUSi ons of bright dendritic <:!nd spongy cryst>allised Nutive Copper. Speci me n A: 5x2tx1~ ", £1 8 . 00. Speci men B: 3b<3x1" , £14 . 00. Specime n C: 3x2x1" , £7.00. Specimen D: ztx1'~' '', £4.75p 31. CUPRITE . Tsumeb , otovi , S .W. Afric:) . Lus trous de8p red shur p crysta ls to 4 mm in size s cat ter ed all over a c8l1ulur mass of CUPrite with a little calcit e . 2~x2x2 ", £15 . 00 31A. CUPRITE. Whed DLlmsul , GwcmnGp , Cp:'nu,lll. C;LUdtlCT'S ..)1 GUOp ruddish cryst<:lls 1;.] til in diameter sCLlttered e n i ron- stuined quartz. 3x1~-x1t" , £.9.DO

'32. CUPRITE. Goonhilly Down , Lizard , Cornwall. Vo Ij rich deep red muSS with threuds of chT'ljsocollLl LllJd malElchite. 1ix1i" , 1:1. SOp, ' 33. CURITE. Shinkolobwc , f'i;:t':JngEl , ZQirG. Very rich or'JngGy mElSS with Ll little YGllow SODDYITE . 1-txlt" , £. 12. 00 34. CUPROSKLODOWSKITC Musonoi , KLltL\ngo, ZQi rG. SpecimGn A: OT'ight epple- green mass with smQll shurP nuedly crystElls li 'l1g cavities, and with small GreuS of light yellow KElsolite Ll nd brownish platy ~~aT'thozite . 3x2x1t" , £30.00. Specimen 0 : Oright wpple- green muss with some minute needly crystuls in plElces , a nd with Some rich pwtches' of bright yellol~ KLlsolite , d3rk green rvalachite , and light brownish pluty ~iwrthDzite . 2ix2x17", £,26.00 35. DIOPTASE . t"d.ndouli , Ni ari, River, Congo. Ori ght emerald- green sharp crystals to til in size lining cavities to 1 ~ 1I in size in crystalline di'optase matrix. 2x1-b1~ 11 " ,£10.00 , 36. DOLO MITE. ,t-\orrP VGlho, DUrO Preto , BraziL Large trElnsparElnt tEln- coltiured sharP Hlnticulcr crystbls to 1~" in s ize intergrown on matrix with light brown sharp crystLlls"bf Siderite, und sprinkled with tarnishGd well formed hexElgonal crystals of PYrrhotite. 4x3x1i-", £12.00,.. , 37. DOLOmTE cast LlftGr CALCITE.' Ts umeb , Ot avi , S.W. Africa. Hollow CElst"of creamy crystalli nQ dolomite Llft Gr El'crust of calcite crystElls , with 8 ";:- i nkli ng of minute eli VG- greer;) Dufti tecrysbls. 3-,}x2-~x1f" , '£.7 . 00 38. FERRlMJLVBDITE . KingsgatB , NoS'. Woles, Austrulio. Rich light YGllowish c r ystalline masse's scattered in cellulQr quartz. SpecimGn A: 2ix2tx1f.." , £.7.00. SpecimGn 0 : 2~X1f..x1 t ;' , f:4.75p. SpeCi men C; 1~' Xlt" , £2~75p 39. FLUORITE. Redburh fVd. nc, Rooi

41, . GOETHITE. CotEll1.ack t"d. no , st . Just, Cornwell. Dark reddish~brown radi Clt i ng tuf ts of crystols richly covering one end of milky quartz matrix. 2-b1~X1 ", £.4.75p 45. NATIVE GOLD . Robinson" f.line , Transvoal , S . Af~ico. ~'!inute flakes r i chl y sC2t ter ed in bankGt conglomerClte. 2tx1x1" , £.8 . 00 46. HEDENSERGl TE. lVljbridge , Dortmoor, Devon. PUre olive- green bl oded di vergent cryst alli no moss., 2-}x2x17", £.3.00 47. HEt-'.A TITE, Rio r·lorim'; ElbLl , Itoly.' Superb Gri lliant blLlck and irri desc entllj tarnishGd sharp"crystals to over i- II in s i ze th;i.cklV lining large cavities tti 3" in size in crystolline hem

48. HYDROC ERUSSITE . r~enC:ip Hills , Som8rset . Lustrous creomy- white ILlrge pl aty crystal cleavage 1tx1" in si ze,' with somo' sinall wGlI formod crljstLlls round the G'dges ; im'plrlnt ed on cLllcit G/pYrolusit a mLlt rix , with :J little pIety black Crednerite , cerussi te Llnd mLllochi te. 2-b1~'X1f.. " , £.14 . 00 ' 4 49. ID RoCRAS E. Pitiglianc , Grbsseto , Italy. Sha rp lustrous dark olive coloured cryst to 13 mm in sizo int

50. I NESITE. Wessels ~Qne , Hotazel , South Af rico. S h ~rp or:Jngey col oured spiky cryst8ls thickly covering matrix . Rich eXElmpl e of this r are mineral. ~x2t ", £25.00

51. JA~ESoNITE . Sombrerete , Zacatocas, Mexico . Bright s ilvery- grey od- like cryst:Jl masses Elssoci at8d with pyrites. Pi8ces each :JPPrOX 1x1 " , £1.25p e'Jch. 52. KINOITE. Christmos Mine , Gila Co. , ArizonEl', U. S . A. Smn ll bright blue crysta ls a nd crystal mElsses scattered on matrix with smell sharp clear Apophyllite crystalsi 1 tx1 ~' '' , £5.00

53. LIBETHE NITE. East Gunnisl ako ~ine , CQlstock , Cornwall. Crusts of minut e sparkling light groen crystals scattered on matrix. Specimen A: 3x2-l-x1 ", £3.50p . Specimen 2tx1-t," , £2. s Op. 54 . LIRoCoNITE. Whe:J l Gorl El nd , st. Day , Cornwall. Oright blue crystalline mass with crystal facLls. 1x-t" , £7.00

55. LoLLI NG ITE . Castle- an- DinaS Wo lfram ~ine , st. Columb , Cornwa ll. ori ght silvery mass scatter ec in quart z matrix. Specimen A: 3X1-tx 1-t, ", £3.50p. Specimen 8 : 2x1-t,x1 ", £2 . 00. 55. VAGNETITE . Traversella , Pi edmo nt , Italy. Bri ght bl ack sharP crystals to 5 mm in s ize thickly lining cavities t o 2" in size in massive magnetite matrix. 4x3x1~''' , £14.50p

57. ~·AL ACH ITE. ourra- ourra , South Australia . I3 right gr een sharp crystills to 4 mm in s ize richly lining cavities in massive cuprite., 2x1~-x1-t, ", £5.00 SO . MELoNITE. Southern Cross Mine , Kalgoorli8 , W. Australia . V8ry rich bronzey moss es with PYrites 1lnd quartz. Specimen A: 1tx1x1 ", £1 8.00. Specimon B: 1-t,x1 ", £12.00. Specimen C: 1X~' ''- , £5.130. Unus u1l 11y rich examplEls of this rare t elluri de ., 59. oLIVENITE . Wheal Gorl and , st. Day , Cornwall. Sinall sharP bright olive- green crysta ls thickly lining numerot,Js cavities in cellular quartz. 2tx1t", £4.75p 50. PASCOEITE. Fire Fly Mine , Emery Co. , Utah , U.S . A. Specimen A: Very richbrangey of small crVstols on sondst one matrix. 5x3x1-t" , £15.00. Specimen 0 : Orangey to yellowish crusts on sandstona a nd blackish COrvusite matrix. 2-tx2x1t", £7 . 00. Specimen C: Irs specimen 0 , 1tx1tx1t", £5.00. Specimen D: Rich dark orangey cryst El llinE c rt,Jst on sandstone. 1~x1-t," , £3.50p 51. PERICLINE. Ra uris , Salzburg , Austri a. LustrOUs creamy- whi tEl sharp crystals to 1" in s ize intergrown Qn mat r i x . 2tx2x1" , £7. 00 52. PHoSGE NITE . Laurion , Attica dist. , Greece. SmElll sharp glassy crystal s scattered in cavities in anci ent l ead s l ag . 1x1 ", £7. 00 53. PLATTNERITE. Mina ojuela , Mapimi , Moxico. Specimen A: Small shar p sparkli ng black crystals scattered allover cellulElr limo nite matrix with a l ittle cal cite and hemimorphite. 3x2x1" , W . OO . ' Specimeh 0 : Small bright bl ack crystal s s cattered on limonite matrix with' minOr hemimor phite . 2x1i", £3 . 50p. Specimen C: Small sharP sparkling bl ac k crystuls encrusti ng stalactitic limonite. 1x1" , £1. SOp 54. PLUf'o{]OJARoSITE . TombstonB, Cochise Co. , Arizona , U.S . A. Very r ich yellowish masses with oxic!ised l oad OrB . Sr;ecimen A: 3x2-t,x1t-" , £7 . 00. Speci men 8 : 2-t,x2x1~ ", £5. 75p. Specimen C: 1'~xJ~x1" - not so rich as Previous s3mplos ,- £1.75p. 65. PoLYDY MITE. Shamvo', Zambia . Greyish metallic masses with mi nOr pyrrhotite in amph i bolite motri x . SpeCimens priced according t o richnElss. Specimen fl. : 2~x1-tx1 ", £7 . 00. Specimen 0 : ,2x1t"" £4 .75p. SpeCimen C,: 1-tx,1i " , £2.75p. • 55. PREHNITE . Decn qUo r ry , ' Lizard , Cornw3ll. Lime- gr een r adi ating 'crysta lline mass , with small well formed crystals on P3rts of the sUrfuce,--together with 6 l ittle calcite ond minute stilbite crystals , on gobbr o matrix . 2tx2x1-t", £4.75p 57 . PYRAdGYRITE . 'Joachimsthol , oohemia , C.S .S.R . Group of well formed termimted dark reddish crystols to J cm in Size. 1x1 ", £45.00 68. PYRITES. Navajun , 'Soria , Spoin. Sharp br assy single cubic crystols. Each apprOX 1x1x1 " in si zu , £4. 00 each. PYR ITES . Wheal I:,~ry .nn , I':~ nhcni ,-,t , Cornwall. ::;right brassy cubic ::m'd morii fl..;u crystals to S wm in si ze thickly intergrown on Pyramidal quartz crystals. 1ix1tx1-}1I , £4.S0p, PYRITES. Silver mines , Co . Ti ppera y , Irclbnd. Small sparkli ng crystals with a lovely i rri descent tOTni s h', thickly lini ng l:Jrge' cavi ties a nd eoveri ng the surface oli massive pYri tes matrix , with patches of bri ght gol den- brown gemmy Sphal erite cryat D l ~ t o ~ II i n s i ZCl , :J little c T ~amy cryst;:! lli88d Do l omi te , a nd a greyish well formed oou noni te crysta l. Fi ne di splay specimen. stxSx~ lI , £4El . 00 71. PVROt-lORPHITE . Roughtengill Mino , Cal dbeck Fells , CumbeTla nd. LustrOUs light green" sharp hexagonal crystals t o 4 mm in l ength sc~ttered over a group o~ l arge sharp py rami dal qUARTZ cryst::ls t [C 1" in size. 2tx2x1i" , £12. 00 72. PV ROt-lO RPH ITE . Sunshi ne Mine , Kellogg , I daho , U. S . g . Lustrous green sharp elongated crysta l s to 0 mm in length forming a n inter grown group. 1ix1,1I, £12. 00 73. PVROMORPHITE': Mine les For ges , Creuse , Fra nce . Clusters of lustrous pole orangey­ br own sharp el ongated <;:ryst als. Each apPr ox t il to til in size , £1.Sop each.

74. PVR RHO TITE . Snnta" Eublia , Chihuahua , ~1e xico. Gr onzey met allic well f ormed hexagonal crystals and crystal groups , some with a little siderite att ached . Each approx 1x1' in Size , £2. 00 each . 7S. qUAR TZ . st. Gotthar d , ' Ticino , Switzerland. Clear , sharp doubly terminated crystals in p1'lrallel growth , ,with a, slight twist (Gwindol habit). 3x2x1t", £10. 00 76. SMJKV !1UI1R TZ' ~ Moo r all1'l', Victoria , ,~ ustr:Jli1'l. Shcrp partly cle2 r d1'lrk sm6'ky coloured doubly- termin1'ltl;lc c rystal. 1tx1" , £2 . S0p 77. QUAR TZ . Wh 801 J1'lne , Kea , Cornwall. Sharp; cleor to milky , elongated terminoted crystals to 1" in l ength thickly covering 1T)0trix. Nice displ1'l Y piece. 4ix~X1-~ II , £11. 00 78 . RAl"SD ELLITE . La ke Va lloy , Sierra Co. , New Mexi co , U. S . A. Specimen 11 : oright bl1'lck pl aty cryst1'llline mass with ar 'e1'l s of sma ll well formed crystal s cove'ri ng m1'ltrix. 3x2x1i -lI , £12.00. Speci me n 0 : !Jright bl ock cryst 1'l lline mass with minor hem1'lti te. 2x2x1 II , £6 . QO . Spccimen L : As specimen 0 , 1tx1 ", £3.00. Specimen D: As specimen 0 , 1xt" , £1.2Sp. _ 79 . RoSASITE . Gr and Reef Mine , Graham Co. , Arizon1'l , U. S . A. Greenish- bl ue pure botryoidal m1'lsses. Eoch 1'lPPrOX 1l!:1 " , £3. 00 each. 00. SCHoLZITE. Reophook Hill , Flinders Ra nge, S. Austra lia . Creamy to col our l ess sharp needly crystwls to t il in length thickly covering limonitic matrix. 3x2tx1",, £12 . 00 81. SCORoDITE . Hi ngston Down Consols 1"0. ne , CCl lstock , Corhwall. Specimen p. : Po l e gr'eeni s h botryoidal mflsses" lining c 1'lvities in and a r senopyr ite on grei sen matriX , with a little micro cryst allised {-\ rthurite . 3x2x1i " , £4.7S-p. Specimen 0 : Rich pale gr eenish ootryoi d1'l l - m1'lsses lining l or ge c avities in arsenOPYrite on gpeisen matrix , with crusts of Arthurite on one s i de . 1ix1-tX1t " , £2.75p 82. SIDERITE. Tincroft ~nne , Illogan , COrnw~ll. Specimen A: ShorP lust rous light brown tramsparent crystal s to t " in size sC1'lttered on" crysta llise'd quortz. 2x1ix1 ", £6.00. Speci'men C: LustrOUs sh1'lrP light brown transparent crystal s to S mm in size scattered 08 crystollised quartz. 1i x1xf;" , £2.SCp

83. SMITHSoNITE . Ts ume b , Ot1'lvi , S .W. Africa . Lime - ~reen transparent sha rp cr1st1'lI S to S mm i n s ize sCuttercd_over matri x with a little creamy c1'llcite. 2~x1 4 " ' £7 . [10 84. SPHALERITE. Rampgill Mine , N'ei ntheod ," Cumberla nd. 'Jright black sharp crystals to 1 cm in size thi ~k ly COVEring motrix. 3x2ix1 ", £0 . 00 8 S. SUSSEXI TE. Franklin , New J ersey , U.S.A . Rich purply crystall ine masses wvth minor amo unts of black Fra nklinite , CCl lcite etc. Specimen ,~ : 3xztx1t" , £0.00. Specimen fJ : 2-}x2x1-f.-" , £6. 00. Specimen C: 2~X1tx1 ", £4.00. Specimen D: 1ix1~- ", £2.7Sp. 86. TAROUTTITE . Or ukem Hill , Z1'lmbi o. Sh1'lrp , c1e1'l r colourl ess crystals to 4 mm in s i ze thickly covering ceL!.ula r limonite mutrix. 1ix1 ~x 1 ", £9,.00

87. TETflAHEDRITE . Casopalco , n ~o -r Limo , Peru. ::Jri ght s i lvery:..:grey sharp crystnls to 8 mm in s ize thickly covering matrix , with 1'l little crystollised Gulena. 3x2t" , £1C . SOp G


89. TOR OERN ITE . ~u50no i , K2 t anga , Zoire . Bright emerald- green sharp tabular crystals to t" in size dOtt8U on motrix. ~x2t " , 1:23.00 90. TRI PLITE. I\br avazos , G8i r a- c.lta , Portugal. PUrll dark br own resi nous mass. SpeCimen l1 " 2tx2x1~.. ~ 0.00. Speci me n 0 : 1ix1" , £1.50p . 91. URANINITE . SO Utll T8rros Mi ne , St. Stephen- in-Orannel , Cornw,ll. Rich resinous bl ack mass wi:th a little pyrites. I'. n uld l abel is attached to the specimen. 2x2x1'} '" £12.00 92 . UR ANOPHANE. Faraday Mine , Oa ncroft , Ont a riO , Canada. Oright y'e llow ra'diating tiJfts of crysta ls to t " in size scattered in cavities in uraniferous matrix. Specimen A: 2X1tx1-t-", £9.00. Speci,men 0 : 1ix1~x1 " , ' £G . OO . Specimen C: .1x1" , £3.00

93. VAIlfADINITE . i'< pache ~' , nea r GIotie , r. rizoha , U.S.A. Oright reddish sharp hexagonal crystals to 3 mm in size covering the surface a nd two sides of matrix. 2x2x1-t-" , £4. • 7513 94. VIOLl1R ITE. Scotia, W. Austra lia. Ri ch greyish masses associated with bronzey pyrrhotit8. Speci mll n A: 2~x 2x1t" , £6.00. Sp8cimen 0 : 2x1tX1t", £4.75p. Sp8cimen C: 1tx1t ", ~2.50p.. " .' .' 95. WAVELLITE. Ava nt , Arkansas', U.S.A. Li ght green attNcti ve radiating ci rcular masses t o i " in diamGter scatter8d on matrix. 2tx2x1 " , £3..75p 96. WULFENITE. Los Lamentos , Chihuahua , M8xito. Oright ora ngey sharp t obular crystals to t " in size thi ckl y covering l arge ar eas of creamy calcite matrix. 3x3x1-t-", £9. 00 97. WULF ENITE . TsUmeb , Otuvi , S.W . Af':t'ica. Oran:]ey lustrous tabular crystals to t il in size scatt eree] on matrix with crusts of mi nute creamy calcite crystals . 2x1t", £4 . 00

GEM & CRAFT E ~S TER EXPO 1901 . April 18th- 20th , at KenSington Town Hall , HOrnton Street , Londo n W. O. Open 1C. 00 am to 6.00 pm each day . We shall be attendng"this show and l ook forward to seein::; you if you' Bre coming. We shall hove a large rong8 of minera ls on s al e , incloding many rare and old pieces from Cornwall and N. Engl and. OUr stand no. is 57 , situated in tho main hall. RICHARD W. BARS TOW Drakewall s ,House, Drakewalls , Gunnisl ake , COTIDwall , England. TEL . No. : Tavi stock 832301 (STD (022) V.A.T.No . 132-7852- 67


f"a il orders are prOmptly filled and 'despatched on 3 7- day examination basis , subject to app oval. Immediete refund guaranteed , on r 'eturn of the specimen(s) in good condition. P'lease quote' 'the name and number of the specimen(s) required and enclose P. O. /Cheque" with orde. All prices are inclusive of V.A.I. No charge is made fOr postage and packing , except fOr overseas customerS and postage ouer 7.5p.

We reserve the right to make s light substitutions , if necessar~ unless advised to the contrarY . Special requests and wants lists a.I'e welcome. ' We trust that we may be of some service t o you and assure you of oUr best attention a all times .

f"AY 19B1 1. ADULARIA. Habachtal, Sahburg , Austri a . Sharp creamy coloured crystals ,wi,th some being coated with a little chlorite , to t " in s ize encrusting matrix. 3x1-b<~" , £4.75p 2. AGRELLHE." Ki pawa River ,' Vi lledieu Townshi p, Quebec, Canada. Rich creamy:.:whi te , bladed crystal1ine masses with a little calcite and patches of bright reddish translucent EUDI ALYTE in association. Specimen A: 3tx2x2" , £14.00. Specimen B: 2-tx2x1t" , @8 . 00. Speci me n C: 2x2x1t", £7.00. Specimen D: - with no eudialyte - 1x1x1 "; £2,.00. 3. ANGL ESITE. Greijstone Mi ne , Le za nt , Cornwall. Small sharp lustrouS glassy elongated terminated crystals lining caviti es' i n gal ena ma trix. Specimen A: 2-tX 1-b<1-t" , £4:.75p. Specimen B: 1x1" , £1,.50p 4. ANTHOPHYLLITE. New" Eng l and Quarry" Yea lmpton', Devon. Greyish silky asbestiform masses with minor epi dots. Specimen A: 4x3" , £4.7.5p. Specimsri 8.:, 3x2-t,'! , £3.25p 5. _APATITE. Goo nbarrow Cl aywork ; near st'. Austell , Cornwa ll. Sharp transpar ent to tralislucent pal e bluish Hexagonal crystal s to 3 mm in size lintng cavi t i es in quartz and pegmatite matri x. 3tx2tx1t" , £4.75p

6 . ARSEI\IJPYRITE. , Calstock , COrnw a ll ' ~ Spec~n A':' Bright silve:ry sharP crystals to 4 mm in si'ie lini ng cavities in crystalline arsenppyri te ma t rIx with s lelidar "milky Quartz crystals. 3tx2-tx1t" , £7.00. Specihien B: Bri ght s ilvery sharp crysta l s to 4 ,mm in s ize covering one, end of matrix,. ,1-b<1-tX1", £2.7.5p

7. ARTINITE . Clear Creek , San Benito Co. ,"California ," U.S .A. Creamy - wh~te sharP needly crysta ls thickly covering a ltered serpentine matrix. 3x2" , £8.00 B. ASTROPHYLLITE . Kola Peninsular'; RUssia. Rich lustrous gol den- brown r a diati ng cryst alline masses with minor green actinolite. Speci men A: 3x2-b< 1~ ", £14.00. Specimen B: 3x2x11.-" , £g . OO ..' .. ' .." .. g . ATACAMITE. Co piapo , At ac ama distr ict , Chile . Sha rp bright green crystals to 3 mm in Size lining nume rous cavities in a cellular mass of atacamite with a l ittle quartz and hematite. 3x2x1i-" , £12.00 1 O. AZURITE . Tynagh Mine , Co. Ga lway ," Ireland. Specimen A: "Bright blue small sparkli ng crystals thickly covering the surface alid s ides" of barytes hiatrix. " 3x2~1<1~ " ,£14.0 0 Spe cime n 0 : Bri ght blue small s harp. sparkliHg crysta ls coveriHg l arge areas of barytes and limonite matrix with odd clusters of small pale green PYromorpHite crystal s . 3t1<2~x 1" , £0. 00. Specimen C: Bri ght bl ue small sharP sparkling crysttil s covering matrix wi th a little botryoi dal gree n Ma lachite a nd pal e green pyromOrphite. 2x 1 ~X 1 t" , £5. 00. Speci me n D: Small s harp sparkling blue crystals forming a c ellular mass with [] little ma l achit e a nd limonite . 1-b<1 ~ ", £3.00 11. BARVT ES . S8t t li ngst::m e ,c' ~'':'rc , F.,urst ol1ss . ':c:, c"'u berh nd . V<. r y cHolcl) lus trtLJs c1'eamy- Ltlite bl::Jded cryst al s to over l " in s ize t hi ckl y s cat tered all ovel' a c ys t a l l i sed calcite and witherite matrix. Good di spl a¥ specime n. 5x4x1~ ", £2 B . OO

12 . BARVTES . Al e &"Cakes Mi, ' n e ~ Gwe r,nap, Cor nwa lL' Lustr ous t r anslucent greyi s h sharp _t e" mi,nat ed crystal s':to ~' " i n . l e r.1 gth clus tered -in patches on a gl'OUP of l ar ge pyrami dal mi l ky Qua rtz cryst als. 3x2x 1t ", £14,. 00 " 13. BERTHLER I TE . ~~n e ~u Ceroux Cha zelle , Ha ute- Loir8 , Fra nce . Ri ch Silver y- gr ey bl a ded crystallin8 mass . 2t x2t" , £9.00 14. BI NDHEI MITE. Pengenna Mine , s t. Kew, Cornwall . Ri ch waxey- yeilow masses with quartz, limonite and .D lit tle me t a llic grey j amesonite. SpDcimen A: 3x2x 1t ", £S.7Sp. SpeCimen B: 2tx'1-f.x 1t ", £4. 7Sp 15. BORN I TE. LeVa nt Mine , Pendeen , Cornwa l l. Purplish t a r nished mosses associat ed with br assy PYrites and a l i ttle greyis h chal cocite in quar t z mat r i x. Specime n A: 3tx 2-f.x 1 ", O . SOp. Specimen 8 :, 2t x1t " , £1. SOP 16 . BOULANG ERITE. Tresungers ~n n e , St . Endellion , Cornwall. Bright Silvery- grey sma ll needly crystals lini ng small caviti es in mi l ky quart z matrix. Specimen A: 3 x 1 ~ 1-t ", £4.7Sp. Specime (1 0 : 2X1-f.x 1-t.", p.OO

17 . BROOKITE. Pr enteg , n ~a r Tr emadog , N. Wal es . Sharp , " lus t rous translucent ,!,eddish­ brown t er minot'ed crystal s t o 4 mm i n s i'ie s c a ~ ter 'E!d amongst shnrp creamy ALLI ITE crysta l s covering matrix , -with ·odd "d ear Qua '!'tz C ystals • .3tx2-t.x1t "" £2 ~ . 00 18. CALCITE. Ts umeb , Otavi , S. W. Afri ca . SHarp, lus t rous tra ns paf'ent"to transluce nt int ei'aHally 'zoned modifi ed rhombi C c,!,yst a l s ' to 1t " in' s ize , forming a n attractive intergrown gr oup. 4x3tx2" , £2.4 . 00

19 . CALCITE. Cammock Ea ls ~un e , Wea rdale, Co . DurHam . Speci me n A: SHarP, lUstrOUs creamy nail- head cryst als tti 1-t." i n diamet er impla nted on quartz matrix with odd s har P cubi c colourless' 'to creamy FL UORITE 'cryst als t o 1 chi in size. 3tx2-tX 1t ", '£8 . 00. Speci men 0':' Sharp translucent" l us trol)s nail- head crysta l s to -t oo in size associat e'd with 'bright"pyramidtil Quart z crysta l s and a little crystallised brass y ~a;vc a s i t e , cove;ving ,m2trix. 2t X1-f.x 1-t. ", £3 "SOp 20. CALCITE. Parc Ni ne , Llan.rwst , N" Wa l es. Uril) s ~ a l creamy - wh ite thin platy crystals stacked one- upon-a nother . Specime n A: 3tx2tx1t" , £4 .7Sp. Specimen B: 2-t,x1-f.x1t " , £2 . S0p , ,

21. CARPHOLITE. Sch: ~ g genw a l d , Bohemia , C.S .S .R. Rich light br ownish fibrous crystalline mess es with quartz . Speci me n A: 3tx1-f.x l i!'" , £11. 00 . SpeCi me n B: 1t x1-tx1-t." , £S . oo. Specimen C: 1-;:'x1", £1. 7 Sp 22; C A SStTERITE'~ Gr eat ' Work t'~n a , Breage , Cornual'.• Spesi men A:" SharP, ti'('ight black t winned crystal s to 3 mm in size richl y s cat t er ed all over a chlorite matrix . 4x3" , £24 . 00. ?peci l11 en 0 : Sh arp bright black twi nne d crysta ls to 4 mm in- Size lining cacities t o 1" in size in chl orite ma t r i x . 2x1tx1-t. ", £16.00 " 23. CASSITERITE. Zinnwal d'; Oohemia , C'. S. S . R." Shar'pbri ght black twinned crystals to 1 cm' in si'ze s cattel)ed on" lustr ous Quart z Cr yst als , with a little zinnwaldite mica , covering qua rtz matrix. 3x3x1t", £23 . 00 24. CASSITERITE. Whea l Fri endly'; St . Ag nes , Cornwall. Sharp bri ght black Crysta ls t o , S mm in siz~ matrix . 1x1 ", £8. DO 2S . CELESTITE. Agri genttl , 'Sicily, Italy . Lus t rous trans parent elongat 8d terminated creamy coloured crystal s t o nearly t " in l ength com pietely covering mat ix with a little yellowi sh Nat i ve Sulph ur. 2-f.x 2tx 1 ~ " , £12.00 ' 26. CERUSSI TE. Ts umeb , Ot avi , S .W. Africa . Glassy clear slightly smoky coloured " gr oup of crystal s With ball- like r adial groups of s harP glassy WILLEMITE Crysta ls to S mm i n" diometer s cattered over t hem • .z-t.x1~1-t " ' r £12.00 " 27. CH AOA'ZITE 'variety PHACOL.: ITE. Tasmania , Australia . L.: arge , lustrouS" creamy- wh i te shar P cryst al s t o nearly t " in size t hickl y covering basalt mrtrix. Nice display piece. SX>-~X2-t. "" £1 8 . 00 28 . CH AL.:COCITE . Camborne Vea n I'u ne',' Camborne , Co rnwall. Sha rP elongate'd hexagonal" crysta l s to t il i n l ength, partly alter ed to bornite , thickl y enCrusting quartz a nd massi ve chalcocite matrix . 2tx2x1il- ", £34.00 29 . CH ALCOCITE. C ock~ Ki tchon rino. Ill tl~o n, C arnw~ IJ.. Shur p silvory- gr ey crystals ~ r 4 mm in s ize thickly covering matrix. 1t X1 il-", £1 £) . 00

30. CHALCoPYnITE. Carn Croa ~'tin e , Illogu n , COrnwa ll'; oright brussy well fOrm'ed twinned crystnls to.t" i'n size imp~ u ntod oh lenticul<;l r brown crystallised Si derite mutril with 8 little c r ystallised speculurite. 2il-x1-t." , £8,.00 31. CHALCOPYRITE . Pichor , Oklahoma , U.S . A. ·· Sharp, ti right brassy cryst a l s , some with on i rrid8scent t arnish , to 5 mm in" size , sCutt8red ,,11 over pale ,creamy to pinkish curve d saddle- shaped DOLO MITE crvstals. 3h<2ix1f " , £12.00 32. CHILDRENITC Crinnis , nO ur St . Aus t ell , Cornwan. Sp8cimen A: Shor'p , light goIden­ brown sparkli.l1g crys tals to '1 mm in si ze ancrusti I1g sma ll' 's l endur elear Quart z crystals coverilig ' fJ 1 ~x1 t " a rea of sUite a nd chlorite matrix. 3x2x1f" ," £12 . 00 . Specimen 0 : ShUI'D, s parkling golden- brown crystal s to 1 mm iii size encr usting milky qUu rtz matrix. 2-tx2x1il- ", £9 . 00. Very rich examples. from a new find. • 33. NA TIVE.COPPEn . 'Tomsk, Siberia , Russia . Branching m ~ ss of shar,p coppery coloured t abul?r crysta ls attaining ~ " in siz!':., 3x1i-x1il-" , £23.00 34'. CORVUSITE. Fire Fly Mine , Emery Co·. , Utah , U.S.A. Rich bl ucki s h to greyish masses with minor sandstone. Specimen A: 3x2x1t" , .. £7. 0o. Speci me n 0 : 2x1ix1" , £4 . 00 35. CRE14SEYITE". Navojoa , Sonor u , Mexico. Apple- green s ilky crusts and Small patches of crystals on and in quartz/hematite matrix. Specimen A: 2-tx1-tx1i " , £11.00; .. Specimen. 0 : 2x1-tx1 " , W . OO . Specimen C: 1txi-xf", £6.00. Specimen D: i-xt" , very rich in creosciyJ.te , D .• 50p. . ' .. " .

36. CUPRoTU I\J3 STITE. Cordillera Mine'; N . S · ~ Wa l es , Australia . Pal e greenish ·masses wit h qua rtz and limonite , a nd minor cUPToscheelite . Specimen A: 1i-x1i-x1 ", ££\ . 00. Specimen 0 : 1 ~ 1 t " , £1:; . 00. SpecimenC : 1 ~x1 " , .. £2.50p 37. DIDPTASE; Tsumeti , Ot pvi , S . W. Africa'; Smpll shurP bright emerald- green crystals scattered ov'Ell' creumy transparent rhombIc Colcite crystals covering matrix , with smoll crystals <;md tufts of . lime- green ~UFTITE. 3tx2i"., £9 .00 38. DU !'JDASITE. Jynagh . IVIi ne , Co . Gulway , Irel and;' Ri ch creumy to greyi sh masses l'ef)lacing cr ystalline mosses of c8russi te , .with. small patches of light greenish pYromorphite . .. S p ~cim[:m A: 2i!-x2xlt.." , £8.00. Speci men 8 : 1~x.1i " , £4.50p 39. EPIDOTE. Le oourg El' Disans , I sere , Fr ance. Choice 'lustrous bright olive- green .. s harp elon.gat-ed t e 'nti,nated .sPrays of c'rystuls to ,1" in length com pletel y covering :matri-x. Superb old ~ pecime n, excellent for displ ay. ~x3tx 1 f " , £275.00 40. EUOI ALY TC .Ki .pawa lii ver , Villedieu township, quebec , Cunado . Speci"men ' A: V'ery r ich bri.,ght reddish crystalli no mass wi t"h e l uckish magnesi an- katuphorit e , fi brous "creamy ug reI1ite 3nd a little calcite. 3x2~x1 ~ ", £12 · ~ 00. Speciineb @: Ri ch br i ght red gl assy crystalline muss with elacite , fibrous agrellite 3nd"3 little bl ack m'agnesi an Kutflphori teo 2x.2x1tl' , £8 . 00 . SpeCimen C: RicH bri ght reddish g13ssy crystalline mass'with a littli? bl ack magnesian' kat aphorite. 1i-x1~x1t ", £5.00. S·pecimen D: !lich br ight ;reddish ,cryst alline. masses , each aPPrDX 1x1.'!, £D.8op each 41. FLUORITE . Redburn l'\ , Rookhope , Co. Durham." CHoice lustrous transparent light gr eenish cLbi c crysta ls to'" 1t" i.n si ze intergrown on matrix witH a slight . frdJsting of s mu ll quur1;z crystEl I~ in places. Nil:: e display piece. 4x~x2 " . , £23. oo 42 • . FL UoR ITE. "olackdene Mi ne , llfEla r dal e , ,Co. Durham. Truns lucent light purply- green cubIc crystal with timaller crystol·s· · attached , with most of the upper surfElC(l e ncrusted wltH l ustrous creamy nail:';heod CALCITE cryst :J Is. 3x2~x1 t ", ' £9 . 00 Specimen'"IJ : GroUj:l -f tronsparent pur pl e cubic crystals t o f " in si ze , with one s ide encr usted with sQ3rp , creamy nail- head Calcite cryst als. 2x1 ~x 1", £5. DO 43. FOGGITE. ~li.lgUn stotion , W. AUstralia . 'lLt1 itish 'veins and cru ~ ts with opple- greon ·veins of chrysoPT'3se in mat r i x . Specimen A: 2-tx2~x 1 t ", £8. 00, Specimen 0 : . ~ .2x 1-i!-x1 ", .£ 5.. oo ," , '. '.- . .... '" ' .. .. (Z4.1 GALE NA. Sweetwater IVane " Ellington , Missouri , U' ~ S ·. A . SharP s ilvery:';grey octahedrul V cryst3ls; tti 1.-" i n s ize s ed ull ove ;r. m3t rix with small lustrous creamy . dolomite cryst3ls, und;;3 little chalcopy;r.ite . .. 5x3", £34.Do . 45. GAL ENA . Gl engonnar Shoft , Leodhi lls , Ui narkshi 1'e. Sharp greyish mu l ti pl e:';faced . cubic crystol , 1fx1 ix 'l~ '" in s ize'; .·portly encrus t ed with smull quartz cryst a l s , und impl oted on 0 ma trix of ihterQrown sharp' bl uck SPHALERI TE crystals to 1 cm in Size , togoth8r with odd 'pyramidal quurtz crys t a l s . 2';;'x1b<1~ ", £9 . 00 46 . GHLE NA . CbsGj}2lcG , nu::." Li r:J , PE; rU. Cric;ht s ilvcr y s h"rP s lightly skelot ~ l octah8dral c r ystols t o 1 cm in size f orming an int8rgrown group., ,1b<1x1" , £4.

47. GI LLESPITE . El ~o s a ri o , ' OG j a Ca lifornia , Mexi oo . Rich bright red crystalline masses scattered in creGmy- whi te crystalline S" NOORNITE matrix. Specimen A: 3x2fx1t " , ro . OO . Specimen 0 : 2t x1b<1f" , £4.75p. Specimen C: 2x1fx1" , 0.00 40 . GO ETHITE. Restbrmel ROY Gl Iron ~n e , , Cornwall . Oright bl acki sh s harp el ongated t erminat ed crysta ls t o 6 mm in length scattered in cavities in quartz and goethite m3trix. 2t x2i ", £12. 00 49 . NATIVE GOLD . r.shanti Goldfi el d , Gh a na. Spongey gold richly impregnating quartz matrix. 1x1 " , £10 . 00 50. NATIVE GOLD . Hopes Nose , Torquay , Devonshire. Specimen A: BrigHt gol den crystallise 'fern' ''of \:lo l d 1 cm in length p" rtly embedded in calcite matrix , with another smaller f 8rn to , ont! si'de. 2x1~ ", £24.00. Specimen 0 : Bri ght golden crystallised ' fern ' 7 mm long protruding from calcite matrix. 1-~x1" , £16.00. Specimen C: Small bright golden crystallised ' ferns ' pOlltl1;1 embedded in calcite. 1x1 " , W . OO 51 . GYROL ITE. Poona , IndiG. Palli cream1;1 to"gree'nish spherical crysta l masses to t " in di ameter richly scattered all over matri x with odd well formed crystals of Laumo ntite. 5x3", £12 . 00, 52~ HARMJ TONE . Oellsgrove Mi ne , Strontian, ):l r \Jy llshi reo Shar\l , lustcous cre amy~white twinned crystals to 1 cm in s ize int ergrown a nd s cattered on ca lcite matrix . 3ix2tx1t " , £12 . 00 53. HEULANDITE. Patina , IndiG. LustrOUs creamy - wIli,te sharp crystals t o 0 mm in size thi ckly covering basalt mat ix. 3xztx1t" , E7.00 54. J AMESON ITE . Pengenna Mine , St. Kew , Cornw31L Rich gr eyish metallic slightly fi brou!" , masses in milky quartz with patches of yellowish DINDH EIMITE. Specimen A: 4x3x1 ~' '' ' W . OO. Specimen 0 : 3x2x1t" , £L, .75p 55. J ARO SITE. Ca po Calami ta, I sle of Elba , Ital y. Small "sharp sparkling brown 'crystals riChly lining cavities in cellular matrix with a little yellowi sh NA TROJ AROSITE, Specimen, A: 3x2tx1t" , £15.5'Op. ,Specimen 0 :, 1tx1tx1" , £6.00 56. KORNERUPINE . Itronga y , i'1adagasc'd r. Greyish crystalline masses and crystal secticns associ ated with br i ght daI'k brown ph l ogopi t e mica. Specimen A: 3x2tx1t ". £9. 00. Specimen 0 : 3x2x1f" , £7. 0Q. Specimen C: 2b<1tx1 ", £3,.50p. Specimen D: ,1tx1x1" ,£2.0 57. KY AN ITE ."C3peli nha, Mi nos Gerais , [3 r a zi1. Unusual lustrous dark bluish- grey di V8r­ gent crystallised masses with minOr m\-lscovi te micu. Specimen A: ' 4x1tx1" , £3 . 00 Specimen 0 : 3tx1tx1" , , £2.50p " " " ~ NARK ITE. Susannu" Mine , Leadhills , La narkshire . Specimen A: LustrOUs creamy to J g'teyish bladed crystals oJnd crystal masses on a nd in m3 tri x with a littl e creamy '-...../ crystallised L8adhi lli te. 1b<1tx1t" , £24 . 00. SpeCimen 0 : As specimen A, 1b<1 ", £12.00 59 . LINAR ITE . Gr un'd Reef Mine'; Graham Co. , Arizona , tjS;A. Speciinen A: Vel'\) rich bright blue radiating crystal musses thickly covering Qltered lea'd ore. ~x1b<1* ", £16.00. Specimtln 0 : As speci men A, 3x2x'1t" , £12.00. Specimen C':' [3 r i ght blue crystals and cryst3l"masses covering l arge"areas of qutirtz matr i x~"2tx2tx1t " ," £9.00. Specimen D: iJ r i ght blue flatten'Eld crystals coveri ng large ar'eas of matrix. 2x2" , £5.00. S'pecim'en E: !Jri'ght blue' 'crystallised mass covering matrix. 1tx1t" , 0.75p. All arG very , colourful and ,r ich examples of this"mi neral. 60. MALAI:;HITE. Tynugh Mine ; Co. Galway , Irel 'd nd. SpGci'men A: Bright green sil ky r adi'oting masses a'rid veins on Cl'rid , in baryt es matri'x , with cavitiEls showi ng botryoi do l structu,[,8 Cl nd with creamy- white j ackstrGw CerussitG crystal s scattel'ed in plact!s. ~x 3 x1 7 " ,"£20. 00: Specimen 0 : Dark to light green botryoidal mass with a radiCl ~ ng"fibrous structrure in pl aces , assooi ated with i3 little crys'C Cl llised CerUssite a nd 'barytes m'dtrix. ztx2x1t", ~11. 00. Specimen C: Light to dark gr een fi brous mass with 0 bqtrVoidal Surface. 1b<1t x1 -l-", £7.00. Specimen 0 : Li ght to dark green rar'liClti ng fibrous ond botryoi do l moss, 1x1 ", 0.00 61. MALAYA ITE . " Rod- Cl - Ven Mi n'El , Meldon , D8vonshi r e o Rich light yellowish crystalli ne mass covering garnet hornfe!ls. 2x1ix1t", £6.00 2 62. MEL ACoNITE. 'Cld Gunnisla ke f-li n"" C:J lstock , COrnw::J ll. i ich bl ackish messes i n a ltered granl teo 2:1-X1-b<1~ II , £2.00 '

63. M ET ACIN N~ O An . ~~ . Diablo ~~ne , Contr? Costa Co. , California , U.S . A. SpeCimen A: Pright bl

64. MIMETITE . Drygill ~~ne , C?~d beck , Cumberl a nd. Sha p lU st~ous browniSh- orange hexagonal cryst<;ll 0 mm in s ize i mp l Ol nted on cellul ar ps i1ome~a~e . ,, 1-b<1 t-.'! , O . SCp 6S. oLIVENITE. Ts umeb , otavi , S. W. Africa. LustrOUs dar k blive- green curved crystal s t o 6 nim in size impl onted on "hOl lcoc:lte/ duftite matrix . , 1~x1" , £9,. 00 67 . oLIVENITE. WheOll Unity , Gwe nmJp" Cornwal\'" Light br ow n to gr eenish radiating fi brous mass of the ' wood olivenite ' voriety with quartz. 1xT" , £1.SOp 68 . PARTZITE . Comancho Mine , ' Mo no Co. , Ca lifornia , U.S . A. Ri ch dark olive- green masses with minOr chrysocolla , limonite ond quartz. Specimen A: 3x2xlt", £0.00. Specimen 0 : 2x2x1t" , '£6 • .00. Specimen C: 2;}x 1 ~x1 ", £4.7Sp. Specimen D: l~X 1 ", £2 . S0P 69 . PEr10 VS KITE . San eni to Co . , Ca lifornia , U .S . ~ . Specime'ri ~ : Shar'p bright bl ack" I crystals and crystol secti ons to, 4 mm in s ize sC::Jtter ed on serpentinite matri x . 3-tx3x 1 ~:" , ' £12. 00. SpE!cimen 0 : As specimen A, 2x1-b<'1;} ", W.OO: Specimen C: Small sha p bri ght bl ack crystals tEl 3 mm in s i ze scattered on matrix. 1;}x1 ", O. SOp ~ PS EUDDMAL ~CHITE. Tsumeb , Ot avi , S.W. Africa . Deep green botryowdal mass thickly U lining a 1fx1;} " c3vity in oxidi sed ore. ,,2x2xtt", £9 . 00 " 71. PS ILOMEL ANE. Elydenhnm & Lee Wood ~\i n e , r-E ryttow, Devon. Olnckish botrYOi dal a nd stalactitic masses covori ng quartz matrix. 2x2x,1;}"" £3: 00 .. 72. 'PUCH ERITE. Schneeber g , Saxony , G'Brmany. Smjll shallP r eddish- brown crystal s riChly , scatt-8red on both sides ofmat ~ix with c,rusts of yellowish orSMJTITE.,, 1t x1;}",, £23 . :J

73. PYR ITES. ~1t. Wel lington MinD , Gwennap, C'cirnwall • .sharp bri ght brassy pYritohedr

76. PYROMO IlPHITE . "~~ne l es F

77. PVRO~ORPHITE . Huel " Goat , Orittahy'; France . La r ge sharp ,brownish hexagonal crysta l s t o i " in size forming on inter gr own mass. 2tx2;}x,1-t", £23 . 00 78 . PYRRHDTl"T:E~ Contral Mine , Devon United t'~n ~s , Pet er Tavy , Devo ns hire. Very rich 'bri ght bronzey masses . Specimen ~ : 2tx2x1t" , 0.00. Specimen 0 : 2tx1ix1t ",£2. 7Sp Specimen C: 2fx1tx1t", £1.7Sp , " "

79 . QUAR TZ . Levant ~'~n e , Pendeen ,"Corf1wall'.' Ur\usUal stalactite of s parkling pyramidal crysta ls to t " in s i ze covering a COre of radiating stal ectitic goethi te. 1t-x1x1" , £3. S0p " ' , 80. QUART Z after"oct ah8dral Fluorite. Furzehill Mine , Oere Fe'rrers , DevonsHi re. CUrved aggregf'ltes of octaheClral fluorit'e cTyst:J l s, to 1 em in diamet er compl etel y replaced by t;:halcedonic quartz" scatte;r.ed on quartz matrix.,,2;}x1~x1 " " ,£3 . 7Sp 01 . QUAR TZ. Trepca , Yugoslavia. LustrOUs SharP clear elongated t erminated crystnl s to -t il in l ength compl etel y coveri ng matrix , with Cre8my tabular [l al ci te crysta ls and maSSllS t o 1." in size. 4tX4", £9 . 00 82. RH ODOCH RoSITE ."Santa EulaLiJa , Chihuahua , Mexico'" Unusual shar p elongated an'd ' t erminElted crysta l s to f "" in length , with a creamy to delicate pi nk col our , being t runsparent at thctr"tips ," scottered in a 1ix1t " cavity in matrix with odd s ilvery sharP orsenupyrite crystal s . 3-tx2tX1t", £58.CO 03. RHODONITE . Ilsington , Devon. Very r ich pi nk masses with inor thre3ds of b r owni~ tepi1roi te. Sp8cimun ,, : 3x3x14 " , £5 . CL . Spoc im ~n ,. : Z?xZtx 1-t " , £4.7Sp 84. ROSAS ITE . Mina Oj uela , MJpi mi , Me xico . Silky gr eenish botryoi dal masses coveri ng a re"ls of limuni tic matrix with minor bl ue I\urichalci t eo Z~-xZ" , £4.75p 85. SARAGI\UITE . Sorabau Mine , Oau , Sarawok. Rich r eddi s h mosses with minor stibnite , calci te end xonotlite. Speci men A: ZtX1tx1-t- " , £9.00. Sp8cimen 0 : ZxZx1-t-" , £7.00 Specimen ~ : .. 2x1~-x 1 ~- " , £4 .7Sp . Sp8ci me n D: 1t x1t ", £3 . 00.. Sp8cimen E.: 1x1 ".,£1.2Sp

86. SCH EELITE . Corrock ~~n ~ , Caldbuck , Cumberland. ShhrP lustr ous light br own crystal txt" in siz~ implanted on s ch.:!8lite/ col cit8 matrix. 1x1 ", £0 . 00 87. SENEG ALITE . Kourondioko , Senegal •. Sma ll shorp gl assy cryst als lining cavitius in blue tUrquoi Se? nnd limonit8 matri x. Specimen A: ztxz", £14. 00. Sp8cimen 0 : 1tx1t " , £9.00. Specime n C: 1tx1 ", £5 • .00 . .. 88. SI DERIT E. Her odsfuot Mine , La nreath , Cbrnwa ll." SharP lustrous light broWn rhombic crystals· ·to 4 mm in s iZ8 richl y cov8ring quar tz matri x with gl assy pyramidal . Quartz crystals. 2~x2tx1t " . , £18 . 00 09. SPHI\LERITE. Coalc1eugh Mi nti , near Ne nthead , Cumberl a nd. SharP lustrouS block crystals to 1 cm in s ize riChl y s catter 8d ouer ma trix .• 4x3x1t", £14 • .00 90. STEPHANITE . Colquechaca , . Oo livia. Gr oup of gr eyi sh s harP ter minated crysta l s , the l arg8st beil;1g 1 cm i n s ize . Ov erall s ize 22x14 mm , £14 . 00 .. 91. STICHTITE. Dundos , Tasmani a . Rich purplisg foli at ed mass with serpentine. 2tx1-t-x1-t", £3.7Sp . . .. 92. TEPHR OITE. Ilsi ngton , Devon . Rich dark br own r esi nous masses. Specimen A: 3x2tx1-t- ", £6. 00. Specimen 0 : 2x1tx1i-", £3.7Sp 93. TE NNANTITE." ·Cooks Ki tchEln MinD, Illogan , Cor·riwall. Speci men 1\ : Shar·P bri ght s ilvery- grGy crystal s t o 3· mm in si ze coveri"ng l Drge areas of matfix. 2x1 -t-" , £14 . 00. Specimun 0: ~'li. nut e spDrkling gre.y crysta ls enc; ting matrix. 1tx1",£5.7Sp 94 . TENNANTITE·: Tsumeb , Otavi·; S .W. Africa. Group of inter gr own well f or med dull greyish ce-ysta ls , the l argest being 1". in si ze. 2X1 t,X1 ~ ", ·£7 • .00

95. WAGN ERITE . ~cMohons Qr y. , Ol ary , S . Australia . Solid resinous brown masses. Speci men fl. : 2tx2x2" , m.oo. Specimen 0 : 2x2x1t ", £6.00. SpeCimen C: ztx1tx1" , £4 .75p. Specimen D: 1x1 ", £1.2Sp

96. WAV ELLITE. CQst le - a n ~ Dinas ··Wo Hrom Mine , . st. Columb , CO rnwD lL Sel ect silky ·· pale greanish to creamy r Ddi ating masses t o 1 cm in diamet er covering altered slata matrix. Specime n .A : 3il-x3x1 " , £6. 00 . Speci me n 0 : 3x2~ " . , £4 . 75p 97 . WAVELLITE . Hi ghdown QrY '-; near Fillei gh , Devon. Choi ce··silky rodi at"i ng hemi ­ sperical masses to mearly i " di ameter dott ed on a dark slote matrix. 2~x2 " , i.O . CO

98. WH ITEITE. ~opid Cr eek , Yukon , C3nada. Sharp lustrous p3 l e brown single crystal . 2Ox13x12 mm , £D . UO

99. WOLFR AMITE . Dolcoath ~'Ii. nE, Cambor ne , Cornwall. Vary rich br i gnt bl

100. WULFENITE. StUphnni e Mine , ~e zic a , Yu goslaVi o . Specimen A: Lustrous orangey­ brown t Dbul or crystols t o 1 cm in si ze forming a pU r e cellular intergrown mass. 2i-x2x1t " , £9 . 00. Speci me n 0 : As speci men A, wi th crystals t o t " in size , 1i-x 1tx14" , £4. 75p ...... , .. 101. ZI NKE NITE . POD po , Oruro , Doli vi a . Solid m8tollic gr ey fi brous mass. 1 ~-x 1 ~ 1I, £7 . 00 .

102. SMITHSO NITE . Tsumeb , Otuvi , S .W. Africa . Specima n fl. : LustrDuS orangey coloured well f ormed rhom ~ ic crystals t o 5· mm in size· ·thickly coveri"ng matrix . 2~x2x1t ", £12. 00. Specimen fJ : ··ShDrp trans·pae- ent light r ose- coloured rhombi C crysta ls to 6 mm in size intergr own all over matrix . 1x1 ", £4 .75p RICHARD W. [1A RSTOW Drakewalls HoUse , D akawalls , Gunnislake , Cornwall , England. TEL . ND . : Tavistock 832301 (STD (022) V.A. T. ND. : 132- 7852- 67

ORDEALi'll u.Frn~TIDN "

~~11 orde' s ere PTOmpt ly filled a nd despatched oM a 7- day examination basis , subject to app oval . Immediate r afund guaranteed on return of the specimen(s) in good condition. Please quote the' name and' nuooer" of the specimen(s) required and enclose P. D. /Cheque with Order . "All PriCes are inclusive of V.A .T. No charge is made for postage and packing , except for overseas customerS and postage over, 7Sp.

We r es~rVe the right to make alight substitutions , if necessarY , unless edvised to the contra.r.Y . Special requests and 98nts lists are welcomE . We trust that we may be of some service to you and aSSU r e you of OU r best attention at all times .

JU NE 1981 1. ANATASE , Tysse , IIklrway'.' V13ry l arge well farmed lustrous dark bluish cryl;ltal 1 cm in si z~ , wi th" a smaller crystal 7 rrrn in si ze , implanted on one end of crysta llised quartz matrix. 2x1i", £12 . 00 2. AI'llLESITE. Aonte PorU , Iglesias , Sardi'nia. SharP , lustTOus" glassV crystals to 4 rrrn" in size, and a larger tra ns lucent cry~tal i " in Size , covering areas of galena matrix . 2x1ix1" , £7 . 00 3. AI'llLESITE. Susann'1 Min\3 , Leadhills ," LanarkElhire. Sharp , lustrous glassy crystals to 7 mm 1M size wi t h"creaOiy well formed Cerussite crystals to 6 rrm in Size , richly scattered" all over, matrix. , . ~x1-b<1 ", £14 . 00 4. APATITE. Cerra de Mercadtl , Durango'; Mexico. Specimen A: Very fi ne lustTOus t -ransparent gemmy light yellow terhiinated crystals a nd crystal"sections to 1" in si ze implant ed on l;!nd embedded in qUartz ," hyalit'El and martlte matri x . 34x3x2" , £28.00. Specimen B: Sharp gerrmy yellow transparent terminated crystal s a nd crystal sect'ions to 1" in size implanted on and scattered in quartz, cal cne a nd martite matrix . " Jix2-b<2" , £18 . 00. Specimen C: SharP g'ElmmV yellow clear terminated crysta ls aM d crystal sections to -t" in length very i chly Elcattered on a nd with cellUlar quart 'i . 3tx2x1t" , £14 . 00. Speci men D: Large traMsparent gemmy yellow terminated crystal 1" i'n size impl anted"on hyaIite and quartz matrix. 2x1~1i ", £9.00. Specimen E: Sharp, gerrmy t ransparent t ermi nated yellow crystal i " in length implanted on hyalite and martHe matrix . ,, 1ix1tx1" , £6.00 5. ARSEIIlJPYRITE . Panasqueira , Bei'ra- Beixa , Portugal. Sharp," bright silvery cryst als to i " in siza forming '1n intergrown group with a well f ormed brassy CHALCOPYRITE crys t81 i" in s iz e. , i mp~anted on .one edge . 2tx2" , £12. 25p 6. ATACAMI TE . Mina l a Forolo , Copi'a po , CHile. "Speci men A: Bri ght g:reen Elh a rP crystals to Ii mm in size richly ctlvering l '1rge a reas of the surf3ce and part of" one sitle of matrix ," with a little chrysocolla . 2tX~ 1 -t ", £12.00. S):jecimen B: LustrOUs dark g een c" ystals to 3 rrrn in length sC3ttered all over ma t r i x Iilith minute tufts of olive-green Ubether.ti.te. 2tx1i", £4 .75p 7. AZURITE . Chessy , Rh one, France . LustrOUs deep blue sharp, t abul'ar cryst'1ls to i" in size thickly covering matrix with a little bright green fibrous Ma l achite in places . Jix2-tx1-t" , £115. 00 , 8. AZURITE. Tsumeb , OtaVi'; S .W. Africa . LustrOUS deep blue sharP terminated cryst als to 1 cm i n size tntergrown in a 1i,'! cavity in. ,matrix. 2x1ix1t "" £26. 00 9. BARYTES . Wolfach , Ol ac k Forest , GermanV . Lustrtlus golden coloured sharp wedge- shaped crystals to 1 II in si ze thickly covering matrix. Jix2ix1i" , £7 . 00 2 10. BERYL.' Teofilo otoni , Hina!;j Ge rais , Orazil."Sharp, Very pal e blue terminated clear hexagonal single crystals with interesting growth patterns. Crystals each aPProx 2" long by 1 ,cm ac;r.oss the axis , £5 .50p each. " " 11. BLIXITE. Mendip Hills , Somerset. Rich orangey- yellow mass with minor creamy- whits hydrocsrussite and calcite. 1x,1" , 1:12 . 00

12. BOURNONITE. Herodsfoat ~une , Lanreath, Cornwall. Specimen A: Bright silvery- grey twinned"cog- wheel crystals to 4 mm in size scattered"in a 1" caVity''in quartz al1d bournoni te"matrix. 2x 1 ~ 1 t ", 1:9 .00. Speci men 8':' Bright silvery - ~rey twinned crystals and crystal sections to 5 mm in si ze intergrown ans scatte ed on cellulal quartz. 1tx1x1 " , 1:5 .75p 13. BROCHANTI TE . "Copper QUeen ~ ne , "Oisbee, Ari zona , U.S.A. Cellular mass of bright green interlocking rOO- like crys1;als"to 4 mm in" ,length.,, 1t x1tx1" , £12.00 14. CALCITE. Wheal ~1

15. CALCITE. St. A n dreasber~ , Harz , Germany . Specimen A: Lustrous creamy hexagonal crystals with flat terminations to t " in l ength intergrown and scattere'd all over matrix. 3x2~'x2 ", £12.00. Speci men 0 : Unusual lustrous sharp"nail- hetld crystals to t " in length with greyi sh- black inclusions , thickly covering matrix , with small patches of ,silvery-grey DY.SCR ASITE on the reverse side. ~2x1t"" 1:16.DO

16. CALCITE. Odi n ~' , Castleton, Derbyshi re. Specimen A: Sharp'; lustroUs tilansparent elongated terminated cr ystals 'eo 1" in length thickly coverl.'ng matrix. 3x2xlt" , 1:16.00. Specimen G: Lust'rous tra nslucent modified twinned crys'eals ttl nearly f" in size implanted on matrix with small cubic light purple flUOrite crystals. 3x1fx1~" , £6.00 ' 17. CALCITe Leva nt Mine , Pendeen , Cth'nwall."Plat y Hexagonal pale" creamy- orange c'dloured crystals thickly covering quartz matrix, with a SPrinkli ng of minute brassy PYri;!;es c rysta:!.s on tt:Je calcite,. 3x2x1t ", £7,.0'0 18. CA NA VESITE. Grosso , TUrin, Italy. Creamy- white crystal tufts covering areas of py rhotite a nd magnetite matrix. Specimen A: - very rich in cana/esite - 3xztx1t" , £8 . 00. SpecimeD B : ?*x1~1 ',', 1:,4 .75p 19. CASSITERITE . Pi:ilbreen ~ne , " St. Agnes, Cornwall. Lustrous dark brown elonga'eGd terminate'd cryst8ls and crystal sections to 1 cm in size scattered on quartz/ slste matrix. 2-1x1tx1t',', £12.00 20. CERUSSITE. Tsumeb , "Otavi, S .W. Africa. A very fine sharp transparent termi nated tabular single Grystal,with interesting growth lines. 2t"" long by 1" wide, £23. 00 21. CERUSSITE . Tsum'Elb , Dtavi , S%W. Africa. Sharp, glassy tabul ar crystals fOrming a reticulated group. 1 tx 1 x1 ~' , £9 . 00,

22. CHROME CERUSS1TE. Kapi ~nG , Dundas , Tasmani'a , Australia. Sharp lustrous pale" yellowish crystals to 4 rrrn in SiZE~ scattered in a 1" cavity in limonite matrix. 1fx1t ", £2.75p 23. CH AL COCITE. Botallack Min'El ,"St . Just, Cornwall. Bright silvery- grey crystals to t " in Size thickly intorgrDl!ln on matrix.,,1-tx1" , £,16 . 00 " 24 . CHALCOCITE. West Whoal Gasset , Illoga n, Cornwall. Bright greyish sharp Hexagonal crystal s to 3 mm in size scattered allover a cellular chalCOCite/quartz matrix. 4tx 3tx 2 " , £20. 00 ' 25. CHALCOPYRITE . castroVirreyna ~ne' ; near Lima , Peru. Bright"brassy sharP crystals to ~" in si'ie intorgrown on matrix with slendar quartz crystals and mi nute sparkling crystals of tet;r;8hedri;!;e. 2x1tx1" , £15.50p 26. CHALCOPYRITE var iety Glister- Copper. East Pool Mine , Illogan, Cornwall. Slightly t arnished golden botryoi dal mass thick:t,y covering mat;r.ix. 1b<1-tx1t", £6. 5Op 27. CHILDRE NITE. Drakewalls ~ne ,<:Jke , COrnwall. SharP sparkling golden-brow'r\ crystals to 1 mm in si ze scattered on El nd lining c'aviti es in quartz/slatG matrix. 1~1" , 1:4.75p 3 CHRoMITE. Phili ppi nE! .. Islar;tds. So lid lust roils bl ack"mass. 2x1t,x1-~" ,,,£2. 75p "-,,.29. CLI f\(J CLASE. Wheal Gorlund, St. D~y , Cornwall. Lustrous deep blue"crys'tal s and crys t al aggrE!gates to 2 mm in size lining cavities in cellular quartz with a little crystalli sed Oliyenite. 1t,x1¥1t" , w . oo 30. NA TIVE COPPER . Durra- 3urra, South AUst alia . Bright met allic dendritic sheets a nd masses on calcite/ql,JO"rtz matrix • . ~x2~·x1 ~ " , W . OO 31. NA TIVE COPPER. ' 40 bocks', Lev ant Mine , Pendeen , Cornwall. A number of flat hackly sheets to 1" i n si ze in tJ ~x1 ~ " plastic" box. £2 . SOp l ot. (The ' tiD bucks' is the stoped ar~a above the 40 fms level under the seD where t he sea broke into the rtd.m~ after it had closl;d in the 1930' s). 32. NA TIVE COPPER . Gogoslovsk ," Ural Mts .,' Russiu. Rich , heovy moss of interlocking sPrays of well formed crystals to i t " in size. Fine ol d specimen. 3i;-x2~x2t" , £80.00

33. CoVELL ITE. Letlnnrd ['line , outte, ~lOntana , U. S . I< . Rich platy attractive irridescently tarnished cryst allir;te mass with a little pyrites . ,,~x2, ' ! , £7 . 00 . , 34 . CUPRITE . Ts umeb , otavi , B. W. Af rica . Sharp lustrous red crystals to 5 mm in si ze dotted on calcite mat rix. ~x2 ", . £10.00 35. CUPRlTE . Ting Tang Mine , Gwe nna p, Cor nwall . Deep re'ddish lustrous small sharP cU bic crystals a nd crystol aggregat es covering l arge ar eus of cellular goasany matrix. 2tx 1 ~x 1 t ", £1 4 . 00 . ' 36. CUPl1o ADA MITE . L: allrion, Atti ca Di strict, Greece. Small ·sporkling l1me--green crystals richly covering limo nitic matrix. 3x2-tx1t", £12..00 ,.

37 . CYA NoTRIC~ITE. Mo l dowo , Danot , Hungor V. SkY- blue crusts of velvety crystal s lining l a rge cavities in motri )$ with minor calcite and .m<;l l ochi te., ,2tx2x1t" ,,,£18.00 38. DA TDLITE. Mina Noche Duena , Zocatecos , Mexico . Sha rp'; t ransparent colourless crystal s"to 5 mm in size richly scattered an over"qua"tz matrix with milky quartz crystals and odd sma+l sharp Cha lCOPYrite crystals,. ~x2x 1~" , ,£12 . 00 39 . DESCLoISITE . Oerg Aukas , otaUi, S. W. " Africa . LustrOUs dark brown sharp 8ry·stals to 8 mm in size"thickly covering matri )$ . ~x2-t " , £14 . 00

40 • .DIGENLTE -. L ~onard Mrne , Butt e , onta na , UoS'; A. Rich gr eyish metalliC mass with minor purplish coyellite and a litt+e pyrites. 2t,x2x1~ ", £4.75p 41. DIoPTASE . Alt yn- Tubtl , Ki rghese"Steppes , Russ i a . Sh arp, bright"Bmer ald-:green crystals to 5 rrrn insi;:e. r ichly covering a,,2>$ 1" area of calcite matrix. ,, 3x2x1 ~ ", £54 . 00 42 . DOLOMITE. Gal ena , Ka nsas , U. S .A. Shar\l, lustrtlus l i ght pinklsh curVed saddl e- sha\led crystals to t " in s i ze r ichl\, c .Jvering ma~iix with odd bright bTassy ChalCOPYrite crystals . Speci men A: ~x2~x1t ", £4 .75p. Specimen 0 : 2~x 1 t,x 1~", £3~75p . Specimen C: · 2x1~-x1 ", .£2. 75p .', 43 . DUFRENITE. Phoeliix M1ne , Li nki nhorne ," Cornwall . Deep greenish botryoidal aggregates with an internal radiating structure, to 3 mm in diameter , dotted on mat rix . 1 ~xt,xi" , £4 .? 5p 44 . DUFT'rTE. Tsumeb , otavi ,"S. W. Africa . Specimen A: Olive~green minute sparkling crystals !'ichly"covcring l arge altertld Tennantit e crystals to 1t" in s ize fOrming an intergrown group, with'o little creamy calcite i n places. 2-}x2tx1~ ", £9 . 00 . Specimen 0 : fls ·speQimen A, 2x1f.x1t", £6 . 00 45 . ERYTHRITE. Me . Cobalt , Queensla nd, Australia. RaspberrY- r ed aggregat es of ne8dly crystals richly .covering araas of matJ)ix. 2x1~ 1 t ", £5 .75p 46. ESPERITE. Franklin, New J ersey, U. S . A. Creamy patches with franklinite a nd calcite. 2x1tx1" ,. , £2 . 50~ 47 . EUCU1SE. Morogoro , Tan'ian'i.'a . Specime n II : SharP , gl assy colourless do ubl y-te'iminated crys~~l with smaller crystals ~tta ch ed . 1Ox7 mm , £5. 50p. Specimen B: Sha~p glassy col ourl ess termi nated si ngle. . crystal ,. 1Ox7 mm , .£4. 75p 4B. FLUoI1ITE. Hilton Nine , Sco r da l ~ , " westmore l and . Sharp, transparent yellow cubic crystal s to ~- " i n size intergrown on quartz matrix. 3x2" , £8.00 4

49. FLUORITE . Na ica Chihuahua , Mexico . Co l ourl~ss , t ransparent sharP highly modi crystals to ' 4- " in"size associated with c ystallised Galena , calcite, Sphalerite and PYrites ,,,covering mat .ix. 2x.1i ~', .£5.00 50. GALENA. Wi kswor th , Derbyshi re. SharP, bYi ght si1very - gr~y cubEl- octahedral"crystal s to '1 cm in si ze Elssoci ated with colourless cubic Fluoi)i te crystals coveri ng matrix. 1-b<1" , £5.75p

51 . NA TIVE GOLD. N. Terr., Australia. Specimen"A : Bright gol den spec ~ a nd small masses scatter[lU in bl ock mElgnetite matrix. 1ixi" , £'12 . 00. Specimen B: Small bright gol den specks scattered in ma gnetit[l , not so r ich as Specimen A. 2x2x1 " , £7.00 52. HASTINGSTITE . Hay tor Iron Mine , Dartmoor , Devon. Dark greenish radiating fibrous masses with mag netite. 2t-x2" , £3.00 53. HELLYERITE. "Lord Orassey Mine ," Heozl ewood , Tasmania. Pa l e greenish patches with darker gre'8n Zaratite on serpentine . Speci me n A: 2t-x2x1" , £4 . 75p. Specimen 0 : Pieces 0PProx 1 ~x1 " , £1.,?5p. .eoch. 54. HOL LAND ITE. 'Fullobrook Mine , Oraunton , Devonshi re. Ri'ch gr ey botryoidal masses lining l Elrge cavities in hollandi t e/ sandst one matrix. Specime n A: 4x2ix2" , £7 . 00. Specimen 8 : 2tx2x1i " , £5.7;ip ". " 55. IOOCt1AS E. Val d1f\lo , Piedmont , italy . Sharp, lustrous t ranslucent terminated olive­ green crystals"to 0 mm i n si z e. \ im p~ a nt ed on one ,end. .of matrix. 2x1. ' ~ , £5 . 00 55. KAOLINITE after Orthoclase. T everbyn , st. Aust El ll , Cornwall. We ll formed carlsbad twinned crystal 2x1t" in size impla nted on.. granite matri x . ~x2tx1 " ' , £5.50p 57." LioETHE NITE. ~li.gUel Vi'lrcas Mi ne , Alentej o , PortUgal. Small , sharp lustrous" olive­ green octahedral crystal s to 2 mm in s ize very r ichly scattered all over matrix . 4x2ix1i " , £18 . 00

50 . LI NAR ITE. Redgi ll , Cal dbeck Fells , Cumberland. Bri gHt blue" crystals and cryst al s\lctions to 3 mm i n size scatt ered in cavities in quartz matrix , with a l ittle creamy- whi:t

50. LIRoCoNITE . Wheal Gorland , St . Day , Cornwoll."Oright sky- bl ue c ryst als to 3 Tml in s ize intergrown on one si de of gossany matrix.,,2tx.1t" , £15 . 00

51. ~~ G N ETITE. Hayter Iron Mine , Dartmoor , Devon. ShorP brignt bl ack oct ahedral crystals to 3 mm in size,scattered on mag netite/.actinolite matrix. 3x1t-x,1i " , £3.50p

62. ~ L ACHITE. fVo l dawa , Canat distr ict , Hungary . Sharp lustrous dark green crys t al s to 4 rrm i n size scattered in a i wc avi ty in fi br ous ma l achite/limoni t e mat r i x . 2x1tX1", W . OD

63. ~ L ACHITE. Dwana MKubwa , Ndo l a , Zambi a. ori ght green botryoi dal masses with a c ryst a llised SUrt'ace on ma l m;: hite/ pl)yllite matrix . 2x1 4- " , £4 .75p 64 . ~LA C H ITE aft er Azurite. Ch essy , Rhone , F~ a nc e . Cluster of wel l formed rhombiC cryst al s to 1 cm in s ize rGlplaced by green m£llachite. 1tx,1" , £14,. 00

65. NARC~SI TE. Virtuous Lady Mine , Buckland Monachorum, Devon. Bri ght brassy sharp crystaHi to 1 cm i n s i 'ie associated with cubi c"Pyrites crystal s to t " in sdJze e nd encrusting" scal y cryst allised Sideri:t

73. PYRITES . Kassandro, ~d.n8 , Ch

76. PYROMJRPHITE . ~1exico ~1i n~ , " C a l db~ck Fells , Cumber land. RicH lustrous yellowy- gr8en cellular m

82. SCORODITE ." Cligga ~1ine' ; Per r

84 . SIDERITE. Oirtuous"Lady ~tin8 , Ouckland f'onochorum , Devon'~ Light brown curved scaly crystals in oggregat8s to -t" in size implonted on 0 group of sharp milky Quartz crystals t o 1" in si~e. 1-b<1-tx1~, ' ! , £12 . 00 8 5. NA TIVE SILV81 . Fr8i'berg , Soxony , Germany . Solid, silvery- grey heavy hackly mass with minOr sid8rite. 22 0 gms w8i ght. 2x 1 ~x 1 t " , £4£) . 00 86. SMITHSONITE . Tsumeb , Ot'ovi , S . W. Africo. Lorge , l ustrous" 'tNnslucent"very pale creumy to pinkish cTystals to 1" in size thickly intergrown on matrix . 4x3tx1~ " £23.00

07. SPH ALERITE. Wh801 June , Keu , Cornwall. DTight black shurp' 'crystal s to 1 cm in si ZG iTitergrown ond" scottered on mutri'x with milky Quartz crystals a nd a little c r yst allised ors8nopYrite and pyrites. 3x2+x1t", £9 . 00 ElO . STANNITE . Htllmbush Mine , Stoke Clims l a nd , Cornwall . Rich t ar nished metallic mass with quurtz und chol copyrite . 2~X1-b<1t ", £4.75p 6 " 89. TEALLITE. Huanuni , Oolivia. Soli d lustrous. grey platy crystalline mass. 1x1" , £2':5 90. TENN11NTITE. Outte, Silvor Dow Co ., Montana'; U. S. A. Sharp bl'i ght silvery- grey crystals to :l-.'! i n size.implanted on motrix . 1i,x1 ", £8 . 00 91 . TET RADYMITE . Corrock tJane'; Col dbeck Fells, ' Cumborl and. Meto llic grey sm8ll masscs scattered in mi l '(V quortz. 2x1 ~x1~" , £3 , 50p

92. THOMSON ITE. S~mmon s Dn y , Flinders , VictoriG , Austrolia . Crc8my- white crystal tufts richly lining a t " cavity in basoli; matrix. 1 tx1 ~X1 " , £1.50p ,. 93. TOPAZ. Afghanistan. Spocimen A: Sh a rp , col ourless transparent terminated single crystal. 1xtxt " , £7. 00 . Spec i m~n 0 : As specimen fI , txt"" £4 .75p 94 . TOR OERN ITE. WhGa l Oasset ," Ill ogan, Cornw8ll. Small light grGen scaly crystals scattered on oltercd grOnitc mutrix . 2X 11l-x1i;", £1.25bl " 95. TCRBERNITE . Minc"Oois Noi r , st . Pri ost- l a- Prugne , LOiro, France .' 'Very ffne bright green pl aty crystals to ~ " in si ze thiCKl y covcring smoky quartz matrix. Good di spl ay specimen • . 5ix3-ix2~" , £70 . 00 96. VIV I ANITE. Llallaguo , Potosi , Golivia'.' Lustrous deep bl Uish- bl ack t abulsr crystals t o 1" i n l ength scattereo amI i ni;8rgrOwn on. ,mat rix . 2i,x1i "" £7. 00 " 97. WITHERITE. FolloWf i el Ll I"ane , Hexham , No rthUmberl a n'd. Sharp pyrami dal Crystals to ~ ! l fn s ize portly i nvested with. small creamy barytes crystals , thickl y covering mat rix . 4-t.-x3x2" , £26 .00 98. WOODHOUS EITE. Whit e ~"ountai n, tJono Co.: C'sH fqrni a , "U .S . A." Sharp creamy coloured" blocky crystals to 3 mm in size scott ered on quartz matrix with odd small cl ear quart z crystnls • . 4x2-}.'! , £14 . 25p ,.

99 . lJ.U. FENITE . Touissit , near Ouj da , . tJ,orocco . Specimen A: Lustrous" light yellowy ~ oNnge sharp tabular cr\Jstal s to 1 cm"in size thickly d:ive'iing mat r ix. 2-tx2-b<1 ~ ", £13 . 00 Specrme n 0: Lustrous yellowy - orange sharp tabular crystal s to ~ " in size thickly i ntergrown on matrix. 2~X1tx 1": LEl . OO RIC HARD W. oAR STOW

Dra kewalls HoUse, Drakewalls, Gunni s lake , ' Cornwall, England. TEl:.. I\O.: Tavist ock 032301 (STD 00, 22), V.A. T .No. : 132:':7052- 67 oRDERI I\I3 I NFO RMATION " Ma il ordE!r s are pr omptly fi:lled a nd 'des patched tin a"7- day examination basis , subject to appr oval. I mmediate refund guaranteed on return of the specime(s) in good conditi on. ,

, Please quote" th'S nam e ana number of the s pecimen(s) ~equired and enclose P.o./Cheque with order . All prices are inclusive of V.A . T,. No char ge is made fOr postage and packing, except for overseas customers and postage DUel" :

we re~erve the r ight , to make slight substitutions, if necessarY, unless advised to the contrar lj.

Sp e c~al r equests and wants lists a~e welcome. We trust that we may be of s ome service to 'Iou and aSsure 'leu of OUr best attention at all times.

JULY 19m 1. ANDRADITE GARNEr . ,Sta nley outte, Graham Co. , Ari'zona , U.S.A. Choice, sharp lustrous . ,olive coloo ed crystals 'thickly covering mat_rix': Specimen A, with crystals to t " in size, 4 x~x2 ", £1 0 .00. Specimen 0 , with Crystals to -til in size, 2-tx2x2 " , £12, oa: Specimen C, with crystals to t " in size, 2-t;x2x1-t" , £8.oa .. Specimen D, -, with cr 'lstals to 1 cm in size, 2tx1t "'; £5.00. Spectm\ln E, with cry~tals to 1 cm' in ' siz e , "1 1\~t ", £3.00. Specimen F, groups of interg':rown crystals to t " in size, each a ppu;ox 1x1", £1.50p each. , 2. AII.(JLESHE. Oroken Hill , 'N.S. Wales , Aus tralia. Sharp colourless transparent crystals to 4" rrm in size scattered in cavities in a mass 'of altering chalcocite with sprigs ,of Crystalline NATIVE COPPER. ?~2 x 1 ~ " , £1 0 .oQ , 3. AII.(JLESITE. oroken -Hill, N.S. Wales , AUstralia. Sharp, lustrouS glassy crystals thickly covering r eticulated and bladed crgstal masses of Cerussite. Specimen A:"with Anglesite c r ystals to 0 mm in Size, 3x 1~'?(1i", £26.00. Specimer.l 0: with crystals to 3 mm in Size, ~2x1t" , £1 6.00

4. ANTLERITE. Chuqutcamata , Antofagasta , CHile." Pure bright ~reen fibrous vein-section with both surfaces encrusted with well crystallise,:J grel;ln oRoCHANTITE. 2x1i", £12.00 5. APATITE"variety FRA I\CoLITE. Fowey Consols Mine, Tywardreath'; Cornwall'" Speci m\ln A: Sha p, glassy hexagonal crystals to 2 mm in si ze"scattered on quartz covering slate veinstuff . 3x2x1t " ,"£7 .00. Specimen 0 : SharP glassy hexagonal Crystals to 3 mm in size thic~ly cOl/ering quartz matrix. ,1-tx1 t ", £4.7Sp , , 6. AURICHALCITE . 79 Mine , Hayden , A'ti zona , U.S.A . Turquoise colour\ld crystal tUfts to S','mm iri length ricHly s cattered in cavities in cellular matrix with sparkling Crystals of hemimorphLte. 2x 1 ~X 1t" " £5.00 7. AX I NITE. oritisH RflP Quarry , Me ldon'; Devon. SHarp lustrous brown ~rystals "to t" 'Ln slze scatter ed in cavities in hornfels matrix with odd sharp silvery Arsenopyrite crystals. 3-i;x2-i;x2" , £0 .:00 O. AZURITE."Cnessy , RhonE!, Fra nce . Sharp lust'rous deep blue crystals to OVer t" in size inter gr own on matrix with 8 li tUe fibrous, ,malachite ... 1 ~x1tx1t" , £18.00 9. OARYTES. Huelva,"Spain. t.:ustrous sharP light brown tabular crystals to 5 mm in size thickly COVEring matrix. 1 ~ 1t" , £2.5Qp 10. OARYTES. Wet" Groves Mi lle, Wensl eydale , Yorkshire'" SharP, lustrouS creamy-wHite tabulihr crystals fOrming gr oups in parallel growth. Specimen A: 2x2" , £3.75p. Specimen 0 : 1 ~ 1 t ", £2 .Sop 2 11. OAYLDOIIITTE . PentlGrthy Croft MinG , st. Hilary , Cornwall. Rich apple- grGen covering qU$ rtz veinstuff. , 2ix2", £4.75p :,; 12. OERYL . ossipee , New Hampshire , U. S . A. Pal e"blue hexagonal crystal section -t" in l ength partl y enibl')dded in , pegmati t e m<;lt i x . .. 2-tx2xlt", D . OO 13. NATIVE OIS~1JTH . wtllfram"Camp , quee nsland , AUstralia''- Choice .heavy cryst alline mass with minor wolframite , <:md milk)) quart z • . 2ix2x 1 ~.'! , £24.00 "

14 . OOTALLACKI TE. Levan~ Mine , Pendeen , COrnwall. Sma ll sharP light green crystal s scattered,on quartz and hsmatite matri x. 2~x2 " ' , £5. 00 15. OUSTAMITE; Ori tish Rail QUa rry , Meldon , DeVon . Very"r1ch di verge[1t bladed c rystallir masses , some wi th minOr sphal e't'i te , Pyrrhoti te Or rhodonite' 'in "association': Thi s material was collected in the early 1 950 1 S ~ and the formation it occured i n has since been quarri ad away . Specimen A: ~x2tx1 i " , £9.00. Specimen 0: 3x2fx1t " , £7 . 00. Specimen C: 2ix1ix1t" , £4.75p. Specimen D: 2x1ix1i" , D.OO. Specime n E. ,2x1f" , ~1 . 75p 16. CALCITE. Naica , Chihuahua , Mexico . We ll formed creamy rhombic crystals to i " in si ze associ at ed"wi th lustrous' 'bl ack SPHALER ITE crystals to"t'" in si ze , antl a l ittle brassy c't'ystallised Pyrites , wi t'h l ater pa."tral overl;jr owths of aggregates of l enticular calctt e a nd

21. CASSITERITE variety Toads- Eye Tin. Gar~h ~une , sa nc't'eed , Cornwall. Sma ll light a nd dark brown concentric masses i n , quartz and feldspar matrix. 1ix1f,- "" D.DO 22. CERAIRGYRITE. Si er N Gor'da , At acama , CH ile . Rich sparkli ng olive coloured c."ystals invei3ting cclc'itD matri x , w'lth minor amounts of green atacamite , ' pale yellG!>!ish Iody'rite, a na odd mi nute cryi3tsts of blue Percylite . Specimen A, with two sides cov e~e d i n cr),stallised ce '-r~rgy:He , "2~x 1 %.~1tH , £10 . 00. SpecimGn 0 : 1ix1x1" , £O . 00. Specl men C: 11,:x1", ,not 's o Tlch ~n CGrargYrlte , £4 . 75p.

23 . CERITE . OestnoGs ~u n e , Vast manland, Sweden. Ri ch pinkish to bl ackish mass . 2x2x1t " , £5. 75p .. , ' ," 24 . ,CERULEITE . Wh eal Gorland , st . Day , Cornwal l. Light Sky- blue crystallised crusts r ichly lining cavities in quar tz gossan with a littl e well crystallised olivenite . 2ix2ix1i.-", £16. 00 25. CERUSSITE . Mibl ade'rl , Atlas Mts ., f'b r occo. Sharp, lustrous gl assy doubly terminated crystal s to near l y't" in size dotted on matrix with pa l e pinkish bl aded ba't'ytes Crystal s . 3x2" , £14.00

26. CH ALCOCITE. Cooks KitchGn Mine , Illogan ,"CornwalT. D r i ~ht silvery- grey well formed crystal s to 5 mm in s ize thi ckly COVG:r:ir;tg matri x . 1,;x1t ", £,18 .00 27. CHALtClPYR ITE. West"Car 'ci don ~4ine , st . "Cleer , Cornwall. Oright brqSsy and s lightly i rri descent s harP Crystals to nearly t il fn s i ze assot:i .at ed wi'th milky quAR TZ crystals to ~ II i n l ength , scattered on gil'eer;tish" fluor ite matrix. 2tx1~· II, £10 . 00 28 . CH ALCOIRICH ITE. ~ rk e Valley Mi ne , Linkinhorne , Cornwall. Lil;jht ~eddis h tufts and fi bres scatto!'sd on and ir;tfilling cavi ties" in gossany matrix . 3x2", £16 . 00 29. CH AL COTRICHITE . Phoenix Mine , Li'nkinhorne , Cornwall. Reddish minute needles infilling a til cavity on one"end of mat rix . 1txi" , £2 .5Op " "', 30. CHENEVIXITE . Wheal GOrl and, st . "Day , Co rnwall. Very r ich lus t rous greenish- bl ack masses with limonite a nd qu a:r:t z . 2-i;-x2x 1t ", £6 . 00 3 31. CHILORENITE. CriHnis "'Ii'ne , St. kustdL Cornwall. Smnll sparkling light brown crystols coveri I;1g areaS of bTecciated. ve:!.nstuff. 3x2" } £6.00 " 32. CI NI\J):\OAR . Lovelock , Pe:'shi ng CD .; NJ:'Vac!a , U.S . A. Lus1: rous red sharp twinne'd crystal [] mm i n size implanted in a ca'Jity in matrix with a little altered stibnito. 2.;;x11b<1t" , £1;6 . 00 . " 33. CLINOCLASE. Wheol Go ~l and , St . Day, Carnwoll. Rich blUish crystalline mass with quartz and limoni te. 1~X1x1", £2. Sop " 34. NA TIVE COPPER. Ulhoal Gorl and, st. D(J\j; COrnl1:aJ.l. Rich cellUla'r crystallisod mass wi th a foui fragmonts of milky quortz, ond Ddt! small sharP r ed octahedr al CUPRITE c r ystals . 2~X1ix1t" , £14 . 00., "

3S. NA T IVr ' Co~PER . Mufulira Min~ , Lambia. Well crystallised branching mass with 0 littl quartz, the native"coppe, crystals attai ning t " ~n size. Sx1~ " , £14 . 00 36 . NA TIVE CoPPER . ·Cor ocoro , Oolivia. Hockly cr~~tall in e mass . 4x1~x 1 t ", £B . oo 37. NA TIVE CoPPER ." South Ca r odon f", st. Cleer, Cornwa ll. Well crystallised mass cementing fragments"oj'" qUGrtz . 1x1 ". £1 ,.Sop 38. NA TIVE COPPER . Cloncurry , Queensland, Australia. Attractive greon ma lacOite- coat ed crystallised mass 01;1 and il;1 a crystalline 8ass of sel enite . 3x 2-tx 2 " ; £14:00 39. CoR NETITE. Owano"FJ

48 . EPIDtlTE . Pi 'nos Altos ;' 'Oaj a California , r~exico. Shupp , l us trous trani31ucent oli vO- . green t8"minoted crystGls to 1 cm in . length· thickly covering matrix. ~x2.;;x1~· ", £10 . 00 . 49. EPIDo'fE. Hodfve'dt , SondBfjord, Norway . Specimen"A : Ori ght oliVe- green sha"p doubl y t tl rmin8t ed cryst als to 4"mm in"length s c:itter ed on well farmed albite and Orthoclase c"y!3tal s coVering gronite matrix . 1tx1.;;x1" , £4 .7Sp. Specimen 0 : OrigHt olive- g'reon shurp crystol s to 3 mm i n longth s cattered on a thoclase on granite motrix. 1x1" , f3 . 2Sp SO . FL UORI TE Vu riety CHLOROPHANE . East Pool Mi ne , 1l10g8n, Cor nw811. Creamy coloured fine grained mosses with small b!.odes· of wolfNmite. Specimen A: 3x2tx1t" , £4.7Sp. Speciml!ln 0 : 2t,-x1ix1t", O . ?Sp " S1 . FLUORITE . 'rrovaunonce [Vii ne , St. Agnuo , cornwtiH. Woll fo;med lustrous translucent light greenish DCTAHEOR):lL crystals to nearly f " in size thickly covering mi!Jt rix , wi th odd smull light pUrplish cubic fluorite crystal s irnplanted on tho paints of some of .tho octahodrol c"ystal s. Fil1a old specimon. 4b<4x1t " , £S4.oo 4

52. FLUORJTE. Son Cristtlb81 tvline , Huoncav8li'co , PllrU . Tr~mspari:Jnt pale greenish mtldified"octohlld,·ol c,rystals to: OVer ~, II in size intergrown on motrix with bright br8ssy PYR ITES cryst81s . 2>< 11!-x 1-}1I , £5. SOp "

53. FREI El ERG ITE. Crescent ~\ine , Kdlogg ,"Idoho , U. S.A . Very rich bri ght silvery- grey metollic mosses with 0 little azurite [lnd bindheimite . Specimen A: 3x2x1 1!- " , W . OO . Specimen C: 2x1tx1t" , £5,00. Specimen C: 1tx,1~ 1I , £3. 00 " 54 . GALENA . Swecrtwatcr r-\ine , Elli ngton, Ni. sslburl.' , U.S . A. Ori ght well f or med' 'oct ahedral crystols showing pOrallel growth of theill faces , to 1" in size, intergrown on motrix with odd creQmy dolomite'crystals. 2~-x2~x1~ " , £14 . 00 55. GALE NA . 01[lckdene Fd. ne , UJe:Jrdole , Co . "DUrham."Vory bright' cube- octahedr81 cryst ols to"over 2" fn si z\:J forming ::m intergrown g'roup onc) partly invested with well f Ormed lustrouS creamy hexogonal CALCITE crystols to 1!- " in size. Ni ce display specimen. ~x2tx2 " , £24 . DD 56 . NA TIVE GOLD . Sembo Mine , No th OO rneo. ' Frogments of quartzose matri x containing specks of visib ~ e gol d in 0 1i-x1t " plastic box,. '£1.50p. 57. NA TIVE"GOLD . Kalgoorlie, W. Australia. Films of bri ght gold on mico- schist Rnd quartz . 1ix1i-" , £0. 00 58 . GMELINITE . Si mmons Day , FlinderS , Victor i a , Australi a . Lustrous t ansparent well formed po18 orcmgey crystols to 5 mm in size thickly int8rgrown in 0 1i " cavity in bosolt . 2x1-l-x1+. " , £3. SOP

59. GROSSUL AI'l GARr~ET . Mte. Sommo , Vesuvios , 'Italy. Shsrp , bright orsngey''': brown cr\lstols ond crystol sections to 5 mm in size richly covering s ana dine mat r ix. 2tx1tx1-}" , £6 . 00 6D . GYRDLITE . Polmo , Indl.'o . Cr ystallised' 'ver y pole apple- gr een sphtJri col aggregates to t " i n size s~ottered all OVer matrix with 0 litt l e creamy crystallised La umonti te and Calci te. , 5x2i" , £12.00 61. HE MD.TITE . Ri o Marina , El bo , Holy. Dright bl ock sharP crystols to over t " in si ze i mpl onted on one end of 0 crystalli ne mQss of hemQtite. ~1tX1t " , £5.25p 62 . H01iTITE vari'ety KIDrJEY DRE . Flor enc8 r-tline , Egremont , Cumberlond. Sel ect bri ght eddish- bpown botryoidol m2SS. 3x2-}x2 " , £6. 00 63 . HEUL AND ITE. Poonti , Indio. LUstrOUs creamy- white sharP cryst a ls to 0 mm i n s ize r ichly scattered.aL\. over m3trix. 3x2f.-" , £7. DD 64 . IDDY RITE . Si er ra Gorda , Atacoma , Cnile. Pa l e yellow rounded crystals to"3 mm in size in covities in n moss of bright grey ARG ENTI TE wi th greenlish Chrysocol b . 2x1-f,X1" , £10. OD 65. LAZUCI TE . Di g Fi sh & Olow River Ari:Jo , Yukon , Ca nodo . LustrOUs indi'go- blUe sharp c'fystol s to [) mrn in s i z\:l scattered 011 \:iver matri x wi th s l endar clear Quart z crystnls and 0 littl e crystallised Si derite. A quite exceptional specimen. 6x21!- " , £200. OD 66. LIDETHENITE. Pl1\:ienlix r,\ine , Linkinhor ne , COTnwa ll. LustroUs sharp dnrk olive- green octahedral crystals to 4 mrn i n size scattered nIl oveT gossnny veinstuff . 4x~x2" , £42. 00, 67 . MAL ~CH ITE . Katango , ZOi r s. Ori ght green beautiful ly banded and 'concentri colly r i nged specime ns which have been cut ond polished. Specimen A: 3x2tx1" , £16. DO Specimen D: 3x2f" , £12. DD . ,Specimen C: 3>}x1i" , £:7. . DD . SpeciJrnen D: 2x,1-t" , £3. 5Dp 60. MD.LACH ITE . Concepci'on del Dro'; Zacatecas , Mexi co. Dri ght green"needl \l crystals to 4 mm in lI:mgth richl y covering a reas of,oTown limonitic matri x.,, 2tx2t" , .. £9 . DD

69 . M~ LACHITE . Drowns CILlim , RUm Jungle , N. Ter 'i. , Australia',' DTight green fi brous banded mosses ossoci'at ed with cel lular crystolline Cerussite ond yellowi sh crystollisod Pyromorphi te.,,~x2x2" , W.OD 70. MAR THE. Cerro de Mercado , Durango , Mexico',' Shorp brownish to bl ackish octnhedral crystols to 0 mm in siZl! encrusting matrix. Specimen A: 2-f,x2x1t", W . OD. SpeCimen C: 1tx1-}X 1-f," , £3.00 S 71. MIARGYRITE . Prih~am , Cohemia , C.S . S .R. Sp~cimen' .'\ :"G r c'Iish well fomed 6ystElls to 4 rrrn' in s i zo lining c;]vitics in a CLlluI'lr Cl'yst8l1:itie rt;Jss of T:1i:JrgYl'itc and qua"('tz . 2x1tx1" , £23 . 00. Specimen '1 : Greyi sh intergrown group of distoT'ted crystals to 4 rrrn in siza. 1i.-x7", £'14: 00 , 72. NA TROCH ALCITE. Chuqu i tom~to , Antofbgosta , Chile. Rich deep gr een c ystolline maSSllS with lighter g-008n ontl oT'i to and a little selBnite. SpecimBn A: 2tx2x2 " , £12.00. Spocimen ~ : 2-'-X1b1~-" , I:C.OO. Speci me n C: 2x11b< 1t " , 1:5 .00. Spoci me n D: 1i x1fx1" , Ll •• 7Sp , .. 73. oLIVENITE. Whllol Unity , Gwcmn:Jp , COrnw:Jll . PQle gT' een fib ous"mass with Eln unusual u::JT;!;hy fOl'm i nfilling a 2x1t" covity in quartz matT'ix . 3x3x1~-" , £11-1 . 00 74. OWYHEEITE. PODrman"Mi ne , Owyheo Co. , "Idoho , U.5 . A. Rich gre,Jish massos with da k reddish PY-El gyrite on a nd i n qua tzoso mat -ix. Specimlln A: 2tx2x1f" , £14 . 00. Spocimen 0 : 2Jx1yx1t " , £9. 00. Specimon C: 11,x1t-x1t" , £6-. 00. Spoci mBn D: 1tx1" , £2 . 50p

7S. PARISTIE . Snow Oir'd Mine , Mineral Co ., ~'iJntEln<: , M.S.A'; Specimen A: LustT'oUS bT'own barrel- shaped c'r' ystals"and cT'ystal sections to noa 1'1 t " in size embodded in calcite and qua-tz matrix. 3x2f,-X1+ " , 1:14 . 00. Specimen 0 : As specimen A, " 3x2x1-t-", 1:11.00. Specimen C: As spBcimen A, 2fx2x1" , £7 . 00. Specimen D: oT'own cTystalline mosses and crystal sections t o ~ " in l'Bngth embedded in calcite . 2x 1 -t-X1~- " , £S . 7Sp . Speci me n E: Drown CT'yst8l s and cr,/st El l sections to S rrrn in size embedded in ca lcito. 27x2x 1 ~ " , E3.S0p . Specimon F: As specimen E, 2xi" , £2.S0p 76. PETALITE . Aplito qubrry , Mel don , DBvon. Ri ch light pinkish crystalline masses in pegmatite matrix. SpocilJ18n A:- 2~x2tx1~ " , O .7Sp . 0 : 2x1t x1i;", £2 . 0

77. PHARMACoSIDERITE . hlheal Unity, Gwonnap , CornwDll. Small sparkling light ~ T'een cubiC crystals richlY lining la"('g8 cavities in limonitic matrix. 2tx1fx1 II , £14 . 00

70. PHILLIPSITE . Gads Hill , ~ smani o . Sma ll w811 fOrmed creamy crystals richly l i ning caviti os i n basalt mDtrix wi th c Gamy Chabazite cTystals. Specimen A: 3x2x1t " , £4 .7Sp . Speci men 0 : 1tx1t" , _ £'J .7Sp 79. PLUMJOGUMMITt:. Rought ongi 11 I"Li ntl , Col dti8Ck Fells , Cumber l a nd. Sky- bl ue" bot ryoi dal mass ctivllring one end of quaT'tz matri x with a little crystallised green Pyromo"('phite. 1-}X1" , £6. 00

DO . PYRO~'O RPH ITE . Sylvester Mine , Zeehan, Tasmbnia. Lu!3trous light to dark \jT'eon hexagonal crystols to 3 mm in size cov o ~ing a cT'ystalline mass oT pyromorphite and limonite . 2+X 1-t-", £9 . 0Q_ 81. QMAR TZ . Pipostone CreeK , J e'Fferson Co'; , Montana , U. S . A. TT"a nsp[JT'Dn't: Very pal e golden colou:rEld shtirp teTmi nated crl)stal s"to 2?!-" in"length i ntergrown on matrix , wi th a paTtiEll OV\lrgrowth of f)m alle,,, clesT' Qua rt z"crystals,. 3x21rx2~ " , £1D. SOp 82. QUAR TZ. Wolfram"Comp , 'Queensland, Australia . Trnnspa'rent to tT'ansl ocent s haT'p terminuttld c!'ystol , bDing s lightly smoky in colour at"it ' s base , with inclus i ons of silverY DISf!jJTI-UNITE needlDs . ~" long by 2x1~-" acT'OSS thu axj,s , £24 . 00 D3. QUAR TZ replocing OC TAHEDR AL rLUORTTE. Fu rzehi ll MinB , oere Fer 'ers , Devon . Well fo"('med creamy octahedral c ystals to 1 cm in size intergTown on chalced­ oni c qua:,:,;!; z . 1 ~-X1-tx1" , £2,.7 5p D4. RHODONITE. OritisH"Rail QUfJrry , Me ldon , Devon. Solid light pink masses with odd speckles of pyrrl)otite . Spoci me n A: 4x3x1-} II , £0. 00. Speci men"O : ~x3x 1 ~"" £G. Oo 8 S. ROSELITE. Oou_A zzer , MO rOCCO. Specimen 13 : Sma ll light'pinki sh"transpa:rent crys tals richly lining caviti'Els t o 1%' '' in"size in cobaltiferous matri x . 2x1-t-x1-t " , £9 . 00 Specim~n 0 : Raspber ry coloUred crysta l s t o 3 mm in size lining small cavitillS in matrix with pole" pink crystollinll cob[Jltocolci teo 2x1t" , £6. 00 86. RUoELLITr; Aplite wuar ry , Mel don , Dcvon . Select pinki sh Crystal secti'ons , some with g:reDn cGntres , to 7" in length Elmbedded in pegmatite with pUTPlish IlEPIBOL ITE. SpGci m8l;l A: 2x2x1~ "" £4 . 00. Specimen 0 : 1-t,-x 1t " , £2. 7Sp D7 . SAFFLoRTTE . SchnElebGr g , 'Soxony , GermanI) . VeT'Y r ich greyish metalli c moss with siderite and calCite , with some mi CrO crystols lini ng small caviti Els . ~x1tx1t " , £14 . 00 00. SCHEELITE .. Wolf.... om Comp , ,iueenslClnd, "ust o1itl. Sha ~ p , IUst~ous b-ownisH " octohed~al c~ystols to 1 cm in size intu~g-own on m2t-ix with ~ sol~t2-y pyrites c-yst:Jl 4 ll'm in siZG . 1- x 1':, " , 1:14.00

09. SCORODITE. ~u10o~~y ~~no , Lonivot , Co~nwall. Rich gr uonish collulor c-yst~llin~ mnss with quortz und eo,.thy covdlito. 2'X1'}x1~" , £2 . 5Dp

90. NATIVE SILVErl':"rJL'W rJov"Jdo ~·d.n" , ~utopilos , f'/oxico. F'i.'ni3 bright silvu,.y c,.ystols fOrming hc--ing- oonL plntes to 2" 1n length , inte,.grown with 0 little c81cite , 2tx1'1." , ::n4.GO

91 . NATIVE SILVE". ~junshrnL Mine , Ilcllogg , Idoho , U.,j.h. ,', 2'" gloss tube cont8ining bri ght silvery curls 8nd slj1Qll sprigs of nwtivc s i lver. £7,.00 92 . COCALTIMJ SI1ITHSONITE. Tsumeb , otQvi , S .W. I\f,.i'c,. LustrouS tr:msp8rent pink crystols to ,~,,, in SiZD 1;hickly cove,.ing m"Jtrix. }-}x2~'?(1-a-" , £24 . 00

93 . SPECULI\RITE . Florence ~fine , Egremont , Cumberl and. Sharp , bri gnt bl ack platy c,.ystols to 0 nm in size scotte'red amongst cleo,,"doubly"termimted QUARTZ crystals"to 1" in SiZL , ttlgether with 0 little creamy crystallised DolOmite , 311 covoring helj13tite mot1'ix. ~x3 " , £2D.00

94 . SPHAL E, ITE . G81en8 , Kansas , U. S . ,~ . Well for med lustroUS de of] brown' crystaUi to i " in si ZO with a li'ght dustHig of mi nute ch81copyri te cr~stals , i ntergrown on mot~ix with mino~ c,.eumy cT'yst<;Jliised dolomite,. 2-t.x2x1f" , m.oo ..

95. SPHALERITE . Colts burn Mine , ookhope , Co . Durhom . Lorge bri ght b18ck woll fo~mod composito c-ystols to 1" in si zo forming on intergrown group with a li ttlo crystallisud quartz . ,2x1}"" £<; . 00,

96 . SVANOEnGITE. Dovor ~fine , Mnerul C; o. , Nevoda , U.S . A. Ri ch light or a ngey mosses with py:rophyllitu in matrix. Speci men 1\ : 2x 1-tx1t" , £4 .75p. Specimen 3 : 1~'x1-!x1:1." , ;:3.50p 97 . TENN):1NTITE . Concepcion dol Oro , Z:Jcatecas , Mox ico. Sh8T'p"bright s ilvery- groy " crystols to D mm" i n sizo scotto-ad on both s i des of crystallised mi l ky qua~tz motrix witll mino- ch,lcopyri teo }-}x2" , £12 . JJO

90 . TENNANTITE. lJhoElI Jewell , Gwennap',' Co,.nwoll. ~right !;jreyish sh8rp c~ystals to 4 mm in size thicklY,lining lorgo.,C8vities in m8t~ix. 2tx1ix1i" ,,,£3D. OO " 99 . TENNANT ITE. LoVant lim" Pondeen , CornwElll. fVd.nute sparkling groV c-ystEll s r ichl y covering 10Tgo a,,08S of mossive t8n;-)antito ond bOTnite matrix , wi th minor quartz. Spccifilon /1 :, 3x3x1i" " Z10.CO . " Spocimen ~ : 3x2x1t " , £'12.00 100. WJHLERITE. Soga , L:Jngesundsf jorden , No:,way . Rich light yellowish cr ystalli ne mosses witt-, bl ack Crl/st:Jlli no A-fvBdsonite and ol bi t e. Specimer !\ : 3x 1ix1;} " , £7 . 00. Spocimon G: 2~ll;X1+ " , 1:4 . 75p

ALWAYS WANTED Elnd foi r pri cos PQid fo~ complete minorol collactions and indiViduol speci mens of good qu81i ty ; ulso botches of Unusu:JI , ' 'r::1re"Or fine specimerrs"fTom new di'scover'i.'es. ~ny good speci mens , ol d 0,. new , fTom Critish l OCutions 31'e of parti culor i nt erest • ( RICH ARD W. OARS TOW

Drakewalls Hou~e , D~akewalls , Gunnislake , Co~nwall , England.

TEL. ~O .: Tavistock 032301 (STD 0822) V.A .T.No.: 132- 7852- 57

ORDERI III3 IfilFORMATIO N " f"ail orders a~e p ~ o m ptly fined and d\3spatched oH a 7- day examination basis, subject to app~oval. I mmediate ~efund guaranteed on ~etu~n of the specimen(s) in good condi tiona

please quote" thl:l name an\::l numbe'r of the specimen(s) -equi ~ed and enclose P .O./Cheque"with ordeT' . All prices aT'e of V.A.J..

No charge is made fOT postage and packing , except for overseas custome~s and postage oven ,25p. We resl:lrVe the right to make s light s ubstitutions , if necess ary , unless advised to the contra,r.y.

Special requests and wants lists a~e welcome.

We trust that we may be of some se~vice to you and assUre you of o u~ best attention at all times.

AUGUST 1981 1. AL OITE. Val d l Ala , Pi'Elemont , Italy'; Sharp , lustrouS t'ranslucent termi nated crystals to t tl in size intergTown on matrix with a little crystallised Chlorite. 3x2x 1 ~ " , £8 . 00

2.ANDORITE . Poopo , Orur o, Ooll'vi a. GT'eyish metallic c T'ystalline masses wi th chalcopyrit p - pYrites" and calcite m;;ltrix . 2~ - x1 tx1t ", £12.00

3. APATITE. Tremea-ne Cliff , "Oreage , COT'nwa ll. S\:lecimen A: LustT'oUS, tT'anspa~ent " sharp termi n21ted hexagonal e~ystals of a' 'light gT'eeHish colOur to"4 mm in s i ze , ~ichl y scatteT'ed over inteT'grown creamy OT'thocl ase crystals with crystallised Gilbe~tite. 1tx1 " , £14.00. SpeCimen O:" As s\:leci men A, but not"so ~i ch in 2l patite, 1l;-x1 ", £~.OO Specim'eln C: ClusteT' of sharp , transpa-rent light greenish int'El~locking"c,.y s tals , tHe laT'gest bei ng El" mm in s i 'ie. b

6 . AZU~ ITE. Tynagh Mi ne, Co. Galway , Ireland. Small , bT'i ght blue sparkling c~ystals riChly lining cavl:ties to 'it" in size in a cellular mass of cTystalline aZUrite , with a little botrlJoi dal green ~1a l ach it e and bT'ownish limonite. Nice display specimen. ,,5xL,n}x21,'.' , £28. 00 ,

7. AZURITE. 8urra_OurT'a , S . Australia. Small b~i gl't blue c~ystals covering a nodula~ mass . 1 ~x1 ", £3. 00. 8 . AZURITE . Lavendar ' 'Pi t , Oisbee, AT'i ztlna , U.S.A . De'elp blue rosett'els of c-rystals' 'to' 4 mm in s izl::! scatt'elred on sky- blue chrys ocolla coveT'i ng a cellul a ~ limonite matrix , wi th creall\.lj crystallised , calci te in . [;llaces • 3-}x2xlt" , £6 . 00

9 . OEAV ERITE. Horn SilveT' ~1ine , Deaver Co. , Utah , U. S . A. Rich yellowish masses with mi no r light bluish caledonite in association. SpeCimen A: 2x1x1", £5 .00. Specimen 0 : 1tx1x1 w, £4.75p. 2

10. OERYL" variety A'qu.:Jma~ine . Gilgit , Pui

11. OERZELIA NITE. ~ ukov. OohDmia , C.S .S . R. Ri ch ta nishod greyi s h masses with calcite. Speci men A: 2::-x1}" , £5. SOp. Specimen..c.:. 2x 1fx1i.-,'!, £4 .75p 12. ElISM..I THI NITE . Fouoy ConsolEl f"d. ne , Tywal'dl'eath , Cornwall. Silvel'y- grGy"needl y tll'ystal! to 4 mm in l ength scattered in cavities in cellulal' qual'tz and chlorite mat~ix. 1tx1tx1t"., £5..75p 13. OORNITE . Carn Ol'tla I·lino , Illtlga n, Cornwall. W'El ll ftlrmod tul'nished cl'ystals to 4 mm in si ze scatto~od and intel'grown on cellulal' qual'tz"voinstuft:. 3x2-}x,1t " ,,,£3B. 00 14. BROOKITE. Pr enteg , n8

15. CALCITE. New Glenc ieff ~'ti.n \l , Wo nlockhead , Dumfl'iesshll'tl. Lustl'oUS shal'p' ·tl'anspal'ent to tl'anslucent tapel'ing c',"ystals to 1" in size intel'gl'own all ovel' matl'ix with a little crystalliged [jual'tz. 4-a,.x3x 1 "" £23.00 16. CALCITE . t-lagpie f"d. He , Sheldon , Del'bl)shi re'; Two scalenohtldral tll'ystals joined ttlgethe.,- and ovel'lain with a latcl' gene~atlon of lustl'tlus c',"eamy gog- tooth Calcite cl'y!3tals to 1" in size. Each of the lal'gel' scalenohedl'al crystals is 2" in size, overall 5i ze of speCimen 3tx2x1t ", £9.00" 17. CALCITE. Gl'ec\'\si de Fline , Pattel'dal e , westmol'elal1d': Shal'p cl'eamy fla'e tel'minated hexagonal c r ystals to -} " i n size thickly intel'gl'own on galena matl'ix . 21}x1tx1t" , £9.00

1B. CALCITE variety ICEL AI\O SPA~ . Chihuahua , Mex i(Jo. Clilar glassy l'hombic cleavage masses showing dOt,lble- ,,,ofr acti08. Pi ecss each apprOx 1tx1x1" , £1.25p each. 19. CALCITE . Taffs lJ r:Jll, neal' Cal'diff , Glamol'gan. Sharp hanslucent"slightl" reddish l'hombic c,!,ystals. to -}" i8 si ze dotted on a small piece of matr;hx. ,11}xi" , £1.25p

20. CASSITERITE. Tolcarne ~ti. n e , C

21. CASS ITERITE. Trevaunance ~line , st. ):1gnes , COl'nwaTl': Shar\l, lustl'oUS bl'ownish to" bl ack c~ystals to_1 cm in size fOrming an intel'gl'own group with a little chlol'it o and qual't z. 1 ~'X 1 "., f: 1[l .00 22. CERULEITE. Wheal Gtl r land , St . Day , COrnwall. Rich crusts of sky- blue crystallwn e ceruleite on qua rtz and limornte matrix. Specimen A: J-tx2x lt" , £9.00. Specimen 0 : 2x11}x1t ", £4.75p . ..' . 23. CHAbAZITE . RamsTey ~ li.n~, near Sticklepa'eh , Devon. Small sha~p glassy sparkling crystals coveTing l arge areas of sheal'ed gl'eenstone. 3x2x1t,'!, .£3.00 " 24. CHAOA'ZITE var i etl) BHACOLITE . C aigahullian , POl'trush , Co. Antrim, N. Ir21and." Sharp gl assy crystals to 5 mm in size lining caviti es t o 1i.-" in s i ze in matl'ix, with a little ~;eso lite. 3x2tx1,z '.', £4 .75p .

25. CHALCOCITE . Ooscnswell"Dt]wns ~line , Penseen , COl'nwa ll. Sharp silvery- grey cl'ystal s to 7 mm in size, .inter-grown 01) matrix . 1X1"" £14.00

26. CHALCOCITE . Camborne Venn ~1ine , Ctlmborne , C'drnwall. Sharp bri ght silvery- grey cl'ystals to 3 mm. .in s;hze scattered on matrix • . 2x1~ ", £8. 00

27. CHALCOPY~ITE . C<'lSt rovi 'ueyna t-id. ne , Huancaveli ca , Pel'u. Ori ght"goldiln sharp crystals to nearly 1,-" in s ize"inte:rg",own on matrl.'x wi'el:l e few slendar Quartz crystals and briijht silvery - g~elJ Crystals of . Tet .. r.ahedri te to 3 mm in si ze. 3-!x2+x1i" , £1B.00 2B. CHALCOPYRITE. Hingston Down , CalstoCk, Cornwall. Rich gol den masses with bl ades of blackish WOLFRM1ITE . SpeCimen A: 2X11}x1t" , £2.50p. Specimen 0: 2x1,zx1 " , £2.00 ~" 29. CHILDRENITE. Willithn r f'il ::' y r~intJ , nC!Qr T'lvi'stock , DL'VoH . Smal! sparkli ng golden­ brown cryst<:ls r ichly scottllreci on chlorite and quortz motrix. Speci en A: 2h<1tx1i" , £4 .75p. Specimen r : 1;-x1i" , £1.5Op ...... 30. CINMlOAn . Siele t!i'nll , ne:1 ::' SLlvL-no , Tuscany , ItRly. lLItlll fOrmeci lus trous C:ed crystL!ls ond"c rystol sections to 2 rrrn in s i ze covllri ng both si des of crystolli ne ci nnabC'T' m:]t~ix. '1>1'x1" , ,0 , 00" 31. CLINOCLASE. heal Unity , Gwen nop, CornwolL DllC~p bluish c-ystollis8d mas s 1x1" on mi l ky quartz .;:]t~ix . ,1~'x1-:X1 ", £12 . 00

32. CLI NOPTICOLITE ."SL:c CUr Creek , ~t-11heur Co. , Oregon , U. S.A. Smo ll sharp sparkli'ng colourless crystols lining cavities in nodular masses . Specimons oach approx 1x1" , £1 . 25p eoch .

33. CUPRoADA~lITE. Tsumeu , Otovi , S .W. At'rico. Orilglit a ppl'e- green shorp c,-ysttll s to 4 mm il1 size r ichly covering a 2~-x2 " Orea of quartz matri x with 0 little creamy crystollised luul;;oni te. 3x 2-}x 2 " , £28 . 00

34 . CooACTITt:. Hakonsbo , V:lStm8nland , Swedon. A br l'~ ht silvery"sharp modin'ed cubi c c''\ystal 12x1 Dx 10 ITS:l i'n sizo implanted on pyrrhotite motrix. Very large and fine crystal of this minoro!. .1tx1~x1-t,." , £40.00 "

35. CRoCoITE. Kopi ~~n e , Dundas , Tosmani a . oright orongey rod- liko t8rminated crystals ttl 4 rrrn i n longth tHickly covoring a 1x1 " oreo of limo nitic matrix with a little crystallised PYromQrphite in association," 2-l-x 1-t,. "" £5 . 80 36 . CUPRITE. Whea l Dor,ls01 , Gwennap , Cornwall. oright' dOl'k roddish octoh'edrol crystals to 3 mm in sizo lining lorge c8vitiBs in quortz and limonite motrix . 2x1ix1" , m.oo 37. DATDLITE. Parc"oeon Cove , "~tJ IH'on , Cornwall. Specimen A: D~i ght I:ronsparBnl: sharp glassy to erBOmy coloured crystals to 5 mm in size covering areas of hornbl ende schist matri x 'wi th 1] !ittle pole yellowish calcite. 3-}x2x2" , £7.00. Speci men 0 : As sp8cimen 1\ , urlJ th crystol s to 4 mm in s i ze . 2x2" , £4 .75p. Specimen C: As specimen 0 , but with no calcite in ossoci otion. 1i x1" , .. £1.25p

38 . DAToLITE varioty O oT~yoLITE. Perc O~a n Cove ,"Mullion , COrnwa l l . S p~cimen A: Creamy col ourod bot ryoi dol mosses scott ered on hornblende schi st wi th crys ttilli sed datolite. ~x2 ;' , £4. 75p. Specimen [J : Creamy botr\foidol massos SCl1ttered on hornblende sct)ist. 1-}x 1{- " , £2 .75p "

39. DOLo~JTE. Galeno , Kansas , U. S . A. Lustrous light pinklsh cUr vBd saddl e- s Ha ped crysta ls"to -}" in size thic kl y covering chert matrix with a later sprirkli ng of sha rEJ tarnished C H:~ LCoPYRITE c r ystals. Specimon A: 3f,:x2ix1-t,. ", £4 . 75p. SpBcimen 0 : 2~x1ix1t" , £3.75p. ;ipeci mon C: 1-b1-t,-x1" , £1.75p " 40. EUCHRoITE ."We den Creek , 5nohiJmish Ce . , WElshington , _U. S . A. Speci me n A: Sma ll bright green cryst a ls"scatte~o d on matrix . 3x2tx1" , £16.00. SpBci men 0 : - as speci mBIl A, but not so cich . ztx1-b1" , £9.0\1. Specimen C: As" 0" 2x1" , £4 . 75p 41. FLUORITE . West"P[]stur e Mi. nB , Stanhope , CD. Durham. 5haT'P , trans parent ' light apple Qreen colourod cU bi'c cl'ystols With a slight internal coloul' zoning , to nBal'l y i " in Si ZB , inte-grown all ovel' mat1'ix. Specimen A: 3ix3x2" , £16. 00. SpeCimen C: 3x2ix1~ " , £11.00. Spocimcn C: .. 2x1-bn1 " , £5.. 50p " " " 42. FL UOR ITE . CommocK Euls"~li no, Wea r dale , Co. Durnam. Col ou',!loss to"cre8my p a~tl y ~ t r ansparont cubi c crystals to '1 " in si'z8 fOrme d in parallBl"growth to pr o dUc e o lal'ge f l at stopped tabular crystal group , wi t h a l i t tle cT'ys tal l i sed quo rtz on one sido. • 3x2x1'.' , ::0. 00, 43. FRANI'L I NITE_. Fr anklin , Now J ersey'; U. S . A. Rich bright bl oc k crystallino mas s es in cal cite,.matri x with Q little WillemitB. 2x1,'-x 1" , £3 . 00"

44. GAL Ei'lA . Herodsfoot I-linD , Um~eutH , CornwulI. Cright ~."oy i sh well f ormod octahedral crystals to -~- " in sizo scatte:red on matl'ix with c T'ystallisBd s ideritB and a little pyrites . 2x1-0<1i.-" , £4 .75 p 45. GERSDoRFFITE."Snowbird Mine , I"Lineral Co ., Montam , U.S . A. Ri ch paetly t a rnis hed mBtallic g1'oy massos. SpBcimen A: 2~X 1 Jx 1 i.- " , £9 . 00. Specimen 0 : 2-t,.x 1x 1" , £6 . 00 Spocime,n C: 1,}x1-}" , £4 . 75p 4(,. GOElliITE. n",;tun,ol r;uydl il·t.;" Hen', ns1.,"l~1 inl , r.n"ON,nll. D 1 9ck is~' -mli:ltdJHg fib",ous bonds ond concerrt-ic rings with a little reddish hemotite and qua~tz. 2-}x2tX1t" , £0. 00

47. NATIVE Go...D . "Clog:1u" , nUC1- Dolgully , r'urionethshi rt:. Smoll golden masses in milky quartz mct-ix . -ipocinen 1\ : 2~X1h<1''' , £1fJ.00. SpeCimen 0 : 1~'x1.;;x1" , £12.00 Specimen C: 1-~'x1" , ;:7. [0

48. NA TIVE GOLD. t:'CIrrty-u Vinu , ro-cu~ine , Ontario , Cenod

50. HEMIMDnPHITE. ~btlock , Du ~ byshiro. T_ans~arerrt colourless crystal sheaves to 5 mm in size scatterud in covities in fluorite matrix. 2x1h<1-}" , O.:7.5p

51. HVDnDCERUSSITE."~~ndi p Hills , Somerset. Sharp creamy- white platy crystals to 5 rrm iH s izD iHte-g-own in ~ 1 " cavity in calCite/PYrOlusite matrix , with a little orongoy- brown OLIXITE. 2x1t,.<1;·" , £1G.00 52. JALPAITE. La Meso , ChihuQhuo , Mexico. Rich greyish metC'lli c masses with greenish chrysocolla . "Specimcn 1\ : 1t,.<1" , £13.DD. SpeCi men 0 : - with small plates of native silvar in ossm;:iotion - 1xix-t", £9.00 53. KLEINITE."Mine , Humboldt Co. , Novad:l, U.S . A. Specimen A: Lllmon- yellow patch of shsrp crystals 5 mm in area implanted in a cavity in mat rix, with odd spots"of eorthy kleinite in places. 2111t", £7 . DD . Speci men El : Ea -thy yellow and crysta.1.line"potchos !;In and in matrix. 1tx1x1" , £3.75p

54. LEPIDDLITE. Treme a~ne Cliff , rreage , Co rnwall. Specimen A: LustrouS ~ale l avendar colOUred to golden b),own crystal book 2 " in si ze on pegm:lti t e matrix. 2~x2x1-Z '" £3.50p. Specimen O:,.As speci men A, 1-t,x1 " , £1 . 5Dp

55 . LIOETHENITE. V.:i.guel V~rcos Mine , Al entejo , Portugal. Sharp, lustr ouS oliVe- green octahedral crystols to neorly 3 mm in size covering' both sides of quartz and slate mat",ix . 4x2-}x1f." ,,,£10.0D

56. LUDWIGITE. O',:osso' ~'ii ne , IVre3 , Ital l)': Olacki sh radiati ng crystalline mass wi th 0 little pyrites , magnet;i.te ond pynhotite. 3x2t " ,,,£5.0D "

57. MAI\GANHEDENOERGITE. Tr eburlond M::!nganei3e ~ne , Alta'':nun , COT'nwa l l. Rich pinkish bl aded crystalli ne masses wi th minOr greenish Pyroxene. Specimen A: 3x2x1i " , £5. 00. Specimen D. : 2X1ix1-i!-" , L3.5Dp. Specimen C:,,2x1tX1i" , £2.75p 58. MI ARGYR ITE. Kutna Ho r a , Oo h8mia , C. S.S.n . Si lver y- grey small masses in quartz. 2;-x1tx1 ", £2 . SOp 59 . MICnDCLINE. Pi kes Peak , Colorado, LJ .S.A . "Sharp"cT'eamy diloured"twinned crystals to ~11 in size aSSOCiated with nUmeroui3 trnnspar'>lnt lustrouS t ermi m t ed SrviOKV QUARTZ crystals to -i!-" in siza, c;:overing granite matrix.,,4x3x1~ " , £23. DD " 6D. MILLERITE . WyndHam Colli er y , Dgmore Vale , ~'lid - Glamorgan. Specim\'!n fl. : OT'l'ght brassy divergent sproys of mmdl y c T' ystals"to 8 mm in l ength scettered on crystallised sl'derite lining a 1~-x1 " cavity in ironstone. 2x2x1i" , £9.0a: Specimen D: Drl'ght brassy spr'ay of neodl~ c),ystals t or in l ength i mplant ed on c'':ystalli se'd si deri te coV"ri ng i 1'0nstono': 1f,x1;-x1t", £5.5Dp. Spoci men C: 3ri ght brass\} di VB-gent sprays of needly c",ystols to 5 mm in length in a i " cavity in ironstone. 2x1ix17" , £4 .75p

61 . MINVULITE . St. JoHns l1ua)'ry , ~apun'da , S. Australia. Rich patch'as of cr eamy - white s mall needly crystals lining lorge cavities in limo nite m3tri x. Specimen fl. : 2x 1t x1" , £5. 75p. Spcc;:imen 0 : 1tx1x1 " , £4 . 50p 62. MDLVODENITE . Tate River , Queensland , Australio . Very rich he2vy bright greyish metallic foliated c-yi;;talli ne mass wi th 0 little quartz. 2~x,1tX1-t " , W . OD 63. MJ NTGOMERY ITE. Iron Knob'; S . Australi'o. Creamy coloured small crystal s thi ckl y li'ning cavitios"in py-olUsite mat'rix', with pinkish to r ed VARISCITE': S\Jecime ns a r e pric\:ld accorciing to richness rot her than size. Specimen A: - very rich in Montgomeryitu - 2X1-:}x1-f.", £14 . DD . Specimen 0 : 2x 1-t,x 1" , LB . DD. Specimen C: 1x1 ", £4 .75p ,. 5 64 . OLIVENITE. TsumolJ , [JkJVi , S . W. AfricCl. Sharp, lustrous olivc- g"Cmln c"Cystals to 3 mm in lungtli lining cDviti us to 1" in size Hi solid banded and mo!3sive oIivclnit'd mat"Ci)(, with odd patchus of bluo 8zu,.ite .,nd a little botryoidal g"Ceen Cornwalli tr) in place". 2x1-:l-x1i.-", t;10.DO 65. OPAL. GUnhe8tli Chinacloy l"ork , St. Austell, COT'nwoll. Specimen A:" i ch"tr cmslucent to t'-ronsrla.,.dit p::::le hluish to yellowish moss with conchOidal f,.actu',!o thickly cove,.ing matrix. 5x3x1-}" ,"£14 . 00. Spocimen r : Rich t:cansp,,"'ent to t''!anslucent'' yelll::lwish to c-C!omy coloured mass. 3i;-x2-tx1f." £0.00. Specimen C: Puce t''!onspaT'ent to translucent ligh'E goldon-yellow moss. 2x1-b1*", £5.00. Sp8cimen D: T,.onsluc::mt light yellowish to "Coddish m;:Jss. 1~x1x1 ", £3.00 "

66. ORPIMENT . Qui r uvilc8 , Ll"b8-t,ad PT'ov': , Pe'-ru. Cright i:l"Olng8~ sha"Cp c,.ystals to 5 mm in si ze thickly, ,i nt8-gT'oWn on large ilr8aS of m3trix. 1i;<1t"" 1;10.00, " 67 . ORTHOCLASE. Tr emearno Cliff , C-oag8 , Co"Cnw<'lll. Specim'Ein 1\ : Sho''':p , lustT'oUS creomy teT'minat8d crystals to ~. II ''In Size on pegmatitu m8trix witH r osettes of gol'den Gilbertito mica , milky quartz, and ;:J lustrous Very paHl greenish Apa'Eite c"Cystal 4"mm in size. 2-}x1':X1 " , £0':00. Specimen C: ShaT'p ; lustrous c"eamy te"minated cT'ystal 1" in SiZE) with laT'go \llaUls of Gilbertite mica ond milky qUartz': 2x1x1" , £4.00. Specimen C: Singl o , sharp c"Ceamy termimated rvst3l with minor m8trix 8ttached at tho b:Jso . 1xi-xf.", £1 . SOP 68 . PARSONSIJ.E. Gagnol' 't'lfne, ne3r Lochaux , PUy-de- Dome , France. Small light yellowish Crystals scotte"CJd in cavities in mat"ix.,,1-}xf.", £1.50p

69 . PHAR~COSIDERITE. Wheal Go rland , st. Day, Cornwall. Small shaT' p bri ght gT'e8n cubic cT'ystals lining cavitios in limonite and quu"tz ueinstuffo 2tx2~'x1f " , £10 . 00"

70. PHOENICOCHi1bITE. Potte r- h-ome~ Cloim'; Wi ck[mbuT'g, ATi ztino , U.S .):1 . Specimen A: [JT'i ght yellow cT'ystallino [lotch8s on matT'ix with a little T'edc!l.'sh cT'ocol't8. 2tx2:'i1i.-", " £12.00. Sp8cimon 0 :: YBllowish patches on one end of mat,\x with T'B'ddish crDcoitp. , 2x1x1" , 'L6 . 00. Spocimen C: Rich yellowish crystolli ne Crust on matT'ix with a little CT'oco:i;tc .. ,1x,1" , £4.75p

71. NATIVE PL,f.\TII\lU~I" m"bi- Concossions , Joubdo, Abyssinia . Specimen A: 1\ quantity of silve"y- gT'ey plotl'nurr ""~oins tlnd flat;es or NA TIVE GOLD in"o 1" plastic box. £24.00 Specimen 0 : Silv8~y "i';-'l'egulQrly shaped nuggots , each approx 4 mm in size, £8.00 each . 72. PYRARGYRITE . !1ich vory dQr:< reddish c"ystallinc massos in colluloT' qua-tz and limonite mtit~ix. Spocimen fI : 'I~X1~:X 1", £5.50p. Spocir.1en 0 : 1X1.- ", £1 . 25p. (Yaule, Pe-u) . 73. PYRITES. SQn t:i'istobol iV£ino , "Huoncavoli co , P8T'U. Sp'Elcimen A: SupEH:l veT'y"bT'ight golden sha"p" octal18d"ol c:,ystals to 2" in si ze forming an i ntergT'own g~oup." Excellent displiiirsi'jecTm8n. 4tx 2tx 2 " , £70.00. Speclmen 0 : OT'ight golden shQrp striated cUbic crys'E:Jl 1x1x1" in sizo peT'ched on c"earry calcito matrl'x , wi th a few smalleT' cubic cT'ystals attached. 2tx2x1i.-" , £21,.00. Specimen C: "OT'i ght gol 'den modl'fi ed' 'octahDdrQl crystols' 'to t", in si ze associ Qted with spi ky creamy coloured Quartz crystals cDIJDring motT'ix. 2 x11.-x1;}-II, £,14.00 74. PYRITES . Gr eat Rock I ::-on tJtine , Henndlck , D8von. OT'ight golden pYT'itoh'Eldral crys\;als to 8 mm in sizo sCQtteT'od on micaceous hematitG and chloT'i t i sed granito matrix . 3tx2x1t II , £4. 75p.

75. PYRRHOTITE . SQnto Euloli Q, ChihuohuQ , "i~8xico. Oronztly coloured shaT'p compo!;li to hexagonal crystQl , with 0 little cT'ystallised pyritos , calcite and side"ite on one side . 1 -i1-X1·~-x 1 -;:II , ££;,00 76 . QUARTZ. Consolidatod Minos , "Gwennap , Cornwall. Shorp, lustrous \;'rw nspa1'ent to tT'anslUcent olongi:itod to''!minated crystols to 1~II in longth freo- stQnding 3nd inteT'g",own on qt.Jartz matrix. 3x2~x2t.' i , £11.00 . 77. QUARTZ . Frizington,"Cumbcrl and. Transpa"ent doubly terminatod smoky crystal with small8r glassy c-ystols Qttachod, and with inclusions of small specularite bl ades. 1?x1-~-x1", £5.00

78. QUARTZ. Melbur Claywthk , Ho~sl:la"row Moo" , Cornwall. Sha'rp'; lu st~ous 'do~k smoky to omethystino pY"Gmidol crystals to 1" in si:(e intClrgT'oWn on matT'ix . Nice display specimon. 4x21-x2 ", £'14 . 00 79. QU!4 Tl'aft8r CALCiTE . r-~i'j - c:m , L: oh 3 , t::. S. S ,;<. Two t atu l ~ = " enlcite c-\"st"]!~', ' npp~tJx i " in"sizo and 'rapl El c8d by qUCll'tz , implant ad on py",amidEl l qU81'tZ crystals cove'ring "ma1;~i x . 2-~-X1'~X1 ~._ Il , .. £4.75p , " BO . RUTILE. Rtlu ris , Snlzbu"g , I1 ust'ri3. Re d'dish- brown"neadly crystals"to 4 mm in lcmgth sCCltt8'rad amongst c'rystCl l'hs8d chlo'ri t e Cl nd c.,-eamy Adu13'ri2 c'rystals to -til in size on both s idQs of mCltrix. 1h:1-(-,'! , £fJ . OQ ,

B1. SCHEELITE" 'Tong WhEl , CHungchongpukdo Prov. , Korua . ShCl '~P , lustT'oUS d3rk brown octClhedral single c"'yst31 with a littla blClded wolf~amita attach8d on one side. 1x1 " , £14.00 13 2. sCOnooTTE. i"u r ku V311ay Hi ne , Linkinhorne , Cornwa1'L Pule g'reenish to"creamy bot ryoi dLll masses sC Ll ttere d in cDvi ties i n qua",t z/ chalcopY'rite mLltrix . 3x2x1i" , £3 . 50p B3 . SIDERITE. South Cr ofty"Hine, '[llogtln , Cornwall. LustroUs light bT'ow n crystLll s to 4 mm in size scattu1'ed,OV8T' qua:rtz Ll nD hematite mCltl'ix . 2b<2tX1t"" £4.7Sp

134. NATIVE S ILVER . "GUElna~uato , Hexico . Silver y c u~ls Llnd thin wires covering ElreaS of cCllci te mat'rix . ,1-" x1,1;x1 ", £1 (, .00 ,," B5. NATIVE SI eVER . PrU b'ram , Oohemi Cl , C. S .S .R. TLlrnished thi n wires on quartz and sphLllel'ite mat rix. ,1-}x1x1 " , £,'i .DO, El6. SKUTTE UD ITE . Dou Az'zar, J bel S81'h'rc , f"',chocco . O-ight silvery" sharp c'rystElls to 5 mm in s ize covc'ring m3ssive skutte~ u dite and colcite matrix. Speci men A: 2fx1tx1f " , £12.00. Speci men"O : , 1h:,1~-X1t" , m.oo 07 . SHALTI TE. Dolcooth ~una , Cam berna , Co~nwall . ich dull gr eyish mass wi th qua~tz . 2t x2t x1 f " , £0. 00, B8. SHITHSONITE. Tsumab , Otavl , S . W. Af'rica. OTlght lime- green colou'red sharp c'rystals to 4 mm i n size scattared on calcite,mat'rix. 1'~-x 1", £3.S0p B9 . SMITHSONITE afte" Calcite." Mendi p Hills'; SomeT'set . Well forme'a dog- tooth shap8d cT'ystals to i" in SiZ8 'rapl Clcud by c'r8C1my Smithsonit8 covering ma t'rix . Jix2tx1" , f.7 . 00 90. SPHALEI'1ITE': Silv8r mines , Co. Ti pperary'; I'r81and. OT'ight i] rEl nS pa'rent golden- lJrown sHarP c-rystals tb t il i n si ze sC3ttered oli all sldes of matrix , with' lustroUs creamV OAhYTES" c r yst Ll ls to t il in size, creamy crystElllised DDLOm TE , El nd b'right silve'ry- grI'lY cry"tEllli sed GAL E ~J.l4 . 2ix2x2", £18,.00 " 91 . SPODUMENE." Nuri stEln , r1fgh(,lnistan. Sptlcimon A: Sha rP , t'!'ElnSpLl1'ent "gemmy colourless well terminated' 'striatad s1'ngle c'ryst C'll ." 3t" long I:ly 1fx1" Cl CrOSS th8 axibs , £48. DO Specimen 0 : ShElr p , t'ranspCl'rent s i ngle termi nated dT'ystal. 4 " long by 1x1 " aC ross the axis . £38 .. 00 92. STIOICONITE aft'8r Stibnit8. Sa n LUls Potosi , Zocatecas , M8Xico. Creamlj to yellowish" s'eibiconi te 'r eplaci ng ShLlrp , termimtBd stibnite Cryst a l s to 1 -~ " in l ength , inter - grown on m3t'rix . l~X1h:1 i,- " , £14 . 00 93. STI ONI1E. Wheol P'rospe'!' , st . Ewe , COT'nwClll. Ri ch Si lver y- grey bladed mass with quartz and a lii;tle ye ~lo wish - b,,,ow n sti bicon;1te. 3x2x1i,-li , £4 . 75p 94. TE NNANT ITE'; Tsum8b , OtElVi '; S. W."Ahi co . Well fO'rmed"dull go,;eyish c'rystals to ,~ " i n size forming a n i nte)"g'rown g'roup with a liti]le Cr8amy crysta llisad calcite. 2tX1~1t " , £6.. 00 95. TETRr1H EDRI TE. Herodsfoot ~~n8 , Lanreath , CO'rnwall. We ll rO 'r m~d chalcopyrite coat ad crystals to '1 em in si z~ Llssociated ' wi th o'right s nv 8r y - ~ '!'ey crystallised Go l ena ond small lllJ'rLlmi d;;Jl qua)"tz c'rustols , coveT'i ng quart z ma.t'rix . 4x3x 1 ~ " , £36.00

96. TD UR~1ALINE " ' Nu ri stan , " A fghClnist El n . Spacimen A: Sha'rp , lUst'!'ous l'i'me- gT'eeli cldh gemmy te'!'minated cT'ystal 11!-" i n Tength , 1'yi ng on tl crud'81y formed qUEl rtz cT'ystal. 3x2x1-t" , £30 . OD . "Spec'i'mcm 0 : Sh3'!'P , cle3r gemmy gT8en crystal t " i n l ength lying on part of 0 quartz crystal.",1t x1x1 " , ,,£4. 75p 97. VARISC'[TE . Tennant Cr eek , N. Terr. , Aust T'o lia . nich light gr eenish mEls ses with matri x . 1t x1* '.' , [ 2 . 00

90. WAVELL TTE. AV3nt , I1rk Ll nsos , U.S . J:1 . Lus\;'~ous Time- green -adiati ng c'!'yi3t El llised aggregates to 1 cm in di om8ter covering Llreas on two sides of mntri x . 2x2-t-x1" , £3.75p RICHA RD W. OARSTDW

Dr akewalls H ou~e , D ~ akewa ll s , Gu nnislake , C o ~nwall , Engl a nd. TEl . fIll .: Tavistock 832301 (STD (022) V. A.T.No. : 132- 7852- 67


Mail orde~s a~e p~ omptly f i T' ed and despatched o ~ a 7- day examinat i on basis , s ubject to a pp ~ ov al . I mmediate ~ ef und gu a ~anteed on r eturn of t he s peci men(s) in good condi tion. Pl ease quot e I: he' 'nome a nd ' numbe~ " o f the s peci me n(s) ~e qu i ~ e d a nd enclose P. O. / Cheque" with o ~ d e~ . 11 p ~i ces a~e inclusive of V. A.J. No cha'.rg e is made f o ~ post age and packing , except f o~ overseas custom e ~s and postage ov e~ ,, 2S p.

We ~es ~~Ve t he ~ ight t o make s light s ubst i t utions , if necess ary , unless advised t o t he cant ra,,,y .

Special ~equ es t s and wants list s a,r.e wel come.

We t ~u s t t hat we may be of some se ~vic e t o you and assure you of OUr best at t ention at all t i mes .

SE! PTE ER 1981

1. ADUlAR I A'; St . "Gotthar d, Tic'i'no, Swi t z e~ l a n'd . Sha~p , lu s ~~Du s t ~a nslucent c~eamy colou ~ ed c r"lstals , to ov e~ t " in size forming an inteT'grown g~ o up. 2x 2x1~ " , (6. 00 2. ALLEMl NTITE. " hebsco , ooHemia , C . S .~ , R~ Specimen A: RicH greyish - b 1 a ll k"b ot~yoidal mass c ove ~i n g 1a~ge a reas of ma t~i x , with a little c ~ y st a Tlised quaT'tz , side~ite a nd PRoUSTITE . 3}x2x 1i ", ( 14.Do. ' Speci men 0 : tllackish botrVoidal ma~ges lining cavities to 1" i n si ze in matrix , with well c~ystaTlised b ~own S i de~ite and a little P ~oust l.'t e . ct xc;}" , ;:9 . 00. speci'men C: Olack\.'sh bot ~y oi dal mass 11 ni ng a ~ " cavi t y in mat ~i x wi 'eh a lit tle well crystalli's ed P~ousti te . " 2 x 1 ~ l~" , (S'.'7Sp. Specimen D: Bl ackish b ot ~y oi oal mass cover i ng"mat r i x wi t tl well c~ystall i sed Proust.i.t e. 1x1", 0 . 00

3. ANGLESITE. 8lei beT'g , Carinthi a , Austria . Sh arp, t a n eolDu~ed terminate'd crystals to i " i n size dotted on gal ena matri x with lenticular c ~ ystals of Siderite, and a li ttle 5phal e:ri teo 2i;x2x1i " , ££\ . 00 4. APATlTE v a ~i ety FRAII.CDl ITE.'"'Devon Gr eat Consols Min~ , nea~ Tavist'ock , Devon. Lushous c~e a my - ~hite Hexagonal cT'ystal s to" 2 mm in size richly scatter ed i~ cavities in cellula r c h lo~i i;e /c ha lcopy~ite matrix , with well cl'ystallisfld Si del'ite. 2~x2x2 " , ( J . SOl S. APoPHVLLITE . Poona , indi a'.' Speetmen A: Choice lust~ous transpaT'ent to"translucent shar P terminated milky' 'colou'.!ed Crystal s t o i " i n si ze scatte~ed all ave.;. matrix with much pale lime- g)'een c:rystallised masses of PREHNITE t o i " in Size, and a lit'tle laUmontite" and gV rolite . Nice dis play piece. 5xlix1i ", (14 . 00. Sp~cimen B: Sharp, very 1u st~ o Us transpa ~e nt c olou~less doubl y t ermi nated blocky crystals' to" 1" in" size i'nte~g :rtjwn on Stilbite mat~ix . ~-x3x1 i " , £8 .0'0. Specimen C: Sharp , "t~ansparent c010ul'less c rystals t o ov e:r t il in size dotted on drusy crystallised quartz with a li ttle Stilbite. 2x2"",,£3.75p 6. ARAGONI'tE. Bl acl

11. NA TIVt BISMUTH. ~ahlun , Sweden. Silvo'rY metallic cl eavages scatteT'ed in qUu'rtz mat'ri x , with gT'ey~Gh"putl;hes and small masses of WEIElLLLITE . 2~-x 1 -b< 1 t " , £9.0[1,

12. BIS~lU THI N ITE. Poopo , o'rUT'O , Doli via. Soli d gT'eyish c'rystalline masses . Each a ppT'ox 1x1" , £2.50p eacl) . 13. DORACITE. 5ageberg'; Holstein, Germany. Sha'rp lustrous c'rystal 3 mm in s ize implanted in anhyd'rite mahi>.: . l }x1" " £3. 50p 14. BORNITE. Levant t·une, Pend8en , Cornw<;lll. Rich purple ta'rnishlld mass. 2~X1--b<1~, '! , £2.7: 15. CALCITE. Cammack Etol. 15 ~ne , Wea'r'cla l e ~ Ca . DUT'h am . Sha~p lustT'ous"cT'eamy colou'red f l at nail - head c'rys\;als 'e'o neaT' l y 1;- " in size scatteT'ed all ove'r a g'rollp of mi l ky pY'ramidal OuaT'tz CrYstals, with nUmeT'OUS bT'Ussy cubic PY'rites cT'ystals. 3x3x1~ " , £7 . 0[1 , 16. CALCITE. St . ):\ nd"easbeT'g , HaT'z , Ge'rmany . sh\hp cT'eamy n at \;eT'mi nated elongated hexagonal cT'ystals to ~, ,, in :\, ength s catt e'red a ll OM eT' mahix. 3x 2-tx 2 " , £12.00

17. CALtITE. Devan FT'l.'endship ~ne, Ma '~ytavy , Devon': ShaT' p c'reamy- whit'e hexagonal c'rystal s to"nea'rl y -} " .in di al]1eteT' dotted in a 'reas an qua'rtz mat'rix. 2tx2~ " , £5 . 50p

18. CANAV t SITE. Orosso ~ne , Iv 'rea , Italy . SmowY- white tufts of aCiculaT' c'rystals an pYT'T'h otite matT'i x . 1--b< 1t " , ,£2.75p', ,, , " " 19. CAi;iS!TER'tTE. Great Deom , Ougle , nea'r st. Austell , CO'rnwal:r."Fine lus\:T'oUS da'r~ b'rown twinned c 'rystal s to t tl in sizG scatt s T'ed and inteT'g'rown an gT'eisen matT'ix with blackish tou"maline. Fine old,specimen. ~'x>-~-,'! , £68,, 00 20. CASSITERITE'~ ,~t Hill flii.nG , Stake Climsland', Ca'rnwall. Lust'rous b'rownl.'sh to black twinned c'rystals t o t tl i n size scatteT'ed an gT'eisen mat'rix with qua'rtz. :8-x3" , £18.00 " """" 21. CASSITERITE. Bodelva' 'Chi nacl ay Work , st . Gl azey ,"Ctl'rnwa ll. Sha'rp, b'ri ght daT'k brownisH twiHneo cT'ystals 'to 8 mm i n s ize in\:eT'g'rown in cavities to 1" in s i ze an alte'red gT'anitG matTiX , with a Httle tourmaline, ~X 1 -f.x 1 -t, ' ! , £7.00 "

~2. CASSITERITE - stfeum tin. kibaT'e ~He , Elizabethville , Congo. C'reamy to 'reddish 'rolled a lluvial pebb18s. Each appT'ox 1-tx1x1" , £1.50p each. '

23 . CERUSSITE. RedburH ~li. ne , Rookhope , Co. Durham. Crlilamy- whi te aciculaT' c'ryst als fOT'ming an inteT'g'rown mass with a little limonite. 2t;x1-b< 1" , £14.00 24. CHALCOCITE 'replaced by bo"ni t e . Cooks"Kj, tchen ~u ne';"Illogan , CO'rHwall. Sha~p hexagoHal cT'y'st al s to ~ mm in size replaced by i T''ri decently ta'rnished bOT'nite , scatteTed all OVE r matTix. 1-tx1 '.' , £12. 00 25. CHALCOPY~ITE . Castrovi T'T'eyna ~ne , Huancavelica , Pe'ru. SHa'rp o'righ\; golden cT'ystal s ' to oveT' t tl in size scatte'red an mat 'rix with s pi ky clea'r quartz c'rystals. 2-tx 1-t " , £5.75p

26. CH ALCOPYRITE. Ecton ~lin cs , Loek, Staffo'rdshiT'e. bright bT'Ussy twinned cT'ys tals to 5 mm in sizc.. th~ c k l y inteT'g'rown an baT' ytes mahix,. 1-f.x 1-tx1i-", £9 . 00 27. CHAROTTE; Si beria ," RUSSia . Rich purplish f oliated cT'ys\;alline masses wi tH a little qllaT'tz , and minor amounts of crys t al l ised bl ack Aegi'rine ' a nd tabula'r o T'angey ~ b'rown TI NASKITE. Specimen A: 4ix2ix1 " , £14.00. Specimen 8 : 2--b<2 ", £7 . 00. Specimen C: 2.;}x1 1.-" , £3. :75p. "Specimen D: 1-b< 1',' , £2 .00 "

28 . CHILDRENITt . Wes'~ I!.ileal Cr ebtl'r , neaT'uTavistock , Devan. C'rust of minute spa'rkling golden- b'rown c'rystal$ covGTing matdx . 3x2x1~" , £4.75p 29. CLAR KEITE . Spr uce Pine , t1i tchell Ca. , N. Carolina , USA . Solid lust'rous b'rownish- bl ack mass . 1ix1~-X 1 i- " , £4.75p " 30. NA TIVE CoPPER . "Phocnix ~li n e , LinKinhornG , CO'rnwall. Hoavy hacKl y mass with much dee p red Cup'rite , qU8'rtZ and g'reoni s h M3 1achi t e . WGighs nea'rly 2 I bs . 3x2-tx2t" , £18. 00

31 . NATIVE COPPER onclosed in Ca lcite. quincy ~ne'; Keweenaw PEln ., Michi gan, U.5': A. Bright pinki sh nati vo CO pPG'r enclose d in"a t'ra nspa'r8nt composite cal cite c'rystal 1i" in s iZG an calci to/native CO pp OT' mat'rix. 2ix2x11.-" , £38 . 00 32 CORIIWALLITE. C~rn L ~or tine, Illogan , CO r nCJoll. Ri ch gr eenish crus ts covori ng 8-rC~~ . r of chlori t i sod g-wnito . Specim,m A: 2~-x1-}x 1 i.- ", £2. 50p . Spocimen 0 : 1f.x1t " , £1 .7'Jp . Specimon C: 1-3-x1" , ;:1 . 25p 33 . CREEDITI:. Colqu'i'ri , La poy , OoliviQ. ShQ."p colou."loss crystals to 3 mm in length covering matrix. 1·:X?,'.' , £2,50p" 34. CROI\6TEDTTTE. Whool J

36. CUPRITE . Phoeni~ , "Li nkiHhoTne, Co"nwall. nich deep Ted masses with a"li ttle" native COpper wnd green c-ystalline malachite comenting brecciated quartz matrix , 2x2x1t"" ,£4 . 75p 37. CUPRITE . rvB r i\i no , "Li nki nho."ne , Ctl."nwall. Ri ch cl:lllular mass of da."k T'ed small sha-,..p octahedT'al crystals , with f."agments of qua."tz.,,2x1t.x1t,." , £[l . 00

38. DATOLITE. ~' Noche Du£'?n a , Zacat'8cas , Mexictl. Sharp t-ranspa'fent te."minal:ed cry!3tals to 5 rrrn in s iz'8 scattered all oveT"'milky QuaT'tz c."ystals covering mat T'ix , with a liti;le c,n Y!ltallised"Chalcopyrite .. 3!x1t", £12 . 00 39 . DAVIOITE. RadiUm Hill, DIary , S . Australia . Rich br ownish masses with quartz and Crusts of yellow,CARI\I(]TITE . 1f.x 1x1"', £4.75p 40. DIADOCHITE . Ys ocany , Praha , C.S .S . R. Croom,! nodular masses . Specimen A: 2~x2x 1 +' '', £4 .75p."SpeciLmen 0 ; 2i.-x2"', £3,00 41. DI AMJND . " PremieT' Mine , Kimberley , Stluth Africa. Specimen ,'\ : ShaT'p tT'anspa."ent coltlu."less tlo decah'8dT'al s inglo crystal.3x3x3 mm in sizo , ~ 14.00. Speci men 0 : Sha."p colourless transparent modified octahed."al single c."ystal. 3x3x3 mm in Size, £9 .00.

42. DUFRENITE. Phoenix Viine , Li nl

45. FUC HSI TE. Duro Preto , ~d.nas GeraiS , Brazil. Colou~ful emeral d- greon foliated crystal masses . SpBcimor;l A: },~·x2, x1t " , f.4 .75p.. Specimon L1 : ,,3x2x1 ~ ", f.3 .75p. 46. GASP EITE. i'iambolda , W. Australia. Rich br ight applo- gT'een mass with a littl e sel eni teo 1f.x1 -~.X 1", fh . 75p

47. GRU NERITE. Villa RealJ TrOS05 ~\ontes , POT'tugal. Greenish to grey aCicul"r cT'ystals in magnetiRe. 2-;"x1 ~"X 1" , £3. 00 40. GYROL ITE. PooHa',' India. Silky paUl lime- green botT'yoidal"crystalline masses"to 5"mu iH diameter dchly lini ng a l argo 2X1t " cavity in matrix with small clear Quart z crystals,. 2{x2~-x 1 -il- " , £5. SOp ''', . . , " 49. H E~\A TITE var'i.'ety Pencil 8Te . Hodbarrow ~d.m~ , Mi llom, CumboT'l and. Lustrous reddish­ bT'own fibrous mass . ~ " J,ong by,,1" wide. £1.75p " 50. HEULANDITE . Poona , " I ndio . th"ight transparont S/jarp cre<'lmy crystols to 1 cm in size completely cover ing matrix. 3x2x11:- " , £G . oo "

51 . HINSD~LITE. Sylvester ~~ n e , teehan , 1asmaHia. CT'oamy masses T'2~ l a cing small py"omorphite c r l,'stols covoT'ing l arge arOaS of limonitic matri x . 2ix2~·x 1 ~ ", £G . OO " 4 52. KYANITE . Capelfnha , ~~n os Gu~o is , L ~ azrl. Cholce t~onspa-ent to translucent blue tobula~ c~\,stals on and in quo~tz mutri x . Specimen A: - with kyanite to 5" in length , 5c\x2~·X1 ;:· II , £12. 00. Specimen:::J - wit'h kYunite crystuls to 1~ · 1I in length , >}X ~C Il , 1:7.00. Specimen C: - with kyanite crystols to 2~ " in length , 3x1~'x1-t" , £4 . 75p 53 . LIoETHENITE. Phoenix I·lim) , Linkinhorne , Cornwall. Small sho~p bright 'da~k g~een octohtJdral cryst'ol s to 2"rrrn i n s i'ie lining cavi ties in gossony matrix. Speci me ns a ~e p~icad accor ding to ~ichness rothe~ than s ize . Specim~n A: 2-t,-X1-tX 1t" , £7 . 00. Specimen 0 : };:x2 x ,l~ lI , ~4 .7 5p . Specimen C: 2x,1~ ", £3 . 00. Specimen 0 : 1x1,'! , £1.75p 54 . LIRDCoNITE. lLt1eal Gorland, St. Day'; Co~nwol l. Greenish- blue crystals and"c~ystal sections to 3 mm in size scottered in s mall cavities in limonitic mat~ix. 2i.-x1ix1-t,- " , £3 . 5Op

55. f'!£LACoNITE. west C b~odon Mine ,"St. Cleer , C o ~nwo ll. Rich bl ockish masses with 0 little chalcopyr ite ond quo~tz. Specimen A: 3x 2~x 1 t " , £3 .75p. Specimen 0 : 2X1 ~X1 ~_ II , £1.25p

56 . ~1ETAVDL TT NE . Cope Miseno , nea~ Na ples , It8ly . Ri ch yellowish cr ystalline CT' usts on mahix. ~-X1~-x1~·II , £4.75p

"1>7. MH1ETITE Variety CAMPYLITE . Dry\jill fV~ne , Coldbeck Fellsljl Cumbe~ICJn'd. Lustrtlus pnl e orungey- yaTlow cUrved crystals to 4 mm in size thickly covering quartz and psilomelane matrix. 3x1ix1-t,-" , £15 . 00

58. PA RADAMITE. f'!~nc"ojuEJl o , ~lo pimi , Du r ango , Mexico. Yellowisg Crystals to 4 mm in l ength scatterod in cavities in ,cellular limonite . 1t,.x 1-t,- " , £12 .00 59 . PEARCETTE . Eureka Tintic Di stri ct , utah , U.S . A. Rich gr eyish metallic mass with quartz. 2X1 ~-x1 ": " ' £12 . 00 60. PEROVSKITE . San o'dnito Co. ,"Ca lifornia , U. S. A. Oright bl ack sharp crystal s to 3 mm in size scatte~ed on matrix. , 1ix1.j}X1+, '.' , tEl . oo 61 . PHARMACoSIDERITE': Wheol Gorlon'd , st. Day , COrnwall. Very choice bright greenish sharp cubic"crystals to"neorly 4 mm in size thickl'L lining caviti es to 1f.- 1I in size in fe1'ruginous matri x,. i;ine,',old specimen,. 4x2-;}x1~ 1I " £70. 00 " 62. PHoSG ENITE. Oag e Hi ne, Cr omfo!,;d, Derbyshi r eo Sharp transparent colourless crysta'r +, " in Size , with smoller crystals attoched , perched on galena a nd barytes motrix. 1ix1x1,~ , £54 . 00 ""

63. PINITE. Tresayes ~ua 1'~y , Roche , Co r nwall. LustrouS s age- green hexagonol crystal sections to f.- II i n size embedded in. pegmatite mat~ix . Specimen A: ~'x3X1~ ", £6. 00. Specimon" O: 2,zx2-t,-x1 f.-" , £4.00. Spocimen C: 1ixli x1t" ,,,£2 . 50p 64. PLANCHEITE. Mufulira MinD , Zambia. Rich Sky- blue r adiating fibrOUS mass with quartz a nd a little mo lachite. 2x1t.x1-;} 1I , £$ .00

65. PS ILo ~I E1.A N E . Restormel Roya ~ Iron Mi na , Lostwithi'd l , Cornwall. GreyisH- bl ack thi ck botryoidal masses lining largo cavities in quartz and limonite matri x. 2tx2x1-t", £6 . 00

66. PR EH NITE . Dean"quarT'y , LI.'zard , Cornwall'.' A ppl e - g~een radi"ting mass on gabbro matrix , with the sUTfLlCO covered i n minute c ryst Ll l s . 2x1~-x1", . £3 . 5Dp

67. PYRAIRGYRITE . Colqu8choca , Oollvia . Shar p lu~ trous &hk'''.. ed terminated crystal 1 cm in length i mpl Llntod on matri x , with othe ~ smaller crystal s in covities . 1f.-x1,}x1 It , £28. 00 6B . PYRITE:S ."NdJr TT'ondlleim , f\)orway . Unusual b.,-ight brassy rounded masses embedded in darke." brassy cholcopYT'itr;. Speciml;l n A, :, 2x2x1+,",. £2 .5Op. Specimen C: 1-tx1+,x1 " , £1.25p 69 . PVRITES. Mt . Wellington Mino , "Gwennap , Cornwa11. Oright b~a ssy modified cul:li c crystals 'eo { It " i n si ze Lltt'facti v ell) scattered a nd piled one- upon- anot her on milky quartz crystals covering matrix. ,4~'x2~x 1 -7 ", ~ 11 . oQ . 70. PYRo~1 0RPHI'fE . Olock star o'ponpit , Mt . Isa , Oueensland ,"AustT'alia. Greenish ~ ye ll ow well f Ormed hexagonal Cr ystal s to ,} " in size SC rlttored on limoniti c matri x . 2x2" , £9 . 00 ".. 71 . PVRo~~o R PHITE.' '- u:',]Llm Hi no : Sholve'; Shr opsHi ~e . 2right gr\lon to yellowi sh- gr oen CrUS~ of slTkJll c ~yst8 l s thi ckl y covLri ng ;n:Jt~i:< . Nice c o liJu~f ul dis p13Y specime n. ~x}.}x2>} " , £10 . 00 , , .. 72 . PVR oX~IAI\{J ITE . "ChvLllct i c 8 ,' 'ELlSt oOhcmi.E1 , C. S .S': R. Pinkl sh c r ys talline mass wi th a lit tle, bl'ownish lust..-ous NEDTDC TTE and br assy PYl'i t es ",, ~- x ~x 1 -t ", £6 . s.op 73. QUART Z oft ar i1nAGDrJITE. C Llr l' O C ~ ~\i no , CLlTdbock Fells , Cumberl and. Unusl,l al creaml,l­ wh ite di vel'gont' 'sp+ays of [J l'ogoni t e cl'ysl: E1 1s to -t" i n l engtH , completely l' lJ placed llV qu a~tz' ; cove~ i ng cal cite matrix. TrEl ns'rucent t erh\i n8t od hexGg onol C81cite cryst81s E1 r O s cattlJr ed on ond amongst the replaced E1rElg onite crystals. Specimen A: 3~'xZ-i'> X1 ';:' ''' £7 . 00 . Spet;:imen 0 : ZxZx 1t " , £3 . 50p

74 . RHODONITE. Hi'll Copso t~8ngo n oso ' 'mi no , CH r i st ow , Dovon. i ch pinki sh mass with <1 li tUe pyrolus;i.t[J Spos somti tl; gSl'not. Z-}x2xlt " , £ 3. ~5 p

75. RUBELLITE . our tl PT'ot o , ~ti.nos Gel'\3i s , CT'azi'r. V[Jry" choice bT'i ght rospbel'T'y - r ed elol1gatod c l'ysta l s oct i ons f tl rmi ng di vorgont groups ' on and in cleavela ndi te mat r i x . Specimon fI : ~ with c:ryst El l s to 3" i n l ength , 4i-x 2-tx 1-t" , £10. 00. S\:leci me n 0 : - with crys t ol s to Z" i n l ongth , ¥.x2x2" , £7 . 00. Sped'men C: - with c ryst a l s to 1/," i n l ength , Z~x2x 1 i " , £5. 50p. Speci mon D: - wi th cT' ystal s to 1-t" in l ongth , Z-}x 1 '}x1 '~' '' ' £1! . 75p , 70 . SIDERITE. Her odsf oot', L,mT'eflth , "Cor nwElll . Lu stro us " b ~ o wn T'homb ic crystal s ' 'to t " i n !!li ze SCEltto, ed on slate mat :ri x wi th a lw ttl e crystalli s ed galena , qua rtz and py rites. 3x1'ih:1'Z' " , ,£4 . 7. 5p 77 . SI DERITE. Wheal J ono ," KlJa , Cornwo'rl . LustrOUS bl'own colour- zoned l enti cula l' cT'ystal s to 1 cm i n s i ze forming i ntergJ'own gT'O Ups . Specimen A: 1-f.x 1t " , £4.75p. Specimen 0 : 1-t.-x1 " , £3 . 5Op 70 . SIEGEN'r TE." SweetwLl ter , Roy nol'c\s Co . , fVli ssour i r; U' ;S . A. SpBcimen A: oT'i ght Si lvery s Har p cr ystal s to" 4 mm in Si'ZB l'lchl y covering mat l'i x . 1x1 " , £1El . 0[J: Speci mBn G: G:ro ups of s hor p bl'i ght s i lvel'Y c l'yst a ls to 4 mm i n Size , pi eces a ppl'ox t X-t" to i X-t " , £11 . 00 Bach .

79. NATIVE SI LV ER. Snoffuls fVli ne , oU:' El Y Co . , ColorGdo , U.S . A. Rich dar k t a ~nish o d hackly mass wi t h golc:mEl. Z~-x 1 -t.-X1 " , £8. 00

80. SMITHSo NITE after CALCITE . Do ll oye " ~'d. ne , CrOmfo T' d , De T' byshi reo Sharp dog- tlloth Calcite" c T'ys tals to ,~ " i l1 si ze :roplac ed by s mi thsoni t e , completely coveri ng c ce llular smi thsoni:to mLltT'ix • . 3i,x Zix 1 ~ " , fi,7 . 00 " 81 . SPESSARTITE" GAHrJET . "Or oken Hill , N.S . Wa l es , i1ust T' Ll lia . Sp'eci men A: Dr wght tl'ansl - ucent oT'a ngey c T' ystaTs t o i" i n s ize lnteT:g T' own on matT'i x with ga l e na . 1ix1x1 ", £Z . 75p ' ~ Specim\:ln 0 : Ol'ight oT'angey Sh 8l'P cl'ys tal 5 mm in s ize impl anted on sphal eri t e matr i x . 1x1" , £1 . 50p 8Z . SPHALEnITE. bur r ow & Got s on Mi ne , St . Agnes , Co r nwall . GT'O Up of blacki s h sha rp complex cr ystals t o +. " in,size. 1x1'.' , £4 . 75 p 83 . SPHAL ERITE . Smallcl eugh Mi ne , ~J ofith e a d , Cumo erlalld . Choi c e bri ght bl ac k s harp cT'ys t als t o iI·" i n Size s cott el'ed all ove T' mat:ri x . Fine displ ay speci me n. ox3-tx1 -i1- " , £10 . 50p 84. SPHALERITE . Wheal J alle'; Kea , Co r nwalT Specimell A: Or ight bUk k shGrp cryst:ill s t o i 5"mm in s ize i nte ~ gT'own tl n 0 1 " OreEi of mat l'i x , with cl ea:r lustr ous []uar tz cT' yst al s a nd a lit tle Py~ i tes . Zx1tx1!i; " , £4 . 75p. !O pBcime n 0 : O :r i g ~ t btack s ha'-rp c r ystal s t o 5 mm i n si ZB intel'gl'own all over motri x wi th slendal' cl ear C) uaJ'tz c ry~ t a l s to J" i n I Gn gt h . , 1 ~· X1", £Z . Oo 85. SPINEL . Amity , o rLl nge Co. , Now VO l'k , U.S . A. Wetl f ormed llrowni sh t o bl ack el'ys tal 14 " in si ze i mpT8nt'cJd on m8t r ix with smaller Spi nol cryst8ls 8nd dull br ow nish c l'ysta llis e d DloOdrodi teo 3-}x2-t,xZ " , £12. Do : 80 . STION'r TE. Felsobanva'; nllmEl nia . Specimcln A: Or i ght' silvery- g:roy sh\hp elongated t el'mi nated t llbula T' cl'vst 81s to 1 "" in l ength f l'o e ~ standi ng on c l'ystalli n'8 stibni'tB matri x ," wi th"El littl e 'pyrites . 3X1 ix 1 ~' '' ' £ZG. oo. Specimen 0 : o'Tit:lht Sl.'lvB:ry- gl'GY s ha~p t erminated CT' yst81s ~ o 1-t.- " in ltlngtH f o:rmil1g an" i nt orgT'own g'-ro up . 1 ix 1 -t,x 1 ~- " , £14 . 00. S\:lecimen C: OT'l glit silV :J ~ y - gT'8 y sharp tOT'minatod cl'ystals to 1" i n l engt h f Ol'ming an i nt el'gT' own grOUp. 1t x1 " , £8 . 00 G 07 . STILOITE. Poona , India. Lu'stT,tlu15 cT'cmmy- whi'te di ve,.gent sp,.ays of c,.ystals to 1" in size scattoT'ed ond intoT'grown on matT'i.x . Hx2ii'n~'.' , £9 . 00

88. TELLURoorSMUTH . Glogou f'ld. ne , nea:' Dol gellau , ~18T' i oneth , N. Wo les. SilV8T'Y flakes scatteT'ed in qq-,·tz with odr;! s pea k" of ,NATI VE GOLD . 1~-X1tX1 " " £7,. 00

89 . TEN~NT ITE . Concepcion del Oro , Za~atecos , Mexico. ori ght Silvery- grey well ftlrmed cryl:Jtals t o 8 rrm in si ze scott 8T'ed"on both si des of crystallised mi lky qUOT't z mo t-rix, with pdd spots of ct)olcopy,.i tG . ~ x2x1I i , £12,. 00 90. TOPAz'; SchneckcHstDi n , oohemi a , C.S .S .n. Shar p , t-ronsparent pale' 'gold'8n colou,.ed te-rminated crystols to 1 cm" in size associoted with milky qua,.tz c-rystals on both sides of qU<;l:rtzos8 mot-ri x . 3X1-~'X 1i.- ", £.38 . 00 " 91 . TYUY AMUNITE. Gronts , "rJew Mexi co , U. S. A. Rich bright yellow patchGs scatte"ed on both sides of .. mat;:ix with some cT'ystallised calcite. 3X1.i\- ", £0. 00 92. URANOC I HCTTE . Oer geH , Vogtland, Germany . Lime- green platy c ... ystals to 3 mm in size scattered on quo-rt Z . 2~ 'X1 i-X1{ 1I , m . oo .. 93 . VARLAf'IOFFI'tE . ounny Mi ne, "St . Austell, Co!'nwall. f1i ch creamy- yellow mosses with bl ue tUrquoiSE a nr;l qqElrt z • 3x2~-x 1t" , £5.50p 94 . WARDI TE. Ro~i d C!'GGk , Yukon , Ganodo . Sp'8cimen A: Sha"p , lustrtlus translucent creamy crystals to 5 mm in size covering both s i des of mat"ix. 2x1t", £24.00. SpecimGn 0 :, ,I\s specimen A, 1-~x 1" , £,14 . 00

95. WEEKS ITE ' ~ AndG,,15on Mine , Mo jave Co ., A:ri zona , U.S . A. Yellowish patches on creamy colou-red mat:rix . 1-h1i.-x1 ',' , £3 . 00 96. WDLFHAMI TE . Wheal Jone , KeD , Co!'nwall. Speci men A: b,.ight"black blnded and acicUla­ crystals t tl 5 mm' 'in length in 0 1" cavity i n quart z/pl,l r i 'ees matT-ix , with quartz aHd sphaler ite c"vsto1s . 2~'x2~'x1 i.- " , £7 . 00. Specimen"o : bright bl acki'sh elongated c-rystal 1 cm in leng'eh lying"amongst milky a nd clGar tll"minated quartz c:rystals to -t il i n l ength covo!,ing qua T'tz/pyritos matT'i x. 2~x2 ", ,,£4 . 75p 97 . WUL FtNITE. Los"Ulmentos'; Cni huahua , MllX ico. Spoci me n A: G"oup of lustrous bT'i ght orongey sha"p tabula" c:,ys'eols to"_} 11 i n s iz G~ tDv\lly smoll specimen, 1xixi- " , £7 . 00. Speci men 0 : Sha"p b"ight oT'angoy tabu l ar crystals each 1 em in size interl ocking on o"f"agment,of colCite. ,1x-t" , £4 . 75p 98. ZINKENITE. LUCK ey St:rike line , Go l dbT'i dge'; C.C., Canada . Very -ri ch silve-ry- grey T'adiating c"ystalline masses with minor sphole"ite and pyrites. Specimen 1\ : 3x1ix1-t", £9.00. Speoi mG n 0 ; 2-tX1-~-x1t" , £6. 1.l0 . Specimen C: 2x 1 ~_ II , £4 .75p "

99 . ZI NNWALDITE . Zinnwald, boHemi a , C.S.S . R. Shor p , gol den to Silvery hexagonal c~ysta l s to 1 cm in size intf)j"gj"own Ot;l matT'ix . 2x1 i;-,'i , £4.75p"

100. ZIPPEITE . Levan'!: f' , Pondeen ,"Cornwall. V~rl{ T'ich b ~i ght yellow c-rystolTine patches anD CT'usts covering areas of mat~ix , with odd patches of pale greenish JoHANNITE. Specimen 1\ : 21~x2x1-t " , £9 . 00. Speci men 0 : 1-}x 1-tx 1 II , £4 .75p RICHA D W. , OARSTOW Drakewa11s House , Drakewal ls , Gunnislake , Cornwall , Engl a nd. TEL. No.: Tavistock 032301 (STD 0022 ) V. A. T.No .: 132- 7052- 67

ORD ERI fIl3 IPIFORI",ATWN " Mail order!3 are pr ompt ly fi Ited and despatched on"a 7 ~ day exami nation basis , subject to approval . Immediate refund guaranteed on return of t he specimen(s) in g(1 od condition.

Pl ease quot 13 t'he"name and"numbe,,' 'of the specimen(s) requi "ed and enclose P.O ./Cheque".with order. All p"ices a"e inclusive of V. A.L

No cha~ge is made fOr postage and packi ng , except f or overseas customer s and iC~stage over,,75p.

We r es~ rVe the right to make slight substitutions , if necessary , unless advised to the contra~y .

S;J~cia l reques ts and wants lists a,,,e welcome. We trust that we may be of s ome servi ce ·to you and assur e you of OU r bes t att~ntion at all times.

OCTOI!iER 1981

1. ADULARIA . Val Na 1ps , Graubunden 1 Switzerland. choi'dl lus t r OUS c~ e amy ~ w hi te sh!3 r p cry~tals to r:~a-1v 1," in sl'ze s cattered"and intergrown all over matri x , with small s harp tran:3parEnt ~Qlde n - b",own SPH ENE, ,crystal s . Nice dis play"specimen. 7x4xJ", £30 . 00

2. AMAZONITE. Pikes PE' ~k , "Te ller C:J . , Coloradl:l, U.S . A. ~ h arp lus trou!3 greenish crystals to t " in S2.7.3 s~attered on pegmatite matrix with c r ys tal s and crystal sections of pale smoky quartz, ~'x3x2 " , £20.00

3. AfIl3 LE!=;IT E' ~ Toui ssit, [lDR " Oujda . 1"[J~ occo . Trans parent co'iourless to pale yellowish sharp cry sta~s to Q mm in s ize forming an intergrown gr oup wi t h a little galena. ixi", £6 . 00 4. NATTvE ANTIMJNY. I:!c '.fr<::l I' '~ "~1 , f1'.J~":-:'J'. 'l;-; ~ : Ac;3G ralia . Choice brigh t silve"y- grey crystalline mass . .. 2x1-}X1-a-1! , £1o . 0Q,

5. AMGE:NTI TE. Mont 13 Na r be , Sarrabus , Sarilini a . Rich gr eyish Crudely formed"crystals a nd crysta lline masses cementing sections of quartz c "ystal s. Ar gentite crystals "a nge up to t" i n size. 2~'x2;',X1 * " , £~O . OO 6 . ARS ENOPYRITE . N'ew Rosewar ne rrti'r\e , Gwi near , COrnwall. 5ilvery well fo"m'8d crystals t o t " 1 n si ze formi ng a cellular mass with odd small c r ystal s of spha lerite in places. 1ix1-tX1t", £6 . 00 7. AUR IC HALCITE . cliar Kounhi ~'ti. ne , I ran. TUrquoise- blue "a di ati ng"crysta l tufts"to t " in length rli!chly lining cavities t o 1" in s i ze in cellula r limonite matrix . 3tx2t" , £9.00 O. AZUIi ITE. Touissit , near Oujda , Mo~occo."S p e c imen A: Oright deep blue shar p t ermi nateD crystal, 'partly coated with fibrOUS gr een ma l achite oli one s ide , wi t h a"little matrix at ta~hed roUnd the base. 1tx1" , £10 . 00. SpeCimen 0 : Oright deep blu'El t erminat ed composi te c rystal til i n size i mpl anted on crystallised dolorri. t e mat rix. 1 ~x 1 tx 1 t " , £10.00 9 . AZURTTE. Guang"Dong District , China. SpeCi men A: Oright blue clus t er of slia rp tabular terminated crystals 'Go ~- " in size. 1~'x1tx1 ", £24 . 00. Specime n 0 : Clus ter of bright blue sharp tabula- c-ysta1s to t" in ~ize . 1x1x1", £18 . 00 10 . GEEGER ITE. Minusir:s '( district , Siceria , Russ ia. Ri ch gr ey masses with br assy pyrites , Specimen A: 1tx1~'x1t " ' r £14.00. Specimen 0 : 1tx1 " , m.oo " 11. OEIiYL. Lundy Islur d , Oristol Channel. Sp'Elci men A: Lus tT'oUS 13ale greenish" hexagonal crystal s'Elcticns ttl ~ II in length scattered i n cavities in pegma\;ite ma t r i x with smoky quartz and c'rthoclElse. 4x2tX1i" , £14 . 00."Speci me n 0 : LustrOUS greenish well formed hexagonLll c~ys tElls to 1 cm in l ength partly embedded i n pegmatite. 3x1ix1z " , £7 . 00. Specime n C: As sp8cimBn 0 , 2tx1~' '' , £4.00 2 12. GISM.JTHINITE. Kingsgate , N.S . Wales',' Aust"alia . Ve"y "\:ch silve"y- g"ey f i b'rous crystalline mass with a little quartz and yellowish crusts of bismuth och"e. 3x2x1t" , £23.00 '''' , 13. ElIS~'UTHINITE . Shap Pink lua""y , Shap'; Westmo r 81and. SpeCimen A: Very r i ch s ilve"y­ grey olad'eid crystalline moss on quartz and grunl'te mat"l.'x. 2x1 ", 1:F . OO . Specimen D: Silvery- grey bladed maSSI;lS wi th" pyri tes and qUD,,,tZ on granite,. 2x2" ,,,£4 . 75p 14. BOULANGERITE . Wheal Emily , Wernbu r y , Devon. Very -lch Silvery- grey f i brous c"ystalline masse3 with mino" jumesonite, semseyi to and anke"i teo Speci men A: ~'x2-tx1t- " , £8. 0D Speci men 0 : 21!x2+,x1-}" , !::S . OD . Specimen C,:, 2~1~1i- " , £3 . DD " 15. DDURNDNITE. i-le r odsfpot Mine, Lanreath , Co"nwall. Choi ce llJst"ous s 4J l very- g'rey s ha"p c o g ~ wheel c"ysta!s to 1 cm in siz\3 i nte'-rgr own and scat\;ered on a ztx1i " a"ea on qUwrtz/slate matTix ,,,with minor d"usy crystallised qua"tz,. 4~x2i-x2 " , £9b . DD 16 . BRAUN ITE. Langban , We r mland, Sweden . Ri ch blacki sh gr a nul ar masses with a l i ttle cal cite. Specimen,A : 2x1 ~ 1-t ', ', EH . DD. Speci men"D : 1~1~ 1 ti t , £3 . 25p 17 . CALCI TE . Ddi n"Mine , Castleton , Do'-rbysh i ,,8. LustrOUS t "ans pa" ent pa le go! den colou"ed elongated t e"minated hexagonal cl'ystals "Co 1 " in l ength thickly inte"g"own on mat"ix . 3x2x1t ',', £1S.QD 18. Ci1LCITE. Tsumeb , Dtavi , "S .W. Af"ica . 'Shsl'p lust"ous'tl'ansparent to '!: "a ns lucent" "hombi c cl'ystals with reddish edges , to i " in s i ze , thi ckl y inte"gl'own on matrix. 4tx~x1i ", £1El . DD, " "" "', " 19. CALC ITE. PallaflElt , "West CUmbe,,!and. Shal'p te"minElted t'"anspa"ent hexagonal c"ystal s to i " in l ength per cl:18d on"a fragment of limonite matl'i x . 1i-x1 "" £4 .75p 2D . CALEDONlTE. Leadhl.'lls , Lwnarksnire , Scotland. Sma ll lustrous sharp fu lui s h crystals scattel'ed on mat-ix with minor, pl aty leadbill;i,te. 1-tx 1-4x 1 " , E4,.75p

21 . ' CARMINITE . Pen 'erthy C-oft ~' , S'~ , Hil al'Y , Co"nwa1l. Reddish cr us ts lining cavit i es i n oxidised o;r,e with"yellowish Beaveri te. 1tx1x1',' , £2 . 5Dp 22 . CASS ITEFl ITE . Gr eat Cw-bona',' St." I ves Consol s rvd. ne, st . I ves , Cor nwa ll. Ri ch heavy dar k brown mass with minD" tou"ma lin e. , 2-tx,1~ 1 -t,' I , £4 . 75p

23 . CER USS IiE ."G r andybottle ~1ine , Swaledale ,"Yo"kshi 're. Lus'erouS c l'eamy- wn i t e twinned t abul ar crystal s to 1 cm in s i ze s catte"ed on c eamy c"ys tallised ba"yt es. 2x1i ", £4 . 75p 24 . CHi1LC DCITE . Wheal Haniet , Cwmbo'rne , COl'nw8Il. Odght"greyi sh welT formed columi n8r c"ystal s t o 4 mm in size scatterBd Elll wvel' chalcopy"ite and quartz vBinstuff . 2~'X1tx1i- ", £24,. 00 25. CHi1LLDPYRITE va ~i ety PBacock Co ppel'. Hi ngston Dow n , C8lst ock , Co" nwa l l. Deautifully i l'l'i desc ent ta,1; nisilud mass"with a"li ttl e sphal Bl'ite. 2i-x1i" , £2 . 50p , 26. CH):1LCDPYR ITE vari ety Dll'ste" Copper. st . I VBs Cons ols"Mi ne , St. Ives , COl'nwall. Bl'assy w81 l f Ol'med botryoidal mass with a l itt1. e qua"t z . l i,X 1" , £6. 0[l, 27 . CHILD RENITE. Geo r gB & Cilal'lotte ~ n e , Tavi stock , Devon. Shal'p g01dan- bl'own l Ust"ous c"ystal s to 3 mm in sizB scattel'ed i n cavities i n c ellul a r chlol'ite and quartz ~trix. 1x1x1 " , £12. 00, 2B . CLI NOCLASE . Wh eal Uni 'Cy , GwennEl p , Co"nwall. Thi ck deep bl uish c"ystallinB mass 1x1" in si ze on mi lky"quartz moi;"i x . 1tx1t" ,,,£12. DO 29 . CLINDCLASE. CUl'hal'-ock t'oine , Gwenna p , Co " nwa ll." rvd.nute s parkli ng deep blue c-rystals lining cavitills 1;0 'il-" i n"sizt;l i n chal copY"ite- T'i ch vGinstuff. ,,1tx1i-x,1", £0. 00 3D . CDL EWINITE . Doron , ea li fo'~ni a , U. S . A. SpBcime n A: Clust e- of b"i ght c"eamy- wh i tB sharp t el'minated t"anspa"ent crys tals to 1 cm i n s ize . 2x1-tx1t " , £8 . 0D. Speci men D: As speci me n A, with c r ys1;o l s t o t '.' i n s ize . 2x 1" , £3.5Dp 31 . NATIVE COPPEt< . Dogoslovsk , Si bBr i a , R u ~s i a . Dull tar nishBd dendriti c ,t ee- like gr owt h of c-rystals , wi th, i ndivi dual C;ryst a l s t o 1 cm i n size,. 2x1i ll', £8. DO 32 . NA TIVE COPP E R' ~ · Swnto ili ta , New t'lexi co , U.S . A. Choice bright b"anchi ng mass wi th s ome well formed c"ystal s to 1 cm i n siz8 in pl aces . Nice displ a y piBce. 6-tx4 " , £34 . 00 ~ 33. CRED NERITE. ~1endip Hills , Somer sci . C..-i ght black 'plntlj c~ljstals to 4 him i n size fOT'ming a g-roup 1x1 cm implanted on calci te matT'ix , with a littlL c-rljstalline cT'enmlj HljdroceT'ussite. , 1 -;)x1~~~x1~'LII , w . OO ,,,",, 34. CRotOITE. Red Lend r''line , Dundas , Tasmania. Sp8cimen A' :' V8r lj b-right orangelj ~ red welll formed 810ngated thick c-rljstals to 2" in length intergrown and lying flat on black manganese coatod limo'rli tic mat~ix . *2~-x 1 -', II, £96':00. SpGcimen : O""ight p rang~y ~ red sharp Glengated c-ystals \;'0 i " i'rl lengtH inteT'grown all oveT" 'limonitic matrix . 3-}X2~ II, £74'; • 3pGci men C: O..-i ght"oT''Jngoy- r Dd sha..-p 8l0ngated cT'ljstals to 1 II " i n l\lngth 'i'nterg"'O"Jn on" limoni hc mat-ix. 1;)x'1i!-x1 " , £30.00. Specimen D: Sha~p partl y tr,mspaT'ent bri ght o '~wng Ll Ij ~T'DC elongated crystals to 1\1 i n length sc3tte..-ed on bl ack manganese coated mwt ... ix. 1~(X1t'!' ; t24 . 00. Spe'Cimen E: Oright orange lj- red elongated crystnls to: '1 cm in length intergrown on matT'ix. 1 ~x1 t ", £14. (10. All the above speci mens wr e of excLlllent qua lity. 3S. CUi=lRITE . Wheal D3msel , GWDn'riap'; Co r nwall. Small lustrous very' 'da-rk red octahcd,.al cT'ljstals scatte-red all oV~r c-rystalline native coppe-r l~i th f-rngments of quartz. 2~ 1 tx 1" , £11 . DD 36. CUPRITE. Mufuli ro' tJiine , Zambi8'.' Well formed mClroo'rl coloured octahedral crystals to t il in size sC2tte-;,ed and intergrowCl on a cellulur limon.i.te ma;t..-i x. ,l~x1tx1 " , £12.00 37 . DAN8URITE . Char cus , Son Luis Potosi , Mexico. Choice lust-ous t~anspa,.ent elongated terminat'8d crystals to oveT' _} " in lLlngth thick l lj~ covel'ing atrix , with odd tClT'ni shed ChCllcopljri;tG crljstClls to -~-" in s Lo e .i.n, plac8s. ,Fine display s pecimen. 4x*1t " , £34 . 00 3El . DIOPSIDE va T'i\3t1j r'ILllacolitLl. Ko ppl,h'boT'g , Orebro , SW8den. W'8ll form'dd lust..-ous black terminat8d crystCll -(," in, s ize pa,.tllj 8mbeddJ:ld in chalcopYT'ite"matT'ix. 1-t;-x1"" £3. 00 39. DIOPTASE . Tsumeb , Otavi , S .W. Africa . Clust'e-r of britlia nt emeT'ald- gr88'rl shu"p crljstals to 0 mm in size ilmplClnted on mab-i x with c-usts of sky- blue c-rystalline PLAI\'CHEITE and a little c,.ystallised calcite. Si ze of dioptwse clust8r is 1X~ ", overall si Z8 of specimon 2-~-x1fx1, 1I , £24 .D O~ 40. DUFr1E NITE . Phoenix tilinG , Li'nkinhorn8 , Co,.nwa:Ll. Spec'i'men A: Gl ackish- gre8n radiating masses to S mm i n diametD,,"veT'\I -ri chly cov8T'ing mat~ix. 2-l-x1f ll ',' £6.00. Sp8c'i'men 0 : ):\s specimen A, bu'; not so T'i ch , 2tx1~,- " , £4.7Sp. SpEcimen C: DaT'k bl ack'i'sh- g,.een radiating and bot-Ijoi dal masses to 4 mm in diamet8,. on one side of mat~i x . 1~~x1 ~ " , £2.00

41. EI\I):\RGITE . Leom:: =d ~'lin e , Outtc ,' }itintana , U. S .A. ari ght sitve"-Ij- g,.e\) sharp te-minated c-rystals t o 4 111m in sizo intcl'grcwn and scotto~8d on pljrites matT'ix with a little quartz. 2~x2 " , £9.nO , 42. FLUtJRITE. C aii8 ~in - n ock , Hardin CD. , Illi nois , U.S.A. G-oup Dr deep plJ,.pl e w8ll fOT'med inteT'g,.own cubic CT'ljs t

43 . FLUORITE. t1iine L8"Oex , PUIj - do- Dom8 , F r~a nce . G~o up of inteT'g,.own tT'anspaT'ent light sky- blue cubic c"-ystals to 1-t;-" in size. 2tx2x1t"" £11<.00 " 44. FULOi=lPITE. Cwldbeck F8l1s , Cumberland. Rich s ilver lj- grey cT'ljst alline masses in quartz. Specimen A: 3x2x1,~ " , W .OO. Specimen 0 : 2x2x1-t;- ", £6. 00. Speci men e: 2x1i", £4.7Sp. Spec.i.m811 D: 1-b< 1" , £2. 7Sp

4S . GALENA . G,.ove'rake t!lin8 , f1ooKh ope , CD. Du r ham. Cright s il veT'lj ~ grey sHarp cube­ octaHedT'al"crljst8ls to oVO l' _} " in si ze Qssoci atEld wi th c18 a ~ colourl ess cubic Fluol'ite"crystals to 1 cm in Size , cov8l'ing matT'ix. 2f x2 "" W . DO 46 . GALE NA ." FT'om a iiein into ,-,s8cted"in th8"wate-r tunnel from Frosterley to E'dmondbY8"s , Co. Durham"( paT't of the Keilda!'; D3m PT'oj8Ct). Specimen A: G~oup of i nteT'grown metallic grey modi'fi8d cubic c,.ystals"to 1-} " in Size , 3x1f.x1-} " , W.OO . Specimen 0 : Singl e me;tallic gTDIj mom find cubic c"ystal"" 1 ~-x1~ ~ II , £2. SOp 47. GALENA. ~ W i T'ksWoT'th , DorbljshiT'e. At tT'Qctiv8 ir~ideSC8ntly ta~n i shed modifi ed cubic crystaj. 1 cm in ~izD im{;llanted on cry~t a llised.,calcite mat-rix. 1fx1t", £3. S0p 48. GERtlANITE. Tsumob , Otavt , S .W. Af r ica. Soli d tornish8d pu,.pllj metallic mass . 2x1fx1-t.-", £12.DU ~ 49. GOt:TH ITE. Resto 181 nOljal Hun m nc , LostWi thi el'; COT'nwa lt. bri ght blacki sh"sha-rp cryst als to 4 mm in l8ngth richly scatt8-red OVer cel lul a,. cT'ystallised Quo,.tz. 2-tx2i;-x2 ", £1 1.00 4

50. GRoSSULAIi GARNET. vesper Pe:Jk', W:Jshington , U. S . A. Speci men A: VeT'\) tl-ight transpa~ent sharp gemmy c,-angey- brown c-\)stals 'eo 1 cm l'n s iz'a thickl\) in'eergrown on mat,.ix. 3tx2" , £2£l . no. Specimtln ~ : O~ i ght th'Qngoy t r a nsparent shaT'p crystals to 1 cm in size scatteT'e'd on ma't'-ix with hUno'r crys'ealli s8d diopside. 2~'X1b<1t " , £18. 00. Speclmen C: ~ri ght orangey sharp transparont c-ystals t o 8 mn in s ize forming an i ntergrown gr OUp. 1~x1~;x1" , £16.00

51. HEMIMJRPHITE. LLl Esmer al da ~'ti ne , Ch'i'huahua , Mexi co . Superb bri ght tUT'quois8- blue thick bot-ryoi dal mLlss"cov~- in g mDt -ix. Lovely show speoimen. ~x2b<2t " , £2.3. 00 52. HEULA~OITE. Old Ki l~ ~tric k , ~umbLl-rton , Scotlond. Oric ~ - red lust-rous well fO-rmed crystals to~ " in size intergruwn,on one side of matr;Lx. 2~'x 1 b<1~ " , £8 .00 53 . HoDRllSHITE. Rosalia t,11'ne , Slovaki a , C.S .S . R. Silver y- grey patches in qua rtzose mat -ri x with chol copy-rite and hematit'e. Specimen A: 2tx2t", W .Oo. Specimen 0 : 2x1i " , £4 . 75p 54. KERf'ltESITE. Pezi nok , t:lovaki o , C. S . S. R. Speci men A: "Rich br ight ca'rmi ne- red -radish ng patches of noedly c~ystals to 7"mm i n lllngth covering areas of sti bnite matrix . 3tx2x1t" , '£14 . 00. Speci men 0 : IJ right ca'~mine - rod needly c-rystal s to 5"mm in length covering areas of st i bni te mLlt rix with r i ch patches of creamy- wh i te crystallised VALENTINITE. 2~·x1'Jx1'}"",,£12 . DO 55. LEPID8C ROCTTE. Gl'eat Po-~an I ron l ode , Per- anzabUloe , Cornwall. Ri ch br i ght re'ddish­ bruwn f'i.'br ous ' crystalli no vei ns" in limoni te ma'e rix , with cilvi ti es showi ng botryoi da l l'E!pidocrocite , the su-f =:oe covered in minute crystals. Thi s is the fl.'liest l epido­ crocite yet found i n Cornwoll , it has hithertoo been of doubtful occur r ance in the County. Specimen A: }~'x2tx1i ", £12.00. Specimen 8 : 2b<2x1t" , £7. 00. Specimen C: 2x 1-tx 1 " , £3.75p 55. LIOETHENITE. fJ ' ChLlnga"Hi ne , Zambi a. Sharp bright do rk olive- green crystals to 3 mm in s ize thickly covering mLl t-rix.,,1 ~x 1 ", £8.00 57. LI8ETHE NITE • ""Ii ndtll Cl openpi t , nea'r Ki tWe , Zambi a. Thumb nail si'ied g,.oups of sharp l ustrous very dLlrk g'roen oct~hod r a l crystals , some showing par a llel growth of thei -r faces. Indivi duo :j. crystols, -range up to,,8 mm in s ize . £12.0.0 each.

58. LINARITE . Gr and neef ~line , "G r aham'·Co ., A-ri zona , U.S . A. thCh bright bl ue crystflilised a nd c-rystalline mLlSS coveri ng cerussite and galena matrix. 2~x2tx2 " , £12.oQ, 59. to'ALACHITE. Concepcion do l o-ro'; Zacatecas , Mex i co. Light tp dark g"een feathe-ry and fib-rous mass with a little crystallised QUiO! rtz and platy bl ack Hemat i te. 2b<2ix1t " , £9 . 00 50. MALACH ITE." Kambove , Katonga , Z:;i r e o ChOice bright g- een s h:J rp cryst al s to 5 mm i n size int er g-rowrt,on,matrix . 2-tx1t" , £14.00 61. to'.ARCA5I'fE. Vimi r ov , ' neLl ~ SOKolov , Cohemi a , c . s.s .n . O:-ight bT' assy mass of shar p i ntergrown.. .:rystds" the,largest bl;i ng t " in size. :;tx 2-rx2" , £14.00 62. f'lA RTITE. Cer ro do ~1eT'caL1o , Dur'Jngo , Mexico. Chol'ce sharp b"':ight"blackish octahedral crystals to 5 mm in ,sizo inta-grown and scatte,ned :1 11 oveT' m:Jtri x. 3x2tx1i"" £12.00 63. MA TILDITE . f'lo rococha , Junin Prov. , PerU. Thin g-reyish metall ic m:Jsses in qua-rtzose mat rix wi th py rites. 1';;"X11b<1t ",,,£7.oo "

54 . M I~~ ET IT E . Tsumeb , otavi, S .W. Af-rica . Lustrous yellow shaT'p t a peT'ing hexagonal crystals to 5 mm in length thickly coveri ng mat-rix. 2ix2", £23.00"

55. PLATTNERITE. Mi no OjucTQ , ~lOpimi , Du r a ngo , to'ex ibco . Mi nute bl ack spa-r kli ng c -r ysta l s H cover ing limoni te matT'i x . 1tx1 , £1. 00 55. PLUMODJARoSIT E. Tombstone , Cuchise CD. , Ar izona , U. S.A . Vo r y r ich yellowish mass with a little ceruss i te . ,,2tx2xl~ ", £4 .. 75p

67. PoLYOASnt:. Silbak P-rem i e~ "a.' ne , Stewart , D.C., Ca nada . Ri ch gr 8yish met a llic maSS8S with qua-rtz a nd a little pyrites , a nd odd small patches a nd specks of ELECTnUM . Specimen A: 3x2x1-}" , ;:0. 00. Spl3cime n 0 :,,1b<1¥1 ", £4.75p

68. PSEU~OM.ALACHITE. Whoa! Ca r ponte7' , Gwl'nec-r , Co-rnwall. Hi ch deop gr een lust T'o US botrYOidal mass covering qua-tz ma c-ri x . 1tx1x1" , £1.75p ~9. PYr.ITES. S~~ C~i5tO 1 c~yst319 t~ ," i~ c' - c - yst~18 of G lc~ cCx1 x1 " , 1:1 •

70. PYRo~{) (PHITE. ~ ok ~uli flowe- like c~yGt 111so Nx1b<11 " , 1:1n.

71. rYRoHJI(PHITE. 'J.hL lIlU_ , it"ncy, CO :" fL' 11. Lu ~- us li ht .-c8:1ish Ghe~p ncx"'gClnnl c-ystels to ') i" lu tl- t ickly inttJ~g-own on rn.:lt"ix. <'x1 ' '' , £ .00 , 72. PY or·'OHPHITE . nnw 1 .. I :; ~ , L-lJU:;l. , F-dncc. Lust-cus c~-h:j"'~ - - :Jwn sho-p c~ystals to 3 urn iM lL:1:tt- -ichly sc ttll-[d r. -ytas m'lt-ix . 1 x<", £3.oe .. 73. PY:1"HoTITE. Ch ::' -oc.k , u:Jldh cck Fdls , Cu u-lnnd. - i ch n ssy Inso wi th qua -tz Dnd chulccpy~itL . 2: x1 '<1 " , 1:2.7C;p

74. lft\ TZ. Uflcml Cr Lwo- , 'Ii' vistuck , O~von."Lu:.'!; ous long Glund-r tL-rrin"t", d milky cT'l,Istal s to 1'" in"!Lll. th chickly ccv""ing mDt 'ri x , with a littlL CT'ystollisccl PyT'ites & Chol:;cpy-itG in pl-'ccs. rice "spbv specim.Jn • .slx4xct; '~, £2 4 ~00

75. S~'OKY 'itJARTZ . Flo:'_ncG f'inll ,' E1:j-Lment , Cuh1be-l-Jnd • ..ih~~p !:'-iqht"t-onspaT'8nt smoky cT'ystals to -t " i n SiZL intl."CJ-own on motT'ix with mino- bluck c-ystolliscd Spocul" -itcl . J.}x1.J.Il, .. 14.DC

76. ROSE QUAKTZ c r ystols. T []Un-ol , r i n?]S GC',:2is , • razil': Sh~-p light - ostl- col ou''!uli py-ami dal c-ySt~t9 tu 4 ern in size covtJT'in~ lQ " ~u ~T'C3S of milky qua-t z mot - ix , with odd light b-own c-ystols ~f EDSPHo;nTE .. to I., IT' in s i zo. 2'-x2iiX1 "., 1..38.[11)

77. hHODDCHHOSITt:. i'\; ssanl::' ::J. ,, (j-eIJCL. Light p1nk lus t-oUs T"hoc:!cicH-ositG -opl aci ng c-ystd agg-GgatGs of cCllcite to 2" i n size, fo-ming a pUre intG-gr own mass . 2-\'~11,·''', x..1u.00 78. RHODONITE. Pencr llLGr 1JJ00t: r'lino , C"IIington , Cu - nwOl ll. - i ght pink maSSGS 3ttr act i. v cll y vGi ned with blacki sh py-oluslte. Specimen A: 3x3x1f- " , £4 . 75p. Specime n 0 : 2-lx2t" , 0.00 79. HoOoNITE. C::oken Hi ll , N.S . Wa l es , ilustr olia • Speci me n A: ' -ight ' 'T'eddish t-Gnsp3-Gnt c ,.. ystal secti ons to"1" i n si Z8' int LT'grown with gal en[] a nd spha l e-it'o. ~x1 ~ " , £9 . 00 Speeimen 0 : PT'ight -od t-~nsPQ_ont crystnl s to 5 mm i n s izo sc[]t tered in galena matT'ix . 1t,x1x1" , Z3 . 75p,

00. RU TILE. Ha u::'is , S:-lzbu-g , .~ust -i 3. Lust-cUs T'8ddis h- 'T'own s\:' -iat ed crystal sections tc t " in l en th scatte-ed on and i n :mko-itG ;md qu a"tz"mat-ix,. 3-}x2il-x1t ",,, 1:9 . oo 01. SCHEELITt. CaT"':ock "iinG , C,lUblJck Fdls , Cumb8 - bnd. Sh[]T'p lust T'oUS t'T'a nspa - ent light tiT'oWn cT' ystal 9 mm i n s i zo i mpl[]ntod i n Cl Elavity i n milky quc -tz , with othe T' smalle- c r ystal s . 1~-X1,.·x 1 -.'-" , £23. 00 "

02. ~JA r:r V E SILVEn. SchneelJG ~ ;) , S:Jxony , Ge-many. ,,\ qU[1nt ity of '-i ght silv8T'y CUT'ls and wi T'OS in a 1t" gl GSS tuLle . £9. 00

83. NA TIVE SILVE • Cupiopo , ,'t~cam[] dist r i ct , Chilo . Ri ch t-rnishGd hackly mQSSOS SC[]t to- Gd in qU8-tZ ,"atT'ix. S p ~cim8n A: 2x 1 ~-x 1 t " , £14 . 00. Specimen [ : 1t x1tx1..! ", 1:1 1.00 84 . SKUTTERUOITE . [Jou .'\z z'or, Oj Gbel Sar h-o , 'O T'OCco. --i ght silve-y- g -r ey sha,p c-ystals to 4 mm in s ize cove-i n;) In

86. SVITHSoNITE. ' -oke'n Hill , N.S . ID'l l os , Australia . T-;1-~-,'! , £.D . Do

95. TOPAZ . Lundy Island , Cristol Cha'rinel. Sp cimen A: Lustl'oUS tT' a nspa '~ ent colouT'less cl'ystals"to 4 IT'itl in SiZ8 scat'teT'Bd in a 2~ " covity in gr anite matl'ix , witn smoky qllol't z cT'ystals , Qlbi to ond ol'thoclase . 3x2~x1~- ", £16 . no. Specim~n C: Sh8T'P " t l'OnSpOl'Bnt colourless c-yst"ols to 4 mm in s ize s cotteT'ed on mElt l'ix with qual'tz. 1tx1~-" , £4 . 75p, 96. TOUFl~1ALINE. Governador VolmjeT'as , Min8s GeT'ais ,"OrClzil. Cl'i gnt bl ack st-rinted i?eT'minated cT'ystals to },,, in size thickly intBT'gT'OWn on matl'ix . Good display speci me n. 5x~-x1-~- '.' , £23.00 97 . TSUtJCORITE . Tsumeb ,"OtClvi , S .W. Africo. Ri ch yellowish patches on mut r ix with bT'i ght dal'k oli vE - gl'elln c-ystols of OLIVENITE. ,1~x1x1 ", £5.75p

98. TVRoLITE. Go r t'drurr. i.ii ne , Co. Ti ppera-y , Il'8lund. Gl'eenish f eathery cl'ystals cov e ~i ng al'e8S of mat rix . 1-;"xl?, " , 23 .5Op .. " " , 99 . VALENTI NITE. Pezi nok , SlovokHl , C .S':S.R. Ii i ch c r eomy - whi'te T'adi oti ng cl'ystollised pa\;'ch\:ls to -tor in length cove~i ng ul'eQS of sti bni te matT'i x , wi th mi noT' cl'ystallised daT'k T'ed KE t!'ESITi;: . }~-x3~1~- " , !:1G .. OO 100. W'(LL01ITE. Tsumeb, otovi'; S .W. Af ric2. C-ight tT'8nSPQT'ent light blfrJish - green cl'ystals and Crystal' 'oggrogntes \;0 4 mr.1 'i' n si ze fOT'mi ng a collulaT' mass wi th odd well fOl'med bladOf;l c-yst<;lls of c-eamy Cerussite ihn places. 3x 2ix 1 ~- " ,,,£24 . 00 101 . WJL FENITE. Tsumeb , "Otnvi , S . W. A'Fl'ica. Fine lustl'oUS tT'anslucent shal'p light" brownish tabulaT'''c-ystals to oveT' }" i n size scatte7'ed on"m8trix , with rich Crusts of olive-,gl'een cT'ystallinc DU FTITE'; clew'-' sh::JT'p rhombic crystals of CALCITE to 1 cm i n siz'e , and tufts of light green cryst8llised r.... tlLACH ITE. Vel'y .,ttractivo specimen fol' di spl oy. 4-}x>}x1t" , £30. 00

...... ,..., . --~ .---...-- I shall b8 t avelling obT'oo'll rOT' P:JT't of nOll ember and e8T'ly dLlCemOOT' , so will be unable 'eo issue the' 'nover"be-c llst . HOW8Vc.- , I wi 11 iSSUE a 13T'gUr combi ned"novom bel'/ dec lo.'TTlbeT' list in ' eLlT'ly docembeT' Llnd wi ll include sp8cimens ncqui '~ad on my t ~avels. Whilst I am away , my Wif8 , Vvonno , will bttend"to tho"day-ln-day T'unni ng of the business , and will b8 h~ppy to Leal with any enquiries OT' callers. / RICHARD W. BARSTOW

Drakewalls House , D~akewal ls , Gunnislake , Co~nwall, England. TEL .No.Tavistock 0323Bl (STD 0022.) V.A.T .·.No. : 132- '7B52- 67


r-rail ordElrs a~e p~omptly fJ.'lled and 'despatched on a"7- day examination basis , subject to approval . Immediate refund guar anteed on return of the specimen(s) in good condi ti on.

Please quote t'he"name and"number"of the specimen(s) ~equi red and enclose P.O./Cheque"with o~der. All prices are inclusive of V. A.:r:.

No cha~ge is made f or postage and packing , except fo~ overseas customers and postage DUel' 75p.

We ~esel've the right to make slight substitutions , if necessa"t"Y , unless advised to the contT'ar!j.

Special ~equests and wants lists a .."e welcome.

We tT'ust that we may be of some service to you and assure you of ou~ best attention at all times • .


1. ADAMITE. ·T'sumeb , Otavi ,"S.W. Af rica. Lust~()us yellow sharp te~minat'ed c~yst'als to 4 mm in size richly scattered allover needly c~eamy Smithsonite cove~ing mat~ix. 4*x3"'-' £34.00 2. ALElITE variety CLEAVELA NDITE . Ou~o P~eto , '·Min as Ge~a i s' ; razil'" Sharp lust~oUs creamy­ white bladed crystals \;'0 1t " in size forming an inte~grown gT'OU p , with a tT'anspaT'ent well formed tabular te,mi[1ated Sr-rDKY QUARTZ crystal 3" in size attached on one edge. Nice display sp$cimsn. 4x4x.3" " ,£2B .00

3. ALTHAUSITE . Mo dum, Norway. VeT'y ~ich light purply cleavage masses with Gilbe~tite mmca. 2x1ixlt" , £6 . 00,.

4. ANDALUS ITE. ~~am OT'idge, Co. Galway , Ireland. Lu st~ous light pu-plish c ~ ysta l line mass with mica schist. 2tx2t", £3.00

5. AURICHALCI TE. ~una ~juela , Mapi mi , Kexico. Rich turquoise- blue bladed c~ystals to over t " i n length coveT'ing limonite mat~ix. Very showy pieces. Specimen A: 3x2t ", £6.00. SpeCimen 0 : 2tx1i ", £4.75p 6 . AZU~ITE. Chessy'; Rhone , Fra'rice. ~~ight blue sha,'p tabular crystals to 5 mm in size g~owing in pa~allel to fOT'm a ~osette - like aggregate,. 1ix1-2-x1t", £2B.00 7. AZURItE. Copper [jueen" , Bisbee , Arizona, U.S.A . Dark blue stalactitic mass with a crystallised exterior , and wl'th"a cOT'e of light g ~ ee n Malachite. Both ends have been cut flst to show the inteT'ioT' stT'ucture. 1tx1x1 ", £14.DD B. AZU~ITE replaced by RoSASITE."Tsumeb , otavi , . SI.W. Africa. Supe~b·'sharp large terminated c~ystal replaced by light"gT'eenish Rosasite , with a little matrix attached on one si ds. 2·~·.'! long". by 1t.'! aCross the axi s. £46. oQ.

9. BARYTES. Dreisla~ , !3auedand, GeT'many ."LustT'oUS c~eamy to pl'nkish sharp tabular cryst8ls to 1-t" in size forming 8 cockscomb gT'OU p, with b~ight sha~p bT'assy CHALCOPYRITE , cr ystal s to 4 mm in size scatte~ed 811 ove~ the SUrface. Nice display piece. 5x$1-t", £24.00 10. BAR YTES'; Felsobanya j Rumania. Intergrown group of transparent sha~p tabular cT'ystals to over 1" in size" .no matT'ix , and vi~tually fT'se of any damage. :3tx2t,'!, £26.Do

11. BERTRANDITE. Cheesewring Qua~ry , Linkinhorne, COT'nwall. Specimen A: ShaT'p lustT'oUS colo u~l ess pliJty cT'ystals"to 4 mm in size implanted on one side of a 1" caVity in g~an i te matrix"with adul aT'ia and chloT'i te."2?;-x1t", £B.oo. SpeCimen O:"Lustl'oss peal'ly p1 8ty crystals to 4 mm in size interg'rown on a i " 8rea of alte~ed g'ranite mat~ix . 2X1-}x1t" , 1:6 .00 . Specimen C: Platy crystals to 4 mm in s ize sC8ttered in a i " cavity on matrix with adul8ri a . 1x1 ", £4.75p 12 . CIS OCLITE. io ~'- !' in:;, Elha , Ital y. ~i ch cr (nmy to p CQ ~ly - wh i te s cal es Qnd c ~ ys t a l agg ... eg:;t es on ,md in limo nitic mat~i x . Speci me n A, 2 x 1 ~ 1" , £9 .00. 8 : 1 ~ 1 i;x1" , C5 . 50p. Speci men C: 1 ~x,1" , £4,. 50p

13. BL IXITE. Mendip Plills , Some T'set . Lu s t~ou s oT:angey- bT'own mas ses to 5 rrm in size embedded i n hydT'ocerussi t e a nd ca l cite"mat T'i x. 2x 1*x1", £7 . 00 14. CALC ITt:. Pallaflat Mine ,"OigT'i gg , Cumberl and. Speci men A: Choice lustT'oUS tranSpaT'ent col ourless e l ongated t e~mi n a t ed c T'yst a l s"to 1" i n" l ength t hickly lining a 4x3" cavity in limoniti c matri x , wi th ot heT' areas of c~V s t a l s on one side. Fine di s play speci men. 5X4';h<2-} " , £58.00. Speci men 8 : ShaT'p lus t 'rous colourless e longated " t er minated c T'ystal s to 1" in l engt h t hi ckl y i nt oT'gr own all over limonite m a t~i x . Yx3x 1i " , £28 .00 " 15. CALCITE. Sweetw a t o~ ~\in 8 , Ellington , MiSS OUT'l , U. S . A. Sha-p tra nSpaT'ent elonga'eed dou bl y- t ermi nated CT'ystQl s t o 1" in s ize perched on c~yst a ll i so d dolomite mat-ix. 1~ 1-3:X 1" , £2 . 75p r, _ 16. CALCITE. Cons all ~loo- , nea~ Ma'tlock , Derbys hi T' e . Shar'p t~ tl ns l ucent lust'rDUS golden­ colour'8d"axe- shaped twi nned cT'ystal s . Th ese twi ns a ~ o f ~o m a new occurrance and a ~ e a r a r e f orm. Speci me n A: 2~x1-b< 1 * " , £12 . 00. Specimen 8 : 1tx1ix1", £1 0.00. Specimen C: 1-}x1* " , W . OO

17 . CASSITERITE': East Pell ~lin e , St . Agnes , Cornwall. UnusUal light bT'own thin vei nl ets of cassiteri te i n parallel and cutti ng"gT' ey" slate matri x. ~x2~ ", £4.75p

1B. CASSITERITE. New Rosewa rne ~li n e , · Gwi near , CO T' nwa l!. GT'OUp of ! aT'ge , shaT'p bT'ight bl ackis h twinneG cryst a l s tD 1 cm i n s ize inteT'g T'Dwn tDgetheT'. 1 -3: x1~ .'l , £24 . 00 "

19 . CASSITERITE. Dlue H'i:l! s ~1i n e , st'; Ag nes , CDr nwall. 8T'i ght blackish teT'lllinated crystals t D * " in s ize ..i nt ergT'DW n Dn matT'ix . 1tx1*x1 " , £8 . 00"" ,," 20. CA5SITERIT( va r i ety"SpaT'abl e t'in. DDlcDath f".ine , CamboT'ne , CoT:nwall. Lustrous dark brown elongated te ~minuted cT'ys t a l s to 4 mm in l ength sC2tte~e d in a 1 " cavity in chlo"l'ite vGi nstuff . 2*x1x1" , £6. 0[1 .. ,

21. CER ARGYRITE . Per T'an SilveT' ~ n 8 , Pe r~ a nuthno o , Cornwall . Ri ch dull br Dwnish massos on a nd in limD nite and qua T'tz"goss;:m. ,1 ~x ,1-ix1 -t ", ,,£ 12. oo,, " 22. CER USSITE . Lla nr wst ~n n e , Lla n"l'wst , C ae T'n a ~von s hi"l' e . Inter grown mass of c~eamy - whit e acicula T' crystal s t o ~ " i n l engt h . Speci men was collected by Ca ptain GDT'lase in 1889. 2X1-tx1" , Lit . 75p . 23 . Ct:RUSSITE. Ts umeb , otaVi , S .W. Af r i ca . Ve T' y cho1'c e tT's nspa ,., ent' tD translucent gl ilssy "l' eticulat od t wi nned c ~ysta l , wi th a lit tle ma trix attached a T'Dund the base. 2-tx2x1i,-" , £38 . 00 24 . CH ALCOCITE': Oo:i;a llack Mine , st . Just, CO"l'nwa ll. Fi ne"b'right s ilver \} - greV shaT'p twinn'8d crystals to oveT"'1"cm in s ize , thl'ckl y int e ,., gT'own all ov e T' matT'ix. Some of the CT' ~ s til l s hav8 .-I n overg"l'owth of sma ller chal cocite crystals . Fi ne old specimen. 2~x2x 1 i ", £90. 00 ':" "" ,, " 25. CHALCoCITt:. LevQ nt " Fli ne , Pende8n , COT' nwa ll. Sha T'p veT'y bright silveT'y- gT'ey twinned singl e c~ yst8 1 s DT g ~ ou ps Df CT' yst 31s. Thumbnail s ized s pecimens , £5. 00 each. 26 . C H ~LCoC1TE . Levilnt Mi ne , Pendeen , CO"l'nwa ll. Soli d bright gT'ey mass with cDnchoi oill fT'actdJT' 8 . 2-?,X 11;X 1-}" , £2 . 50p .. 27. CH ALCoPHYLLITE. Old Gun'rh s l ake Mi ne'; Ca lstock , COT'nwa ll. OT'ight g T' een platy c-.,ysta ls to 3 mm in s i ze s catt8T'ed a nd i nt er grDwn in s ma ll caviVies i n chalcopyT'ite/quartz veinstuff . 2i-x2x 1 -~ "" ,£9 . Do 28 . CHALCOPYRITE. WH ea l Cr eboT' , 'ravistock , Devon. 8T'i gh't b"l'assy twi'rined cT'ystals to t " in si ze' S C 3 t t8~od oV8-r" cl ea"l' t o mi lky 8'l:ongat'ed t er mi nated qU2-t z c~ysta l s to -t- " in lengt h cov()~in g n18hix , wi t h light bT'own crystallis G!:L ,S i deT'ite,. 2i x2-3:X 1i ",,,£10 . oo

29. CHALCOPYRITE . Cor n O"l'ea Mine'; Illogi)n , Co~ nw 3 1l. OT'i gHt b ~ a ssy shaT'p twinned crystals to t " in s i Z8 ~ichly s catter ed over lustrous light brown lenticula T' c ~ ys t a l s of Sid e ~it e . c~-X 1-~1 * " , 0;,1 4 . 00 ,, ' , 30. CH IlLCoPYRITE. Castr ovi ~ T' 8 y na , Hua ncavelica PT'OV '; , Pe-u. S'pecim8n A: or i gHt bT'assy c"l'ys t a ls"to 1 cm I n s i ze inte T'g T'own a nd"scatteT'cd on mat"l'ix with s l enda"l' cl eaT' Qua rt z CT' ys tols Qnd 3mall bT'i ght g T' ey cT'ys tals of Tot T' s hedT'ite . 1-l?<1o!-x1" ,' '£7.0'0 S'pecime n C: UT'i ght U"I'8SS y s haT'p cT'ys t al s to OV 8"1' -t" 'i'n s ize scatteT'ed ove"l' ~ua~tz c "l' ys t al s wi t h [1 t"l'a ns lucent light brown Sphalerit8 crystal. 2x1t " , £4. 75p CHLO OXIPHITE. I"em:ir 11'11": Scroc!'sct. LU5t~ous ol;v_ ~ g-J(m "hdled c~yst:Jl -t" i r length E:miJetld"d in mendi pit e ana calci t e m~t ~i x,. 'Ii-x 1", £6.00 CLINOCLASE . Wheal Unity , Gwennop, Co,.'r\wrJll. Lust.,-ous 'deep blue sharp c,.ystal s lining cavities to -~-" in siz8 in quartz mat,.ix. 1~1" , £9,.00 33. NATIVE COPPEtL Cr owns I'line , Ootallack, st."Just, Co ~ nWCln. Ta"ni shed hac kl y and branching c"ystflllised mosses on 3nd in brecciated qua,.tz and limoni t" vei nstuff . 3X1ix1~-" , :::7.00

34. CORNETITE. Kanson~'hi tliin'e , Zombia. Specimen A: Ve r y rich c"ust of small spa~kling deep blue crystals covering matrix. 2ix2" , £14.00. Specimen 0 : As sp8cim8n A, with some bot ryOi d:Jl Pseudomal<1-~x1 ", £9.00. Speci men C: As specimen A, but not 50 ricn , 2><1" , £5.50p

35. CoR I\WALLITE. Wheal Go ;:, lamJ, st. Day ,"Co-nwall."Ri ch light to dar k g ~ een cellul ar masses with quortz and limonite matrix , with rich p:Jtches of well crystallised QIVENITE.,in ploCDs. 3i,-x2x,11;" , £14.00

36. CUPRIIE var iety Plush ~ t::opper. f"erke Villley fVii ne , Li nki nho"m~ , Cornwall. Light"reddish to orangey minutely' crystallised velvet- like patches on solid chalcocite mat r ix. ¥.x~x1i " ) £9 . 00 37. CUPRITE. Timg TGf}Q ~il'ne , Gwenna'p , Co r nwoll. Sha~p deep red octahedral crystals to 2 mm in size sc~tt8red,over dark brown limonite mot,.ix . 2>< 1'i-" .. £5,. 00 38. DIDPIASE . TsumlJ!:i , tltQvi, s.Ll. Africa. Small b- ight 8meT'ald- green'c"ystal s"scatte,.ed over clear sho"p -hombrc c~ystcils of CALCITE to ove~ -t" i n Size , together wi th much lime- green OUFTITL .. Very colourful specimen. 4tx3" , £10. 00 " 39. ERYTHfHTE. Wheal Sparnon , Re'dr uth , Co,.nwall."Li ght pink to purplish warty c .,- ystalbn8 agg.,-egates scatte-ed on qU3rtz/smaltite mat,.i x with a little nati ve bismuth . 1ix1"L" , £3.75p 40. ERV THRITE': Mt. Cobolt, QUeensland, Aust r alia. Or'i.'ght pinki sh acicula,. c,.ystal s and c7'ystat :rosettes scattered on both sides of. m3t,.ix. 2x1~-x,1 ", £G.oo 41. FLUORITE . South C8 ~ odon Mine , St. Cl8e~ , Co~nwaIl . Light g7'eeni sH cubi c crystal show'i.'ng att8chhient on twa sldes',' with the othe''': si de bei ng clear and showi ng some i 'riternal colou7":zoning. The7'e are s8ve~2l lust,.ous milky doubly- te"-mi nat ed QUARTZ c r ystals to ove,.,-}" in size scattered on the surface. From the collElct i on of Si ,. IlJilliam Se7'geant , 031;1 old ,l<:bcl is attached to the spacimem,. 4x3xZ-t" , £30. 00 " 42. FLUORITE. Wheal J <:ne , I"iDa , CornwaJT: Light pu,.plish t."anspa."en\;' cT' l,I stal s"and crystal sections to 0 rm; in size of the ra."e 3D- faced Va."Un:y , scattered on matri x wi til well c~ystallised .. block Sph~ler;i.te and a Ii tUe qua ~tz. 2ix2-tx1i" ,,,£6.00 43. FLUORITE': Flor ence tiline , Egremont) Cumoe,.land. Choice light tu"quoise- blue t r ans p3- ont cUbic cT'ystal 1" in size, wi'Ch another ~ " in Size , implonted on well crysta llised c.,-eamy Dolomite cove,i ng mat~i». Ni ce display p.iece. '-'-tx4-tx2~' '' " £42 . OU, 44. FLUORITE': Hilton Mine, Scor dole, tJcistmo-eland. I~ansparent lust~o u s sha"p yellow cubic crvstals to 1""in si;;e inte~gi"own"on mat,nix. 3x2-t"" £16 . 00 45. GALENA . Castleton , Derbyshi "8. Si lvery- grey sha'-rp"oct"hed,.al and cube- tlctahedrol crystals to ove,. 1" in si ze 8catteT'ed"anci inteT'g~own on ve~y' 'faint purple cubic FLUORITE c r ystnls to -} " i n"si ze, covering calcUe/galena matrix . 4,}x4x1t"" £28. no 45. GALENA . tllack'denu tiline , WeaT'dale , Co. Du'':ham. Very br l'ght silvery- gT'ey sHa,.p cube­ oct3Hedral c-rystQls to 1i-" in s i'ze intB"g,.own on matT'ix with b~ight s par kl i ng clear doublv- termin ted qUARTZ c r ystals to 1 cm i n sizo. Ni ce displ ay s pecimen . ~-x4-tx1t" ) f:2G . 00 47. GALENA. Wet G,.oves l"line , We'risluydal'tl , Yo,.kshiT'e. GreyisH modified cubi c crystals to 1" in sim formi;lg on"intergrown.,group with"o Uttle CiTlBamy c8l c;i.te. 2-tx2x11;" , £t• • 75p 48. GALENA . Wi ~ksWoT'th' ; barbyshi "e. b,.ight snvery- gT'ey sharp octahedral c~ys t a l s to 8 mm i n size inte."gT'own on fluo7'ite motrix. 1-!x,1x1 " , £5 . 75p

49. NATIVE GOLD . "I'.ount r';D~gan"Min8,"queensland , AushaliD. Shinll bT'i ght golden flakes and masses ,.ichly sc~ttered th7'ough b ~own limonitic mat-ix . 2-tx2x1-:: " , £38 . 00 50. HE ~ATITE .. nio r· .... r-in2 : EJ.t~~J It""\lV" C;p3ciT71cn",~: Vu-.'/ choiCl: l ..... ~' ~ht l'"'ck '3r~ -~ crystal s to _~.Ii i n si Z8 , some havi ng on att racti vo slightly i T"";i descent taT'nish , thickl y lining a 3x2-~" cavity in 6ystalline homa'tit" and qua -tz matrix , wi th othe­ smaLl er cavities 8150 linod with cryst21s togothuT' with numo"ous o}ongat8CJ mi l ky QUartz crystals 'i.'n places. Fine di spl

54. JOSETTE . CEp-rock ~·d. ne' , · Co l db8ck'; CumbElr lond. Ri ch br i ght silvery- grey pl aty maSSElS to 7} " in size sC

56. LIIJETHENITE. r:in~ola opcmpi t , Zambi a . Lustrcus ca!':k olivEl- gT'ElEln shar p composne cT'ysta l s to c;-" i n size implanted on phyllite mf'trix wi th blades of clea r Oa rytes . 2-tx1-2-x1 -~ " , £23.00

57 . LI NOG ENITE. , Cbuquicamata , Antofagasto , Chi13. Rkch olive- gr een platy cryst

59 . MAUCH ERITE . Mockinow , Snohomi sh Co " Woshington , U. S . A. Ri ch br onzey metolli c m

60. ME'rA STr1E NG ITE:. Cull I"oose ~:i.n2 , Custer '; S . Oa il:ot o , U. S . A. Spocimen A':' ShaT' p , t r a nsparont "osll- colouT'ed t e-minatod c1'ystals to 4"mm in size scattor e'd in and lining"cavities to .~ " in s ize in Rockbr idgcito matrix with a little oa-boseli te and Pyrit(:lS . 3->2~-x2 " , £23 . 00. Specimon 8 : - as spldci men A - 2tx27}x11.", £11.00. Specimen C: - as speci men A" - with cavi ti es to ~ " in s i ze , 1t x 1tx 17}" , £9.00. Specimen 0 : Snall"-oso colol,lr\:ld crystals and crystal secti ons scattered i n small cavities in rockb-i d;Joi ta matri x , with pyrites a nd ba'rbosi:! lite . 1t x17}x1t ", 't4 . 75p. Specimen E: f._II to 1" piEces of mat rix showing odd sharp crystals of meta- strongite. £1 .25p each . 61. f"n\ETITE VaT'ioty CAMPVLITE.. O" yg ill I"ine , C"ldbeck , Cumb'erland. Lust-r-ous o~angey ­ br own baTr ol-shopod CT'ystols to 1 cm in diameteT' inter gr own on crystalline campy li t e o n~ psilono~onD matrix. 2-!x 2~" , £25.00 62 . OLtVENITE . Wheal Unity , Gwu nna p , Cornwall. :J r i ght dn k olivo- g1'een small sharp cT'ystals tili ckly lining cavities to 11." in s i ze in ouaT't z matT'ix. A U. S. National l"iLI s e um labol occornpan~2s the spec~mon . ~x 2-Q-x 1 t .'! , £58.• 00

63 . OPAL . Lightening nidgo, Queensland , Aust r alio . Tr a nsp~rDnt veins of op21 wi th ~ nice colouT' on. .two s i cles"of ferruginous rni1tT'i x. 2x 1i!-x 1 " , £4 . 75p

64. ORTHOCLASE': Sh~ p Pink [ju""ry , Shap, Westmor'dl:md. Speci mon A: Cre:Jmy WElll fOrmod twinned crystal 1~" in si'zo"with sm'Jlle'r cryst~l ls on m'it-ix. 2x1 -2-x1t", £3.00. SpeCi men C: Group of intorgrown sh"rp creomy twinned crystCll s to f-" in s i ze. 11.x1~x1" , D.OO 55. PARAHoPEITE. Cr okc:!n Hi 11 , Z~mbi" , Spocim'cn 1\ : Sharp p-:lo browni sh cT'yst:lls to 6"mm in size"sca'tt8r ed on limonitic mi'trix. 2x2" , £11 . 00. spocl'men 0 : Light brownish sh"rp c-yst-:ls to 4 mm in s ize lining c~vitios in m"trix. 2x1~ ", £G . oo . (;6 .PREHNITC': De:::n ':UQ ::, ry , Li'nrd, CornwCill. Oright lim8- gr een tr:mslucent well cr ystcol­ lised crust mC1t-;i.x , with cryst:::ls to -t-" in S;i.Z8. 3x2.:L" ,,,£O.00 ,. 67. PREHNITE . P-;t8r son , Now Jersey , lJ .S.A. Lime- g:'!een lust r ous well c- ystollisud :JggregQtes to 1 cm in si.z,", inte-rgrown on mn;t"ix . 2x,1t" , £4,.75p " 68. PYRAkGYhITE. ColquechQc:J , :JaliviQ. Dr ight vury Deep -re'd sh':irp t8rml: nated cryst:JI 8 mm in length irnplDntod in 0 cdvity in sph818r;i.t8/pyr;:J99rite rnotrix. 2x,1-!x1" , £2£1 . 0[1 69. PYRITES."Noor Log-ronio , Logronio Prov., SpC'in. Cri ght br:Jssy perfectl y form8d s i ngle cubic CT'yst:'l. 3Ox3Cx30 mm , f.7.CO 70. PYRITES . Son Cr istobol Mine , Hu:,ncev8Ticn , Pe-u. I>ight brQSSy modi'fi ed c-rystQIs to i " in size impbntad Qmongst lustrous olongc:ted milky QUAR TZ cr ystal s to +" i n length . 2.'1,x1·J,<1,}" , £14.00 71.PYROfV(ltiPHT TE. l'oUghtengill f" , C:Jli:lbeck , Cumb8 r lQnd , Speci me'ri A: Vory choi ce b:,!ight 1l'ght gT'8CJn cLJ-ved Qggregntes of CT'yst:JIs fo [} mm i n si ze forming 3 solid i nteT' grown gT'oup . The spocimon is from th8 W. W."Jeffe'hs cpTlc!ctlon , no'.' 8475'; and is Qccamponi ed by this lco bul ond :moth121" of 0 T' I,I C'8 Wri ght , deal eT' of Greot Russell St ., LcnDon. 2x1-f,x1" , i;C,£I.tJO. "Specimen 0 : Simil'1r specimen t o the above , 2x l t;-x 1" , with Q C8 r negie Museum , Pittsburgh , l:Jbel occomp:Jnying. £H8 . 00. 72. pYlio~'ORPHITE . l-roxico Mine'; C:Jldbock , Cumber L3nd. Lust-rous ligHt"greenish w'e11 formed c-ryst:JTs and c-vstol oggregotss to 4 mm in size thickly i nte"g- own wi th f rQgments of qUQ1'tz. 1;;X ,1'~'X1", £12,00 73. QU)1RTZ. South Cr ofty l-'lino , Illogon , t::ornwoll. TT'anSp3rent sho'-p bright p1ramidQI c-yst2ls to ~" i'n siz'e thickly covering :J dome- sh:Jped melt-i x , with odd p:Jtches of minute chalcopy:--i te, c-ystals •. 3>}x21!-x2·} " , £14.00, 74. QUARTZ . Cor roek fline , C21db8ck , Cumberland': Lustrous \;ransl ucent well formed and te-rminoted..c-rystols"to 1J · 1I in siz!.; interg-rown on m3t -ix.,,21.-x2~x2 ", £3. 50p. ,

75. QUARTZ ort.:lr octahed-rol FLUOrnJ.E. Fu n ehi ll f" , Du r e Fe-'~e-rs , Devon. 5hor p octahed,.el' ccYS1;ols of fluoT'i'te to ~." in si Z8 compL,toly -r8pl aced by c ,.eamy chal cedony , into-rgrown I;ln mat,r.ix. ~x3 " , £11 . 00

76. Rot::KO~ IDGEITE . HDgendo r f , ~-vo -i o , Germany. Rich u2r k greeni sh -r odi ati ng conded c-rystolline mQsses , Specimen ;4 : 3x2,;" , £6.00. Specimen 8 : 2i.-x1ix 1 ~- ", £4 . ::ISp

77. RoSELlTE. Cou f.\z'ze T, Jbel Sarnro , ~'crocCo. Small sharp lustrous pinki sh crystal s coveTing a. )-"-.,-un of"sl;:utteruCit u m3t-rix. ,1i;-x1x1" , £S.DO" 78. RUTTLE. Hour is , Sr:lzburg , Aust ri 3."Roddish- brown ociclJlo-r crystals of the SAG ENITE variety to 4 mm in l en~th , scot'te1'oo 2mongst wuTl fo"med d~rk greenish PENNI NITE crystals to in si ze , ane creamy ADULARIA cr yst:Jls to 1 cm i n"size . 1-f,x 1-!r " , W . Do 79. SARAOAU~TE . Sor ob:Ju Mine , n8a- Dau , Sa-3wak . Rich bright ,.addish crystalline masses scatte,.ed in calcite 2nd Xonotlite matrix. Speci men A: 3x1;;-x1 ", £7 . 00. Sp8ci men C: 2X1-t-" , £3. 75p 80. SCHEELITE. Tong ,Jia , CHungchongpukdo PT'ov"; S . KoT'oo . Sha"p bright t,.anslucent brownish octohud-:Jl crystal wi th A sm311er one ~tt8chud.,,1

00. STE WA TITE. HQgendo::'f '; ~:ivaT'i a , GQ1'many , Spucimen A: Small crystal s s cattB1''dd in caviti Bs in c811ub,., c",oumy apatitB matrix , with Q littHl c T' ystallisod Strunzi'eo nnd f'llitT'i ~Eitito. 2{-X1fx'1~,\- " , £0.00. Specimen 0 : Smnll spnT'kling c1'I/stnl s scattoT'od on celluln,., npati tv mat1'ix. 2x1-;}1;:l~ ", £5.75p £19. STICNITE. Fdsuoan\,<" Rumania. Specimen !1 : Cr i ght m'dtii llic g1'ey olongato'cl sh::Jrp te~miil

93. TETRAtiVMITE. Co ::'''ock Fiino , i:ol'dbBck , Cumb8~ l a nd. S ilv o~y - g ~ey blodod masses in qual'tz."Spocimon i\ : - ve .. y -rich, with SOme joseite - ' 1& 1-tx1i ", £9. 00. Specimen LJ : not so T'i ch "s.. speci mD n fl , !;J ut also ~th 50me joseite, 2x1,zx1 ",,,£5.50p

94 . TETR AHEDhITE . Herodsroot ~ti. ne , L:un~eDtn , COT'nwall. SnaT'p' 'cholcopy-ite contod c1'1]stol 1 cm in sizo il1'plontDd on qua~tz matT'ix with si l veT'y - gT'ey c-yst311ised Galenc: . 1 1;~ 1t", £G . 00 95. TOR EkN ITE" 'rtt . PGintBr "r-tiniJ , Fli ndeT's R::Jnges , 5. Austr "lia .' 'S pecime n A':' Lust'rous g ~een sha-p 'tubulor cl'ystals to S mn"in s ize -ichly sd3tte-ec 01) over mat~ i x. 4x3x1:t" , £24 . 00.' Speci men"O : SHarp bT'i ght"g1'een t abul a r c1'ystals to 3 m i n Slze v'dT'y ricnly 8nCT'Ust'i'ng' l a1'ge G~ees of mat 1'ix. 3}x2X1-t" , '£18. 00. Specimen C: Sharp b1'i ght g."een to~uloT CT'ystC'Is to 5' iT"" in sizo"coVering nT'eas of motdx. '2-tx 1-} " , £12 . tio. Sp'ecimon D: Smoll bT'i ght g1'een tabulaT' c"'ystuls \;'0 2 mm"in SiZ8 1'ichly d:lva1'ing n"02S of matl'ix. 2~x1-tx1 " , £G.OO . "Spec'i'mon E: Dright g."een tabul ar CT'ystills to,,4 mm i n S ~Z 8 scotteT'ed 011 OVOr ma:bix. 2x1" , £4 .75p 96. VANAD I NITE. OT okoin Hill , Zembi :J. Unusud light 'rown to yellowy- brown solid masses showi ng an inteT'bGl bnndi ng nnd botT'yoi dal su."hces. Specimen A: 3}xztx1 ~- ", £11 . 00. Specimen C; 2{-x2x1,'_ II , £(i . 00 . "Spec ~ rr8n C,: 1~x1-tx 1", £4.7.5p 97 . WEINSCHENKITE . Leoni I'ti. ne , Auo'-rbach , CavaT'i ::J , GO T'ma ny. CT'eamy - whi te tUfts of cT'ystalc scatte1'ed ove1' limo nitic mat T'ix. Specim8ns c T' u p."iced"according to r ichness. Specimen A: 3x2;:-x1-:''' , £9. 00. S13CCim8n r, : 3x1,}x1" - vory rich - £9.00. Specimen C: 2x1';-X1-t", £7,.00. Speci men D: 2x1tx1" , £5 .75p , 98. WILLEM'ITE aft[!T' f',ZU "ITE. Tsumeb ,"otQvi , S .W. Af ::: i ca . An Unusual ropl ocement of a t erminat od tobula." azu~ i tL"cT'ystnl by light lJ luish c~ystallised lill.'118mito 3nd wh i tish Smi thsonit'd . 'theT'o iJ1'(; odd small gold,m coloul'ed mi meti to crystal s in places on the exteT'ip • 1+." l ong by -t,'! uCT'OS!> tho iJxis. £14.00 99 . iLROEWoL FtITE. D8Von Frienc'shi p Mi nL , ~'iJl'y T:wy , Devon. Light b'luo small cT'ystals scatte1'ed on CT'OiJS of sl'lt a/ quart z vei nstuff. Specim8n A: 1tx1ix1t", £1. . 75p. Sped en (1 : 1-~-x 1 " , £3. (1O

As'memy of you may knou , t'wns tok8n 1'11 quite sud'dunly"in October and W3S in hospitGl fo1' some whl.'18 . Thi s unl'ortUn2t'cly p"8v8nted 11''- from tl'Clvell1'n:; abT'oaG lE!st month , though WEl Ql'e plnnning Qhood foT' n'Lxt yedT'. I 8m u l ot IJ(ltteT' now snu om responding t o trl!atment , ane tho busin8ss is''T'unning ' ns us ua l ' ." I would Iik8 to thank 011 of you who sonti good wisoes 2nd oTfo."s of hel p - it is gT'8atly ~pp~e ci ated. Al l best wishes from Vvonno [; Dvself fOr Chri-stmos <1ml tho [~(l W VOOT'.