Library List
AUTHOR TITLE Year PAGES Abraham, Peter End of Story (LP) 2006 476 Ackerman, Diane The Zookeeper's Wife 2007 368 Adams County Quilt Project Com. The Hands That Made Them…;Quilts of Adams County, Pennsylvenia 1993 131 Agee, Jonis The River Wife (pbk.) 2007 393 Aid Association for Lutherans Home Sweet Home; How to Help Older Adults Live Independently 1977 78 Aird, Catherine His Burial Too (pbk.) 1973 159 Aird, Catherine Hole in One 2005 202 Aird, Catherine Losing Ground. 2008 222 Aird, Catherine Past Tense 2010 286 Albazia, Patrick The Chickamauga Campaign December 1862-November 1863 1988 184 Albert, Susan Wittig Nightshade 2008 298 Albert, Susan Wittig The Darling Dahlias and the Cucumber Tree 2010 290 Albert, Susan Wittig Mourning Gloria 2011 299 Albert, Susan Wittig Indigo Dying 2003 301 Albert, Susan Wittig Spanish Dagger 2007 307 Albert, Susan Wittig Wormwood 2009 307 Albert, Susan Wittig The Darling Dahlias and the Confederate Rose 2012 286 Albom, Mitch Tuesdays with Morrie; an old man, a young man, and life's greatest lesson 1997 192 Albright, Madeleine Read my Pins 2009 176 Alcott, Kate The Dressmaker (LP) 2012 609 Alden, Laura Murder at the PTA 2010 311 Alexander, Tamera The Inheritance (soft cover) 2009 373 Alexrod, Alan Patton 2006 205 Aline, Countess of Romanones The Spy Went Dancing, 1990 319 Aline, Countess of Romanones The Spy Wore Red 1987 304 Aline, Countess of Romanones The Spy Wore Silk (LP) 1991 554 Aline, Countess of Romanones The Well-Mannered Assassin 1994 336 Allen, Mary C., editor Favorite Animal Stories in Large Pring 1987 519 Altman, John Deception 2003 262 Ambrose, Stephen E.
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