HUNDRED RIVER & WAINFORD BENEFICE Brampton, , , , , Sotterley, , , Weston Sunday 20th June 2021—Trinity 3 COLLECT FOR TRINITY 3 Almighty God, You have broken the tyranny of sin and have sent the Spirit of Your Son into our hearts whereby we call You Father: give us grace to dedicate our freedom to Your service, that we and all creation may be brought to the glorious liberty of the children of God; through Jesus Christ Your Son our Lord, who is alive and reigns with You, in the unity of the Holy Spirit, one God, now and for ever.

WORSHIP THIS SUNDAY SUNDAY READINGS 10:00am All Saints, Ringsfield Morning Prayer Morning 11:00am St John Baptist, Shadingfield Morning Worship 1 Samuel 17.[1a,4-11, 19-23]32-49; Psalm 9.9-20; 11:15am Westhall Village Hall Family Worship Psalm 133; 2 Corinthians 6.1-13; Mark 4.35-41 6:30pm St Andrew, Ilketshall Holy Communion Evening Psalm 49; Jeremiah 10.1-16; Romans 11.25-36; Luke 8.26-39

REFLECTION FOR TRINITY 3 So we have another month to go. The COVID storm isn’t going away without one last squall. People have used the analogy of ‘all being in the same boat’, while others have said ‘We all face the same storm but in different boats ’. Whichever you prefer, we’re in boats facing the storm. In Mark’s gospel we have an account of Jesus being in a boat in the middle of a storm. He is clearly not bothered by this, as He is asleep in the stern His disciples, however, are frightened. And remember, these are hardened fishermen who know the Sea of Galilee like the back of their hands. In desperation they wake Jesus up, demanding that He does something. Awake now, He told the wind to pipe down and said to the sea, "Quiet! Settle down!" The wind ran out of breath; the sea became smooth as glass. Mark 4:39 (The Message) He then gently rebukes the disciples for their lack of faith. There’s an old children’s chorus which says, ‘With Christ in the vessel we can smile at the storm’. Now I’m not sure if ‘smile’ is the right word, but we can have confidence because Christ is with us at all times and in all situations. And so all through this last year Jesus has been and is with us. The disciples turned to Jesus to help them through their difficulties. There is evidence that many people during this last year have turned to prayer, turned to the One who is outside of themselves, the One we know is God. As the disciples turned to Jesus, there may be many who would like to turn to church – the buildings, and us as members of God’s church – to find calm in the midst of the storm. When weary in this earthly race, I rest on His unchanging grace; in every wild and stormy gale my anchor holds and will not fail . Rev Phil WORSHIP NEXT WEEK READINGS—Sunday 27th June - Trinity 4 Wednesday 23rd June Morning 10:00am St Peter, Redisham Midweek Communion 2 Samuel 1.1,17-27; Psalm 130; 2 Corinthians 8.7-15 Sunday 27th June—Trinity 4 Mark 5.21-43 9:30am St Peter, Brampton Holy Communion Evening 10:00am All Saints, Ringsfield Morning Worship Psalms [52] 53; Jeremiah 11.1-14; Romans 13.1-10; 11:00am St John Baptist, Shadingfield Morning Worship Luke 9.51-62 St Andrew, Ilketshall Family Worship 4:00pm St Peter, Redisham Evening Worship

REVD CLAIRE KIDDY I am delighted to announce that Revd Claire Kiddy will be joining our Benefice as Associate Priest from July this year. Claire’s licensing will take place on Monday 5th July at St Andrew, Westhall, details to follow. We look forward to welcoming Claire and pray for her ministry with us. MIDWEEK COMMUNION We have restarted our midweek Communion around the Benefice. These are Benefice Communions, so all are welcome to come along. PCC TREASURER We are looking for a PCC Treasurer for St Margaret, Sotterley. If you feel able to help or know of someone who would be willing to take on this role, please contact Rev Phil. COFFEE AND CHAT As we come out of restrictions there are opportunities for meeting up with friends and neighbours. The Rural Coffee Caravan will be visiting Sotterley Chapel on Thursday 1st July from 10:30am—bring your own mug! Brampton and Stoven Village Hall have started up their fortnightly coffee morning. The next is on Tuesday 29th June starting at 10:00am. TRACTOR RUN The Tractor Run will be taking place this year on Sunday 18th July. The Run will be starting from the lake at Sotterley Hall, arriving at Brampton & Stoven Village Hall at around 12noon for lunch, before returning to Sotterley. BRAMPTON PLOUGH DAY Brampton Plough Day will be happening this year! Sunday 5th September is the date for your diaries. More details to follow.

I will praise You, O Lord, with all my heart; I will tell of all Your wonders. I will be glad and rejoice in You; I will sing praise to Your name, O Most High. Psalm 9: 1,2

PLEASE REMEMBER IN YOUR PRAYERS: • God’s vision for us as a Benefice • Revd Claire Kiddy as she prepares to join our Benefice • All who have the role of father in their families • All in the Armed Services • The work of Ringsfield Hall • The work of the Rural Coffee Caravan and Meet Up Mondays in connecting with the lonely and isolated • Those recently bereaved: Carol Bromley, Pat Fearn, the families of Penny Ling, Penny Mills, Hazel Marshall, Brian Blowers, Teresa Kent

CLERGY CONTACTS Revd Philip Miller Rector (Day off: Monday) 01502 714786 [email protected] Website: