Hardware Mechanisms for Distributed Dynamic Software Analysis
Hardware Mechanisms for Distributed Dynamic Software Analysis by Joseph Lee Greathouse A dissertation submitted in partial fulfillment of the requirements for the degree of Doctor of Philosophy (Computer Science and Engineering) in The University of Michigan 2012 Doctoral Committee: Professor Todd M. Austin, Chair Professor Scott Mahlke Associate Professor Robert Dick Associate Professor Jason Nelson Flinn c Joseph Lee Greathouse All Rights Reserved 2012 To my parents, Gail and Russell Greathouse. Without their support throughout my life, I would never have made it this far. ii Acknowledgments First and foremost, I must thank my advisor, Professor Todd Austin, for his help and guid- ance throughout my graduate career. I started graduate school with the broad desire to “research computer architecture,” but under Professor Austin’s watch, I have been able to hone this into work that interests us both and has real applications. His spot-on advice about choosing topics, performing research, writing papers, and giving talks has been an invaluable introduction to the research world. The members of my committee, Professors Robert Dick, Jason Flinn, and Scott Mahlke, also deserve special gratitude. Their insights, comments, and suggestions have immea- surably improved this dissertation. Together their expertise spans low-level hardware to systems software and beyond. This meant that I needed to ensure that any of my ideas were defensible from all sides. I have been fortunate enough to collaborate with numerous co-authors. I have often published with Professor Valeria Bertacco, who, much like Professor Austin, has given me invaluable advice during my time at Michigan. I am extremely lucky to have had the chance to work closely with Ilya Wagner, David Ramos, and Andrea Pellegrini, all of whom have continued to be good friends even after the high-stress publication process.
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