Copyrighted Material
17_787372 bindex.qxp 3/15/07 11:15 AM Page 279 Index Page numbers in italic refer to illustrations Adams, Jody, 16, 22 size in relation to JC, 77–78, Allegra, Antonia, 240 128, 171, 201 Alssid, Rebecca, 106 Barr, Philip, 6, 27, 111–112, American Institute of Wine and 141, 150, 189 Food, 107, 109, 158, 222 Beard, James, 36, 71 Anderson, Jean, 118 “beauty shot,” 61–62 Anino, Kathleen, 261–262 Beck, Simone (Simca), 54, 124, Association of Cooking Schools, 206 see IACP Bell, Steve, 67–68 Avrett, Judy, 52 Berman, Fern, 156 Badia a Coltibuono, 163–164, Bishop, Liz, 9, 11–12, 15, 17, 180–181 49–50, 91, 128–129, 206 Bailey, Roy, 268–269, 270–273 blocking, 34 Baking with Julia, 267 Bollinger, Jane, 204, 219 Barr, Andrew, 83, 141, 142, 144, “Bon appétit,” 2, 31, 49, 69, 65, 156, 205 181 Barr, Brad, 83, 101, 141, 142, Boston Pops, 197–199, 215 205 Bugialli, Giuliano, 162, 181–182 Barr, Nancy Verde, Bugnard, Max, 56 assistanceCOPYRIGHTED to JC, 52–53, Carême, MATERIAL Antoine, 56 247–250, 257–263 Certified Culinary Professional culinary training, 7, 122–125 (CCP), 109 meeting JC, 7–24, 248 changing culinary attitudes, mentoring by JC, 116–118, 104–107 124–125, 189–190, 202–203 chefs’ recipes, 249 17_787372 bindex.qxp 3/15/07 11:15 AM Page 280 INDEX Cherniavsky, Mark, 242 and fans, 21–23, 48–50, Child, Charlie, 41, 139 151–155, 243 Child, Julia ( JC), fearlessness, 100–101, on aging, 82, 158–159, 141–142, 194–195, 207–212, 214, 238 243–245 anonymity in public, friendship, 115, 127–129, 151–155, 203, 243 136, 143–144, 204–205 appetite, 40–41, 126, 129,
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