IICSA Inquiry Roman Catholic Church Investigation Wider Hearing 8 November 2019
IICSA Inquiry Roman Catholic Church Investigation Wider Hearing 8 November 2019 1 Friday, 8 November 2019 1 I indicate, therefore, there are some additional 2 (10.30 am) 2 statements from the NCSC witnesses, both past and 3 THE CHAIR: Good morning, everyone. Welcome to the final 3 present, from Rachel O'Driscoll, Elizabeth Manero, whom 4 day of this public hearing. Ms Carey? 4 we have heard of, and a past member called 5 Housekeeping 5 Susie Hayward. 6 MS CAREY: Good morning, chair. Before we turn to closing 6 From Ofsted there is a statement of Sean Harford. 7 submissions on behalf of the core participants this 7 Chair, you will be familiar with Adrian Child. There is 8 morning, may I deal with one matter of formality? 8 an additional statement from the former director of 9 During the course of this two-week public hearing, there 9 CSAS. In addition to the statements read out yesterday 10 has been reference to a number of documents, statements 10 in relation to formation, the inquiry intends to publish 11 and exhibits that will be published on the inquiry 11 those statements from Reverend Taylor, 12 website, and a list is going to be published on the 12 Monsignor Whitmore and, indeed, Canon Farrer and 13 website later today, along with the unique Relativity 13 Canon Coyle, whom you heard from yesterday. 14 references for those documents. 14 Chair, in respect of the review by the Westminster 15 A number have already been referred to during the 15 Diocese of the safeguarding file in respect of RC-A711, 16 course of the live evidence, but there are some 16 Monsignor O'Boyle's statement will be published.
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