Biogeosciences, 18, 1–17, 2021 © Author(s) 2021. This work is distributed under the Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 License.

The role of CH4 emissions on the ecosystem scale: a case study in the Amazon rainforest

Hella van Asperen1, João Rafael Alves-Oliveira2, Thorsten Warneke1, Bruce Forsberg3,a, Alessandro Carioca de Araújo4,5, and Justus Notholt1 1Institute of Environmental Physics (IUP), University of Bremen, Otto-Hahn-Allee 1, 28359 Bremen, Germany 2Coordenação de Biodiversidade (CBIO), Instituto Nacional de Pesquisas da Amazônia (INPA), Av. André Araújo, 2936, Aleixo, AM 69060-001, Manaus, Brazil 3Coordenação de Dinâmica Ambiental (CODAM), Instituto Nacional de Pesquisas da Amazônia (INPA), Av. André Araújo, 2936, Petrópolis, AM 69067-375, Manaus, Brazil 4Programa de Grande Escala da Biosfera-Atmosfera na Amazônia (LBA), Instituto Nacional de Pesquisas da Amazônia (INPA), Av. André Araújo, 2936, Aleixo, AM 69060-001, Manaus, Brazil 5Brazilian Agricultural Research Corporation (EMBRAPA), Embrapa Amazônia Oriental, Tv. Dr. Enéas Piheiro, s/n, Marco, PA 66095-903, Caixa postal 48, Belém, Brazil acurrently at: Vermont Agency of Natural Resources, Department of Environmental Conservation, Vermont, USA

Correspondence: Hella van Asperen ([email protected])

Received: 15 October 2020 – Discussion started: 16 November 2020 Revised: 11 February 2021 – Accepted: 25 February 2021 – Published:

Abstract. The magnitude of termite methane (CH4) emis- The role of in the ecosystem’s CH4 budget was 25 sions is still an uncertain part of the global CH4 budget and evaluated by use of two approaches. Termite mound emis- current emission estimates are based on limited field stud- sion values were combined with local mound density num- −2 −1 ies. We present in situ CH4 emission measurements of ter- bers, leading to an estimate of 0.15–0.71 nmol CH4 m s , 5 mite mounds and termite mound subsamples performed in on average, emitted by termite mounds. In addition, the ter- the Amazon rainforest. Emissions from five termite mounds mite CH4 emission factor from this study was combined with 30 of the species Neocapritermes brasiliensis were measured by termite biomass numbers, resulting in an estimate of termite- −2 −1 use of a large flux chamber connected to a portable gas anal- emitted CH4 of ∼ 1.0 nmol m s . Considering the rela- yser measuring CH4 and CO2. In addition, the emissions of tively low net CH4 emissions previously measured at this 10 mound subsamples were measured, after which the termites ecosystem, we expect that termites play an important role in were counted so that a termite CH4 and CO2 emission factor the CH4 budget of this terra firme ecosystem. 35 could be determined. Mound emissions were found to range between 17.0 −1 −1 and 34.8 nmol mound s for CH4 and between 1.1 and −1 −1 15 13.0 µmol mound s for CO2. A termite emission fac- 1 Introduction −1 −1 tor of 0.35 µmol CH4 gtermite h was found, which is almost twice as high as the only other reported value for the Ama- Methane (CH4) is one of the most important greenhouse zon. By combining mound emission measurements with the gases, but its natural sources are still not well understood. termite emission factor, colony sizes could be estimated, Anaerobic decomposition processes in wetlands are expected 20 which were found to range between 55–125 thousand indi- to represent the largest natural CH4 source, but estimates re- 40 viduals. Estimates were similar to literature values, and we main a large source of uncertainty (Kirschke et al., 2013; therefore propose that this method can be used as a quick Saunois et al., 2020). Recently, alternative CH4 production non-intrusive method to estimate termite colony size in the mechanisms and their possible important role on the ecosys- field. tem scale have been proposed, such as CH4 production by

Published by Copernicus Publications on behalf of the European Geosciences Union. 2 H. van Asperen et al.: Termite CH4 emissions in the Amazon

living vegetation (Bruhn et al., 2012; Wang et al., 2014), 2013; Sanderson, 1996; Saunois et al., 2020), which is ap- CH4 emission due to photo and thermal degradation (Lee proximately 0.5 %–4 % of the total estimated natural source et al., 2012), or the transport of anaerobic soil-produced CH4 of CH4 emissions (Saunois et al., 2020). While global-scale through wetland trees (Pangala et al., 2015; Rice et al., 2010). termite emissions can be considered small in comparison to −1 5 An additional known CH4 source in tropical ecosystems is natural sources like wetland emissions (∼ 147 Tg yr ) or 60 emission by termites. fresh water emissions (∼ 159 Tg yr−1)(Saunois et al., 2020), ◦ Termites (Isoptera) can mostly be found between 45 N the question of what their role can be in the CH4 budget of a and 45◦ S and are especially abundant in warm ecosys- local tropical ecosystem remains. tems (Bignell, 2006; Brian and Brian, 1978; Gomati et al., Estimates of global termite CH4 emissions are based 10 2011; Wood, 1988). They are highly socialised , liv- on field and laboratory measurements. To estimate global 65 ing in large communities of up to several million indi- CH4 termite emissions, most commonly the CH4 emis- −1 −1 viduals (Wood, 1988). Termites are considered “ecosystem sion per termite (mg CH4 termite h ) or termite mass −1 −1 engineers”: they are known for decomposing organic sub- (mg CH4 gtermite h ) is measured, whereby termite mass stances and moving and mixing organic and mineral mate- can either be measured directly or be taken from literature

15 rials, thereby enhancing humus formation, modifying soil (Sanderson, 1996). The disadvantage of this approach is that 70 structure, and improving soil fertility (Bignell, 2006; Brian termites are removed from their natural environment, thereby and Brian, 1978; Bignell and Eggleton, 2000; Mishra and possibly changing their emission and behaviour. Another ap- Sen-Sarma, 1980; De Bruyn and Conacher, 1990; Wood, proach is to measure termite nest CH4 emissions in situ in 1988). In addition, they are able to modify their environ- the field. In this case, emissions are expressed per mound −1 −1 20 ment to their needs: most termite species live in complex or nest (mg CH4 mound h ). While this method does not 75 above- or (partly) below-ground nests where temperature and disturb the natural environment, correct estimation of termite moisture remain stable (Bignell, 2019; Noirot and Darling- nest colony size is challenging; therefore, values are hard to ton, 2000; Wood, 1988). Recently, it was shown that termites convert to emission-per-termite values (Jones et al., 2005). increase their activity during droughts, resulting in, among Besides CH4, termite emissions of other gases have also 25 other things, enhanced litter decomposition, elevated soil been investigated, such as for CO2,O2, CO, H2, CHCI3, 80 moisture, and higher seedling survival rates, thereby demon- N2O, and different hydrocarbons (Cook, 1932; Khalil et al., strating a mitigating effect during droughts in tropical rain- 1990; Zimmerman et al., 1982). In previous studies, mea- forests (Ashton et al., 2019). surements of termite CO2 emissions were often performed Three main groups of termites can be distinguished based alongside CH4 emission measurements and generally a clear 30 on their main feeding habits: soil-feeding (humiverous) ter- relationship between CH4 and CO2 emissions was found, 85 mites, which can mainly be found in and on the soil, decom- of which the ratio is expected to be species dependent posing decayed organic soil material; xylophagous termites, (Seiler et al., 1984; Jamali et al., 2013). For termite-emitted −1 which feed on (decomposed) wood and can also be found CO2, reported global estimates are 50 Pg yr (Zimmerman in living trees; and fungus-feeding termites, which live in a et al., 1982), 4 Pg yr−1 (Khalil et al., 1990), and 3.5 Pg yr−1

35 symbiotic relationship with fungus (Eggleton, 2000; Sander- (Sanderson, 1996) (1 Pg = 1000 Tg). In addition, Khalil et al. 90 son, 1996). (1990) observed mound CO uptake and emissions but re- CH4 production by termites was first described and mea- ported them to be irregular and small. Strong termite mound sured by Cook(1932). Follow-up studies found that methane N2O emissions have also been detected (Brümmer et al., is produced by almost all termite species and that its pro- 2009b; Brauman et al., 2015), although they were also found

40 duction takes place in the termite gut. In higher termites to be very irregular or undetectable (Khalil et al., 1990; Zim- 95 (dominant in tropical forests; more evolved species with re- merman et al., 1982). Brauman et al.(2015) suggested that spect to diet and community complexity) CH4 production termite mound N2O emissions occur if nitrogen-rich organic is caused by symbiotic bacteria, and in lower termites the matter is available. production is caused by flagellate protozoa (Bignell et al., Current global termite CH4 emission estimates are based 45 1997; Brune, 2018; Lee and Wood, 1971). In a laboratory on relatively few studies, and there is still a lack of data on 100 experiment Zimmerman et al.(1982) measured the emission termite CH4 emission rates (Brune, 2018). In addition, ex- strength of individual termites and, by use of termite biomass isting studies have mostly focused on Australian or Asian numbers, presented a global termite emission estimate of species (Eggleton et al., 1999; Fraser et al., 1986; Jamali −1 150 Tg CH4 yr , which was estimated to be 40 % of the et al., 2011a,b, 2013; Khalil et al., 1990; Macdonald et al., 50 global natural CH4 emissions. Different estimates followed, 1998; Sugimoto et al., 1998a,b) or African species (Brau- 105 resulting in lower values, such as by Seiler et al.(1984) of man et al., 1992; Brümmer et al., 2009a; Macdonald et al., 2–5 Tg yr−1, by Fraser et al.(1986) of 14 Tg yr −1, by Khalil 1998; Rouland et al., 1993; Sawadogo et al., 2011, 2012; et al.(1990) of 12 Tg yr −1, and by Martius et al.(1993) of Seiler et al., 1984). To our knowledge, only two studies fo- −1 26 Tg yr . More recent literature uses estimates in the range cused on CH4 emission of termites in the Amazon (Mar- −1 55 of 2–15 Tg CH4 yr (Ciais et al., 2014; Kirschke et al., tius et al., 1993; Queiroz, 2004) and only one study reported 110

Biogeosciences, 18, 1–17, 2021 H. van Asperen et al.: Termite CH4 emissions in the Amazon 3

CH4 emission values for Amazonian termites (Martius et al., sada et al.(2010), and Zanchi et al.(2014). Measurements 1993). Martius et al.(1993) performed field measurements took place at the end of the wet season (March 2020). on wood-feeding termites by semi-field and laboratory mea- surements, and suggested that Amazonian termites release 2.2 Selection of termite mounds

5 more methane than species in other regions. In addition, for the Amazon, it is expected that most termites are soil feed- In the study area, two main trails exist following the topogra- ing (Jones and Eggleton, 2010), a group which are expected phy from valley to plateau, and termite nests in the vicin- 50 ity of these trails were inventoried. For practical reasons, to be the strongest emitters of CH4 (Bignell and Eggleton, 2000; Brauman et al., 1992). only free-standing epigeal (above-ground) nests were con- sidered (hereafter called mounds). Twenty termite mounds 10 In this paper, we present a case study performed in a tropical rainforest in the Amazon, where we measured the were selected for further research and for each mound the termite species was determined. For flux chamber measure- 55 emission of CH4 and other gases of epigeal (above-ground) termite nests of the species Neocapritermes brasiliensis, a ments, five mounds with the same termite species were se- soil-feeding species1 abundant in the Amazon (Constantino, lected (nos. 13, 14, 15, 16, and 19); for practical reasons, chosen mounds were in close proximity to each other and 15 1992; Pequeno et al., 2013) and one of the most common species in the region (Dambros et al., 2016). In addition we all located in the valley. As an exploratory measurement, an additional mound of a different species was selected on the 60 measured the CH4 emission of countable groups of termites. The goal of our research was twofold. Firstly, we provide plateau (no. 6). For each mound, height and perimeter were measured. Termite mound volumes were estimated by use of the first CH4 and other gas emission measurements of the the following formula, as also used in Ribeiro(1997) and in 20 species N. brasiliensis, thereby expanding the limited litera- Pequeno et al.(2013): ture on CH4 emissions from Amazonian termites. Secondly, we aim to quantify the role of termite emissions in the CH4 πH WT V = , (1) 65 budget of this specific ecosystem as part of a larger ecosys- 6 tem CH4 budget study (in preparation TS1 ). In addition, we where V is the mound volume (cm3), H is the height (cm), W 25 are presenting a possible quick, non-intrusive field method is the width (cm), and T is the thickness (cm) of the mound. to estimate termite colony size in situ. The termite mound surface was estimated by mathematically considering the lower part of the mound as a column and the

upper part as half a sphere. Details of each mound (dimen- 70 2 Material and methods sions, species, location) are given in Table1.

2.1 Study site 2.3 Mound flux chamber setup

The study was conducted at the experimental field Collars (stainless steel, 15 cm height, 56.5 cm diameter) were ◦ 0 00 30 site Reserva Biológica do Cuieiras–ZF2 (2 36 32.67 S, placed around the five selected termite mounds a week before ◦ 0 00 60 12 33.48 W, 40–110 m above sea level (a.s.l.)), which the start of the measurements. Collars were inserted approxi- 75 is managed by the Instituto Nacional de Pesquisas da mately 5 cm into the soil and litter layer. A flux chamber was Amazônia (INPA) and located ∼ 50 km northwest of Manaus created by use of a 220 L slightly cone-shaped polyethylene (Brazil). Field site ZF2 consists of plateaus and valleys with bucket, with a diameter of 57.5 cm. A strip of closed-pore × × 35 typical terra firme forest with tree heights of 35–40 m on the foam (1 cm 1 cm 57.5 cm) was attached over the whole plateaus and 20–35 m in the valleys. Soils on the plateau are inner perimeter so that if the bucket was placed on the col- 80 clayey and can be classified as Oxisols and Ultisols. Soils in lar, the foam strip would seal the part between the bucket and the valleys contain more sand and can be classified as Spo- the collar. Two one-touch fittings (1/4 in., SMC Pneumatics) dosols (Luizão et al., 2004; Zanchi et al., 2014). The field were installed on each side of the bucket. On the inside of the

40 site has a strong seasonality, with a wet season from De- bucket, a four-inlet vertical sampling tube was placed so that cember to April and a dry season from June to September. air was sampled from different heights (∼ 10, ∼ 25, ∼ 35, 85 Annual average temperatures range between 26–28◦ C and and ∼ 50 cm) in the headspace (Clough et al., 2020). The annual average precipitation is around 2400 mm. More in- setup (chamber and tubing) was tested for internal emissions formation about the field site can be found in Araújo et al. of all measured gases. For CO (see Appendix), an internal −1 45 (2002), Chambers et al.(2004), Luizão et al.(2004), Que- emission of < 0.014 nmol s was found; the presented CO fluxes are not corrected for this possible internal emission. 90 1The species Neocapritermes brasiliensis is a wood–soil inter- CH4 and CO2 concentrations were measured with a Los face feeding species. Species feeding on extremely decomposed Gatos Ultraportable Greenhouse Gas Analyser. The instru- wood are in the centre of the “wood–soil decomposition gradient” ment was connected in a closed loop with the flux chamber termite classification (Bourguignon et al., 2011), but are classified (2 × 2 m PTFE tubing, 1/4 in.). For air circulation, the inter- as soil feeders according to Eggleton and Tayasu(2001). nal pump of the Los Gatos instrument was used with a flow 95

Please note the remarks at the end of the manuscript. Biogeosciences, 18, 1–17, 2021 4 H. van Asperen et al.: Termite CH4 emissions in the Amazon

Table 1. Termite mounds: location, dimensions, and observed species. Volume is the estimated mound volume as calculated by Eq. (1) and surface is the estimated mound surface by mathematically considering the lower part of the mound as a column and the upper part as half a sphere. In mound 1, two different termite species were found. N. bra stands for Neocapritermes brasiliensis, H. ten for Heterotermes tenuis, R. bra for Rotunditermes bracantinus, and E. neo for Enbiratermes neotenicus. The five mounds indicated in bold (mound nos. 13, 14, 15, 16, and 19) were the mounds selected for flux measurements.

No. Location Height Perimeter Volume Surface Species 1 Valley 50 cm 128 cm N. bra, H. ten 2 Slope 45 cm 145 cm N. bra 3 Plateau 35 cm 128 cm N. bra 4 Plateau 55 cm 138 cm N. bra 5 Plateau 45 cm 148 cm R. bra 6 Plateau 47 cm 99 cm 33.8 L 4653 cm2 E. neo 7 Plateau 50 cm 160 cm E. neo 8 Slope 35 cm 160 cm E. neo 9 Valley 37 cm 105 cm N. bra 10 Valley 50 cm 94 cm N. bra 11 Valley 45 cm 111 cm N. bra 12 Valley 65 cm 125 cm N. bra 13 Valley 65 cm 150 cm 77.6 L 9750 cm2 N. bra 14 Valley 54 cm 118 cm 48.0 L 6372 cm2 N. bra 15 Valley 58 cm 121 cm 50.5 L 7018 cm2 N. bra 16 Valley 58 cm 120 cm 49.7 L 6960 cm2 N. bra 17 Valley 55 cm 157 cm N. bra 18 Valley 75 cm 130 cm N. bra 19 Valley 45 cm 105 cm 38.0 L 4725 cm2 N. bra 20 Slope 30 cm 92 cm N. bra

of ∼ 0.35 L min−1. The instrument measures concentrations closure to avoid possible effects of the bag filling (see Ap-

every second; 10 s averaged concentrations were saved and pendix). If clear headspace concentration fluctuations were 25 used for flux calculations. For each measurement, the flux observed in the beginning of this time window, possibly by a chamber was closed for 20 min, during which time concen- remaining effect of the bag filling, the window was shortened

5 trations were measured continuously. All five mounds were by a maximum of 2 min (leaving a time window of 8 min). always measured on the same day and in the same order. All calculated dC/dt increases showed an R2 > 0.95. Unless Over one week, each mound was measured three times, each mentioned otherwise, the given mound CO2 emissions are 30 time at approximately the same hour of the day. corrected for the estimated contribution of soil respiration by subtracting the average valley soil emission (see Sect. 2.5). 2.4 Flux calculations For mound no. 6, the average plateau soil emission was sub- tracted. 10 Fluxes were calculated as follows. By use of the ideal gas law, mole fractions (mol mol−1) were converted to concen- 2.5 Valley and mound-adjacent soil fluxes 35 trations (mol m−3). For chamber temperature, a standard temperature of 25 ◦C was assumed. For chamber volume To quantify the CH4 and CO2 emissions of the soils adja- (CV), the termite mound volume (Table1) was deducted cent to the termite mounds, four soil collars were installed 15 from the bucket volume (220 L). around each mound: two soil collars were placed at 20 and Fluxes could be calculated as follows: 45 cm distance from the mound (distance between mound dC CV collar and middle of soil collar) and two additional soil 40 F = · , (2) dt A collars were placed on the opposite side of the mound at the same distances. The soil collars were of 20 cm diame- − − where dC/dt is the concentration change (mol m 3 s 1 TS2 ), ter with a height of 10 cm and were inserted 5 cm into the CV TS3 the corrected chamber volume (m3), and A the collar soil. The flux chamber height was 15 cm so that the soil 2 20 area (0.25 m ). Linear regression was used to derive the con- chamber volume was 4.7 L. To be able to connect the Los 45 centration change and the given error bars are the propagated Gatos instrument, the soil chamber had two one-touch fit- standard error of the linear regression slope. Concentration tings on top. The chamber and collars were created from a increases were calculated over the last 10 min of the chamber common PVC sewage pipe. Every mound-adjacent soil flux

Please note the remarks at the end of theBiogeosciences, manuscript. 18, 1–17, 2021 H. van Asperen et al.: Termite CH4 emissions in the Amazon 5

measurement was 4 min, and the set of 4 collar measure- ments was performed once per mound, with the exception of mound no. 19. For mound nos. 13 and 14, the measurements were performed on the second measurement day, for mound

5 nos. 15 and 16, the measurements were done on the third measurement day. Mound-adjacent soil fluxes will be ex- pressed per mound-collar area (0.25 m2) to be better compa- rable to mound emissions. The same chamber setup was also used in a substudy at a nearby transect (∼ 500 m from termite

10 mounds) where, among other things, valley soil (10 collars) and plateau soil (10 collars) fluxes were measured (three rep- etitions). Measured soil fluxes from the valley will be shown for comparison.

2.6 Termite mound subsample emission measurements

15 After each last mound flux measurement, a mound sam- Figure 1. CH4 and CO2 emissions of mounds nos. 13–19 (in ple was taken of approximately 1 L volume. From this, valley) and of mound no. 6 (on plateau) expressed in nmol and three small subsamples were taken (volume not determined). µmol mound−1 s−1, which represents a collar area of 0.25 m2. All When selecting a piece, we tried to look for solid not crum- mounds (except mound no. 6) were measured three times during bling pieces, so that the inside of the subsample was undis- one week and each series no. (#) was measured on the same day 20 turbed. From the sample from mound no. 19, only one suit- and in the same order. Error bars are propagated standard errors of able subsample was found. Each subsample was placed in the linear regression slope, as described in Sect. 2.4. a small closed box (12.6 cm × 19.2 cm × 6.8 cm) with two one-touch fittings, functioning as a small closed flux cham- ber. A blank measurement was made with the small box and 3 Results 25 no internal emissions were found. Each mound subsample was measured with the Los Gatos instrument for 5 min, to 3.1 Mound CH4 and CO2 emissions determine the CH4 and CO2 production in the chamber over time. After each measurement, the mound sample was care- Headspace concentrations increased strongly during cham- 50 fully broken open and termites were counted, so that the CH4 ber closure, and chamber concentrations climbed up to 30 and CO2 emission per termite (the termite emission factor) −1 −1 5750 nmol CH4 mol and up to 1950 µmol CO2 mol . CH4 could be calculated. The measurements took place next to emissions of mounds nos. 13–19 ranged between 17.0 and the mound and time between sampling and measuring was 34.8 nmol mound−1 s−1 (Fig.1), with an average emis- always less than 15 min. To verify whether the termite emis- −1 −1 sion of 25.2 nmol mound s . Additional valley measure- 55 sion factor was stable between seasons and mounds, addi- ments showed heterogeneous soil CH4 fluxes with small up- 35 tional measurements were performed. In October 2020 (dry take and emission taking place alongside, ranging between season), the same type of measurements were performed on −0.1 and 2.9 nmol m−2 s−1 (med = −0.02, avg = 0.15, 15 subsamples of the same termite mounds, and in Decem- SD = 0.54). Mound-adjacent soil CH4 fluxes, measured at ber 2020 (transition dry–wet season), measurements were 20 and 45 cm from the mound, ranged between 0.4 and 60 performed on five subsamples of a different mound of the −2 −1 8.9 nmol CH4 m s (avg = 2.14, SD = 2.00) and were, on 40 same species. average, enhanced in comparison to valley soils (Fig.2). Soil valley CO fluxes were found to range between 0.9 and 2.7 Termite mass measurement 2 3.7 µmol m−2 s−1 (avg = 2.14, SD = 0.74) (Fig.2) and the −2 −1 Termite mass was measured in the Laboratory of Systematics average plateau soil CO2 emission was 4.03 µmol m s 65 = and Ecology of Soil Invertebrates at INPA. A total of 480 (SD 1.36). Mound-adjacent soil CO2 fluxes showed an −2 −1 = living workers of the species N. brasiliensis were weighed in average emission of 4.81 µmol CO2 m s (range 2.0– 10.1, SD = 2.04), thereby being enhanced with respect to 45 five subgroups (4×n = 100, 1×n = 80) by use of a precision scale (FA2104N). Reported individual termite mass is fresh the surrounding valley soils (Fig.2). Mound CO 2 emissions, weight per termite (mg termite−1). corrected for the average valley and plateau soil respira- 70 tion, ranged between 1.1 and 13.0 µmol mound−1 s−1, with an average emission of 8.14 µmol mound−1 s−1 (average of mounds nos. 13–19). During chamber closure, the concentration changes in 2 CH4 and CO2 were strongly correlated (R > 0.95 for each 75 Biogeosciences, 18, 1–17, 2021 6 H. van Asperen et al.: Termite CH4 emissions in the Amazon

Figure 2. Measured mound emissions and mound-adjacent soil fluxes for CH4 (a) and CO2 (b) for mound nos. 13, 14, 15, and 16 expressed −2 −1 −2 −1 2 in nmol 0.25 m s for CH4 and µmol 0.25 m s for CO2 (collar area is 0.25 m ). Note that for CO2 the total mound emissions per collar area not corrected for soil respiration are shown and stated. The centrally placed markers are the measured mound emissions (also for mound no. 19); the larger marker indicates the day-specific mound emission when mound-adjacent soil fluxes were measured. The grey bar indicates the range of additionally measured soil valley fluxes. The range and average flux for each group of measurements are given in the table. On average, measured mound CH4 and CO2 fluxes were a factor of 630 and 16 higher in comparison to the surrounding soil valley fluxes.

chamber closure). The ratio between the mound CH4 and CO2 emission (CH4/CO2) ranged between 2.1 and 17.1 × 10−3 (Fig.3) and showed a constant ratio when data from mound no. 19 (furthest away from other mounds) and

5 mound no. 6 (different species) were excluded (average ratio: 2.8 × 10−3, SD = 0.4). The smallest mound (no. 19) clearly showed smaller-than-average emissions, but in general no strong correlation was found between mound CH4 emissions and mound height (R2 = 0.07) or volume (R2 = 0.08), and 10 a small correlation was found between mound CO2 emis- sions and mound height (R2 = 0.43) and mound volume (R2 = 0.44).

3.2 Termite weight, individual termite emission, and −1 −1 Figure 3. Mound CO2 emissions (µmol mound s ) vs. mound colony size estimation −1 −1 CH4 emissions (nmol mound s ). Dotted lines indicate the dif- ferent dCH4/dCO2 emission ratios. 15 The average weight of five subsets of living workers of the species N. brasiliensis was determined and was found to range between 2.83 and 3.33 mg with an average weight of 3.07 mg (SD = 0.18), which is similar to what was found line has a forced intercept at y = 0. For CH4, an emission of by Pequeno et al.(2013), who reported 3.0 mg (SD = 0.4). 0.0002985 nmol termite−1 s−1 was found (se = 1.77 × 10−5) 2 20 Since the species N. brasiliensis has a relatively low sol- and fitted with an R of 0.95 (n = 13). The set of additional diers : workers ratio of 1 : 100 (Krishna and Araujo, 1968), measurements resulted in similar termite CH4 emission 30 we will use the worker weight 3.07 mg (SD = 0.18) as an av- factors, namely 0.0002976 nmol termite−1 s−1 (se = 1.32 × erage termite weight for the species N. brasiliensis. 10−5) and 0.0003043 nmol termite−1 s−1 (se = 1.41 × 10−5) CH4 and CO2 emissions of 13 mound subsamples were for the measurements of October and December 2020 respec- 25 measured. For each subsample, the measured gas produc- tively. Given estimates in this paper will be based on the ter- −1 −1 tion was plotted over the counted termites (Fig.4). The fitted mite emission factor of 0.0002985 nmol CH4 termite s . 35

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4 Discussion

4.1 CH4 and CO2 emissions

Measured mound CH4 emissions were of similar magni- tude to emissions found by previous studies (Table2, mid-

dle and lower part). The termite emission factor, determined 25 for the soil-feeding species N. brasiliensis, was found to be −1 −1 = 0.35 µmol gtermite h (SD 0.02), which is similar to val- ues found for other species (Table2, upper part) but almost two times higher than the average value reported by Mar-

tius et al.(1993) for a wood-feeding species in the Ama- 30 −1 −1 zon (0.19 µmol gtermite h ). Our emission rate is within the −1 −1 reported range of 0.1–0.4 µmol gtermite h for soil feeders Figure 4. CH4 production (left axis, green triangles) and CO2 pro- (Sugimoto et al., 2000). Mound CO emissions and the ter- duction (right axis, blue circles) over counted termites. The lines 2 mite CO2 emission factor were similar to or a little higher (green solid for CH4, blue dashed for CO2) represent a linear re- than the few values found in literature (Table2). Neverthe- 35 gression fit with forced intercept at y = 0. For CH4, a production of 0.0002985 nmol termite−1 s−1 (se = 1.77 × 10−5, R2 = 0.95) was less, since mound material and termites were measured to- −1 −1 found and, for CO2, a production of 0.1316 nmol termite s gether, the contribution of indirect termite emissions, i.e. (se = 2.59 × 10−2, R2 = 0.68) was found. Excluding the outliers mound respiration, cannot be quantified, so that the direct −1 −1 2 (32, 14.9 nmol s & 313, 80.9 nmol s ) gives an R of 0.88 (n = termite-produced CO2 emission is presumably lower. −1 −1 11) with a CO2 emission of 0.074 nmol termite s (se = 8.5 × There is a large variety in type of termite mounds (shape 40 −3 10 ). For comparison, two sets of additional subsample CH4 emis- and size are dependent on, among other things, species, sion measurements are shown. The first additional measurements ecosystem, and climate; Noirot and Darlington, 2000), ex- (AM1, light grey triangles) resulted in a termite emission factor plaining the wide range of reported termite mound CH −1 −1 = × −5 4 of 0.0002976 nmol termite s (se 1.32 10 ) (one measure- emissions (Table2, middle and lower part). In situ measure- ment point (599 termites, 0.165 nmol s−1) is not shown in this fig- ment of termite mounds gives information about the net CH 45 ure). The second set (AM2, dark grey triangles) gave a termite emis- 4 sion factor of 0.0003043 nmol termite−1 s−1 (se = 1.41 × 10−5). emission under natural conditions but is unable to distinguish sources and sinks inside the mound. One known CH4 sink in termite mounds is the uptake by methanotrophic bacte- −1 −1 For CO2, an emission of 0.1316 nmol termite s was ria, which are also responsible for the CH4 uptake in aerobic −2 2 found (se = 2.59 × 10 ) with an R of 0.68 (n = soils. The presence and magnitude of this process have been 50 13). Excluding the outliers (32, 14.9 nmol s−1 and 313, discussed and reviewed by different studies (Ho et al., 2013; −1 2 80.9 nmol s ) gave an R of 0.88 (n = 11) with a CO2 emis- Khalil et al., 1990; Macdonald et al., 1998; Nauer et al., −1 −1 −3 5 sion of 0.074 nmol termite s (se = 8.5×10 ). Convert- 2018; Seiler et al., 1984; Sugimoto et al., 1998a; Pester et al., ing the emission rates from termite to termite mass (fresh 2007; Reuß et al., 2015). The role of possible mound CH4 weight) and from seconds to hourly rates gives a termite uptake should also be acknowledged for the measurement of 55 −1 −1 = individual termite emissions (Table2, upper part); most lit- emission factor of 0.35 µmol gtermite h (se 0.02) for CH4 −1 −1 erature values, including values from this study, are based on and of 86.8 µmol g h (se = 10.0) for CO2 (Table2). termite termite incubation in the presence of mound material, with 10 By combining the termite CH4 emission factor with the ongoing CH uptake; therefore, actual termite CH emission termite mound CH4 emissions, colony sizes were estimated. 4 4 Colony size estimates were based on the highest measured values might be higher. 60 emissions and were found to range between 55–125 thou- Small variation in mound emission magnitudes was ob- sand individuals (Table3). Colony size can also be estimated served between measurement days. This can be caused by a variation in colony size (due to foraging activities) or ter- 15 by use of mound volume or mound external surface. Table3 shows the colony size estimates based on values as given by mite activity driven by fluctuations in temperature or radia- Lepage and Darlington(2000) for termites in general and tion (Jamali et al., 2011a; Ohiagu and Wood, 1976; Sands, 65 also shows the estimates based the “mound volume–termite 1965; Seiler et al., 1984). However, as our termite mounds biomass” relation found by Pequeno et al.(2013), specifi- are in a tropical forest with relatively constant temperatures and only indirect daylight, strong diurnal temperature and ra- 20 cally for the species N. brasiliensis. diation patterns are not expected. Small variation can also be

caused by minimal air transport below the soil collar through 70 the porous upper soil layer; during preliminary tests without a collar, we observed that even a light forest breeze can cause chamber headspace variations. In case our setup was sub- Biogeosciences, 18, 1–17, 2021 8 H. van Asperen et al.: Termite CH4 emissions in the Amazon eiartre nitobei Pericapritermes Termes Procubitermes q santschii Dicuspiditermes ephratae b a higher from measurements found, were values multiple CH The If given. indicated. is is found range were a data otherwise the given, where are table SD or and graph average the study, the each reported, For If selected. bold. were in species indicated termite are soil-feeding study this from Values part). 2. Table a sd iha sue r egto . g rs egto .7m sdeducted. is mg 1.57 of weight fresh a mg, 0.5 of weight dry assumed an With used. was ( 2017 ) al. et Pequeno by reported as formula a weight, fresh to convert To mass. weight dry per emissions reported ( 2011 ) al. et Sawadogo ircrtre nervosus Microcerotermes m 0.25 of area collar a by divided are emissions Mound ,Tbe4Aao 02 01–.8m m mg (0.16–0.38 CH 10–24 CH µg (3788.9 245–501 area Study Amazon 315.7 Amazon nest Faso mg Burkina (2.4) (2.0 4 CH mound Table ng ( 2004 ), (4.5–49 Queiroz 5 Fig. ( 2009a ), al. 61–125 et mound µg Brümmer (0.04–0.6 (150) 125 1 Fig. study, This area Study 1–11 Study 9–135 Amazon area Amazon per emission reporting Studies Cameroon g µg (1.3) (3.0 1 Table ( 1993 ), Australia (3.4–20.3 al. et Martius g 4 µmol Table (0.30–0.39 ( 1999 ), 3 al. Table kg et mg & (0.2) Macdonald 4 (0.67 Fig. ( 1990 ), 0.03–0.20 al. et Khalil CH 1 Fig. study, This g 0.10–0.12 µmol (0.08) (0.17–0.27 0.19 Thailand Study mound Faso (0.01) or Burkina 0.04 nest per emission reporting 0.35 Studies Amazon 3 Table area ( 1998a ), Study al. Coast et Ivory 0.17–0.27 Sugimoto Australia 1 Table 2011 ), ( al. et Sawadogo Amazon 1 Table Australia ( 1993 ), al. et Martius 1 Table ( 2003 ), al. et Konaté 2 Fig. ( 1986 ), al. et Fraser 4 Table ( 1999 ), al. et Eggleton 4 Fig. study, This Study termite gram per emission reporting Studies ,Fg utai 250(7–00µ CH µg (379–6000 32–500 Australia nest mg (0.02–10.3 (4.2–18.7 1 Fig. ( 2013 ), al. 0.4–1.9 et 1–644 Jamali Africa South Thailand 3 Table ( 1998a ), al. et Sugimoto 1 Table g ( 1984 ), µmol (0.53–1.09 al. et Seiler 0.53–1.09 g µmol (0.39–1.09 Congo 0.39–1.09 1 Table ( 1993 ), al. et Rouland Congo 1 Table ( 1992 ), al. et Brauman sp., , auiemsaraujoi Nasutitermes Dicuspiditermes vriwo ieauevle o CH for values literature of Overview sp., hrctre macrothorax Thoracotermes . g . ottre lacteus Coptotermes o , sp. Macrotermes unltre pastinator Turnulitermes . m j Noditermes rpntre perniger Drepanotermes and sp., Odontotermes . ; h f rntre albotarsalis Crenetermes nitoemscavithorax Ancistrotermes iupdtre santschii Dicuspiditermes , unltre hastilis Turnulitermes 2 . , c auiemsmagnus Nasutitermes 4 acltdbsdo vrg ausi hstable. this in values average on based Calculated (Macrotermitinae), n CO and 2 , ( msin ftrie e egt(pe at,eisosprtriemud(idepr) n msin e ra(lower area per emissions and part), (middle mound termite per emissions part), (upper weight per termites of emissions , 0.2 uiemsspeciosus Cubitermes , , iupdtre nemorosus Dicuspiditermes dnoemsn pauperans n. Odontotermes mtre meridionalis Amitermes 4 b 00095no tm nmol (0.0002985 ) msin(mlmound (µmol emission , 4 4 auiemstriodiae Nasutitermes msin(mlm (µmol emission msin(mlg (µmol emission 1.–48no mound nmol (17.0–34.8 1.–48no mound nmol (17.0–34.8 (Nasutitermitinae), × , 10 hrctre macrothorax Thoracotermes × − 10 . 7 , tm − , . − − o nest mol uuiemspastinator Tumulitermes eiartre semarangi Pericapritermes i 1 2 8 auiemsmacrocephalus Nasutitermes − 4 4 h h o g mol Cm -C Cm -C d 1 − − ecpiemsbrasiliensis Neocapritermes h 1 1 ) − ) tm − 1 − − − tm − tm − tm − tm − − − − tm − tm − Amitermes − − − − − 1 ) 2 2 1 1 1 1 1 2 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 h h h h h h h h h h h h h − s s s s s − − − − − − − − − − − − − − − − − 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 ) a ) ) ) ) ) ) ) ) ) ) ) ) ) ) ) ) ) and , Astratotermes 14135(14135no mg nmol (31.4–133.5 31.4–133.5 86.8 , Cubitermes 0 45 47(.)gkg g (0.2) (4.7 (4.5) 107 mtre laurensis Amitermes 16–187 .–4 00–06gnest g (0.03–10.6 0.7–241 , .–. 143.µo g (1.4–36.4µmol 1.4–9.0 CO Procapritermes –2 015 gCO mg (0–1550 0–129 g µmol (59.4–78.4 19–25 ( 10.0 –2(.51µ mound µg (0.05–1 4–92 4–47 CO , 73(4. gCO mg (447.0 37.3 CO 2 auiemscorniger Nasutitermes . msin(mlmound (mmol emission 2 b e 004no tm nmol (0.074 ) 2 msin(mlm (mmol emission rntre albotarsalis Crenetermes sp. (Termitinae), msin(mlg (µmol emission 111. mlmound µmol (1.1–13.0 mound µmol (1.1–13.0 k artre bellicosus Macrotermes nr. , ottre lacteus Coptotermes Sandakanensis 4 / Hodotermes CO , auiemssurinamensis Nasutitermes 2 tm − − sgvni oa ai (10 ratio molar in given is 2 2 1 Cm -C Cm -C 2 − h , h , − uiemsfungifaber Cubitermes 1 − lwrtermite). (lower oaltre eleanorae homallotermes tm − 1 h 1 − tm − tm − tm − − − CH ) − − − − . − 1 CH ) l . 2 1 1 1 1 2 1 1 1 1 1 h n Microcerotermes h h h h h h CH ) − s s s s Bulbitermes − − − − − − − − − − 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 ) a .–10Wo feeders Wood 2.7–11.0 ) (0.4) 2.8 ) feeders Wood 0.12–11 (0.4) 2.8 ) ) ug feeders Fungi ) 014Si feeders Soil 10–154 ) ) .787Si odfeeders wood & Soil 0.07–8.7 ) ) ) p uiemsfungifaber Cubitermes , ∼ p C, sp. 4 4 4 Nasutitermes ∼ / / / 0.38 , ∼ ∼ CO CO CO sp., 8 uiemsspeciosus Cubitermes . 5 5 4 , iupdtre nemorosus Dicuspiditermes 2 2 2 c c c c Proaciculitermes lbtre suplhureus Globitermes − 3 ). olfeeders Soil feeders Soil odfeeders Wood feeders Wood unknown Species feeders Soil feeders Wood feeders wood & Soil feeders Soil feeders Soil feeders Wood feeders Soil olfeeders Soil feeders Soil Species Species sp., Nasutitermes . p A, sp. , f l l j e p e d d Noditermes h q m k g i i , , n o sp.,

Biogeosciences, 18, 1–17, 2021 H. van Asperen et al.: Termite CH4 emissions in the Amazon 9

Table 3. Colony size estimates (CSEs) based on different methods; values given per thousand (×103). “Mound volume” is the estimated mound volume as given in Table1 and “Mound emission” is the highest measured emission per individual mound.

Mound Mound Mound emission CSE by CSE by CSE by CSE by No. volume emissiona volumeb surface areac species-specific volumed 13 77.6 L 28.3 nmol mound−1 s−1 89.6–100.9 15.5–434.6 54.6–162.8 114.0–128.2 14 48.0 L 34.8 nmol mound−1 s−1 110.1–124.0 9.6–268.8 35.7–106.4 91.0–102.3 15 50.5 L 29.5 nmol mound−1 s−1 93.4–105.1 10.1–282.8 39.3–117.2 93.2–104.8 16 49.7 L 18.2 nmol mound−1 s−1 57.6–64.9 9.9–278.3 39.0–116.2 92.5–104.0 19 38.0 L 20.4 nmol mound−1 s−1 64.6–72.7 7.6–212.8 26.5–78.9 81.5–91.7

a −1 −1 CSE based on the highest measured mound CH4 emission and combined with an emission factor of 0.0002985 nmol CH4 termite s (se = 1.77 × 10−5). b CSE based on mound volume by use of mound termite density values (0.2–5.6 termite cm−3; Lepage and Darlington, 2000). c CSE based on mound surface area (given in Table1) by use of mound termite surface values (5.6–16.7 termite cm −2; Lepage and Darlington, 2000). d CSE based on mound volume by the species-specific volume–population equation y = 47.94 · x0.47 (x is mound volume (L) and y is colony biomass (g)) as given by Pequeno et al.(2013); for termite weight, 3.07 mg (SD = 0.18) was used. Since mound no. 6 was of a different species, it is not included in this table.

ject to minor air transport below the collar, the given mound The population estimation method we tested combined 35 emission estimates will be slightly underestimated with re- CH4 mound emissions with a termite emission factor mea- spect to the actual mound emissions. Another possible under- sured in situ at the field site. We estimated colony sizes rang- estimation is caused by the estimated corrected chamber vol- ing between 57.6 and 124.0 thousand termites per mound.

5 ume CV, as used in Eq. (2). In this study, we considered the For all mounds, our population estimate was in the estimated

mound volume as a solid body. A previous study considered range based on mound volume or external surface area, as 40 the solid nest volume as 10 % of the actual mound volume taken from literature equations (Table3). Comparison to es- (Martius et al., 1993), leading to a larger corrected chamber timates based on a N. brasiliensis species-specific equation volume and therefore to larger calculated mound emissions. shows an average difference of 20 % (Pequeno et al., 2013).

10 By use of this approach, average calculated mound emis- It should be noted that the relation found between mound vol-

sions would increase by almost 30 % to be 32.7 instead of ume and colony biomass by Pequeno et al.(2013) was quite 45 −1 −1 2 25.2 nmol CH4 mound s . weak (R = 0.41), and our estimates would fit in the gen- The mound emission CH4/CO2 ratio was found to be rel- eral spread they observed in their data. Interestingly, Pequeno atively constant over four of the five mounds. While values et al.(2013) concluded that mound volume is a weak indica- 15 in literature indicate a wide range of CH4/CO2 ratios (Ta- tor for population size for nests of the species N. brasiliensis, ble2), both Seiler et al.(1984) and Jamali et al.(2013) found as also indicated by the weak correlation we found between 50 little variation between mounds of the same species and con- mound volume and mound CH4 emissions. cluded that the ratio is species-specific. Our average variation The influence of mound CH4 uptake on our population es- of a factor of ∼ 4 between mounds of the same species is of timate method should be considered: mound methanotrophic 20 the same magnitude as what was observed in earlier studies CH4 uptake probably decreases the net mound CH4 emis- (Seiler et al., 1984; Jamali et al., 2013). sion, resulting in an underestimation of the colony size when 55 linking it to termite emission factors, as also suggested by 4.2 Colony size estimate Nauer et al.(2018). However, our termite emission factor was determined inside small pieces of undisturbed mound mate- rial, so that the material’s CH4 uptake rate was presumably To estimate colony sizes of (epigeal) nest building termites, only mildly affected. It is therefore likely that our termite 60 different methods exist. One method is by fumigation of the emission factor is underestimated to the same degree as our 25 nest (to prevent colony evacuation) followed by excavation, mound emissions; therefore, both values can still be com- after which termites can be removed from the nest debris by bined. flotation in water. This process is labour intensive and can Overall, our colony size estimation approach can be con- take five persons up to three weeks to finish one nest (Dar- sidered as a test case for a quick population estimation 65 lington, 1984; Jones et al., 2005). A faster method is by sub- method. The combination of one mound flux measurement 30 sampling known volumes of the mound, counting the ter- (15 min) in combination with five subsample measurements mites in the subsample, and extrapolating this to the total (5×5 min) can be performed within 1 h, thereby being faster mound volume. Termite mounds can have irregular shapes; than the original methods. Also, the method is applicable to therefore, volume estimates strongly depend on which vol- epigeal mounds of all species, independent of internal mound 70 ume estimation approach is used (Jones et al., 2005). Biogeosciences, 18, 1–17, 2021 10 H. van Asperen et al.: Termite CH4 emissions in the Amazon

structure (Josens and Soki, 2010) or species characteristics limited literature on this subject, we prefer to not further ex- (Pequeno et al., 2013). In addition, the method is not strongly trapolate our mound emission measurements.

dependent on a correct mound volume estimate, which re- A more comprehensive approach is to use termite biomass 55 mains a source of uncertainty (Jones et al., 2005) and which estimates and combine them with termite emission fac- 5 has been shown to be a weak indicator of population size for tors, a method which is commonly used for global CH4 some species (Pequeno et al., 2013; Josens and Soki, 2010). budget studies (Kirschke et al., 2013; Saunois et al., Moreover, mounds can also be measured several times in a 2020). For active tropical ecosystems, a termite biomass of −2 row before the subsample measurement, so that colony size ∼ 11 g termite m is generally assumed (Bignell and Eggle- 60 dynamics over time can be studied non-invasively. A disad- ton, 2000; Kirschke et al., 2013; Sanderson, 1996; Saunois

10 vantage of this method is that it is only applicable to free- et al., 2020). Considering the previously found value of −1 −1 standing epigeal mounds, at least with the current type of 0.19 µmol CH4 gtermite h for wood-feeding termites in the chamber setup. For a possible follow-up study, we propose a Amazon (Martius et al., 1993) and our newly found ter- −1 −1 setup wherein the different methods are compared. mite emission factor of 0.35 µmol CH4 gtermite h for a soil- 65 feeding termite, a termite-derived ecosystem CH4 emission −2 −1 range of 0.6–1.1 nmol m s can be calculated. For CO2, 4.3 Role of termites on the ecosystem scale −1 −1 our termite emission factor of 86.8 µmol CO2 gtermite h leads to a termite-induced ecosystem CO2 emission of −2 −1 15 Valley soil CH4 and CO2 fluxes were similar to what was ∼ 0.27 µmol CO2 m s . 70 found by earlier studies (Souza, 2005; Moura, 2012; Cham- An overview of the different estimates is given in Ta- bers et al., 2004; Zanchi et al., 2014). On average, mound- ble4. Each of these estimates are based on measurements adjacent soil CH4 and CO2 fluxes were enhanced with re- from mounds and termites found in the valley, which were spect to valley soils, although differences were small and only measured during the wet season. Nevertheless, an ex-

20 no clear emission pattern with “distance to mound” was ob- ploratory measurement of a small mound of a different 75 served. While mound-adjacent soil fluxes are possibly en- species on the plateau (mound no. 6) indicated CH4 fluxes of hanced, we preferred to avoid overestimation and decided to a similar magnitude in comparison to a similar-sized mound treat termite mounds as very local hot spots, with measured in the valley (mound no. 19). Furthermore, exploratory dry fluxes only representative for the collar area of 0.25 m2. On season measurements of the same mounds showed emissions 25 average, CH4 and CO2 fluxes per collar area were found to of similar magnitude (not shown) and additional dry sea- 80 be a factor ∼ 630 and ∼ 16 higher when an active termite son mound subsample measurements revealed very consis- mound was present. tent termite CH4 emission factors (Fig.4). We therefore do To estimate the role of termites on the ecosystem scale, not expect that mound CH4 emissions are only of importance one approach is to combine mound emission values with ter- in the valleys or only present in the wet season.

30 mite mound density numbers. A local study reported a den- To put the estimates in perspective, non-termite-specific 85 −1 sity value of 21.6 mound ha for the species N. brasiliensis ecosystem CH4 and CO2 fluxes measured at this field specifically (Pequeno, 2014), which would lead to an aver- site during earlier studies are given. Ecosystem termite −2 −1 age CH4 emission of 0.05 nmol m s caused by mounds CO2 emissions were estimated to range between 0.05– of this species alone. Non-species-specific mound densities 0.27 µmol m−2 s−1, which is approximately ∼ 1 %–3 % of −2 −1 35 are known to vary strongly between and within ecosystems the estimated total ecosystem respiration (7.8 µmol m s ; 90 (Ackerman, 2006, Appendix B8). We found five local stud- Chambers et al., 2004). Nevertheless, since the “emission per ies reporting mound (epigeal nest) density values, which mound” as well as the “termite emission factor” are both af- were ∼ 100 mound ha−1 (Queiroz, 2004), 193 mound ha−1 fected by indirect effects of termite activity (mound respi- −1 (Oliveira, 2016), 250 mound ha (Dambros et al., 2016), 60 ration), the contribution of direct termite-emitted CO2 into −1 40 and 280 mound ha (de Souza and Brown, 1994), and even the ecosystem is presumably smaller. For CH4, we rather ex- 95 760 mound ha−1 (Ackerman et al., 2007). When excluding pect an underestimation than an overestimation of our ter- the strong outlier of 760 mound ha−1, the emission of termite mite and mound emission values, therefore we expect that mounds on the ecosystem scale was estimated to range be- these ecosystem estimates are lower bound. For CH4, it is −2 −1 tween 0.15–0.71 nmol m s for CH4 and between 0.05– difficult to judge the role on the ecosystem scale since the −2 −1 45 0.23 µmol m s for CO2. Since (epigeal) mounds only earlier measured CH4 flux (above canopy EC measurements, 100 represent a part of the total termite community, and not the ∼ 2.0 nmol m−2 s−1; Querino et al., 2011) is a net flux of termites located in the subsoil, in dead wood, or on trees (ar- uptake and emission processes with relatively unknown in- boreal nests), this emission value underestimates the actual dividual magnitudes. Nevertheless, considering the magni- role of termites on the ecosystem scale. To our knowledge, tude of our estimated termite-emitted CH4 emissions (0.15– −2 −1 50 only Bandeira and Torres(1985) (as given in Martius et al., 1.1 nmol m s ), it is expected that termites play a signifi- 105 1996) assessed the ratio between nest-building vs. total ter- cant role in this terra firme ecosystem. mite biomass and estimated it to be ∼ 0.16. Considering the

Biogeosciences, 18, 1–17, 2021 H. van Asperen et al.: Termite CH4 emissions in the Amazon 11

Table 4. Overview of termite-induced CH4 and CO2 emissions based on two different approaches. For comparison, the lowest row shows the total (not termite-specific) ecosystem CH4 and CO2 flux values, measured at the same field site by previous studies.

−2 −1 −2 −1 Estimation approach CH4 (nmol m s ) CO2 (µmol m s ) (1) Mounds per hectare · emission per mound (mol mound−1 s−1) 0.15–0.71 0.05–0.23 −2 · −1 −1 (2) Termite biomass estimate (g m ) termite emission factor (mol gtermite s ) 0.5–1.1 0.27 Total (not termite-specific) ecosystem fluxes ∼ 2a 7.8b

a −2 −1 b Querino et al.(2011) performed above-canopy Eddy Covariance CH4 flux measurements and reported an average CH4 flux of ∼ 2 nmol m s . Chambers et al. −2 −1 (2004) quantified different respiratory CO2 sources in this ecosystem and estimated the total ecosystem respiration to be 7.8 µmol CO2 m s .

Termites contribution to tropical South America CH4 measurements on small groups of termites, we derived a ter- budget mite CH4 emission factor, so far only the second value re- ported for the Amazon rainforest. The newly found termite In current CH4 budget studies, a termite emission factor of emission factor, measured for a soil-feeding species, is al- −1 −1 2.8 µg CH4 gtermite h is used for “Tropical ecosystems and most twice as high as the previously reported average value 40 5 Mediterranean shrub lands” (Kirschke et al., 2013; Saunois for the Amazon, which was determined for a wood-feeding et al., 2020),2 which is mainly based on field studies in species. By combining mound emissions and termite emis- Africa and Australia (Brümmer et al., 2009a; Jamali et al., sion factors, mound colony sizes were estimated and values 2011a,b; Macdonald et al., 1998, 1999; Sanderson, 1996). were similar to estimates based on a literature review. Con-

The only termite emission factor measured for the Ama- sidering the quick, widely applicable, and non-destructive 45 −1 −1 10 zon rainforest is by Martius et al.(1993) (3.0 µg g termite h ) nature of this approach, we propose that it can be used as an for a wood-feeding species, which are expected to emit less alternative to the traditional methods that are intrusive and CH4 than soil-feeding species (Bignell and Eggleton, 2000; time-consuming. Brauman et al., 1992). As a back-of-the-envelope calcula- Assessment of the magnitude of termite-emitted CH4 tion based on Kirschke et al.(2013): 36 % of global ter- on the ecosystem scale was attempted by two ap- 50 15 mite emission (11 Tg) is expected to come from the re- proaches. Mound emission values were combined with gion of “tropical South America” (0.36 · 11 = 3.96 Tg). Sub- mound density numbers, leading to an estimate of 0.15– −2 −1 stituting the emission factor of 2.8 with the newly found 0.71 nmol CH4 m s emitted by mounds, on average; −1 −1 5.6 µg CH4 gtermite h would increase this regions estimate since this estimate neglects emission from termite activity to 7.92 Tg and thereby the global estimate to 14.96 Tg. outside mounds, the number is likely an underestimation. 55 20 Our study points out that termite emissions are still an un- The CH4 termite emission factor from this study and from the certain source in the CH4 budget and are especially poorly only other Amazon field study were combined with termite quantified for the Amazon rainforest. Measurement of CH4 biomass numbers, resulting in an estimate of termite-emitted −2 −1 emissions from different termite species, preferably covering CH4 of 0.6–1.1 nmol m s . Considering the relatively low species of different feeding or nesting habits in combination CH4 emissions previously measured at this ecosystem, we 60 25 with more precise termite distribution and abundance data, expect that termites play an important role in the CH4 budget would allow more precise estimates and a better understand- of this terra firme ecosystem. ing of the role of termites in the CH4 budget.

5 Conclusions

In situ measurement of termite mound CH4 and CO2 emis- 30 sions confirmed that mounds are important local hot spots, playing a considerable role on the ecosystem scale. Mea- sured mound emissions of the species N. brasiliensis were of similar magnitude to observed emissions for different soil- and wood-feeding species, and mounds showed a relatively 35 constant CH4/CO2 emission ratio. By performing emission

2Kirschke et al.(2013) and Saunois et al.(2020) stated a ter- ± −1 mite emission factor of 2.8 ( 1.0) mg CH4 (gtermite). Correspon- dence with the authors clarified that a termite emission factor of ± −1 −1 2.8 ( 1.0) µg CH4 (gtermite h ) was meant. Biogeosciences, 18, 1–17, 2021 12 H. van Asperen et al.: Termite CH4 emissions in the Amazon

13 Appendix A: Termite mounds: N2O, CO, and δ C of CO2

A1 Methodology

In addition to the direct mound CH4 and CO2 emission 5 measurements (performed with the Los Gatos instrument), 13 mound N2O and CO fluxes and the δ C of the mound CO2 flux were determined by the following method. Three bags (5 L inert foil, Sigma-Aldrich) were sampled consecutively during chamber closure. The bags were measured on the

10 same or the consecutive day with a Spectronus FTIR anal- yser, which can quantify concentrations of CO2, CH4,N2O, 13 and CO, and can determine the δ C of CO2. The N2O Figure A1. CO emissions of valley mound nos. 13–19, expressed 13 −1 −1 2 and the δ C of CO2 measurements of the FTIR analyser in nmol mound s , which represents a collar area of 0.25 m . have a cross sensitivity for CO2 concentrations, which is All mounds were measured three times during one week and each series no. (#) was measured on the same day and in the same order. 15 well quantified for the CO2 range 380–800 ppm (Hammer et al., 2013). In order to sample air with CO2 concentrations < 800 µmol mol−1, air samples were taken in the first min- utes after chamber closure (2, 5, 8 min). Out of the 45 sample bags taken, two bag samples could not be used.

20 Before measurement of the bag sample, sample lines were flushed with bag sample air. Air samples were dried by a Nafion dryer and by a column of magnesium perchlorate. Measurements were corrected for pressure and tempera- ture variations as well as for cross sensitivities (Hammer

25 et al., 2013). For more information on this instrument, please refer to Griffith et al.(2012). For calibration of the instrument, two calibration gases were used: gas 1 with −1 −1 values 381.8 µmol CO2 mol , 2494.9 nmol CH4 mol , −1 −1 336.6 nmol N2O mol , 431.0 nmol CO mol , and 13 30 a δ C of CO2 of −7.95 ‰, and gas 2 with val- 13 −1 −1 Figure A2. δ C of CO2 emitted by mounds nos. 13–19, derived ues 501.6 µmol CO2 mol , 2127.0 nmol CH4 mol , by use of Keeling plots. Error bars represent the standard error of −1 −1 13 327.8 nmol N2O mol , 256.7 nmol CO mol , and a δ C the linear regression intercept. Red squares indicate intercepts based of CO2 of −14.41 ‰. on linear regression fits with R2 < 0.99 or based on linear regres- To calculate the fluxes of N2O and CO, FTIR-measured sion with only two instead of three sample points. All mounds were 35 bag concentrations of N2O, CO and CO2 were used. For each measured three times during one week, and each series no. was dN2O dCO dCO2 measured on the same day and in the same order. Averages were chamber closure, the dt , dt , and dt were calculated − so that the ratios dN2O , and dCO could be derived. To cal- calculated for each mound, which were 38.1 ‰ (mound no. 13, dCO2 dCO2 se = 0.9), −36.2 ‰ (mound no. 14, se = 1.0), −35.7 ‰ (mound culate the fluxes of N O and CO, the ratios were combined 2 no. 15, se = 0.1), −34.7 ‰ (mound no. 16, se = 1.4), and −34.7 ‰ with the in situ determined mound CO2 flux, as measured by (mound no. 19, se = 1.3). For calculation of these averages, values 40 the Los Gatos instrument. This approach was chosen because with a linear regression of R2 < 0.99 or values based on a linear re- the intended 3 min bag sampling interval was not always ac- gression of only two measurements (indicated as dark red squares) complished, so that an exact 1t could not be assumed with were excluded. 13 certainty. To determine the δ C of the CO2 emitted by the termite mounds, Keeling plots were used (Pataki et al., 2003). (Hammer et al., 2013), not all three headspace samples per 45 A2 Mound N2O and CO fluxes chamber closure could be used; therefore, qualitative N2O flux estimates cannot be reported. As a back-of-the-envelope Gas samples (three samples per chamber closure) revealed calculation, N2O fluxes were calculated if two headspace 55 −1 stable N2O concentrations and headspace concentrations samples were with CO2 < 800 µmol mol and if a minimum −1 −1 ranged between 333.7 and 342.4 nmol mol over the differ- N2O concentration difference of 0.18 nmol mol was found −1 ent chamber closures. Since headspace CO2 concentrations (FTIR precision (σ) for 5 min spectra is 0.09 nmol mol ), −1 50 sometimes exceeded 800 µmol mol and N2O–CO2 cross which gave us three mound flux estimates ranging between −1 −1 sensitivity becomes uncertain at higher CO2 concentrations 0.03 and 0.11 nmol N2O mound s . Similarly low fluxes 60

Biogeosciences, 18, 1–17, 2021 H. van Asperen et al.: Termite CH4 emissions in the Amazon 13

13 were found during additionally performed soil flux measure- A3 δ C of the mound-emitted CO2 ments, performed as part of a substudy, which showed valley soil fluxes ranging between 0.008–0.106 nmol m−2 s−1. The For each chamber measurement, a mound-specific δ13C low mound fluxes are in agreement with a previous study value of the CO2 flux was determined. Figure A2 shows 25 5 suggesting that termite mound N2O emissions are depen- the Keeling plot intercepts, wherein error bars represent the dent on the nitrogen content of the termites diet (Brauman standard errors of the intercept. In general, the values were et al., 2015), which is expected to be low in the valleys of more depleted than values found by de Araújo et al.(2008), this ecosystem (Quesada et al., 2010). who found a δ13C of −30.1 ‰ for valley litter during the Chamber CO concentrations ranged between 120 and dry season (August 2004). However, for our measurements, 30 −1 10 220 nmol mol and showed a clear uptake on all at least one sample bag per chamber closure was with CO2 −1 days and for all mounds, ranging between −0.04 to > 800 µmol mol , so that the CO2 cross sensitivity correc- −0.78 nmol mound−1 s−1 (Fig. A1). Termite mound uptake tion for these samples was less certain. Intercepts based on has been observed before by Khalil et al.(1990). We expect only the first two concentrations points, which were gener- −1 that the observed uptake is caused by aerobic CO-oxidising ally lower (or around) 800 µmol mol , resulted, on average, 35 ∼ 13 15 bacteria in the mound, which are also responsible for the CO in less depleted ( 1 ‰) δ C values. To investigate if these uptake in (tropical) soils (Conrad, 1996; Kisselle et al., 2002; values are representative for other mounds and to investigate Liu et al., 2018; Potter et al., 1996; Whalen and Reeburgh, whether an isotopic difference exists between mound- and 2001; Yonemura et al., 2000a). Soil CO uptake is dependent soil-emitted CO2, more measurements would be needed. on atmospheric CO and therefore often limited by low soil

20 diffusivity (Sun et al., 2018; Yonemura et al., 2000b). The dry porous mound material (Martius et al., 1993) is therefore a suitable place for CO uptake. Biogeosciences, 18, 1–17, 2021 14 H. van Asperen et al.: Termite CH4 emissions in the Amazon

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