ISO 9001:2008 CERTIFIED NEWSPAPER Tuesday 23 October 2012 7 Dhul-Hijja 1433 - Volume 17 Number 5496 Price: QR2 Apicorp’s Armstrong profit jumps to loses all Tour $12.67m de France titles Business | 17 Sport | 28
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[email protected] Editorial: 4455 7741 | Advertising: 4455 7837 / 4455 7780 Emir meets British envoy Darfur rebel Schoolboy to group joins peace efforts DOHA: The Justice and Equality be tried in Movement of Sudan has agreed to join the Darfur peace process, following a declaration signed with the Sudan government affirming their commitment to juvenile court an immediate cessation of hos- tilities in the war-torn region. The two parties decided to Student spent four days in custody resume negotiations to achieve a comprehensive settlement of the DOHA: A schoolboy accused of he went to the school the next conflict on the basis of the DDPD slapping a female teacher and morning in a school bus he was and agreed on a time frame to stabbing her hand with a sharp asked to return home and the start talks after Eid Al-Adha. pencil had been remanded in same bus dropped him back. The declaration was issued after judicial custody and spent four According to the father, his a meeting between a delegation days in the juvenile prison. son was told by the school that from the Sudan government led by The boy, who is less than 12, he was barred for three days from Dr Amin Hassan Omer, Minster of was released last Sunday and the that very day—a Tuesday—and State in the Presidency and Head prosecution which had taken him that he should come back only of the Darfur Follow-up Office and under remand has filed charges on Sunday (Friday and Saturday a delegation from the Justice and against him after questioning.