Supreeth Kumar Poojary

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Supreeth Kumar Poojary :l o (oo$* 4 d.ora) -E*dg cJnedn?i 2.3:odt* dddod I crC-D IIdg o{o$dorl66dgg dJadd)Eat +ad- I ($oqg ddd @.rltob diaod {Q.$3 trD$c&6od$ cNdotoenidcro&d) * s't"t.dF-p. abdortrD gegiaod clJaedndd so\nDR 2- d* C-. -d..$d "oi6eo$ ' erD$edJdJdd$r dadodeFtd dJadSed.' sDd)eddoddao*.........,.dr.;..-{.-d.-..1o. &oa.*.......-,=r.'........ 6'95 d6d-.-s3".\..d-dg*om,os endDdma iegi{ndc*gor.-.......}.e.}*./}.N. aqod;qro anF-odrdo gegd $doodd at|dt.:.i.e.i....-lt.ra..d5.a"*, gdDosdg rtgcJ @{(! dFa dEci)............,.................-..........d)gJ 19d).............................,...............ioi6ro$ * ?$dDdFD gegd ddoDdd dqd) ?$dDdrsD 1€9eqddt}...................-...........4e0dnsID qror1d......................dcE*aoddgddrodDnd. 6uDod: /ry /'!adtd nu trld - lI :r') * c3.l: r hrlil E: - -: ) a.Zba- !:!aaatii6 ".r a:: iEh {- *&s<r>d ji;:-;""*li :=i1?:- ::-.:-(1-11'f::': i::: ::i :fT.= 1 ;;,;;, iJJd di5i -ir'oO3ail\i' iJ6 sr dejit -tr{ n icit]col zll.t;itl *gid Jrdorddod J;r! 6i6ildJ J,eto:,6;cd (J totorc'Jl ?$-o;iEo l(gd $g-!du *[:cj)O- :'!o-tt'l\ 63 ;<i -iO 5to id],€6aR;o5c- d)d: 63 -Ed'idrFJ'ji* Jd)' L&dol JrDedr; :- ito?Jdd A-ddg: trgi e,dd :Eortd) -l.e, d..j *3-add -$ aemF dido (,r XcrOecS) - 3 ?-ddq lin $-:i6t 1(96 -.-&cilq t6d nfrdiqlo l5]-DJFo di6 #9d 6 3 q\O l1l3lror1 t R^il iL.Snd -":P1 lo 3 .1.. 4.!t9g1 f] ts ltlt c 2. \5 :; tt i"- r.dnpztnlA V+f^4+ ;;{;-6."44>1' 3. 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(n) [oir Aedg €dob^dA, qgd o$.Cde ad(g oD*d -DrlordS.rd&. dd6s6ag. aa.awdqlu./z (dr €g*od A (i) eC-D A, (ii) e{o$-D?iadrdrd${ doddr 6Dio) "ddgq ?'Jt'd \/ ^ "J no2'{ (,1) (i) dr ooe,.dq drodjd tdd oog:o! / ooej -6do6 99.)3....1.....3*aoa z- .v D d3 r$doddc$e oD$ {QF:,d"rd $dl $rodod d!ii+ oo(nodd a:d.cdr$. dnd dodd $odde$. cQdo t{, {U, e-rl :<srt ddodd *1-noa.....*&.i-d .ll"..Jy dJs d Z/' C L r''n) dl6od tsr 8.$FDddcOg dDd) dr &$-addo$g dledd ' {OF,t dedFD$ sjlJ$r6dad6Dn iQF,t ded. (r,{osdDrl6d)dd&{ d-odd 60g) $d) dD$ eor,a6oad)d ?Jd,Ls gr dgsod erd,igD E$dgd. (il.dlg.I..p-.-{- .. .... r,r.i.h.'1.#f-.-..-..... r iiir...."f..-E.f.J{'a-2J <2 )-2 (a) See*od ....F--AF- . .. ......padoog (eDdo$ di6) Ddoirson$d ddd sd) dd{ godo$ / EDccoco / r(odd ddod cld drardd ioosoRd. (.a) dq 8$d?t $6 doadob s{/t dae drardnqJoo x-$d 6.sF dDdd)drodn sdloiroitec adFdDn*ed $dl ddJ$r crddFttDeieaRg. *c gd, ?.{:.ff .d.,..-*'-......... gd. 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Beierence suBtN-KAKACRSFL089341 81 92145581 R Purchased by SUPREETH KUMAR POOJARY Description ol Document Article 4 Atlidavit Descriplion AFFIDAVIT Consideration Price (Rs.) 0 (Zetol Firsl Party SUPREETFI KUMAR POOJARY Second Pariy ELECTION COMMISSION OF INDIA Stamp Duty Paid By SUPBEETH KUMAR POOJARY Stamp Duty Amount(Rs.) 100 (One Hundred only) Pie.r€ write ortyp€ b€];w thls line porul:20 ,#f,:,:* (See rule 4A) .4 "'"'ho1'", e (, ...2, rl v ":ElRRUp.:.
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