Biodiversity Character Assessment Contents
BIODIVERSITY CHARACTER ASSESSMENT CONTENTS INTRODUCTION 5 Appointment and Brief 5 The Northamptonshire Environmental Characterisation Process 5 Characterisation in Practice 5 The Northamptonshire Biodiversity Character Assessment 5 Parallel Projects and Surveys 5 Structure of the Report 6 THE BIODIVERSITY RESOURCE 7 Introduction 7 Habitat and Species Loss 7 The Current Biodiversity Resource 7 THE BIODIVERSITY CHARACTER OF NORTHAMPTONSHIRE 15 Introduction 15 Biodiversity Character Type and Area Boundary Determination 15 1. Acid Sand 21 2. Liassic Slopes 32 3. Boulder Clay Woodlands 53 4. Cropped Clayland 70 5. Quarried Ironstone 91 6. Cropped Limestone Plateau 97 7. Limestone Woodlands 103 8. Limestone Slopes 111 9. Glacial Gravels 133 10. Minor Floodplain 136 11. Major Floodplain 162 GLOSSARY 173 BIBLIOGRAPHY 175 ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS 177 Henry Stanier - Clustered Bellflower BIODIVERSITY CHARACTER ASSESSMENT 2 1. INTRODUCTION 1.1 APPOINTMENT AND BRIEF In April 2003, as part of a Service Level Agreement, the Built and Natural Environment Section of Northamptonshire County Council appointed the Wildlife Trust for Northamptonshire to carry out a Biodiversity Character Assessment of Northamptonshire. However, due to staff changes at the Trust in July 2004, Denton Wood Associates was appointed to complete the project. 1.2 THE NORTHAMPTONSHIRE ENVIRONMENTAL CHARACTERISATION PROCESS The Biodiversity Character Assessment forms part of a wider project that seeks to deliver an integrated, robust and transparent Environmental Characterisation of Northamptonshire: the Northamptonshire Environmental Characterisation Process (ECP) through the integration of three parallel studies; the Historic, Biodiversity and Current Landscape Character Assessments, to produce the county’s Environmental Character Assessment (ECA). The principal objective of the overall project is to: • Develop key environmental baseline datasets that inform, develop and enhance the sustainable planning and management of the landscape.
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