2.1 M1/ Improvements 10 2.2 M2 Improvements 12 2.3 A2 Sydenham Bypass Improvement Scheme 13


3.1 Major Works 16 3.2 Minor Works 17 3.3 Potential Minor Works 18 3.4 Route Improvement Studies 18 3.5 Bus Measures 19 3.6 Maintenance of Structures 20


4.1 Collision Remedial Schemes 24 4.2 Traffic Schemes 24 4.3 Pedestrian Measures 24 4.4 Safer Routes to School 25 4.5 Traffic Signs 26 4.6 Carriageway Markings 26 4.7 Legislation 28 4.8 Disabled Parking Bays 28 4.9 Street Lighting 29 4.10 Cycle Measures 30 4.11 Traffic Calming 30 4.12 Car Parking 31 4.13 Residents’ Parking 32 4.14 Decriminalised Parking Enforcement 32


5.1 Network Transport Telematics 34


6.1 Carriageway Resurfacing 38 6.2 Footway Resurfacing 38 6.3 Drainage 39 6.4 Surface Dressings 39 6.5 Public Realm 40 6.6 Liaison with Utilities 41


7.1 Adoptions 44 7.2 Planning Applications 44


Tom McCourt Kevin Monaghan Divisional Roads Manager Deputy Divisional Roads Manager

Members of Council

I have pleasure in presenting this latest Roads Service report to City Council. This contains an update of progress made so far this year.

This report also contains a potential minor works scheme which I am keen to receive the Council’s comments on.

Kevin Monaghan Deputy Divisional Roads Manager Eastern Division ‘Hydebank’ 4 Hospital Road Belfast BT8 8JL


The Eastern Division is one of 4 Divisions within Roads Service. It spans the local Council areas of Belfast, Carrickfergus, Castlereagh, Lisburn, Newtownabbey and North Down. (See Fig.1 below)

Figure 1 – Eastern Division and Council Areas

Eastern Division works within the overall structure of Roads Service (see figure 2 below) which is based on separate business units for those who order services (the client) and for those who provide services (Roads Service Consultancy and Roads Service Direct).

Chief Executive Geoff Allister

Director of Network Director of Acting Director of Director of Acting Director of Services Engineering Corporate Services Finance Strategic Programmes Andrew Murray Bob Cairns Barry Jordan John McNeill J.W. White

Eastern Division Tom McCourt Transportation Unit DRM John Irvine Business Support Unit Kevin Monaghan (Acting) DDRM Michaela Glass

Roads Service Direct Ken Hutton Northern Division Jim Beattie

Roads Service Southern Division Consultancy (Acting) John Humphreys Bertie Ellison

Western Division Pat Doherty Figure 2 – Organisation Context 6 Tom McCourt (9025 3002) [email protected] Divisional Roads Manager

Norman Chambers (9025 3006)[email protected] Network Traffic and Street Lighting Traffic Management minor improvements, pedestrian priority, traffic orders, signing, collision remedial schemes, Street Lighting, resident and disabled parking, car parks and pay and display spaces, cycling and traffic calming.

Graeme Beckett (9025 3080) [email protected] Network Planning

Development Control, Private Streets and Transport Assessments

Brian Maxwell (9025 4500) [email protected] Network Transport Telematics

Traffic signal control, operation of the Traffic Information and Control Centre, Traffic and travel information and European projects INSTANT and STREETWISE.

Attracta Tremers (9025 3036) [email protected] Business Support

Financial control, land acquisition and disposal, human resources, building maintenance and office supplies.

Kevin Monaghan (9025 3002) [email protected] Deputy Divisional Roads Manager

Roy Spiers (9025 3129) [email protected] Strategic Route Improvements

Developing and progressing Strategic Highway Improvements within Eastern Division.

Stephen Pollock (9025 3071) [email protected] Network Development

Major and minor works programme, structures, bus priority, ‘Park and Ride’, BMTP, forward planning, scheme financial control and programming, council reports, business plan and communications.

Colin Brown (9025 3111) [email protected] Network Maintenance

Maintenance of adopted roads and footways including inspections, resurfacing, drainage, grass cutting and weed control, winter gritting and liaison with the utility companies. 7

Figure 3 – Eastern Division Management Structure


Principal Engineer – Roy Spiers(028 90253129) [email protected]

He is supported by the following staff:

Strategic Road Improvement 1 – Lionel Walsh (ext. 53017) [email protected]

Lionel is responsible for developing and progressing the M1/Westlink and M2 Improvement schemes. Lionel is supported by Colin McBurney (ext. 53016)

Strategic Road Improvement 2 – Colin Pentland (ext 53276) [email protected]

Colin is responsible for developing and progressing the Sydenham By-Pass widening scheme.

Strategic Road Improvement 3 – Basil Hassard (ext. 53272) [email protected]

Basil is responsible for developing and progressing the A2 Shore Road scheme. Basil is supported by Bobby Murray (ext. 53232)


The M1/Westlink is a key part of the Strategic Road Network, which forms part of the Trans- European Road Network and the Eastern Seaboard Corridor. It also provides access to the largest commercial area in , as well as the major commercial and passenger Port of Belfast and Belfast City Airport.

The M1/Westlink improvements have an estimated capital value of £104m and include:-

 Widening the M1 and Westlink to provide a continuous dual three lane carriageway from Stockman’s Lane to Street;  Constructing vehicular underpasses at Broadway and Grosvenor Road;  Replacing the bridges at Stockman’s Lane junction and improving the roundabout;  Closing Roden Street / Mulhouse Road signalised junction;  Introducing bus priority measures between Broadway and Roden Street; and  Providing a shared cycleway / footway between Broadway and Grosvenor Road.

The M1/Westlink improvements are being funded by the private sector using a Design, Build, Finance and Operate (DBFO) form of contract. This is the first privately financed road project in Northern Ireland. The contract includes the maintenance of 60 km of motorway and trunk roads for 30 years. The contract was awarded in February 2006 to Highway Management (NI), which comprises of local contractors John Graham (Dromore) Limited and Northstone (NI) Ltd (formerly Farrans Ltd) and the major German multi-services group Bilfinger Berger.

To reduce the impact of the works on Belfast, Roads Service developed, in partnership with the freight transport industry, the Port of Belfast and police, a wide range of temporary traffic management measures. These measures involve the contractor:

- keeping open 2 lanes of traffic in each direction through the works from 6 in the morning until 10 at night Monday to Saturday and from 11 in the morning on Sundays; - maintaining the bus priority lane from Stockman’s Lane to Roden Street; - being charged for lane closures; - providing a free recovery service; and - erecting additional CCTV cameras covering the works;

During construction Roads Service is helping road users by:

- providing signed alternative routes for traffic with destinations beyond Belfast; - limiting other road works on alternative routes; - improving key alternative routes – such as the B23 Hillhall Road; - providing road users with real time traffic information – through radio bulletins, information leaflets, Roads Service website and by variable message signs; and - informing road users of major traffic events on M1/Westlink and M2 through an automatic email alert service.

In addition, Roads Service with Translink have opened two new park and ride sites on the southern approach to Belfast, at Black’s Road and Sprucefield, and has extended the M1 hard shoulder bus lane back from Black’s Road. This gives priority to buses using the M1, including those from Sprucefield park and ride site.

Significant progress continues to be made on the M1/Westlink Scheme. Following the completion of the Grosvenor Road junction in March 2008, the new roundabout was completed at Stockman’s Lane junction in May 2008. In July 2008, Broadway Underpass was opened to traffic for the first time, some 13 months ahead of programme. At present two lanes are available to traffic in each direction in the underpass. However, when the works are completed three lanes will be available in each direction. The transfer of the M1/Westlink traffic into the new Broadway underpass has improved access to and from the Royal Group of Hospitals and improved access across the junction for pedestrians. Work is continuing to complete Broadway Roundabout above the 10 underpass. The M1/Westlink Scheme remains on programme for completion in early 2009, when the full benefits of the scheme will be realised.

Stockman’s Lane Roundabout

Broadway Underpass 11 2.2 M2 IMPROVEMENTS

This DBFO package of works also includes the widening of the M2 between Sandyknowes and Greencastle to provide 3 lanes in each direction between these junctions. This scheme involves:

 widening the Belfast-bound carriageway of the M2 to provide a third lane between Sandyknowes and Greencastle junctions,  widening the country-bound carriageway of the M2 to provide three lanes through the Greencastle junction and  replacing the Hightown, Collinbridge and Longlands overbridges.

On 27 January 2008 the old Hightown Bridge, which carried the Hightown Road over the M2 in Glengormley, was closed to allow the structure to be demolished and a new bridge constructed in its place. By 3 September 2008, construction was completed and the new bridge was re- opened to traffic, 4 months ahead of schedule. Good progress has also been made on replacing the Collin and Longlands Bridges over the M2. These new bridges are expected to be completed early in 2009. The overall M2 Improvements remain on target for completion in Spring / Summer 2009.

Hightown Bridge


The A2 Sydenham Bypass is one of the most heavily used carriageways in the Belfast Metropolitan Area and forms a vital section of the strategic highway network, linking Bangor and Belfast. The road also provides access to the key gateways of George Best Belfast City Airport, Belfast Port and to several large residential areas. The proposed scheme will widen a 2.5km stretch of the existing A2 Sydenham Bypass from a dual 2-lane carriageway to a dual 3-lane carriageway.

Following the completion of the initial assessment process, a consultation event was held in the Park Avenue Hotel on 14th and 15th May 2008 to present the scheme details and options to the Key Stakeholders and members of the public. The feedback from this event is currently being used to inform the design process. Roads Service will continue to consult with the key stakeholders including .


Principal Engineer – Stephen Pollock (90253071) [email protected] He is supported by the following staff:

Works and Structures - David Grills (90 253153) [email protected]

This team is responsible for major works, minor works and Structures.

Bus Priority - Harry Armstrong (90253022) [email protected]

This team is responsible for Quality Bus Corridors, other bus measures and the implementation of “Park and Ride” schemes.

Forward Planning Team 1-Colin Kelly (9025 3151) [email protected]

This team is responsible for the forward planning of strategic routes,traffic modelling, transportation data and the compilation of council reports and the Divisional Business Plan.

Forward Planning Team 2- Heather Bradley (9025 3164) [email protected] This team continues to assess the suitability of sites for development as forwarded by the DOE Belfast Metropolitan Area Plan (BMAP) team. It is also responsible for forward planning non-strategic route capital improvement schemes and respond to enquiries on Major Works schedules.


A55 Knock Road Widening

Work is continuing on the development of the A55 Knock Road Widening scheme. This includes conducting surveys to inform the environmental impact assessments, progress of the design, traffic modelling and evaluation of alternative suggestions.

This work will be used to prepare an Environmental Statement, notice of intention to make a Direction Order and notice of intention to make a Vesting Order. It is expected that this will be published for public comment in 2009.

Following receipt of any objections and comments to the published proposals, the Department may then decide to hold a public inquiry. It is only after receipt of the public inquiry inspector’s report that a final decision to proceed with the scheme or not, will be taken.

The commencement of construction will depend on the satisfactory completion of an economic assessment, completion of the statutory process and the availability of funding. The Investment Delivery Plan for Roads, which was published earlier this year, identified this scheme for delivery during the period 2013/14 to 2017/18.

A55 Traffic lights at Shandon Road/Shandon Park


2008/09 Progress Report Scheme Status Finvoy Street – Environmental Improvement Scheme Completed

This environmental improvement scheme is designed to improve the aesthetics and use of the area. It included the demolition of a Roads Service owned property, No. 2 Finvoy Street, which was recently cited as structurally unsound. The site of the house was replaced with a secured planted area. Further to this, Roads Service entered agreement with the Walkway Community Centre to allow them access to a neighbouring area of derelict land to provide a garden area to serve the community group. Work started on 1st April 2008 and was completed in July 2008. .

After Before Nelson St Safety Fence Replacement (West Footway). Completed

This section of fence is being replaced due to its height not conforming to specification. The replacement fence will comprise 50m of N2 W2 Safety Barrier with 2No P1 Terminals. The scheme was completed in June 2008.

Before After



Belmont Road – Provision of missing link of footway between 382 & 392 Belmont Road

View from 382 View from 392

Location Plan


The Division’s programme is of assessing trunk roads and non-strategic rural routes will continue throughout 2008/2009. The prime objective of these assessments is to improve the safety and efficiency of these routes.

This assessment will include an analysis of:

Traffic flows, both current and projected; Accident history; Characteristics of the route in terms of accessibility, integration and economy; Environment; and The practicality of constructing the schemes and the cost and availability of funds.

In general route management studies will assess and identify road improvement opportunities along the route including the provision of safer overtaking opportunities, with short sections of climbing lanes or differential acceleration lanes where appropriate; provision of footways or cycle lanes; minor carriageway realignment; right turn provision and junction sightline improvement.

It is planned to carry out a route management study on A55 Outer Ring Road between Tillysburn Roundabout and M1 junction at Stockmans Lane during this year subject to availability of funding. 18 3.5 BUS MEASURES

2008/09 Progress Report Scheme Name Status Provision of Bus Shelters Ongoing – Peter’s Hill - Bus Lane inbound Design complete Notification sent to Council Full consultation to proceed Extension to Eastside Park and Ride to provide an additional 84 spaces Under review pending redevelopment of site Park and Ride – Proposals for park and ride at Fortwilliam, Tillysburn and Ongoing Kennedy Way are currently under consideration. - Carlisle Circus to Chichester Park North- inbound and outbound bus Became lanes. operational 25 August 2008

Lisburn Road – Tate’s Avenue to Elmwood Avenue - Bus Lane inbound Design - Myrtlefield Park to Eglantine Avenue Complete Notification sent to Council Full consultation to proceed


2008/09 Programme of Works Scheme Name Status Principal Inspections Br No 20127 North Queen Street Completed Br No 20130 Clowney Culvert Completed Br No 20222 Lislea Avenue Footbridge (NIR) *Completed Br No 20246 Donegall Rd/Rail @ Roden Street *Completed Br No 20247 Abingdon Street *Completed Br No 20252 /University Road *Completed Br No 20254 *Completed Br No 20256 Kings Bridge *Completed Br No 20333 Forthriver Primary School – Access Problems Programmed Br No 20251 Lower Windsor Avenue Footbridge Programmed Br No 20144 Shore Road Culvert Programmed Br No 20142 Programmed Br No 20151 Old Westland Road Programmed Br No 20152 Westland Road Culvert Programmed Br No 20186 Mersey Street Bridge Programmed Br No 20195 North Road Bridge Programmed Br No 20196 Clara Park Programmed Br No 20201 Summerhill Avenue Programmed Br No 20227 Suffolk Bridge Programmed Br No 20248 /City Hospital Programmed Br No 20253 Programmed Br No 20268 Kings Road/Knock River Programmed Br No 20269 Gilnahirk Road Programmed Br No 26790 Great Georges Street *Completed Repairs to Concrete Structures Br No. 20256 Kings Bridge – Repairs to soffits and beams Programmed Br No 20130 Clowney Culvert – Strengthening of culvert Programmed Cycle Ramps Programmed Br No. 20242 Footbridge at Fane St

Br No. 20158 Milewater, footbridge Programmed Br No. 20272 Footbridge at Upper Knockbreda Road – Provision of cycle Programmed ramp Miscellaneous Br No 20126, East Bridge Street – Guniting of Arches No. 5 and 7 Arch 5 completed. Preparatory works completed in Arch 7 Br No 20172 – Queens Bridge - Graffiti removal *Completed North Queen Street steps(Adjacent to Westlink) – Brickwork repairs *Completed Repairs to Bridge Steelwork Br No 20171 Queen Elizabeth Bridge – Painting of infill panel *Completed 20 Br No. 20222 Lislea Avenue, Footbridge – Painting of structure Programmed Br No. 20246 Donegall Road Bridge(Railway Span) – Painting to underside of Programmed bridge Br No. 20250 Tates Avenue(Railway Span) – Painting to underside of bridge Programmed Road/Rail Sites No. 20232 Finaghy Road North In Progress

Roads Service together with Northern Ireland Railways are carrying out important safety improvements to the bridge over the Belfast to Dublin railway line at Finaghy Road North, Belfast.

The work is necessary to reduce the risk of vehicles leaving the road and causing a collision with oncoming trains. To prevent this, the existing walls and fences along the bridge are being replaced with new safety barriers and this requires strengthening of the bridge itself.

The footway over the bridge is also being improved and a new pedestrian access to the railway halt is being provided as part of the works.

The work started in late June 2008 and is planned for completion before the end of November 08.


Principal Engineer – Norman Chambers (9025 3006) [email protected]

He is supported by the following staff: Traffic Management 1 - Roy Gordon (90 253007) [email protected]

This team deals with traffic improvement schemes in Carrickfergus, Newtownabbey and Belfast.

Traffic Management 2 - Graeme Salmon (90 253026) [email protected] This team deals with traffic improvement schemes in Lisburn, Castlereagh and North Down and collision remedial schemes in all council areas.

Traffic Management 3 - Paul King (90 253029) [email protected]

This team is responsible for residents’ parking, development of car parking, cycle measures and traffic calming.

Street Lighting - Alan Micklethwaite (90 253057) [email protected]

This team is responsible for Street Lighting, traffic bollards and the illumination of signs.


2008/09 Progress Report Scheme Name Status Millfield / North Street / Peters Hill / Carrick Hill – Alterations to traffic signals to Completed provide fully controlled right turns.


2008/09 Progress Report Scheme Name Status Antrim Road at Belfast Zoo – channelisation and island Programmed Finaghy Road South – channelisation and islands Programmed Glengall Street – one-way system/revision of operation Programmed Grand Parade – channelisation and islands Programmed


2008/09 Progress Report Scheme Name Status Belmont Road at Earlswood – pelican crossing In Progress Castlereagh Road at Channing Street – pelican crossing Programmed City Centre East Belfast – Quality Walking Corridor Programmed Falls Road near cemetery – pelican crossing Completed Grand Parade at filling station – pelican crossing Programmed at Bladon Drive – pelican crossing Programmed Malone Road near House of Sport – change zebra to pelican crossing Programmed 24 Mater Hospital to Donegall Street – Quality Walking Corridor Programmed Ormeau Road near Saint Judes – pelican crossing In Progress Stewartstown Road at Hillhead Crescent – pelican crossing Completed Holywood Road at Ashfield Girls School – pelican crossing Completed

Holywood Road at Ashfield Girls School

Ulsterville Avenue/Lisburn Road - reshape pedestrian island Completed Woodstock Road/Beersbridge Road – improved pedestrian facilities Programmed Bloomfield Road at North Road – zebra crossing upgrade Programmed Falls Road at Clonard Street - zebra crossing upgrade Completed Falls Road at Conway Street - zebra crossing upgrade Completed Grand Parade at Bloomfield Road - zebra crossing upgrade Programmed North Road at Bloomfield Road - zebra crossing upgrade Programmed Shankill Road at Cranmore Street - zebra crossing upgrade Completed Shankill Road at Craven Street - zebra crossing upgrade Completed


2008/09 Progress Report Scheme Name Status Cavehill Primary School, North Circular Road Completed Harding Memorial Primary School, Cregagh Road In Progress Saint Aidan’s Christian Brothers Primary School, Whiterock Road In Progress Saint Bride’s Primary School, Windsor Avenue In Progress


2008/09 Progress Report Scheme Name Status Antrim Road near North Circular Road – 3 no. advanced direction signs In Progress Athol Street – 1 no. ‘Limited Waiting’ sign Completed Ballysillan Road – 6 no. cycle signs In Progress Bedford Street – 3 no. tourist signs (Ormeau Baths Gallery) Completed Belfast city centre - taxi rank signs Completed Belfast city centre – 5 no. ‘Shopmobility’ signs Completed Bradbury Place – 1 no. tourist sign (Belfast International Youth Club) Completed Brittons Parade at Beechview Park – 6 no. sections of pedestrian guard rail In Progress Broadway at Falls Road – 3 no. tourist signs (An Chulturlann) In Progress Donegall Street – 2 no. tourist signs (War Memorial Exhibition) Completed Dublin Road – 1 no. tourist sign (Belfast International Youth Club) Completed Great Patrick Street at Hector Street – 1 no. Urban Clearway sign Completed Grosvenor Road (Westlink – Falls Road) - 5 no. Urban Clearway signs Completed Holywood Road at Parkway – 15 no. 40mph/50mph signs Completed Hornby Street – 1 no. ‘No Through Road’ sign Completed Lower Chichester Street at Law Courts – 1 no. ‘Loading Only’ sign Completed Mount Aboo Park - 1 no. ‘Limited Waiting’ sign Completed North Street at Millfield/Carrick Hill – 2 no. direction signs Completed Peter’s Hill – 2 no. ‘Limited Waiting’ signs Completed May Street – 1 no. tourist sign (Premier Inn) Completed North Queen Street at York Road – 4 no. marker posts In Progress Ravenhill Road at My Lady’s Road – 2 no. ‘Pedestrian Crossing’ signs Completed Royal Avenue – 2 no. tourist signs (Linenhouse Hostel) Completed Springfield Road at Crocus Street – 2 no tourist signs In Progress Station Street at Middlepath Street – 2 no. ‘Except for Buses and Cycles’ In Progress supplementary plates Sydenham By Pass (city bound on-slip from airport) – 1 no. ‘Traffic Merge’ Completed sign University Road – taxi rank sign Completed Victoria Street – 1 no. tourist sign (Merchant Hotel) Completed


2008/09 Progress Report Scheme Name Status Albertbridge Road/Ravenhill Road – 2 no. yellow box markings Completed Albertbridge Road at Templemore Avenue – 2no. deflection arrows Completed Alexander Park Avenue at Antrim Road – ‘Give Way’ road marking In Progress Campbell Park Avenue at Wandsworth Crescent and Place – corner Completed restrictions Carmel Street at City Church – ‘Keep Clear’ road marking In Progress 26 Carr’s Glen Park at Ballysillan Road – corner restrictions In Progress Cliftonville Road at Oldpark Avenue – zig zag lines Completed Cooke Place – corner restrictions Completed Cranmore Park – ‘School Keep Clear’ at entrance to Inchmarlo In Progress Cregagh Road opposite Harding Memorial Primary School – ‘School Keep In Progress Clear’ marking Cregagh Road at Lynden Court – extend bus stop markings In Progress at Glenbank Drive – Chevron sign on existing guardrail In Progress Donegall Pass area – corner restrictions Completed Downview Avenue at Ben Eden Avenue – ‘Give Way’ road marking In Progress Falcon Road – centre line In Progress Holywood Road at Pim’s Avenue – corner restrictions Completed Kenmare Park – ‘Keep Clear’ marking In Progress Ladas Drive – remove ‘At Any Time’ sign Completed Lisburn Road at Chelsea Mews – ‘I’ bar marking Completed Lorne Street – ‘I’ bar road marking In Progress Magdala Street – ‘Keep Clear’ road marking Completed Moltke Street at playground – 3 no. panels of pedestrian guard rail Completed My Lady’s Road at Ravenhill Street – 15m corner restrictions Completed Oakmount Drive at Shore Road – reduction in double yellow lines In Progress Ormeau Road near Sunnyside Street – removal of yellow line in lay by In Progress Ravenhill Road at My Lady’s Road – high friction surfacing at zebra Completed crossing

Ravenhill Road at My Lady’s Road

Sandhurst Road at University Street – alteration to parking bays Completed Shankill Road at Craven Street – corner restriction In Progress Road (Queen’s PE Centre to Ormeau Road) – laning scheme Completed and sheltered parking University Street – right turn road marking Completed Upper Newtownards Road at Eastleigh Crescent – remove 2no. zig zag Completed markings at pedestrian crossing Upper Queen Street near Wellington Street – double yellow lines In Progress 27 Windsor Park – corner restrictions Completed Whiterock Road at Saint Aidan’s Christian Brothers Primary School - In Progress ‘School Keep Clear’ marking York Street – 2no. lane indication arrows Completed


2008/09 Progress Report Scheme Name Status WAITING RESTRICTIONS Athol Street – Limited Waiting Completed Ava Avenue – Removal of Waiting of Restriction Programmed Cooke Court – At Any Time Complete Coyle’s Place – At Any Time Programmed Cregagh Road at Harding Memorial Primary School – Time plated ‘School In Progress Keep Clear’ Derryvolgie Avenue - Monday to Friday 8.30am – 9.30am and 1.30pm – In Progress 3.30pm 1 September to 30 June Finaghy Road South – At Any Time Programmed Great George’s Street – At Any Time Completed Marlborough Park South – Monday to Friday 8am - 6pm Programmed Milewater Road - Removal of Waiting of Restriction Programmed Mount Aboo Park – Limited Waiting Completed Peter’s Hill – Limited Waiting Completed Ravenhill Avenue - Removal of Waiting of Restriction Programmed Rossmore Drive - Monday to Friday 8am - 6pm Programmed Windsor Avenue – Monday to Friday 8.30am – 9.30am and 1.30pm – In Progress 3.30pm 1 September to 30 June Windsor Park at Saint Bride’s Primary School - Time plated ‘School Keep In Progress Clear’ Woodvale Road - Removal of Waiting of Restriction Programmed

TRAFFIC ORDERS Chichester Street at Victoria Centre – taxi rank Completed Glengall Street – one-way traffic, loading bay, disabled parking, coach bay Programmed and taxi rank Lower Chichester Street – loading bay Completed Norglen Parade – 2-way traffic Programmed


2008/09 Progress Report Scheme Name Status 67 Belmont Avenue Completed 7 Dun Raven Park Completed

28 69 Glencairn Crescent Completed 11 Greenville Road Completed 8 Malcolmson Street Completed 24 Parkmount Terrace Completed 102 Ravenhill Avenue Completed 29 Saint Albans Gardens Completed 5 Torr Way Completed 57 Bloomfield Avenue Removed 121 Bloomfield Avenue Removed 47 Clandahar Street Removed 44 Hamill Street Removed Knock Grove - opposite no. 35 Removed 43 Meadowbank Place Removed 51 Meadowbank Place Removed 20 Redcar Street Removed 76 Tildarg Street Removed


2008/09 Progress Report Scheme Name Status Ranfurly Drive/Bathgate Drive/Ferguson Drive/Sydenham Drive Completed Martinez Avenue / Nendrum Gardens / Wingrove Gardens Completed Connswater Street Programmed Donegall Avenue Completed Hillsborough Gardens Completed Clifton Crescent/Drive Completed Middlepath Street (from rail bridge to Newtownards Road ) Completed Sandbrook Park/Gardens/Grove Completed Standburn Street/Gardens/Court Completed Ormiston Crescent /Parade (Installed in conjunction with footway Completed reconstruct) Cherryvalley Park West (Installed in conjunction with footway Completed reconstruct) Deramore Park (Installed in conjunction with footway *Completed reconstruct) Dunraven Parade/Park Deferred North Parade/South Parade/Cross Parade In Progress Onslow Park/Ravenhill Gardens Completed Hallidays Road Programmed Ladas Way Programmed Trossachs Drive/Gardens/Park Programmed Katrine Park Programmed Lisavon Street Programmed Larkfield Park Completed Agra Street Completed Baroda Street/Drive/Parade Programmed Herat Street/Dehli Street/Elgin Street Completed Wolfhill Avenue/Grove/Avenue South & Drive & Mill Avenue Programmed Beverley Street Completed

29 Vandyck Gardens Programmed Colinton Gardens In Progress Deerpark Road In Progress Grays Lane Programmed Eia Street Programmed York Lane Programmed Deacon Street Programmed Battenburg Street Programmed Ventry Street Programmed Deerpark Drive Programmed Hartington Street ( off Dublin Road ) *Programmed Lanterns Only Boundary Street Completed Dover Street/Place Completed Percy Street/Place Completed Carlow Street Completed Kendal Street Completed Cumberland Street Completed Tyne Street Completed Louden Street Completed

* additional to Programme


2008/09 Progress Report Scheme Name Status Ormeau Bridge; road re-profiling to assist cyclists at the Toucan crossing Programmed Fane Street; wheel ramps Programmed Cycle stands Ongoing Annadale Embankment; continuation of cycle lanes Programmed Castlereagh Road; cycle lane; Beersbridge Road to Ladas Drive. Programmed Crumlin Road; cycle lanes; Carlisle Circus to Woodvale Road In Progress Donegall Road; cycle lanes; to Broadway Programmed Joy Sreet; cycle lane Programmed Ravenhill Road; extension of cycle lanes Albertbridge Road to Ormeau Programmed Embankment Shankill Road; cycle lanes Agnes Street to Peter’s Hill Programmed Springfield Road; extension of cycle lanes; West Circular Road to Lanark Programmed Way


2008/09 Progress Report Scheme Name Status Belmont Church Road/ Earlswood Road – Road Hump * Completed scheme

30 Sydenham Avenue Area Outstanding objections Under Consideration Kensington Road area – Chicanes and/ or priority Scheme on-site junctions in conjunction with series of road humps Clarawood Park – Road hump scheme Completed Coolnasilla Park East and South – Road Hump Scheme Completed Maryville Park – Road hump scheme Scheme on-site Bilston Road – Formalised lay-by and road humps Programmed Lepper Street area – Road hump scheme Programmed North Boundary Street Consultation started Cabin Hill Park – Road hump scheme Outstanding objections Under Consideration Euston Street Area – Road hump scheme Consultation started Tamar Street/ Witham Street – Road hump scheme Programmed Kilcoole Park area – Road hump scheme Outstanding objections Under Consideration


2008/09 Progress Report Scheme Name Status Temporary Closure of Cromac Street Car Park due to re-open August 2009 Car Park for Belfast Sewers Project. Provision of additional On-Street Pay Ongoing. and Display spaces as identified. New spaces will shortly be provided in Verner Street, College Square East and Donegall Street. A review of our off-street and on- Roads Service is currently reviewing car parking tariffs, street parking charges. both for on-street P&D in Belfast/Lisburn city centre and in our off-street car parks within the Belfast City Council area. The present rates have largely remained unchanged for the last 5 years. There may be some variations in the proposed price increases across different car parks, reflecting their usage and convenience to the main centres of attraction. Any revised charges would still represent good value for money when compared to charges being applied by privately run car parks in the City. We also plan to introduce car parking charges in our car parks at Road, Ashdale Street and Marlborough Avenue.


The policy for residents’ parking schemes was finalised in January 2008 and we have completed the initial scheme design and public consultation process in the first five areas close to Belfast City Centre. The streets involved were those in and around: -

- Barrack Street - Donegall Pass; - Sandy Row; - The Markets (west of Cromac Street); and - Brown’s Square.

Feedback from all of these areas indicated that residents’ main opposition to the implementation of a scheme was the annual charge of £40 for a residents’ permit. Other concerns were the proposed number of residents’ and visitors’ permits being issued, the cost of visitors’ permits and the installation of mixed use parking in some areas, i.e., permit as well as pay-and display parking.

In light of these concerns, the Minister has undertaken to consider the issues that have been raised and to decide on the way forward. It is hoped that his decision will be known in the autumn.


Decriminalised Parking Enforcement (DFP) was implemented on 30 October 2006. Compliance surveys indicate that there has been a significant reduction in the level of illegal parking since the introduction of DPE. These surveys have been carried out in various towns and cities across Northern Ireland and also on arterial routes in the Belfast area. The surveys will continue to be carried out on a biannual basis to assess the ongoing impact of DPE. The next round of surveys will be completed in October 2008.


Principal Engineer – Brian Maxwell (9025 4500) [email protected]

He is supported by the following staff:

Declan Murphy (90254507) [email protected] This team is responsible for the day to day running of the Traffic Information and Control Centre. It is responsible for the installation, maintenance and operation of Intelligent Transport Systems (ITS) including traffic control on the urban and motorway networks and the provision of traffic and travel information.

Damien King (9025 4529) [email protected] This team has specific responsibilities for issues of Road Safety including the development of the Road Safety Engineering Report and the establishment of Central Road Safety Unit. It is also responsible for compiling traffic census, vehicle kilometre travel surveys and managing the road works website.

Journey Time Information on the Motorway

M1 Bus way with automatic incident detection System


2008/09 Progress Report Scheme Name Status TRAFFIC INFORMATION WEBSITE  Further enhancements of the Trafficwatch website. Ongoing

 Journey Planner for pre-trip information on roadworks and incidents. In Progress URBAN TRAFFIC CONTROL If required additional sites will be identified on key routes to enable TICC to Ongoing directly monitor and react to traffic conditions on these roads and junctions.

REMOTE MONITORING OF PELICAN CROSSINGS The Remote Monitoring System (RMS) enables TICC to monitor the Ongoing operation of traffic signal installations from the Control Centre.

RMS coverage will be extended to additional pelican crossings in Belfast.

URBAN CLOSED CIRCUIT TELEVISION (CCTV) CAMERAS Additional sites have been identified on key routes to enable TICC to monitor Ongoing and react to traffic conditions on these roads and junctions.

ENHANCEMENT OF PEDESTRIAN FACILITIES There is an ongoing programme to upgrade Pelican Crossings in Belfast to provide enhanced control facilities enabling greater priority to pedestrians.

 Shore Road at Gray’s Lane  Antrim Road at Duncrue Court Completed  Donegall Road at Pandora Street Completed  Lisburn Road at Black’s Road Completed Completed UPGRADE OF TRAFFIC SIGNAL EQUIPMENT There is an ongoing programme to upgrade Traffic Signal equipment within Eastern Division. The following junctions are on the current upgrade programme.

 M2 Off Slip – Duncrue Street  Lisburn Road – City Hospital In Progress Programmed MOTORWAY COMMUNICATIONS AND CONTROL Utilise TICC’s motorway communications & control infrastructure together Ongoing with CCTV traffic monitoring facilities to manage traffic on motorways and Westlink. Ongoing Provide input as required on traffic management and control issues for those parts of the motorway network operating as part of the Design, Build, Finance and Operate (DBFO) Concessionaire’s network.

Extend CCTV coverage to provide further CCTV coverage at outlying Programmed junctions on the motorway network.

34 BUS PRIORITY & REAL TIME PASSENGER INFORMATION BusTrak extended to further routes in Belfast including the

 Oldpark Rd  Cregagh and Woodstock Roads Programmed Programmed

JOURNEY TIME MEASUREMENT Extend coverage of the Journey Time Estimation Project to provide both pre-trip and on-trip travel times for motorists.

Roll-out coverage to further strategic routes serving Belfast including:-

 A1 from Sprucefield towards the border for cross border traffic. Programmed

CENTRAL ROAD SAFETY UNIT The Roads Service Central Safety Unit has been established in Traffic Ongoing Information & Control Centre. Work involves the carrying out of strategic analysis of collision data on roads across the province and providing Roads Service's input into the European Road Assessment Programme EuroRAP.


Principal Engineer – Colin Brown (9025 3111) [email protected]

He is supported by the following staff:

Support Services Manager- Aidan O’Callaghan (90 253098) aidan.o’[email protected] This team is based at Hydebank and is responsible for general co-ordination, bidding, allocating and monitoring finances, maintenance of safety fences, contract monitoring, statistics and enforcement.

Belfast North Section Engineer – Brian O’Neill (90 254044) brian.o’[email protected] 148 – 158 Corporation Street, Belfast, BT1 3DH This team is responsible for contacts with the public and elected representatives, highway inspections, resurfacing, responsive repairs, routine maintenance, winter gritting, road opening consents and licences, public liability claims and liaison with the service utility companies.

Belfast South Section Engineer - Gareth McKibbin (90 254609) [email protected]

1a Airport Road, Belfast, BT3 9DY (As Belfast North)


2008/09 Progress Report Scheme Name Status From Spring 2008 5.5 km of carriageway has been resurfaced in the Belfast area. This equates to 20226 sqm and includes the schemes listed below. BELFAST SOUTH Deramore Park – Entire Length Completed Falcarragh Drive – Entire Length Programmed Newtownards Road Environmental Improvement Scheme Programmed Lorne Street – Entire Length Programmed Ormiston Crescent – Ormiston Parade to Upper Newtownards Road Completed Moveen House/ Moylene House *Completed BELFAST NORTH Deferred due to Nelson Street works on Westlink Disraeli Street Completed Havana Court Programmed Westway Crescent Programmed Westway Gardens Programmed Springfield Road Completed Wheatfield Crescent Programmed Charnwood Avenue Completed

* additional to Programme


2008/09 Progress Report Scheme Name Status From Spring 2008 4.2 km of footway has been resurfaced in the Belfast area. This includes the schemes listed below. BELFAST SOUTH Suffolk Drive – Entire Length In Progress Suffolk Avenue – Entire Length In Progress Suffolk Crescent – Entire Length In Progress Lorne Street – Entire Length Programmed Cambourne Park – Entire Length Programmed Ormiston Crescent – Entire Length Completed Deramore Park Completed Falcarragh Drive Programmed BELFAST NORTH Wheatfield Crescent Programmed 38 Hoylake Park Programmed Kylemore Park Programmed Chichester Court Programmed Charnwood Avenue Completed Torrens Gardens Programmed


2008/09 Progress Report Scheme Name Status BELFAST SOUTH Glen Road Roundabout Programmed Holywood Arches Programmed Black’s Road at Black’s Mews In Progress Sydenham By-Pass Programmed Upperlands Walk Programmed Old Holywood Road In Progress Cregagh Street Complete Willowholme Drive Complete BELFAST NORTH Installation of hinged gully lids at various locations Programmed Antrim Road - Investigation into existing drainage in the vicinity of Throne *In Progress Bends and at Chichester Park Whitewell Road - Flood protection works to Culvert *In Progress

* additional to Programme


2008/09 Progress Report Scheme Name Status BELFAST SOUTH From April 2008 8395 sqm of surface dressing has been carried out in the South Belfast area. This includes the schemes listed below. Garnerville Area - Cold Asphaltic Overlay Completed See carriageway Moveen House/ Moylene House - Cold Asphaltic Overlay resurfacing Programme Strathallan Park - Cold Asphaltic Overlay Completed Strathyre Park - Cold Asphaltic Overlay Completed Aberfoyle Park & Gardens – Cold Asphaltic Overlay * Completed Old Forge Manor – Cold Asphaltic Overlay * Completed

* additional to Programme

39 6.5 PUBLIC REALM – Streets Ahead Project

The Belfast Streets Ahead project, which is funded by DSD, aims to improve the public areas of Belfast City Centre. This work involves the reconstruction of streets with granite paving, the provision of new street furniture, lighting signs and landscaping and also includes some public art and sculpture.

Work on the first phase of streets ahead commenced in June 2007 and is due to be complete by Autumn 2009. DSD staff and their contractor have worked in close liaison with Belfast City Centre Management Co. and Roads Service to minimise the inconvenience to traders, shoppers and visitors in the City Centre.

2008/09 Progress Report Scheme Name Status BELFAST NORTH Arthur Square In Progress Arthur Street In Progress Cornmarket In Progress Ann Street In Progress Castle Lane In Progress Fountain Street In Progress Substantially College Street complete. Arthur Place In Progress Fountain Lane *In Progress Castle Street *In Progress Queen Street *In Progress Callender Street *In Progress

* additional to Programme


2008/09 Progress Report Scheme Name Status WATER SERVICE Works will continue on the Belfast Sewer Improvement Project. A number of In Progress streets are affected within the Belfast City Council area including Corporation Street which is currently closed. Closure will be in place until May 2009.

Diversion works will be commencing in the Queen Street/ Castle Street area Completed prior to the Streets Ahead reconstruction works

Roads Service staff will continue to work closely with Water Service and their In Progress Consultants on the Belfast Storm Water Management project.

Castle Place/High Street upgrade of sewer *In Progress

PHOENIX GAS No major infrastructure builds notified. Service connections for new In Progress customers are likely. VIRGIN MEDIA No major infrastructure builds notified. Service connections for new In Progress customers are likely. CABLE & WIRELESS No major infrastructure builds notified. Service connections for new In Progress customers are likely. NIE No major infrastructure builds notified. Service connections for new In Progress customers are likely.

Ann Street cabling currently being assessed for possible upgrading in In Progress conjunction with Streets Ahead Project. BT No major infrastructure builds notified. Service connections for new customers are likely. Alteration works will be carried out in conjunction with In Progress the Streets Ahead reconstruction works

ST ANNES SQUARE – SERVICE DIVERSION WORK Roads Service staff will continue to work closely with the Developer and In Progress Utility Companies to ensure that the temporary traffic management measures keep traffic disruption to a minimum as the construction phase of the Development progresses. EIRCOM Major infrastructure build from Fredrick Street through the City Centre to In Progress Sandy Row .

* additional to Programme


Principal Engineer – Graeme Beckett (90 253080)[email protected]

He is supported by the following staff:

Development Control Team 1 - Barry McMillen (902 53091) [email protected] This team deals with development control, private street determinations, bonds and adoption certificates in Belfast and Carrickfergus Council Areas. Barry is the Section spokesperson on Private Streets.

Development Control Team 2- Robin Totten (902 53588) [email protected] This team carries out similar duties to DC1 in Lisburn, and North Down Council Areas. Johnny is the Section spokesperson on Development Control.

Development Control Team 3 - Gabriel Doherty (90253154) [email protected] This team deals with the management of transport a ssessments including some in-house analysis. They also deal with Major developments and Development Control in Newtownabbey and Castlereagh areas. Gabriel is the Section spokesperson on TIA’s and TA’s.


Adoptions completed from last report LOCATION LENGTH ADOPTED (M)

Springfield Road 147m2 of footway at rear of lay-by Annadale Green Annadale Green: 106m of traditional carriageway, associated footways and turning head Annadale Mews: 88m of shared surface carriageway, turning head and associated service strips Kensington Park (fronting no 12) 11m of widened footway at turning head Vulcan Link Vulcan Link: 50m of traditional footway on the South-West side Chemical Street: 35m of traditional footway at the north-west side and at the Mountpottingers Road end Walnut Street 83m of traditional carriageway and associated footway Hannahstown Link 3m of carriageway and associated footway at the entrance to Glen Road Industrial Estate Andersonstown Road 71 Andersonstown Road at public house: 25m of footway (1.8m width) (former Whitefort Inn) Upper Suffolk Road 57 m of footway (2m width) from house no. 2A to house no. 10 Wolfhill Gardens 184m of traditional carriageway and associated footway Palmerstown Road 34m of widened footway (total area of 25m2) to upgrade existing footway to acceptable standard Palmerstown Road 55m of widened footway at the rear of the existing footway (to bring up to acceptable standard) comprising a total of 35m2 Newtownards Road Numbers 404-454: 132m of paved footway (brick paviors 310m2 in total) as an environmental improvement, to the rear of the existing footway Ballygomartin Road Cairnmartin Road: Previously known as Somerdale (advanced) Road – 400m of traditional carriageway, turning facilities and traffic calming measures Ballygomartin Road: 90m of sightline to back of footways either side of entrance Norwood Court 183m of footway (West side of carriageway) and 28m2 of carriageway to improve turning head at cul-de-sac Malone Meadows Malone Meadows: 50m of traditional carriageway and footway with a paved sight-line feature Malone Valley Park – Comprises 2 cul-de-sacs. The Eastern side is 90m of shared surface type layout with service strips and an amorphous turning head. The Western side is 100m, with a hammer head turning area and no service strips Silverstream Avenue 13m extension of existing carriageway plus 60m2 of incurtilage parking


Planning Service already consult directly with the Council regarding planning applications which they receive in the Belfast Area. Roads Service Development Control teams advise Planning Service on the roads and transportation issues associated with both major and minor planning applications.