Senate Select Committee on the 1972 Presidential Election
UNITED STATES OF AN2~RICA CONGRESS OF TH~ UNITED STATES SUBPENA DUCES TECUM To: President Richard M. Nixon, The White House, Washington, D. C. ~ursuant to lawful authority, YOU .ARE HEREBY COMMANDED to make available to the SENATE SELECT COMMITTEE ON PRESIDENTIAL CAMPAIGN ACTIVITIES of the Senate of the United States, on Jamuary 4, 197~ o, at i0 a.m., at Room 1418 Dirksen Senate Office Building, all materials listed on Attachment A, hereto. Hereof fall not, as you will answer your default under the pains and penalties such cases made s~d . provided. TO, , .... ’,../ to serve andreturn. ’Given under my hand, by order~ ~ ~of~the Committee, this iSday .of December in the Year.of our " Lord one thousand nine hundred and Seventy?three. , ’Oh~irman, Senat~ Select Commit~tee on Presidential Campaign Activities Served on: Time: Date: Place Samuel Dash -- chief Senate counsel during Watergate heanngs rage J or ~ SFGATE HOME ¯ BUSINESS ¯ SPORTS - ENTERTAINMENT ~ TRAVEL JOBS ~ REAL I chief Senate counsel during Watergate hearings Warren E. Leafy, New York Times Sunday, May 30, 2004 Washington- Samuel Dash, a champion of legal ethics who became nationally known during the Watergate scandal as the Senate’s methodical chief counsel, died Saturday alter a long illness. He was 79. x Ernail This Article A professor at the Georgetown University Law Center for almost 40 years, he died of heart failure at the Washington Hospital Center, relatives said. Professor Dash had CONSTRUC~ON been hospitalized since January with a vadety of health problems Kitchen Remodeling/Re~cing and had a histonj of heart disease, they said.
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