Collective Subjectivities: the Politics and Paradox of Surrealist Group Portraiture Karen A
Collective Subjectivities: The Politics and Paradox of Surrealist Group Portraiture Karen A. Sherry During the 1920s and 1930s, the Parisian Surrealists fer- shared subjective experiences of desire, irrationality, and anti- vently sought to resuscitate European culture through the lib- aestheticism. Yet, as argued here, by repeatedly experiment- eration of the unconscious. To achieve this goal, they engaged ing with group portraiture, the Surrealists ultimately acknowl- in a range of collective activities, including publishing po- edged their inability to resolve the paradoxical relationship lemical materials, staging art exhibitions and public demon- between principles of collectivity and personal subjectivity. strations, and practicing communal creative experiments. Fun- Writing in 1936, the New York gallery owner and early damentally, though, the Surrealist revolution was predicated anthologist of the movement Julien Levy aptly defined Surre- on a profound commitment to individual subjectivity and free- alism as a state of mind or philosophical outlook, not a pro- dom. Despite extensive reexamination of Surrealism in recent grammatic aesthetic theory or uniform artistic style—a senti- years, art historical accounts have generally reproduced this ment which echoed the Surrealists’ own frequent declarations.3 sense of individualism by citing the stylistic diversity of Sur- Implied therein is the notion that anyone could be a Surrealist realist art or by interpreting the movement as a manifestation simply by embracing the designated belief system. Indeed, the of Freudian psychology.1 Such accounts fail to address how movement hoped for universal allegiance to its goal of bridg- Surrealism negotiated its conflicting imperatives of personal ing rational and unconscious realities. Despite this seeming freedom and group cohesion, both of which were necessary to inclusiveness, Surrealism actively policed its ranks through effect desired social change.
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