Marriage of Figaro", "Don Giovanni")
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' ~-· Q., " ~ 0 Q ., 0 ~ ~ ~ N en> .,~ ' -·Q ~ ~ > I \t ~ \t ~ 0 ~ ~ I '.:2 > ~ The Australian Elizabethan Theatre Trust PATRON: HER MAJESTY T HE QUEEN PRESIDENT ...............The Rt. Hon. Sir John Lath am, G.C.M.G., Q.C. CHAIRMAN .......................................................................................... Dr. H. C. Coombs EXECUTIVE DIRECTOR ........................................................................... Hugh Hunt A full range ADM I ISTRATIVE OFFICER .............................................................. James M,lls HON . SECRETARY ................................................................................Mauri ce Parker of latest STATE REPRESENTATI VES. N.ew South Wale s .................................................................. Mr . C. J. A. Moses, C.B.E. recordings ~ueensland ......._ ...................................................................................Profes sor F. J. Schonell W estern A ustralia ................................................................................. Professor F Alexander always Victoria ................................................................................................................Mr . A. H . L. Gibson South Au stralia .......................................................................................... Mr . L. C. Waterman available 'Tasmania .......................................___ ...................................................Mr. G. F. Davies Whatever your tastes, Nicholson' s Australian singers abroad have made their country famous can supply the discs you wa.nt. for vocal and musical ability. Yet, in Australia itself , ther e has Our complete ran ge of long-playmg and standard recordings embrac es been no permanent opera company, little chance for a singer all type s of music---0pera , class1ca,I, popular and jazz-by the world s to earn his living on the stage or to learn his craft in con foremost artists. ditions of mode rate security. All labels, all speeds are stocked in our new, enlarged Record The liberalit y of the public and of the Feder al and State Department. Governments, together with the generosity of the Australi an We also have a wid~ selection ~f portable gramophones, electric Broadcasting Commission and the ready co ..operation of J. C. record players, record storage al, bums record racks, and all types Willi amson The atres Limited , have made it possible for the of st~el and sapphire needles. Special attention given to country Australian Elizabethan Theatre to seek a remedy for this clients. Packing and postage ext ra situation. The Australi an Opera Company plays in all the on all items. capital cities of Australia between July, 1956, and Februar y, Call or Write To -day. 1957. Its next season, followin g the same pattern , will beg in in the following July. o doubt remain that our singers are of the first class. They are acclaimed elsewhere; let them be honour ed and sup .. ported in their own country. 416 George St., Sydn ey . BL 1641 "YOU GET THE BEST AT NICHOLSON'S" Chairman . B aritone "When a maiden takes your Janey " Stanfe'j Lfarhjon John Lameron After nine years abroad, eight of which have been spent with the Sadie '; John Cameron's outstanding vmce has Wells Opera Company, Stanley Clark brou ght him success 1n Austr alia and son has returned to his native country abroad. In England' he has performed espec ially for thi s Au tr alian Opera at Sadler's Well s, Covent Garden and tour. Glyndeboorne. Take the maiden's eye in a suit of Yarra Fall s mate HISTORIC VIENNA THEATRE rial! Yarra Falls suitings give long service, constant UNSAFE good looks, and are in Th e London S tage newspape r reports the efforts to save a famous complete step with fashion. theatr e .. From pure virgin wool to "Artists appea ring in this year's Edinbur g Festival are being asked to fini hed materials, Yarra sign a letter of prote t to a leading V 1enn a newspaper against a plan to Falls suitings are prepared demolish th e hi torical Th eater An Der Wi en, where Beethoven conducted. by a thousand skilled men and women - specialists. So, when a maiden takes your fancy, see your tailor about a new suit in .. "The Th catcr An Der Wien i an eighteenth -century building standin g on a site formerly occupied by the Freihaus Th eater, where M ozart con duct ed a performance of 'The Magi c Flute . Until last N ovember, when the ® theatre closed down, it was a centr e for opera and music recitals. Th e build YarraFa]]s ing is now consid: red un afe and it is estimat ed that the ·um of between HALLMARK OF Q ALITY £65,000 and £70,000 wou ld be requir ed for its restoration." 4 5 MARJORrE CONLEY Christian Dior Stockings lTA MAUGHA Point to Fashion VALDA BAGNALL 6 HEALING JO YCE SIMMONS 8 E1.'TI A BENFIELD VISIBLY BETTER! A . G. HEALING LTD . -ALL STATES De- Luxe "21" Console in ma hogany, walnut and maple , with inbuilt "metalshield " and concealed castors for mobility ... 275 gn s. Comp lies with every standa rd set by th e AUSTRALIAN BROADCASTING CONTROL BOARD 9 8 SUPERB REPRODUCTION OF RADIO AND RECORDS POWERFUL RECEPTION - THE WORLD AT YOUR FINGERTIPS GLORIOUS ASTOR "CONCERT TONE" MAGNIFICENT "PIANO FINISH" CABINETS BY GAINSBOROUGH It 's all yours in the magnificent new CONCERTMASTER 199 Gns. or easy terms. JE IFER E DD Y WILM A. WHIT N EY For th e Di scerning Tr aveller fro m the Globe 's Every Com er 'Ushers HOTEL OF DISTINCTION 9-VALVEWORLD RANGE RADIO 3 SEPARATETUNED SPEAKERS! off en a R efin ement, Cuisine cmd Serl'ices Separate Bass and Treble Controls! Collaro 3-Speed Intermixing Solid Base Spring-Mounted Player Deck! Record Changer! of lnc om parctble Standard LATE SUPPERS FROM 10 P.M. CASTLEREAGH STREET, SYDNEY - TELEPHONE: BW 8521 A product of the vast resources of Electronic Industries Ltd A5642. / 24 10 II EU JCE l cG OW A BE'rT'l PR E TICE MUSICA VIVA SOC IETY brings you the best in chamb er music 1957 SEASON Eig ht Sub scripti o n C o nce rt s PARRENIN String Quart et d isting uished Fre nch e nsemble SMETANA Strin g Quart et cham be r e nsem b le of Czech Philharmonic Orchestra BRENTON LAN GBEIN MAUREEN JON ES Australian violin-piano duo RESIDENTARTISTS Membe rs' pr eferent ial book ing op e ns February 4. Non -members ' booking from February 26 . Booking s and informat ion at Paling 's Box Office. Telephon e for a pr ospec tus t o be post ed lo you - BL 2809. 12 13 THEMARRIAGE OFFIGARO Mozart' s "T he M arr iage of Figaro", with libretto by Ja Ponte, is based on the second of thr ee "Fi garo" comedies by Beauma rchais "The Barber of Seville, or the Useless Pr ecauti on" (late an opera first by Paesiello, then by Rossini) , "Th e M arriage of Figaro, or the Follies of a Day", and "Th e Culp able Mother". In Mozart' s opera, Figaro, who as a barber m Seville had three years before helped Count Alm aviva to marry Rosina, the ward of a lawyer. Dr . Bartolo, is now the Count '· confident ial valet, and is to marry Susanna, the Counte ss's maid. But he is indignan t to learn that the still susceptible Count has his eye on Susanna-es pecially a the Lord of the manor had certain privil eges on the weddin g night of any of his tenantry, according to a supp osedly abolished ancient cu tom; so Figaro chemcs to thwa rt the Count. Th e adolescent page-boy, Ch eru bino, who adores all women, worship s the Count ess and is in calf-love with Barharina, the daughter of the gardener, Ant onio, has been found with her by the Cou nt and J,smi scJ. He asks Susanna's help, but has to hide when the Cou nt comes to 01rt w1th Su anna; when, however, the scandalising musicmaster, Don Basilio, walks m, the Count , too, ha to hide, overhears the general slander and, furious at findmg Ch erubino, too, has overheard , sends him to join the army, though Figaro qui etly tells the boy not to go, but to stay withi n call. In the second act, Figaro has sent the Count an anonymous letter, warning 8TH. ROW CENTRE him that the Count ess is meetin g a lover that night, intending to make a The subtl e tremolo of the violins, the liquid vibrato of the first fool of the ind ignant husband hy sending in her place Cherubino dressed trump et, the whispered nuance of the play's lead-these channel as a girl; but when the Count ess and Susanna sta rt dressing the boy the themselves to 8th. row, centre. Count arriv es unexpectedly and the page ha to lock himself in a powder For it is a fact that these chosen seats are acoustically the finest in the closet; but when the Count is going to break down the door luck has made house. Here in the centre, twenty to thirty feet from the stage, it possible for Susanna to take the place of the page-boy, who gets away a live performa nce is best balan ced, best heani .