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4-5-1909 Albuquerque Morning Journal, 04-05-1909 Journal Publishing Company

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11) Mail 50 Ids, ii Month: Sliil Ciiplrs. 5 et'lils. THIRTY-FIRS- T Mo. MEXICO, MONDAY, APRIL 0, 1909, YEAR, Vol. CXXII. 5. ALBUQUERQUE, NEW liv ai rier tn cents u HKinlli.

- f citi.l'lls Was h' I.I allll If 1' 111111- - Hun Hial! rnasr. and that tin- smi't'-ta- i cludiiiK the American aiiiha mittirs named. y In' dir. i li d tn ask him I'.ir his l.ii'Uleiiaitt Cominti lliler Haiku. ill uf m 1'. siKliat inn tn tali" (Ul.'l't at till- v al la, be of lie einha sv ami ,.,lin nui Tin' fhv orientated in ii barn Oliv- llld al HOUSE PASS en bv ;i "..tie. til'- i(iiirkl. GOMEZ FEARS ut' Iiíh iri'S"iit DOUBLES SIZE I I. HI '.'I 1. t lie l'St Se, .1 It ". 10 fames v U th.-s- f d 111 The Trr spread In ;i htnldiims, ii h In The lust of ri'solutions stat"S rom Home llui tin da DLUHPNiOrj it i; II li ' because ni' 111" extreme dry- that I had hy my ai'tinns inaili' were met bv Consul Crow iiiush i.i.l and ness ni' til.- wmnl. ini; a pro- "I'M'.i'iliiiKly 'inhairassnit; to Urn i 'omniiimli r l.i'Kiiii of the Sc, rpiuu It r iv d na, ted di .iiiulil Within .1 few min- hoard." was iinlortinial,. that Th" later utes lh.' lili- was bevuinl all control was so titsily inlarrass"d. I I'. unit A "lie. aide ilc camp, of Tin riann'S leaped I r n bllihhm,; In lollowi'd tin- sajnc iiiithoil in tin ul Aust.i, who anmuitieid that re- OF i hi TARIFF BILL i " RETURN OF of Trofi'ssor .Xsplund and t'liim the dllke Would ll.'llKhl.d tu GOVERNOR Afl.r cat inn its way lhrou:;h (In' hy iintilN inn thi'iii (hat I mild not ceive' tin- ex-p- i. shl. lit at an, hour i . . I he would not In- i'l hslrirl. alter I'lhi.'iiu; In nuiiii. n.l them that havi' mllowi'il mi .Muinliiv ami that with limn did not 1 sist un Mr. Itoosevcll's acccptum ashes throe hundred dw cllim; the other teaeheis P.nptisi Intend to reeoniiiiemi. ilurini; all of In lunch, know im th.,1 In Hroadwav Presbyterian and - "hurdles, all. 111.' Swedish chapi I. the time I huye been president of would desire to be with hi- I ' anil Un- WalkiT i . 111. hn the diversity. Never before lias in and close friends. SATURDAY .1. eye, III.- l. nit .'I' til.' Sawvol CASTRO .letion been eiiibai'i'iissiiiK to tin CLAIMS Tim llainluiiK will pmbahh reach r.',' cm Th.' .1. st ii. i.ui hoard, so tar as I am aviar,- Naples at an early hour tomorrow. hIiows a ..I' live Li ,ur vvurehuu-e:-- - followed. The mxt resolution that for The American in hass.idtu and paitv n I In- a l'.ls ni hi' . Xas .V I' reasons whieh have not. iIui'íiilí sueh will remain aboard the Scorpion lll'ijeit - will traii--por- t railroad, ih- - r ni n i I. pair heal'IIIK. Ileell Upon III" attell- tin- launch of which simps, cual chulés ami Im.s ins were li.ui ot the lioard The h.Kird thought t Item tn the llamhui'K. V.iy it Am- - on MAN NAMED TO RESTRICT tl.-t- r.e ,.,. VENEZUELAN PRESIDENT best not to I'loi.'SSnls SECRETARY BALLINGER lew nth. rs will he allnwetl hoard PRESC0TT nliin.l and t rum. If thes. mnt leineii the and .Mr. Ilooscvelt will IN! ollliht not to he mill ISSUES IMPORTANT ORDER be lirnuKhl ashore in the Scorpion's TO SUCCEED KIBBEY AMENDMENT S DROUGHT (.IP.I. ( III M I I l PREPARES TO ABDICATE till N. llothlllK W lli.'h was pi eseliled to till' Ilium It. tltsclnhat kiili; al the arsenal i i hoard at that nu'eliiiK eansed it to The Kale is the worst of the itii:i. - Winchester Va.. Auril 1.iiXi sii.Vir- al that eoiielusloii. it is evi- small cralls in the ha v beiiiK arrive , I -- ev hi-- in Here Mclllhl'I S Rl'.sti ictl'il tí) FÍVPluil.iii 'al't"l'. a .,ii- .hi.ttrlUVr l Prospect ol Appearance of dent eollld Hot then have beet! Homestead Entiles in Western hadtv hakeii up aiul ill the Politicians Coitteienee th" lause ul the refusal of the board hoat-- t In sin ii, red places teeliui: the of MinuiL-- Talks nin"i:is Dchate ;;, 'rz:-t;;- Former Dielaaor at Head of t,i einplov these teai'ln ,'s m xt year States and Tetiitoiies May force of the storm Regaidiu,!1; Candidacy ;;;;' suppose tllnllHll, if I had llUll U, Tertitoi-i- al -u.-w k-- Geoii'.e Young on Measure; Señalo to Take! n..i.,." -i. an Army Throws Enemies Into a "previoiis eonsiilt.ilion with the Now Embrace 320 Instead of VVH()LESÁLEARRESf S OF as it n no i hoard.'' would not hae o . n:,,,,.-- . i i ' t . i il to Acres of Land, Secietary, lulM.' Ul UIOvCmIUoI IL'U, Mr. ,m.l .Mrs Cart, Hi 1'.' li.Hliy Confusion, "X eil iimlv nihavrassiii' fnr 160 RECKLESS CHAUFFEURS in an have r.iiised to I 'inf.ssoi' burned effort savr their pnsi . hi was mi ii sphim and Cram. The only 1 Miirnliw Juuroul tnwcial Lease tlian var-- n. ami was lh'' -- lly MorniltK .li.lirtltil SH.,'hd I riihtsl Ulrr Mm :; . loin nit Hureaii. lllv Wll ..iir ' ,,wn is if I had on Niv Vm k. Apt f Th" t", . ut ,,r n a, "' ",,r'!t.s I'.solullon that April t S. r. v Mittvscv lillilitilllT. .A.ills ihirinu tlif ' - W'ashhiKtou. tai - i II, i; il.s. April -- . via W'ill.iiista.l it I 'I As- vv I" ma t k i! ),,,,- .,'.!iiiii;t',li, April ,.k :t, civil war t itn, s Cara. to before notified of ih of In. ni iik and Iiiik of I'. C . April 4. ,. liallliiKer. the pai tmeiit the -- - . - -- pril I. It is ). nrle.l that pluiul ami C111111, ami bad h. hi a star l l" bv c k I, s cha ul ill's I'll mil lit! II ii ais nn l'i I). Ii i'l llir,iu:;!i- .Jew r.'l :i' ;' h n Atoll tupped Cui.ii. approved i u hit Th- - nt not .1. i iinil, it drop- interior. has ck puis e r, h pf snh thus far has pun. the UeW president. Villi ule session could iiave -- at t.e--iv- k i iv, with, .ai s wav in Pluck's chamber S "V lillltlT their .lis i. ill in' 'lay. K.'lH'i'M'lilal of - be-i'i- under the act of cniiuii pl passed patronaue to may turn over the presidí ie r ped these two teachers without, , tile cit Mil. es Ctl 111 111. .'. to. lay- tail much i relief, Ken iiMiasii,'. ami duriti". in Culnra-ilo- if- vv tin " vv ll ji" ill al .1. A, Vict fni' an chlarecd huim sicit'l win ese political acumen re- Vi'i'k. n cu 'liia 'i i ; iv al'il.v to S'elvtilll. the second embarrassed. Hp' Kit li iza t mn nt a tin- .'Hi IU ii Hi" Ma t.'S as .Montana, Ctah. "i - , 11 , ' it Nevada. Hiriinii. - in un tu ...i- II,,' hull-.'- ill,' li.lllnil! ih, , (,f ,. - Pit, ha. 'I Wright president of the republic. was tn "it"" we carefully that secmnl 'ailtii t ll.lst hV Pn life C.illill'is- tillen c leat iii"t 7. Wiishinettin, W'vutniiiK, Aruama ami loll ill Ohio i v ibiiii, Presidí nt handed 1. , tl tlrew Harris fnr I 111,' It tec In - It r n a n sitri-- that Castro rcsolut 1011 we fail lo th any note si'iner h iik ha m These, nuunit. tut rules ii'lll In would iwll " New .Mexico. li- -l I is ttiimi'tllillft' i ills of left 11, , v t i tall, althnllKll here ill a rill-- ' fixing;' 111.' .1,11 ul' alll" tn til" federal over the office wllell he sineerily in it. There me rea- fast in.ilm' hs, a .,1 sixtvlivt- Ul'.rr.iw hriliu liiil.' as stall of t foityht in - Less The rt'Kulathuis (iiov i,e for the .inihu; to those who the it n ihil'ili;: tmpaimi for Kuriipe last November. than sons, so il says, which in "auv way I'll.l ul fi 111 s CXtectllUK tile Spi il liikiiiK Hi" linal vole nil Hi" lililí" ti .is that the ini k iiiiir nf entries fur :i::u acres of Ion UiVe Slate. J "St ;t ii i n m u h" ;ul.l 111. tit month later Colli", ov.'ithrcw upon the bonestv, cliarat b r lilllit liill an. ri"! in", .' Is Kl't void rctlect - i i t i lit iiiin-irrin- n lo'tl i t a laud of ti ii n non in r, Put Hie president vesterdiiv pi' be novel ii in ii appointed new ami ability id" ITofessors ami thereto ami tiiat tin nil" would ble pul, he lands In the above-name- d all as tile next KiiVt'l'lltil- of adopted. Mr. an cabinet and himself became president I'l'iiin," I ask if there is anylhiiiK I,vi"ht mail" tin- ami Vri.otia His name is Itichin'd K ii II was believed that deposed K'ontl ill man which is in, I Included states territories. al ,r"'li.'ti"ii nf lnry fur his is const rued to Sloan ami nnvv Is mi assticiate justice president would remain abroad, but 11 words, "honesty, character land S, I" L RESOLVED those . DEPUTY IS I' In HASKEL now (.hat la- is mi hoard a ' a in ii ii land which as a rule lacks suffi-- t SHERIFF i, the territorial court ami lives Th" nil" w h hit will In hruuu hi ill actualli- and ability?-- What limit d..cs In r in h lit to pimlu, , nKi'icu Pi . .Millie Slmin came lure III'1 a sti itnn hound the 'lllccl'nil n' 'atai'tl want III a teacher.- Tin n- can rainfall sen''. ' - In mi', sets ilal" vote on - response to a re. it fi'"ii t lit' pi esi- lie will 111 without tile nel'essi'y nf resolt- ta liill A pr a ml whether mil he not UK more desired. Thai beillK Clops th" lilt mi pmiects II- - th from the bencli cnnic to t.iinuaifa. the greatest H by its own reso- iiiK' to unusual methods of cultivation in ami his transfer th" in.'asnr,'. it is saiil. t'ruin all, true, the board has il i. Hice ul territory i' .11 prevails as to his real inten- wit- - such as dry tu x.cutive a ii" mi nuil! s "Xt'ii-- tin is.- rais',1 lution shown that it ahsnluieh faiiniiiK. h' Cfl U R E It is C.-i- hie SLASHED WITH A was a nit nwed for hardly that 1111. ami coutaniiiiK tmrcha uta lh" ways an,l nmaiis ("linnitt"" ami' 10 PI tions. thiamin lust to ITofessors Lands pect of I lie i The il'tt: ive i"V i'llol' tef. t t Ir. will proceed beyond I'oit of Spain. I11 not tin in. they timber, mineral hinds or lands which ni l'"; .I 'mi tli" .t' ..f h" housi.i nal ('nun y vv.iit to from Hamil- because is a certainty IV ll) they mav be irriga etl at a idol Arizona will an niipi'i'tiiiiitv tnr a mi Trinidad, there arc entitled to know Wet" reasonable tost npo. He not ll su,' i"!' impri-n- i probably death dNciird-11111- I ton, iihio, th" ni' lilnihi-r- ..f ni ami not The hoard from any known source nf water sup vais nmsli'Mi I'l"" il'ntiTta,l - diploma Until the riin'lniuitl law , should lie d' haili here. It is believed r. any stuie- ply m a y be this at t, harl, y ami iirnti t"il hiih'S. fuses to entertain imt entered tinder a In i in ITot,--nr- As- - s, hut. ami a It. r brief sojourn tW"lit-sl- x CRAZY SNA will take no his residence 111 111- nl' of s ml un une entry In the PRUNING KNIFE A majority nf til" nil 'iiiiro Illellts of shall embrace Hamilton, went west (Mlhli, win, rila Trinidad and await a chance to start pluitd ami t'ruin and all tin evidence itttiii'i'Hitti' nioi'c than 4a acres til laud mnt" ri ans vast In s Mi pi. sub til Harrison appoint- ,1 a fi'am- - a revolution. submilteil h.v the records and oilier siist .'plihle of from natu .halt. iii'titinli tn tin; tariff irriuatioti ed a s JipIr.' fur the . nut mi him I' lilted Slut' j 'rnt.-'- ! inn ,m r teachers and lets them matters ral sources 'iiiv: lr" v In r. b i' w v. -' I ,,ml- - w I lei ilut ami Was appuinletl' i "al, il'i'ti linnii :,l" ,t Mi ili h.dly olltsi.h' of th" hieli sub. t,, entrv nr.' ii'u,' SPANISH ROYALTY IN ai" Pit -- Ith III XlelMlth illltl HonsevH. Ul I', II" 1 itn s it m possible the hoard limit r litis act will he .It's Ik na t ctl as I. ui County May ''Bo lint tn ,,M,.S" th" ii htll. Oklahoma Governor Unlets s.' a Ofiieei Will MU tl .lost ph . ,n ,'. .Ill.lne Sin. til ft This r. uar.l.'il as i isuri in,' liio ai.ii. PALM SUNDAY PARADE is sincere when it says diet that neb I'ntii linie to titil" ami lists a second t t l Kihbe.v. who was named for I.i. hi t!i" ul" It is ii said that Militia to Remain On Duty li. are two nu n who ait all liuht hereof lit to the C,' e I' and l Be Dislí'.',uied Fot ih; Re- "f r.' as I. III bv Prt sub-li- Ki.ol. Veil ill Feb-- r t h" Ii- r, a s lia hr. n it is best not 10 empliiv tlii ur.' ol the land offi- .11... lad " hut pinper in. tv in Until Cioek Chieftain is Made hi- ces "Itlll such have been re- sult of Vicious Attack by that iii"sl inns whi.h tlinyj tin- best lists I vv I ,lean-III- t M In third resolution the now - April I- .- The rnv'itl ;l I Tin are ol' bree a re ,a ;t i, u l! int "l'"St", will ll" Xladri.l. I 'nlv crsit retiñiré Ihui ceive. by the lo. a land oil leers no l . t I len sis of he lh.- hcnoli Pi has nrned In ca pila fnr Inly i on Arizona tciritothil a "lit. ni wlnai tin- liill isouer, the I to know a pplil llti'lll In liter will be I'. celveil Mexican Piisoner With a ji.ii r.tul v. I! w should r.siKii. am entitbd c -, We. k. w he ith cum-pac- ami tun nl tin Ihlates fur il a. h"- Th" hiell celebrated I ii more Knti ies nni-- be iu rt a ninthly t K.'llatr. . , why mil asked to in i I'ailit iona ri'b",ioiis s v h.v Bill, luiliteshlp is Paul I. Iimles. a former ciiairuiau .s the hi.-- v il Is fui'iti ami In no ase v,', t il one "Hook l'ain'. Hi. ib fiiiile terms than that nl Is now ..... i..-- , I the Spanish court. Todav kim;. I Cin. lie. loo, l'al."ll and liwitlit and ntluf Innls. m,,...;,,,. m.,-í- Wirrl fur "the he-- t interests ul the lllvel ami one half milis in h imlh Ihilty-ili- t 1, - .i..,i a un pa ll leil by nf .Spain in vV;fUiin"lui. adei- with I th" uramhes it In I, ollfi'l'ieil President Till i, linrw S t ' r rmiliils. ( la If am reiiu stetl tu rcsimi fur lamls n it. a, cut, led nf (Npclnl Cnri'fMiMiiKieiira lnrBtna Vi y a ml ti re pa hn st." v Jurnul. court, eii'tv iik moi-alit- t Hi'lil i ikla. i April I il llolf- - hecaiise nf rumors I' iny a h. ruder which wullld hrini; thcnl ha d f a y.'tla. rancio s, mar, in tin I'nlin Sun- lh miii) X M A il i"U i; m; tipro, the ta lit pi'").ii in. Ml nt then the hoard ha., eertainlv vitlnn the piiivisiiuis ,,! Ibis act muv i.i mu. i. mu mii)ii: lllilll e.inimanil lie stale lln,.p. .i"".-.-!- .. n i' S l W IT dín, pi throuuli th" ".allfi 111 I) 1 1 'I'll" ili" ill shut i, general hlltiiillK Cra.v .sijiak" and his tiniibie been ilei'licl in its did, alluvium ( fina proof has not be. n made and Sin nil .Linn ..t ii: .h roí: i:i:i mm i. m: hitaiiv a t II f th.- pi, inc. In thn rnval ehnpel. I I Y IT utoma iea ami I'min the lime i iv i d or, h s to In- of niv pre. upon Im- (! ic; Ith- . : b nl c. '. lias been ii ntrmiK SnaKe Iml ians. "i Thiir-.'ii- v iissi-ttt- l me to continue "il tile ami H ni r ih . He- Kiim- Alfonso, by secre-lai- v .it adonlinii until hill is ln-- 11 I". i t caniliPil, f..c tn.. position of mm h.v era or tn re ll ai of lands as within att-- U M ;hi 111" liliilid""- - will Wil.-- lite feet of .nt term. tluir nf a I'.H- i .i xnrri (., i, of tin i 1. a t i ar-- hi.-- . c, t i th, 1' was In vol.'. uní he Id until he eaptiir. III' t , i -- h. S" pii'". 'i ti.i,s mal..- an of iiiiioc. Vtiiitis min ill i ll i. i .f C 1. siibmil hat olat iiis tics ' A!- I'1.."'. ii ,i a, (I iiiiri..-- . iWil'e "mil- lU'tl J ti:tiniW l'r.'i iH"'-'- h'1;, ;;t'!' i t pit f uiid.'i" the fiv," i .. .a ' . A iliiip i; hie'" .nnp 1"! t.tna ii iile'il I M.!b!'Tf'.l,':"i. ' lit h tin "bliiinii.,1 nil i lie- - "i ip:. link, . .,!;,! n".. I'.CIfCV- lielni'" thl'Ji' Ilt.'l'e u, " .ii;iK..l- il 1st In mi Un- M ul.- ;n, . .1 ' tsiit- in M.'ini vv l It,, ,! bv .. - ,. 'i a b 1h- " '"." am-- ' ,f In was Pun. lltntil A. I., Mil vv t i b. aril hi. y. :i"tlt tl'l't".. t,,t tn ei i'.'ll Itcf.S. !" - " j his own h mis a ma iniii" i." it.w a. T: ' r o Im ;i In;; '' a pai Iv l' .Inn HtuiT. th. ...i ,';ive Pmoi-- , sliuvv at on a.:h . Tailtl J. i ilf.,i- -. Ill ll coldel' I . coiitriiilictnl'v and the nit must that bast v t (l ni-c- i Vetor , ; il rt'in'lirti in Un .lile '' and t (.ei , ri'TVT,' tnv.iv i ' oi. Ilea. n,, ..I i t i', a ic the ft lo nieini..; acttiiiii'il lh" hoard in it:' iu h t h of a r, a i, ry l itui.t' lenviitft ii I'atst r tla.v In 1" will he a public sons which tin of tac hits (I IM u IMM H tiJ tiouU In II. 'i ri n 1'ramie, April I. - Ado In Kiit'i vm ,. i s In 1. r, ,, a rec- - rim iii thiamin -- vv m inns In n - thai lor iiiniiloii. Yiiiine S, hl. rv ice in III" pa Itn " "bal" Inch action. Thi s" are coiit iiiuoiisly cultivated to hkiI- lUlMr nr (I sl.tlllMi; .ll .ht ami, that, the not, :, lor ill", here lat I t'lillllll llltll. ,( UAll ,,'CraZ" uak". ol in will ..111 ill IK lilt Hi In Tnl 'Mil's It ti ra tips. In with thestc-"lu- i was a candidate for the X"V erillil'.sllll ' v n u u ft ' a t ... I. In vs primal" S,.a bhss the ,ii it "innliiK Ill imI'-- it with 1'1'hmI the. " m in It, . thn it l, nt,- t presi- - I, vv ami Criim ill that the hoard :i r of tin- nt rv . nt unlii ca uleitt that the xx;i iinil line:, vnli Snt.m nthal pica al Huh h.r.iip'.ti the tin mint's and that itnt, y. tu .sit. .nt al his ;r: ad ll.rr "huliestv, cha am' le. l I., n I, nl bal decidid upon sloan and wii.t -- ATT ER DAY SAINTS ,,! th,- rnval lalilllv will piirlal,,- ol thu'se.l lluir rail"!' e une loin tli has nltivat, r li- h n! II. III" l'llit",l SI. lies', il p irillC aril vi't! aid ilidi in ,1 d"- tlis- - ." It is not sin prisim,' lie n. inrcn h.u ,t by Smith, who Is now usinii w sunt", th" ululitv ill a w tí ii ii i hl' 'i N i't V. Y.. k ami sul'S.'.pi.'Ut the rilll hit.-r- tiiu his " In- .1 Criim savs iii ( i IIHH'tl OH 1, i (illllMII I.) - ,i,i hit nee tu st Ihe .scv I't''v . GATHER AT DESERET iK palace int, nils ami that Professor all .M t la ill Ml M cute III Kh tin lei'ilillK It i. s tribiil. am", th" A UilS Mnl i. fn v In ami Prop ss,,r ;pl tnr Vuiiii:;. that nil In1 will ii ilahh Ins.- thfff Miilu nt ai-i- of till satisfied Willi tin ouleoinc ui!' Ins u Imlr lat't' aii'l iti'i k ami matter. lirt-av- a mass iriLilitl'iil mmal I oiileieiu c ol Mor n rliuivli my ' am asked tn in Ami and in ease o .l -.i I'll t 111 iin;c I liii rouii lo tali - .Hhls, isoli.T fll iduhl of .M.eri- t ( resiRii after u a-- i'. i'l ui ami j.i In) n tl a PANIC AVERTED; apila!. ,1,',. without one word of n- - E I HIDING 6ERIND h, no BIBLllT IN ilalion which niiiihl useful lo Sail City. April I ill the titt ill.- s Ami I vv ill state Im POSTAL CLERK SEIZED ueslein slate ami err it irv Canuda ther that iluriiiK my service as presi- uní .Mexico, have contributed citizens dent of t he I'niv tl -- il ha v e in if FOR SoO.OOO SWINDLE t,, tile crowd a 1 II 1; til" Tl'tll before received one word ol criticism rntiiiTrlt, e nf t II" Xlorilioll church from the hoard. hiell opened 11' IV todil.V Tile tboll- - Itespetil Ullv t - FOR i SUBTERFUGE WELCOME U ,n. i INFLAMO liln-- usliiui; .li I'liitlited CHURCH FIGHT ...i mis iii tin la it. el.- at he ninrn- w i; ticiit llli sef ices Were ill IllilllV tiali'iltali v illi i.blaiiiniK Jiiii.iuiii iiiuh r false .1 Wei" pr. s. lit. -. lies itii.l all races l. Student Drowned 111 Surf. pl'ctt'lisi'.s While i;cil ill husilu vv . I'.- a e nr nf Imtiaii Th.t" nii'l" I...,, p.itth. Cal.. April I.- .I'din llui-- , Itoy XI Tii,ht. axed XI a nt.- I'l' on .la hn in a al Idaho. ormous vim i n .stu- al lu- .1. uK"d liKht' years, a a lut-t- t lcrU. sahl tu car. Then- w .la palíese nkiiis. :ií. railwa.v special military s. In ll a Ketitiiilvv In ii. from Hawaii a ml dent of Harvard ineinber of piomiiunt IA0R0USE mtv ills. eis SAYS muí "I .I' lft 1'M'ii T arre-li- li l.-- - TIGHT a Ihiieh. ami lalilllv. was here todav al DENVER tie- South Ii la a li'l a IP ROOSEVELT NEAR .li'llklllS. a VV" to no ranch owner al the leipiesl of the Poise authorities. x V, il row n -. rin, sab - '" tin d Hi" Sherman. Ti S. its lied tin WTlellt S.1VS the illliui.- Involved -- 11, m-- I; li. today, s body was is oiilv sunn. He has nut learned tin - ,1 the si a i s lilt ll"lll urf r.' lit xat t nature of tin- hut th ....i-,- 'r.-i- .h in .1.- -. ph sin il n ami "covered. chiti"es i lares his was brnunht about SIX HUNDRED INSANE his counsellors. Ami i laiud and arrest DECLARES REGENTS' Wlllim; to ITALIAN WOMEN TO STREW bv a in. hi from vv hum In- obtained I. din i: W in.l.r. Servia Venoliali. NEAR BATTLE ATTENDS PATIENTS NEAR DEATH; !..i:raih'. April I Servia has tufa "otitis valued at $tl"H to be shipped RESOLUTION SHAM A usl r ni unitary it e willing lo n"o HIS PATH Willi FLOWERS tn a nut lu-- pa y a ml for which In EFFORT TO OUST PASTOR YOUNG WIFE TO FACE JURY tiate n coiiiinci tia treaty. Crown to pay, becau-- e the parlic-t- o Prince in oiK'. who furim-rl- was whom It" shipped the Knods woiihl Oklahoma Asylum Almost Wip- -, TOR MURDER OF HUSBAND Prince Alex, md"! will continue lint ttlvi him the lliiiln v. II- savs hi. Deposed Picsidcnt of Univer- at a (crinan it n Ver-- lt The Get man Emperoi Sends Carna is w illinc. In nt ti i ii ami slit ml t rut I, Ministet Dai ricated in House of cd by foi crow n iiritict will make a two so lltil he vv tl have nl Ul in li v nl Out Fire; Loss Placed Allc-ic- iner to of sity s That Real Basis i I npe w II tin n tions Deccic Cabin unta r if he hail known ha an Worship Defies Recalcitrant I'lincipal - Its' tour of hn and ii Seventy-Fiv- I'aiei.ts and Ihiillui- - k In tni ul was out ,ti;,iin t him II" at e Thousand! 'ain-- Mr- -, (.race jinn a Cuss.ti rcKiuieut Kussut. t Actioi Is Concealed and Di- Finnic. Piesideiit; Expected -- avs It. was in the lunKct u".e nuil luati Membeis of His Flock to Re- samp-o- n. Dolíais, llllslll".-.-- Ill Pll- - e i,i SCV .' ,' scusses the Resolution, to Reach Naples Today, f Him, ' move A N. A pi il I A l, usual nui ,, piic(iicr-li- ii a e it a .It rv ROSWELL EXPECTS - heti-h- KIVi-l- tll.'l the iv ntillii: Nnllee lb, I it - we. limit; Uirc ,11 . I. I, par- I'.-- -- a l'Li nt tu u r - ( I ,1 hip rol " "M im.' " I'll nt r. Lp li - a I, UK lly Vriiui .loiiriit.l s1(r, i, t,u.eJ el el. I .I,,iiii...I ti.t I i Thai lite bu.i in vir I It. VI,..iii1 t., .iril Ulrr al d. t 11,1a A,rit - Six nt,-- atol hmth.-r- .ail,-.-- it .1 P. a lit Int lit It a n T I i ' ,, -- t In- ,. fnr his inn the N'.tld.", plil l'h" n i -- I, .. II il- - X, A I .a t. s i '1 it iii s. s Int- "lor inttist Iii" 'nt 'ee icnv April result of the p. t ' "ii- - vv i h.'d'i' I..V. 'I .. ,. i; :. I . b, l ll ' i . - 1I1 :: Let." III.! tit lh d' tin- niv rsity." hid hind a it. a nlii. K a e Pre- ..lup.iiiv. was 1.11 Mat I. 'Itt'l til . lino; ai tins, tl bv th" trouble "' ;UerH..ii .,.,. ,,,,, Alts VISITORS ,1, lit u..- -. v . It tn XI .un h.u -- a. is Iv inif In ,l"..-,.- e, bv 11a -- l,t All ,,.... l i Ho- r, i,l r, ,ti Inl- ' mill t -l i tii-T- fuu" tn con. al ,e, 5,000 a ill Hie -- III. the p.l el nf In It a hi. a w I, .1 , K 1- !.". tart'ite, Ir,, tu irairii ít;",,ic,l MPn Samps, at '.'', nil act i. in Is I,, h.v I'resi-thll- t tin- ha decora .villi la ks ami Illll.: up it he I. dale ll" -- ine th. im made ; It ( i t l In- -- i - t XI ,V 'i Will man a iik.' na ell lilt if InbeV lilt', l"S!l.. .r.i huii.hii"- - ,,f t !,, a chai".. With III" " n.i and William l!. TíkIii, ha' ii. .la una .a Im r '. A I'll tl h" I'll i'l - v.'e. ,t!li-inl- ..I i ,1. II. i 'o...--- ell hi- - ;ttt til m . b a l int out sí tte v un t ktPin'.' h"f 'r, un Hn- In ail nf tie i, ulty and pallv In ami all i,..P". if ai.l ililtl ni I'iIIviI. bluUe at l'ni apply V'llilii;,! 'V SOU. ,"'il"VV nf III. a I nivir-ll- y w Xli-x- .. by In UK iv lib lli'l s ol lit- w.l ...III" ti, 111, pa Id to he ' II' ar here. ,. nf tin ol .. l. nielli U tin National l.upuir hmise Sainn-n- In r lam .hut a It 111 N ll III" Ii II- - n f flu A T i:. The 111 .l V al !"''l".-- t illl'l IS llnlV ileVotlllK AT BIG S HOW wait mil Kilts vi;st. v. til" broke ..III lite l.l - -- at lllnti, ilh ii, hi- ll a tl'.?.. shuts N n in h. r t ha " hi t n In tin hip and p IP s h. m,n tin ii ami th, nti to a publicity laniiniimi l"l tin pul- sill! T t"l iiit'i -- In'.V ' 11 b littl" s I,, , n r. ,,, p, pos,, as h, avs. t. K'ttnu; a tnlltnl til" ll "I th' ..rt liitd, tuiiiiiiii.' itui trls. linn in had t,,i their 'inure t h I It, I III III 111" It pi . I, s ' The asvloni tire d.p.i h al ami i nun iiik t In hit i up' litl'til I.i.'.i. It.. and Jl.nv Uoir. ii it! . s n t u i.- p. i .ni . t 'I nt nía st a i.. "I m. lit w or. i. I .1 ..ul ev i v . on ins perauiul i. pota inn 'r. ÍKht a - d I I 'I w. re k bv A and i ;. ..i- he uiri. siru. a s- 11 h. uta n colors will e n I'Ut I'lil," In coll, el tlniit the Ji.tti, H'si CITIZENS ATTACK ppa it n' lie ans his Has pled POLICE TRAP BLACK The I iutllii- nt il hot linn supposed p Pecos Valley Mctiopolis Mr Knnsev i II s i tit" l.ol that th" hnii'lniK was burn-- ! in mal ill tn have a ItialiiiK nt itny abut li. ha . In . ii ,1 bv d a. it I t.- i Pn int tiv. . w It .'i i'ili-- i n a r K - I" a hull Hi" vv. an, in lnnkill'4 nut nf ill baiK'- - hn lliav hi 1011I" t Th. I v. . p., !',;'. lh!" Eveiytliin, Ready Foi the , . I., . Til. Ihe National t ,1 I.- It 1. In . ami Air Id...-- It .' .1 Wiiiidnvv h.evcv.r. sa a th, toe hit, a ml ml i".i tin fm holl-- III. tl IttilUe amii .1 ' . l.lulnil oil I' whell . ba.-- nil hut til the a ill' hi Hi" I'. x. ile.lly a vi- Un- il.irm The at- - the public The XlmiiiaK Jiiitrn il IU, -- Tenth Annual Session of tin: W the tailed vv .... H s ..( .. ii. it hn t. mlains in-l- chai;;, s! the f"l h 11IK ci II "it tin - v out t tempt anions th."r a n - ' HAND SUSPEG 'l'h, ouel, ..f lt" at ii ,. y BUIOAT ill vi. ml In hut. al. r. sr... I tli'l II'!'.! 1..!,! t.. Iinil :, ..I o .c'f.v thtin: Cattlemen, w w , ol pn:lioi tie numbers the XI a ami a pa i .a .u,,.. i, e ' '"it ;h, pani" was Iv avert- d I.Milni nl Tie- m Join mi 1, r a I i, a I, tui.--t liirin.v miu l i -- - ' ó t Ili" urch to c i, las h tvil'i Tin j av.rt.,1 May aK iin h.tvn sp.n m your !. V.l.iii, Tl iml' ci-l- nr of 111" -- -- n M.-to- t in lav I v . 111 . .1 111 In r m.. t i., .a, ail m 'li 'I'll .1 e spr. el ft ..III lie la , hi its tn pr. in ni . h ni Iii" p.i'-io- r i toed I ...-i I.i I 1, I .. i c- - I'ltib. ci.: t ' IIUi.,li li.r VrniiiK it "' " Ill .i or .tun l...,'.lini: P. let- uiv.l'itv all. n Tie at i. ., .1 hi i, ml th. hit i.'.i.l.- -l tl of M01, c .vi -- 11, 1.1 I .11 '.'. i i .l " ot l;i.H Huit Exchan hi 11 m hi - p., h l;..sw. ll. N Anuí I IP, 'v chu- nut t.lll.ll kol.üiei , n.-- hud, linu ,,,i, folInwniK ion- v.r. "d t h. ,. ,, i i, " t nl the ra - ' ,u, ,. m, !,.. P.. trl il v a v . 1,1 0 ..t t ' lit na "lilt- -' has le r k lad lol In ",, and a le Pi, ,s at, .., - llc- - Wh.n the blaze I) itf board al I ,1. hi- at .1 I f nt nl "i cation. whl"h I. Shots With Illicit l.iouoi if, '. Hi "I a N...l. He j a tO y j " tu He minat. s bad i. led tn th. j of Api 111. o.oly lor lie Pate '!" i.ll.t. A'tt ll'l!t ,,. ... i...i ,!.., him. . . v I li ,1 II ,1 pa, fm; U ! A 11. t In- - v I p. - .1 v. t. nl ii mi th. at'-- iiM.-- ol th. .. mía nt - and ft. r lia it a ppla al ol al in he the II.. Veo' ' , ,," .... . "i th, . ha-- j u- ul bufa w ei s oa Ohio River, M's-I- - A ' le ..' hl.'ll h '.. Lett liv . iinil nid.i In a th. nam.'.-!- a c..-- t ptultd anil Ci tiiti, lit, tubers' annual ul tic Panhandle 't lfir.nir'1 ,.,-- I, ill I. t ... lili. r. 11111 1" li s ' riiot- Cm a ml Ion' a:: I., il. r, 11:, .a tor at.,. itt. lo. " f.c. nl V'l lla alt !l. id - I'V Ice HllS I'l'int- - c - -- It.- I o . th- v. on n hi it.. no I'l liii,",' II" t.x.k 111,11, hi v.. I!" v.'i'-- Iwhi'b .'il e. ..t .1101 tun. ili the id ki mi tolUK "itn .ii.,'. il;. a ot t not a si rum; haul - vi-- ' tl l d it ni- - ill K P. ' VV - ,'.'- tie ll .Vi.rninK J..tuniil Kimrml Wir ol .Ml" .il- - in tin- ...n.n of liiaiiv " UIK it ,' and l'h" if' I" tu' 111. itt nt il I p.. Iíiib. "'!,,. l.niril ii.ttine If. ! - i.rn f. -- - ' - ' 11 v hi ii h p.. n 'I I, le .....I ' i. tl,. In. 1'ic'it. r- - v p.. I ' i'1 t nskinK i"i lluir bv Tu. at ri'tltflll i' licuKii.. d. ii, I, -- e ' Ah - ;. , -- -- t t v i .'!'- I. ii,.. .'. IP p a " " Tie I":i.i'::,,.'s r. par.. (!! 1,. w.l, i'l a t .. ' .Kita ais. .md ail.l h.iirn, thos. Ins el .i to nut Coin ii ian of Itiu uturv- r.t.s inmnd flub! vv .i.iilteil WU-- ' m- l,V" '- u h it i: - i. o i::,., le f 111" SU ll It 111' S t It ,1 " ti ami ais.. si'i' iii. IhoU aliU Hallan- " ,. i v, V " ft,-- r t. ll. h.'I of I . pr ii - a t'f -- a. ' t t 11 K . .', I.I IP, ,1 ' '!" d .1 .111 COIU. nt .VO. .1 vv I!. solv. d. it is ti - of it" ll" moetill lor l,,i. 1. C"l't nil i'l" k i" an "it ho hud b. till, k that '."li net i. lout.;' a , t i . .ii - v - 1, , iV t a t a ".' .at ni: in h" n't ml court A 1, j. w it Ehts ih iiuimli',,, rt Ill be a ui. n . iml tn :..r fr- ;, am .1 i" I' hoard that in fit nt" a It, ui. '".at l...r. -r i 'I tlL'"! " . .1 w i.- -t - til- t. l,C t! blK a It f In. ,.i .. ,i i'.'l.ti a. .Irrry in nt t le- ho!i it ut ion , I . I . t:- -- iKUatinll nl It., Itlíe ot .illl! ol" malí that fi t V. . ' ' VI ixlv In on - -- I.I- - , . IS' It " it- ,". ' h ' ,1 t . ' - e ' ' ' With list rv Ut Iii:- c on l:!,ti."l.' 'In!. I! If I w - ! but 1.H St Vil'-il.- -lc iinii " "'d. in ' i.l j'll .in I'd - h. 11 - I ...... I - ' i 'mat- .1 i't . :,." ill'- I,.." d lile O I'f "1 ...... 0,1 prop.t!.'ti..!" il.ei ill. oh fa has Th" I". ""- III' sil. ni a in- nl l.r. la hi o.t'l ue - I ;. , - t '. 1, - U"!l-- II h - . t I. It" i h i:...,. -- .Itilltn. .,!, he. It ut la no oft :.. in a "I Iml it e ' t.a . p. " a ... i,- -; I" 'I' I, I I ' ll ' II, I - - '11 til' i Iu- n K ii ai ih" ... "I i: l!lHils I.I Mill i -- ". r.,-- a i Iv ,i t en. i,n it 1..II ,' r t In ah nt , VI- -. N.l'i. I It ' m.i, :.l .Intll nú nliticiau i 1 11 i - follow ;n i' Hli.ili " woi: i:i i tloll tlul" .lb. j . a- t ii:r n:i' tile Si,..r.- A .. -- ... .P It, an. In, i: .h.i t I t" d. til- I t ,. I - ,,, e, T.x.ts. To . -- lb tal ll...! lot at "tt ':, Unlth Ami' ,)f i' k. w - II - ' - .1!. Ih. u.l r. bul s " t". l'h li.pi..: vv , i , t 1, ;. .11 XI. '. Ill a 'rap itn I' Ui.ill ilfl'l il t.t!-!.--- 'l i,., ii il r S S il mir .lis!, r "a nti of b..S -- . I s v - l,i I . - ,1 i, a -1 . from hurí '. 11 Ki d a t h . It n t pi.-- I to l ui-.l- r throw 1. i...,r, it- - - 1.. fir.- '"''"" (i' 'li " "t til. ,. 1, lieleM.ll. ,.ri ' - It 1.1- - "fit . - -- I. p. a- i w ,it .h i. c sKlfl- and In. -- I, 1. a ..I ami '' 1 ' lit, i, Mli: "" sni. I and v ho h 'I. Id. nd '. ol I.f' d I". "or t n. iti II o 'it u i S. ri . . . fi. fn ."I ;.! st ' p,V ,! I. ', t h !,,,!-- - ' , i . up-'- ' u ol -- 1 ".-'- . ,1 .' el t !! t " p f t ; I S. ;, '" ',! In- i r. ,i ; ,li. I. " 'a ,.,;, ,.,'.,, h.m ,.- a .1 I'tper, Mm mid .,,' ' ,V it I, p. !i -- , p.- t e - d ,.t,,l, ' ' .".-- IS. - A- - C P st,... '. . .til-- - ,1 Ili- , It .1 '"'l " ..1 a i'i.,1, - ra. ni o. ,, , , - of J ii'.i barn. . - , - l s .n s,,. Iv l,1t ,S I 111. 11. ' M t I r, a .lit la I" of the tb-- - l.. If i - ll,,- -- . i.- -. .(. u h Ii" - "i he. 'a it r.hv N' a s'''.f 'i ..I .'ee - vt.ei i.ank nei. I W ,, - t, , 1. ' I IM-t- it - cd I Ij.i - k. " ,u,i i k 111.' .ill - p" It 1,'. " I. t I,. I . XI M I -. I. - ,. .' " ul of m -- 'v r- - I 11 - ' an le "'i. 1,..; I,. dt iii- - lo li. N .oh 'IP, f p.r, i.f a", i.ici.l . ,1 l I l ' i '1 ".is .fe a pi.-- - !; sti-- , !:;. a- hi r r. ..n .lela tin I" ol World, they f,,-.-- hiiiclr.-- uiiii-i- Ii'.ni,-'"'1'"- 1 " tin is. m ! - ,1 ,1 ill- ti'- a h- ti.'t. nam. t.t ""' " IU.II I'l. who !.. ' -, fil ,., .1 ii - f- a It-- -- . . . X V I W N . ml ....k o .., I I ,1 1, nía nt tarf-d l.aht. ie .1 ih.t II til. .i.-l- l of II t " nil to t P. KI eat .pa ...v ai. "' lip, t.ive murder, tor lie. i . . . I tl a ti -- r.- - -- - I ." and an d heart i .up, ill laiíh! - Tnh .v ,,r.. t o, i,t Un hmr.-.- ,1- ,- dr.." a ami Iti.niv co Is .1 11," of at id. Itio- tn l'.,.NI..,.l .I'll nú . ' w ilis- - ,''":'"' l. f a- - U - - I1" be ih.s morniiiK . , - t i. - It Tl,,-- - t. - ' . , ,, ,. ,1 ..- t !' ,.. 1: 111" .1 I It - i b on ,,tlin tor. muí, .... t i - " r. x. T, p. .P. ,..t. t id ',. el.on t"l lit '! I - .i r i'l a . - ii...- Of CVld '.lCC. , -- . v , ' - ili-- it s p ill l "'! ..ope !' h' .ft,' m.i-- - 11, .li'l-f- i. all- .1 ! a and at. tt.t f" THE ALBUQUERQUE MORNING JOURNAL, MONDAY, APRIL 5. 1909.

NDIANS ENTITLED TO HO E 10 COMPLETE THE JAFFA PROTECTION OF fi CO No other medicine for woman's ills has any such professional endorsement as Dr. Pierce's Favorite Prescription has received, in the unqualified recommendation of each of its several ingredients by I Mil GROCERY CO TUC THIS WEEK all worthy IIIL LMI scores of leading medical men of the schools of practice. Is such an endorsement not of your consideration ? Is it not a significant fact too that GOOD THINGS TO EAT Indian Rights Aoso iaíi'ni h' Tinco Months of Effoit to Se- Hi.uh Dudgeon Ovei Aileuou cure Jury in San Francisco Dr. Pierce's Favorite Prescription III of Navajos Who Graft Case Has Resulted in TieatmciU s the only medicine sold through druggists, for woman's peculiar weak Ran Amuck in San Juan Sunny Monday Soap Ten Men Qualifying, every i i..i h 1 n nesses and ills, the makers of which are not afraid to print its in Country. .m 1 (Ity Morning Journal Nua.'lHI I4,him,4 n'lr Qrcdient on its outside wrapper? is this not worthy of your consideration If Sum' Ihln i u ."'an llilai ii. Aplil 4. Willi "1 , you are a poor sick invalid woman ? I , It M 'iriwiiK J"Hi ii an a n j Shaker Salt ",p,-- tall, ,11 nf ,,iiiiil imi tin- fury tit- til.l Miinsrv í , liiiil.lnu ' l.i- ilan k. k niitiiii;,-,- in tin- Ilia! i T - Sil II. WiiKhliiK't'iii, A an xtra fill" ex- Mi Hi. prcM-lmi- formula of Dr. Pierce's Favorite Prescription will most critical examination of medical ('111! Ilf .... Z i .11 lull l.V .f 1'atii.k I'n mil. nf Hi" The bear the "Til. suprima .iliZ'Ull ,, i - i i ii Hm ails, will r Imiiimi. habit-formir- t hi- uf l.i"t n Hi l'infil llalli .lili perts, for it contains no alcohol, narcotics, harmful, or g drugs, and no agent enters into it disirlcl i 'un I of tlml I ' il'H v i" iia.i npiiii Un- t Ii nt", nl Ii ,,l, of !,nt tm- a uf IiiiIm ''"I'mi Brown , ,, is li.tlliun writ .ii Boston Bread ta, inin, K I," Hi" PuiKiail illlllilial that not highly recommended by the most advanced and leading medical teachers and authorities of their Iml-lai- i In, linn i iitliii"! t"i l.v ni'' III a Iiiim - - ai Unit haa iiliih, ra, inl- 1 h iilotiTlloll nf l:i tv In III.' tnniimr; ll'at tin' several schools of practice. These authorities recommend the ingredients of Dr. Pierce's Favorite Prescrip- Willi nttnr pitKinis," d.-- i l.ui .l S ,M ii, lar ,,f Hm iniii-riii- marl in iiinii: i. Urania. HKi'iii fur tli" Imlian ' "ll! :ill,,' tin- i f f a tn un- a tion for the cure of exactly the same ailments for which this world-fame- d medicine is advised. In tin- Murium .1 u i' .i l Guava Jelly , !u!.v was tt ml- tin kin ,,n .Inn tin ry IJ. r.a-,- Ml. 'I In- mini", A of with by the leading medical nil Na' iij'M I'ltnal j.'llj am, tin r nf tit,- nitjrl lin booklet ingredients, numerous authorative professional endorsements "Tin' aim- In t. , i!."l' In-- , jar aiiii, thr,, tmh an injiiii" 1 cu- iiiiili'l ii'iiaitri tthu talan inl" Hull tin- siairi-l- nf authorities of this country, will be mailed free to any one sending name and address with request for same. I.V ITilt.,1 Slat, III liilu-- ' risltaill III.' I tfuups Hi" nff nf tit,- ItHilrn.iiN la, ,lr. .'Hi'l or, I, mil I'.v Un i "in I'nllial Y. I!i7, ill.. I .linli;, Address Dr. R. V. Pierce, BufTalo, N. In- Boneless Herring priiHian inn inn Mip'i'hr of iniliiiii nllaliH In iiiii , inlssiuiiir iliifni-ky- illl . Imii.m I In Hii.ii'lni' a at, 'i li- ' i r lb :i.m- litnrr time-trie- d fun, I'm Aii, ii.. ja 1114. lim-- t Hi" nl foolish often dangerous to a of in place of this I' "I ini ami iirwiiim iit I'nr atnl It's accept substitute unknown composition lahor on Iml. I.Tiniiiiiial.: ruis l,'Kiiti,iii tltnt lliria- nt la,'li"v nf Hi f 1) lit. tlstii'-t :t I! m ,,Hi,-,- ' 11ml a a medicine of tnoun composition. Don't do it. Insist on getting what you ask for. Ini ttata filial In ant i muí nrit" "Ñu i ia.'i's nl ,,,li, ia r,' tin.lly i.f mil I Hi. I ml l.i ns. (It- ' " ..f law at'alli: Ml lllM..ll.. IIIK Hi' uf lla- II . l.v II" Iflllpt lllllll l.i IIIK ilrpriW'il of til. lil.. IN - u 11 a ( ' FRESH Willi.- tin- lalila nn tin- I. r t i . a i' riirpui nrl.ltniry t.r. ni llim'H ull'ji-t- ill ptaiKl'ihS. la I lMI'(!'ll Sltl rlll'l'-l- '. Illl' W," i.f In. lian Allana Mr llfi' Alr-'iiil- - Hi" trial Iiiih liruki n "Ml"-"- - j. tt, !'' I" an ill' Mm liim- Iinil. E FUR Nl TUB E Nat ii' lilit-li.-i- - l in tin- ins,- nf All ulai-piU- in Hu lna.;aii . w In n 111"-- Ki ll li I III I'M'. w ir wln-t- :i jitrv was W 'I I (i i 1. . I raliam liiuf. J il I'v tin' S"'iN ul i' in i In i"nnil O tt,r.' HHi.rif all, r t,'ii w,, k.H with fifty tlai--i- l raptar, l. In Hi" tumult In 1. ami I.. m lnal pr,,,-- t',1 Inuu. In II. .will twu Naval' v.-i- I. ill f ; . I'.tl'l I In-- r. I'lnirt tliat " '"allti, nn raM,- . 1' ltai- ,",t! I a ni lu í .i Tin i ' v a ni ml laji-- KILLED STOCK AND Hi" IimImmi. ami amt liuir,- than h'l ila,a im it i.ti u aminii; ini" If tlll-- Hi;, il lili V Wil.' ill 'I'ullliil ,,VV S y ,,a al Ill" Iiik tin- mini.': "I Hi" t' ri Hap t v. In wtlil". it-Ml ."iitiiiiniin ,1 In Hm trial will tn tin ni liria Ik "I Hi" i:m ' rn Do Not Forget Our n ui.rii Inim; Ih,- I,, tal nunilnr uf iil.-n. '-r- . -. H.i pl'-pi- tf unlit, lull", tit" "illipn, an laln-a- 11 up '.!,l !" O l ' II ll nKnillst mini S ED l lllll lint" la lall. l Sll .piluia tin pnai-lu-i- ami iii;- llii-iti- r nl. iilM "I Bakery Department win. alik" uüli ..lia a- Inn i',, al'f-- ai-- plan, ami ihl Un ti'iril.'iv' ilia,' I, , a n "Xnisnl ll,,iti p",', inpl'ii "Tin- - iimslii;alii.ii thai lull.i.M'l hall, liiii-- nf hi, It Ih" pIMN", ,,!,, mi im i mini When You Want Good liutv tliat im lin ai nit. mum iiml III" ,!",-li.- riv In In a. I a nlailis Foí III Ilia IniKans nf lb" nnai Ink. I'. r Reinal kable aliens t Ii ' that JuilK" W'liliani ciisl-nlt- ami .any m i "lint Intn tun iilliiw-.-- tin- a pplh a inn it Ihtr-1"- . llltlskt-I- Ii in Hi. nontli r.hmi llnlilnr VVIui 1 i T i. lil In Unit.'- 'ill mil Intuí' tin- pi 'ta.'i ill imi will hay" ..I íl ' i l . riMtlnliliK Tit" lii. "in l . h ,. 11 pi li anil Ih" i,-- ... t.!faí,'' liy nl Hi" vvn . Joluivi-ÍH- ot From T tiliillitx ma. I" Hi" nlli'ials BAKERY lit nnk mis 10 ai the Oven u s, In,--- , I1 " Hill tV linlaui - la " "I 11 M ,a ,i.l sr. ..I tn I'll" fill .I" In - .) - Xlll-l-l Ink I M .1 ''-- t - Hill bus, I m ,.l:--i..n- na- V --"i y,r- r; Him ,1 m. ml y I v. ' f, ami 41 ni,- hi Hi" uf - a mi ' : in nl miHil. nn au.a "a; " Nil- a 11.) lm"pat'W u.'.Vf-.,!,,,- ! a'.' ii"l li'.m I'lif. lm',...tin lia! ...i" a .1 In n, I. ' Imi.iI lint. flam in a n v i .a C afcalnst tin an 1.1 l,, :Ht: ,1 III" l'M" nl ll"Wap:l-!i,a.- - fS.'.-lit- urrr.Rt.iu,li'l..0 Murnlnic u In Hi" i"-- "Al ,'ipp, mu vain I3li jin-nr- ( A niat-- Hm a Im H" s. aa.l iltna. at" 'iillimhiiM. .l pril iil In maul nur trial ,1 ni- a a IImm iiiiiii In Willi Ina-ll- , , I. a In an. Ha- a izm'mxamxTMsm first nr. hia ,,,k M,, Imlliinn ni I. " a mili, s HIS '1 j ami Ih.' ilil'fi'l II i, u in :" nil ni inln sina f huí ' I!lllt níiria'aai Hi. ir'iu.'SS iilllv l!tri,in.;h A IIS T I T i illlll-- In n I" lia allairs his linns.- with all i.f H Al. I. !' I'I'I! llHpllH pin", ni .In. In,- liaiim- Tim lalli'l-- tnil 1 n Hi.- nn iii "I tin' ih Klllim; liulh ui hia ami! : i I ni V JS v r.' i'i hiiiii nnii' "There is a Reason" a a 111. nt Ih,- it n,- " Ai:i: i'.sri:i'.ssi;i n iiiiiii A .J un- aiiuiiii; IlillU ,1 ,'!l ' IH' nl III" h',,11-''- trh-- ta Ilia mini 'I "I ii' , l llnu nil" .nit lia- 1, ,11 nl i 11 a nl In. ril In pr, a i;i;.i'i: l, niiln 1.1 H Ii a"- la n nl Hu- ikiiil animals, .latins intuit lili un I in..! i.f rn-i'- ili.ui a ml n l.v I ri I Si il.- - In .la I. r.' in ,,s,,,, t,,r mvnint; a m ar .h.u tut "i-.- nl'l-'i- r .' . ' ,lii hm I,, Hm ami j niimii Im im-l- al- All N.-la- la Hi- a S, lilavv nut ll hrniiM illl a r Many Styles, Sizes nf l.a a w. 111,11 in hi' I'lmiK". Twi' Ilia II 1111-- il", BAKERYj , - Til.' Hill- ai" nl, PIONEER mm.- nf I'" .il '' " . ". Stilll.lll..! hr-,,- s '. iMl a iii. i' am! a 'li ihf. I n a n tin il his pm in ml la l" .a. illi Co. - In iiliaulnl. iintliintr laitl. 'Tliat The Jaffa Grocery Ili.-- ni-,- II..W il a ia a Ink, fI full i li'-a'- - In til" lli.'.ilillii; i.f III" laiv ami n ii.s ii.iH 1'iif tillii ami iu.mJ" so soi i n i I km' s r. lull "I'.V ll ,a - llllnl ta hf". Ill" il'- ami Hi.- í'.ihnI Tliliiifi n .n n ' '' Till- s, t 1 ll I, "I il is si!iii...i.l auger .,f iL.'i.Y'i'n. ""'' laiiat k M I.1) l.i-- tn'.'-- "I' " l Knntr Un- .i im- simplj .i aabe I I'V lia.- 'i "I' MH UrdiTK lllnl ms.,.i ria'-- nt l"H' v "I H'" la (l.ii 'an- S3. II. BRIGGS & CO 115-11- Ii.IImiv. .1 in -' y ' 11 ''' FINDS ROOSEVELT 7 North First Street f.irin. r ni-- ' " will ' ' "'inn. im AT ' DESPERATE ATTEMPTS U 111 ' "' " '" DRUGGISTS. "lf .. i.f h' Iii ii ni i ..rt a i...! BY ' ' SUICIDE MEXICAN It hmit a nun fin a. Ii n v ' 'i ' rolirlel.r l rhnr.nii.-y- 1'lri.l imamM IH.-I- Hi mirl ' ' m m lama ii ni Vim. GUILTLESS OF Alvitrmlii Tor. II..I.1 nn4 ' : . 'M. mi... a l.'u,r..l un. I'm- IMiilltliH. allh.iM! an I.mihi i a 1. la i In mu " I'liui j. l.nt NOW READY TOR APRIL PLANTING , IM-f- il v m! . Minn Mi a i in., ii i "I T.-.- III. M. .ruine J.ilina.l Sn.'.li,! Uhrl i.ip tiltllliil ii ' '.'iii' itruiimiaj liaif Tin M nUl.t ' lit. .1 l"(l ' mi: i ..I- - lla I 'Iii. an-,- . Api il m Ial, ai A Ial t h" ial i' iilll" ila 111 nl al- la,,!, illim II.. M a ri. ml in t .'.ill. I a nl .' a n i'ii I t "l-l- sai'l I" I'lill lia ,ly Cli.nhu .1 Kainlil. r Inisll Im nn a n !' " n ... a. ,M. Im- Mm ii In- tin- "f a w a Itli.' la nlatfui íiftiit f n ilmii in COEHGIQN uni RICO HOTEL & BAR v ' ' I .. a, im a i" s in iia IiliMl'liiv nl ".'l'- It V III a Ii. I a III I Iiiih: I" ,. a. a n Hi. " mi a. iiw a in a r I 'a ri a !. M a ... t la. ma in .iiiili" iiu- - iii "I a.- mi Ha .1 Hi- "l.l a, i.l I sim-1,1- I'V tal, I, inn iu nil Inn." li'.li lama "i ill II!) Nnrtli M i:!-:- Ii a a il 11 Whirs, liiinirs and ANH Sin as in In II II I p.. III II-- I,, a. Hi. a Hi" HI lilliiyi'll' t a i K " linn ' in Ilia rl:n. l.ns el. " ki llil'l II Mil. k '. s. l ;s!a ias, iipp.-a- Im1- laMl- ,1.. mi a lllis-- 1 I'li-s- siri'i t. Itiioins liy day. tvot'W ir n.h "Iltlttm Ins tlilual. Mlailuaini; lali-s- I a a i: , a Siaii-a- I l SHKIHS ia. !". llill- - lllllll III. ..- in l i im .1 la u nr., .,! , a i a. al I. win, It. int-n- j in l lli:lY lilllll hull" ami in,null. si the it, f u. ,1 I'al-;- , s la---- H.Mlis Hla-l- ali .1 mí. - .1 . N.iliniuil Kefoim .h l!..., Tul..' I, Ii Kill" ' ian "I a M.- K It ia (.iil Si'ivice ami Ii a '.' "ill "I a tail, n In II. it- ii ,ii t Ii Inlrmlnri'il l"ll '.'m I'.'in.mla I sima wliu, I!u was ii ii' mi; in I'A l.l. AT í I ' , III- nam "I " n i ',, a i a mi. ii... im.'mio lincstir.ation Results all-- I. h. w print inn nil n m r .lia.ulil imiuw (..inin. in,.) i M . a - M I'aru'iaa I u a Hi- ia ml ia a II I mi .,; ai .a, a a . a la- , ,. '. nmlit in Him in of The i n sa wfl l.i l.a alala.'ifi r ...r,i. r s ALBUQUERQUE FLORAL CO. .niM.-- n ' I"- i.' n;:-- Vidie. ilion Methods Used ami niiii slaf U nf 'ni lli.- I. Inn, I. n- I "X-i- - c.aia! lia III luss uf a In ia- if,, s I -- I ' I ' - tlm ( i ra A im. II a ill In I:ih Km-,.- nl in lain ,1,1 ai,., sanl la- .la nut I.... t Ii i. nl 11 ' nil in Nniniiiatin.". Alar ,sK is linn.- ill nit I Mi v .1 I,, I'.-- lalt. I I ii .. " !.. a., iv, i, ,il"! H.I..I!"... ' - April la I'm. l ,i. i mint hi lit ti. II" a ' '." al' ttlij hn- !" . f li. in in a iniat" wai ami if i TI,- a f. .I.a.,1 a nn a.Hi a aa a Ii,-!- w a- h- t i. I ., ami III" full nut l n an ' lu In .IS,',! Ul 1111,11 ll ,sl - . I. I. aa-- l' !,,,' r r a tin-.- ' in- li..- n, k- ,1 fl.lllls WniiM. nn ami 'Ma i nr was - VI... lit, I , m iiiiiii sun alia, liai, Willi n mi It tin- Li: w ;t r " "l ' a " ' f n a Hi.- i i'!,..- Hi Ilt.l ,t .l.ltUM.ll S.., ..I its, i,(' If" thai ;.lialiu In n ai .iiiiiii'. a a ll I"- - J I Hf' at fa r "luí" I'll! iia Hi.- ,.ali ,i i .1 a a A il ; r.r L.v fi Vni I.. Tli- - "I Ial-.;- ilii-.-i- l a 1; I mi- a 'I'll- f li I. .war. til" If 'ill al nilitl a, t muí il. muí aa.- 'II,,' Ial' mall ' II ,, Hi,- .. a a ii ,a DOUBLES SIZE OF DRY FARM 4 nt v. ;li I,. ni 'i "I "!' Ilii T stat- s. 111!" i liarn. i. nil "I "In- Ii ami Tn In Half Ail- . - in- m a a k Hi.- .Vila, mil Oi 1! S,-- , i, II. i, w mail-- ' " ail, in .mi CLAIMS ' UNTIL SOLD 1 I, In- cu i am. nl i:- a .IMII" la In- .si if.. it,- tin- f. .Ill 1. a I nl.ti'ivMi ( I i, tin, i s. ' ,,. .. Hi. v n' a ,,a Hi.- t mi ,1,1, v t a T- i,, .i, li. 10 ,,,! mi Hi,: f ai. pril a' 'i:- - a a a ll a a ala lili" l.a ma lit ai t n,a,.- Tin- ll..;-- I, it - L'lli- i a Ill III. pnfii" nm I m ii w II s-i- i r a f! nun; s .ah l.a nl- at M f!a. I ( . I rum- I .'.A in I m- !n- -i a H Inn. I. ..liinin ,i -- ii ma' ni Im- ", l.t a l'l..ü w ! - a, ii ia- a.,,. It II nm haiilv '' TO HEAR ARGUMENTS antii j W. r. l.l ma hi In purl "ia i! il in vim mails. in I a- l, '.i una mii a a " a Iii l,.!.,l a a li.ill;. - 111. t ... , li 114 a ñc. til" In I.; a ,1 " I Ill u: .m,,, ai, hiiii-. mi. Mints. Sri' fill . IIIIiIm ; with Hi" ''. "Inl nl lili. , I I t . i a , t . u a II, a Mar "f ' t i, , l.a- la, finí i'l at at, l a a I,, Hu. 'a, la: ami a il.iz. Ilnniy ill. i.,. iiiiiii, ini: I" Ial.- uf a s a a nut- ,,1!" la a ti if i I'Mii.i- mi t !i 'HI- - a A 11, .1 1i!m , I, .11 , lia, af.i I. I.", a nl, a I .Ma IH! a s. I'll ' pi ... a Vip. la u tin i ulam a l.nifsl",.. l: Al. ail I'hh.X. I''. .1 mm. v I,,, a ami- Hu a a . .M- V I"' purl,, in ,ai II11' 1,1 'HI a s ., III.- ....-- II I !' Hm , ta! am ..I ,,1'U- ill. i, ur a, I '1 " ill. a "Il ,,,1 ,1 ,. Illl. If. llif. It'!'.!' lam fit a.-- a a ai 1.4 Ii ia ,' in in, a ' aa- a ll TO STANDARD I, luna inail" ami, r f la. B ron Henry Ives, a I .nüns Florist M ..I ml ,.!,. inf. ih. a p p ,.t Mr as- - ,1 i -- S. . I ,., (; ul I ii, a, I t . a s .fauna- If. ;.,. in in. A fa la!! .a if. fia 111 a a .. .val l,i ii, is i:, I!,,. a u! fu, inasi ,.!'., 'in '""i'a IH. in mm 1' hi It in. p. ... Mali a. ii i, i, a a Im a !, ... t .. ii- III.- u n. r ha a!'!- ..i in- nl .l.a i run i' " nia.f a a, il ,1 , a i. ' ,. .1 ,, pii us, s a l,,;ll', llliy "f Mllllall jeccaeotaeeoto " Im la, k la: lili II II a M tilla f in. " s s - .1 hull OIL SUIT v . ,t . Kli ,,,ll a in ill .ail it, inn, f." '. M a. m. a Ii 'a ill- .I'll ' ,', ii "! Ml If ' lllllll'.' l.v uf nl Hi... Him ii il -- .1 li," al. .s .1 as I,, ha,, . s 1: n a a a f MILLIONS OF LIVES LOST GET TO USING ,. . ... a in p!.u s 1,1 tin ..hi .1 n Mi tf lull'- ul Ha li"l '. 1'. .111 lakh'-- pit! ,n pi ' ,' a ' I.m a ! pi .ml a a,.a- Gold I ill,-, l Dost I t i - t II,' ll fill '..II .l If! ,M' I nmi'l i:.l',- a 'apa Tur in, in-- ' l.i, a. a lam nl ..III Ian ai Im .. t cleans everything t!- i' Ut'his; Most .1.1. s fill li.iiv ii.'t il in p. - . , - a a mill." ia in:;. ii s. ia II i ,.,.!. ..a ,ui mal. ih ,. -' ... I a I ' a,!.-n,- - ' I. n;l "w A in Aa- - im, itn.l. it a hi, il mil am f Hi. a, ra s ,.,,.. ." t an i i, i a .i 11 m ' , i. 11. a a t Hi,' Iiinii' ha nl (.;, .ai a ,.' a a a a.a h 4 l a a .1. s i,,.,. of I t'lit'l ll Colli t, if ,t iliiiil it if-- a un hum .... fat f .a s a mmm if,., i. t .mi!. nut 1., I'. .1 , , ., a PANHANDLE Don't mar your kettles f. s. ta in- -' a i i , a was a w a li". Mian a f .Mil Has l.,t ,, . m .,h. m 1, ,, ..., a, m l w in-- a ." mi i af-.- "4 I,,, s, a r ii.. I I. w fa h. la n n, i 1... I. ,' a , ., - ' ,, and them-,,,- a ai s ami ,.iMtii,,i.- in t Iia ii a. ' i. , ni- - II l - a- a STOCKMEN'S pans, or wear I -. I , I ,, !ti .a. tali.! 'a "I ,: ,C, t . la. 1, . n an 111 a a 'IM a .1 t ..! if. ". all.t l.a , a.a 11 a fall if 'i ; 1. .: in a u f . m ... .. a t a i out by ucll strenuous ii! Til. '.ill-Il- ,. a .. a i nl i V. a a !. tit ASSOCIATION ti.niiiii - " tilth f a. f, 1.1 a mam I, m It. laa iii- a ia prn. a in. Ilia. rlitlil t ia a Hm a! ,s m Best , . the !.i-- They of" , . mI Are 1, ...Ii-.- -i methods eleanin as M. Hi. f I" I;. s, la! u! 1. .1 s ... a .1. ... a fa a a .!- - - . lli Ill ami f TiM a:. II .1 'a u ii. .!. " , ( I liitr-- a ROSWELL. N. M.i APRIL j ,, Km- nil .,; s a 'n! Is. the use of knives, .a 1. " .1 la-i- p'M t s - I , , nl 111 lit W m metal W M t :,1 " ' .! If, .4 'I fa I. hif.f.-r- i .,,. !.. ;l .1 - t itmiil. "la ami a ia On mii s. ,, f 1. a " in a i ".!-- '. A G ,:,'. .lata a. nl.t hi.- la Hi" ,.if.- fa HIi. ui' lilts. I.inn: a: -- t,.. It! i'i'-- ami to 3, 1S09. sera persor iron - ,,. a .a'', ii - a dili ras. Ih. ta u .la.- aal Hi.- usfs If. ," Si a, li i a- mi ,,its Th,-(- in . ,1 ., 1,1, ,! I ., !!,,. t i.,-,- , .. , . mil a muí aa i. ami i, 11 Go.d a 'lords ,1 t SIM if- - Mil" W ..III, no nt laiiinmnt 'I Ki ts 4t (a ;.,s- - Dust an "I ll" ' w it w !, I, si, ... 1,1- - I... a ,,! a s f ( Hi.-lul- l it I. .1 1,1 ,1, 1114 "nl- - K Mtnii, nl,,) fl ta ni ' li a- Hi'- a in. "tilu-- If.! Hi.- a , 4iil.ili.-a- a f. lltt easier, a more I lu i. II I" I n: r "I !"-.- - It- natural am f s Tla unit t '1 I'lllM imilll. Ti. in ..n t 1. i. s .1 , ;, 9ni- - In. Ill" "!" i sal .;! and ( way. w s fi-- 'H t! A,-.- i. n.-.- a nt pin at ' ,,i-l- .1 I .! r li" Iit.i '. No 111-- I p,. vil.-ii- l ..11 an. if. Tl'i'i"? tun 1'' f.iun! , i! Hi- Unl'M Hi I'l. 'il ' s ., m ,t , , (j, , m .1,11,; l.l. ,H i - l ... - líí! c. a. .. ; I ,11 a a s at- in t , k. ' 11 miIi- In All Ini44l-- ami add a little Gold ',, a. I,. .1" tin a. ,,, nil, I a I'nr l tlM'.l. Just ,, I .a a ..; i i, ,,,, s ,.; sal. a.1 ., I' li tli, a, " Ivnlf. Iff l In I. it lr:ll, ,ii nit' , : ' l, is"..-- t. ..,.t 1." la. ian t. Dust to the water let it an if, ml ait I. .1 ..! u- i ' ,: t v la f ,1 i .. .1 11 !! - i t a r ha. :. s. a I'ulllf.-Ul- I, s,,a iv i y I" ,!.. it :i. li ' ' - ; f soak in for a few m- . ., lis, , la! aa. a "4 , I a a..., T. E. I I H PURDY nli.,1 . ia1,, ,i . i, .1 u ta k. III: IM i: M l, Mi . l .1 I l . ... i is. f ;' 'a ft' M"-- ' i ' if. ,.....,,a l i v !, I the ai a ..a tlm ' a to. Ml K'U AGENT. omentsand partieles s MEWS EVENTS OF 1 HE WEEK a t t ill' ,,st .a a "fu- 1. ill- I If . mini, Ni tv ',, n. i pr ' ttl C. xr ol iood and el iifj-in- ' .;, . i I i a i ' lla! grease Pi I.. hi a sj... '.' t I ,t '. as f to the dish eau be PRoM PIPON P0i)VS Li,i ., 1 a.u easily and vxaish-f- d i,. tfa I.. quieklv a.,, iK-M-- m ,. ". t:ii or t 'l ii il t ;i!.-- 1 ' - LH - . ' ARTHUR t f-- oil. E. WALKER i. ai 1.4- ai-i- n tm,,i In ! n , a r , a., h, 1 Hi. f"1r HtiirtrttP Sfrrrf iry Iti!u:I BhIK-Iii- ü la. 1'ni-ii- i Krltlts . . lu- if l?t - I I., .t ul l lili. I 4'ni,i.iiti ..f m lamí, .ni. tliin I'll, ut ñ'5. 11. a. - al w i. ,1 'l Ki j longer ami S nl ll, ..lal..t tfl'lit' tn iia .1 st .t.s I retain i "tt. 'I ..r at i!ii :f their .!-.,'- : Jt- ;l .. i M l I l .'l- - I I III ' t TOM El EROS. Sunt anee for a , V 1111 n.tiiM ii n,n 1 mint tn. 1111. t h I.'.ill IVut.T l... greítfrU-njri- M.-r- Wu.v M.. 'ifJ C V! i T. I'.nii I ailur, ti-- i ( . nir! i of time w hen X la- t !,,; I ...,.--- 3 (-- -- at. inf ' liauds , i cleatica wt t a v "' t: t Si . r . ... ' r! u. t" .r s: i ' 4 s t, .. earsnt.t L. B. PUTNEY Gold Dust. l'"-- 'a t .ii Hi at i l"..n lll Isiif 11 I 1T M l.rtM v. I l,,..i. I f?i né Journal Want Ads Get ulis" J;. ;


IF YOU PUT ONE OF OUR BROTHERS DUNBAR'S The "Housework Girl" Who Could Try a Want Ad Simplify the "Daily Grind" in Your IN PRISON YOU'RE A DEAD MAN:" UNIÓN Heal Estate, and jLoan Offlow, 'Ai. Home Be Corner (".old Av.'iuio ami Third Might Found in a Ktrct't or 2'.1 (olil Avenue. It Will You BROTHERS OF THE RED RING roí! ni.NT Pay WANT "AD." bii.k muso; So. 4th street íll.üll 3- - room bouse on No. Sth itrect SH.H 4- - room frume; So. Proud way LEGAL NOTICES. Skull and Cross Bones Warning Left by Youthful Bandits; Sili.ilO EMPLOYMENT AGENCIES. STORAGE FOR RENT Rooms. ' Apodáca and Luna in Jail Tell Remarkable Story of Rob- frame; Williams street First Published March ".", 190!l. Ci 1 . l :r S I M I ' .1 V M F XT WANTKD I'lunos, liouxehnKt f od. KÜH HUNT--Th- e most satiiMry not' $1 .110 Small lloldimr Claim No. 444. MFKict: tc, stored and packed nfelf at rooms ut the Flo Omndi beries; Enough Swag Recovered to Stock a Small Sized house, with stable, Sei i Xo. s ; L'H. (Richard's ,.Ciar Store.) reasonable rates. Fhoua Í40, The r 9 West Central thicken house, etc, with one MII'K i: FOlt I'I Itl.U ATlOY. U'ANTFM :i0 in,,:iN Seeurltly Warehouse and Improve Boys They to acre of Improved bind, near Workers; built .steady Jolt; (pud FDR I! 17 NT Fin nidi, d t ,ni: ,; Merchandise Store;' Say Were Going Out Mep.u t inetil of the Interior, ment Co. Office S 4. r Itoom and , Sisters' school $'0 I'nitrd wakes; also, nood iiursculrl. rooms for if;ht looisi le c i i San Mateo and Be Outlaws; Camped in Sandhills Long Furnished rooms near In for Slabs Land ni'i i.e. S.uil.i Fe, N. M,, Otant li.ock. Third itreet and Central sM,id - .vtii'ch itiii'i. aveüue. light housekeeping-- alio upto- FOR KKN- T- 2 bid rooms vv !h Enough to Eat up Maioy's Groceries. Xotb'u is hereby ven (he fol- HELP WANTED Male i room near at thai room con e, ; s e i o date furnished la io w ine, , - lied t!t.,tr; na uied labium! has filed uo- fine place ü m very reasonable prices. WAXTKM Man 2 for Benlleinen. !lite of bis no iilion i,, make final to run dairy; FOR SALE Miscellaneous. Arno. proof in support of i cows: tfood house to live 'in or "If you ever i fine of arc broth- incarceration and seemed to enjoy the SAI D. bis liiini under l'OU sedions It! and 17 of n net of board with family. Address for par- Foil SALE Foland-Chin- a hogs; FMR R I7X- T- I). s.ii 'ila M"tiet ,l c( put him in prison wo will distinction rather than otherwise. M '.' Com-inerci- ers ami tale, 8 room brick, morlara March :t. lMd, t:'i Stats.. Sal), ns ticulars. J. Ackerman, I a breeders. John Mann. week or month, rod s. s tel M. to out Johnny SnwP'lle, whose sentence (o For St Veijus Kivc you two days pul him a In every respect, on one of ta lameinled by the ail of February 21, Fi Hi lí'lOX h u Io year in the penitentiary was sus- (L'7 FOU IÍAI.K Delivered In TFu7nc room :i Ami if ibdi't put lilm out you an pended by In city. 1Mb! SI a lit.. 4,'u), and that said anywhere thorouchlv npiib li, ''"i Judii,' Abbott on condition beat corners tho town; 111 Mt burn-yar- d (1ri'ssln in proof will be made hctoro HELP WANTED . . ;i :i.t man." that he be sent to the reformatory resistor Female. preferred; no invalids. r". brick house; South 3d and receiver, lit Santa Fe, X. .M . oil fur lawns or flower gardens. Inquire at (oblen, (..'olu. . was mem- ' HoxJ.'IS. iSlCNF.Ml in iMl ink, the other street, cast; line loca- .May Ti, IIKÜI.. V A XTF - Housekeeper, nea,..'oo.í ot I'lione nii;i. laces viz: i:i,as Sam hez, heir i vTiT ber of R R i - 'f' a 1 "HROTIIF.RS OK T1IK RFD Ill.Vli. this particular division of the tion, modern price ..$S(I0 of ,lu tin de .lesus Sanclieii, cook, and is competí nt to pike full Ft :XT nd Inn' in n he Riny in for the FDR S.M.t" IVvoe ready mixed 4 17 i lied nuiw. Tile boys jail 21., mid run ly rooms. Call So ill Arno Mr. This Ik the placard, orna montod strenuously deny knuvvin;; anything on Ave. See. T li 10., and Sec. 1, chaise econoinica home paint. (I ftp per gallon, except wtnr Wilson, Fine house Central T.-- i X., II V.. with five rooms. For further In- with a sk'iill ami crnsshones ami In Highlands: 7 rooms, mod- numbers. Thus. F. Kelcher. about this pirtiirestue organization formation cull or I I Fi Hi R I'.X'f r a :, scrawled on a piece of yellow card- are apparently bound to an ern, Will sell He minie the follovvincr witnesses address South Furnished i.s and oath hot water, to prove :id- - Arno st. CAI. I, M. II. 20. T. board; reasonable; ' ..r board which was loft in the .Monarch of inviolable secrecy it. the house. This bis a.iual Salon, room X. rnoni reardinu furniture with ,,, Armijo type- Haht lioiisekecpine. 7 1(1 llr.tinl-y- v amcery store, recently by the mein-her- s u hi t.aut nini ror I ..v h - l if roí enera ioom. hulldiiiK. for Oliver Soiilh "We were tponH out to S.i n Mateo property In line location. i,i,iii , av. of (rnim of juvenile robbers, iwiuity ytars next pre-- cdinff the sur- - yvoik: at once; applv HIS writers. the and be outlaws." said the Apodaca boy vey mortiiuii. now in hand of the township, viz: I'ollearpo X. Fluhth. 1 TWO ROOMS coiopl. turo. a. who are practically the I F( SAI.1'7 Homo shade Apo- yesterday, "l.una liad a horse and RANCHES. Sam hez and I'M, ido of TV tirown Hirht of the niithm ities, Florencio Salazar, both il l t a I mul- for bouscki epniK. Applv II was yoinii to yet one and we wore X. M for telo house trees, white (sh, box elder, línea, escaped from I'iiiler-sliori- ff Albuuuei,iic, N'irili sixtli st. who just waiting Johnny Suwtill. 5 work; small family. Apply tliTi XV. berry, and lamarish. Taken up mid .loe Sheri Ian at Rtrnnlillo and until 115 aerea about miles out a Ar.y person who desires to protest .Tp'rVi ItM.iV" r.' sot out of court and then we were all Improved Central. delivered promptly. I'hono or For rfxt Two un boys about coll good roud; partly atiainsL the allowance of said proof, or 7 ,;, p I,eo Luna, both lift three HoiiiK' to out. Yes. we knew WANTFD- - Huly 4. gentlemen, nN.i two io in use, were in start house stable there- w ho knows of any substantial reason I'oinpctent hotel y, years of arrested this we would put in jail if we Were with and no Del, my lillt housekeeping: ly pb a: ai aft under tin' laws atol of cook: other need apply. SAI. F Fine Voso pini.o, cheap. f, t 7 city yesterday morning and lodged in on 3. 00 rentilntions the ( FiiR rooms, s. Hroadvvay found out but expected to not away Interior Depart nt why hu II proof ale. L'lM South 1st. Call :)L'4 Soinh Waller. tile city Jail where they related their 15 acres, IV miles out, well im- 1'OR ni.- all When we first cut the be -- RFXT Two rui lied in. ns; tale of' outlawry with Kt'cat Rusto to $1.00(1 should not allowed will be tiven WAXTKM Cood woman cook mid roc, we iiid it in an empty proved above-mentione- FOR SAI.K ITietip; L'tbl no invalids. w, ,,,inl Av. Jour- stuff house an opportunity at (be d housekeeper. Magnolia House, iüj icftUcifitor. n representative of the MoiniiiK on .Marquette avenue, and then moved 16 acres, 2 miles nut, unim- Fni-- t Central. I'hono i.i'.s. nal. time and place to cross-examin- e tie NorthSi.caunl. To RFXT A nicely luruisiic.l ..u.r it to a safer place." proved $1.000 witnesses of said claimant, and to of- SAI.F, loom; can have board in house if poller department, after works e, 'AXTi:M- - FOR Fxpross or family liors The The l.una boy told the story of Four aeres, miles from post-offic- ixpelienced woiiiau to wanted, no of quiet and hard work nearly closed fer evidence in rebuttal of that sub- care of and exprcH'i vviivron. W. '. Futrelle other boarders. rn:i s the robberies as follows: with good house and by claim take youni; batiy and Waltei- up affair yesterday by recovering mitted nit. Xo HIS - new the "We outbuildings $5,000 U. mother. bouscwoik. Apply FUI! SAI.F Xearly Vi lor nearly all the sffa; taken by the boys' all went around to Maloys and MAXI'KI. OTU1IO, West Cold. piano: If ill once. MhC Fi ill' R lOX'P FiiniVsíi'riiiümis for I on Two acres with good lot, 80i i. ' I, ,; il s. cheap taken store, t'io climbed the roof, jumped thrtuih omf. "K Ri'Kister. lii'lit h.uiseki cpiip;. Apply 7 I italic from Fiiruh llrolhois' 180 on South Rroidway; land A XTI7 M Voiiiik lady to serve ice i:uslS'j A lliiiquerque Cnrriatio company and the skylight and then let the other South L'nd. boys in We well Improved In alfalfa. ADMIMSTi: S NfVI lCK. i ream for two or three days at A. .1. FoR SA pony, drive sinnle elsewhere. J 'alt of the stuff was through the back door. T(i: 'i'i':'irílTÑVF:TrTii7w' .i" n' Tin.i. V dollars, two hams, some can r of Maioy's grocery store. Call at store or double. Floyd llutisaker, W. in found in the vacant rooming not three In the mntti the Fstatu of John 2o new ma Am dy i I "). earlv Cd.b iiaKeiueid i.udv to near American and tobacco and aimed finals and 'I'orlina, ileciiecl. I'o w house the lumber a rope. E. H. DUNBAR & SON, - maki m table ali ho w ish leen mills. huitr piece of From there Notice is hereby Riven that the For SAI.F- ibuse. buuuy mm Har- new and modern furnished was on we went to Farah brothers' store, af- havlns,' been on the 7th day ness, cheap. i; 4 South Illjíb- loeun, The remainder distnvored Albuquerque, IN. M. WANTED Mrs. II, R. Wharton, landlady. top of tile home of l.eo l.una, at 7 11 ter hidluir the Muloy stuff in the al- of Mecemher, this", appointed execu- Miscellaneous. North eleventh street. The stolen ley. At Km rail's I slid down a rope tors of the Kst.'ile of John D. Torlinu. , tbroiii;h tile skyliiiht Apo- 1, WANTFD Pipes to repair, Joe Rich FOR poods, the most remarkable aKirre-r- and let drcoase. in,i bivinu; duly qualified SALE Real Estate. FOR RENT Dwcll'inm ilion of plunder ever mitliered to- daca and Sawtelle in thrnuuh the as such executors, au ,i rsotis having ards' Cigar Slor noti-fic- FOR 8AI.W three-roo- m co- gether by theives old or yiiuim in this hack door. We took some bats, pis- claims tiKamst said estate are il Two FOR KICNT 3 Hiul t tols, riiius, watches and t lot lies, and ii rid WANTFD 2nd hand gunny Backs. ttage; to be away. B. II. city was listeil yesterday afternoon i'ciuiivd to present the saino moved furnished or not W V i ami hid it in Matin's Conl Vard. bv the hief of police ami nearly cov- then took all the stuff within ibe time icsciibed bv law. Ives. r.OO S. 2nd. tile house on Marqiletle avenue. On d ered the floor of the poli e station Matul this Mith ly of Mar. li. 1!03. WANTFI i I'liinildne Io reolr. W be n.o.ri.i'.5T.'.t" wi"l-frt- f -- 1 houHca. Cnsh or payments. Illicit the Navajo house were: the Albuquerque Carriage company TRY KAXK iM'M.i:. bouse. Address owner, .el Four colored blankets. shop by pulling a liar out of a back Kxeciitora. WAN'Tlo- n- IIosp to repHlr. W. A. W. V. Kutrelle. COO South Second St. North llliih or phone mis. window and not saddle and bridle (ioff tir Co., p hon nM5. l''V'R KKNT-N- ew I, Three pairs corduroy pants, the Satisfaction Buaranteed. The " FOU bAFK Land acrlp, ranche, fui Plied ""tent i and spurs and other things." K H i : 1. I bouse, rooms. s. Pie slicker. f'lean-iii- i; artlstlu portraits city At- three Il'01 Fdith The Apodaca boy told an Interest-iip- i ('impressed Air property. Flit Ross. Fund The shirts. Company. Carpels cleaned made to order. John Ilerhoth, tll torney, Surveyor, .'10 l"ld K FN luo.l. rn. S. tale of his escape from custody SANTA FE TIME TABLE. l WestJ For Two undershirts. ewis avenue. I'linun 14H5. Arno, it.".; W. $ ', ; FOU SAÍ F- - Our "modern "home at 20Í Roma, at Ibrnalillo. -- S, Seven handkerchiefs. WANTFI i X tons alfalfa; "or Itroadw iv, $1: was easy íicUillfí out of the old fist N. We aro leaving the city. i id' Klovos. "It 1 1 Fdith. S luh. 2. 17 Four pairs a list cutting preferred. á N. $ln. Floy, linns, iker, t hie pa ir socks. jail, he said. "1 just pulled bar 3 R. D. Stevenson. W. Cold. out and But out. Then when red CLEAN Arno. (hie carved bather belt. SAI.F--- one i ou.-.- ., away I jumped WAXTKM Miessniakini,-- ; pt i. . h For modern hoine FOR RFXT iii.ini. o one .:M calibre pistol. from Joe Sluridan. vviih into the sakey and swam across and 11" :T"'9 t ihi IS. vValtef. prone 3 it if. mile from town, Tucrcs iu d apartim nt, lrd class, .'u; Tile followimt articles we found ;i on Í.H.- t Sea owner 2021 N. 4th. ru;ht in, $1..; ro.on bey's home: ran up in the semi hills and sat down n"r. No WA NTF1 - in, lis in i. o',,, lest . i., . looms at tile l.una f 4 t. nt house yv.II 'Tiiti watched sheriff lookinc , dust, bv,1 XI :itir. u- l'""R SAI.F House o' rooms, Santa furnished, )10. l.'ov.l Two colored blankets. tic or thin Kei.nedv I for me. Then I to Fe brick, with hull, bath, pantry lunsa ker. I'd i W. Cold. line Navajo blanket. iroimd u started Silver Ave. I'holle ill. tow ii '"riTiT-'wY- Vi" I itot to the Indian closets, hot and cold water, best RIOXT -- .I Five shirts. WANTFM--I- O buy koo.1, gentle sad- and furnished they plumbing, walks. waHb house , boilS.- -. ( ' I.;. "I"; V .. pair of suspenders. Pueblo, an old Indian told me ponies. Ri.liipr .III cement i'ol'tel il ,.,.' line R. dle School, out hiilidbii?-'- ,' on - ... i wen- after UK' and made nie not out (KffeollvemNovfinlMT 8, and corner fith St. liold .:. hie pair of shoes. S. DUNBAR H0., Xdi'lTi :'.r.l. of the rueblo. Then I came .down M A X Apply owner. f.'J2 XV. Maniuotto live., KKef'V II friTui" Two paP'S of hooiR. A (i li It Froni the Kat Arrlv. lpar. FoR two to yarn slocking. here !o see l.eo and Kot arrested, at bargain Rsold soon. loom-- : oi i, e.i are Two pairs x:i Ñu. t. e .iillii'm I' d. KxprfBH.. 7 4 tí p 8 JO p eild ris'o. bouse. We were tioilur to all I'lli ink WANTED u II n w li w ; I :. (Pie ImV of ('lackers eo's . . p Positions. AX'F resl leiice Ith Soul Really Co., ::u as out Nu. :i, cniifttrnl.'i timinil 12:2n t:0p y. t.iu suyar hams. leave town as soon Johnny rot Munbar's kcil Ivtate flffleo No. 7, Ci-i- f-- turn t.r. p barn, value $s,(iun, to i h.imre for C. iitral. Two cured l Mull.. in 12.46a WANTFI"--- . An aide bodied in. in, of of court." Nn. a, Kl P. & Mm. City no money required. Address t Two plans tobacco. li ioa ; Fi Ml I: .XT' i'ai ly urn The of "Johnny" has mad healthy; n uuires jut ion ipiod K'.'M, Two packaKcs of saiiokink father I'rein the V.t .loiirmil. room hou-- e two-- r a to scud turn to re- water: ipiick ai IlKiires. Box old .Hid on tent of rra iiiienu tits the Z, O Five boxes matches. Sn. riil.nirn Punt Mull .... 1:19 a A For SAI.F Two lots on Fore!or l"l Siuith it ti le. ferió school at I'.oldcn, the district 4, 1. il U C !luiiicniie. li vv fine cowboy salid N... l'lii, ;n:,i laill. It.' easy terms. estern I "ii T77i.i " pay tui- , t íivctiiie. FoR 1:1 XT s .no, One bridle. attorney in inn lb'' So. H, I'M. A K an. City Exp. ;499 " ir i v Co., vrl'i. Really .''il Fast Central, hotis.'M; ol'lic. s. v. .VI tion. IVtiiB illlry 111 llookkeepllUT alo ,e, saddle blanket. Xriiln ccnel.'ll Office and R.-- I I " I due FoR SAI.F .Modern frame house lion. a no ti w. i ;, i One pair spurs. The nuhtt has included seven mem- deslías posHuot. SI. care of .liuiinal. cker. bers : I.ynn (ray. who is now in the No. Ull, Amnrlltn, RiibwaII and and two lots, at I'uii Ninth Walter due pair batler wristlets. I nt reformatory; Sawtcllo ' I' SITFATIoN WANTFD liy a liuiuire on piemlsts. Throe tie ropes. üobleii John Sff S'.K Nil. 812, l''ri'iii l arl.liml. R..a- - It. FOR RENT Apo-ilac- in .Mex- i Id-- : Thicc-roon- Miscellaneous. of t boots, one watch, Fred and l.eo I. una. "Paisano'' Hiul Amarillo E5p anywhere Xcv Fi R SA i modern V One pair in will ...11 ,p xp. . and Fli 'JKY. ico. Aldres-..- ,are Journal. $ inr,il; jr.u hi'-.V- one lililí, an Indian bracelet and an Keuinald Warner Tí'. W Frttm tlt Siinih flame, cadi: balance Folt "l!!t standard lua'u'i by a brother of - v 1 per Sunt li western Realty Indian rinn'. w. re disposed of the the latter No. 10, A K. O. Vtt. .10 a T:4Ha WAXTKM 1'osilion in arocet o month. pianos. Inslruiiioit.--i in perfect com. small boys airt Simon Momlrauon. o.'íed nine, tn. Hernial oy cx Co., ;'nl F. Cntial. robbers to some other oryaniy.ation. No. li) rntititclH lit Ijiiny with tintrich train merchandise floro dill. oi. Whilson Music i'o. by to an Indian curio store. the master mind of the fur Snntu Ke ulai ainint at nil lorul pnlnu perietlced clelk; call speak Spanish SA 1. 10 - Five-roo- on sold them un- FOR frame FoR RFXT n tul u ,. n In addition the boys not a bunch who is now turnel out t opasture In New Mfxliü. V. K. 1'UHDY. Aiout w ilhni; to P ave city. Address C. II. K South Arno: new and well built, lit a aft ranchea Willi houses, ln. A. .1. Maioy's der tile watchful eye guardián W9('lit Morning a ÍL'.iuio. h w fail groceries from Journal. hnriMii, Soul estern l of other li nt .ockharis ranch f. r part leul-irs- store; I j'ni bunch of leather hat on :i ram near Venas. What lienlty Co.. K. t'eiitrul. to do with tlie boys in jail is pu.'.lim; 2! !''( ill RFXT Space in t he j. bands, leather Klips, holsters, hunting FF-- f mi. id V'o"llSA s'ill have those I parapher- lh" police department. The evidence WANTED Salesmen, Agents. IlitlldiiiK. up ni. i ira Ml We knives and other similar busl'iess lols on t 't ni ra I Ave; also III from William S. Moldes' plací', will be laid In fore the uran.l Jury WANTFD Intelligent man or Coal Ave; I. u slole or ,.if r ... nalia some tille residence lots Southwest- - i some and tin- court will take care of the W. V. Futrelle. l I W. C... I. "the "í'u'sh Hovers' I'nion' and woman to take t rrllory, and ri n ern Realty t v.. "ni F. Cent ral. hoys in eonm i - ( of Farah rest. The the all ranire o fil-'tt- is ' Fi R R I, c more .jewelry from the store point canvassers sdl our waPT I ñ FNT 'aula oi) pncl, oca t seven to and F" R S I . F - Some nood lot s $ not been located in aire Irntti sixteen, tow II, in.llli III i. ; 1 brothers, which has i:elnsive leiritoiy, mid nbe, $ eoo.l cue In! th'-- not nt all appear- cash, per month; buy some for 1, From the Monarch erocery store they while have the TEA GARDEN profitable w oi k for the rltiht party. parly F. Coll, Join ii. oil u id' y tal'1 Investment. field Co , West c secure. I little except a small sum oi ance hardened criminals tin Setlei a Filter 'o., Selleca. Mo. Porto :ili monev. their arrest and imprisonment with Cold. "What did you do with all those a samr fruid which would do credit to Folt SAI. F A fine homo ut a bar- For Rent OFFICES ftroccries you cot from Maioy's?' an old timer Their hiircdurics hi', WANTED ROOMS. gain. Pin ti i fi' Id Co., IMii West of the Apodaca and been conducted with a stealth and Cold. FOR RFNT (Ifftcea alot Htore In asked the chief e.xecd-inul- made it an -- boys. cunuliiv which PRESERVES WANTI7M Three or four unfurnished i It - A Commercial club building ApplJ buna hard proposition for police Ft SAI.F- Few bal.e.iiiM in "Camped out ami didn't come home the rooms, with hath: close to business houses; lols ll snap aiso. W. II. Secretary of the club, we ail up." declared to ect them "with the t;oods on" hnt Mrs. R. l;. 47'2 till ate them they collier. Faltón, North McMillion, Real Fslate Hroker, ".II the yottnir hopefuls. The latter ap- liter hard and painstaking work Sixth st. W. (P.I.I. peared not at all downcast over thci" have apparently succeeded. 1 THE BEST MADE POJULTRY AND PET STOCK. WANTED Boarders. FOR SALE Furniture. Í'OR SAÍJ7- - I'llle lireeeT Rhode "is" land Reds, I'.lack .Minores, and in WANTFI" Two youiiK men tot board Folf SÁÍ.F Star Furniture Company l 111 lUtAKI). We Have Them all kinds White Wjandolle ef:i: fl.iiu f,.i F MASS MEETING l.liFHT and room together. r.L'ii North 4 Hi. sell good on eiisv terina or the TERR Lecture at Flits' Theater. .Monday, l.'l. Also Incubators for sale. W. C HIAL of Fruit. Indiillmcnt. Warli. k, lllli S. Walt.r. i'hniie .:.: April Ml. WAXTFÍ- e to lepuir. VV SANITARIUMS. i- Fui intuí FoR SAI.F Fkhs- tor K-- Co., phone fills. s.iiini; limii I lb, 40c jVJhiff thoroiiubbreil single inmli wle 2 Jars Ko.SFMAI.IO 1'FACF Located on SAI. 17 Furulinie of S. Vell OOllll AT ARMORY TONIGHT maneuvers this afternoon by the Piph IcKborns; 12.00 for lfi. VLM N Sec- 10 BE HELD THE school cadets. Fockhari ranch, near Indian aehool. house ',: West Tijeras. ond Htieot. Smaller Jars 35c manage- It was review,. d by the admiral, Private porches. 1'nder FoR SAI.F A bamain Ureal ,' ment of nurses. llisgm also, iili whose presence dn w a lul'Ko crowd of Jellies 20c to 30c Rraduate ilns in lions, h.ild turiiitiit'e BUSINESS CHANCES sin ('tutors. Moorman and Hartlett. North Walter st. to 30c PFIi WORM in-- . Mo , """tV.i Board of Control and Jams 25c ads in ;p; leading ,auiH !n I', s All Interested. Members of the ( a ivhoii-- o LEGAL NOTICES. FOR SALE ÜR TRADE. Citizens I.are o, e Itnrns. Soul lor list. 'I ho Make ,,lv. ric'i. r ( lb, Pre- 17 of Sixteenth National Irrigation Congress and la xm-a- M xi ", April a Three 5 Jars of I'oR SAI. or l7xchunKe, "a ores 4''7 South Main sired, I... .a Committees 4iii, undo' .lit. b, mile and quarter from Ana. les. Cal. vv s, (Se, s. IMlS-áJ- . R S ) lárice i.otfce archou, beboiKimí to i;.m..I l.-- Generally Urged to Turn Out Tonight to Start Next serves, $1.25 e N. dation. ins :what iiave you'. FOR SAI.F- One inier.-- cu. Public by Land Ofiii at Santa Fe, S. V CHy. lull Rosaline S. inched, wire destiuvcd Mav. Uoitial Ddlvcrv. ii v. ni for strep him- - Off Proper Basis. March Ml, Mod. ion end i'iiü New Mexico Carnival on the fin , cansina a of approximately Notice is hereby (riven that .lolm wire from the i oil. for P oK all o A M., I want $ nil for on.'-h- a II st i o nil, IIIMI. The Idol cb, .uses Were fill- T of lliu.uei iue. X. County FOR SALE Livestock. ml. of peí 'palillo, 'firiitoiy of New .Mex-- i procure a patent l or I lie sa me :. oil'!, t Ite na lili.., X. w M, is to have ten itoi ial . ed Kith slicked Í. The file was Ico, who, on the fiisl tl.iy of June, pill SAI.F hot .uinblii ed lit iiiniont l:.'t iio, Albiiouei'iiue ! V. 1J. l ar-o- Muni, Declara-- fold mills. ruitKo tailed. - pas --" start d y the tep.y, sou of filed in this oltice Coal FoR SAI.F .11 esi .hiLsh, I, coo fair year. Tin,s much the N. LINVILLE X M this LOST MEMORY Rroiitoit. I VICTIM OF wet, hiñan, who va playing inside T. lory Statement lor the and Shoemaker. pa he, hoc llu n ' a !.!.: The fair is to s.t SAI.F--(cuti- one buildings Xb.SF"i of Section ::l. Townsliiji II l;oR saddle pony; best IS, ion". Addles.. I ' (I. liov :'.'l'. ,J s.-t - RESTORED of the with it candle. of-- j i its real start and the ball to roll- SUDDENLY X, "lb nip' li F. has filed in Ibis in the i v . In.piiie of John Mann, lot. o. rone. X M be held at lee Appll. ation to Fill' base sa til land market ir irib ner. If in; at a mass meeting to . I'i opie middle life usually til" provínoos of mciíoiis ,at utubT Ib I' i "It SAI.F Some cl ss louses. armoiy J R. lust the national tnard ai Í! kidn-- r Wkxt CVatraL Mione III. c. s siaiut. s. every Iliverside, Cal , April Like a have some or biad'b disorder do mules ami mares Phono kVli or lock tonight At this meeting Any and all ptlsons clainiintf nil-- v d saps l!ie vitality, which Is natur- . Hit. FOR SALE man ami bis brother rciplesti flash nl as inexplicably as it bit that ly the lands described, or tlesii-- ally lower in old Foley's Kidniy is. .P y. t,e , a?". , t any FOR SAI.F Cod is, Apply to resent. e y id' the past lite of intr to obi. P.r reason to the S -- I p. and "un. in memo! llemcil.v (orrects urinary troubles, s t:! Not t b Mli inn room nnub ru The presence of all officers by applicant should til t. li to today kidneys, restores niiv thereof lawn, uotttl out liiiiblui-lo- committee numbers of tie' board of Klorm - I.' une b.e him stimulates the and r- t h Jt Ward. - ..i1.t..i.,tu Vfttn.n:, - ' compi. te laps, lasting since remit and ltor. ui.s uric acid lib 'OOIOl OI lile after a t l'OU Ities bv StrellKllK ninic kidlleys InCasc of Emergency LOAN Simio lv(o-s,,c- v is cspeci-all- v the TO i 'mation oonKi'. ss and fair Me, ember 1" ,1'"1. that date o thev will strain out the uric add lialli. cellar, eciiicut walks, s requested, ai d all citizens k. selllevj o li s MANFFI. R. OTF.RO. TO LOAN' -- on city tl'llil. SI. in miikinc ireiii lii- - heme lo re and that the and i'dllts MONFY propcrtj who are Interested eas'-nt- t beulua I ism J. H. One of our three r'cistcred men R.yistcr 8 Valley $I7im i posi-tu- n I.1 O'Kitllv at iH'r.irit. Rio (rande frame, iiio.l. rii. bin annual carnival and was found sev.-ri- i I wo iter in A may be I th. Co. loui.d nt the Pillow uB tni.-- P. Land Co . Horratlalle, BKeqt. Of- tiltil SU MitecMt ver. nr.' asked to r nam' Detail of tin' Interior, t. Land John the Alíseles vvotkiim limb another nuiiibds: Fe, N. M., March fice, Third and avenue. filioil lirlck. Iialh. ebctri- i the ineetim; tie- bene- t ill oltice at Sint.i ddi oino and civc a new em pl" . 1 .. subject. The at ineu f . o. I Iloll'inaii, 1"1. r.. mo!". litfl'ls, et iiicnl walks; N. 4ib fit of their ideas on the w v I in A M( on ion ha ti er of ln'e tins 1 piv"-- IN "I NTS of J100 to f,tif, Kilt i lo.--e xposition year showed that it is led iiiaDi:!aiiiiiiiThe .Miss Society of New I. . S. bínalo, a. I.. 11 J. Notice is hereby that William In. last , . s f.itln r and Ijiw-renc- eoi;,,t. Room 16. N. T ... eot ntilv a cat ni It., All fp.i M of 91 MeXi. O HO etS the Sc. ond Wetllles- - M IN. Lawrence, father of lii L. ede,l nl. $'J;too & riHtin. mtttlerii, i,,w.i.i.. ii.a.i i,n-- 1 .cu. li. Willi nos, lililí. . I I iv . s a iv n him lo t t a, - Albuquerque, N. Armijo nid jq to 2:3u liI'M-- val and amusement celebration, but "i hi r etat to ft il.iv of h iicnili at Odd I'. fl ,lecea.".l, of mtfae. NonU- - sciousness of in Hi tin self Were lows' ball. :: South Second M, who. on Nov. II. 1!PI.1, mad also a real, bona fide fair , 1 I'l'ne la, vv I i,i II ! y t. N't M Wcdiies- - t ntry No. 7717'. for nouth-- territory, ni fruit b s- - unt il h s a Pi lie ill sir. iiio'iiiis, homestead MISSION FURNITURE 4 The resources of the I Co. f linti room frame, X. itli t. 111 - April I. Drug St lion 4. Tow nship "0 wlo-i-- h dev. Williams west quarter. last'y. ai h, id boetl cod 5h-f- reiir. seiited at tic exposition yeoils store 1. - In- l l.ii rm - m 1. 4, Far- 2 I.', filed police or M n ii hmI r 1km t li; "rn y y re,..!- Ib at Room N, Ranee has ISSIm.V I'm on i t I only of insiders d st era ' r' lt ipell, be V tint P! for lis n- - i:- xt t . v If . ,l II n. tt buiiddi. si oinl and O B itLi'i; tention to make Final Five Year iiMiK'. m 1;i1t in desired. hut of New Mexicans th. ins. lv. s and . WiW instantly ri:oT. -, ainiost t"toi. II trtil. I'I'.t.n- - 7 75 117 W. A Proof, to est ittllsh claim to the land XllEiUqtHT'llli'. i.'V"'-- l .l D i n $ I lion room I mimi-i- - p Phone Central l! frame, modem arouse, a ai'cat ot VI 1 I Vi-- ani'uit.i Ail Miss, mu. ins are rell!es",ei above described, before II. W. S. nil un- , t "I !. to I,. cIim lu;. r- -j - tit a t xpo- - rut lililí: trm- asm in half of rial annual H t m-t.-- r. m r, I to all and itero. I'. S. ''ourt C'onm at lf ilclrctl. siti.m of resonrcs. ADM! RAL EVANS (lltSI ,i f v Se.-- it i. i: i:ifi: THE WM. FARR COMPANY pie. X. L, on the ltth iuy FOR EXCHANGE J.',ooiv:,-room- , moth rn bvlek SALT LAKE CITY 1 tío. tl itM'si-ii- f.tir w II OF M'oicot. cellar. lar;P barn thru the venr's Claimant irnifs ns witnee: wt". Jose In. í r.-..r.- i Rttiall i;;; prop- .rn..-rl- k n Wht'tciiiilii and FOR FXCANUF Income city if ti t A Ibuqut X. M; - A HALT KM Pa.n nine, h. S2:i."t niiHlcra litlcl-nea- !!.) of. ;inl !! v h has ni in- K.l r.Ka IN KHt SII M" W Albuquerque. erty for Rood ram Southweatorn fvr Dexter, of i ("o F Pne. in Hi.' un j i.jV.-'- . Ai-'i- S - II A'lniiuil FEMALE Kiihmic m i X. "ai Central tar I' ir...nsii 1 1 á ?1 A Jf? Tí? A l!1? 1 hp4H. . .M.. I: W. Ualtll M, of Sfllorit l. K 1 - F,.r Cattt uní II lb Biit(t lUri. M t Hot MIMi: Í IIOK I. lOTs IN TIM ,'"":"t u" k,.i..v ... w..s iimi,A li ii M.: F. l llton. Jellies PI LLS. I PrleM .r PaJ Sptiim. X. M LOST ITItLA AliDlllMN. honor .,t an informal utu I Iiiuutftd Krit,liOrmiitVtt.triit. W MA NX Kit R OTF.RO, HI- - S.I- - ' af, r, t n ' a v bv .1 loo s .if II G ! TltAll. "."' s.,. I.o-- - n W. t..tlte to tl L'.'l , .1. Register Uip r.d.e. Ft tin to orn woitH m I.ft ., ... i k.',u,.i,. s i tm I ah Mom f, of f 4 W . ' t.. - f .f D p. Reward 7 li loan. ial iub. .1).,,. .,,1 tar i - Silver. ON S1IIKT niet -- , lADIlS' (OIJAIIS, ' ' f s."-- -' e : ttf ttwt m JS. rr"WW. . f I "r" 4fu.M tn ! I., s... .1 re. of tb ti H , . T.!l.lIIIIIIUIV T ("R S l'l i Ii I b WAISTS. KKIIITS AMI DH K eniilb.n U I tfc.w f 'o B lo i.i:X "lie in. U A. . l it .1 na-- j Hable.. Ilrni ADS. GET RESULTS FLEISCHF? mi-Fit- - that A.lmiral Fvans it the l.lwrr. .ml .WANT containing lot. li. mii:i:I bnti and. si is i si hpasvi:ii. rmms-mamrm- en , 4 . its IP- - . rruory m i mama arm las 1 iirnoots at lt Itale. other artii I f'O reward for lhe S MM4lt m IAI, I.AIXDKV, BACK OF TOST- - al M.addnv from mwmwmmm.h mi. m iwi mm j Ads Get le: til 1 . 3. X. Sit'oiiil St. Journal Want Hesults to Moltin g unlet Ft.ih tlorc wus a j aiudo an n.iütdry JodlD AlbuVuttQUt bIt . OKitVi Í j l'l jdione rctulu 3.


I f 3 f ?.cTS Racing Ti Boxing I Baseball PJD--R Ji Athletics - : "'-- - i,:

r . ni y Ir - V- - :: r-- ? c". .i i''yj-.- ;, .' S:.l.l? r:-;;'- i . - t'- - II i i". .l.lillt II,.- J," Is I"! llil ' 'ill'.,- I a ' U i. III'- '!! ...,,hp I, III. I,"- !- l " V: i M.I,- iv - A i i : Ii.. i.v. J in, iiii,..i le h i! i ... i .11 I..! .! I" Ill I'!. ' - : GRITTY BLIZZARD . ,; .,. .1 I. '.' mu I.. Ill' BASEBALL '...... I"- nli.1 I.,I. III. 1" W 'V' , ÍU' link.--- llililn-ls- i .1 vlim!- - .'i III. :f' hi- - .!. I. ni i,, in in. u.iin. ,,l, -I I .. ' Ii.. I., I 'I'll, Li" Iln iii.i .il .1 ' .. Hi' I.'.i 111' of mark.! i, I' I, ip, I., y ill !,. . lli. ii -- li.-- i. ni i! Ill' ,Hi,i ii,, i.ic' hn ,1 , - 111. l i.. I., i ii rp i,,,l i;, SUNDAY ,,i i !,. I., r,.. ... I: a HALTS v ii ui .in ,ii M ii, ,l - I h el " .i LEAGUE 111.. ' , l ill PACIFIC COAST 'I hi, II sn 11.. II I'll HI,' !!' ' - , .) mi ii h h - - In-- Ml l .I. II. Si ,.i ' A i, l I,. I.,, i, In, ,! ,,ll- - IIhihm- - I n n ill Sim I imiiisi.i. 1,1, 111,- ,, - II.. l. l,. I,, ),H ' ll'""!, plo,'"-- i ,i musí ... April I. i.ililulul urn RACING ,i-i ., .i.-- .M i 1. 1, iv Ii,, iv ..I ,1 . ,.11 .i .hi in, i.l n ,i di i,. In a -- ,, I, ... ,n- I, y .In. i i.l ,,l II,, sii. ,iii,. i,. l.i.lav . , ,ii ,,, x! aun i'H.t i;,ini, i. II : III, i l. ... I. i i i ii via hi, .in km ikl.ili! - s -. " -, ; i ,l m i i ". ii,- '' II ,,.t iir ii i, ii i i. - - ,.. i : r y .i j : ,1 -- i,,- i., i .i iti i. - in oooff) mohse victim ::;::zrz C ' ,,.i ..i t. Vil!K iiii.I l.a l.'illRi-- a ml P villi I'M. j r.i 'lie It. illiams.

s. ; i:. ii. v.. HACINO 10 OPÍ.N A'l 1.1 k la II' ... ii 4 JOHNSON DOtS NO T -',ii Kivii, v. i, 7 14 2 C,..'mI ) MONI PARK IN MAY , - 1, Sinl Cinwil .I Tiar.lm.ij li.ill, i lit i ,i,hli-,n- i a ml 'I In. inn- - Willi.- - ii ml ll y. r.i:k YcsiOHl.iy Aflcinoou; y, l v- -i i.. i .Mi ti',.."'i Hiüiirss t:.. I Am lírraU a( l.n- - niji It V lw - " l.i n i in ii 'ni in MAKE 111! IN .. - sil.. ,n: i .ox L. i. I - ' '' ., I i 1. M I i,ii:l,l ill ii ' .' An-4..- - .,., at, it I'm Ii. in, h, l. Ill IK ., , ! I' i ,,; ni: fu 'i in ', in. Li in, it liluv. .,v,;i; 111., a i" Ii wi'llia ,., . -- , l', ,, 1, ,. l ,. i in k, - -- iv I. - .':;,,, I, "I i.,-- lint I" Ii'- H.i- .M "I n n i in i: ii i: A : W .l I.l I' i. ii I Ii" ' i.- fa f I. , .1, III I, ,11 ,il .11 l.i II V II "I la,- - An,.vl,- - - nl tin in. i n nt tin- 't I,, i, i, in ,.iii, . in, ,l has iia.h II I'.. llnm s - .. - i, ' ' .1... ,.. .1 I, .,,r .lav i .i - a nil i ii iml. II la rl; ii,-'- anil i,, In. ii a I" h.i. lu l.i' l'hillii- TO TAKE THE CH1LDHW TO SEE THE ANIMALS -- t 1, i , l OF COUPS WILL HAVE t ,1 'I'll, ,ln. vi,i in lini.-- t PAPA I, i ii, ,i, ,il,-- ..( II,, .ml "I lii'- hit ik 'If la. .in, -- aim, lav All. in,,, ,li Hal I! II. f . i : l, l in 1"' s" ,li all, "'ii l. '"' ' ) I vi, in, I anil .ili, i in Easlcm Ciiticis Pioclaim llimjl:;",,' i( ll (j I ! ' 'I'll. f. cionui.u-ciKim-- ; T): i k , ii. IBut I'V tliin of Johnny Klin . , an, Hi. !' ii.' Aiivthin :!:;;;;r , , i,.ii ii,,i k , , Ti ,,( E NGLAND PRODUCED Lavas i 'in,-- if iiitl, onli Aim. hi nt I. It '.' In n tli- ma mu..-Ki- in, A ri In r I,, ,1" f li.. I,a,l;st,,i iv oi Ii. .Mo- - T''í'"íMt lit i ,,lii " la it t i Ik' lia' wi ail' ran has In i n v.illi llm Culis lor tin X w r Hi. i .ii i mi II" .uní -- -- - o With Jcffiii'S, .mi.. a,.,,i n.. ii ha. ...isiin i,,,,! nlihnimli a lair- X in a Cham -- Tli, ilif as i... will al- - ,1, i', at il i I mill h. iv Iml. il I'V ü.i.iil iiiii-hc- is not ii ;i o iani-j- t , , , , III tiii'. i a a a li.nini-- lav JOCKEY ' alili- lo Iln. yi.iiiiif Iv .s Kline. T Ii w I ' -- l.i li t H GREATEST ':' "'''"'"' " ,. ,, ,,. RIDING V? SCHOOL V lili III. In .. Arrln !' la a in vi Mian lo tin- i'.ia ai , .Hli. ill u a l. .Mi la v v II' la S .1." U l i' .i...-aliu- ni " v, , ,; lllh. .Mlh. hi' iv, is ilia ''"-'J- , ' mull null ii l,v Mi-, an, a lii' i I i T a ma Hiv lav liliiniillt forth mll'li Sa i l a n i - if is for inar Iir In li.i.i ,v , li In Ml II t"..l. c V i tin- 'a .Ii Mallín ,, ii,,. iiia ,., i, M nio'iv,. I'ali.'ii,.-- Mitt ami Hoyan; I'.iuuii as llllall Inn lainiU" la as 1,1, I ,,,,.,,! mili , I hi . In ills t., .1.1 II.' In In Mallai;,!- I'll, i in filMT air -. ...j...-m- lliau'.s UNDER NEW MANAGEMENT t I !' 'I VViniioisCi"- m.íu- -- tina! le al, la!,, I S " 1" " Ak lior Roil.' 2,700 .....m..i t ... I, inm's h, s ami tin- 'lii' iis,, 'lili. I'J . I - -. - .' In- v. un I 1 w l I, i, v n it a a a .ami ii tul,) '.Ii', ami ni , i i .1. p1 , ') Ii" ,. Yin t.'i' is till looknm lai i.H.hir. Z , ) Itcll'lllw Wlilli' MH. i n t Ii nt Sim- IMC , . ,., llrnvrr I... 111. in' .Li ti.,, i. in mil I'll nilll'l 'I'M I'M his I Who Hill mi.. lian sivillil un. Ilai Hi" mil Iiiilll.i..l ""Ii ,,,lv,., v t I - it I' .!!'. J ir.i n: i.i.ssovs. , I I M i l a uiii-- i li illi' a Ml In I!., fa ill 'I'll' -- 1'l.ii'iii'iiK has,, 's ill n ta Ully. Ye, ' ''hi.- .aitn... will, I" ,,, i Ii i. a a Aiiu-li- i.MS i. tmlio oi it iKiitsi s ami: stvi.imi m K i Consu'.iiiivi! iis, ami .,11,1 III If Hi, , .iMimil man. Alta Hollinan lli.'l'? la l.f.MKllt 'nil Hi" m ll" "I ,. M -- ,,, f, "i. ll"" ,,, j,, - ,,i R,im.. I t n a ,iil.',l Ial!,l- -' Inn-- ''1'oots" luí in,, ii. ni- T iiimi; r """" nl am ,,l In ,,11,11 Sil. in an,l .1. l i - v. HI I" Hi hull ''I"" -- ami rnT.u,.ii;? ii li"l hav.' I" Iln- isri: i,, ,i imir innilifi on ii'-ru-.- -l I, S il fill wv .i r t ...T.v,'r- T íMnWC. "ja7tr- - in a l iiioiiiiliiiiis ' "i" I!,. I'iiikIiI "I.l all "a ' -- :' .It "if a nl .1 non ,' Si in I, .1 ' l,i-- l, '' .. ', lot- Hi,- sil nili - asl until n ui'liil' to in i WtlaMK" .v,IMrn..W-v-':,.'-'',m,l',- I' M 1. in.: h 1. tli" im in, at iini' lor oliiiaiil thrill. i: iim r. to r. a f vv tor lili, un f, a, Ii, ,1 In I. !. ' ain - - I.l x K. I's is ill ni, ni .,! VI' inn; i.all.v- "II Hjr,kHwi 1'Otlin- I'lll. I'll ra u o ... a H .1 ma n , i ! -i i, t !. a 'I'lm, ' .iniiiu rinaii ami holli Ilia v. tli.. mi'" ,V! : 4 I 1. nil U ,,, f.i, l.,Ml lo,v.y4a..!V""' .'"""'' v.i- al rill. Illltats. In ailv 1111 : Tin iliil'.l ami " In l L ' '"'- '"- - ,l,l ravm, Kar- - -- , VC llalt.'.i.v is I, -i vv :.n ,,n : n,l I M,..l 1 mi in ilh Ili.lii, M.f ''"f'í"M,.N '"i.f "' " n II. mis '', Allan,.-- ami We have reduced the price on ponies to $1.00 ,1 M,., :;;;;';;!i;r.rTT;r,;u,:i""lt l ,i,ii, I an. l!.,n. il S luí inn - II, IV. HI. I, .1.-- 1 I. iK. .1 il 'lll'lll.? ,...... tin- i ..riñan, nl miilill.' stalaui man TTT N. SI. 1 I ' ír f .1 Mi Itiir.1 ,,t i:in:li-l- i int: (Ilia J"1 "" vv 01 l iACUVZ-A- l 1 liMI V1 . I v;" '. 'i'"1 has h,',n IUI WIML, llOIIC i ... a llv '"' Chami' mice J II. 'I'll, M nl l. ,;.i li ifi 1, - nuuis in v ,,. I.l. tí l'oí' Iln iiii.M.Aii inn Hi., slum-in- SI. nil. It ha- m:i,i,'A" , I", of ih f t I, inn- 'Ir.'".! ' -- .1. - vv In-- i,r til,!,' lli.iili. 'a UUI.I" - "It mi; I. JI V hav 1,1 I. an. ali F .' - hal- h...-l- V ll . ,., . k',".!,. ''.'.'a i ll.,, HI ' III fill - .till, v lit i11H nnni-- KLIHIi """"" ,"',.i.'l!!. .'a',','.1,'"', l!. I I.; I .. ' l!- nl l. ; a Ii,.-- ,1, iin,i ,,,li so UtWNU Hi villi. 'I' "I in I" Mi, i, has,. .Iiii-iiu- in. nil ol tha uaim s LHH-- :. r.' .ilia' k i , ,, in.- i ,n Ii mi to .' ll I I' ,ii, in,, a .i I,, un, Hi W nt o Iln ri in: ami in, .loli i) ami t In- lit I" o n r t i,, tha In, i"' ha ,,, M Un- I" I" Ill, .!' ll II,,- I n ha- - Ii, l m r. Mi 'HI' '"'I "I al '" kno.v thai lai; 'a lol nia ,11 I',. III.' I.l I'l I.I.I!'. St. nil'.. Iff, " Ill'ln will Iln- ...i i ,a it ol l , a- - ,' .' ', I. win., an, l.i ; , I .ila-oi- i. nil) ,1,, .'. ."III,.'; Illinois If, - In alt u ill,.', ha.'k In Iln- lati.-- fall .h.vvn .lillihif III, If, ilollar u,,. anil i. - H I M. i.,., y,Ml, New l I ,. Ii III- - ... Things a .11. ., I, A l.i Ii.i a Inn ui' in In i, M It'.- t.ii- ', u lili. U J f ,. ... ESCUB '' ' ' ill s ami I'l, mil.' Order of ,1 v ' - I s ' - ,1 11, "il. Ii t In: i lit I ... '. ..a n n.l ' I wiii"--,- -! H- -t "i'l I, : I., i 1. II" .'! a..!- v'TTii t.wr- I'l nlv otiai- ..,sili"ii Iln am thai of Ci.v ,'la ml tin- tivanlv .lollal'. i,' - - '! M v.- ( I' I .alii ii'iV."'V.- ilni v. I,.- i, I,:,!! mil, " Mn .... "I..' in I,..! a lai ii, a n 1 -- oiit.-inli-i- t"i- ii.v iinuv lliau tiiat ,,t tin- lilly iv k,.,im ., .. lili Jailisoh. thai In to our meals, 111 -- IV I. I"-.- v. ml. ;' mhlitinn resillar tin III awn i.1',", ..I" III. Hill a1' ' alii ' l'.""l'!"l' on,, - mi:- !' la ami Hi" l"li i,f tin. on,. Inimiia.l ilollar, tlmt ' I ll .,1 ,' tí,, i.i ,, IV" SC--l V" ill NllOllll'S. I.l, ti I. I " .1 I.l ll '1. I" i, ia ll- - la, ,,i v. I, ,'tinn tli" i, inialli'lll i. iil.f K,, nklili; u,,, liv,. hniull,',l ilollar. Sllllll III IS, HII '"' i'lia'-inV- hi'iia.-'i'iY'i- i I,', i, ill, III, ml., II" I,a k I. Ii !..r. I" Hi "' "' imir ,11 i' A ppi'on eh cf 0 1 o i o; Day Fi"us I,,;, I, is tin toim'lrst ion tl,:,t ,,) Sillnion ' Cli, is,-- tin lr Siu-- in all st.ilas ami iiIIkt' 'Maiiilili III . - I I, i St ..I .1 "k ll .Hill 1" I'' l. till "I II,,., ,1 il Cham-,-- illaui-am- ih.llai-- A m "I "ti mu .' ' an,' liilol, l tlial of Na Ciivc us u - 'i"' m'i n'l'v' I'ViVn- ., Line-ti- p ,1 hi- - trial. II, ,' 1,'il'l l.ll ll I. '1. III, l" Illa til. valll.,1,1, M.lki I'OHI- ( ,,, - ,K ,'". Chi('a;:',o Natinnal St.. i han,.- ha- - tra rv ,,i i,, ; t ii, ' H 1 I ' -- ,. , v i i,,- In a I. I. .til. ' mil - '" '" I'1" " I. I" III, Hi- "IV Ii. iii.-- in llm a. litar tt. in I'll ami lit n,,. r i ,,f ll'lhi;:"-- . M ui r, ., h,-,- ,v -a ' ' j". ol v.-- 1, iniM'i fiiin, ' - va vv it ll " 11 u n I" IV Hi' 1. iv anil .loll h, In i. .as. tin man tha s i:l s .,.ui.-- I'latk.-- Matis- - II t ,11 f . " I ,,, .,, a, ' el. nl I" .' II" in h ,v r ha.l a I, a Ilia I,, : Innv in, ra lliau fililí I'"' " ri, ,,,,.-- will . I ,1, I'' t - in .lininiy SAN iii.i 1' .1 Hi I...... ill. II", I" ii.. hi. I" all .M"'l.'l'"ii "I ""' mai,a.-- :..n. ,.í.í.. i,,,,,!,!,, ;in, ,h,. n.i,,n JOSE ,, t .. n - , i,.- I., in. "I ni un i'' v.".".: i",k'vs in I1,".! oi'lt HH.II V In .il'IC'K SM.F.N Willi I! ,r Hi, II "'.! Si, ml.-- clavillo Hi.- si""' hrauiv. (,i.-l- lia T..v.,l 1,, I. aasilv ii- i l,..l-- . .'. ,i v ii ii.- nn- '. hl1 i.i-'- n i in I". ,.ii,ill in " ami pni.ii iMioi'i rs. r i's li.iiio- in, il in f in. """"" i oiint. il, i will u isa i..'a r. Ah RESTAURANT I..I..I " la.kv .,. I.. vv nil Ih. China'-- " .i'lauial .!iv, ions will 1. ,n,:a wilh .VI avvai -- V. - Iv -- t i m r Open Day mil .Mslil, II I'cnlriil. .I..II II, l.a- ill, II" I'M' h .ii.if-- h 'I'll, - -- l ll l, is h. ia Vi il, iv ,.,;:.!:!,. v...!..;' ., ., . - I ,1 'LV'".".'!1'!-,- ' ,. - 111,, ii t, III' I.V Mu I..I k, v.ov.,':..v.s..?.' - l,,r nia, al nil .Iv, out olllll.'l . it itUf. , v Iln- il 111 ,. a ,111,111.111! as I" .'K.ii.i. !,',' .1 '" i. ' v .ill. il ,,. i,, i,., I,, na,,' ''. t.ll in ,na ui ilallv vviakoiils has la- vv ,l,-- , a-oll ha-- , I - ,,1.1,11,-- ., II," I'C'OM). ilun nt this I, I, 'I Hn - ami , In Inn it - I. In- " Hi. v., iv ,,,.,,,-i- l ion '' ii, in, nan, ia. u, M,i,ii,.sltl (.f. win- - I'liiisiint, I,aalio. li Mone ll.. fi'l vaiii-iaan,- slnnv 111" 'Aiiha -' Win, ,os X v , Ks,,.,,, thai I'.nj fur ! " '. " ""'si,,, is ..,, vv,ak,--- a outlnl'I'-- is luakiiiif i'".il,.,.r. is ham;, in Iln- .'..nuitnui liitti,. l.u tin- ami mav sin-- , m , ka. In. linx.l, Consumption Ha- Iviho is ta nl li.-r- at ; in .iiinu '"it f., mils with A (niiiiiniinil. put In in, k stall-Ill- vi'Kctalil. tip "'. t,,ln:;llt "111 a Ill 10 -- nz. holllas ami shina'il to all parts "'i- - l an. inhlvl hi l" thai of ih" S. I'l; Kl'.y I li. Singla hui- TU IACKLL dl ANT S m- ,- ,,. ,.. r. YA1.L ,,,1,1 m,;,, ...,..i tín. $J.ini Knur hottlis, IT iln. S. van !,, a ,v iv A it Ii 111 a a r, "SAT AfiERNOONistVii rl ia lis hoillas, JUi.tiii. I'avnuiit to ni' com- l!RDAY il. 11 to suslain III.- pany n. oi.lcr. Write fur liunKli't. llrilcr ha- - I..-- iisi-i- 1'. - u ia uis lor it y ilii eiT. mom: is C. ; w s A t m ,, t I'l 1, , w Mi;in r to. Your I, t .11 k I, M a u r 01 n r Get Friends y - in, via 11 X. Y. ,,,,' ',, ih',- I'.'h', tirou.als, N.-v- Yolk. u t" that .M,!j,-sk- lias l.if.. r.lilif. Kansas City, M'i. - '! I, 4 Tf ff TW ,,,, Sat nta'av ami tin i'nl I, vv im Sun- UM. hi.Kiiik ni iilllíli liv" for -- Innil-- . ,1,1 1,,,., I, lli i, In- lli", mil m f.l" "HI" - ' ,,l ih, siriin:, nt Llil.- Iiiwk in N- - J''''- . ., v. I,, tin l'hi',.i,l"liliia Nationals I 1 il ill.-- U III. PROFESSIONAL CARDS 'will ,ii,v tli,- Cit K.isI-'H- i Auil 4 Kth.-i- Allan .I.isi.i ,, ' u , llilala k form, r lary ol th.-iii- 1 , - 'h, n un. il , I fiini- - liaini'i"!! ii itn alh ill nl til" Inuii" A SS A Y Kit S. 1,.- in, lli -. ,,, a All .In,, i, ill ,ai", lloin Mmnlai jot his i Colli Mill n,lT W'. S nterested t W. --;., ui ,a at ti Ilosloii in ami Sims s ,, ami Klif" Iviis l,,t JENKS I 'li.- - Asujrtr. T. hhi- - vi ilh .lav M a' r nt.-- taitn il. a Mining and Metallurgical vote your favorite u. u I h. A nn ri, a tl a ml Inflnr, That's the way to win. Tell all your friends to for 6U ana.iinu n, West Fruit avenue, Potoffloe $25.000- ARMOUR HORSES' Hoi 173. or nt of nl., il iiinil.-- .i ll" iisiii.". office F. U. Knt vv 112 South Third .Street. candidate. ,'s in.. at roh ah 1" in ill IMMENSE CIRCUS n. n, ,1,,-h- '! an, "I fai-lo- "I THESELLS-FLOT- O ATTOItNlCYS. 111 S aluvial III" hhiv. SHOW V a 11 11 vv ill tin in a i, ml I'. niisi ,V I'll, nun Ike, I uf I 1,1 ppli. R. W. D. PKYAN , ,, ,, on Hi.' nv "!' uiour ,,!, ... !,ia cv,, 11 iiini'iK IVItll. lltllill is Attorney at Law. vain, .I at $.'.",,111111, iv ill -- .ion I,,, hero Office In Hist Nnionlal Bank talll- - Names Candidates, and Number of Voles Cast for Each I i ' of WOIFIO MAIL INLl-- t si,s ng. Alliuiiiieiqup, N. If. I'l --'" 1, -- I hows lain the licit ,ara,le VI h.:i'...... WILSON WHIT- E- I H H Him Hot n ASHORE AT MAdDAlENA .1.,., .. :.. J". II I. tin- Altornoyn at Law. J I S., l.i aliiii, niiic in l'iii;'li nili 'live show . r.s- o'i-lo- N'll. i ' a.'iSU - t; mini- - ,,t ah, ml 1" k show ilav. All buülnes.i entrimleil to our car will Hl-.- MUI VI I I I II ii II. a, o. k . 11 Sona sin. us hale in na ail this lai," receive prompt ami careful .., , i - i s.,i, , , I I ,. HN'-- .1 111'! II nn. a ii- - ila.i on a, of th,- 16, 17 .''. i III!...... "t Koonis and .0 i , s e. ll .1 "l " ' 19. Cromwell Building. Hi'- u" I a Ma, Si, .unship iiimiii '"""'' i. .li- - i... ii,.. Albuquerque, - New Mexico s.. "... Cii ii- - hohl- - that a stlet l , ., , a In av , !' h tit null"! 'I'll in ,,. ., - li, kel an, i , n- only Pi ,,.,,( J. A. R. to .ii-- v. u m - n i ia-- i lliller C.eorne Craid irk !n,. le far '"u ml ,nii,iu lire Knell . V,,;: MaK'lai. na mil "...... ,,,,, ,, th,- t.ll i.lli- o , iii-- -- pur-- in ftt ,.n,. tins 1 :' i s. n- - t!..-.- - K .,r T html, Juak' -- M 1.I.EP, & CRAIO i. tin in .,!,' Jim - HI! a the foeks 'I'll" p ,,,. ,,, ,,,.,,sui-,- - I" In.ak faith ARE GIVEN $ w .1 II t Weill VOTES BEING 1111' :' a j;l has. mo t!,R In "il i,l he v(..l en mil li ""I personal ImS.iS'' am' ,,. Ann-lie- II t nl" All'iriieys at ' fr ami their nun i y i i i !,ls I - i i 1. ! im 'iiii i' Ml "!- -. if i ml II - Iv "I I 1" s. hi, mm1., ii . re i.iiiom,! Hi" Tl..- . of tins l.i ar,- all 114 S Third St AlliiKiuerque . . l , i i ... i . 'i M .... MM .1 A.m. il of tin I'.n Hie '" ''I .li'l ''''' o:.. n para.!. which - all- - I . - uuiiiik the MUM I 'a iiti.-- l .. - lt,e- - an. Naiaio. 'I'l" a a, tinni; niaiks Iln- lit DENTISTS. i, i l . -- . .l'Uir- t'oitanc that I'.'h. h iinti Mi"iirt i,, - i th,- a n ins . ,,, -. siih ntr. v .i .. .r- hav, I.. n pl.i...l alear, ih" t t nt.ipi I'll" puhlle I K I I I I H I l.i I.' f I ii, I I I1B "IM ons A thai I i,e pi, av,',! i Im- ,1 DK. J. K. Kit FT' I' ships "f lin I!.. ami villi ,s - at tar,!. an oppoi t'lniH ot .h- Cm i -- i.ti ii.if i;n harU a ml on Illa I" '' up City Iii"i- iv h h 'i i - niil ,, . of ta - , ii li'i" ,1 y Dental Purfeon. I . ( I un hi the Ih'' . I ut i .iml ii m --1 it i II t i - V. i M I I '.. ": .l.l I' - Rooms building-- ink J'ii nili'. illu " tl'" a" . A. ,, , Mat;, la!, na Ilii I"- :h - nt. , nisi it ul n.n. The Inns, s a re Phone M II lia- - lie lor l'Hihi; ml "(m. t.t,ih tu Ilia ..ui. liiiK' a- - t p.. , - 744. Apolntnienta made by mall. "' mo! roil a Bi,.,t t, nt in oi Ami - - iIm I in.--- a Inn- Mxjir I'Iih iiKr r t.l.i it. y. ii. an is ! s... rii'Tltií . , sail. tor Maallaii t',,i hav. h. ,ui n,,l", to, tli" ( t I I'll. vais tu n ti i ii .i , -- In , -- a i a " i ill.'', ,a!ii.,l nitli I'm hou. SI , I "!':. in. l,,us,s rilVSK IWS AMI I l vi,., , .iN i I I W I i itil')8. ll.. t " h:l" M. D. I 1' ( 1 olll .!" ''" O. SHOKTLE. .i in i t ,rtM- r THE PRESENTS nn. ni". I - I "ii""' "' ' Pr.atl... nt mh llut.l.- jiiiiMli " li it lass, a It ho Ui; il I 111, "."hi .)- -- I (.il ;tt . . I I I I i i i iiniigii li.-- Limited to Tuberculoala. i.m im till l.u i l.i r ih.. ium;. i. SYSTEMATIZE DESIGNS a u ii- s. Tin 1, a - i i; iivi nn -- - iimom '10 a. 10 to 4. .i.l-li- . I I I 11,.- Hours 11: M ii iidil I K It Ii. r ; Villi Ill M.lM) MIN;. ' ' ' I to Ii... i, Mi lili . k " nn 1ft u.-- s. Hi .- .1. v. Mull Ml. - i i -- i I s.'.-- iMt .tn paper currency i' Rnnm.l! ma. -- "- till: sr in in i. wln- - on r" ")::ri:;i':in;' I'"- -' ml ' "' i i w . 4 I ,.,., ... i - on in ' -ii - .ii. .ni i., .ii - t'iMttp;in , s .i im- ii., ,s,.,t i,n, T un ni r.n . s,,,,,, !Ol 'lo. s not s. !ik " I", ,,..,1 o , HI-S- .1" SI,-"- S i tinl i ,'.,V of II koX S IL 'V ,, i uii-n- iu'i Mi !ü III. a u ii. inn in- , n I - i i i , i - v. ,ii , i ilio la ,1 i s re. civ; nc : ho highest, .ii- M.nk.i í ui M.iil, pi,. to I s. -- t., lit S. to Sh "V ha "' Mn-- . I ,. , iv.ail '!"'' Roonu 4nrt 8. T. i. l it ird jiinl 1 mi. iiuiiif l ..III hul'.-- ,' t' ..! in','!', i. llflv. I'J ''. N. Armllo build. it "'I In' t'".' t hal -- , ... ., ., il-- . divllletl I I,. Tl'- Inir, - A a a of will tl '.,!, la, .lH v Albuquerque. N. M. llll I'll Im.. u ll tlllll.t i, tr. lU llliolled , ...( Mfmri .1 - v a ho.l N . I I - - , , II ' !:..-- h.,- - :,... r.v ii i Un f i.i n K. I im I ii ( i..-- t - '( Mil H- i- l'"-- i nl- ., la" a- . . h- - at lo .mil in ti til i l i "i I't s il look- - - tl" v'.h a ..I.l I.l i I . . - .1. inn- 1.1 Stales ma ai r till .lint ."(.( .1 t It. INI1- MII'VlvMI'. Al'llli. :;!!. I'lllle,! , i , iv il ,1 ,. .!,,,-- - !,. i minim; i l.i'MW , 11 tl ..ll - i I'.K TRASS-- I .1 1; . ! I s, li - ill "li-- vi.ivints .it.iil 4,.mm ll. iM.r ,,fl- livviN,; i: l'.i cs- c.WN.iT t ' - I I I. I , 0m,,I .miii;iih. i. " 'I'll .A ' -- hi.kti-mki;- I ' , i l i l . A I '1 I! v ' a '" ,lll I'. M i.i,-- )Mi ii Kln.lh. I K ' 'I N, t i: CAM IIATK. to! in u ,.,'tl ,al a"! i' i ' -- r i,,. a tli.'i.'U v t.'i "' ai-- u I ,.l.. i a ituT MnsitiH. SUI- .- i ii 11 4 ,IIH situ. i;'-- a ' a - h a r Í'tt 11 uu ..t la r a. A- v ,1 vi h. hi..'- For - i It. ii i I i li.ui-i- -. I I ;il H h. o til la not. n..!i..ii'. Col.!, Silver t nt i ui- i i'iil i- .- i . h" vi i I, I , Cm-prin- l..niii.r . , M t. "m -. I -- i a 1. II vi lii I" oln un '..pp. tiii'c nuil in. "l.u. M 'linl.". r.i.- J J i i I Counting ,,,t in I, I." .1 Tl.- - Voting A,-:.- ...l and !- Fairness of , ..t tl- - .'i s ma, av Ca pal. 'a on .!, mint tr I I" . - ..f V. .".' il h '" if V. . ' - i i - ... in ;p nv ,.,.! s" " " iin.tuui'.r- ami Reliable. i' ... ,,r :ipp,ii,tt i t. t! 'if the latT".-- T ai Mia .n i:..;uts HOW TO VOTE , '!,- ,... " m l i nt i! at - I" Iv. rf X." in .a, '"" ot Api il at ii: .i.', .i., ma i T- l a, k, St'eet a- t ' ' ,, .iv inaa Us an A i M. ..: e :. li. - f . -- ..!. ot.-- ,a N. I' I ' i - s 1. - ,,u! in lia- mi! ;. ! ' Mexico - l... l,, ui: - 'nial " i" V. ' '. ' ! ". . . - a ! t i.l "! ...i'!, ill 'll. i . .. ta- - ,i,i a. in.t.-- At t I'l. I'" re I. . U I , I i 1. . ,!!! .. - i l I', .1. ü - - .. .. ,, - n M i. - n. -- "ll u I" ..I'l w i a it a t ' 'r I". si ta- l.u- t. I.- P- I .'. .. ! a I - ! , ... I, . ! t i! I. - .1 ... 'I' I l, iii I t a''' a,l it. t "i a lii nil. i. I. iii h n u( Wiir . -- I.- T'-- ; i , .. a ..i i I.V - '"ll ? CI I ,.f I...I1 ll .il.."- i.hl.ll "'I' '"' i St Pi shiiiK. 4 l . A..,; HOW . -- t 1:1 a ll TO - , , s: .1 th, -- VOTES i -- oi , SECURE la If i: a M u a.a! r.o i". i ins lllli Id lili'!' ' ' '" ' ',!- ''i t s.a , , ,,f ,,,. - 11 n- - I I ..i- . ,. ., .. , i ... n. ' -, t ! . a: i -- M41 mil I'lMr imi. .im a." a, Im ..i il ii il i... FMUVIIM, IS TMKlAfi AHOIT i'" ''''"a - ,t T..I,. r. ar- in- - . h"lrinB 1 - n ' I . . n. f g 4 .1. I. I, . ' - .. I , v I lili-,,!- I It III" . siiv r n i.l in.- 1, ' h pur. I ..TV n ,! '!'.' 'll.! I 'I " h Thr .I..llnr I i ' ! th ha' . ll I.M' WORK. II" Yol II.WK !,! hp í w .1 I '..- I ( - inatuini-in- lit , III, II Ul W -h oi x ,iti. ..a .f :! I.d on Ih.- i alt et th.- ;i p..! "t ll.lit.oi )i ' s t. ... h.-- ,.f ' v . . NOT I. IAIN" so th i ? W - , l ' i x ili n t I . ( I !..- - I . t H 1 .1 SI at- t'n Mil Its. s 1 in il n.,.k".y ...!! a! h fin. lw.. al is "i"'...! i I ir, , ,,. I Ml l, nil . . ,,t ol .l.i !. i so" t !' n. ÍMII I..MN.;Y. ..; .a,. ,., ,. : , Ilh l...n.l..n lli..!". ili. Iml nii.r i . f i. : OI" II I'UI'I 'UK THE ALBUQUERQUE MORNING JOURNAL. MONDAY. APRIL 5. 1909. Complete Summary of the Latest Sporting Events and Gossip of the World HOLDS WORLD'S SKATING TITLE i FEW PLAYERS LONG WILL MANAGE M NNEAPOLIS MILLERS . KETCHEL HAS 5LIM WITH SAME TEAM if ... CHANCE 10 BEAT MAJORITY SHIFTED ABOUT AND; vc.rORMER DIAMOND S T A K - VALU- b NOT NOT MANY WHO HAVE j ABLE IN WHIPPING YOL PLAYED ELSEWHERE. INTO SHAPE. JACK JOHNSON


' i i It;. lew nam Chamnion Far i í?j Captain of Two Timet in o! and Manager Too Younu' to Battle Witlv Those Who Sho Pionusc Need Worlds Champions Has Served Caretul Watching. So Ttiat Tticy Do with Chicago Club Ten Years Johnson For Hcnywoisl Not Injure Themselves - Old H.nds on Re- ' ,,-"lia" a 47 Plank and Mathewson Each litio For Some Time, at ConditionoKj Game Round liito) Vjm. k' i Af I , spective Teams Seven Yean. Form Slowly.

Fiank Chance, captain and luanaser If tlu- opin ions nt .o. .,11 the Veteran hall pl::'.e:s who !::io' ir A Tl of the Chicai'O National leamte base- rasl.un sjioi tsnien who se. n l...b Hi ed rom ;o ball club, two times world's eliiininioiis. Sam l.auRl'iu.1 un. Ja.k .1 unison in and w ho have I'loved llnv ,V Ülf' .' klK hi..- - year ini- Ilnihed lilstentli con' ecui ive A.dt.m Is tii be taken !! ti value, hand!.' i' of He league s' rvice with Hun organization. Stanh s will be .i JOI auk.. h..s been with one club longer than pugih-- t it atti lllpts . niiilat ' eat by eiiterpri.- any oiln r profpssinnal player now in Hot Kit- 11. st for th llii: league leaill ill el. V the diamond arena. There ate not hainidons li lll.l he young plu ei ni lina!. f-S- ' A If tin- w stern row bo draws th Sí i many never been I.a. t Mat vi'"i players who have lie is t lie lltldlsM! mid. yeai r,l :n,iow,:.M b ti- " - A! ? with more than one club, t'oiisideiinii hauipion of tin-- but liiowus inaugura ihc ' ?" J h the number ol players in the hiR kiim niat.'h with J.i k Johnson appoint ing Jack i t n Sa h itmte fold, they are few ami far he pr. Vellts him ti'om tin nie .low in ni.ttiager or spei coach tor ihe M. J rV'í t V i "K Vix A á n is (he ,t,At tween. landlord. The lioston ,pnüle I. oilis learn, olid so s: At' onh man in the world stands e s. with only one ! , I. plan pi oi hat ibis Chance has solved I w e'en K' teh. and a Ml- title to L' v'J 4 major league clubs 4'i'j, JM . v. .t - I. I team since coming into majoi lenue Hint Ketel, can n d turn down iíil' W' - - h twill tanks, hut in thai t tin- lie has been Lain.'!, ml and bolie to mi le SUCeesS- era u c;d diet s :o coiu ellll'.: employed by Iwo owners. The lirst fully for a purse wit .1 Johnson eis, and Manager AlcC.iaw h.e mme aj wu Jim Hart unri tlx' second Charlie 'I'll. two iiegroeK are latiiilsii ano st fuilher by signing ilh- Latham i I .mnnsoii Ihe lipp. al ol lllls New Yol k team du ing coe" KeJy M phy eiv u i.. ti... 'io,.,,..o 10 coach the ui J" ' " " manan, i "Let your , Hritt, Ketidiel's nut Him In UVS lit. ii ii.i" l the tame. This is Latham's cainiir. lie aiso ma, I I,angtoi'.l ami tli.n bint " he held of North Dakota the other day at Minneapolis regained manager of the Minneapolis American Association team is a pla.eil in Hie outfielil lor them, anil w ill consider u mulch job of this kind, however. ir Nerval Baptie The new s, be lost an accident a game. Last season he had charge of the Boston from a taw recruit hits worked his Many clubs are a! pr. m making the same kind of a position with I'm Ids title .3 world's GkJtitKj champion, winch through veteran of the national bat- in way tempting offers to Keteh. for a while John T. Iliush, now previous. Baptie defeated John Nilsson of Minneapolis two up to leader of the HtroiiKest - cinnaii short time Nationals. if e f con- tle Willi the slur. l.anm'oi.l. lint idem of lie New York club, was the svents. The tm-.- in the hal mile, won by Baptie by 20 feet, was hscba!l team ill existence, ami the he staright Willis Krill exercises judgment principal owner of the Keds. Baptie also took the mile by half a lap in 2:3b' ... sidered by many the reaten! ever has been given credit tur having lie 1:15. TWENTY-TW- ( the I'hiladelphia RESPONSIBLE O SOUTHPAWS ON will pass up Longford and stick to "Kid" C.leasou HERO WORSHIP of New is Ihe reward of motil, innl, not letting liis man light while men, at Nationals, Charlie Far re Ihe LEAGUE ROSTER ilis K". FOR RECENT BASEBALL DEAL AMERICAN least for a while. If telle! desires York Americans. Join .Met lull e of the SMALL FORTUNES SPENT COMMITTEE LIKELY TO being a rolling stone, lie has gathered sec to soar higher lie still has such Cleveland Americans, and VYilboit a of moss. Yet to lie a rolling w A IN TRAINING AMEND FORWARD PASS Pur-chas- Now Being Out share ond class hite men as Kautinan BY TEAMS with Eleven Recruits Tried .. Yo;h Nationals. Interesting Story Connected stone in baseball does not imply Im- Sandy Ferguson, am! even Sam 1 Hnbeilsoii of the New of by Various Teams St. in the four who hold positions as spe- of Newark Club providence, nor is It a refleclioii on the ger. Jeffries' sparring partner, Ihe are Annual Trips to the South by Dig Rule Makers Are Expected t Makj Louis Has Four. play- Ilea vy weigh! d ivision. W II dispute clal couches of the playei s. Eastern League. billl of the player. There ate League-- .Club. to Acipioe "Poi" etiJntje'i at Their Coming ""Z who have clutnged about .who are K. tchel's class I lie framing of ihc Mnini'piJeher ers . - id' Costly. Session, oipht Ameiicuii league clubs Willi" the the gate. t In- - t dill es w hich Are The fiiV-V-s "uiiif f in spring, is one of he , ((Hi-- pei foi HI' i'liKh'est class'.' Jobllf-Ol- l w ouj.'l ...Then an. ..utoresiijuí: slury ""i on the leceifds ami Ki Idle! at. will' have iL' soinhpaw pl'chers com- evei v manager gives his si li test Willi the deal whereby .In.' who have laid aside nest cuss of ill all proliability draw w. lib! be evell major league clubs an' al the The timo Is at hand for Ihe reputar neeted heir Hisiers this spring. Of this num- to. lin it means a gteal deal The of Chicago size. They have stuck to their la t ger the Molilalia man could tentioti Hie JMünn My muí H. C Smith more or fortable than presen! tune pouting ÍHMI.IHHI into winter lueeiinn of foot hall rules ber I! have seen less service none faithfully for hav- hone to g. t by beating any of the io the club as well as ihe pitcher. Ill 'chased the Newark clui) in oili- work the less strong boxes of gout hem railroads and (omnuiu'o. '1'beie may lie loss interest in Ihe , while the hau- present middleweight h. mid in Kvery teat each club in the major league, winen .... ing roamed under Ihe various And what" Why, for that than usual In Hie session Ibis year, in; Kistetti er ten are recruits, one, YS'olters of the end be a great .ei- in that the leagues has several pitcheis on ils hotels. for Identity of Mr. Smith and poriiays the liers. beating he would be apt to receive ul.Vhlic. Illtaiigiuie souioi iiiur; can. i vp-- ui ine laci inai nie iiucs an now , having a brief experience Loir million-ahe- lioston, had big - lisi who never make appeaianco rise nf a penniless man hi a Johnny Kllng is another warrior un- at the hands of eltlle of the lie- "form." iii'tiscd aceepiuble In the main,! in tile . a. chanipioiiMiip game. I'.iil an' lli- -l groes put a crimp in hrignt in logulai wlui remained true to his der lite Cub standard who has not might the A of bis leaguers ate now nn.l I. w ( bangos of a radical nature St. Louis is a little belter fixed as before liim Hritt should Ibis does not moan thai ihet bate vas! arntv baseball world. .. future I.UO.O-- . aiuii.g-- . 'i'i'i'i.'.í.ln.v': i . ,,a d bin l here n lu.- in ihc niu.icricnllv iliini imiit uayen mg league u,ni t- i;f- Hvem at .ii'ibp' t"r !e fin, ts"wirrr lead- umil,,,,, ' niir'f lirs".f)i:,i,ii..:i..o,ig an nn utti'W ioimrf' c. Smith, now known as a i..r.i,J.i.!',"i'Vi amo Chicago in i.iinr ! wit w.h.iess. i.'hatiiplonslilp which is ainmst us j be dum and tvo or three ipiosiious of .!' o..i. i....!.,., to the I'a feat bv clamoring lor match ripe hi" league compnll''-- foitn. maniiiuoiui-m- ate noi lor ' - me ol a Chicago to HOP ralehillg II1H11V or I.angtor.l. to in Hie soiii l;jam!...,.'..r ant j - member v.,,i,u,n it,.!iv u.lKnii and hecu there ever .Johnson tliev are hack ill'' haul llnd m 'rmMtfiir"- tiientv-t- and when i ,. ' - was agent tor lie I K.t. diel is oniv Hi Jo fit,..-- - ' " j ,'- -, -. .s-- - company, slaiion few games eacn year. ,,o,o,.,o. , Swilt Waddell was one of the taiinS ! '. it mor " ' al ' old If he continues live the . w Hie Chicago Alloil railroad won oi many aflei season ti elill.l 11 IS lb IH' ' o s. he tin ward puns, hich Is slowlv American I..!.,.,,., who puciieis in. ."7 el iln n am iiim.. - ol' Spring t ipctVn -' ' VnoiT. met - ;o a link- town .south no fullivA he In- Mow n tin, and Ilia1 is caiming the. magiiale- loosen but In'cotuni!; "I'he Old Man of! V.'PI " ..sann': han. be ViW hist y(asiV.W"Kt e. ma go tin - back geneially has a preilv salary,-wit- Mini hem ilu-- ii ill.. king. 11 modes'! 14 a a n l . . u .1 let. u 1. for purse si lings and send l.ib'iil Ihe Sea to the rulemakeiw, will, III all win his record being II victories and of his work. mor. el. good line on what be exp.fied ol Ihe In view. - year; in com.. In loin Hivie looking lor ability , he lcadiug subject for! nothing heiler liailey won out of He is one of Ihose dav-i- ! some time lino eveiy stale In ptoi the defeat i. thtce w be t six the voumisiers in the lulnie. nun. He hail been a resident ol thjil K. telle! ill only em: of tin laii'.hovv, v. bete h' the idisiu- - Ion. 'I'he play Is cninparalively won six of who hettei work , - he eight, while (rnhnm out catchers do all the w n roll lie- Ill seleeliiig lite pioniisiag luaioiial abnui. s.U. of age. and ill have tie a chaiupiou: hip. it ol Ihe eouiiiry since ih al it. Inn k tnk-- foi in that will win mu io loolhall. and lor Ilia! reason Swilt. who pitched lor lor doing a greal of Tin' v eh p, .1 into man):. i. "I. n..uirallv and picking out Hm men who nie day s thai he Is no : i guv-- mid it was in those L' Ig.h .sou'h'-i- training camp nol urpij' it,:; luir Ihe rule e, won I and losi 16. slop is the recipient of more aeiual ing on weight. He would tln n mi the i.giil'ii' pay roll And Ihe ; y a ban woiih cnitvii'g learned to Joe Met imiit lis I mi ivith Ins longer piivilere of the oh iii:ior lit use j,n provcil cnlirely admire New York also lias four southpaw s. batleiing than any other one man on around pounds and II i.i lie i: loin of 111. C' plav, Ihe lull plater. l'ei t. - I Inches, and his en, I.rtii' 'I'he i in un a n t of the a ec il a hie as fust pi oiuii Igat ed or Hi Newion, Wilson of Hartford. a team, anil In view of this fact it is iiself, am t who, hai.'in'is. iiuue 'Dec" iv ill a dang, ihai shows That was the time when MrC,innity punching ability be i.ui: s,en up iln- ing piac aim udcil sim e Sckmidi of llaltimoro and Vauglian iumewhal surprising that some of nnv beavvw.iglit T. veteinn like CI a on. Fa: t Illinoi have :J" Alan." i.roimsiiion lor eis t a - II nun. il of "Iron New-io- -- I m. In' are mi devehipi-- during season the suhrhiimt I In- league. as Kling, liresiiuhnii. Hon ion he .Mi o a c loin lor Ihe last! I ol State them such a ta ll that enviable Kimiiisou and Huir on ie week, pitch-- y v: pec lie would work six days a ! a John-m- it- ghu to their that the pass was not did mu do much In the American in and Sullivan - can do so nun work char ol Lang: d lll.l i Win I. am got o l.n - to bring ponrnu! fall lorwaiil so: Ii(í all over reutiul v - Pi", s. for country teams lea-.u- live at the present tlllle. 'I'lo both know t: clips a he Pdlow 'ice": tul as in due in all ptobn in !:nS. but Schmiilt won and do it so well. -- i .l e he t olini', p. a I.e. d !'.. i t P. mil " Sunday would go to ring tor be out I .' out Illinois, ami on hi:, games too much of tin up lites II i a,. In nine cases of hilhy lo the latest aineiuliuciil when i.l six in the IJastein of I. be vi atole I. Atnbilioii lo show the Fddie Plank, the crack pitcher ful Ketch. At He tune eaeb k ng, Swii.glield and play with Spring; v. ihe an iver. tiuancialiv .pea ihe w.r, made to ,,o lestticl and league. Wilson won -- ami los! Athletics, with Connie can hit just as hat. with both hinds uní ébano helm e i be nin nai'er, lib leu Meld in: of he tienibns of the has boon -- " " Well, ih' team, i I'm ,1. while Vauglian won liltm a ml ha place ri No Aitb Itcallv that limit the play as lo disciuuage ils in for lar: seven ve und of the western box. hi, i landing a pel uianoiit h. i and Mack lor consecnl yeais. i Comí--ke- have si due inmous i j. 1)1 ie lid of . "i of the , use. of itliirh and lost only one down south. Ilr b a ned iinu e ..f si on tin- team, often cause. he mm:; ds I'reddei'i imiiiate 'I'he chief value ' sim-- pa-se- d with no other, lie has come to be as I, Iml a few oí M -- ve however, the game. hi ago A me lean league nvin no j, (. m vv ai d pass lies in t ho w oak enl ug mil. d to distinguish hiiuseil. a city Clnis ver lo injure himself, so Ibat lie is of much of fixture in tin's as , am, .v. President Kilisellu the hi,-- White on H- i- nmsi el.iboiale of lie ilcleiise. by coutpelllng Ihe op wiih the Yankees last blti 1 the club I'ur til!.-- In New York. Like . 'lo-- e April 'U. Utile use to t a. ol ty Maihewoti has l.alonia lliiirio-- I In-- i Indis-vi.-n- Springfield eliib was member er wild. expon r piin.c! mad-- ht an., ol h. e,i ni s pi.sjiig lea m to spicnil out ils eon lion Plank. Mat hew soli's big league career i 'i m ii un Anril Htitrn s the :'!;s, and this means beat iM end lie' vv a special by making il remembers Muck has Plank, the .lo.-k- v ill closi lo. ol to San mi ciimiii.i:e use more do Connie ha.--, been confined to one team. He Iito nia .dub ankles to ihe club, and piobahlv Hie Ir H C. and .loe i w w a d n .i ol .; i Smith ! : :'H. it was am tonight a n, hich an i;d e cent e i .o. i.ilii ics, which make otliei titeen old f.'l: Kraiise. ihe Califoi nis way company April ned a job to the pla.v or. eti pried liis into major the principa n In-'- in tin- olden Tip. I.atonia lieihy the I i Swell ai en .i o eff das. hi: Iml, and Salvt . from the south. n rain he Iti land l.imil.'il. oil plays imne elite. Just satin, year as' Plank In HUM. 111.- will be worth al.ou The H' oris lioin ihe Smith was one oí .loo's stanehesl event of card hobby vv h i he a si o how a u ii good a ic ague. his left vv Thi-nr- UN w ips ate u to mal ul is point with Soelh i,i a $2. 0111 to I he itm. r. ing vamps are rem rally li:!ed iih it ainl most consistent ailnihers. am! The New Yorks came inigbly near Hie and In- - speiii ji'i 'iuu for lu mu opening the "w ild I'l, ink liailnl to bieak even iea lly the .line as last vv - me doing and Sox." wat in the banders plael hat the vouug phn ei , lie knew him litis a occa- a-- u.-- Im.iii the time liil v w HI. losing Matbewson on couple of That is a no eh Hint;." li last i ; inning d losing In, a fast hei are wot king Hut one train alone tic which marked loa large ion has . the present day. his admira1 Ir-- sions, one when he was about lo Jump COSTLY spe, id ., bu- In Huii". iml Kr: e. alter fanned out iitiiiauki; of ihe libit ' is ;,v rugo club fs nine Ai. nl and siill increase ill In ISd.". Smiill h it Aiibuin seldom leads leieiun iml ihated. to the St, Louis I'.rowns during the - a; a gioiunl iri pioh bv Mac lo Ihe T Siale league, wiiu ) t es gelling itllo cillldl- training trip. value gainer the ( (P.v I. Mctieelian. l.iillllg hetllselv and went to 'h'.eiino. when' he ame time, and once when he was Had any:, he vv ill n ail IT and ir. Salve wiiu H war A l,. lint Coinuiy ..! huí he nleniakm nmsi aolvf. .. M'h March '7 Abe rends. Hon in a limit, 'flu have eii in a luokeni.ue linsin at was vv ei.'.ue.t 1." all league, ed to Cincinnati for lluslo, but it Is back, (.ml nini e, loo l'n. .hit he ill. II v, as hoiuihi thai be nib- adoptod and lost I'll go . manager of Jack Jubi- tlnoiigli the mill, and know what ho Later lie In came season opened. of ev vhirh iirosiereil. e llitlgers 'tailed back before the i scheduled ah mil Chi' a has ihr. offside son, will late this ity tomorrow lor io lake ( are of hene.elves un! the for lie has hen yem would lend lo 'hi develop. reimeeteil with his piiseul eoinpany. IHu.'i, and Plank - wo ol , , ,. VI nd the last In when Malheuson present a propo- l (He I'm iln' seel ions his Snior. New York lo tinbiuo i num.. lo Id out heii ile i; aiciiiaie passing, and !!':idiia!ly woikinj; wn to the to.. .1.1111 .1 t his faced each other on Ihe' slab in the i 'humpion n In.: a he has lm j, e d being Irom the San Francisco sition to ni, ith a mined man in each camp to am. and mumi (. ,,iU mdi iunniMo by until Iih was a man of wealth. game the scries, o lohli-:-- t the Pa. ilie Coast league. Sntor opening of world's Jeffries. Arellds. behalf whole of Ihe far wol licillv , n dangerous 'I'lietioii- ' I vv.ilch nvr the overanxious platers I.eai iiinsr ihe New Yo; k (Hants his respect club i t al' that L'n ami lost "ti games. White won each had come to te Hill Will ff. r J. Jl, having he hospital llsl hlh. sell, il looks li'e .liable hie is t hat he nh' ilea our: d ils uso e ihe chance of fining to relca-- Mediunil In the be- a singh-b- i o I'd If ibat word .l wire won but an unknown, and interim t that will an- p, n I'l nd lost IJ. while Aliioek i, II .1 he i... y.real ly lie. gi.m.i th'' Sot '"t' p, gieai m, and ci'iisouuent- S i .Lie to w i $ lilld bill a I il be all line e. in at once an alined with come in the saum length of ill r cell V, il'Uei vvloll tll" three out of ihe en gaums be pitched. famous of t hiiigs llgin oil Iiiell,.,i"ltes btead ,p, Iml lead lo Hie development of th- - I, in. will be hi iml his. is one he ;. hold of some team, for which tin-- " changing employers. says "no Ilición will worry along with Hitr and without 'Manager minium w hen he rip It. ov er ,,,,,, aecui a' pasdinr S h money. the mi lit lire ii was to furnish the The saim I i hell ami Woltors. linn hell, who is a Fied Clarke. Tommy Leach and . little. lo wan u 'fhere '.wo i for lie i, ,.,.,.. ...:ne ground o of Xc waii; ih ideil lo hold Hid nie thai middle Milt was the purchase the - o 1" ' II Kaiiimore recruit of lie pi eroding fall, Hans Wagner ate conspicuous exam- - in ih.-i- work. Inl.lTcieliee Willi Wiiidl the on be c ed bv eliili. baseball ;he Caidinal.- which HiepOIl ihe dieain ol an anient games 111" won ion and lost eight lor the ples of men who have nol been with tin- us. ihl liu.lyar.l Kip fi'.Ps view o! 'tie ;! t an i o m p led piay not bin and admirer btouillil t" realization, 'What's fir need lied Sox last tear. oilers, foi nierly one club al! the lini" lin y have been ling leagu mpiail'.. tino hat il.- ,0 s. ve.e. vviiboui ojieniu.; ihe way un a home assiued the famous .loe - a Red and Caidinal was a minor in the National league. Thot have, As he tossed Ills SOFT JOB FOR FORMER TIGER like lo see ihelr mti, pel- u'lul.'d 0 j ,.,.,. e 10 by MeCiimity, all throiiKh the rev,an its use league phenom last season, winning however, been wiih one employer all 'I'm an ntvfu j..l,o at writing. !: e pieiil ly aid the mlmr b, that the ., will piher purpose (Ounn vv i.aiii. wliich a station ui;oiit in a games ihe Dieyfuss. I never will in- again. and losing only two for ilia! time Harney ftiiin fioni the noi'li .'on eyiendjn, ,,, 11, 11 L M S 'uwii felt a plaver whom lie Mil'.- Kipling: ous llalli lor ball Yes. the joke n mi ' , San Jose team of the Calüoitiia Slats Hit nisi it es lo ihe point ol hov. iim n ,llt, rii.-m-l- ruiiijn s, he had ever They were with Ih'pyl'uys when he He ilippy vv nen in- m has eniiíidereil ib1 liel league. wont ain 'I hat is m p,. the Louisville club, and came otn-ic- s fcp jtt off all then line poims. ,,,irr,.r,,, ,Mn ion that Hie presen! knnw ti. owned That the cheap. - Washington's tiio of southpaws aie , ' say. the swell don Inb'. a ml , Willi him to Pittsburg. In due lime Was t bou-.- im plunks a wold - - ' tlidm' ,1;l, hll inconipleleil for- 11 games T'v. 1 fauns, who won six and bel they will pass out. possibly Jiiayinv,.. Hie topnoich "du::. ie coiHeiit w a d :;c is too while Cleiin in li'nX; 'Cray, who I di he . lor Ihe Nationals in some city before ittlring. go along ttiihoiu plating their !v,aiuer. the 0.11 b o; Ihe Carlisle I11- - , other . . 11 games Los L 11 - nio-.- won "'. and lost for though that is nol likely, lull when wibbnng bMiu.'is im- mi i(,;)M ..,,,, nbei and suggests championship club of the k a manager to malo- les the they do slop down and out Pillsliurg tii nit ta Mlal would ho 1, oil In abolish Ihe les- - Taniie-hill- . w set pah-- I if ' i t i Coast league, and I As his face gi. and f Us in heexh lilt ton . ' ..... Pacific eis will feel that hey have sustained ;"dSV(sv' icani wink baldest I. that Ihe p s in::: clear regain his effective-nes- Ami be fliiint ins se.roiaiy t b who hopes to a so nave x games in lie .soul the line of innii.ige lite yanls from personal loss, nriniy iuiko, From an liners rail sci his year. the flk!fP5Z FZ2&tl Fvety Kpi Ing Hiere are a lairei or (lie Leach and Wagner become part ami 1,0 special Wllter. ihe center else iliuiinalt- play south- "No. I'll be . One toleran and one young VfV 01 w no 01 m- , 11 panel of the Smoky City baseball And little Hips deferred 'J'. iiuinber ptayeis an n,.y ami will, tbe rule on Tiger pitching this VX paw will he the soiitie-i- mp. 3g and its liadilions. Pittsburg has th.- ie- - when Mr. , ,v ciihod fiom the I'hev,u,, kjckeil ball may be eaiu'hl on Jolino What's - being the and I re- stall. Kilüan toleran famous, ami hey a woi.l"" - .' - the liianageineiu in win iv ,, l icking side Knrtli Worth has a catcher name.! helped make them Cots thousand plunks 7 i'.LV'ilf ptomise ,. ,(. Speer. from the Wichita club of lite same for Pillsliurg. port ill "the pink o! ioml'.:..n when i.,,. , Kelw a,ll lit up after every will have done the association, being the re o,.e,.-- . i. Western the championship season Since i fi y. Fred Tenriev was a faithful toiler - emit. I'AVhafs tl," l.seV" -- aid Mr Shakes- ,. Is no way to tone a player to c.ali. stun has two players named foi the Huston Nationals for ' von long there While two of the clubs have four ..f7,jv the piaoiuo iaiitii. the manager Wolf ami Wolfolk. Odd eombinalion. than Chume has been with Ihe 1,1s lake sniphpawy apiece, thtce hate three tr As he kicked around gr ive. j bow giaeifiillt of Cliioagos. but Teniicy no longer is ha nothing to do hm ll't'og of the C.lants is one the equipped with Iwo Well. I sure v croaln-- too en ft fM' apiece and Iwo ate wall 10 se few game. with the fortunes of the .'Vf. f: In Hie sun s leipiesi mnl Jewish players in Ihe hut left- - identified bouan n rave. ' apiece Cleveland has one Andthe spooky If. If Hie pioim-- " to top";' in the ink" Mi A leer thinks lie has a prize In Hah. lie anated himself with ihe ' jW d ami is a semi pro., a a.-- haleli pitcher V. Is made good In nm be Arthur Criggs. a Texas infiel. lor. Hosloti tuices in Sil piobahly is as ,0 Andread.i, from Los Angel. who sblesleppel Ihe illirllll' Cngj-- can hit and field almost any, good a hail plater as ho ever waa. and 'p pintor It Is in his Inn in P"si: mu. vol be now is seeking bis livelihood in lie soul liinnl U. of V. Has Another "Find." to: the opotnn.". CrinVIi announces tliat he will carry ill another field. That's the way In when ihe hell iocs In Stanton, the star half hack of 'he game of the si ,i ,on he sit'iii' ii.' lien for infield positioii Ibis baseball. au-- j Fniversity of Virginia fon'ball team - use '" walled nil Ho i polders. Vh.if.'- tne ui Ii is rallied in onli one wav and "'sin and two extra oat season. "Pop" Lannlgati. t Two other Piltshiitg sinmlh.'.s are plfflOM) last iiati. Ii"i,,,! 'ÍQv that is to swat n.'auilt ivory dat. has four bad headed platers of the university Hack team. Ihe two pin her. Sam Looter ami "We will bolt Hp j"b and piit ií ror 1.IU S'l.eko. Ihc PiHshlllg Utility 'rav i, DT.eary, Killiler and discovered aunt Hector. Phillippe. They aie as thorough Whv. w.-'.- hate to writ.- lot-- ver he has Iot In- S' . sand-dolla- Siever. 1. soi.l the I'm; ion holds the record fur the quar- It Ingrained in "ie Pirate baseball For a ili.o, bit" Eddie Association Staff of Umpires. Inbd.i. mat lo Stanton j - I'll I , V. th.- Id of - N.n mual loun'nertv again has pushed ter on the Pacific coast and has done tabiic a.-- co'lifn in aliio. Poib have noble i" The Alum lean a od.itlon will hate 11 j d It he ie . Has lie. died ui and stiir-- Lddio ver. tonne: wi'ii if! 11 Im! nt.g for a bin k to the held for the well Iiwi,i: at the uni b. li with the Pittsburg club steadily S. the uii'pite si. ils hi nnv ti. on' inon'li Ollie et so in rece::! 11. 9 l Vi barn-.- that Mr. .loll ,,,, agin- le.iin ha. cío.! IV-IV- ii' .1 M lii-- I no th.y .1ne1 ican i.- - i. It. i ing m a iiiiie.i peb" '.le Sox. displm ing Ctavaih. i v Lannigan ln s he can since I'.'1"', an bate known oilier ;sine coining Pick. ha. itad that IJ.-t- .. a iu'l.1 j H- i- Cc Iboiisand idllllUs i:ie b"i.. ciuli ol ' lie Minneaptili own-e- t a ptomisiug atidi-'iat- 'li O has annoutp e.l the p. sound cent a and St. Paul he developed into master. .1 l'.rien NnllhV.C-toll- l kimfU . , ".. le.iuue. H'.e Ifin- to th, ;r fran-- collegiate bono--- fo; iba' ( " I'"'l , of a: hi: a' tic; im to fot 'I Im Foil mud I'.n.ibc threaien transfer for iniei Onh. ihc tier of the Philadelphia .i.mI lit i' al a la. s.i 'be t H.iooo.ij tee I' a.t tx - p ,, m- .1 the Minnesota leislai nre H" will tei:o.,nt VLgtiiia l signed ihe chocks 'ha Washington. - year Six men ill ooiupo-- the si at . el lb has sun. t'.iti her tm distance. met caos has Hi- ...i ' t j g. m r;M tip- a le-o.- , e Win lii. of T"k.'..; w.Hi ln.ll 111 bavin-- 11 ii d r . i t u mo , debits Sunday baseball. 111 at collegia, f .'Ileelor of iln vv.cied wiihib. Ulnte Sox lo Ihe ipuiiler lb" lll'e. have Chi. Ibndei's dm J.- ! In tleee exp..-ili..i- i. and Tokutiir.. Saku. - v belli r than he in New Cambridge ilns he I'. is a 'obi f if (lipp-t- la"! sea on. 'Ihe In' follows, j M.n agei Carol ..t Hie fled toi the former Loilferd mies at hoiid sei vices since bien in om in iss o e ti. Mm ' l.p.t . iu.ui h be b ,:g.:o V. ii'"..' """" f oiaiiapolis ai . N ! -i,.- l V. .1. Iloclms'-r- h.n, put ihroii; a deal vipi, In on t (he national '.'a s I. lea. eg p. linl-he- Sullivan. I'rot i.leiice magnate. member of elite. oil, .if llll.ilil took a 'It in, ti,,-!.!- .11 d Y;i!uh ' Ihl'd - g hU Mp open for another New Kling Will Cut Game for a Year. The Indian pinln i join-- Connie III.. cut. tn il' in. lit of tic Anion, an 's Ij.-- i !! Ikio'i. Id. 'n't ; Ciar- j N.,tio!ia!s lor Pp. lie - 'tt.-.-- be--l .1 l.lsi von, o idigi.ind C't'is' atih- t in Japan t llcP'b'l. lea. Ie ll'.vi-ii- i l'iiy. Vo V. francbise. .lohnii; Kling. 'he star Alack s loam in Cm:, ail l.titidgrrn . - . e K.ins.i n ii.-- i t.-- .1: .-t mu won un- omo i ,.ti tonu'iil n.r t in "i, ci.e .1 'h.-- l : s l (V t If wired Manager Chance that e ,1 Nationals, and itoh ! K u: Con'han. I'p. bei la of ihe l.aneg. tor. ltd Hie deals for baseball grounds lias ;l.e Chhicci Seer, lary of .I,it- K'n..x vvill e .,,, , i,, Hie leiiitno' this noniti kiuan C ica. - tit. iam! I ' 11 'i o "! find eny one in t i:..- cue i i of Hie i un inna!:s have alone ii I'll C'l lt !' H K. l uí",. 101 ktton. team ti ho t.MI be St I. ais 'he Arl ansas Hot Springs ro c oinot Iwo'ü d.liii. i ..nor'ow night in tip j 01, In- Hie ' ' ' .ir lie j ti". - i in ,'';''"' ''t'-i'ih- no six los Kan-a- s t.'it'. biis;nv- and w.iul.l j tln ii lug l ague p'ei hn wi'ii on-a- a lid I hi follow ing iv . nine I lo . ,:.'- - .Sullitan. tiwoni aid Ha es se is ill..! with .l'chilig m lewir Cían teaior V d.'i'i'-- " ague lu.. bel li Ullib'l 1.Cmn.M ctu'-- lit. - In: to piu;. lia.'. II. i.-- - tto- g'.-s- ol i T.i at I A. sea-si- name lam ie ttaiuB will train there next IbereloiL- tlfia'ile boih siuot- ItcU. I'l 'I I vvoikd in the A. Iul uo till liu mu sr. Jctr ' ,ner. liuli. il 4 -


the Albuquerque morning Journal ANOTHER ONE OF THOSE GOOD THINGS I'iiIiIMmhI liy Die JOURNAL PUBLISHING CO. E? n Mrptiirniow rrMiit Extra quality dress gingham W. a. WltKH K1ii-- WALD'S H H. HKNINO Oily ROSEN U. a. UolJiTIICH DulnM UiDKi' TFfi I Q-- worth 12 -- 2c; Special at VtO vLUo Price" F:ntr(l l clin mtur t hT QuItyMeets AU'u'iurrqus. V. II., ajiér act p'.irrti,- at """"" ' u( WIttH uf ur,b i. 1171. f?.-'- -' """""

TUB VOIIMVO JOfKNAf. H Til I kahivo ni vt ni h am VAvtn or m w MIMIII. M I'I'liKIIMI TNIO II I It OK 111 K W I'AKTV All. 1MB lHTIllllMr III.' HK- - AM TMK lHOliN Tllr! ply U fui- 11 pil'-'- ' mi) an wiim riihM Aum ni trnniMiiyK nt iiMOllT. tnT m ni ly ,'ltl pi i r nt immIit Hint nf tin , What Editors Inwrwt lttlti.,-l- i linlili-r- tlio ..lift of the , j triom or m Bsc HiruoM. tnuiMpoi lo'lnu iin Imli ,1. y&mr. Pt1f, ly caiilir. nni. m'.nlli of the Southwest .1 It Ik I It :i - Remember t.lf, br mull, on m mm Whilo iiiikiiIi., k;i,vr llm HICHCRJ)E ll Iplllil I'll !!.- I.i'ilcil', til (r'lli'lllliz,. j Are Saying COFFEE largar rlrmlmli. Ih KT Hir Mlr finiii a isIukI'- ItiKtmn f tlilu kiinl, il Ji Welcome Sight. la Nr !Mt.o. I h mil Is ImproFllilo to ovi'iluiik Km nlminuj iMurd daf la Ui vl' . ll'lllliJC táriUa htt to tin- tliiin-- of tmltf Huff lili nt Your Feet A L'irl in tu II 10 r.t r. Nlwit I, III Made of - In tovir Hi., illffin mi. In tin- of In,,,,. ,,,, i, f.., Tlio Km Th Momlm i.Mirnnl a hlghrr rlt. proiliii'tioii" nnil ho In pint, i t A 111 ) - umli r tin. In il ivim ovt i I'l'iKml & Sanborn'a (nlnlluB limn I Itt mil" I i iiil- - Hi lir, ). Alnlllnvil pillilirmi. tUgh Ihtr pnr In AIIiuhut.,h i.r un llirf ititi iiiifni til its of frmii Grade Coffee llr III Vow Mrlliu." lb A.Hfrlinn 'uiiilH'tltloiI nf hrnpi T Inlmr nliron.l, lllrr.lorj. Itoiiuli Itlilillii. Winn 1 1 ; i fui' Hull lll'W there 3 no cup so e'ear and fragrar.t. hpiinr Kvili HllppnslllH Hint tin- J.oilnltii ,, Mi'.im mn pot, mini lliat the inlltrll lliclrr mil fit. Tlie arorr.a pleases the mcst istid- - Ih 111 Hm - , iitripmiy only rhi plnK hut- ,1,., A , ,,,,,,, ,,, tl.V,. , v . i nuji M W MEXICO Yon Know that tin- - IiuikImiiii-es- t ious drinker of coffee. pin In fJrriit liiltnln, h ln-r- 11 llv mnuli il'liiifí lili lln- pi. s. nl (11SI111114. tin rv (it., in, Impnit iliill.-- npmi ,:,!K,:n.i. u inniK mill .ir ihc stirlh'Hl suit 1 i I i ii c it i: w. iwi in Its uliillly to lit low In ti , will iml III I'll Ii .III.' with a 1 ni I' no. fill tllino , ' i,,,,!,, .ili. ni.,1 III . , smi, liy , of I. 11 -- over slim s. ),;,l,.,iK,. I.l v.. pi'viliit II, l.uK.-- liy i ily, ii illl.'tui- in nt .,1 .' ij low ini'l - N' Into tin- ri'lntn.n nf Impnit iln niiil.ilii,. iioii In sm inu us ollH. Anil Uiinuiii lliis ,M'ii will n Mhmihl It Infill. r. i' rol will Inul w i i n y. t.i tl. to tin- pl rlim-;- il nt luiiiii'. i't Hi'" "utlnnl. F.nn tnni :u 111 'J'.irl-lí.ii.-- linil It lil'ofilnlili' to lit lit fiiiniti inl loippoit to mnk. tin' n 11 j .1111 un'.., - .nt ,i ll. pnl I'.- - out Mith 11 of ilninly at .liiiim-riiii- ' i h full .i :i" nil pair luir 1 1 i i m 1:1 r :i .... iiii or it uomi:.1' I'.iiHtri 11 Hint will ; II inn.'il I"' n un iiiln il Hint hIkh'h at jiricr ii.t.m. n - I'l lin Ipnlly In- I niii r. - 1 I ii In-i.- i pirns.- yon. Ih.- luir In ii oi in inul in. fnt-- it.ilnlv Put up in and 2 I'll A Pill Ii. tlio Miismii Inisi tti' Tin- lv.. lvc ivo l, ul,h !i Inlu.ii.l I Hinl In imiki' f in Ii u Institution, - ' Ini i 11 111 I.. wlslntnn- Hint In l.n. kinl l.y i ml "' "r iiini llm mini pound cans fiiir i:i t 'K:.lul In ixhlhit inul Iin,', M'.'in to I1II11I him n,iiii-,ntin- ü - In- - n Inl 111 pi nvpli u It Ii yiiii.-y- mnl mm .1 Rin.-in- l liit. muni tiilii ii Cut-o- ff I ;i . o m I. s I'Kiii 'pi The Belen I. y ivrty li'i.i.hllt III III.' li'lllI'llV )i Hint 11 111:11 I ...... Mori's Easter Shoes, 40c a lb Iiiih On- - it ll.' nf Ni-- M.vl.ii lit pirty hIiiiII l,c jointly Ihililo Willi In-- (iiilil'i- Siillli. $2.00 to $5.00 'l 11 Id li'ii Ti lliiirii'. Iiii.-'Iii-i 1)1 ln re ns killing, n iniii'ili ,ni; ml fnf Pt.i for mncirltn mnl , .lint 1. iii mini in- oh. nil oill.s noi'llli provPioiiM fill iiisln-i- with 1 r l,inn-l,- . .,,VI ii,,. ,ls)t ,,f th.' v.i.l; Tin- Women's Easter Shoes, Has Been Opened TIii-- ' Inn H"hii! Ktiiii-m- iit liy i.ui' Hi Ii'iIki- or tit to hi'iHi'lf or liir pn 11 Iriiln ih oj tin- ntlriiy ui- wit,- nn- ,M" ,ry A. J. 1. n t out, ni i ioi .i iy ih unrtliy ni inn f.iiiillv Tim Hpi.riMifH fnf Hi.. 1,111 mj '" '' :" '" V'1 .,;'V'' $1.65 to $5.00 Maloy lit to v. ni in iinxt u k s pupil in-i- ' III' purl nf 11 v 111:11 il ful Iilli'lillnn nil Hint tin. pnsiiit tu in ii it of lii i, (.pii,.', and through freight and passenger trains from ill vi'ly ! 'on nf New It I" oiiii'ii ii'oin (.aymi'iilM of lliti'i' liiiw Children's Easter Shoes, Phone 72 op-oper- ate nun h In In- - mi Uní luit Ii m vi i tlir- - in ilni- to tin- fj. lion of common Inw Mlil lln" Chicago to the coast are now running. To - $1.00 to $2.75 ll'S-- till- ,,f (ll,. I.'lli-- t 11 In' II till"'. Hint lirnjill- Hint upon lu í' tum i kif!.- wonimi Iom. f l''t Unit iin iMiitinn these from seventy-fiv- e to one hundred iiM II lllli' hll'.'l' In-- Itonil ....-,y- Th.. ...J..HU,.,' f H,n pr,,. j v";; "l:.rv,;:.,;:n hy arrived in Reien, , v. i v nun Ii In tin ir own llwht mil Intv. it In lirmicil, Ih Hint It tnln h ,,,. ,,, ,.w .m,.m,.,, Know tin-- men have In Kl vi iro).'-- i.iU'.:'ili"ri .lii lh. attiiv from thn liiiHtuiml nil nu nmsliip ni.itl.-- Is mnl, wln'i ivjt. Mtnri: t..( t rom. To "their families we will still hold - accommodate Inni-tull"- tV.'.' --Xt. .- ii rríloiinl fnlr HH ii l.'i'i ilni lul of l.ii .:.ír.r,Trr-í.ut'':i:wT.I.'(- lru- ' "s ' Aifi'lriiltnrlHlK, lioi-- t irnlt ut tu, lililí to ronvi-- IiIh priipi'i ty to In r, open our offer of iiiliilni; rin-i- i inul m iSKpiip. r pinpin r. top inn; ' prm tli insol-viiil- , hlniN.'lf nlly It's 11 llilll, 11 1(1 . mini)' H'l'llmm nf tin- I i t l no Hint fn.rn tvliiln linr flnminlnl llm Wnshiiii-.tot- i il ispn l l Ptnli-- ititnr. In llw ti Itni I'll full Ii Ini't'tHKi'd Itrl- r.spnliHi' I't nt Tnll npisiil-- K Ktiitollooil for Hi'l'.V ynir. lln- plirpiM' nl Ii .'i l hilltv to pus tlir liiil." of th.. Iioiisi-h- ol u M. nIi'o mnl At izon.'i nt tin' next fr -- i'!- o( iiinmi-'-- in 1 Now iilinnl Ni MiAii ii, Itn Iv In iml. Ah vii o IniH lii'i'oiiii' mu ri cinii'ili'ii. tin- il til" follow iim n li H tl.iNS nun: nti'l lln h Inl Inrm slln-- lln- ln.--- t i s.--i it U hotici ..nm'i uillilri .1 I.- "Xilson funis, yoiiiiK I'mnli hmnt nf tin- )i oj.lo nf tl i lr tlvr-- 1 m w to ;i I.I. l.y tho "hir.l ill tlio hiunl in: iii'ir.M i.wv. siiiviv.s ii ll . "lis n'.ti'liipt nt . III hush" pnliiV.- - Mil- itli'MH, mnl lnnllnn i.nlv .1 snn'll tun llm nr. r l'V ni' in tin- los. Knli'i-pi'lK..- in .I'.'ik t jt.iji lli'-,.ti- , i.).i;,i.,i. i i.) '.';.; rjpi. ill iliihi"-- . .V414- l' fi w r hi i Ann - in i.V lnl!np. mnl Lots ,t ni', 'l. thi' in ,.i,"l.ili Free , w li il.- .I. w.iin.liil ill i oil tlii-- niitill.illv ri'H'lll'l" )li:i-- 11II 'li'itiy, .Ipnnlt. r. or If th... mnili.i, ,,, ., , ln ;w.-,-rr- niT "'Jdrtri.W.i'--'"''-''""- "'- i,,.," is ,... K tliinsi nlmnt tin his l...i.. f Ii - I - mil 11I1". vi tin urn , lln y Kiy of fci'ttniK cm will I... nr.ntlv .11-- i sin I. lln'.l. v..iiiim nl- 'n,,. iln- ilii'i'iil the pn fui.' in pli . . ' 'I' n .1 mo Hi.' tlili." l,'lvln tin lili Uní V 1. :i Iml' liillln.l. Tin. now lni of onm ." h '' iimi'st who milliiml 'ill si ill mini for mil- N.'ls. ' 11 .- x . j it lil. Ii yr." lint' ;i'l nf tin' (ininl " .- i:;;;;;; i' i'í' :!';:::,!t GROSS, KELLY & COMPANY with every lot purchased to encourage builders ' mi lit II nl In w i1 Iihvi (oi.- 01 in.- on n o li un 1... ,.. it nntUil "i.- i'i's.'ni i. smiiiii lio- inul 1,1.1.... wis in- v .,r If. tnoiilh,"' mnl h. r th.- in i li mil t h.'tu r:"!',up w h.'i" liny nh. If. H o' 11 11. W"i Wholesale Merchants. This offers an opportunity for an excellent nii lln. nil i'm tlir rouiitry. i'i'nft. nil nl ilrnj; t.ilkiim nit hints. loiii; mnl (ho novi nuil' mnl his riKht wlloi 'I Ii" ,. w inl f.iii I. nu il tur sninkllli; Hint 111:1 v In ....h'llli.'.l thill "ii,. Joslilo Arillilo. T' rit'ii in. . , ;wmil, I' anil IVIta vestment and should not be overlooked, liiiinl mull will no Il un thn smok. h.i.l killi'.l li.i. 111. 11 n.ol li.iilly iri .1 il . . i mi in. "I p"l Ml. t'l'l it'll lul IiihI It ill inn. lii'iinl in ronntry will ln n lzi!y ..i-i- 1.0I us tin- hiii o ti. pp',1 o n. .tin r. ovni- mi flu- Km li'.i ml". , Ion n li.i t it. in'.- M' ll 1" ill-- soil-o- i' It lum v. 11 In i;l. in fur twi mil i. :t o) il hy K'iv íliiiii-n- mithoi 111.11 os. with four pil ', hn nil LAS VEQAÍ 11. i 11 n ÍM - inllii'lil ill 1 1,! Ill Ho- tin i''" i viiii', It kiiniin, mi-- i.pnitM nl it. ... mil.iwlnl ini ni t.itinns. Ili'i'-- iliiu Is s.i i, whllo lo Lots I 11 o .1 .mi' Residence lln X n 'i nli- .l int. il In tin- In Imp. ti s will In. t.ipiiri I.. .. Prices of .i follow - ii iw .' w nut". 11.11' nl ih it j : I m, HI. iv "LOOKING sniiiirr t'l'l ill ' y flliln III lln II ni. 'Ii itli tlio coll. .'tor n il... I.itiith.n BACKWARD" lnitti' nl .1- lotto t ti. iiiinii'.i him. Tiny ,, , ,i r 0110 11 TIpum- n. . nl tin' I'M lí.it y t h.r, "tiitiiiK tli.'il op lum t.iki 11 from th.' BRINGS 11, in. on him in..i FORTH ANCIENT iiiK, h.'l il.ty liuht. mnl hit lum r . J.isl MEAT íimiiI'mI s nf tin- ll'llilllil luniH' iH to ho tlM-i- III, ili MARKET liai- tin n.liin lis Ih lili, s hoi ol o ll" olll, u. t Range From $75 lo $150.00 HISTORY I tiiK'-- i it nffi i." 'ni liilnvinu Mu-I- I'- - 'III'' Til" ti.'il f I lo- tiltil Hint is Hh n 'i.s'.i', if nil to. lln in All Kinds uf n sli mnl Salt Mcata ill! mil ii.ll In tin nl tl lit l"ll to us. Ih" ill ui: In Ih.- piipiiini ion oi xi. i" shootniu ni I11111 nt tho s.inn SU'iini SmtsiKi' I'uclory. In- siul Ii 1. W"l" null' huí. W I. tin- nl ,1 liiui. nr. nt !'. pi nl il. .1 I'.v un 1II1 ni" mint In- mnl limi.1 llm... i.Mii. nivm i Isoii 111IÍ- - Who Wiis Villi. nuil llml Hi. i" hii.l h' i n pn i Ki.i:ivor.r. , ili. - m il.'iiii'. il,:.' tli.ii.' muí lil. Ii post, to Hi'i 111', its .x, , Ulioll. liu Nrnrlv Ixilli-i- h Niiliirs 'lwi-1111- oils lmilKi'llli'llt mol Hinl til.' Sllt x i, Miiuonh- llitilillni;, N'orlli Tliird Klrtvrl - i ijx-i.i- 11" lum- link. .1 tin r Jin Ir 111. nl in pollution of 1. plum will ho lint iui. ii'ii r.ii- sioi-- ni ol S W"l" lltlif III I'll!'." WO llsli.'.l -- Ni ,1 . ii'in o. r .pi. wns th.. nl. lir ii it. I., , nl. h 1,11." h.iv. iH"l to .n, K:i,'. s i'.int;ihiU. 11.1 loillu lions. xi..ilt. iw 1. in mi .11111 mnl 01110 in on .inijniiis. Illl-III- I nú-- II Hi.' I' "ll til. It P'.iiii nl ill 'I pi. in.- ; 11, it I, 11. Ho - o- - "iiow .i.i 1!" it. thn , hi i,s tl Khl iin'iur- Tin- "I kiln-- t, k n ill i l.l .luiiiii .1 11 p tt;', in mi: t.i Hi. r.i, t llml s, ... M M,.,. ill- i o un, :,, ii ml ,n in ,),., fin-lil- n In nil .'il .Mil :i 1:0, Iml Inul .1 ,11 I,.,--- f' ó s - ih. Moiinio.. I "I no Hoiv .In tho p, In.-- . t . - 11 , hto'inlil 11," n. iifh. I.. 11 )..-- 11 Iv !n- lii.1,1 .lit.-- to : tot .ni. nit -- In - nil Inn. "I tin Tl,. 1;. In,,, !;', tit IIS '.'"- K.I II t..ilh uuiiiiion-- i r"S,,ois,s li 0111 tin tl,, lii.ll I r o I , For More information, Maps, II. In IhkI i i'. Ii. Mu : IS Will lil o I." oltip, i,, - I! Etc, Address i'iiii'..' tut" .111. s w h "i .ill no ,', n,"' illll Wo iifl'tt won, hi- hux niiv p.iso fill jolll I I n k. p . ,1 . ,, u,,. , 1, 11 w i'.n. Un N mi .inipl.'t" ,,i ni; lln- in. h s .ii. h iih on n I"- i" 11, nh .1 into tn k mu .1111 . I . t , w ., , i I"' I" y I.. In Ii. .' Ill ll tin- l.l. III. .11 l. til. s In. in tin lis mi. s I'.'pulili ho. from Hi.' HI. thini! hut l'ol.y's II, .11, mnl I'm I.. "I lln- l.11 tun,.. .1 11. ,1 Th" follow - , ol.)., mill I111114 tiouhlo. Ii If you huí'- Piifk.iiiio ,'in.i niiniiy t. I I Itni 1.. I ..( I..I ,.. .hit .,K h, it.'-- "in li. ii.- 1;. pnlili.-iii- not ho I'.,,.!. I 11I0 11, (.(.llntr "o I'll t ouh., s X.OI ...poli!, :.lKo l'l.lis Ixi'l-II- - THE BELEN TOWN & . ' .1; .1 II 11. ll M s - m 1. x 0.11,1 il "Ill Mil In llliill SHI! M III I! I'OINT. mm mnk.'" or oth",- .suhi-- t it nt"-- . 'I'll 11. IP o.. y to si r, nut lii'll b ll '1 In- A .1 . - l 1M1I 1. o n;i 111 ' 11. Ih.- ki.lii.-x- t prop- lit lit (nil ll" II .HI.'. nl lis pl.-.l.-- ui. lo in in pull uino i niii in no h:i ilni up so thov will n. , i -I , ,1. y A t t ' , il ' "ll lis nl lilt" II "HI lil i.s ill 11 lion II. mus Kiilu. ttnuhlo may . 'I 111. I it will li. nl .ii ilni '.hn is pni knr n'lli.'llt .i thn .lit. ti. Inl III. - lity ;i:;o. Tin- .1. II. u & Co. stn-pi'- ,1 !, ... I lU' .,iis plilitil Co. llivllv - t, n h, jug "1. 111,1 In 11 st iv i'ii n un I.. nl j.. s.,,. IMPROVEMENT COiWN'Y u l it, ,s to !" "in nl.1 t linn .Hi i't I" I 111 thus til,' I'lill.,.!' Iphi.i I'l.l. In- I w.- .'i . hinl Ali tins ill ., K, I., -- J 'l ''- 'til :' ''il iim ii imuM rfi'ri iMifi"'-- ' BELEN NEW MEXICO in? 111 it t. .1 n 111. f ..f muí mnl ll Is pnssihly iniit.' tino Hint tin ' In "I tin' t u in. nti. .11. il It I' "lln 11 win mo w , .1 un; t In- 11. v lint I.' 1 V t,, hint !.. ii" I .',.;.!,. 1. H'lini; huts ill" not nuhtnüy plipiii,,! I'lii 't"i;i' iv. '"itimi.hltv in t 'it- til- - to l .." ll'.u w .Mill it ,1,, to 1,1 tu. I,, r it" v .1 i; I ..I tin' ll - "pill nf!" with th. in. ui uhn !i. Apple and Small Farms t 111 . t 11 I . , Orchards lllli ..t Un II l"i .ilitv l ilt vhll I'". " ill" llllts, il I. t til" .1 ' I i t .1 - -. ... 1111.I 1. . t : : ' i'ii f..r m;. I" K h " on, n ni n tli. .11;. ' h 1;. Hi. .11 ..' lln 11 pi ..1'ii- in .11 MONTEZUMA TRUST COMPANY t. i,. ,1 t" n,. I!,. 11 t., ,, i;i I I x x TO III 1:1 I.KIIW ALBUQUERQUE NEW MEXICO t 't.' s " ' " .11 ,' will 1.. W I . t ,1 s "i.- in. ..i in. t ,,.(, ,1,:, .11" III of II. it ii"!' Capital and Surplus $100,000.00 no. nuil to th. Hi t I I1.1t t h. nut. I' -- s , ,1, tus ' I, tils to li..,i--l- in Ih FOR SALE Lm3 INTEREST ALLOWED ON SAVINGS DEPOSITS - 3 -- w .. 1! mi- i:m. ll ""I Inn il.' ot Ni ,l. l. Ml x K T. I". of II. 1;. in. in. M s WIUi Ample Mrau Hd tumirpassed 1'aoiUtlea t 11" r is' r I. I' i. 1.1 i." j Wilis .Villi; "MX 0 lit "l. I n the Famous Pecos Valley of New Mexcio ' .it I t hi,, s i,,, p. hi 1. i. 'I t ...t ... ilni. 'it n i,, 1 .. '.. . -, ..1 1. .i n 1,,. i;i Ho- i on .1. i o- hut 11 The Bank of Commerce of Albuquerque .'.Un,-.- s , :. x 1, v !' I Itholll It 1. i,i) T - i;,,s-xv(- of tho known pi t .1 ii.1i. fix..- son., ,,f . hv , , 1,... s I'mts will f inn nilPs F.xrrj Prop Acoommixlallon SilU'lti New Ao .. " M 1. , ,11 ,.,1 in", on Eitrnrlfl to IVixisItnr and "II Ii i., ,1 ! I ' h.ix.' P. snii i.i, I. pi. .it, with minis mi, .lit, h,s mnl ore off.r.,1 fur 1 1 SOTWMl.lHI. DlrpxK.m: . v. . .1 n, '...v. 11 t "ii counts. OMcera and Solomon ITrw 'I '1 Ü m "w .hit h" ;.t " t'pltl, '. "' 'l l"l " I m i x i oi- - In Btrl-UI'- VU--o s, ... s.ili'. Tlio ph. ' i,l in, In, Idrnt; V. s. lreiild ent and Cashier; W. 4. JolimaoB, 0 ii Caxlilrr; William Mclntoali, trtorge Araot, J. C Baidridfe, A. M. - -- ... i .i- .is un. mi : '.iii t h,' t. t I'll. 11 "in ,'!'!' i i í Blarkwell. O. K. CrtnuwrU. I i , , f ,.' .1 .. i.., mi'. ..i .i i,,- " i"- .T th,- 1. ii .n i.,, ,, "THE I AGERMAN ORCMARDS ' I" . i. lo )i" I ...,.! f 11, ..I. i" nil to I ll.- tl. . t lh I IP i I ' - t ' ''"' "h of ll. ii.Ii''l:, 'it will not Pun Mi ,inii. i. 10 .""0 if t of Itli' f HlinilH ,ir in itlji' ill nf .'JuMlt 'I'l'-- ' . V. el i' ' oik TP. .!. tu:-- ..1 - M. xi. o A"l!J-- i.ii h Tip m' t'ivh.u.U )i.i I"' M t ,t!y i ml n, i mo liUMiliiJ We have the only up to date Mill between Pueblo and ' v- ' ! I, i i ; i w l.t-- t k ,,!. I...I nt m i tt n.t tut l'tü lis f n i 'i 'I shi ,j fi nin lit s. ,imui. Mould-ing- f .in Casings, Sash s, ' Angeles. It you need Doors, 1' "ti t ii"..p ih. ;. in, n ' n ;.;i. in th.- . tt no- - Los T . I' .ti 1,;, , ., y. .,' , ,,, ' , ' i; ll lit tl poll ol ll II, Mh. or special work of any kind, write or call on us. f " :.- ,1 !' - - u" '. ., o. ,.ii. ' i rink Pun .1 tl :. in. in- THE RIVERSIDE FARMS , t,.i .t,.,, i, ... , no". ' !., w tut. -. Mis M i i Ih.i ' i 'j ACT;!'-- : . , , , SimM f o.' .h i;V t TIIIUTV ..i (!,, ..uih t ll.. v. I.. 1.1. i I" s in I. i. Iill.u th.- l.oxs t K in imi'?,H niiN "... t Hi .il; I . ! AND COMPANY -- .i';.i!:; r i MILL I"! 1..1 I I .111.1 S,,,;,1.,X' S, ,.,, I 1'., i;:. SUPERIOR LUMBER - . - ' , li- i i i s s h i ii. xx Pis j ii nio.tiii 11 -- I s. ni IM IM lIH lili I'.... ' "i .o r. h ..I ;,, ii. I i, n TI IE SOUTI ISPRING ORCHARDS I'lUn.! . in. .1 i I.i nt w o t h 11 . 1 ; - ' ii'in ni ... - ,. i i ' - ,. .1 i it k. ,P- -. h .. 'i lili 'i i a. tlx ni rops n in l.s. ""ll Th. x' h.,.. is I, if i; ti ,i CONSOLIDATED LIQUOR CO r. i . I l A ni- t 1. 1. . t "tt. form. .1 All. WITH Wll'l.i: Vil'l: lll'ill'i w oí .i ,i t. . "i, , 11,! ,,, a.Hrrnrii l Mrlinl t.i.Wla . j - nd llm his hi a l.loml th. ( i ,1' t.inrf n.. ii t,. u , t I ' I t. I ti I I n n I p I I ! I ,, i ii r r i ii it il I' r o I Mis f, i .linim. .ii", ,,(.,. x lor I" lift r 11.11 Is All. IK.I Kit Plumbing 1. l 1,1 t . ..I 1.. - , l' i.iii.n ,f.IIO. is Minn; tor illx.-I.- . in If, ,i li. a 11. n y f "i . t i,, n WINES. LIQUORS & CIGARS!,, ii I h..l lor i oko t. h.'ix - :i Pit, M f p ii.-.- t.,i .,1 :i , knr.v. Tin: n.rMisniL iniii ..o i,,, h I XX nur no-- t ni,, ii inn. ill. n.l .li, f, .iil .uMiir vr iMn In llr. wntl .t Company il ., ii Vh-k- - ., Southspring and Cattle uso nd t i i. h The Ranch i'm l'rtr l.ln .rm. 'v If ..nt lift r t ". si .1.00. I of tho firm of A'li ti A tii'.'i i;.V.T I. it si,,- xxil III :l I - . h. h.i-- fr 'íii . onti' rn t 1..I1 . . IH t. t,. 1,1. '..,1 mn." Mil. I, hi... 1.1,11 I I ,,n " " K..t 111.4 .t ll .. , :.l ' i pr. l I. '" th, A ,,.,. , M ,, I pir. tn ami do ,i s ,,f k. il ... 1. m. r- iflxxri sr. ami crri: atb. " r, '1; - ,;,-,- or V. G. Hamilton Roswcll, New Mexico rinr j h in M .lit II. 1;., x ji'tiy the j.limil.ins line that hot h S" of th h.,tl: .1 . , j - . ,t ,' U- -K u y I't-'.- t" I'" il ni. in th.- Soiiihw hill th" of sort .i" .s..,j,:'x .i p,. hx.I1. i,y J'il.Mr.K ii P i ol m, " READ Vy ",J "' '' ji xi.'ii nli'i i "tit. ii'l i,.'!., ii. mi im'oni . ?cz THE WANT ADS. .1, iZZr""H THE ALBUQUERQUE MORNING JOURNAL, MONDAY, APRIL 5. 1909.

9SBSBBSISHE cull only bp used for carrying the bul- Hi kier freights nnd that with Increased NEED OF SYSTEM facilities for handling commodities t water, freight congestion un the rail- roads will be largely eliminated. rnQTUCIifATCCU Water transportation Is needed as well as rail transportation for the de- I velopment uf our country nnd the uiiniLfiniLiiiini more we have of both the stronger will the nation become." , YOU'LL PROJECTS KEEN RIVALY FOR COMMITTEE PLACES In a year from now that you did not buy some of those choice Jones Tells of Con- Addition we are selling today at original plat prices on Senator Washington, April 4. Keen rlvalrj lots in the Perea clusions Reached After Long for places on the committee on rivers untl harbors is being malilfestetl b easy payment plan of only $!Oa month. Service on Rivers and H ar- a laige number of members of the the house of represetitaUves. bors Committee, Among the thirteen republican members of the committee In the liatn congress, six did not return. These are Former t'lia irmali liurton of '(peri! CrriiDondnce la Morning Journal 1 Ohio; Itepi cuenta lives Jones oi Wash- Washington 1). I'., April ington (new senators) lleile of Minne- Office 204 Gold Ave. Senator Wesley h. Jones ul' Washing- sota; Kills of ; Aehison of I'eiinsylvaiiia ami llirdsitll of the F. H. MITCHELL ton, as, fi.r six years a nf B. S E L L E R S Telephone 899 member Iowa. D. K. In1 committee on rivers ami harbors It is accepted at the capital as FELIPE GURULE Real Estate Investments. Auiomobüe No. 9 ul' tin- house of representatives, leuv practically certain that Representa- tive De Aha S. Alexander of .New ins tin1 ImviT fur tin- Ui'i'i' body il V'ork, will be the next chairman ol tlir national coiisi'i-s- on March 4, at the committee. the same Unit' as Senator Theodon on account of the Immense pro- !:. linrton, fiirmorly chairman of llial jects propositi lor internal improve- ment of waterways in the middle-west- , committee ami now chairman of the representatives from that commission, created by tin - section were anxious to retain the any set- - j union, and M. Vvi-wl- . a b ad- bill. Itep-- is little probability of triclans' river and harbor 'hairmanship of the committee. l there - v ... . bi on river." tleniciit or. the basis propos I 11V Stec- r OI toe tieie i.ii .mil During services the esentutives Janu s U. Davmson ol Labor, and s. v. ial labor ngitatms. comm Ittee of tin- houst Wisconsin, was as Un ir rotary Knox. mu! harbors mentioned i I speeches. A that 1!. mudo revolutionary s gave a 'i ry great dea antlidate but he cast his fortune with signilieant fact a Senator Jotii American ha rue d'al- - If was tbjciibil to appoint central fid,! In fight the ... oi I. is time to a first hand study (: the "insurgents" their against 'Irecorv. t oiiiposo ion it is said, who recently reached lot from .strike conimilt'.. the 1'niteO the rules and thereby threw fairs, he t to pri vent inland waterways of tlir i o i turn! which will secret cS'tirr away his chances lor promotion. Mr. Nitaiairua. not cxncci' Stall's, its rituals and harbors am! American republic. arrest ol Hie in. mm is. io-- venom. Alexander, on the other hand was one to tin Central vv - kuowl'-dK- ,. w to ta ke hat ' with bis intiniati' of tin of the Cannon t, ill tni'ott 'Tod 'ail1 lieutenants. It i!, cms proper and may 9Y: needs of tin' 1'iviTS and harbors ol Kcprosontath e Humphrey of Wash- I 1 of round a eel.. .ver action a general strike. II. i' Pacific north w est was one of tin ington, wants the place vacated by at basl. is what a young babv ou.ein even call members of that verv Mr. Jones. ItTiIII I'oisl influential soilo'binj'wniiirwui, ill o.-KK-.- ' X X T M V ATIOV iui M, riant committee Come In and see our line of new digestion: ive it Mctbo's lial.y A MiutUori)u'. .V M.. April S'lici' bis tidvont on the rivers untl s.-r- , oni-on- t tpring goods, arriving every day. and it will begin gaining at The 1'nited States civil ice committee, .Mr. Jones ba Klixir el on the date harbors Fine line of lato curtains now on dis- i". I'ures stomach and bow mission announces that sien tin; policy of tht' t'ommitti't play. Everything In rugs, carpets, troubles, aids digestion. s.opt fret ful" and the place named abovi xa m iHuailiii and boronit' niori' compro inoleum and matting. Full quurter-awe- d ness. good for teething bubb I'rice iatiiin will be held for tin position II c hoiislve while the tba polished oak bed room ct, S and .'.0c. Sold by .1 IL. 'l.b'll.v of eb rk and can ier In the " SIOI I I AVE 5,000 pairs of Mens waterway legislation o (jleci's, only f U0.OO. See our windows. Co. service. characterized first and un" past has ven way to a scictiUli' Wo defy competition. The Futrelle Clerks in office of the Co., west end viaduct. tf ItaniiuctU'tl. ai'.l can id s in the citv; WE Shoes that will . Nn.nh-atioi- into tin' merits ol every furniture Naval Olliecis second class Florshcim we April 4,-- The otficer.-o- f delivery service are divided Into six vi. s it ion of Milne Willi the. resul New York. tu t. -- ub r Yankton, happily as follows: First grade, sa- tlay.s of the "I'orli I'.arrel. AGED SALVATION ARMY the naval grades, sell cost. This is a chance to buy tint the dubbed I'm' the occasion. "advance lare JiinO: sei oi d giade. salary. SMI": at a bill's vv en former river and harbor CHIEF 80 YEARS OLD agents of the round the world battle- third grade, salary $irtn: fourth grade, tallftl, have bet'll Wholly elimilUlLei' ship fl'it." because their vessel pre- salarv JI.immi: fifth grade, salary $1.-- : one of the finest shoes on the market fiiiiii the t"tialion. ceded Admiral ships oil their 1U; sixth grade salary, ?l.L'iin. Clerks "This ebaiiKe of policy," said Sinn were a dinner at the at tlrst-grad- oflics will in llcplv In Congratula-lor- cruise, riven and carriers for what you will pay for poor ones lor Joins, "is lai'Kely tine to the worl Adico Hotel Aster tonight by the Friars. be promoted successively to the fifth' Messages. at see- - I' the river and harbors cununittei grade, and clerks and carriel Hoiim". mid-clas- s ices will promoted elsewhere. Oxfords and Shoes. New i , Vale MliMcs at While of be under tin' ha irmti nsbl;. of Mr. Bill Ycu-k- 4 Wil- New April Coiieral April 4. Yale's track successively to grade. and lo I n national rivers am Washington. the fourth ton. liam lioolh. whose eightieth birthday temí, including a large number ol Age limit, all positions. Is to 4 á early. 1 ', i i s. goods, and styles. Come harbors wtiieh has eontrib is to be celebrated throughout the invaded waived, how-- : other brands,fand all correct (lid Kli's stalwart athletes. years. The age limits are All I to awaken, the Intel replied to ac-- el.' lattrc'v tie world next Saturday, has the White House today, and were i 'ever. In tin" cases of peisotis honorably! ' m scores .congratulatory . ..cable- e- a of Hi emu try in miliaiif? the the of ivni.'iiv ah oW huslnslr w by tlischarg' i.frem military in' naval sf' -- rii.u's W'iVile it is ti'U grams' with "M message to Uve Amer- The athletes came to resulting Ladies and Children 's people. It follows: President Tal't. vice by reason ol disability 111 H .i'l';.nl n! Hace occasion ican in the day on their In interests SO years In Washington earlv from wounds or sickness Incurred in "Alter passing this Va.. where they ally projected themselves the Rrcn oppor-unitie- s way to Charlottesville. the line, of duly. Shoes discount ivorld with almost countless reception was in- postoflice at a conventions which the national rivers for observing the purposes for begin training. Th" Male applicants for the j,f WILLIAM CHAPLIN .". 4 inch' s and harbors emigres has held in thi .vhich men generally live anil the formal. serv ice must be al least feet national capital ill the main. tin tiny so commonly suf- in heiiiht In bare feet and á pounds 10 per cent. I overcoat and hat;! work of the conyi'iss has been of fer, it seems reasonable that should DOG CAUSES DFAIH OF In weight without 121 WEST CENTRAL AVENUE some opinion as to the otherwise their applications will mi lasting character and has tiene formed are not. erv nurse they ought to follow if they ADMIRAL DEWEY'S COUSIN canceled. Female applicants world ol flood toward sta lizin; f any spi . fie height plai ire to ha." any real success. reiUired to sentiment for n comprehensive "So on this, my SUth birthday. or weight. of waterway development. iipeople If they application blank, instructions tell the America this: April t - Mrs For "It must If recognized by ever.' vill seek honor of (bid. the reign llii mil, ah am. Ala to applicants, and further informa-- i the Sl'iilil died In-r- today thinking person that lece-ima- l ap if righteousness, the welfare of the Haiti'" l'cucv t ii ii. application should be mini" I" rom ,oi ... uprin for improviuj.' riv friendless, poor and .the riches Jha! uiji.nies. ,.', H. Loo..:.---t I he Alb: in t".,.w You Can Pay in lions i go n mann.-r- A f.m.iri ;.. .. ., o forever, .ith tlni sa me "elf an iinusua ifiitit- .1 and barbo)- worse than use milit V.'.' - '" l''"-,- ; eis .) Ui,;.,A:.-4i.-...-'.- Jmti 'V l.a'." ., ,1. ., .1 I wcrttieitijr with which they ..4 . i.. mi l. ss and of i!i''''.CiTrr""T1Te' Ii mlenr'.; Sin t.iw li.iillv rriulitened and stum- - "" lo .'"" seek the wealth and pleasures of this lV xeellled and I lie, Willi I, i appropri falling heavilv. propel as been to liminate those i bled from the curb Cents Day a good liance iiiider.-iune- a world, they will have d nrim to the hour of'17 aliens and sttbst it ute cmitinnnn eon She was a cousin of Admiral Dew a y. the if finding that lile of satisfaction, t losing li lis-- i." on April saved millions o :'!' In tracts which has which now so often eludes them anil Y. V. CAMI'I'I'I.L. Th t typewriter concern Toot! STUDENTS" IV dollars as well as lime in the wort if building up a pattern naton for DIVINITY Secretary Kb venth Civil Service list Ibe w o' ld off' s you the best pe Id 111 17 cents II of widening and deepening our river he win to imitate. 13-- Feileral Hnildin::. filer existence. f"f tlav .STRIKE v and and making them bett" "Wlt.I.IAM Dt'OTII, (itiieral. THREATEN TO This eel lainl pla. e a premium on harbors Denver. Colo. v recognizes honesty as a onditioned lo take care of our grow issued Api il 2. I I'm'. pennies' It Toot! For Con"! pal ion. as.-e- t. in.g water-born- e commerce. 4. commercial T.. a prominent New York. April differ- save tin Mr. II. l'arnham, 1 .limply "I'.y the very nature of things then Iruggist of Spirit Iowa, says: ences which have cxi-te- d between ir. I act ve il Saiule lor Xduihal Ccriera small c h a n u e are certain big wat-rw- av project Chamberlain's Stomach and láver Francis L. l'atton. president of the Madrid, April 4. a C,r- - are still on ihe Job that must stand alone by tlieniscrve Tablets are certainly the best tiling I'rlnceton theological seminary, and .i i who died yest.rdav. was buriel! JVyiL tbimigh (in. today. A twenty- - voir and for which piivision should b in the market for constipation." Give the undergraduates culminated Ibis alterno, ill. dilute ol U')i''.i'.r-- i gers, and own In making If w a trial. You are certain Resolutions well' adopted by the MU- - ), volleys was tired at the grave. italic fur early completion. hese tablets ... maKnitirVJit '"' In which is set . -- V .' $ÍiMui,'. o agi and pleasant dents the nlliniatum j 0. ealll'tit take t II in all u;i We Sbolll find them abl" j '2 Oliver il "" cents. Samples forth either lir. l'atton is to be r" as much as we tan in m'di effect. Trice, that I'laved When Lincoln Was Shot. The J 10' ial.i tip rce. . y or by all druggists. made to provide a more modern cur- 4. Hail Stirling.! VjXi'aJ VI ropo; t on sale Chicago Apiil J.'. typewriter, ha. the riculum or else the entire student who was a member ol th lis wealth of o Loose I'm- complete .veys havi Leaf which ALARMED AT body will resign. that plaved at Ford's theater the uigtii .."-'- ' t lusive conven!- In; up. BARTENDERS - r been made, may wound Vbrahain Lincoln was assassinated enees ;lli" lim pel" C'lit perfect tvpo- 'The t'oluml'la liver Is one of th SPREAD OF PROHIBITION LABOR AGITATORS PLAN lied todav. A few months ago at a, wilier vvl:li its w ríe range of practl- - en at pfopot itimis with w hich we bav local theater as there was no one cal uses lo ileal and it is evoodinslv difl'i TROUBLE FOR FRANCE to take his place be was forced I", si ur.l c h Ine with rei oitl w his w ile was dying at ' ..,.,, ,, Ledgers Supplies Tin- of l!ie Cohmil.i; idav hile th an iiteli rlone. and en!!. mouth l'oston, Am II 4. The growing n improved w hospital. Alter the nci im iiiauce It's w oi lii w i, lie price of the must first be before prohibit throughout the ! v t rv ion sentiment Paris, Apiil The n u lona collapsed and never recovered. t pe et t t'tllS can proceed to improve the ii was today by lieM best il' 1Í rivr ountrv discussed the labor organizations made anoter nmvi a day w ill but it. Mil'. Over two and a hall" mirion xecutive board of the New Kngland in campaigii against govern- Ful all I no-.'- ' I. RlKlkPi P;:' I BilulcrS, their the 4 (lilies on Secret 3li--- ln. X it. r lucí nilv e to for improving tin- mouth have beei of the Hotel and Restaurant A liilcan vei iranch ment. meeting which was attend- April 4. Admiral t lieople Amer- - it probably Ink' I'.mploy.s' and of the r.artom'.crs' by Valpaiais". save s. bel'. re tin of L'.Hult'i.s, Al! i.) appropriated and will ed l.'i.nmi workmen was held todav I , mailf om (wn sliop, Talk 1','1','s, i In, of tile Jeleahit.ino imvai, ii;. a tin ha alliance, which met here on tin- elec- a million ami half mole to the Initiative of unions of station, has been commissi, ined lo tii. lir , v, r was a noire valuable ob-l'o- ; plans for the national s. "T-ih- want done, to have secured 'o formúlate tricians ami niuxi!, Stales ( j, over willi tr; uider (Ta'wIicío, liny In May. i rnnienl to isii the Iniied j,., ...on evolved to j love vvr temporary of ü feet fron (invention in Minneapolis M. I'ataud. so relarv of the Fíce secret mi. ion. channel meeting adopted a en an impel taut Ho" Portland, a o The resolution mouth to distance ailing for a law granting a per mu- Purchasing 1 he rower al out en in il"S. license system to all cities ol 1 Ice 4 l ea ni. d u cin "The next obstacle cneouuli n i ft y thousand people or over, a hill, The Twentieth Cen:urv the l"olunibia is at tin: Dalles, a mil iniiting local option to municipalities Fi"'.'i' people ai. in of Pennies will give away ice H. S. L1THGOW Booh Binder Inn h. iv bit; been appropria towns with a population of less Hid thev O V III dollars nid ANOTHER dav s at A .1 The pics, ', lob II. b lo think now being expended nude fifty thousand; each municipality free of charge for a lew ltLlilU K .STAMP MAhl'Jl. I'd and ban rv store. ' ne and s, bii; liBiitex. To bise mili! "f be l0 ' ii of Ule l- Malov gee, , , 1H (24. ibe 'coiit inning contract' ft lure o liave complete control '' M't'ond; and if vol Ills that i:o to liiakc llji (lie ,o!lar. JOl Jt.SAL II.IlINU. rilOMÜ íense commission and two-third- s of it made in lilt. 'en To puiclic-iil- power Iui diepi niiig llir river. Win il tin vnrl .Missouri we wi show loigtt the go onc-liir- d are from al the Pull, is completed w." wil h" fees lo to the town and is pi ut up in peiini's, nickels and have navigation from tin- month I' to the tlatc. dilllt s. WOMAN ii- "'T-t'iib- - on A Creed Worth Believing. a day" idling plin I.cwistoti. Idaho, the Snake rivri till lis ibis jtower lo worlhy ,iii ,ose. on I'ol PRINCE OF WALES MAY and lo 1'riest r.apiils lb" main The (ihvcr T.v pew titer Com,auy RUBBER TIRES I a of nbmtt ?,'0 . ' I u- innbia. distance FOR CUP A i ii i. no mailer where. feels sa e ill pulling ibis ne plan In XiiH CHALLENGE " miles" on the back of its programme of to el'fia I because it banks on your '.fl "? kWíJN ' v . .1 a i t Speaking of the newly orea!ed'w at ices til's,- wolds: s honor. Have lust r f rli ipineii of the erways com which is made u "1 will not worry." I,, bell o i o v it vi.i; 1:1 i:- - in ission 4. " ii-:s-. '1 ( I : New York. April Commodore JURED not be i:i:i: Il C.W put KtlbbtT res "f senators and representativas, "I will afraid 'ii Arthur Curtiss James of the Now 'I give vvav to anger. In old i hann s or w e i au i cpair Ku blu r oi number) Junes said: "' will ii"l fije. Senator Vork Yacht club, and other well w in. v ield t.i env y. j' abuisv an, do i" work right. ( ill bopi" will bring in . J l ' ' I ' n i t this commission known yachtsmen, nal with interest or hatred " alo d" ,i llit.-.- ti ol nii a ii :f it .i lee1: ha a re rea !'n lor ateiways improvement thi inlay a report from London that By Lydia E. Pinkham's "I will I"' kbtd I" ev erv man w orn- lit u W'o do goo, j wmk and bd.. ol it and our ipialil) of vv m k I n u ill be both broad and comprebetl had lain made here oil behalt an and child with w limn cm OLIVER brii.g i u lo- qua iitlty. ri'f and that it will also report upoi f the prince of Wales us to how n contact." the aggreKate cost for tle elopmen' hallenge trmii bini f"i' the Ann i lea's Vegetable Compound "I vvid be cheerful and In. petal gravely f.n i American people ma lip would be received. "I will trust In !od nnd The Albuquerque Carriage Co. that the wish prince lmvp " y "We certainly the Cardiner, Maine. "I liern a the future I 1 'low i actly where tin stand iv 1). i i - Irsl Hud jera s, said Commodore (Treat After V.lll bilVe fead these I In- rilei . "hi"' vould challenge," sufferer from oicanic troubles Slandard great ouesti'in. i, i. n j.. They ere vvoiib while! lames. "It would be the greatest mi .i ,.iin i. and a.severe them aliain. (Mir f i ' 11 e III Vol! H bol n of "Tlier." oiiL'bl also to b.' some tie female (lilt ,.r pin l'lmnpt and i a, ful nitmitloii given to 1m .s.shoeiug. a could happen. Then i lit tllelll and liaste - hing for hting thai weakneRR. T b e I tory thou- 11. i ("111 See tllelll lour salióla, dealings with 'lime information as to lb.' beye.'if You (an say positively that every Haul in where villi water trans doctor I would t,.n Thev are in thems. lv. a si'ieg Hills, ' are to accrue frmn member of the New Ymk Yacht club have to go to the !" and th" difference in cup' uid the meinbeis of every American religion ."i,, we oii'-- im- (mi't lypevvroei hospital an ' 111 ami water totumee thtr club, would heartily vélenme a for for a small ash payne uml trust rail acbt operation, . '"'ten - but I ..von all the ie.-.- i! no: be open to dial- hiilb tig". Whoever received the could not to iiuiierv. for nnimui-.i- i atiou should ntnrn bat one bear Having exp.-- imeiited with all tin'; This Is nota pn n l.mi nt on saving a think of it, 1 de- , be wmtb luir (.lain, Mraifilit-furw.ini- . bu.-1-o- it ems lo me answer that such challenge would other kind-- it might 'if, WAY "Th. iiess-g-tlin- g UP to ! liW Ii brofiden ALL THE rided try J.ydia Maxim trv proposition. - iiouse us all to j.v." " llirmaii i. ght ize that wat.rwny.- K. . - riiikliaui's r.i .ifll.e nil s, ,1,. of OUT lilg .OIIlH.n O" iii.nn't i Compound I.,.ia.M,M.,nu Vewv !ltere-li!l- g those W ho ' VETERAN GOLD SEEKERS and sanative Wash " thmiclit of lull in,, inn, 1.1,,.,., II ":n:;.t;. : " im. miimii.iis nx tin: iihhf i v s tais, lo 1,1 i No human hand touches p i a i r r r w rvriTo and tva entirely I. Inc. by the liuildl ii, homes l.i i ing unit' i.iil . ha n vou have j,, a g nt it for ivi I'rawiuif He . vv ( i. lviru LU Ul ULMirt t: as as off es. cured von of th h - r 'i - v: after three "What do think I op, us up new mom-- making w at i.i: as w i:rv- vn ri;n ci;. r and use of them." S. A. Is now being sh m n mi ,h motithn' Mr. that t 'i II i. s to mi, luteins j. copie D. 14, stage'"' () 1 Williams, R F. Xo. Box 3, very v . lieic. i i Stiliwi ler. okla April John i .... r. i i. (ianitiier. Me (lllite enough t" see it." v, e t as glad B NOW 1 years old. who in the 'It ' I And are jm lo cll MctirUn. SW I Cayenne. without a,' V,. u omitii aboilbl miliinit in oral. ere. Mi's li 17 i i a day as to have mii ox tejm lo the i m.K ne for ins earlv fifties drove i raí uducious as to think aiiom h CELERY California gold fields and later Joined operation, which may mean le.mli, tl wilh tl ub r. I'lione S. WHEAT FLAKE New I.ydia s u :,,"r,K'"" ' want lo know more about pold rushes to Austi.ilii. until she Imi ifiven IM'inkbam " If pui the K Rio MxteriaLl I l Hi v a k I Grande A di exclusive-- j be el lie us. r 7. aland. frit a and Alaska, here Vegetable Compound, ( in in ,,iiii r .1 r,r, j nr.- a ..f H todav. Though years obi joined ly from rootn and hei lis, a fair trial, , ,,,.,, '., There ipiaM nill!bn Ma ripl, tie r,.r, . ,. Ull-- Ala-Ua- n hunters and ilrag-ffo- d :. i.; il.eiii h and ev. i one an nuil 'I bini Lumber Company the fortune lliis famous medicine for women ' and "vhv ." r en ' . - si a manv miles across t'u proved lie u- th.- ..; lias for thirty years to the bitter t.galn-- t as-- nt mow ne " Sic lb" in are t 1'Pv.r for, and inoKt vaiitabln and renewer ' . tonic of ,.f ..or I " - " u. 's m ! :,; d.i.i.s low from the female orgaiiisiu. Wouien reaid- Ik 'i,,'!, (l.ill, f.r , ,lr' ', its first process of manu- IMMINENT WITH ' -- CLASH in almost every city and tow n in imisIhu e i' i" I v ili r o . (Iliver, Tin" Hii XXXXXXCOCÍXXXXXJCXXXXWCXXXXX K X XXXXXXXXXXXXXCOOOOtV" facture until it is served for the 1 il F tr I v m vi rib r I'.blg.. liieiigo. NICARAGUA IS BEL i NeW I.,, IP, irr-i uioiiTto the wonderful virtue of I.ydia Tile .I.MCO Celt tahle. It is composed of Wheat, I'.. e. t:i , s. i. ;,..n le K. 'iuitliHin a Coiiioiind. . 'eetaile in." tin in s ..i i T i Albuquerque Lumber Co Celery and Salt. Nut a trace of It cures female ills, ami rreates radi- - 111.1 asbiniiton. .Villi 4 - Hull' alloiiM I: b, ant. (movant lem.iie neann. ii you 'm.lfcjillr t., .,(,; .,!.. v.h THE HOTEL CRAIG AND RETAIL LUMBER any other substance. Its daily ar.- - that th. .tmlommi, i. latió". ill, own .,.i WHOLESALE are for your sake as weii as ti (writ.. i ial organization : : N'i. aragoa ' I I I A v i x i" i use has a tonic and laxative ef-- tne, n ties country nnd tiiose von love. Rive it a trial. I S '2 I.M' SII.X : ir.- i,..,Mi.g .( vtisis i''i!t ins fioni Lmiii, T A lev. mole pt.'i.l- - ib si: .1 t . Glass, Cement, Wall Paper and Rex Flintkole Roofing ,,f r. -- id. nt Z. lav.i t adjust Mr. IMiikb.iin, at Maw, or As.HltTir. nr CM'Ij imite all nick svoiarii to write Fltrifi M VK.LTUiMR IS A. n. sunny i Albuquerque New Mexico 1 1j I Kin North First Street. reti.-enJ.- ' .. -- - i I vie MXFCTT.r i TOCK. (HI H AXI Th.. of iv tat.- ,i.r art- Iter for vio. Ier ad free, f í . V s ,, r.i-i.r- .l 111. IICIIU I m mn ai For by all Grocer lliellt to (is. i'.o.i. al II1 tiwail III. MUM II. I. II. All J. A. ViUUU, I'hUiMilLlUnrnrtnnirArt fovXX)axxixi"'-xi.KxiiviiorxxK- tala that tiie nituation is grave and thatj. , I 0 214 S. S1. 8 THE ALBUQUERQUE MORNING JOURNAL, MONDAY, APRIL 5, 1909.

FRENCH & LOWBER I I r.ui:ni'AKi its and;nsi.d ARE YOU PLANNING GEO. W. HICKOX COMPANY bMIIALMl Kj OUH.V1' AMI nill.lM' il'ttl I.ISV IKtl Si; IN M V MI.I KIOIK !.W As HiMI'l I l i; AMI M XV IjiiIT Atuutiniil M IN It V AH HI s. V I .'IX PAIIt IIII.M Be M M" lil I lflli and ral I'liim) 680 You'll Areti II '" Mii'ml Alb,iiin X. M. l ni TO WITH f'rtnit omit niti' This 60 10NG " IW is the trade- n m, v i f '" .'Hi. f.u th.- n..i In i ii y 111- iV I'.. "I li I! .ii- IS mark which is ft Snrnrif?eH I'liiiiiiuiiU, JrHilry, Our ful ,lt. A mii. ill l.l.ii- mi th. i'umI every gen- THE BUNCH? Wth'.- 1 aveiuu" on Wufi li It la x jinlr iniriiui'iit '" '! ntti i ni.i.ti w., . l it j I,., I ,v tin- uine bottle of to nunc in lie KimlliMot. I'rlri'ii Hit X'erih See. liuvv I I i vv SpthiK tn s.e (!' iiiiiininy. hi. h mu.b- Cs. This w. si for Mili li lYrfixtt (iixxla n i i (In- vnrialiuiis liieiu lire worns l.i ninuy MJ nn to nr. ii, lie Stil.1. ill nniili Is uf Suits un liml I,, If You Are You'd Best Report; e L . ''"in. barn tu iim Emulsion V' n i remit-;- New kinks in l.v Scott's ft appuininu nt. Kin.- W, icir-- p.l.kets. tuffs ull sleeves I is JEWELER '"i i.i l. t mi fur tin', u hum s. Ofil.T For the Time Getting Short! mnl tut ur the skirts. lili WI.SI CtM'UAL . sold in nearly all the ..iir l..',.M miIv j,,,- Sumí..--- :,. This is Cleaily, Merely, OnlyJ We'll sliuvv vuu the latest mu ml. Mo .V. ThinJ yA. countries of the world. lliillK.s III I v build ll i' lib ll (. Mi r;i in.iiiiii;i r u Nothing equals it to Just a Hunch, Hi. i ii ehh-iita- I. if,. Iiimii up the weak and wasted hit last liiullt nil II tell tlnvs' ' I ii- bodies of young and old. SchafTner un. "111 visit mlnr iif Hart, ' Mental ;(;. in i, n hi fut-t- l t MERRY TRADE EXCURSION HARDWARE CO. uriiiiiK I" cSc CRESCENT Hi , i j, SrnJ Hii utvtTtiwment. InBetlier with Marx ntnie nf p ipr in which it apin-aru- yiwr HITS TRAIL VERY SOON . I!au.;i . Il.uise I in IidihIx, uiler.v mnl TiX'ls, I run .liiini ft WilHnsi.ii, ..f Un. A ut and itmr tcntft to tmcr ptiMiilr, Mi'-- lui ami wv- wilt ytiu a "Ciimiiictc llanüy . I uní, nci, i I - iiikI IMim:;-- . Mimibln;;, III mill t'iiiKT Work. .in mil.;. mills, uní Inst I'lix-- Atlas of the World" i: :. i: ' l,A-'.- v I u. Is Um.vve 'iiKiii in it iimntliM vl-- it Ii V 1 lii'i": Plume 315. in. in,, n. y. A - ;!m Wist (iiiiinl Air. I ., . scorr & iiowNi; aw vtmi St., . J iriMliif-- il M"iiif very Mun- nlil limn, in r. .WW .i i, Then Peiform Upon the Hew V ' A,f,v' l sr Willi, i 'hin. in th. ist Mr. Wilkin-m- ' ' t very hImi NII.'il Iíi.m'.iii, Sw. 1 ñ A Vn have si.inetiunK' fur Xrn Vnrk un. Ga and Blow on the Bas- v.n- f.nm the iithi-- rii ritlin. M ,S last". I .'..- i.W.Vi4.6r- iiuiel ilr.sser will, slieks t t ar-ii- Put Your f iilii r mi'i-- In',' ,,i Mii.i.i,,! .,,., Ii'HiHí , .n r,iii!i t;v;iy a imjhiImi' f ( soon; Quickly Hats t ullVellliullill illeas. lit V" 1. In h. 'I'Ih- lnii'Ktiiry (fn ittumt t bap wbii KiiíkIiIh hi l'tlii,i. will nrrM Mat-so- n, Í S swell vuuuii COLOMBO , 't k, on and Rush Arourd to Last Chance thl or. niiiy .i I, in ih, uVi'll uMIc .Jrs. ff lirhlcu'ulri wan K' vv ill 'nn tbe limit" uf lush. lf hull in th,- IhiiIiIIiik- l: f'1'.Mi t"un Khnppiu. A.-- h r us known - inn. ..rili-i- ni tin- i h. in- ! i :1m- imnihit uv li nu THEATRE !n ctiiiiuiiiinli nt tliirt ut tf All-wu- I'ahries in nil Buy i to Real ii A i in in r. Id ri.'i ni' i ir, .i Is muí )i vulm ALux Ills. uf Hart. Si lialiner 'I'ht uf nil! mm- - i lulhes; ami all the oilier J'is.'t' i'i nli r. nn- nn ril.-iii- Heinle fiisiimiK Sfiiti'il I'.Hicl.ui hi' l'. in mi'Ni i M is 'iniif will enntinut .uii .iilll puiiils. Estate It. Im- - A - Motion Picture ni;iinl;trv, Xn KniuhlH 'I In 'i'V S' ' ti Imm. Sirvli'M will held Kiiiiiu mi tin- Set mill Annual lbii(ner- Exclusive N thw n ii elm li, lit t A M " '.' i i riiiiii i.) i in i lit in n.nti nit tonight a t á llle Tl'ltitf Kxeiti tillll ui liilHint.KH itift-tlii- VlKitinj; 'ii Knliilil-- m I.- I'I'mh'Ii-.1- . If Is e He it is wise 8:15 and 9:15 P. M. i n i m i lorK. lint ii'i s.'i'mon uili this tile tluit yU ii xki in v h il ! i oi:i: .'iiiliillv iin, .ml. ,,i ih, I.t- -t ti- he put wise. The hit; exeiirsinn si ii it s Suits: $18 to $40 Th. will .nlil l'V i iiiniii.-- inl.-r- . Il:it i v it. Caprflflit if") .Vfatli.' Matinees Saturday and Sun- iniin.iit ix xt wni,t ;it 7 4 nVlo. k. April Hi. Ki'liliiy. In i;issini is well i I'. Inn i ;.i llti rlwi pMi.i n m "Cii t t,, mite Unit this is tint Friihiy day 3 P. M. 'ill I 1. i' 1,1 i ;i III ih .1 ih,. .nl jI':hIi. i; .'t Ihm1 is (ul.ia!l i: n t iisiiiil inspei thin nl' $2550.00 III l.l-- lii'-'ii- il- il 111 IHlles il l IMIIir "I h.,11 n I,. ).l csi tlt the inlenilill- .Mill Ilute illsil thill Songs by I.IMl ,v six- Illustrated nlehl th.- :i. ill l. eleM-;- the time between mm' iinil the i M'arx c a brli k T!,i' nf Mrs l'íjiik ('lin. This stun- the homo of Hart Si lia finer clothes. it I'ttiiiins , f i ..lie The Will .HI teenth is mther brief. cnit:iK Willi nil inuilrm fin a ii i.ii1-- t(f itt hi-- in thi J. J. CARMODY (Baritone) tllef Kiltlle III VA Slll.l,. 1; ;n.iy III ntllel- if ynil wnnt tn et j.t uvrimmt k. huh ittitl elett i ll iillel Th ursi!;i t.i'ils. ' t ,, i itv nt'iv i he ..n inn T',1,1 :.u In nn (iriiiiiiil lint Mu r, .tew er limn, iiihl l the flniir. nnii Like CRAIG lights, i' (runurrt . l ii It. tit tin- fniUl'Vtii: h'Jlll'- "1 MISS JENNIE li'l' Hie (l.trel.l- - . i w.ih K nn tcet busy. burn; linuse painted. (MM .1 nt AJ-- tipper berth ...,il i !( Kciionin. linliüiia. iilyu up ii List S.i niin i- persiins luive Musical Directress evhlhili.iu ri Mi l:,r. bi uthcr u' Mrs. f'lnic, their Henrys tn the list uf ('. inn n;i t ii'il lln- IkhIv. T''r;ink 'fin sin.'i Jnhii i Mih, Ain ,! IriiiiM. hi mm. I il.m 'h- - - The list it its Matson's $3800.00 tie In liuslui ml, arthiil in AI- I' i' hn ve left I'm- i it K 1. j shire, (inly i. ne hunilretl uní twenty CHANGE EVERY NIGHT 'hi. leí.- th. mhU- Sat uril.ty from TVIUiriih-- o - ill I"- Julie .1 h Mi-- i;i i, ,. ,,,, p. uple. iiirliiiliiiK the bin bniss bam. I'ut- u brirk nt,' m Ui .1 in tlic ni'Min-i.iin- s II 11, , )i tiiiluavs t M tern 1, n i' Hi,, e tu be .'leelininthlteil. lhlttillK imon hii f.ini- nl ADMISSION 10c. rutlai;., hnth mid luiiitury, Ai i.! (i.iirnili prt- n t nu hin h IV Will li.r V. w VliVU. In Si.ll mnl Irtil tuK.ther it Is lit (illee evhlellt AVENUE CLOTHIER 1'iili't nú riu lleur, Imminent le.lte i . i; h' ti- In Tule Mrs, Clint n ss il THE CENTRAL A ,l il I ileliiy will be fatn I. bllllillUK, llOt llll'l en : i he hi mliiil Aniel r- ' thnt nt this time tllubr whole ni, k r'uin'ial st-- le s w ruinlm--- Atety- - liner i;iy A r.irly (lining c;ir bus been tehl unter In basement K.ii.nrln Aui:irtn iiuii,i ;i t r.or.h-r- hj mI on S.itnr.lav i cuii'iiii-ttir- Mewer f"f l.'iii'i... . ;i ,,: urih eil, with ilininit fin' Jille plnlll I'll premises. f"i M.n ici'.n, Ih injj in clnii'K' "f the Fnt- - t un imis limine nts SI2 Ill'.IMh i In f mnl i links mnl waiters. This is li fnr :i l'llíiilll, tin- nrnyu Ml ti! of which r pro- per month, ih'HIiik per M .1 - in iiihlitiun tu th" fmi I'lilliiians , I', n in .Mis II lili .i- a ni inbor. on investment Inquire nf uvvnt-1'- llillli ve!, ,1 fur. Nuvv. it untilil Kieittly in-- ( t.i Hi il .1 te .:t .1 hi-- - ii I I i ; f s,v ' If mu i:, mi. -- Thi' :.tllnp Dnt'fni nf reuse festiv ity uf tile nerilsion in ' '111 V In the 'I eVelillin :il if lii.n.e h'V .'aiiyhorn. IhmJv th. hail na ubservatiuii ear A House Cleaning h S. enlll M 1. Allien lll..i-I'- train COMMISSIONERS ua: hi. nielli In lliis fit y xevcrat il.iv?. with upen rear npuii wl nil the spell Fee's Ice Cream s. ill win- Ci nf e i,. M Wiit-.e- i, , r. il4d. If, l.'v f'an,ih".-n- who has-- hiinli is uf th" nuuri liatiut! may pass Milium Vhile i Ii. . .,,.s f.,,,(, ii a lh nt iT' (aütin ahuiit nut the ulail limiil tu the peuple uf 'I'lflm. K ,il In Hin I in -, i.i i Hunt, a y ir, .In it .Mnmlay ala.ut !t New .Mi iihsi-- atinn r int-ii-- S nilit. xii'". With all LOCAL ITEMS OF INTEREST )lrn Mini' Inn inn mi 'M'h.i k, Mr. i'a was Imrn in ity wiiitbl Always Good M i I A ulHirn the enpai uf the train i. A, hi) K .11. r. li ' MONEY r tier al init, i ihn. I !t. 17,, aini u persiins. With n little W Al. iiM. KIum'j.I Ml'lli-h- l .1 ,Mj " .':.'!, 'ví'';"',,' .'i,,,vffI ''"fcv "r,rt'i'ivt-ve- : ..v.n 4 :,..4.r vv liu 'lilll, ''"''.Tiil .I i'iii.tTTni;' thv. - "' ('in. M. was ii snflci'i'f1' from Villi nil tu' i...i. 'but luí liiiAi- n'''t saiil sti, Phone 14 - 'i' 111 .1 .1 t w t n III II'.- ,e I. II II III I' ill ltihl ainc almut It is i! ii it e lil'.elv thai this ear emilil in i in tlmt veil uli'illtil li"t L lie- ni l i lie 'it ii ,ni in It t ee a ;i k". ha v ni; iv ' in A In njin-r-iiii- he .iiili i. Hut if it ts tn be SAVER .in- rn ii if I'M'.-- i '"I lie KlliizhU ,,l' t 'i II 'i hii II. t'i iilmitl a viiir hiiii ftinwiiK t" Un- r will have tu K" i" i 1 i;- .ln.i,i, .. lil. in rn i..- w ): ii. I'iih in i.j ni in Th, us. inj ;il!ii Hi sutes Ins id K uivlnif "itr n.imi' iitiil R,l'li.n4 in. shurtly. ' ' e A w isli ii hiMlh. tv o J1'T li in in H.i'i II, ii'ip.-- will l i. y ii it't: in ix is ami s. iiiivernnr furry is kuIur aliuii,". The ' I Í ih i! urn tn m u ill he j i .M. ilh ti pkicc hi1- r a in Mlii.-iii- tla la lie nul .In adv I'a iiirh will he big ainl presi ntatiye Drug Store I Walton's ,, w h j n n 'i hy "ve' Ñu. ai, ni 'ih ei lirit... Mihs i,,n wi.rn 't1 ,n n i'i s c , a fui a nil". COUNTY IS BUSILY ,i (1- 0- III U 'tll-- mi. - ' I i . "l 'I in- hill he mil in II e Ih.- hi navil whluw.. Inirini; Ins u une vt hu i;et avn can il TI, I I, 1.1. Kill li vi. .M It I. fl.i.i.1 hn Hie limit. uf ill tn r In tin' th ccas. d'' many trip. It is the biK- - i f. lit" iilll ll Miel ..IIVI. Hull l.f Bll tn miss this LOOKING AFTER DYKES I, I e h MIL. 111,1.1, r i. n m hi i ' h y ,; ' h l iitiil ef tlm ".l i"''.' III' It'll,, in i.c with 4" si eullllui eial ev ent e'iT plllleil tiff Mi-- s- -i ,1'inni Ilia it'ier- - W I"!' C..IS llUllll.ll- I'.i tin hiirn. Tin rtin.iiii.s vv.rt' ni th.- sunt h vv ei It means K"iul ;...!. a I. il ti, th.- it.'i'iit hy Ih- MaH.mic ami flttsiT business w,,- - . ..', rehithuis l: .'. I. IM H1. It'll 1NH CO n ut lie nil hi finie, i dL-- ' ami Ih' .i nlilci-- o" kali. With uf tills ej'rtlt eulll-lllll- Mcotii ü oí Boarc. .,. l.l. tile eüizells Imnoiiant ,.. ... - ;N h,;,t vv STRONG BROTHERS "i in "i il.s i ll It ll. 1 t V .: ., i I Mr in. mlii. V. llv,-,a"i- B .),, 4 e ii i,t i ; r,i i .i rtir .Ijutr Ille It).nl, I .Tkjs Mkiuiiu Will 00.'') p tt mrimwi - ;r::. t:x I't tf ...... tiv,. ,,',' ,.t V UV' " A i.;.i...ii-"iiik- ;tIa.L-im'- s '!'"'"?,'., ...:ilv'..r.Aa- - uml.sii;n i' 'I IT iV ,1 K II iiii-- 1 ' 'l I .il n aiid. IX. i.- f n it I !n in il" This' and Other-- Matters Mrs. It. Pinion, Lndy . i - ri irmi, l" IT XfHV! . 1. ,'. i' tV. in, mnl I thinu t'l "n;VH;.t reineily I iiihiilim-r- t i H ! t i . i l l I'm- ei in ii ii ii'l luer irmihlt'." Audit and PayWUiliS. Strong lsliiek, lil. ii i; i'i: - ovn jvst ltr. C'uiirr Is fin- wo- - no.Misno kimsit is V 's .i l.nvilnn hist TIIK TIIINti AMI S.VIISI IICS OI II I'luitid No. 6. VM'WMKKflHBHflSHaiHnlaBBBa nn ii ,,n, I i n, it Im inlhl. iis II U elle, tu.-- Is ,i niih-inlh- "ATltOXS. IP YOU WANT TO In ninl t vv l.ii Y t xp.-- a nl llleilii ille. il. It 111" I'I TO liATi: IIAVK YOl lt IiAt'N-lK- "We nle uiK b't ul ill "Hill Sillnu : (Irmele sprint; a ii Inn linn ...I svsti-n- nuil the t iiiniilrxiin. J. IlONi HV Til I'I l.MI'KKIAL in the Kin this "I U,i n- .rlli. Its M.nnh II. (I'Ulelly K fn I.Al'NDItV. HACK OP IflSTOlT'ICli are prepariiu; fur It." saiil iT'.siiKlit ii, ..l mil l 'I'll. CLOSING Altretl ilruiisfi hi, ul tin- bunt il uf ,11111' iiiiiiily t inn in issiiniits In. t nlnbt. "Mr. rii;M Tin: surveviir, win hns been Ille, -. IbT iilill MM IMiTlB li.--: illiul;; tie ilvk. 2 l I reinuni'ilel'inK Ward's Store r i In thy Unint-iita- Life. NOTHING DEFINI EiWOULD KNOW WHEN I'i pul'leil tu nn tuilnv mnl l.i" Ih "ill Grand aster Ball M M I'. ill t mm prutei linn matter will uf tlm ' . . 315 Marble Avenue t'i l. i liit-- f it. m.- - uf iiit'-ii.-- nisi. leí". nt AT THE ARMORY t,iinurr..vv nnu ill. e, p. Ill t s- - the nieetitm iiin." f'tlOÜI! SALE 111 OUT DECIDED UPON BY HANGING 'I'he emit issiunel s will meet al the 0G0U0S inilirt In. use at n ii'elnek a. tn at Monday April 12th -- " In '. I" vv hit li t inn tiny ile.-- it In h.iv nil lulls il i In n i. m.v - mm Hi hi if It. mis fur uuiiiline.' nn.l ti vv Citen .. ,s ,i r nn-nt- Tin , lit if th" ilykes n i v l"i ni -I ni In he Lilly it mm mnl if Muni i: i :i: i ni i;ii((M DEMOCRATS Jumps vv li "i1. Hubbs Laundry Co. M ntoxieated Piisonui tile wink hii has hern uniim l' IMI.Illl A. slt-- lil- I ul- week.-- past iliull .1 ' I' .sulnr li. I. Ih. ' ie Ilnl Thiouyji Glass Window in rivi-- bunks will lie n " III tlmis-iu- n S .no l.iitlirs e lie life. n din n nulii'il'.itii.n uf 111" llllili Maye ,il wa- "Our Work is Best" Knii-n- - S,i loon Nearly tlv Rod Li.uht and ter ili.lni.-.-.- l l.v llie unusual iinuuut . . I .1 m li" "'I., i il hit MAÍ ERS OF STARTING uf sliuvv Urns park. m he linel llln WHITE WAUONS Bleeds to Death, t In i n in.ilil I'.r lit In i n I'.. ni.. nnv ei t 'uliii ami Xm R IN T HE AIR ..lis I ..I ;i n Hint TAIT SI ILL X'evv M. i".i. Th" vv eal her sii.trp.'- il t X. vv .VI. ii ii '. titral, is it!.- -. Ii hnve b. en pr.'.lii't itiy li iu water in ,, ,1 t vv iin. un t , l -- .11 O A M W W v Ih,. prills ..r immths past. Th,. r. InH ut ,v s i ni IM i:- e III,- i. It'll m e le K'HIik tu hanw si. ni" th. " .i., tili i.f i;l el lu ll. v. , ,, - m '" I'i lei U u li 1. 'I'i 'M s wit li ami is im...l I" .,,,,) k In ml will in mu in n t tin IMi, : nl I nl, 11. .u Di'iin.ciatii- (.filial Committee tluilli; ill th. I.., v, ,, v. vv ; mime hi. f p.. lie. Hiere Wi'l he HiilH lllillU i!,, nit ehnm;". is III, ni A II III hi III l; ilKit'tliun nl the uf nli v w iirn-ti- n In I. HI hv vv l ,.; t eslei .lnv Terr as in a .I u. im m.nih- Sunt h st n .alt. II. ami PKiiiiimT.l MemlxMS of Plumbing Lite el nilvnleeii ilitiiVientiiill bur Tim mnl ter .,!' lie- new hi nine m r. f i. In Is. K I, v. - II linn lie,, ..t This Cou-ft'ioiii- -o ile'ilu; mi u llli-l- n .!., l.i. hi, lent nt Walch Space the Paity ll-- U Leimthy tfi mi .1 li 'I', h ..III. Willi ilil fieully II. :v;:!3ri;, Cv!:r ;.5"ú' i..-- - men :nn I I. i v vv i,;,h." albuquerque ri,., t. I'in. .tin !il In- 'inn II Ii YcsfeuLiv. Ihl. .null n iiuhivv uf the l.llihl - - back in- i: W - . lieu' . I.. in "II "lll' k. ' el, M sn In. ni ..ii Nul h Tllll-.- sir. n ml th. iiniimv - t" Li' niel! F'sTflMPIA RflY PI AMT Iv , w n ., i, I, fFi imtj t i I II MII I I hi, Liner.- h" liil, tn KM III IN. l S ., I.I ,,t I I I! tu lentil P i" inil ni,. h' 'e Ililllh nnriM i for our a pi at e.l nt v in.hlet li.v ' I' el 11 111 iS"H 11 - . ' 1',, I' (In II Hi the .inil 'I" ', ni in ill, ,, ti- - Ii K l ih me vvns vv r: "I jHnrrv fits vviiiiti.l il .ll ll. A r. n . h;: i- I el tie ., i n hi- t riiui"f. ill'ti 'l' in. nu in p. I'i .in A en. iin-r- pi. has n. vvns t ii Im 11 ini! Try a Morninq Journal Wnnt :n ti.' ll. nllil he tn !,:: I. et. .1 ter tin- Imiltliim .iii.I ..miinnt.-.- nhnlnlull -- .1 III í ll'ir 'ill pile nf pre, inns tin ill luls I" IH i U (.I.IIH III - I". .'I' - ., t. Stat. .' il n shntubli-- m- iifi- iiti ili 1,1 still In Illative Im!,, hh" I. el urn ..f a k nils ..I' I, ii IH ll ,.s Hi s el innib- t" I'i'- - ill nrriveil The tniiirv h'.wiv.i. t I. TUESDAY 'ml NO BBEAK BETWEEN j "I'm ami l.i le Hint. In Tl .1 i l'V n ,,hiv ,,,. i'"-h- v i t le b ml nt.iliv lie iimas .I'.uiu art uf in-- .r:.. .1 .. ii ni p. 1.. i's n I'. iu.iv " in ... .. s, e ip.ll- .; Mm nt i:i r.i nl ,ml nn ruins results nl .unit il r.i vv n n ,'. the pa it ;. - lit i! ,, ,,, , 11. I.,-- First National unl. In men. vv it h III" M Bank lull-- vv ,i ,M r Will: lie nn "I j nil" ef t n ff. "Ill A illUiU"-.Ue- n . ii'- - I I I Iv A U OF ALBUQUERQUE t t t i it. nt it- in MM l s RQGK ISLAND AND I. :v I,.;, ..'i, ,,v i.e. SPECIALS I. , met "I i nnillit lit -- nl i n- -t I" pni ii. en- in a- ' t h I.. Imt. " ni a i i n (i In is p ,. l; i n v. h. in iv. un. i.iitil llie I lilnu t'l in t Wii Sluvtlv Kill- mnl m.roiM or tin- wlii, w .1 ,,. , i comu'iiox ing 1 1 el". tur bnili! mis, ,i -- i ' . 'I urn e. In i n J I. MIX 1.1, s Ml ll, Hi" lie 'u' . tell- - If .If.-,- kept he' at "li ui'"iii;il in leu ie I'lH Slli, llo w.,t...,lt ll- vv , ,,tt. ml. .1 l.v .1 ti I'll. h. in Ii. r life ul I In li ile S , - SOUTHWESTERN i ,, . ihi--tl- v lll.llve tJ .u... s' ' j Miii-rei- veai-- . ill" laillielll t i s, mnl Siiu.m. Illlikhnlt. Ini- iiimtv - - t t hi, ,i .i Iin- n ml eentrnl '"- i , ti, .ni, I, with my In art. with s. lis lass. th. i'ii in, In. - liti't i;.-- s, Imi-h- e mnl.-rinl- m l Ii, tu i 4 n - , , - ul' Leans em I mi, 1 5 i A ., "i v i , n, v i n n- ''' A .1" imt ,,us ben la. tus ml ur.i R'n ,, . ,t n 'i r r. ; 4 :t 4 n .u l in il hv - ., p in n Th It.ii! . in., n II n iv i: ti;ii m.lhui ni! li..,,-- li in. npaeitateit at turn s mall K !.-- I ay uf . em pn ll u 't'l I'li'tiif" no . ..,1 in-- i I imt mil lb. will be .i a .li unte !'.r mi lemsevv ei k. .liil remui- ) t i v . i . r,n whi, I, .itit iinei-- t ii.tT .1 j 1 in El Deny anm'l nflair. ,u e it t I' llnnil, "f Am- Ih,- m vil v uf my e.imlitlun till Officials Paso lnrel ' i . - mnti. -- is in t In li pbn i In- nn u i. '''H- t.2. 40 I ,, M t i . i. .I r,,r . mi; ul ti .' :..: l. ii N n. iv '.t imt. .I. hie Insnrnme. beitus-- v.itl, , ría-- i, Eomiu'i Line pulis uf th. v. Ini elle t ...II klinvvn ii. niu-- Hn n in mini! latt saiil. tn Runiois lhat . T"'i .. ii.oií.Ofia 1 Th. .ei' .i.nee was vi I In. ill vvn- - -- ,, I, a, I he imt T Tiains Owi Rio t ,,t a on me n. Will Oceiate 1 I 1 1 Iil nil.! t'.l. ,,...(, sl.illinv; ins veiv niu. II S. ' AIUI v I vv., , in tht-I- ,' n vvn- - t v hh tit a a vvhbiw nliil h ml a ehil'ltle-- Te, ti ct ef Santa Cb oon no l GuiiHie ''ni f j ,i i.v in ihiirim jh mallín pimb m npnll me. It was to pri.te.r Üision Hi. i, i. i , . I ;,,(i .i . l it " I . ii .,,. t I.. liit'l'. Hint walit.,1 tu illslire ii. N fa !' I'll- 'I ' ? IHI, 11 'I 11 II ' . - ,1 Mi M. ei. vv e ill HI' ll'". ,i- - . I Lu L; I l .' . I i i . ' i I I'l ' I.tnii.'.iM',.:') tn - j in n I'.. im hap,., in.) I" n inn mllliii -- , m Ini ' 1,1 n ,.--i Illellt I KIIBUIIiailSIII .! inn, but ll.i t I. ft nil tVel't .ullt.llllillir I! 01,11 HI. il 01 Ion, .nil! Iitiiit it mill wliu hail i t In- slul'l. s III S I II N HI -- .nn.- 1 . .. u w i n nn- ma II. Hi- rn . . , MM M All Iv ii nn. leil In tin wv that .i la bet im in i,. it th, paper - S ' . I I n vv u, k ini., p. i c ,l,li-ll"- ml- - ,i full le. tul hit was Hint ami lb' ini: mail nine uui ui r vv r net I" .l We but wui c:iy iin-- w ,!1 . ' hnvi-i- ult ami usiim Wa racpvt nf rhpiitnnrim ,..m in lil-v- - K sine ami - rn ore tr.i-- m i in- i i, I, ,1V is t" tl ' .'t l i tu' ""i" milt...... III- - .tint I'I b the eh.llll'e Sutilii .i i st.n n "ill a i.).... th. siniph' rheumatism of the i i.. . n i r. in I ' , I'll... S.ttit.t ,,; mil h.." M , .v ',.:"'.nvw musclJs, due cold b. hum-- I"l I to or damp, .ill- - 'snt! t" r htiiM a lim ki- It il' mite ,',,-.- llell-l.tlK- 'l n. The hi a.l.l. h. s ami v La- - u It im- - .n-- l. r i t I. r " j , sun ni or rhrnntr. rhoiim.-i- icrn In ÍLFELD iniiii it., et ii.í; h. mal -- ni-- ,1. I -- CHARLES CO. i.lp ,t in tl. h. - ne. ll k Islnml plan.- Mi'I'i" iv. ,1 Im in Ll r..s" that t'n ' ninl inv ,.p. lit. ram,, b.n k tn llie at L a vv , i t x.w such cases no internal - - v t ,! t us .us tul. trcit- i lua r,l nn. : urn. " . ' ..rn all. im ht art was A v.,.,. I In t i - ft lilral tu hinei" r,l in ia rtvn.e.ivil r t Th. ,.t mil- .1 b. monflAit-tt- i. Tl,j. iivvv;;lrr Im ticth'-ii- fruin tie Killlilln;. .til. m r Km U - ia ivvttut.u lit: ' -- tu i;i Tas. t'n Llalli. ,lt. ll.le.l the 111' -- .b-- t! v Wholesalers of Everything ....i n:i the turti'iiK v lsimi Sm tn - of "111 s 1 tr th" application ' .1' I'.l'S ll pn-.- -. .1 nvv,,v tl at;. m.i.l.' t p Th. tin I'. 'tll til" runt! i. - hv II- J"JU 1 t n .v.- i,..i..v L,!aij u I ill. ui f..,- iiiíiir ni i h.t. ,v ; VEGAS ALBUQUtROUE SANTA ROSA Tf,WWH lit. ,mi h est, rn 111' s t n t tis LAS It nn. Mr n.i-si- '! th,- wMaiaatt that ee". in imilna: t;ns,t .. ne. !. ,1 u ,un i.,n t" b" illat v. th.- k - t . .. , . .,. .... i I 1,... hu h i;... an. Chamberlain's '.. n X tlm .i,, I" L -- ! t k.-- .,, i.. i..-,- ,, ,,, ami am iisimr , "rtMint ii tr " 1 ' ' -- Lii. an,! -- h.t'l t tu U.i s.t, as " or'Hlil' . t tn Liniment " ' r'1 1.1. The MONARCH is a safe- - Lu t in il a Kii,, r.i ll h, .iltll Vets tu Tar tf - - -- t " I "t.;- m. i.,i m pin t - i. ulis truin! 'I'lmr . it i:. ,is..e ". is all that 4 needed is cpr- - 111 and it vv ,, ' 11 hi, u fb.nie tbe llinijs, j., ,1,, .,..,k Tlie :....! taia to quick relie!. it ip ni-ii- ii a. Avui'l in llvl i"." in Rive Give ni lelilí. l" 11 LEADING JC'A'CLCR. THE DIAMOND PALACE GROCERY CO. ! '. li- i.f It hnvilii tl later lllr lellrl-.- ' iir t: trial and see tar youtstlt lia.v l ; EVERIT1 li. Hll'l' nuil Tur. w hn ll J i.lM- - HtH-ai- llif l.i lime, fntlli llllir 'nir quickly it the pa n ' CfJlTll t.i.. Alliiivj irrtjen, Aau ti luHxtor bant la It. IV. J II j ttn- - uviiiniir. Illir. Mint lull nr liniimll ft "m ' ilrtii Price 2 so; oc. I llllrli s I iorvBfss. largr sire,