92 GR-48Huelva Difficulty: MIDEevaluation * natural world area the of geology peculiar and ethnography culture, history, region’s the the shaped deeply has which is trail. one the interesting along most across the come Perhaps may we features attractive the are Many especially atsomepointswherethetrackchangesdirection. will get lost. Nevertheless, we should pay attention to the direction signs we hardly and marked well is trail The bike. be the on may accomplish to sections hard some even cycling and hiking an is for This suitable climbing. walk a gently easy with finish to stage the of half first the in The direction is mainly SW-NE through a soft profile which is descending tiring geologicallife. a from resulting walls stone countryside by protected well be may tures pas- Most table. the at delicatessens exquisite many are so of cause which the also meadows and pastures acorn-rich through go will trail The riparian landscape. beautiful a in hiking enjoy to opportunity wonderful a have will we and while a for site natural this through go will trail The provinces. and between border the and stage this of middle the time the at as known site natural The prevail. still highlands the of spirits the where farmhouses continue ahead old by to passing while pastures history through aninteresting with avalley into fit will trail our step by Step highlands. the in up work hard the of witnesses silent are which tracks and paths many match will trail the of stage final This /REALDELAJARA(SEVILLA) SANTAOLALLADELCALA(HUELVA) STAGE8 Time: 5hours Distance: 13km Finish: RealdelaJara(Seville) Start: SantaOlalladelCala(Huelva) Mountain bikinginsomesections. environment. the natural the track. in following rc Features: Track Enviroment: eeiy of Severity Difficulty 2 2 Struggle: Orientation: route directions. accomplishing theroute. Suitability: Struggle required for required Struggle Guidance on the on Guidance is Cala de Rivera 2 2 This last stage of the GR-48 Trail starts off at the stone bridge located out- located bridge stone the at off starts Trail GR-48 the of stage last This to eludeanyundesirableambushesfromtheenemy. mes from the word is pasture for word Spanish The fights. the Middle Ages, most pastures in the region witnessed many battles and region. From a time before the Romans Empire and especially throughout border a in culture the about us tells clearly Castle Cala del Olalla Santa rals fromthenearbyminingsites. mine- especially and goods of transit constant the of because past the in town the of growth impressive an facilitated route cattle traditional This the in located fully is town small this addition, In va andSevilleprovinces. between and Andalucía territories as well as between Huel- point crossing strategic a in set is town highland small This region. che’ the at located is Cala del Olalla Santa ROUTE GENERALDESCRIPTION Plaza delaConstitución SquareatSantaOlalla delCalavillage

‘defensa’ (defence) since forests were cleared in order ‘Sierra de y Picos de Aro- de Picos y Aracena de ‘Sierra . Apparently the term co- term the Apparently ‘dehesa’. Route. Plata’ la de ‘Ruta

93 GR-48Huelva 94 GR-48Huelva hs msie ok otrp u i te ihad wih r hm to home bigger animals. are which highlands the in up outcrops rocky massive of those representation scale a be to appear They mammals. small and birds These walls constitute a particular habitat for many insects, reptiles, small stand up solemnly, taking pride in the highland hands for they were built. the many comings and goings of thousands walkers. The dry stone walls of witnesses silent are which walls stone dry between and down climbs The dirt path is a traditional path known as del MuchachoValley ••• on thisnewdirtpath. walking start before area urban the of bustle the about forget and boots your from tar of trace any Remove left. the from off branches path dirt a the chose will we where roundabout a until ahead continues and motorway) (A-66/E-803 as known motorway the beneath goes trail The Extensive livestockfarmingisverycommonintheregion farmhouse. the near and road the of left the to farm pig Iberian the is example good A areas. other and region the in pantries the for provided have centuries from which sites natural exceptional some and town the between established relation close the imagines easily One Oaks. Cork which road and the Oaks Holm of pastures large nearby the by surrounded be will soon up follows and village the from away moves trail The village anditisoppositetoafactoryofIberianhamsausages. the to access southern the is road This road). (N-630 Road Plata la de Ruta from bridge the to get will the at and village the side Km 0.8. Beginning of the Camino de Almadén Path and the Valle direction. Some 100 meters after meters 100 Some direction. Plata la de Almadén Almadén de la Plata la de Almadén Street which branches off from the from off branches which Street Almadén ‘Camino de Almadén’. The path Road (HU-9116 road). We road). (HU-9116 Road Autovía Ruta de la Plata la de Ruta Autovía Casa de Silva de Casa

and killing the young man after. We might say that the irreproachable wild instinctoftheanimalsgavenametothisbeautifulnaturalsite. the that say might We after. man young the killing and donkey man’s the to first death giving them, attacked then and stalked and his donkey were travelling on this same path when a herd of wolves man young The mountain. the in up day all working being after village to the legend, in times of wolves a young man was on his way back to the comes from a terrible incident happening in the area time ago. According the to get we until companion our be will Oaks Cork and Oaks Holm of Pastures Sheep herdsgrazing inthepasture dry stonewallofthefarmyardthatwehavejustleftbehind. the by flanked is bank left which Brook Marín Barranco as known brook seasonal a to parallel continues path The curb. well nice a with farmyard that winds under Holm Oaks. We will leave behind and to the left a small path dirt a matches and descending continues trail The front. the on bed by and to the right a countryside house with the name of the valley inscri- passing while fence country a across goes and ahead continues trail The Rocks outcroppingatthepasturesinValledelMuchachoValley Valley. Apparently, the name of the valley the of name the Apparently, Valley. Muchacho del Valle 95 GR-48Huelva 96 GR-48Huelva White Rockroses aretheidealfoodforsomespecies ofinsects,reptilesandbirds of group a by passes and path dirt a into turns trail the there From right. the on riverbank the to get to again brook the across wade will trail The or loppingtheirlowerbranches. Phlomis and White Spanish Brooms all them away from the cattle cutting Purple Rockroses, comprises pasture the on undergrowth Mediterranean The specimens. mature other of roots the from out sprouting Oaks Holm young are they fact, In ‘chirpiales’. as known bushes and undergrowth Ilex many are There vegetation. the regenerating be to appear area this on Pastures brook. the of side left the to us take will which path the on walking on carry will we yet turn 90º a makes brook the to parallel been time all has which wall stone the fencing, the crossing after meters 150 Some erosion. water to due surface irregular most a into turns path the point, this At Estate. Country the of out and riverbed the into going from country another cattle to and sheep preventing gets us behind closed remain and must that fencing brook the to parallel continues trail The a with great effortwhilelookingforfoodinthenearbypastures. things their do discreetly they all Dormice; Garden and Genets Mongoose, Badgers, Foxes, to home is this However, area. the in living longer not are Wolves time present At lairs. Wolves’ mentioned above the were formations stone the by created hollows deep those Perhaps emerge fromthebottomofearth. geological structure formed by the solidification of the magma rocks that as known outcropping rock sive mas- a of ahead presence the reveal and landscape granite the to shape trunks bulky the wrench in order to avoid great left rocks. Those big rocks are tonalites the which to whereas stones without surface clean a on grow trees side right the To pastures. different slightly two between line land- scape on both sides the of the track. The path at itself appears to be look the division a take to interesting be will it progresses, walk the As . This is a is This Cala. del Olalla Santa de Plutón angular rocksresemblingaknivescollection. sharp of made totally is horizon which landscape pasture open an have will we right, the to and gate the crossing After farmyard. a and house country old an by located gate Estate Country another at gets trail The tural Site ••• shading andwherestillsomevegetationregenerationcanbepercei Oaks Cork and Oaks Holm great of covered hillsides its with Hill bezos the South the to leave will we progresses, walk the As time to spring finally the of impose end a most the aggressive by completely almost thirst reduces duringflow thewater longHowever, summer. winter time, brooks and other small water streams water in the pond banks.characteristic seasonal variation of the Mediterranean climate. In autumn and wherebothfarm and wild animals comedrink.to Thiselement reveals the We will continue along this new path that will pass by a small artificial pond rectly awayfromthebrookandgentlydownhill. di- moving while side left the on time this ahead continue will trail the across another seasonal brook which is also tributary to the previous one, burnt trees to the left and a Country Estate gate to the right. After wading as known are formations rock of type this with this like sites Natural cos’. ‘berrue- called are rocks peculiar Those trees. Oak the between out ping crop - and land pasture the spattering now are rocks shaped round Some Stork natural decomposition of the rock. The homogeneous composition of the , herein the name of the site. the of name the herein ‘berrocales’, Km 3.3. Country Estate gate by the farmyard at El Na- Berrocal El at farmyard the by gate Estate Country 3.3. Km are the result of the of result the are Berrocales Monte de los Ca- los de Monte ved. 97 GR-48Huelva 98 GR-48Huelva The remainsofa former watermillneartheRiveradeCala NaturalSite Brambles, Rushes, Oleanders, Tamujos, comprising ri- vegetation rich a verside by delighted always be will walkers yet seasons to ing cord- ac- features their change will riverbanks healthy The the waters. at river vegetation the lush of force the to fa- thanks past many the that in believe fed to were easy milies is it However, us. of front in collapse to times other in was just looking at the remains of it. Today, this magnificent building appears watermill old this important how imagine can We ••• Km4.5.RiveradeCalaNaturalSite beautiful placeforbreaking. a be to appears This shore. river the on watermill old an by us take that right until we gettotwoCountryEstate gates. Wewill go across theone the to glimpse a have to able be will we Oaks, the of tops the under and us of front in just where from area an to up reach will we track, the leaving Without while comingintoflatwoodland. small building nearby. In here, we will take on a new path that heads east a and tank water a with pond artificial the at right off branch will trail the as signs direction the to attention pay must we forward, point this From determined bythesoundofanimals’bells. clear sign of bovine cattle in the area. Our walk pace will undoubtedly be located by the ponds track. The many metallic troughs scattering the place are a artificial many with vegetation thicker slightly of land pasture a along way its makes path The pavement. stone former a become soon will surface path The pond. artificial another to get will that and right the from off branches than path another avoiding trail same the on Continue rock tendstotransformintosphericalshapeastheitselferod staggering vegetation. Next we will turn will we Next vegetation. staggering Cala de Rivera es. on mountain bike. If we were riding a bike, we should now get follow down of linear to it harder and this irregular more of becomes path side the Now left ecosystem. the on and upstream walking continue will We stretching uptotouchthesky. White Hawthorns, Ash-Trees and some Black Poplars which appear to be to their irrigation needs. So we will see Tamujos, Oleanders and Black and Oleanders Tamujos, see will we So needs. irrigation their to according river the by areas different occupy which vegetation of bands The gradient of dampness marked by the river can be easily identified by We will have a breathtaking view of the river riverbanks from the bridge. road thatconnectsSantaOlalla delCalaandElRealdelaJaravillages. former the of bridge the to get we until road the of edge the on walking we will meet a small waterfall. At area this point, picnic we will a turn to by the left passing to keep after and, upstream walking continue will We we willgetenoughenergytonegotiatethesecondhalfof route. river shores. Surrounded by this fairy riparian vegetation and river forest, the at ourselves refresh and break a take may we season, warmer the In then tothewatermill. where is the mill pond from where water was diverted to the channel and mill that we have left behind, to get to an area where the river widens and the by pass will We riverbanks alternatingwiththeriparianvegetation. the amazing irregular shape of many stones which are in the river and the and carry on walking on this section of the track. It will keep our attention Collecting wildMushroomsintheRiveradeCalaNatural Site is a quite common activity , the channel that provided water to the water - the to water provided that channel the ‘cao’, 99 GR-48Huelva 100 GR-48Huelva in thebackground thestaggeringviewofAguablanca miningpitch. leave behind and to the left the impressive the as direction same the follows it until riverside same the on and ahead continues trail The forest thatnolongerexistsby this river. gallery former a of element natural significant most the are shores river the at Poplars White scarce some with together the bushing into Tamujos river. posses way of right the sustaining and river the at end which Estates Country some of borders pastures open in breeding livestock and farming rainfed to devoted fully the are walls stone Dry right. the to The trail continues ahead and by the river shore which now gently bends back fly will with theiroffspringtothesouthernwinterquarters. they yet region this in period breeding their spend birds migrant These flooding. river the after rivers of edges the on collapsed in burrows tunneled into the side of sandy banks, such as those that have nests their build They riverbanks. the of shape irregular the from nefices the along and upstream walking continue to left the to bend will we bridge, the over crossed having On de SevillaNaturalParkinSevilleprovince. de Picos y na lle provinces but also the geographical limit between the This point of the route is at the time the border between Huelva and Sevi- ••• Km7.RiveradeCalaBridge(formerroad) the highlands. to way their on move to easy find and food shelter, get animals where corridors green as work They climate. Mediterranean the of roughness the supporting areas in generator life a far so is ecosystem of type This locate afewmetresawayfromthewater. dryness to resistant more are which Oaks while riverbed the by poplars Scarce riparianvegetationissoonreplacedbyMediterraneanundergrowth Natural Park in Huelva province and the and province Huelva in Park Natural Arroyo de la Víbora la de Arroyo - be Bee-Eaters riverbank. Cala de Rivera Rivera de Cala Natural Site and Brook. Step by step, we will we step, by Step Brook. Sierra de Arace- Sierra Norte Sierra of thislaststageandthereforetheGR-48Trail. trial Estate as well as the first houses at the village. From this point we will see some buildings at of outside the until up climbs slightly which path Aguablanca de Camino us towards nue on a countryside road that branches off to the right and that will lead After some 500 metres, the path moves away from the river bank to conti - riverbank though. other the reach to us help will river the in stones stepping round-shaped continue ahead and in the same direction but on the opposite shore. The The path will wade across the river at the Frogs andToads. to home also are which river the by meadows the at themselves feed to region is home to many animal species such Herons and Storks that come ra regions. This border does not affect to the wild animals’ behaviour. The This section of the stage is the border between Andalucía and Extremadu- The LittleOwlis a commonbirdatthesepasturesl El Real de la Jara village. The trail then matches a section of the Murillo Street. This will be the end Cortijo de Rufinito farmhouse to La Encina Indus- 101 GR-48Huelva 102 GR-48Huelva brian Period and igneous rocks old rocks formed in the Precam- very find will we region this In 350 million yearsago. Variscan some occurring as Orogeny known process profile compression a in Massif. formed were landscape zone and Hesperic the Rocks as in is known region This mics andcultureofaregion. world natural but also on the economy dyna- the and land- on scape only not effect great a has the Geology relevant. are most Climate Perhaps and factors. Geology other many by determined and influenced ••• The Geologicalcontextanditsmeaning The peculiargeologyoftheregion. Rocks substratedetermines thetypeofvegetation growing inaregion vrtig rud s is us around Everything in thearea. up grow will plants of type which this and determinesalso composition acid rocks acid as are classified rocks these silicate, of tration concen- high a of Because zation. specific crystalli- and cooling a of process through rocks went granite which are rocks Tonalite planet. the occupying were ago when ferns first grew and reptiles years million 300 some riod were Pe- Carboniferous area the in the formed in rocks Tonalite is thePlutóndeSantaOlalla. this of example An earth). the side ma (melted rocks and gas from in- mag- molten of solidification and crystallization the from resulting