CATEGORY: Public Works


BACKGROUND The Council of deems it appropriate to encourage annual clean-up of roadways and County or community owned property in Hamlets and ditches.

The Council of Athabasca County also encourages, and may consider for funding, any other project which beautifies or otherwise enhances the community.

Council thus deems it appropriate to provide incentive funding to encourage local community groups to undertake cleanup, beautification, or other community enhancement.

POLICY The Council will agree to pay incentive funding to local community groups and/or individuals to undertake cleanup as follows:

1. Al-Pac Connector Roads - North of Hwy 55 and West of Hwy. 63: Up to $150.00/Mile.

2. Century Road (paved) and Aspen Ridge Road (paved): Up to $150.00/Mile.

3. Hamlet Clean-up to include pickup, removal, and hauling to landfill site all paper, bottles, or other refuse found on roadways, ditches, boulevards or community owned property within the Hamlet Boundaries.

Payment will be authorized as follows: a) , Colinton, Grassland, Rochester, $600.00 b) Atmore, Breynat, , Meanook, $300.00

4. Other community works or projects at a rate which provides funding at an equitable rate compared to clean up projects.

5. Groups/Individuals who have been authorized an additional site for cleanup shall complete Schedule ‘A’ (attached).

If the total funds to be earned by a group undertaking an activity funded by this policy is less than $1000.00 annually, the work may be authorized by the County Manager and does not require approval of Council, but shall be reported to Council in a timely manner.

Effective 02/02/19, 06-158, 06-698, 08-245, 09-406, CC Revision: Policy Date: 95/04/11 Reference: CC 19-528 12-481, CC 14-205, CC 16-535, PR 19-16


Code Number: 3407 Category: Public Works Page: 2

PROCEDURES 1. Community groups may apply to participate in the program by indicating the name of the Hamlet or highway to be cleaned or other project proposed, in writing to the County Manager.

2. Approvals shall generally be given on a first come, first served, basis however local non- profit organizations shall be given priority. The County Manager shall be authorized to grant approvals which favor a group geographically situated close to a highway or hamlet or location of the proposed activity. When two groups from the same area indicate an interest in the program, approval shall be alternated from year to year.

3. Payment shall be made upon completion of this task, with reimbursement for reasonable tipping fees and/or supplies upon receiving the appropriate receipts. Such completion shall be considered adequate upon notification from the community group that the task is finished.

4. The community group shall be responsible to ensure that adequate supervision of all volunteer workers takes place and shall hold harmless, the County for any accidents or damages which might occur during clean-up activities.

5. The community group shall be responsible to provide garbage bags, vehicles, and any other supplies or equipment needed. Community groups must also make arrangements with either the County or Transportation to borrow appropriate signs and safety vests for use during clean-up operations. Signs and safety vests shall be compulsory during clean- up.

6. The County Manager reserves the right to refuse any application if he/she deems that the clean-up or other project is not required or if budget allocations have been exceeded.

7. A distinct budget allocation shall be established by Council each year to provide funding for the activities contemplated in this policy.

8. Community groups wishing to appeal any decision of the County Manager respecting this program may do so by requesting in writing that County Council hear the appeal.

Effective 02/02/19, 06-158, 06-698, 08-245, 09-406, CC Revision: Policy Date: 95/04/11 Reference: CC 19-528 12-481, CC 14-205, CC 16-535, PR 19-16

Policy 3407 – Roadside & Hamlet Cleanup

Schedule ‘A’

Athabasca County authorizes hamlet cleanup for:

Group Name/Individual Name

Contact Name Phone Number

Address Postal Code


Location to be Cleaned

Agreed upon Price for Cleanup

I/We hereby take full responsibility for the above group, to ensure the safety of all participants.

Print Name ______Date Signature