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Ilihije (CIHJJEJF(O)(O) JMIA(GA&Ilnje IAN GRANT 27 Little Ave ~rrie, ON L4N 4M7 (705) 726-%77 ilIHIJE (CIHJJEJF(O)(O) JMIA(GA&IlNJE Vol. 82 JUNE 1989 No. 1 1rrn:rrn; ~rn:rrn;w@@ ~@~rr~rn; [Est 1908] Published each June and December by the CHEFOOSCHOOLSASSOCIATION P.O. Box 147, 260 Adelaide Street East Toronto, Canada M5A lN0 GENERAL EDITOR F. Robert Joyce, M.A. Editors-at-Large Sheila P. Miller Betty (Buhr) Hanselman, B.A. Art Director Helen P. (Hulse) Fox NEWS EDITORS Australia - Peter Robinson Europe - Annemarie (Bartsch) Wesner Great Britain - Timothy Reynolds, B.D. New Zealand - Linton Conway North America - Isabel Taylor, B.A. & Alan Griffiths, B.A. The Chefoo Grapevine (Supplement Issued twice-yearly to secondary school Chefusians) Editors: Ruth Dykema & Debbie Peskett THE CHEFOO SCHOOIS (Founded in 1880) Chefoo School was established by the China Inland Mission at Chefoo (Yantaf) in Northern China to provide an education for the children of missionaries and the business and diplomatic communities. In 1951 the School left China to relocate in South East Asia. n.vo Chefoo Schools are currently operating as Junior schools in Japan and Malaysia under the Overseas Missionary Fellowship. CHEFOO SCHOOIS ASSOCIATION {Founded in 1908) To operate as an Association for all former scholars and past and present members of the staffs of the Chefoo Schools. • To sustain interest amongst its members in matters concerning the Schools and in one another. • To afford means whereby its members are kept in touch with each other and with the Schools. • To promote friendly relationship between all persons in any way connected with the Schools. Membership in the Association All former scholars of the Schools and past or present members of the staffs of the Schools are eligible for Ordinary Membership. • Associate Membership is open to any other persons interested in the welfare of the Association and of the Schools. Magazine & Membership Dues Membership 1s based on the calendar year. The annual membership fee includes a subscription to The Chefoo Magazine at no additional charge and 1s payable to the appropriate C.S.A. branch treasurer as listed on the back cover. • DUES: Great Britain £3.00, North America $10.00, Australia $4.50, New 2.ealand $10.00. VOL. 82, No. 1 'to fint .. togetlur' JUNE 1989 Chefoo Malaysia on the Move - Barry McKessar 2 'The @)ID) to the NEW' - Ruth Dykema 3 25th.9lnniversary - Chefoo School Nanae 5 A Prep Day Scholar - Joseph Dtmlap 8 Chefoo Reunions (Melbourne, Seattle, Sydney) & Register 10 News of Old Chefusians 13 "Kuling & the Lushan Range" (Map) - Paul Du.ff 26 A Moment with Madame - Grace Glazier Bryer 47 In Memoriam & Obituaries 49 From our ClHIElfOO AJRClHilfVJES : A Maxwellian Quiz 52 DRAWINGS FRONT COVER: The illustration depicts a Chinese heraldic dolphin with a Chinese seal. The dolphin refers to the original Chefoo's position by the sea and the special characters on the seal convey the meaning of "Chefoo - Old Scholars' Association" [or, literally, "Chefoo School Friend(s)"J. The emblem was designed by Theodore Hirst [Chefoo 1924-311 and adopted as the official crest of the Association in 1935: it has adorned the front cover ever since! CENTRE PAGES: The map of Kuling and the Lushan Range was prepared by Paul Duff of Guelph, Canada, from his recollections of the early 1930s when he was attending the Kuling American School [Later it became the CHEFOO SCHOOL (1947-51)1 and hunting wild boar in the surrounding hills. The map and the sketches of the "Pine Walk" and "Emerald Grotto" up on Lushan are drawn by Helen (Hulse) Fox (1948-51 Kulingl. Art Director of The Chefoa Magazine and a professional illustrator and calligrapher. The CheJCXJ Magazine Jwie 1989 Announcement Mr Barry McKessar, BA, BD, Principal Chefoo School Malaysia 39000 Tanah Rata, Cameron Highlands, Malaysia Tel. (5) 94-1510 Chefoo School is on the move after 29 years on its present site and 35 years in the Cameron Highlands of Malaysia. Chefoo School will always be remembered for colourful butterflies. cookout breakfasts on cold crisp mornings, half-term antics and adventures. exciting morning assemblies and sometimes tedious church services, and football games and imaginery exploits in a green valley nestled in the high jungle hills of Malaysia. Beyond 2 The Chefao Magazine June 1989 The @Jlm) to the NEW Gone forever The wide, green soccer field, Gone forever The stately grey buildings Gone forever The rambling mountain stream Gone forever The laughter of children's voices Echoing in the green valley. Never will we forget, Never will we cease to remember, Never will time or place succeed to separate us From our childhood home. For the place still lives As fresh as yesterday In the memories of our youth. And though the valley is no longer Chefoo, Though the paradise will no longer plant memories Though children will no longer play there Chefoo still lives. For, far away in the bustle of Singapore A new set of memories will begin, A new era commence and a new Chefoo emerge To take up where the old left off. - - Ruth Dykema 3 The CheJoo Magazine June 1989 education of the children of its missionaries. The Chefoo Schools in various locations over their 108-year history have been a visible testimony to God's faithfulness to a missionary fellowship that has given high priority to the education and care of its children. Faced with increasing immigration pressures on staff visas and perhaps student visas in the future, together with the exodus of OMF personnel and the dismantling of the present OMF infrastructure in Malaysia, OMF felt God was leading us to relocate in an easily accessible urban setting where the school could benefit from modern developments in education and technology. After being invited to make suggestions, present and potential parents of Chefoo students clearly indicated their preference for a school to be established in Singapore. OMF directors in Singapore have affirmed this as being the right decision. Necessary permission from Singapore government education and immigration departments will be God's confirmation. A comprehensive search has been launched for an affordable property that can be renovated and leased to the school. We plan to open Chefoo School on its Singapore campus in February 1990. Join us in praying that a suitable property will be secured in the immediate future, and that God will direct our steps through the myriad details. Pray for the ongoing work of Chefoo School, committed to give the best possible education in a "home away from home" to the children of those who are giving the best years of their lives to serve the Master. - - Contributed to the East Asia's Millions, January 1989 4 The Chefoo Magazine J une 1989 CHEFOOSCHOOLJAPAN Principal: Miss Judy Spear 529 Aza Hon Cho Nanae Machi , Kameda Gun Hokkaido 041-11 Japan Tel: (138) 65-2586 1989 ~®~lli ~ rnft~ @ff W@mm@l®.~®IB ~2" Mr Heimbach looking at the Foundation Stone - April 21, 1964 April 21, 1964, was a red-letter day in the annals of the miniature "Chefoo" in Japan, for then was "laid" the "Foundation Stone" of our new school at Nanae (near Hakodate) on the island of Hokkaido. That day the Stone, inscribed: 'To the Glory of God Overseas Missionary Fellowship April 21 , 1964" was on view only. It will finally be set into the wall by the School front entrance. 5 The Chefoo Magazine June 1989 There was a good company to witness the ceremony. since our Mission's annual Field conference was then being held in Hakodate. The rainy weather, a gentle reminder of "home" to the English folk, and poor visibility notwithstanding, we were all delighted with the site for our new school. The large property with its many trees, and parts of flower garden still left for us, is on a slight slope, commanding a view over the city of Hakodate, and, on an extra clear day, the Tsugaru Straits, while behind rise the ubiquitous hills and mountains of, to quote a contemporary English writer, "the near tremendous garden of Japan". Orchard "Chefoo," past, present, and future, was represented by six of the "past", seven of the "present", and over twenty of the "future". Both "present" and "future" had some vital links with the past, since one of our present pupils is a grandson of RHODA (GRAINGER) CALLIS, and ten of the pre-schoolers are children of Old Chefusians (DAVID HAYMAN's three, STEPHEN METCALF's four, DAVID MICHELL's one, and ALLAN KNIGHT's two). Allan Knight's sister MARGARET (known to Kalimpong and Shanghai "Chefusians") is one of the most recent arrivals on our Japan field, and has been designated, after a period of language study, to teach in "Chefoo" at Nanae. In the brief ceremony led by architect, Mr DAVID HIGHWOOD, Mr HEIMBACH, the Assistant Overseas Director for the Eastern region of our field, reviewed God's goodness in the supply of all needed for this new school. "unveiled" the Foundation Stone, and dedicated the building to the Glory of God for the education of 6 The Chefoo Magazine June 1989 children of missionaries. The seven of the eighteen children in this year's school who were present sang a simple children's song, and then "led" the whole group in the singing of "Lord of all Power and Might". Following this simple dedication service which was held around the open "well" of the basement recreation room, we walked around these "walls", but not seven times! As a substitute for "tea under the trees" we were entertained by Mrs Highwood in their temporary home, a renovated farmhouse on the property, with fruit juice and cookies, and birthday cake.
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